Esempio n. 1

   Usage:  notify [":from" string] [":importance" <"1" / "2" / "3">]
                  [":options" string-list] [":message" string] <method: string>
int sort_notify(sieve2_context_t *s, void *my)
	struct sort_context *m = (struct sort_context *)my;
	const char *message, *fromaddr, *method;
	const char *rc_to, *rc_from;
	int importance;
	char * const * options;

	fromaddr = sieve2_getvalue_string(s, "fromaddr");
	method = sieve2_getvalue_string(s, "method");
	message = sieve2_getvalue_string(s, "message");
	importance = sieve2_getvalue_int(s, "importance");
	options = sieve2_getvalue_stringlist(s, "options");

	// FIXME: should be validated as a user might try
	// to forge an address from their script.
	rc_from = fromaddr;
	if (!rc_from)
		rc_from = dbmail_message_get_header(m->message, "Delivered-To");
	if (!rc_from)
		rc_from = m->message->envelope_recipient->str;

	rc_to = dbmail_message_get_header(m->message, "Reply-To");
	if (!rc_to)
		rc_to = dbmail_message_get_header(m->message, "Return-Path");

//	send_notification(m->message, rc_to, rc_from, method, message);

	TRACE(TRACE_INFO, "Notification from [%s] to [%s] was not sent as notify is not supported in this release.", rc_from, rc_to);

	return SIEVE2_OK;
Esempio n. 2
int my_notify(sieve2_context_t *s, void *my)
	struct my_context *m = (struct my_context *)my;
	char ** options;
	int i;

	printf( "Action is NOTIFY: \n" );
	printf( "  ID \"%s\" is %s\n",
		sieve2_getvalue_string(s, "id"),
		sieve2_getvalue_string(s, "active"));
	printf( "    Method is %s\n",
		sieve2_getvalue_string(s, "method"));
	printf( "    Priority is %s\n",
		sieve2_getvalue_string(s, "priority"));
	printf( "    Message is %s\n",
		sieve2_getvalue_string(s, "message"));

	options = sieve2_getvalue_stringlist(s, "options");
	if (!options)
	for (i = 0; options[i] != NULL; i++) {
		printf( "    Options are %s\n", options[i] );

	m->actiontaken = 1;
	return SIEVE2_OK;
Esempio n. 3
int my_vacation(sieve2_context_t *s, void *my)
	struct my_context *m = (struct my_context *)my;
	int yn;

	/* Ask for the message hash, the days parameters, etc. */
	fprintf(stderr, "Have I already responded to '%s' in the past %d days?\n",
		sieve2_getvalue_string(s, "hash"),
		sieve2_getvalue_int(s, "days") );

	yn = getchar();

	/* Check in our 'database' to see if there's a match. */
	if (yn == 'y' || yn == 'Y') {
		printf( "Ok, not sending a vacation response.\n" );

	/* If so, do nothing. If not, send a vacation and log it. */
	printf("echo '%s' | mail -s '%s' '%s' for message '%s'\n",
		sieve2_getvalue_string(s, "message"),
		sieve2_getvalue_string(s, "subject"),
		sieve2_getvalue_string(s, "address"),
		sieve2_getvalue_string(s, "name") );

	m->actiontaken = 1;
	return SIEVE2_OK;
Esempio n. 4

   Usage:   vacation [":days" number] [":subject" string]
                     [":from" string] [":addresses" string-list]
                     [":mime"] [":handle" string] <reason: string>

   The parameters that an implementation needs to know about are:
   days, subject, from, mime, handle, reason. Addresses is used
   internally by libSieve implementation to comply with RFCs.

We need to make sure to respect the implementation requirements.
int sort_vacation(sieve2_context_t *s, void *my)
	struct sort_context *m = (struct sort_context *)my;
	const char *message, *subject, *fromaddr, *handle;
	const char *rc_to, *rc_from, *rc_handle;
	char *md5_handle = NULL;
	int days, mime;

	days = sieve2_getvalue_int(s, "days");
	mime = sieve2_getvalue_int(s, "mime"); // mime: 1 if message is mime coded. FIXME.
	message = sieve2_getvalue_string(s, "message");
	subject = sieve2_getvalue_string(s, "subject");
	fromaddr = sieve2_getvalue_string(s, "fromaddr"); // From: specified by the script.
	handle = sieve2_getvalue_string(s, "hash");

	/* Default to a week, upper limit of a month.
	 * This is our only loop prevention mechanism! The value must be
	 * greater than 0, else the replycache code will always indicate
	 * that we haven't seen anything since 0 days ago... */
	if (days == 0) days = 7;
	if (days < 1) days = 1;
	if (days > 30) days = 30;

	if (handle) {
		rc_handle = handle;
	} else {
		char *tmp;
		tmp = g_strconcat(subject, message, NULL);
		rc_handle = md5_handle = dm_md5((char * const) tmp);

	// FIXME: should be validated as a user might try
	// to forge an address from their script.
	rc_from = fromaddr;
	if (!rc_from)
		rc_from = dbmail_message_get_header(m->message, "Delivered-To");
	if (!rc_from)
		rc_from = m->message->envelope_recipient->str;

	rc_to = dbmail_message_get_header(m->message, "Reply-To");
	if (!rc_to)
		rc_to = dbmail_message_get_header(m->message, "Return-Path");

	if (db_replycache_validate(rc_to, rc_from, rc_handle, days) == DM_SUCCESS) {
		if (send_vacation(m->message, rc_to, rc_from, subject, message, rc_handle) == 0)
			db_replycache_register(rc_to, rc_from, rc_handle);
		TRACE(TRACE_INFO, "Sending vacation to [%s] from [%s] handle [%s] repeat days [%d]",
			rc_to, rc_from, rc_handle, days);
	} else {
		TRACE(TRACE_INFO, "Vacation suppressed to [%s] from [%s] handle [%s] repeat days [%d]",
			rc_to, rc_from, rc_handle, days);

	m->result->cancelkeep = 0;
	return SIEVE2_OK;
Esempio n. 5
int my_debug(sieve2_context_t *s, void *my)
	if (debug) {
		printf("Debug: level [%d] module [%s] file [%s] function [%s] message [%s]\n",
			sieve2_getvalue_int(s, "level"),
			sieve2_getvalue_string(s, "module"),
			sieve2_getvalue_string(s, "file"),
			sieve2_getvalue_string(s, "function"),
			sieve2_getvalue_string(s, "message"));
	return SIEVE2_OK;
Esempio n. 6
int sort_redirect(sieve2_context_t *s, void *my)
	struct sort_context *m = (struct sort_context *)my;
	const char *to;
	const char *from;

	to = sieve2_getvalue_string(s, "address");

	TRACE(TRACE_INFO, "Action is REDIRECT: REDIRECT destination is [%s].",

	/* According to a clarification from the ietf-mta-filter mailing list,
	 * the redirect is supposed to be absolutely transparent: the envelope
	 * sender is the original envelope sender, with only the envelope
	 * recipient changed. As a fallback, we'll use the redirecting user. */
	from = dbmail_message_get_header(m->message, "Return-Path");
	if (!from)
		from = m->message->envelope_recipient->str;

	if (send_redirect(m->message, to, from) != 0) {

	m->result->cancelkeep = 1;
	return SIEVE2_OK;
Esempio n. 7
int my_errexec(sieve2_context_t *s, void *my)
	struct my_context *m = (struct my_context *)my;

	printf( "Error is EXEC: " );
	printf( "  Message is %s\n",
		sieve2_getvalue_string(s, "message"));

	m->error_runtime = 1;
	return SIEVE2_OK;
Esempio n. 8
int my_erraddress(sieve2_context_t *s, void *my)
//	struct my_context *m = (struct my_context *)my;

	printf( "Error is ADDRESS PARSE: " );
	printf( "  Message is %s\n",
		sieve2_getvalue_string(s, "message"));

//	m->error_parse = 1;
	return SIEVE2_OK;
Esempio n. 9
int my_reject(sieve2_context_t *s, void *my)
	struct my_context *m = (struct my_context *)my;

	printf( "Action is REJECT: \n" );
	printf( "  Message is [%s]\n",
		sieve2_getvalue_string(s, "message"));

	m->actiontaken = 1;
	return SIEVE2_OK;
Esempio n. 10
int my_redirect(sieve2_context_t *s, void *my)
	struct my_context *m = (struct my_context *)my;

	printf( "Action is REDIRECT: \n" );
	printf( "  Destination is [%s]\n",
		sieve2_getvalue_string(s, "address"));

	m->actiontaken = 1;
	return SIEVE2_OK;
Esempio n. 11
int my_getheader(sieve2_context_t *s, void *my)
	// struct my_context *m = (struct my_context *)my;

	printf( "Requested header [%s], returning NULL\n",
			sieve2_getvalue_string(s, "header") );

	char * null[] = { NULL, NULL };
	sieve2_setvalue_stringlist(s, "body", null);

	return SIEVE2_OK;
Esempio n. 12
int my_errheader(sieve2_context_t *s, void *my)
	struct my_context *m = (struct my_context *)my;

	printf( "Error is HEADER PARSE: " );
	printf( "  Line is %d\n",
		sieve2_getvalue_int(s, "lineno"));
	printf( "  Message is %s\n",
		sieve2_getvalue_string(s, "message"));

	m->error_parse = 1;
	return SIEVE2_OK;
Esempio n. 13
int my_getscript(sieve2_context_t *s, void *my)
	struct my_context *m = (struct my_context *)my;
	const char * path, * name;
	int res;

	/* Path could be :general, :personal, or empty. */
	path = sieve2_getvalue_string(s, "path");

	/* If no file is named, we're looking for the main file. */
	name = sieve2_getvalue_string(s, "name");

	if (path == NULL || name == NULL)

	if (strlen(path) && strlen(name)) {
		printf("Include requested from '%s' named '%s'\n",
			path, name);
	} else
	if (!strlen(path) && !strlen(name)) {
		/* If we're being called again, free what was here before. */
		if (m->s_buf) free(m->s_buf);

		/* Read the script file given as an argument. */
		printf("Reading script: %s\n", m->scriptfile);
		res = read_file(m->scriptfile, &m->s_buf, end_of_nothing);
		if (res != SIEVE2_OK) {
			printf("my_getscript: read_file() returns %d\n", res);
			return SIEVE2_ERROR_FAIL;
		sieve2_setvalue_string(s, "script", m->s_buf);
	} else {

	return SIEVE2_OK;
Esempio n. 14
// Calculate the address according to the mail system's specs.
int my_getsubaddress(sieve2_context_t *s, void *my)
	struct my_context *m = (struct my_context *)my;
	const char *address;
	char *user = NULL, *detail = NULL,
	     *localpart = NULL, *domain = NULL;

	address = sieve2_getvalue_string(s, "address");

	// In a real system, you have to watch this memory;
	// the client app owns it, not libSieve! You may
	// not permute the address parameter, either!

	localpart = strdup(address);
	domain = strchr(localpart, '@');
	if (domain) {
		*domain = '\0';
	} else {
		// Malformed address.

	user = strdup(localpart);
	detail = strchr(user, '+');
	if (detail) {
		*detail = '\0';
	} else {
		// No detail present.

	sieve2_setvalue_string(s, "user", user);
	sieve2_setvalue_string(s, "detail", detail);
	sieve2_setvalue_string(s, "localpart", localpart);
	sieve2_setvalue_string(s, "domain", domain);

	struct freelist *tmp = malloc(sizeof(struct freelist));
	tmp->next = m->freelist;
	tmp->free = user;
	m->freelist = tmp;

	tmp = malloc(sizeof(struct freelist));
	tmp->next = m->freelist;
	tmp->free = localpart;
	m->freelist = tmp;

	return SIEVE2_OK;
Esempio n. 15
int sort_reject(sieve2_context_t *s, void *my)
	struct sort_context *m = (struct sort_context *)my;
	const char *message;

	message = sieve2_getvalue_string(s, "message");

	TRACE(TRACE_INFO, "Action is REJECT: REJECT message is [%s].", message);

	m->result->rejectmsg = g_string_new(message);

	/* Reject also discards. */
	m->result->cancelkeep = 1;
	m->result->reject = 1;
	return SIEVE2_OK;
Esempio n. 16
int my_fileinto(sieve2_context_t *s, void *my)
	struct my_context *m = (struct my_context *)my;
	char ** flags;
	int i;

	printf( "Action is KEEP or FILEINTO: \n" );
	printf( "  Destination is %s\n",
		sieve2_getvalue_string(s, "mailbox"));
	flags = sieve2_getvalue_stringlist(s, "flags");
	if (flags) {
		printf( "  Flags are:");
		for (i = 0; flags[i]; i++)
			printf( " %s", flags[i]);
		printf( ".\n");
	} else {
			printf( "  No flags specified.\n");

	m->actiontaken = 1;
	return SIEVE2_OK;