Esempio n. 1
/* Add a new element to the skip list:
	param: slst -- pointer to the skip list
	param: e -- element to be added
	pre:	slst is not null
	post:	the new element is added to the lowest list and randomly to higher-level lists */
void addSkipList(struct skipList *slst, TYPE e)
    /* Check if slst is null */

	struct skipLink *downLink, *newLink;
	downLink = skipLinkAdd(slideRightSkipList(slst->topSentinel,e),e);
	/* FIX ME*/
        /* Create new express lane with new head and new link */
        newLink = newSkipLink(e, 0, downLink);
        struct skipLink* newHead = newSkipLink(0, newLink, slst->topSentinel);

        /* Update the new skipList top sentinel to point to new list */
        slst->topSentinel = newHead;

        /* If need to make new list, update downLink, else set to null */
            downLink = newLink;

            downLink = 0;

    /* Increase size */
Esempio n. 2
/* Remove an element from the skip list:
 param: slst -- pointer to the skip list
 param: e -- element to be removed
 pre:	slst is not null
 post: the new element is removed from all internal sorted lists */
void removeSkipList(struct skipList *slst, TYPE e)
	/* FIX ME*/

    /* Check if slst is null */

    /* Only remove elements if skip list is not empty */
    if(sizeSkipList(slst) > 0)
        int foundLink = 0;
        struct skipLink* curr = slst->topSentinel;

        /* Slide right to find link before link with value e */
            /* Slide right to find link before link with value e*/
            curr = slideRightSkipList(curr, e);

            /* If next link value is e, free it and fix link connections */
            if(curr->next && EQ(curr->next->value, e))
                struct skipLink* tmp = curr->next;

                curr->next = curr->next->next;
                foundLink = 1;

            /* Exit loop is on bottom list, down link is null */
            if(curr->down == 0)

            /* Set curr to down link */
            curr = curr->down;


            /* Remove all empty lists */
            struct skipLink* head = slst->topSentinel;

                if(head->next == 0)
                    struct skipLink* downHead = head->down;
                    slst->topSentinel = downHead;
                    head = downHead;

Esempio n. 3
/* Checks if an element is in the skip list:
 param: slst -- pointer to the skip list
 param: e -- 
element to be checked
 pre:	slst is not null
 post: returns true or false  */
int containsSkipList(struct skipList *slst, TYPE e)
	/* FIX ME*/

    /* Check if slst is null */

    /* Loop through list if its not empty */
    if(sizeSkipList(slst) > 0)
        /* Get the link before value e and compare */
        struct skipLink* curr = slst->topSentinel;

            curr = slideRightSkipList(curr, e);
            /* Return true (1) if value e is found */
            if(curr->next && EQ(curr->next->value, e))
                return 1;

            else if(curr->down == 0)

            curr = curr->down;

    /* Return false (0) if value e is not found */
    return 0;
Esempio n. 4
/* Checks if an element is in the skip list:
 param: slst -- pointer to the skip list
 param: e -- element to be checked
 pre:	slst is not null
 post: returns true or false  */
int containsSkipList(struct skipList *slst, TYPE e)
    struct skipLink *current = slst->topSentinel;
    while (current){
        current = slideRightSkipList(current, e);
        if((current->next !=0) && EQ(current->next->value, e)) return 1;
        current = current->down;
    return 0;
Esempio n. 5
/* Add a new element to the skip list:
	param: slst -- pointer to the skip list
	param: e -- element to be added
	pre:	slst is not null
	post:	the new element is added to the lowest list and randomly to higher-level lists */
void addSkipList(struct skipList *slst, TYPE e)
	struct skipLink *downLink, *newLink;
	downLink = skipLinkAdd(slideRightSkipList(slst->topSentinel, e), e);
    if (downLink != 0 && flipSkipLink()) {
        struct skipLink* newTopSentinel = (struct skipLink *) malloc(sizeof(struct skipLink));
        newLink = newSkipLink(e, 0, downLink);
        newTopSentinel->next = newLink;
        newTopSentinel->down = slst->topSentinel;
        slst->topSentinel = newTopSentinel;
Esempio n. 6
/* Remove an element from the skip list:
 param: slst -- pointer to the skip list
 param: e -- element to be removed
 pre:	slst is not null
 post: the new element is removed from all internal sorted lists */
void removeSkipList(struct skipList *slst, TYPE e)
	/* FIX ME*/

	struct skipLink *current = slst->topSentinel;
	while(current != NULL){
        	current = slideRightSkipList(current, e);
	        if(current->next->value == e)
			current->next = current->next->next;  /*POSSIBLE ERROR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*/
			if(current->down == NULL)
Esempio n. 7
/* Remove an element from the skip list:
 param: slst -- pointer to the skip list
 param: e -- element to be removed
 pre:	slst is not null
 post: the new element is removed from all internal sorted lists */
void removeSkipList(struct skipList *slst, TYPE e)
    struct skipLink *current, *temp;
    current = slst->topSentinel;

    while (current){
        current = slideRightSkipList(current, e);
        if((current->next != 0) && EQ(current->next->value, e)){
            temp = current->next;
            current->next = current->next->next;
            if(current->down == NULL) slst->size--;
        current = current->down;
Esempio n. 8
/* Add a new skip link recursively
 param: current -- pointer to a place in the list where the new element should be inserted
 param: e	 -- the value to create a link for
 pre:	current is not NULL
 post: a link to store the value */
struct skipLink* skipLinkAdd(struct skipLink * current, TYPE e) {
	struct skipLink *newLink, *downLink;
	newLink = 0;
	if (current->down == 0) {
		newLink = newSkipLink(e, current->next, 0);
		current->next = newLink;
	else {
		downLink = skipLinkAdd(slideRightSkipList(current->down, e), e);
		if (downLink != 0 && flipSkipLink()) {
			newLink = newSkipLink(e, current->next, downLink);
			current->next = newLink;
	return newLink;
Esempio n. 9
/* Checks if an element is in the skip list:
 param: slst -- pointer to the skip list
 param: e -- element to be checked
 pre:	slst is not null
 post: returns true or false  */
int containsSkipList(struct skipList *slst, TYPE e)
	/* FIX ME*/
	assert(slst != 0);

	struct skipLink *current = slst->topSentinel;
		current = slideRightSkipList(current, e);
		if(current->next->value == e)
	        	return 1; /*The element is in the list*/
			current = current->down;
 	return 0; /*The element is not in the list*/       	
Esempio n. 10
/* Add a new element to the skip list:
	param: slst -- pointer to the skip list
	param: e -- element to be added
	pre:	slst is not null
	post:	the new element is added to the lowest list and randomly to higher-level lists */
void addSkipList(struct skipList *slst, TYPE e)
	int r = rand()%5;
	struct skipLink *downLink, *topLink, *temp;

	topLink = (struct skipLink *)malloc(sizeof(struct skipLink));
	downLink = skipLinkAdd(slideRightSkipList(slst->topSentinel,e),e);
	temp = slst->topSentinel;
	/* FIX ME*/
	       	slst->topSentinel = topLink;
		topLink->next = downLink;
		topLink->down =  temp;
