std::vector<ip_route> enum_routes(io_service& ios, error_code& ec) { std::vector<ip_route> ret; #if TORRENT_USE_SYSCTL /* struct rt_msg { rt_msghdr m_rtm; char buf[512]; }; rt_msg m; int len = sizeof(rt_msg); bzero(&m, len); m.m_rtm.rtm_type = RTM_GET; m.m_rtm.rtm_flags = RTF_UP | RTF_GATEWAY; m.m_rtm.rtm_version = RTM_VERSION; m.m_rtm.rtm_addrs = RTA_DST | RTA_GATEWAY | RTA_NETMASK; m.m_rtm.rtm_seq = 0; m.m_rtm.rtm_msglen = len; int s = socket(PF_ROUTE, SOCK_RAW, AF_UNSPEC); if (s == -1) { ec = error_code(errno, asio::error::system_category); return std::vector<ip_route>(); } int n = write(s, &m, len); if (n == -1) { ec = error_code(errno, asio::error::system_category); close(s); return std::vector<ip_route>(); } else if (n != len) { ec = asio::error::operation_not_supported; close(s); return std::vector<ip_route>(); } bzero(&m, len); n = read(s, &m, len); if (n == -1) { ec = error_code(errno, asio::error::system_category); close(s); return std::vector<ip_route>(); } for (rt_msghdr* ptr = &m.m_rtm; (char*)ptr < ((char*)&m.m_rtm) + n; ptr = (rt_msghdr*)(((char*)ptr) + ptr->rtm_msglen)) { std::cout << " rtm_msglen: " << ptr->rtm_msglen << std::endl; std::cout << " rtm_type: " << ptr->rtm_type << std::endl; if (ptr->rtm_errno) { ec = error_code(ptr->rtm_errno, asio::error::system_category); return std::vector<ip_route>(); } if (m.m_rtm.rtm_flags & RTF_UP == 0 || m.m_rtm.rtm_flags & RTF_GATEWAY == 0) { ec = asio::error::operation_not_supported; return address_v4::any(); } if (ptr->rtm_addrs & RTA_DST == 0 || ptr->rtm_addrs & RTA_GATEWAY == 0 || ptr->rtm_addrs & RTA_NETMASK == 0) { ec = asio::error::operation_not_supported; return std::vector<ip_route>(); } if (ptr->rtm_msglen > len - ((char*)ptr - ((char*)&m.m_rtm))) { ec = asio::error::operation_not_supported; return std::vector<ip_route>(); } int min_len = sizeof(rt_msghdr) + 2 * sizeof(sockaddr_in); if (m.m_rtm.rtm_msglen < min_len) { ec = asio::error::operation_not_supported; return std::vector<ip_route>(); } ip_route r; // destination char* p = m.buf; sockaddr_in* sin = (sockaddr_in*)p; r.destination = sockaddr_to_address((sockaddr*)p); // gateway p += sin->sin_len; sin = (sockaddr_in*)p; r.gateway = sockaddr_to_address((sockaddr*)p); // netmask p += sin->sin_len; sin = (sockaddr_in*)p; r.netmask = sockaddr_to_address((sockaddr*)p); ret.push_back(r); } close(s); */ int mib[6] = { CTL_NET, PF_ROUTE, 0, AF_UNSPEC, NET_RT_DUMP, 0}; size_t needed = 0; #ifdef TORRENT_OS2 if (__libsocket_sysctl(mib, 6, 0, &needed, 0, 0) < 0) #else if (sysctl(mib, 6, 0, &needed, 0, 0) < 0) #endif { ec = error_code(errno, asio::error::system_category); return std::vector<ip_route>(); } if (needed <= 0) { return std::vector<ip_route>(); } boost::scoped_array<char> buf(new (std::nothrow) char[needed]); if (buf.get() == 0) { ec = asio::error::no_memory; return std::vector<ip_route>(); } #ifdef TORRENT_OS2 if (__libsocket_sysctl(mib, 6, buf.get(), &needed, 0, 0) < 0) #else if (sysctl(mib, 6, buf.get(), &needed, 0, 0) < 0) #endif { ec = error_code(errno, asio::error::system_category); return std::vector<ip_route>(); } char* end = buf.get() + needed; int s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (s < 0) { ec = error_code(errno, asio::error::system_category); return std::vector<ip_route>(); } rt_msghdr* rtm; for (char* next = buf.get(); next < end; next += rtm->rtm_msglen) { rtm = (rt_msghdr*)next; if (rtm->rtm_version != RTM_VERSION) continue; ip_route r; if (parse_route(s, rtm, &r)) ret.push_back(r); } close(s); #elif TORRENT_USE_GETIPFORWARDTABLE /* move this to enum_net_interfaces // Load Iphlpapi library HMODULE iphlp = LoadLibraryA("Iphlpapi.dll"); if (!iphlp) { ec = asio::error::operation_not_supported; return std::vector<ip_route>(); } // Get GetAdaptersInfo() pointer typedef DWORD (WINAPI *GetAdaptersInfo_t)(PIP_ADAPTER_INFO, PULONG); GetAdaptersInfo_t GetAdaptersInfo = (GetAdaptersInfo_t)GetProcAddress(iphlp, "GetAdaptersInfo"); if (!GetAdaptersInfo) { FreeLibrary(iphlp); ec = asio::error::operation_not_supported; return std::vector<ip_route>(); } PIP_ADAPTER_INFO adapter_info = 0; ULONG out_buf_size = 0; if (GetAdaptersInfo(adapter_info, &out_buf_size) != ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) { FreeLibrary(iphlp); ec = asio::error::operation_not_supported; return std::vector<ip_route>(); } adapter_info = (IP_ADAPTER_INFO*)malloc(out_buf_size); if (!adapter_info) { FreeLibrary(iphlp); ec = asio::error::no_memory; return std::vector<ip_route>(); } if (GetAdaptersInfo(adapter_info, &out_buf_size) == NO_ERROR) { for (PIP_ADAPTER_INFO adapter = adapter_info; adapter != 0; adapter = adapter->Next) { ip_route r; r.destination = address::from_string(adapter->IpAddressList.IpAddress.String, ec); r.gateway = address::from_string(adapter->GatewayList.IpAddress.String, ec); r.netmask = address::from_string(adapter->IpAddressList.IpMask.String, ec); strncpy(, adapter->AdapterName, sizeof(; if (ec) { ec = error_code(); continue; } ret.push_back(r); } } // Free memory free(adapter_info); FreeLibrary(iphlp); */ // Load Iphlpapi library HMODULE iphlp = LoadLibraryA("Iphlpapi.dll"); if (!iphlp) { ec = asio::error::operation_not_supported; return std::vector<ip_route>(); } typedef DWORD (WINAPI *GetIfEntry_t)(PMIB_IFROW pIfRow); GetIfEntry_t GetIfEntry = (GetIfEntry_t)GetProcAddress(iphlp, "GetIfEntry"); if (!GetIfEntry) { ec = asio::error::operation_not_supported; return std::vector<ip_route>(); } #if _WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0600 typedef DWORD (WINAPI *GetIpForwardTable2_t)( ADDRESS_FAMILY, PMIB_IPFORWARD_TABLE2*); typedef void (WINAPI *FreeMibTable_t)(PVOID Memory); GetIpForwardTable2_t GetIpForwardTable2 = (GetIpForwardTable2_t)GetProcAddress( iphlp, "GetIpForwardTable2"); FreeMibTable_t FreeMibTable = (FreeMibTable_t)GetProcAddress( iphlp, "FreeMibTable"); if (GetIpForwardTable2 && FreeMibTable) { MIB_IPFORWARD_TABLE2* routes = NULL; int res = GetIpForwardTable2(AF_UNSPEC, &routes); if (res == NO_ERROR) { for (int i = 0; i < routes->NumEntries; ++i) { ip_route r; r.gateway = sockaddr_to_address((const sockaddr*)&routes->Table[i].NextHop); r.destination = sockaddr_to_address( (const sockaddr*)&routes->Table[i].DestinationPrefix.Prefix); r.netmask = build_netmask(routes->Table[i].SitePrefixLength , routes->Table[i].DestinationPrefix.Prefix.si_family); MIB_IFROW ifentry; ifentry.dwIndex = routes->Table[i].InterfaceIndex; if (GetIfEntry(&ifentry) == NO_ERROR) { wcstombs(, ifentry.wszName, sizeof(; r.mtu = ifentry.dwMtu; ret.push_back(r); } } } if (routes) FreeMibTable(routes); FreeLibrary(iphlp); return ret; } #endif // Get GetIpForwardTable() pointer typedef DWORD (WINAPI *GetIpForwardTable_t)(PMIB_IPFORWARDTABLE pIpForwardTable,PULONG pdwSize,BOOL bOrder); GetIpForwardTable_t GetIpForwardTable = (GetIpForwardTable_t)GetProcAddress( iphlp, "GetIpForwardTable"); if (!GetIpForwardTable) { FreeLibrary(iphlp); ec = asio::error::operation_not_supported; return std::vector<ip_route>(); } MIB_IPFORWARDTABLE* routes = NULL; ULONG out_buf_size = 0; if (GetIpForwardTable(routes, &out_buf_size, FALSE) != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { FreeLibrary(iphlp); ec = asio::error::operation_not_supported; return std::vector<ip_route>(); } routes = (MIB_IPFORWARDTABLE*)malloc(out_buf_size); if (!routes) { FreeLibrary(iphlp); ec = asio::error::no_memory; return std::vector<ip_route>(); } if (GetIpForwardTable(routes, &out_buf_size, FALSE) == NO_ERROR) { for (int i = 0; i < routes->dwNumEntries; ++i) { ip_route r; r.destination = inaddr_to_address((in_addr const*)&routes->table[i].dwForwardDest); r.netmask = inaddr_to_address((in_addr const*)&routes->table[i].dwForwardMask); r.gateway = inaddr_to_address((in_addr const*)&routes->table[i].dwForwardNextHop); MIB_IFROW ifentry; ifentry.dwIndex = routes->table[i].dwForwardIfIndex; if (GetIfEntry(&ifentry) == NO_ERROR) { wcstombs(, ifentry.wszName, sizeof(;[sizeof(] = 0; r.mtu = ifentry.dwMtu; ret.push_back(r); } } } // Free memory free(routes); FreeLibrary(iphlp); #elif TORRENT_USE_NETLINK enum { BUFSIZE = 8192 }; int sock = socket(PF_ROUTE, SOCK_DGRAM, NETLINK_ROUTE); if (sock < 0) { ec = error_code(errno, asio::error::system_category); return std::vector<ip_route>(); } int seq = 0; char msg[BUFSIZE]; memset(msg, 0, BUFSIZE); nlmsghdr* nl_msg = (nlmsghdr*)msg; nl_msg->nlmsg_len = NLMSG_LENGTH(sizeof(rtmsg)); nl_msg->nlmsg_type = RTM_GETROUTE; nl_msg->nlmsg_flags = NLM_F_DUMP | NLM_F_REQUEST; nl_msg->nlmsg_seq = seq++; nl_msg->nlmsg_pid = getpid(); if (send(sock, nl_msg, nl_msg->nlmsg_len, 0) < 0) { ec = error_code(errno, asio::error::system_category); close(sock); return std::vector<ip_route>(); } int len = read_nl_sock(sock, msg, BUFSIZE, seq, getpid()); if (len < 0) { ec = error_code(errno, asio::error::system_category); close(sock); return std::vector<ip_route>(); } int s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (s < 0) { ec = error_code(errno, asio::error::system_category); return std::vector<ip_route>(); } for (; NLMSG_OK(nl_msg, len); nl_msg = NLMSG_NEXT(nl_msg, len)) { ip_route r; if (parse_route(s, nl_msg, &r)) ret.push_back(r); } close(s); close(sock); #endif return ret; }
std::vector<ip_interface> enum_net_interfaces(io_service& ios, error_code& ec) { std::vector<ip_interface> ret; // covers linux, MacOS X and BSD distributions #if defined TORRENT_LINUX || defined TORRENT_BSD || defined TORRENT_SOLARIS int s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (s < 0) { ec = error_code(errno, asio::error::system_category); return ret; } ifconf ifc; char buf[1024]; ifc.ifc_len = sizeof(buf); ifc.ifc_buf = buf; if (ioctl(s, SIOCGIFCONF, &ifc) < 0) { ec = error_code(errno, asio::error::system_category); close(s); return ret; } char *ifr = (char*)ifc.ifc_req; int remaining = ifc.ifc_len; while (remaining) { ifreq const& item = *reinterpret_cast<ifreq*>(ifr); if (item.ifr_addr.sa_family == AF_INET #if TORRENT_USE_IPV6 || item.ifr_addr.sa_family == AF_INET6 #endif ) { ip_interface iface; iface.interface_address = sockaddr_to_address(&item.ifr_addr); strcpy(, item.ifr_name); ifreq netmask = item; if (ioctl(s, SIOCGIFNETMASK, &netmask) < 0) { if (iface.interface_address.is_v6()) { // this is expected to fail (at least on MacOS X) iface.netmask = address_v6::any(); } else { ec = error_code(errno, asio::error::system_category); close(s); return ret; } } else { iface.netmask = sockaddr_to_address(&netmask.ifr_addr); } ret.push_back(iface); } #if defined TORRENT_BSD int current_size = item.ifr_addr.sa_len + IFNAMSIZ; #elif defined TORRENT_LINUX || defined TORRENT_SOLARIS int current_size = sizeof(ifreq); #endif ifr += current_size; remaining -= current_size; } close(s); #elif defined TORRENT_WINDOWS SOCKET s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (s == SOCKET_ERROR) { ec = error_code(WSAGetLastError(), asio::error::system_category); return ret; } INTERFACE_INFO buffer[30]; DWORD size; if (WSAIoctl(s, SIO_GET_INTERFACE_LIST, 0, 0, buffer, sizeof(buffer), &size, 0, 0) != 0) { ec = error_code(WSAGetLastError(), asio::error::system_category); closesocket(s); return ret; } closesocket(s); int n = size / sizeof(INTERFACE_INFO); ip_interface iface; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { iface.interface_address = sockaddr_to_address(&buffer[i].iiAddress.Address); iface.netmask = sockaddr_to_address(&buffer[i].iiNetmask.Address);[0] = 0; if (iface.interface_address == address_v4::any()) continue; ret.push_back(iface); } #else #warning THIS OS IS NOT RECOGNIZED, enum_net_interfaces WILL PROBABLY NOT WORK // make a best guess of the interface we're using and its IP udp::resolver r(ios); udp::resolver::iterator i = r.resolve(udp::resolver::query(asio::ip::host_name(ec), "0"), ec); if (ec) return ret; ip_interface iface; for (;i != udp::resolver_iterator(); ++i) { iface.interface_address = i->endpoint().address(); if (iface.interface_address.is_v4()) iface.netmask = address_v4::netmask(iface.interface_address.to_v4()); ret.push_back(iface); } #endif return ret; }
std::vector<ip_interface> enum_net_interfaces(io_service& ios, error_code& ec) { std::vector<ip_interface> ret; #if TORRENT_USE_IFADDRS int s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (s < 0) { ec = error_code(errno, asio::error::system_category); return ret; } ifaddrs *ifaddr; if (getifaddrs(&ifaddr) == -1) { ec = error_code(errno, asio::error::system_category); close(s); return ret; } for (ifaddrs* ifa = ifaddr; ifa; ifa = ifa->ifa_next) { if (ifa->ifa_addr == 0) continue; if ((ifa->ifa_flags & IFF_UP) == 0) continue; int family = ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family; if (family == AF_INET #if TORRENT_USE_IPV6 || family == AF_INET6 #endif ) { ip_interface iface; if (iface_from_ifaddrs(ifa, iface, ec)) { ifreq req; memset(&req, 0, sizeof(req)); // -1 to leave a null terminator strncpy(req.ifr_name,, IF_NAMESIZE - 1); if (ioctl(s, SIOCGIFMTU, &req) < 0) { continue; } iface.mtu = req.ifr_mtu; ret.push_back(iface); } } } close(s); freeifaddrs(ifaddr); // MacOS X, BSD and solaris #elif TORRENT_USE_IFCONF int s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (s < 0) { ec = error_code(errno, asio::error::system_category); return ret; } ifconf ifc; // make sure the buffer is aligned to hold ifreq structs ifreq buf[40]; ifc.ifc_len = sizeof(buf); ifc.ifc_buf = (char*)buf; if (ioctl(s, SIOCGIFCONF, &ifc) < 0) { ec = error_code(errno, asio::error::system_category); close(s); return ret; } char *ifr = (char*)ifc.ifc_req; int remaining = ifc.ifc_len; while (remaining > 0) { ifreq const& item = *reinterpret_cast<ifreq*>(ifr); #ifdef _SIZEOF_ADDR_IFREQ int current_size = _SIZEOF_ADDR_IFREQ(item); #elif defined TORRENT_BSD int current_size = item.ifr_addr.sa_len + IFNAMSIZ; #else int current_size = sizeof(ifreq); #endif if (remaining < current_size) break; if (item.ifr_addr.sa_family == AF_INET #if TORRENT_USE_IPV6 || item.ifr_addr.sa_family == AF_INET6 #endif ) { ip_interface iface; iface.interface_address = sockaddr_to_address(&item.ifr_addr); strcpy(, item.ifr_name); ifreq req; memset(&req, 0, sizeof(req)); // -1 to leave a null terminator strncpy(req.ifr_name, item.ifr_name, IF_NAMESIZE - 1); if (ioctl(s, SIOCGIFMTU, &req) < 0) { ec = error_code(errno, asio::error::system_category); close(s); return ret; } #ifndef TORRENT_OS2 iface.mtu = req.ifr_mtu; #else iface.mtu = req.ifr_metric; // according to tcp/ip reference #endif memset(&req, 0, sizeof(req)); strncpy(req.ifr_name, item.ifr_name, IF_NAMESIZE - 1); if (ioctl(s, SIOCGIFNETMASK, &req) < 0) { #if TORRENT_USE_IPV6 if (iface.interface_address.is_v6()) { // this is expected to fail (at least on MacOS X) iface.netmask = address_v6::any(); } else #endif { ec = error_code(errno, asio::error::system_category); close(s); return ret; } } else { iface.netmask = sockaddr_to_address(&req.ifr_addr, item.ifr_addr.sa_family); } ret.push_back(iface); } ifr += current_size; remaining -= current_size; } close(s); #elif TORRENT_USE_GETADAPTERSADDRESSES #if _WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0501 // Load Iphlpapi library HMODULE iphlp = LoadLibraryA("Iphlpapi.dll"); if (iphlp) { // Get GetAdaptersAddresses() pointer typedef ULONG (WINAPI *GetAdaptersAddresses_t)(ULONG,ULONG,PVOID,PIP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES,PULONG); GetAdaptersAddresses_t GetAdaptersAddresses = (GetAdaptersAddresses_t)GetProcAddress( iphlp, "GetAdaptersAddresses"); if (GetAdaptersAddresses) { PIP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES adapter_addresses = 0; ULONG out_buf_size = 0; if (GetAdaptersAddresses(AF_UNSPEC, GAA_FLAG_SKIP_MULTICAST | GAA_FLAG_SKIP_DNS_SERVER | GAA_FLAG_SKIP_ANYCAST, NULL, adapter_addresses, &out_buf_size) != ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) { FreeLibrary(iphlp); ec = asio::error::operation_not_supported; return std::vector<ip_interface>(); } adapter_addresses = (IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES*)malloc(out_buf_size); if (!adapter_addresses) { FreeLibrary(iphlp); ec = asio::error::no_memory; return std::vector<ip_interface>(); } if (GetAdaptersAddresses(AF_UNSPEC, GAA_FLAG_SKIP_MULTICAST | GAA_FLAG_SKIP_DNS_SERVER | GAA_FLAG_SKIP_ANYCAST, NULL, adapter_addresses, &out_buf_size) == NO_ERROR) { for (PIP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES adapter = adapter_addresses; adapter != 0; adapter = adapter->Next) { ip_interface r; strncpy(, adapter->AdapterName, sizeof(;[sizeof(] = 0; r.mtu = adapter->Mtu; IP_ADAPTER_UNICAST_ADDRESS* unicast = adapter->FirstUnicastAddress; while (unicast) { r.interface_address = sockaddr_to_address(unicast->Address.lpSockaddr); ret.push_back(r); unicast = unicast->Next; } } } // Free memory free(adapter_addresses); FreeLibrary(iphlp); return ret; } FreeLibrary(iphlp); } #endif SOCKET s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (s == SOCKET_ERROR) { ec = error_code(WSAGetLastError(), asio::error::system_category); return ret; } INTERFACE_INFO buffer[30]; DWORD size; if (WSAIoctl(s, SIO_GET_INTERFACE_LIST, 0, 0, buffer, sizeof(buffer), &size, 0, 0) != 0) { ec = error_code(WSAGetLastError(), asio::error::system_category); closesocket(s); return ret; } closesocket(s); int n = size / sizeof(INTERFACE_INFO); ip_interface iface; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { iface.interface_address = sockaddr_to_address(&buffer[i].iiAddress.Address); if (iface.interface_address == address_v4::any()) continue; iface.netmask = sockaddr_to_address(&buffer[i].iiNetmask.Address , iface.interface_address.is_v4() ? AF_INET : AF_INET6);[0] = 0; iface.mtu = 1500; // how to get the MTU? ret.push_back(iface); } #else #warning THIS OS IS NOT RECOGNIZED, enum_net_interfaces WILL PROBABLY NOT WORK // make a best guess of the interface we're using and its IP udp::resolver r(ios); udp::resolver::iterator i = r.resolve(udp::resolver::query(asio::ip::host_name(ec), "0"), ec); if (ec) return ret; ip_interface iface; for (;i != udp::resolver_iterator(); ++i) { iface.interface_address = i->endpoint().address(); iface.mtu = 1500; if (iface.interface_address.is_v4()) iface.netmask = address_v4::netmask(iface.interface_address.to_v4()); ret.push_back(iface); } #endif return ret; }
static std::vector<interface_t> local_interfaces( boost::system::error_code & ec ) { std::vector<interface_t> ret; #if (defined __linux__) || (defined __APPLE__ || __MACH__) int s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (s < 0) { ec = boost::asio::error::fault; return ret; } ifconf ifc; char buf[1024]; ifc.ifc_len = sizeof(buf); ifc.ifc_buf = buf; if (ioctl(s, SIOCGIFCONF, &ifc) < 0) { ec = boost::system::error_code( errno, boost::asio::error::system_category ); close(s); return ret; } char *ifr = (char *)ifc.ifc_req; int remaining = ifc.ifc_len; while (remaining) { const ifreq & item = *reinterpret_cast<ifreq *>(ifr); if ( item.ifr_addr.sa_family == AF_INET || item.ifr_addr.sa_family == AF_INET6 ) { interface_t iface; iface.destination = sockaddr_to_address(&item.ifr_addr); strcpy(, item.ifr_name); ifreq netmask = item; if (ioctl(s, SIOCGIFNETMASK, &netmask) < 0) { if (iface.destination.is_v6()) { iface.netmask = boost::asio::ip::address_v6::any(); } else { ec = boost::system::error_code( errno, boost::asio::error::system_category ); close(s); return ret; } } else { iface.netmask = sockaddr_to_address( &netmask.ifr_addr ); } ret.push_back(iface); } #if (defined __APPLE__ || __MACH__) std::size_t if_size = item.ifr_addr.sa_len + IFNAMSIZ; #elif defined __linux__ std::size_t if_size = sizeof(ifreq); #endif ifr += if_size; remaining -= if_size; } close(s); #elif (defined _MSC_VER) SOCKET s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (s == SOCKET_ERROR) { ec = boost::system::error_code( WSAGetLastError(), boost::asio::error::system_category ); return ret; } INTERFACE_INFO buf[30]; DWORD size; int err = WSAIoctl( s, SIO_GET_INTERFACE_LIST, 0, 0, buf, sizeof(buf), &size, 0, 0 ); if (err != 0) { ec = boost::system::error_code( WSAGetLastError(), boost::asio::error::system_category ); closesocket(s); return ret; } closesocket(s); std::size_t n = size / sizeof(INTERFACE_INFO); interface_t iface; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) { iface.destination = sockaddr_to_address(&buf[i].iiAddress.Address); iface.netmask = sockaddr_to_address(&buf[i].iiNetmask.Address);[0] = 0; if (iface.destination == boost::asio::ip::address_v4::any()) { continue; } ret.push_back(iface); } #else #error "Unsupported Device or Platform." #endif return ret; }