void AutoAcceptCallbackProc(SIPX_CALL hCall, SIPX_LINE hLine, SIPX_CALLSTATE_MAJOR eMajor, SIPX_CALLSTATE_MINOR eMinor, void* pUser) { char szBuffer[128] ; char* szEventDesc = sipxCallEventToString(eMajor, eMinor, szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer)) ; if(eMinor == NEW_CALL_NORMAL) { if(sipxCallAccept(hCall) == SIPX_RESULT_SUCCESS) { printf("Call with ID %d has been accepted.\n", hCall); } else { printf("Call with ID %d failed to be accepted.\n", hCall); } } else if(eMinor == DISCONNECTED_NORMAL) { sipxCallDestroy(hCall); } }
void EventRecorder::addCompareEvent(SIPX_LINE hLine, SIPX_CALLSTATE_EVENT eMajor, SIPX_CALLSTATE_CAUSE eMinor) { char szBuffer[256] ; char szBuffer2[256]; sipxCallEventToString((SIPX_CALLSTATE_MAJOR)(int)eMajor, (SIPX_CALLSTATE_MINOR)(int)eMinor, szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer)); sprintf(szBuffer2, "hLine-%d: %s", hLine, szBuffer); m_compareEvents[m_numCompareEvents++] = strdup(szBuffer2) ; }
UtlString* EventValidator::allocCallStateEntry(SIPX_CALL hCall, SIPX_LINE hLine, SIPX_CALLSTATE_EVENT event, SIPX_CALLSTATE_CAUSE cause) { char szBuffer[256]; char szBuffer2[256]; sipxCallEventToString( event, cause, szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer)); sprintf(szBuffer2, "<CALL> hLine=%d, hCall=%d: %s", hLine, hCall, szBuffer); return new UtlString(szBuffer2); }
void AutoRedirectCallbackProc(SIPX_CALL hCall, SIPX_LINE hLine, SIPX_CALLSTATE_MAJOR eMajor, SIPX_CALLSTATE_MINOR eMinor, void* pUser) { char szBuffer[128] ; char* szEventDesc = sipxCallEventToString(eMajor, eMinor, szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer)) ; if(eMinor == OFFERING_ACTIVE) { if(sipxCallRedirect(hCall, ((const char*)pUser)) == SIPX_RESULT_SUCCESS) { printf("Call with ID %d has been redirected.\n", hCall); } else { printf("Call with ID %d failed to be redirected.\n", hCall); } } else if(eMajor == DISCONNECTED) { sipxCallDestroy(hCall); } }