Esempio n. 1
// Perform any required post-initialisation.
void qpycore_post_init(PyObject *module_dict)
    // Add the meta-type to the module dictionary.
    if (PyDict_SetItemString(module_dict, "pyqtWrapperType",
                (PyObject *)&qpycore_pyqtWrapperType_Type) < 0)
        Py_FatalError("PyQt4.QtCore: Failed to set pyqtWrapperType type");

    // Initialise the pyqtProperty type and add it to the module dictionary.
    if (PyType_Ready(&qpycore_pyqtProperty_Type) < 0)
        Py_FatalError("PyQt4.QtCore: Failed to initialise pyqtProperty type");

    if (PyDict_SetItemString(module_dict, "pyqtProperty",
                (PyObject *)&qpycore_pyqtProperty_Type) < 0)
        Py_FatalError("PyQt4.QtCore: Failed to set pyqtProperty type");

    // Initialise the pyqtSignal type and add it to the module dictionary.
    if (PyType_Ready(&qpycore_pyqtSignal_Type) < 0)
        Py_FatalError("PyQt4.QtCore: Failed to initialise pyqtSignal type");

    if (PyDict_SetItemString(module_dict, "pyqtSignal",
                (PyObject *)&qpycore_pyqtSignal_Type) < 0)
        Py_FatalError("PyQt4.QtCore: Failed to set pyqtSignal type");

    // Initialise the pyqtBoundSignal type and add it to the module dictionary.
    if (PyType_Ready(&qpycore_pyqtBoundSignal_Type) < 0)
        Py_FatalError("PyQt4.QtCore: Failed to initialise pyqtBoundSignal type");

    if (PyDict_SetItemString(module_dict, "pyqtBoundSignal",
                (PyObject *)&qpycore_pyqtBoundSignal_Type) < 0)
        Py_FatalError("PyQt4.QtCore: Failed to set pyqtBoundSignal type");

    // Initialise the private pyqtMethodProxy type.
    if (PyType_Ready(&qpycore_pyqtMethodProxy_Type) < 0)
        Py_FatalError("PyQt4.QtCore: Failed to initialise pyqtMethodProxy type");

    // Register the C++ type that wraps Python objects.
    PyQt_PyObject::metatype = qRegisterMetaType<PyQt_PyObject>("PyQt_PyObject");

    // Register the lazy attribute getter.
    if (sipRegisterAttributeGetter(sipType_QObject, qpycore_get_lazy_attr) < 0)
        Py_FatalError("PyQt4.QtCore: Failed to register attribute getter");

    // Objectify some strings.
    qpycore_signature_attr_name = PyUnicode_FromString("__pyqtSignature__");
    qpycore_signature_attr_name = PyString_FromString("__pyqtSignature__");

    if (!qpycore_signature_attr_name)
        Py_FatalError("PyQt4.QtCore: Failed to objectify '__pyqtSignature__'");

    qpycore_name_attr_name = PyUnicode_FromString("__name__");
    qpycore_name_attr_name = PyString_FromString("__name__");

    if (!qpycore_name_attr_name)
        Py_FatalError("PyQt4.QtCore: Failed to objectify '__name__'");

    // Embed the configuration.
    PyObject *config = PyDict_New();

    if (!config)
        Py_FatalError("PyQt4.QtCore: Failed to create PYQT_CONFIGURATION dict");

    PyObject *sip_flags = PyUnicode_FromString("-t WS_X11 -t Qt_5_0_0");
    PyObject *sip_flags = PyString_FromString("-t WS_X11 -t Qt_5_0_0");

    if (!sip_flags)
        Py_FatalError("PyQt4.QtCore: Failed to create PYQT_CONFIGURATION.sip_flags");

    if (PyDict_SetItemString(config, "sip_flags", sip_flags) < 0)
        Py_FatalError("PyQt4.QtCore: Failed to set PYQT_CONFIGURATION.sip_flags");


    if (PyDict_SetItemString(module_dict, "PYQT_CONFIGURATION", config) < 0)
        Py_FatalError("PyQt4.QtCore: Failed to set PYQT_CONFIGURATION dict");


    // Create the mutex that serialises access to the signal/slot proxies.  We
    // don't use a statically initialised one because Qt needs some things to
    // be initialised first (at least for Windows) and this is the only way to
    // guarantee things are done in the right order.
    PyQtProxy::mutex = new QMutex(QMutex::Recursive);
// Perform any required post-initialisation.
void qpycore_post_init(PyObject *module_dict)
    // Add the meta-type to the module dictionary.
    if (PyDict_SetItemString(module_dict, "pyqtWrapperType",
                (PyObject *)&qpycore_pyqtWrapperType_Type) < 0)
        Py_FatalError("PyQt4.QtCore: Failed to set pyqtWrapperType type");

    // Initialise the pyqtProperty type and add it to the module dictionary.
    if (PyType_Ready(&qpycore_pyqtProperty_Type) < 0)
        Py_FatalError("PyQt4.QtCore: Failed to initialise pyqtProperty type");

    if (PyDict_SetItemString(module_dict, "pyqtProperty",
                (PyObject *)&qpycore_pyqtProperty_Type) < 0)
        Py_FatalError("PyQt4.QtCore: Failed to set pyqtProperty type");

    // Initialise the pyqtSignal type and add it to the module dictionary.
    if (PyType_Ready(&qpycore_pyqtSignal_Type) < 0)
        Py_FatalError("PyQt4.QtCore: Failed to initialise pyqtSignal type");

    if (PyDict_SetItemString(module_dict, "pyqtSignal",
                (PyObject *)&qpycore_pyqtSignal_Type) < 0)
        Py_FatalError("PyQt4.QtCore: Failed to set pyqtSignal type");

    // Initialise the pyqtBoundSignal type.  Don't add it to the module
    // dictionary as we don't want it to be explicitly invoked.
    qpycore_pyqtBoundSignal_Type.tp_new = PyType_GenericNew;

    if (PyType_Ready(&qpycore_pyqtBoundSignal_Type) < 0)
        Py_FatalError("PyQt4.QtCore: Failed to initialise pyqtBoundSignal type");

    // Register the C++ type that wraps Python objects.
    PyQt_PyObject::metatype = qRegisterMetaType<PyQt_PyObject>("PyQt_PyObject");

    // Register the lazy attribute getter.
    if (sipRegisterAttributeGetter(sipType_QObject, qpycore_get_lazy_attr) < 0)
        Py_FatalError("PyQt4.QtCore: Failed to register attribute getter");

    // Objectify some strings.
    qpycore_signature_attr_name = PyUnicode_FromString("__pyqtSignature__");
    qpycore_signature_attr_name = PyString_FromString("__pyqtSignature__");

    if (!qpycore_signature_attr_name)
        Py_FatalError("PyQt4.QtCore: Failed to objectify '__pyqtSignature__'");

    qpycore_name_attr_name = PyUnicode_FromString("__name__");
    qpycore_name_attr_name = PyString_FromString("__name__");

    if (!qpycore_name_attr_name)
        Py_FatalError("PyQt4.QtCore: Failed to objectify '__name__'");

    // Create the mutex that serialises access to the signal/slot proxies.  We
    // don't use a statically initialised one because Qt needs some things to
    // be initialised first (at least for Windows) and this is the only way to
    // guarantee things are done in the right order.
    PyQtProxy::mutex = new QMutex(QMutex::Recursive);