Esempio n. 1
void UKF::prediction(const Vector3<>& control, const Matrix2x2<>& R)
  Matrix2x2<> L = Covariance::choleskyDecomposition(covariance);
  std::vector<Vector2<> > sigmaPoints(5);
  sigmaPoints[0] = (*g)(control, mean);
  for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
    sigmaPoints[i + 1] = (*g)(control, mean + L[i]);
    sigmaPoints[i + 3] = (*g)(control, mean - L[i]);

  mean = (sigmaPoints[0] + sigmaPoints[1] + sigmaPoints[2] + sigmaPoints[3] + sigmaPoints[4]) / 5.0f;

  Matrix2x2<> covG;
  for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
    sigmaPoints[i] -= mean;
    covG[0][0] += sigmaPoints[i][0] * sigmaPoints[i][0];
    covG[1][1] += sigmaPoints[i][1] * sigmaPoints[i][1];
    const float cov01 = sigmaPoints[i][0] * sigmaPoints[i][1];
    covG[1][0] += cov01;
    covG[0][1] += cov01;
  covG /= 2.0f;

  covariance = covG + R;
Esempio n. 2
void UKF::update(const Vector2<> measurement,
                 const Matrix2x2<>& Q,
                 const CameraMatrix& theCameraMatrix,
                 const CameraInfo& theCameraInfo,
                 const ImageCoordinateSystem& theImageCoordinateSystem)
  Matrix2x2<> L = Covariance::choleskyDecomposition(covariance);
  std::vector<Vector2<> > sigmaPoints(5);
  sigmaPoints[0] = (*h)(mean, theCameraMatrix, theCameraInfo, theImageCoordinateSystem);
  for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
    sigmaPoints[i + 1] = (*h)(mean + L[i], theCameraMatrix, theCameraInfo, theImageCoordinateSystem);
    sigmaPoints[i + 3] = (*h)(mean - L[i], theCameraMatrix, theCameraInfo, theImageCoordinateSystem);

  Vector2<> meanH = (sigmaPoints[0] + sigmaPoints[1] + sigmaPoints[2] + sigmaPoints[3] + sigmaPoints[4]) / 5.0f;

  Matrix2x2<> covH;
  for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
    sigmaPoints[i] -= meanH;
    covH[0][0] += sigmaPoints[i][0] * sigmaPoints[i][0];
    covH[1][1] += sigmaPoints[i][1] * sigmaPoints[i][1];
    const float cov01 = sigmaPoints[i][0] * sigmaPoints[i][1];
    covH[0][1] += cov01;
    covH[1][0] += cov01;
  covH /= 2.0f;

  Matrix2x2<> covHx;
  for(int i = 1; i < 5; i++)
    const float s = i > 2 ? -1.0f : 1.0f;
    const int Lcol = i % 2 == 1 ? 0 : 1;
    covHx[0][0] += sigmaPoints[i][0] * s * L[Lcol][0];
    covHx[1][1] += sigmaPoints[i][1] * s * L[Lcol][1];
    covHx[1][0] += sigmaPoints[i][0] * s * L[Lcol][1];
    covHx[0][1] += sigmaPoints[i][1] * s * L[Lcol][0];
  covHx /= 2.0f;

  const Matrix2x2<> K = covHx.transpose() * (covH + Q).invert();
  const Vector2<> innovation = measurement - meanH;
  mean += K * innovation;
  covariance -= K * covHx;
Matrix SRUKF::GenerateSigmaPoints() const
    int numberOfSigmaPoints = 2*m_numStates+1;
    Matrix sigmaPoints(m_mean.getm(), numberOfSigmaPoints, false);

    sigmaPoints.setCol(0,m_mean); // First sigma point is the current mean with no deviation
    Matrix deviation;
//    Matrix sqtCovariance = cholesky(m_numStates / (1-m_sigmaWeights[0][0]) * m_covariance);

    for(unsigned int i = 1; i < m_numStates + 1; i++){
        int negIndex = i+m_numStates;
        //deviation = sqtCovariance.getCol(i - 1);              // Get weighted deviation

        deviation = m_sigmaSqrtCovWeight*m_sqrtCovariance.getCol(i-1);  // Get weighted deviation
        sigmaPoints.setCol(i, (m_mean + deviation));            // Add mean + deviation
        sigmaPoints.setCol(negIndex, (m_mean - deviation));     // Add mean - deviation
    return sigmaPoints;
Esempio n. 4
		void UnscentedKalmanFilter::step(const MatrixXd& _Zk, const double _incT) {