Esempio n. 1
MutableSlice StringData::reserve(int cap) {
  assert(!isImmutable() && m_count <= 1 && cap >= 0);
  if (cap + 1 <= capacity()) return mutableSlice();

  switch (mode()) {
    default: assert(false);
    case Mode::Small:
      m_data = (char*) smart_malloc(cap + 1);
      memcpy(m_data, m_small, m_len + 1); // includes \0
      setModeAndCap(Mode::Smart, cap + 1);
    case Mode::Smart:
      // We only use geometric growth when we're heading to the smart
      // allocator.  This is mostly because it was what was tested as
      // a perf win, but it might make sense to do it for Mode::Malloc
      // as well.  Will be revisited soon.
      cap += cap >> 2;
      m_data = (char*) smart_realloc(m_data, cap + 1);
      setModeAndCap(Mode::Smart, cap + 1);
    case Mode::Malloc:
      m_data = (char*) realloc(m_data, cap + 1);
      setModeAndCap(Mode::Malloc, cap + 1);
  return MutableSlice(m_data, cap);
Esempio n. 2
void XDebugProfiler::ensureBufferSpace() {
  if (m_nextFrameIdx < m_frameBufferSize) {

  // The initial buffer size is 0
  int64_t new_buf_size = (m_frameBufferSize == 0)?
    XDEBUG_GLOBAL(FramebufSize) :
    m_frameBufferSize * XDEBUG_GLOBAL(FramebufExpansion);

  try {
    int64_t new_buf_bytes = new_buf_size * sizeof(FrameData);
    m_frameBuffer = (FrameData*) smart_realloc((void*) m_frameBuffer,
    m_frameBufferSize = new_buf_size;
  } catch (const OutOfMemoryException& e) {
    raise_error("Cannot allocate more memory for the xdebug profiler. Consider "
                "turning off profiling or tracing. Note that certain ini "
                "settings such as hhvm.xdebug.collect_memory and "
                "hhvm.xdebug.collect_time implicitly "
                "turn on tracing, so turn those off if this is unexpected.\n"
                "Current frame buffer length: %zu\n"
                "Failed to expand to length: %zu\n",
Esempio n. 3
void BaseVector::grow() {
  if (m_capacity) {
    m_capacity += m_capacity;
  } else {
    m_capacity = 8;
  m_data = (TypedValue*)smart_realloc(m_data, m_capacity * sizeof(TypedValue));
Esempio n. 4
void BaseVector::reserve(int64_t sz) {
  if (sz <= 0) return;

  if (m_capacity < sz) {

    m_capacity = sz;
    m_data =
      (TypedValue*)smart_realloc(m_data, m_capacity * sizeof(TypedValue));
Esempio n. 5
StringData* StringData::shrink(int len) {
  switch (mode()) {
    case Mode::Smart:
      m_data = (char*) smart_realloc(m_data, len + 1);
      setModeAndCap(Mode::Smart, len + 1);
    case Mode::Malloc:
      m_data = (char*) realloc(m_data, len + 1);
      setModeAndCap(Mode::Malloc, len + 1);
      // don't shrink
  return this;
Esempio n. 6
void XDebugServer::readInput() {
  size_t bytes_read = 0;
  do {
    size_t bytes_left = m_bufferSize - bytes_read;

    // Expand if we need to
    if (bytes_left == 0) {
      m_bufferSize = (m_bufferSize == 0) ?
      bytes_left = m_bufferSize - bytes_read;
      m_buffer = (char*) smart_realloc(m_buffer, m_bufferSize);

    // Read into the buffer
    size_t res = recv(m_socket, (void*) &m_buffer[bytes_read], bytes_left, 0);
    if (res < 0) {
    bytes_read += res;
  } while (m_buffer[bytes_read - 1] != '\0');
Esempio n. 7
void VectorArray::grow(uint newSize) {
  assert(newSize > FixedSize);
  m_capacity = Util::nextPower2(newSize);
  if (!m_nonsmart) {
    assert(m_allocMode == kInline || m_allocMode == kSmart);
    if (m_allocMode == kInline) {
      m_elems = (TypedValue*)smart_malloc(m_capacity * sizeof(TypedValue));
      memcpy(m_elems, m_fixed, m_size * sizeof(TypedValue));
      m_allocMode = kSmart;
    } else {
      m_elems = (TypedValue*)smart_realloc(m_elems,
                                           m_capacity * sizeof(TypedValue));
  } else if (m_allocMode == kInline) {
    m_elems = (TypedValue*)malloc(m_capacity * sizeof(TypedValue));
    memcpy(m_elems, m_fixed, m_size * sizeof(TypedValue));
    m_allocMode = kMalloc;
  } else {
    assert(m_allocMode == kMalloc);
    m_elems = (TypedValue*)realloc(m_elems, m_capacity * sizeof(TypedValue));
Esempio n. 8
static Array HHVM_FUNCTION(getopt, const String& options,
                                   const Variant& longopts /*=null */) {
  opt_struct *opts, *orig_opts;
  int len = parse_opts(, options.size(), &opts);

  if (!longopts.isNull()) {
    Array arropts = longopts.toArray();
    int count = arropts.size();

    /* the first <len> slots are filled by the one short ops
     * we now extend our array and jump to the new added structs */
    opts = (opt_struct *)smart_realloc(
      opts, sizeof(opt_struct) * (len + count + 1));
    orig_opts = opts;
    opts += len;

    memset(opts, 0, count * sizeof(opt_struct));

    for (ArrayIter iter(arropts); iter; ++iter) {
      String entry = iter.second().toString();

      opts->need_param = 0;
      opts->opt_name = strdup(;
      len = strlen(opts->opt_name);
      if ((len > 0) && (opts->opt_name[len - 1] == ':')) {
        opts->opt_name[len - 1] = '\0';
        if ((len > 1) && (opts->opt_name[len - 2] == ':')) {
          opts->opt_name[len - 2] = '\0';
      opts->opt_char = 0;
  } else {
    opts = (opt_struct*) smart_realloc(opts, sizeof(opt_struct) * (len + 1));
    orig_opts = opts;
    opts += len;

  /* php_getopt want to identify the last param */
  opts->opt_char   = '-';
  opts->need_param = 0;
  opts->opt_name   = NULL;

  static const StaticString s_argv("argv");
  Array vargv = php_global(s_argv).toArray();
  int argc = vargv.size();
  char **argv = (char **)smart_malloc((argc+1) * sizeof(char*));
  std::vector<String> holders;
  int index = 0;
  for (ArrayIter iter(vargv); iter; ++iter) {
    String arg = iter.second().toString();
    argv[index++] = (char*);
  argv[index] = NULL;

  /* after our pointer arithmetic jump back to the first element */
  opts = orig_opts;

  int o;
  char *php_optarg = NULL;
  int php_optind = 1;


  Array ret = Array::Create();

  Variant val;
  int optchr = 0;
  int dash = 0; /* have already seen the - */
  char opt[2] = { '\0' };
  char *optname;
  int optname_len = 0;
  int php_optidx;
  while ((o = php_getopt(argc, argv, opts, &php_optarg, &php_optind, 0, 1,
                         optchr, dash, php_optidx))
         != -1) {
    /* Skip unknown arguments. */
    if (o == '?') {

    /* Prepare the option character and the argument string. */
    if (o == 0) {
      optname = opts[php_optidx].opt_name;
    } else {
      if (o == 1) {
        o = '-';
      opt[0] = o;
      optname = opt;

    if (php_optarg != NULL) {
      /* keep the arg as binary, since the encoding is not known */
      val = String(php_optarg, CopyString);
    } else {
      val = false;

    /* Add this option / argument pair to the result hash. */
    optname_len = strlen(optname);
    if (!(optname_len > 1 && optname[0] == '0') &&
        is_numeric_string(optname, optname_len, NULL, NULL, 0) ==
        KindOfInt64) {
      /* numeric string */
      int optname_int = atoi(optname);
      if (ret.exists(optname_int)) {
        Variant &e = ret.lvalAt(optname_int);
        if (!e.isArray()) {
          ret.set(optname_int, make_packed_array(e, val));
        } else {
      } else {
        ret.set(optname_int, val);
    } else {
      /* other strings */
      String key(optname, strlen(optname), CopyString);
      if (ret.exists(key)) {
        Variant &e = ret.lvalAt(key);
        if (!e.isArray()) {
          ret.set(key, make_packed_array(e, val));
        } else {
      } else {
        ret.set(key, val);

    php_optarg = NULL;

  return ret;
Esempio n. 9
static void *php_xml_realloc_wrapper(void *ptr, size_t sz) {
  return smart_realloc(ptr, sz);
Esempio n. 10
static bool HHVM_METHOD(Collator, sortWithSortKeys, VRefParam arr) {
  FETCH_COL(data, this_, false);

  if (!arr.isArray()) {
    return true;

  Array hash = arr.toArray();
  if (hash.size() == 0) {
    return true;

  // Preallocate sort keys buffer
  size_t sortKeysOffset = 0;
  size_t sortKeysLength = DEF_SORT_KEYS_BUF_SIZE;
  char*  sortKeys = (char*)smart_malloc(sortKeysLength);
  if (!sortKeys) {
    throw Exception("Out of memory");
  SCOPE_EXIT{ smart_free(sortKeys); };

  // Preallocate index buffer
  size_t sortIndexPos = 0;
  size_t sortIndexLength = DEF_SORT_KEYS_INDX_BUF_SIZE;
  auto   sortIndex = (collator_sort_key_index_t*)smart_malloc(
                  sortIndexLength * sizeof(collator_sort_key_index_t));
  if (!sortIndex) {
    throw Exception("Out of memory");
  SCOPE_EXIT{ smart_free(sortIndex); };

  // Translate input hash to sortable index
  auto pos_limit = hash->iter_end();
  for (ssize_t pos = hash->iter_begin(); pos != pos_limit;
       pos = hash->iter_advance(pos)) {
    Variant val(hash->getValue(pos));

    // Convert to UTF16
    icu::UnicodeString strval;
    if (val.isString()) {
      UErrorCode error = U_ZERO_ERROR;
      strval = u16(val.toString(), error);
      if (U_FAILURE(error)) {
        return false;

    // Generate sort key
    int sortkey_len =
                      strval.getBuffer(), strval.length(),
                      (uint8_t*)(sortKeys + sortKeysOffset),
                      sortKeysLength - sortKeysOffset);

    // Check for key buffer overflow
    if (sortkey_len > (sortKeysLength - sortKeysOffset)) {
      int32_t inc = (sortkey_len > DEF_SORT_KEYS_BUF_INCREMENT)
                  ?  sortkey_len : DEF_SORT_KEYS_BUF_INCREMENT;
      sortKeysLength += inc;
      sortKeys = (char*)smart_realloc(sortKeys, sortKeysLength);
      if (!sortKeys) {
        throw Exception("Out of memory");
      sortkey_len =
                        strval.getBuffer(), strval.length(),
                        (uint8_t*)(sortKeys + sortKeysOffset),
                        sortKeysLength - sortKeysOffset);
      assert(sortkey_len <= (sortKeysLength - sortKeysOffset));

    // Check for index buffer overflow
    if ((sortIndexPos + 1) > sortIndexLength) {
      sortIndexLength += DEF_SORT_KEYS_INDX_BUF_INCREMENT;
      sortIndex = (collator_sort_key_index_t*)smart_realloc(sortIndex,
                      sortIndexLength * sizeof(collator_sort_key_index_t));
      if (!sortIndex) {
        throw Exception("Out of memory");

    // Initially store offset into buffer, update later to deal with reallocs
    sortIndex[sortIndexPos].key = (char*)sortKeysOffset;
    sortKeysOffset += sortkey_len;

    sortIndex[sortIndexPos].valPos = pos;

  // Update keys to location in realloc'd buffer
  for (int i = 0; i < sortIndexPos; ++i) {
    sortIndex[i].key = sortKeys + (ptrdiff_t)sortIndex[i].key;

  zend_qsort(sortIndex, sortIndexPos,
             collator_cmp_sort_keys, nullptr);

  Array ret = Array::Create();
  for (int i = 0; i < sortIndexPos; ++i) {
  arr = ret;
  return true;