void playsingle_controller::play_human_turn() { show_turn_dialog(); execute_gotos(); while(!end_turn_) { play_slice(); check_end_level(); gui_->draw(); } }
possible_end_play_signal playsingle_controller::play_human_turn() { show_turn_dialog(); HANDLE_END_PLAY_SIGNAL( execute_gotos() ); end_turn_enable(true); while(!end_turn_) { HANDLE_END_PLAY_SIGNAL( play_slice() ); HANDLE_END_PLAY_SIGNAL( check_end_level() ); gui_->draw(); } return boost::none; }
void playsingle_controller::play_human_turn() { show_turn_dialog(); if (!preferences::disable_auto_moves()) { execute_gotos(); } end_turn_enable(true); while(!should_return_to_play_side()) { play_slice_catch(); gui_->draw(); } }
void playsingle_controller::play_human_turn() { show_turn_dialog(); execute_gotos(); bool auto_end_turn = can_auto_end_turn(true); if (!auto_end_turn) { if (!unit::actor->is_city() && unit::actor->task() == unit::TASK_NONE) { gui_->scroll_to_tile(unit::actor->get_location(), game_display::ONSCREEN, true, true); } } else { return; } while (!end_turn_ && pause_when_human_ && !auto_end_turn) { play_slice(); check_end_level(); gui_->draw(); auto_end_turn = can_auto_end_turn(false); } }
void playmp_controller::play_human_turn(){ LOG_NG << "playmp::play_human_turn...\n"; command_disabled_resetter reset_commands; int cur_ticks = SDL_GetTicks(); show_turn_dialog(); execute_gotos(); if (!linger_ || is_host_) { end_turn_enable(true); } while(!end_turn_) { try { config cfg; const network::connection res = network::receive_data(cfg); std::deque<config> backlog; if(res != network::null_connection) { if (turn_data_->process_network_data(cfg, res, backlog, skip_replay_) == turn_info::PROCESS_RESTART_TURN) { // Clean undo stack if turn has to be restarted (losing control) if ( undo_stack_->can_undo() ) { font::floating_label flabel(_("Undoing moves not yet transmitted to the server.")); SDL_Color color = {255,255,255,255}; flabel.set_color(color); SDL_Rect rect = gui_->map_area(); flabel.set_position(rect.w/2, rect.h/2); flabel.set_lifetime(150); flabel.set_clip_rect(rect); font::add_floating_label(flabel); } while( undo_stack_->can_undo() ) undo_stack_->undo(); throw end_turn_exception(gui_->playing_side()); } } play_slice(); check_end_level(); // give a chance to the whiteboard to continue an execute_all_actions resources::whiteboard->continue_execute_all(); } catch(const end_level_exception&) { turn_data_->send_data(); throw; } if (!linger_ && (current_team().countdown_time() > 0) && gamestate_.mp_settings().mp_countdown) { SDL_Delay(1); const int ticks = SDL_GetTicks(); int new_time = current_team().countdown_time()-std::max<int>(1,(ticks - cur_ticks)); if (new_time > 0 ){ current_team().set_countdown_time(new_time); cur_ticks = ticks; if(current_team().is_human() && !beep_warning_time_) { beep_warning_time_ = new_time - WARNTIME + ticks; } if(counting_down()) { think_about_countdown(ticks); } } else { // Clock time ended // If no turn bonus or action bonus -> defeat const int action_increment = gamestate_.mp_settings().mp_countdown_action_bonus; if ( (gamestate_.mp_settings().mp_countdown_turn_bonus == 0 ) && (action_increment == 0 || current_team().action_bonus_count() == 0)) { // Not possible to end level in MP with throw end_level_exception(DEFEAT); // because remote players only notice network disconnection // Current solution end remaining turns automatically current_team().set_countdown_time(10); } else { const int maxtime = gamestate_.mp_settings().mp_countdown_reservoir_time; int secs = gamestate_.mp_settings().mp_countdown_turn_bonus; secs += action_increment * current_team().action_bonus_count(); current_team().set_action_bonus_count(0); secs = (secs > maxtime) ? maxtime : secs; current_team().set_countdown_time(1000 * secs); } turn_data_->send_data(); if (!rand_rng::has_new_seed_callback()) { throw end_turn_exception(); } } } gui_->draw(); turn_data_->send_data(); } }
void playmp_controller::play_human_turn() { LOG_NG << "playmp::play_human_turn...\n"; assert(!linger_); assert(gamestate_->init_side_done()); assert(gamestate().gamedata_.phase() == game_data::PLAY); mp_ui_alerts::turn_changed(current_team().current_player()); LOG_NG << "events::commands_disabled=" << events::commands_disabled <<"\n"; remove_blindfold(); const std::unique_ptr<countdown_clock> timer(saved_game_.mp_settings().mp_countdown ? new countdown_clock(current_team()) : nullptr); show_turn_dialog(); if(undo_stack().can_undo()) { // If we reload a networked mp game we cannot undo moves made before the save // because other players already received them if(!current_team().auto_shroud_updates()) { synced_context::run_and_store("update_shroud", replay_helper::get_update_shroud()); } undo_stack().clear(); } if (!preferences::disable_auto_moves()) { execute_gotos(); } end_turn_enable(true); while(!should_return_to_play_side()) { try { process_network_data(); check_objectives(); play_slice_catch(); if (player_type_changed_) { // Clean undo stack if turn has to be restarted (losing control) if ( undo_stack().can_undo() ) { font::floating_label flabel(_("Undoing moves not yet transmitted to the server.")); color_t color {255,255,255,SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE}; flabel.set_color(color); SDL_Rect rect = gui_->map_area(); flabel.set_position(rect.w/2, rect.h/2); flabel.set_lifetime(150); flabel.set_clip_rect(rect); font::add_floating_label(flabel); } while( undo_stack().can_undo() ) undo_stack().undo(); } if(timer) { bool time_left = timer->update(); if(!time_left) { end_turn_ = END_TURN_REQUIRED; } } } catch(...) { turn_data_.send_data(); throw; } turn_data_.send_data(); } }
void playmp_controller::play_human_turn(){ LOG_NG << "playmp::play_human_turn...\n"; command_disabled_resetter reset_commands; int cur_ticks = SDL_GetTicks(); show_turn_dialog(); execute_gotos(); if ((!linger_) || (is_host_)) gui_->enable_menu("endturn", true); while(!end_turn_) { try { config cfg; const network::connection res = network::receive_data(cfg); std::deque<config> backlog; if(res != network::null_connection) { if (turn_data_->process_network_data(cfg, res, backlog, skip_replay_) == turn_info::PROCESS_RESTART_TURN) { // Clean undo stack if turn has to be restarted (losing control) if (!undo_stack_.empty()) { const std::string msg =_("Undoing moves not yet transmitted to the server."); const int size = 20; const int lifetime = 150; SDL_Color colour = {255,255,255,255}; SDL_Rect rect = gui_->map_area(); font::add_floating_label(msg,size, colour, rect.w/2,rect.h/2,0.0,0.0,lifetime,rect,font::CENTER_ALIGN); } while(!undo_stack_.empty()) menu_handler_.undo(gui_->get_playing_team() + 1); throw end_turn_exception(gui_->get_playing_team() + 1); } } play_slice(); check_end_level(); } catch(end_level_exception& e) { turn_data_->send_data(); throw e; } if (!linger_ && (current_team().countdown_time() > 0) && gamestate_.mp_settings().mp_countdown) { SDL_Delay(1); const int ticks = SDL_GetTicks(); int new_time = current_team().countdown_time()-std::max<int>(1,(ticks - cur_ticks)); if (new_time > 0 ){ current_team().set_countdown_time(new_time); cur_ticks = ticks; if(current_team().is_human() && !beep_warning_time_) { beep_warning_time_ = new_time - WARNTIME + ticks; } if(counting_down()) { think_about_countdown(ticks); } } else { // Clock time ended // If no turn bonus or action bonus -> defeat const int action_increment = gamestate_.mp_settings().mp_countdown_action_bonus; if ( (gamestate_.mp_settings().mp_countdown_turn_bonus == 0 ) && (action_increment == 0 || current_team().action_bonus_count() == 0)) { // Not possible to end level in MP with throw end_level_exception(DEFEAT); // because remote players only notice network disconnection // Current solution end remaining turns automatically current_team().set_countdown_time(10); } else { const int maxtime = gamestate_.mp_settings().mp_countdown_reservoir_time; int secs = gamestate_.mp_settings().mp_countdown_turn_bonus; secs += action_increment * current_team().action_bonus_count(); current_team().set_action_bonus_count(0); secs = (secs > maxtime) ? maxtime : secs; current_team().set_countdown_time(1000 * secs); } turn_data_->send_data(); throw end_turn_exception(); } } gui_->draw(); turn_data_->send_data(); } menu_handler_.clear_undo_stack(player_number_); }
possible_end_play_signal playmp_controller::play_human_turn(){ LOG_NG << "playmp::play_human_turn...\n"; remove_blindfold(); int cur_ticks = SDL_GetTicks(); show_turn_dialog(); if (!preferences::disable_auto_moves()) { HANDLE_END_PLAY_SIGNAL(execute_gotos()); } if (!linger_ || is_host()) { end_turn_enable(true); } while(!end_turn_) { turn_info_send send_safe(turn_data_); config cfg; if(network_reader_.read(cfg)) { turn_info::PROCESS_DATA_RESULT res; HANDLE_END_PLAY_SIGNAL( res = turn_data_.process_network_data(cfg, skip_replay_) ); //PROCESS_RESTART_TURN_TEMPORARY_LOCAL should be impossible because that's means the currently active side (that's us) left. if (res == turn_info::PROCESS_RESTART_TURN || res == turn_info::PROCESS_RESTART_TURN_TEMPORARY_LOCAL) { // Clean undo stack if turn has to be restarted (losing control) if ( undo_stack_->can_undo() ) { font::floating_label flabel(_("Undoing moves not yet transmitted to the server.")); SDL_Color color = {255,255,255,255}; flabel.set_color(color); SDL_Rect rect = gui_->map_area(); flabel.set_position(rect.w/2, rect.h/2); flabel.set_lifetime(150); flabel.set_clip_rect(rect); font::add_floating_label(flabel); } while( undo_stack_->can_undo() ) undo_stack_->undo(); end_turn_struct ets = {static_cast<unsigned>(gui_->playing_side())}; return possible_end_play_signal(ets); //throw end_turn_exception(gui_->playing_side()); } else if(res == turn_info::PROCESS_END_LINGER) { if(!linger_) replay::process_error("Received unexpected next_scenario durign the game"); else { //we end the turn immidiately to prevent receiving data of the next scenario while we are not playing it. end_turn(); } } } HANDLE_END_PLAY_SIGNAL( play_slice() ); HANDLE_END_PLAY_SIGNAL( check_end_level() ); if (!linger_ && (current_team().countdown_time() > 0) && saved_game_.mp_settings().mp_countdown) { SDL_Delay(1); const int ticks = SDL_GetTicks(); int new_time = current_team().countdown_time()-std::max<int>(1,(ticks - cur_ticks)); if (new_time > 0 ){ current_team().set_countdown_time(new_time); cur_ticks = ticks; if(current_team().is_human() && !beep_warning_time_) { beep_warning_time_ = new_time - WARNTIME + ticks; } if(counting_down()) { think_about_countdown(ticks); } } else { // Clock time ended // If no turn bonus or action bonus -> defeat const int action_increment = saved_game_.mp_settings().mp_countdown_action_bonus; if ( (saved_game_.mp_settings().mp_countdown_turn_bonus == 0 ) && (action_increment == 0 || current_team().action_bonus_count() == 0)) { // Not possible to end level in MP with throw end_level_exception(DEFEAT); // because remote players only notice network disconnection // Current solution end remaining turns automatically current_team().set_countdown_time(10); } return possible_end_play_signal(end_turn_exception().to_struct()); //throw end_turn_exception(); } } gui_->draw(); } return boost::none; }
void playmp_controller::play_human_turn() { LOG_NG << "playmp::play_human_turn...\n"; assert(!linger_); remove_blindfold(); boost::scoped_ptr<countdown_clock> timer; if(saved_game_.mp_settings().mp_countdown) { timer.reset(new countdown_clock(current_team())); } show_turn_dialog(); if(undo_stack_->can_undo()) { // If we reload a networked mp game we cannot undo moves made before the save // Becasue other players already received them if(!current_team().auto_shroud_updates()) { synced_context::run_and_store("update_shroud", replay_helper::get_update_shroud()); } undo_stack_->clear(); } if (!preferences::disable_auto_moves()) { execute_gotos(); } end_turn_enable(true); while(!should_return_to_play_side()) { try { process_network_data(); if (player_type_changed_) { // Clean undo stack if turn has to be restarted (losing control) if ( undo_stack_->can_undo() ) { font::floating_label flabel(_("Undoing moves not yet transmitted to the server.")); SDL_Color color = {255,255,255,255}; flabel.set_color(color); SDL_Rect rect = gui_->map_area(); flabel.set_position(rect.w/2, rect.h/2); flabel.set_lifetime(150); flabel.set_clip_rect(rect); font::add_floating_label(flabel); } while( undo_stack_->can_undo() ) undo_stack_->undo(); } check_objectives(); play_slice_catch(); if(timer) { bool time_left = timer->update(); if(!time_left) { end_turn_ = END_TURN_REQUIRED; } } } catch(...) { turn_data_.send_data(); throw; } turn_data_.send_data(); gui_->draw(); } }
void playmp_controller::play_human_turn() { command_disabled_resetter reset_commands; int cur_ticks = SDL_GetTicks(); show_turn_dialog(); execute_gotos(); bool auto_end_turn = can_auto_end_turn(true); if (!auto_end_turn) { if (!unit::actor->is_city() && unit::actor->task() == unit::TASK_NONE) { gui_->scroll_to_tile(unit::actor->get_location(), game_display::ONSCREEN, true, true); } } else { return; } if ((!linger_) || (is_host_)) { gui_->set_theme_object_active("endturn", true); } while (!end_turn_ && !auto_end_turn) { try { play_slice(); check_end_level(); std::deque<config> backlog; std::vector<config> cfgs = received_data_cfg_; received_data_cfg_.clear(); for (std::vector<config>::const_iterator it = cfgs.begin(); it != cfgs.end(); ++ it) { const config& cfg = *it; if (turn_data_->process_network_data(cfg, lobby->transit.conn(), backlog, skip_replay_) == turn_info::PROCESS_RESTART_TURN) { // Clean undo stack if turn has to be restarted (losing control) if (!undo_stack_.empty()) { font::floating_label flabel(_("Undoing moves not yet transmitted to the server.")); SDL_Color color = {255,255,255,255}; flabel.set_color(color); SDL_Rect rect = gui_->map_area(); flabel.set_position(rect.w/2, rect.h/2); flabel.set_lifetime(150); flabel.set_clip_rect(rect); font::add_floating_label(flabel); } while(!undo_stack_.empty()) { menu_handler_.undo(gui_->get_playing_team() + 1); } throw end_turn_exception(gui_->get_playing_team() + 1); } } } catch (end_level_exception& e) { turn_data_->send_data(); throw e; } if (!linger_ && (current_team().countdown_time() > 0) && gamestate_.mp_settings().mp_countdown) { SDL_Delay(1); const int ticks = SDL_GetTicks(); int new_time = current_team().countdown_time()-std::max<int>(1,(ticks - cur_ticks)); if (new_time > 0 ){ current_team().set_countdown_time(new_time); cur_ticks = ticks; if(current_team().is_human() && !beep_warning_time_) { beep_warning_time_ = new_time - WARNTIME + ticks; } if(counting_down()) { think_about_countdown(ticks); } } else { // Clock time ended // If no turn bonus or action bonus -> defeat const int action_increment = gamestate_.mp_settings().mp_countdown_action_bonus; if ( (gamestate_.mp_settings().mp_countdown_turn_bonus == 0 ) && (action_increment == 0 || current_team().action_bonus_count() == 0)) { // Not possible to end level in MP with throw end_level_exception(DEFEAT); // because remote players only notice network disconnection // Current solution end remaining turns automatically current_team().set_countdown_time(10); } else { const int maxtime = gamestate_.mp_settings().mp_countdown_reservoir_time; int secs = gamestate_.mp_settings().mp_countdown_turn_bonus; secs += action_increment * current_team().action_bonus_count(); current_team().set_action_bonus_count(0); secs = (secs > maxtime) ? maxtime : secs; current_team().set_countdown_time(1000 * secs); } turn_data_->send_data(); throw end_turn_exception(); } } gui_->draw(); turn_data_->send_data(); auto_end_turn = can_auto_end_turn(false); } menu_handler_.clear_undo_stack(player_number_); }