MotionAwayPlugin::MotionAwayPlugin( QObject *parent, const char *name, const QStringList & /* args */ )
: Kopete::Plugin( MotionAwayPluginFactory::instance(), parent, name )
	kdDebug(14305) << k_funcinfo << "Called." << endl;
	/* This should be read from config someday may be */
	m_width = DEF_WIDTH;
	m_height = DEF_HEIGHT;
	m_quality = DEF_QUALITY;
	m_maxChanges = DEF_CHANGES;
	m_gap = DEF_GAP;

	/* We haven't took the first picture yet */
	m_tookFirst = false;

	m_captureTimer = new QTimer(this);
	m_awayTimer = new QTimer(this);

	connect( m_captureTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(slotCapture()) );
	connect( m_awayTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(slotTimeout()) );

	signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN);

	m_imageRef.resize( m_width * m_height * 3);
	m_imageNew.resize( m_width * m_height * 3);
	m_imageOld.resize( m_width * m_height * 3);
	m_imageOut.resize( m_width * m_height * 3);

	kdDebug(14305) << k_funcinfo << "Opening Video4Linux Device" << endl;

	m_deviceHandler = open( videoDevice.latin1() , O_RDWR);

	if (m_deviceHandler < 0)
		kdDebug(14305) << k_funcinfo << "Can't open Video4Linux Device" << endl;
        kdDebug(14305) << k_funcinfo << "Worked! Setting Capture timers!" << endl;
		/* Capture first image, or we will get a alarm on start */
		getImage (m_deviceHandler, m_imageRef, DEF_WIDTH, DEF_HEIGHT, IN_DEFAULT, NORM_DEFAULT,

        /* We have the first image now */
		m_tookFirst = true;
		m_wentAway = false;

		m_captureTimer->start( DEF_POLL_INTERVAL );
		m_awayTimer->start( awayTimeout * 60 * 1000 );
	connect(this, SIGNAL(settingsChanged()), this, SLOT( loadSettings() ) );
Esempio n. 2
CaptureWgt::CaptureWgt( QWidget * parent )
: QMainWindow( parent )
    pd = new PD();
    pd->ui.setupUi( this );

    pd->video    = 0;
    pd->imgScale = 1.0;
    pd->flipX    = false;
    pd->flipY    = false;
    pd->fps      = 2.0;
    pd->imgSize  = QSize( 80, 60 );
    pd->ui.brightnessDw->setVisible( false );
    pd->brightness = new BrightnessWgt( this );
    pd->ui.brightnessDw->setWidget( pd->brightness );
    connect( pd->brightness, SIGNAL(rangeChanged(const QPointF &)), 
             this,           SLOT(slotBrightnessChanged(const QPointF &)) );
    connect( pd->ui.brightnessRange, SIGNAL(triggered()), 
             this,                   SLOT(slotBrightness()) );
    connect( pd->ui.resolution, SIGNAL(triggered()),
             this,              SLOT(slotResolution()) );
    connect( pd->ui.settings, SIGNAL(triggered()),
             this,            SLOT(slotSettings()) );

    Ui_CaptureWgt & ui = pd->ui;
    connect( ui.capture,  SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotCapture()) );

    pd->scene = new QGraphicsScene( pd->ui.view );
    pd->scene->setBackgroundBrush( QBrush( Qt::gray ) );
    pd->ui.view->setScene( pd->scene );

    pd->image = new QGraphicsPixmapItem( 0, pd->scene );
    pd->image->setPos( 0.0, 0.0 );
    pd->lineX1 = new QGraphicsLineItem( pd->image, pd->scene );
    pd->lineY1 = new QGraphicsLineItem( pd->image, pd->scene );
    pd->lineX2 = new QGraphicsLineItem( pd->image, pd->scene );
    pd->lineY2 = new QGraphicsLineItem( pd->image, pd->scene );
    //pd->image->setPixmap( QPixmap( ":/images/camera.png" ) );

    connect( pd->ui.flipX, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotFlipX()) );
    connect( pd->ui.flipY, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotFlipY()) );

    ui.view->installEventFilter( this );

    connect( ui.pixmap, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotSavePixmap()) );
Esempio n. 3
CaptureWgt::CaptureWgt( QWidget * parent )
: QMainWindow( parent )
    pd = new PD();
    pd->ui.setupUi( this );
    pd->crossFname = "./video.ini";
    pd->modifyLaserPos = false;
    pd->devMenu = 0;
    pd->resMenu = 0;
    pd->imgScale = 1.0;
    pd->drawArrow = false;
    pd->flipX = false;
    pd->flipY = false;
    pd->resolutionAcquired = false;
    pd->cap = new Capture( this );
    pd->ui.brightnessDw->setVisible( false );
    pd->brightness = new BrightnessWgt( this );
    pd->ui.brightnessDw->setWidget( pd->brightness );
    pd->cap->setBrightnessRange( pd->brightness->range() );
    connect( pd->brightness, SIGNAL(rangeChanged(const QPointF &)), 
             this,           SLOT(slotBrightnessChanged(const QPointF &)) );
    connect( pd->ui.brightnessRange, SIGNAL(triggered()), 
             this,                   SLOT(slotBrightness()) );

    Ui_CaptureWgt & ui = pd->ui;
    connect( ui.capture,  SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotCapture()) );
    connect( ui.settings, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotSettings()) );
    connect( ui.cross,    SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotCrossEmphasis()) );

    pd->scene = new QGraphicsScene( pd->ui.view );
    pd->scene->setBackgroundBrush( QBrush( Qt::gray ) );
    pd->ui.view->setScene( pd->scene );

    pd->image = new QGraphicsPixmapItem( 0, pd->scene );
    pd->image->setPos( 0.0, 0.0 );
    pd->lineX1 = new QGraphicsLineItem( pd->image, pd->scene );
    pd->lineY1 = new QGraphicsLineItem( pd->image, pd->scene );
    pd->lineX2 = new QGraphicsLineItem( pd->image, pd->scene );
    pd->lineY2 = new QGraphicsLineItem( pd->image, pd->scene );
    pd->arrow = new QGraphicsPolygonItem( pd->image, pd->scene );
    // This is for laser spot position.
    pd->laserPosImage = new QGraphicsPixmapItem( 0, pd->scene );
    pd->laserPosImage->setPixmap( QPixmap( ":/images/laser.png" ) );
    pd->laserPosImage->setPos( -pd->laserPosImage->pixmap().width()/2, -pd->laserPosImage->pixmap().height()/2 );
    pd->laserPosImage->setVisible( false );

    connect( pd->ui.flipX, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotFlipX()) );
    connect( pd->ui.flipY, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotFlipY()) );

    pd->cap = new Capture( this );
    connect( pd->cap, SIGNAL(frame(const QImage &)), this, SLOT(slotFrame(const QImage &)) );

    ui.view->installEventFilter( this );

    pd->inMenu = new QMenu( this );
    ui.input->setMenu( pd->inMenu );
    QAction * a = new QAction( "Default", this );
    a->setCheckable( true );
    a->setChecked( true );
    pd->inMenu->addAction( a );
    pd->inList << a;

    a = new QAction( "Usb", this );
    a->setCheckable( true );
    pd->inMenu->addAction( a );
    pd->inList << a;

    a = new QAction( "S-Video", this );
    a->setCheckable( true );
    pd->inMenu->addAction( a );
    pd->inList << a;

    a = new QAction( "Composite", this );
    a->setCheckable( true );
    pd->inMenu->addAction( a );
    pd->inList << a;

    for ( int i=0; i<pd->inList.size(); i++ )
        QAction * a = pd->inList[i];
        connect( a, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotInput()) );

    // ƒействи¤ соответствующие фильтрам.
    pd->filterList << ui.equalizeHist;
    pd->filterList << ui.fullContrast;
    pd->filterList << ui.sobel;
    pd->filterList << ui.median;
    pd->filterList << ui.timeSmooth;
    pd->filterList << ui.highPass;
    pd->filterList << ui.surface;
    pd->filterList << ui.brightnessRange;
    for ( int i=0; i<pd->filterList.size(); i++ )
        QAction * a = pd->filterList[i];
        connect( a, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotFilter()) );

    connect( ui.pixmap, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotPixmap()) );

	QToolButton * btn = qobject_cast<QToolButton *>(ui.toolBar->widgetForAction(ui.input));
	if ( btn )

	btn = qobject_cast<QToolButton *>(ui.toolBar->widgetForAction(ui.device));
	if ( btn )
	btn = qobject_cast<QToolButton *>(ui.toolBar->widgetForAction(ui.resolution));
	if ( btn )

    //pd->usbLight = new LightIcon( this );
    //ui.toolBar->addWidget( pd->usbLight );

    // Laser spot handling.
    QMenu * m = new QMenu( this );
    a = m->addAction( "Set laser spot position" );
    connect( a, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotSetLaserSpot()) );
    btn = qobject_cast<QToolButton *>(ui.toolBar->widgetForAction(ui.laser));
    btn->setPopupMode( QToolButton::MenuButtonPopup );
    ui.laser->setMenu( m );
