int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QString ampFile("../example_data/amplitude_199x199_double.raw"); QString phaFile("../example_data/phase_199x199_double.raw"); QString solFile("../example_data/solution_199x199_double.raw"); QSize rawSize(199,199); int sz = rawSize.width() * rawSize.height(); QFile amplitude(ampFile); if (! { qDebug() << "amplitude file not found" << ampFile; return -1; } double* amp = new double[sz];*)amp, sz * sizeof(amp[0])); amplitude.close(); QFile phase(phaFile); if (! { qDebug() << "phase file not found" << phaFile; return -1; } double* pha = new double[sz];*)pha, sz * sizeof(pha[0])); phase.close(); GSATracking up; up.SetBranchCutMode(GSATracking::AMPLITUDETRACING); // aplitude tracking mode up.SetCutsDilate(7); // dilatation kernel radius up.SetInterpolate(true); // interpolation enabled up.SetWeightedInterpolation(true); // amplitude based weighted interpolation double* sol = up.UnWrapp(pha, amp, rawSize); QFile solution(solFile);; solution.write((char*)sol, sz * sizeof(sol[0])); solution.close(); delete amp; delete pha; qDebug() << "positive residues:" << up.PositiveResidueCount(); qDebug() << "negative residues:" << up.NegativeResidueCount(); qDebug() << "solution file created:" << solFile; qDebug() << endl << "press any key"; std::cin.get(); return 0; }
Report ElasticProblem2DOnCellV2<dim>::calculate_cells_stress () { cells_stress .clear (); dealii::QGauss<dim> quadrature_formula(2); dealii::FEValues<dim> fe_values (finite_element, quadrature_formula, dealii::update_gradients | dealii::update_quadrature_points | dealii::update_JxW_values); const uint8_t dofs_per_cell = finite_element.dofs_per_cell; const uint8_t num_quad_points = quadrature_formula.size(); typename dealii::DoFHandler<dim>::active_cell_iterator cell = this->domain.dof_handler.begin_active(); typename dealii::DoFHandler<dim>::active_cell_iterator endc = this->domain.dof_handler.end(); std::vector<unsigned int> local_dof_indices (dofs_per_cell); size_t cell_num = 0; for (; cell != endc; ++cell) { fe_values .reinit (cell); dbl area = 0.0; for(st i = 0; i < num_quad_points; ++i) area += fe_values.JxW(o); dbl mat_id = cell->material_id(); std::array<dbl,2> deform; for (auto i : {x, y}) { deform[i][j] = 0.0; for(auto i : {1, 2, 3, 4}) { dbl summ = 0.0; for (size_t q_point = 0; q_point < num_quad_points; ++q_point) summ += fe_values.shape_grad (n, q_point)[i] * fe_values.JxW(q_point); deform[i] += solution(cell->vertex_dof_index(n, 0)) * summ; }; deform[i] /= area; }; }; REPORT_USE( Report report; report.result = true; _return (report););
//Solves the puzzle void puzzle::solve(){ std::cout << "Finding edge costs..." << std::endl; fill_costs(); std::vector<match_score>::iterator i= matches.begin(); PuzzleDisjointSet p((int)pieces.size()); //You can save the individual pieces with their id numbers in the file name //If the following loop is uncommented. // for(int i=0; i<pieces.size(); i++){ // std::stringstream filename; // filename << "/tmp/final/p" << i << ".png"; // cv::imwrite(filename.str(), pieces[i].full_color); // } int output_id=0; while(!p.in_one_set() && i!=matches.end() ){ int p1 = i->edge1/4; int e1 = i->edge1%4; int p2 = i->edge2/4; int e2 = i->edge2%4; //Uncomment the following lines to spit out pictures of the matched edges... // cv::Mat m = cv::Mat::zeros(500,500,CV_8UC1); // std::stringstream out_file_name; // out_file_name << "/tmp/final/match" << output_id++ << "_" << p1<< "_" << e1 << "_" <<p2 << "_" <<e2 << ".png"; // std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point> > contours; // contours.push_back(pieces[p1].edges[e1].get_translated_contour(200, 0)); // contours.push_back(pieces[p2].edges[e2].get_translated_contour_reverse(200, 0)); // cv::drawContours(m, contours, -1, cv::Scalar(255)); // std::cout << out_file_name.str() << std::endl; // cv::imwrite(out_file_name.str(), m); // std::cout << "Attempting to merge: " << p1 << " with: " << p2 << " using edges:" << e1 << ", " << e2 << " c:" << i->score << " count: " << output_id++ <<std::endl; p.join_sets(p1, p2, e1, e2); i++; } if(p.in_one_set()){ std::cout << "Possible solution found" << std::endl; solved = true; solution = p.get(p.find(1)).locations; solution_rotations = p.get(p.find(1)).rotations; for(int i =0; i<solution.size[0]; i++){ for(int j=0; j<solution.size[1]; j++){ int piece_number = solution(i,j); pieces[piece_number].rotate(4-solution_rotations(i,j)); } } } }
void main() { long int a; int X,Y,D; scanf("%d %d %d",&X,&Y,&D); a=solution(X,Y,D); printf("Ans: %li\n \r",a); }
int main(void) { int16_t *array = malloc(5 * sizeof(int16_t)); for(size_t i = 0; i < 5; i++) array[i] = i; array = solution(array, 5, 5); for(size_t i = 0; i < 5; i++) printf("%d ", array[i]); }
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { int A[] = {9,3,9,3,9,7,9}; int N = 7; printf("%d\n", solution(A,N)); return 0; }
int main() { int M, n; scanf("%d", &M); while (M--) { scanf("%d", &n); printf("%d\n", solution(n)); } //system("pause"); return 0; }
TEST(matrix3, GetTranslationMatrix) { Vector2 v1(3, -7); Matrix3 m = m.GetTranslationMatrix(v1); Matrix3 solution( 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, -7, 0, 0, 1); EXPECT_TRUE(m == solution); }
void AuxiliarySystem::computeNodalVars(ExecFlagType type) { std::vector<AuxWarehouse> & auxs = _auxs(type); // Do we have some kernels to evaluate? bool have_block_kernels = false; for (std::set<SubdomainID>::const_iterator subdomain_it = _mesh.meshSubdomains().begin(); subdomain_it != _mesh.meshSubdomains().end(); ++subdomain_it) { have_block_kernels |= (auxs[0].activeBlockNodalKernels(*subdomain_it).size() > 0); } Moose::perf_log.push("update_aux_vars_nodal()","Solve"); PARALLEL_TRY { if (have_block_kernels) { ConstNodeRange & range = *_mesh.getLocalNodeRange(); ComputeNodalAuxVarsThread navt(_mproblem, *this, auxs); Threads::parallel_reduce(range, navt); solution().close(); _sys.update(); } } PARALLEL_CATCH; Moose::perf_log.pop("update_aux_vars_nodal()","Solve"); //Boundary AuxKernels Moose::perf_log.push("update_aux_vars_nodal_bcs()","Solve"); PARALLEL_TRY { // after converting this into NodeRange, we can run it in parallel ConstBndNodeRange & bnd_nodes = *_mesh.getBoundaryNodeRange(); ComputeNodalAuxBcsThread nabt(_mproblem, *this, auxs); Threads::parallel_reduce(bnd_nodes, nabt); solution().close(); _sys.update(); } PARALLEL_CATCH; Moose::perf_log.pop("update_aux_vars_nodal_bcs()","Solve"); }
int addConfig(Config config, struct puzzle *back) { unsigned hashvalue; struct puzzle *newpiece; struct puzzlelist *newlistentry; hashvalue = hash(config); newpiece = hashtable[hashvalue % HASHSIZE]; while (newpiece != NULL) { if (newpiece->hashvalue == hashvalue) { int i, j; for (i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++) { for (j = 0; j < HEIGHT; j++) { if (convert[(int)config[j][i]] != convert[(int)newpiece->pieces[j][i]]) goto nomatch; } } return 0; } nomatch: newpiece = newpiece->next; } newpiece = (struct puzzle *) malloc(sizeof(struct puzzle)); newpiece->next = hashtable[hashvalue % HASHSIZE]; newpiece->hashvalue = hashvalue; memcpy(newpiece->pieces, config, HEIGHT * WIDTH); newpiece->backptr = back; newpiece->solnptr = NULL; hashtable[hashvalue % HASHSIZE] = newpiece; newlistentry = (struct puzzlelist *) malloc(sizeof(struct puzzlelist)); newlistentry->puzzle = newpiece; newlistentry->next = NULL; if (lastentry) { lastentry->next = newlistentry; } else { puzzles = newlistentry; } lastentry = newlistentry; if (back == NULL) { startPuzzle = newpiece; } if (solution(config)) { solidifyChain(newpiece); return 1; } return 0; }
int main() { printf("Answer: %lu\n", solution()); timestamp_t t0 = get_timestamp(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { solution(); } timestamp_t t1 = get_timestamp(); double t_elapsed = (t1 - t0) / 1000000.0L / 3; if (t_elapsed < 3) { int run_time = 10; unsigned long long n_iters = run_time / t_elapsed; timestamp_t t0 = get_timestamp(); for (int i = 0; i < n_iters; ++i) { solution(); } timestamp_t t1 = get_timestamp(); t_elapsed = (t1 - t0) / 1000000.0L / n_iters; } double exp_t = log10(t_elapsed); if (exp_t > 0) { printf("Average Duration: %.3g s\n", t_elapsed); } else if (exp_t > -3) { printf("Average Duration: %.3Lg ms\n", t_elapsed * 1000.0L); } else if (exp_t > -6) { printf("Average Duration: %.3Lg µs\n", t_elapsed * 1000000.0L); } else { printf("Average Duration: %.3Lg ns\n", t_elapsed * 1000000000.0L); } return 0; }
void run(const casema::ModelData<mpfr::mpreal>& model, ProgramOptions<mpfr::mpreal>& opts) { // Log10(errorPrefactor) const mpfr::mpreal errorPrefactor = log10(sqrt(mpfr::mpreal(2))) + model.colLength * model.velocity / (2 * model.colDispersion * log(mpfr::mpreal(10))); const mpfr::mpreal T = opts.tMax / mpfr::mpreal(2) * mpfr::mpreal("1.01"); const mpfr::mpreal errorExponentFactor = model.colLength * sqrt(casema::Constants<mpfr::mpreal>::pi() / (2 * T * model.colDispersion)) / log(mpfr::mpreal(10)); std::vector<mpfr::mpcomplex> output(opts.summands); std::vector<mpfr::mpreal> error(opts.summands, errorPrefactor); Inlet_t inlet(model); if (model.kineticBinding) { typedef casema::laplaceSolution::SingleComponentLinearDynamic<mpfr::mpreal, mpfr::mpreal, Inlet_t> Solution_t; Solution_t solution(model, inlet); if (opts.withoutInlet) fourierCoeff<Solution_t, mpfr::mpreal, mpfr::mpcomplex>(opts.precision, opts.summands, opts.tMax, opts.sigma, solution, errorExponentFactor, output, error); else fourierCoeff<Solution_t, mpfr::mpreal, mpfr::mpcomplex>(opts.precision, opts.summands, opts.tMax, opts.sigma, solution, inlet, errorExponentFactor, output, error); } else { typedef casema::laplaceSolution::SingleComponentLinearRapidEquilibrium<mpfr::mpreal, mpfr::mpreal, Inlet_t> Solution_t; Solution_t solution(model, inlet); if (opts.withoutInlet) fourierCoeff<Solution_t, mpfr::mpreal, mpfr::mpcomplex>(opts.precision, opts.summands, opts.tMax, opts.sigma, solution, errorExponentFactor, output, error); else fourierCoeff<Solution_t, mpfr::mpreal, mpfr::mpcomplex>(opts.precision, opts.summands, opts.tMax, opts.sigma, solution, inlet, errorExponentFactor, output, error); } if (opts.outFile.empty()) { writeMeta(std::cout, model.kineticBinding, opts); writeResult(std::cout, output, error, opts.outPrecision, opts.skipSummands); } else { std::ofstream fs(opts.outFile, std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::trunc); writeMeta(fs, model.kineticBinding, opts); writeResult(fs, output, error, opts.outPrecision, opts.skipSummands); } }
int main() { int n,k; while(1) { scanf("%d %d",&n,&k); if(!n && !k) break; printf("%d\n",solution(n,k)); } return 0; }
int main() { int N, T; int value[50]; scanf("%d%d", &N, &T); while (N || T) { for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) scanf("%d", value + i); printf("%d\n", solution(N, T, value)); scanf("%d%d", &N, &T); } return 0; }
MeshFunctionSharedPtr<Scalar> Limiter<Scalar>::get_solution() { // A check. warn_if(this->component_count > 1, "One solution asked from a Limiter, but multiple solutions exist for limiting."); MeshFunctionSharedPtr<Scalar> solution(new Solution<Scalar>()); Hermes::vector<MeshFunctionSharedPtr<Scalar> > solutions; solutions.push_back(solution); this->get_solutions(solutions); return solutions.back(); }
main() { struct node triangle; printf("Euler Problem 18\n"); test_sweep(0); printf("Running...\n"); printf("solution() = %i\n", solution(&triangle)); }
void AuxiliarySystem::computeElementalVars(ExecFlagType type) { Moose::perf_log.push("update_aux_vars_elemental()","Solve"); std::vector<AuxWarehouse> & auxs = _auxs(type); bool need_materials = true; //type != EXEC_INITIAL; PARALLEL_TRY { bool element_auxs_to_compute = false; for (unsigned int i=0; i<auxs.size(); i++) element_auxs_to_compute |= auxs[i].allElementKernels().size(); if (element_auxs_to_compute) { ConstElemRange & range = *_mesh.getActiveLocalElementRange(); ComputeElemAuxVarsThread eavt(_mproblem, *this, auxs, need_materials); Threads::parallel_reduce(range, eavt); solution().close(); _sys.update(); } bool bnd_auxs_to_compute = false; for (unsigned int i=0; i<auxs.size(); i++) bnd_auxs_to_compute |= auxs[i].allElementalBCs().size(); if (bnd_auxs_to_compute) { ConstBndElemRange & bnd_elems = *_mesh.getBoundaryElementRange(); ComputeElemAuxBcsThread eabt(_mproblem, *this, auxs, need_materials); Threads::parallel_reduce(bnd_elems, eabt); solution().close(); _sys.update(); } } PARALLEL_CATCH; Moose::perf_log.pop("update_aux_vars_elemental()","Solve"); }
int main(){ std::vector<int> v; v.push_back(2); v.push_back(3); v.push_back(1); v.push_back(5); std::cout << solution(v); return 0; }
void QtFactor::setValues(QString QS_p, QString QS_s) { long int p, s; bool b_toInt; p = QS_p.toInt(&b_toInt, 10); s = QS_s.toInt(&b_toInt, 10); cout << "Integer values: " << p << " " << s << endl; if((productCache == p) && (sumCache == s)) emit(solution(QStringulize(solutionCache))); facc->setValues(p, s); try { facc->compute(); solutionCache = facc->getSolution(); emit(solution(QStringulize(solutionCache))); } catch(exception &e) { emit(solution(QString(e.what()))); } }
std::vector<float> SegmentationImpl::computeMetrics() const { if (!solutionAvailable()) { LERROR << "Solution not available to compute metrics"; return std::vector<float>(); } if (!inputImageGroundTruthAvailable()) { LERROR << "No ground truth available to compute metrics"; return std::vector<float>(); } return computeMetrics(solution(), inputImageGroundTruth(), settings()->numLabels()); }
TEST(StackMachineTest, DISABLED_LengthTest) { // Tests solution with a 128*1024*1024 char long input string (128 MB). // Since this requies _at least_ a 16-bit integer for each number, this // test allocates at least a total of 384 MB of memory. On 32-bit systems, // this will likely end up allocating around 640 MB of memory, and on // 64-bit systems, around 1152 MB. constexpr auto length = std::size_t{128*1024*1024}; auto longInput = std::string(length, '1'); ASSERT_EQ(length, longInput.size()); EXPECT_EQ(1, solution(longInput)) << "NumberTest failed with input of size = " << longInput.size(); longInput.append("+"); EXPECT_EQ(2, solution(longInput)) << "AdditionTest failed with input of size = " << longInput.size(); longInput.append("2*"); EXPECT_EQ(4, solution(longInput)) << "MultiplicationTest failed with input of size = " << longInput.size(); }
void AuxiliarySystem::computeNodalVars(ExecFlagType type) { Moose::perf_log.push("update_aux_vars_nodal()", "Execution"); // Reference to the Nodal AuxKernel storage const MooseObjectWarehouse<AuxKernel> & nodal = _nodal_aux_storage[type]; // Block Nodal AuxKernels PARALLEL_TRY { if (nodal.hasActiveBlockObjects()) { ConstNodeRange & range = *_mesh.getLocalNodeRange(); ComputeNodalAuxVarsThread navt(_fe_problem, nodal); Threads::parallel_reduce(range, navt); solution().close(); _sys.update(); } } PARALLEL_CATCH; Moose::perf_log.pop("update_aux_vars_nodal()", "Execution"); // Boundary Nodal AuxKernels Moose::perf_log.push("update_aux_vars_nodal_bcs()", "Execution"); PARALLEL_TRY { if (nodal.hasActiveBoundaryObjects()) { ConstBndNodeRange & bnd_nodes = *_mesh.getBoundaryNodeRange(); ComputeNodalAuxBcsThread nabt(_fe_problem, nodal); Threads::parallel_reduce(bnd_nodes, nabt); solution().close(); _sys.update(); } } PARALLEL_CATCH; Moose::perf_log.pop("update_aux_vars_nodal_bcs()", "Execution"); }
/* * maximize c^T x subject to Ax = b and x >= 0 * * inplace, b is last column of A, c first row */ static void simplex2(unsigned int D, unsigned int N, float A[D + 1][N + 1]) { // 2. Loop over all columns // print_tableaux(D, N, A); while (true) { unsigned int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < N; i++) if (A[0][i] < 0.) break; if (i == N) break; // 3. find pivot element // Bland's rule int pivot_index = -1; float pivot_value = 0.; for (unsigned int j = 1; j < D + 1; j++) { if (0. < A[j][i]) { float nval = A[j][N] / A[j][i]; if ((-1 == pivot_index) || (nval < pivot_value)) { pivot_value = nval; pivot_index = j; } } } if (-1 == pivot_index) break; // printf("PI %dx%d\n", pivot_index, i); trafo(D + 1, N + 1, A, pivot_index, i); // print_tableaux(D, N, A); float x[N]; solution(D, N, x, A); assert(feasible_p(D, N, x, A)); } // print_tableaux(D, N, A); }
bool GodotSharpEditor::_create_project_solution() { EditorProgress pr("create_csharp_solution", "Generating solution...", 2); pr.step("Generating C# project..."); String path = OS::get_singleton()->get_resource_dir(); String name = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get("application/config/name"); if (name.empty()) { name = "UnnamedProject"; } String guid = CSharpProject::generate_game_project(path, name); if (guid.length()) { NETSolution solution(name); if (!solution.set_path(path)) { show_error_dialog("Failed to create solution."); return false; } Vector<String> extra_configs; extra_configs.push_back("Tools"); solution.add_new_project(name, guid, extra_configs); Error sln_error =; if (sln_error != OK) { show_error_dialog("Failed to save solution."); return false; } if (!GodotSharpBuilds::make_api_sln(GodotSharpBuilds::API_CORE)) return false; if (!GodotSharpBuilds::make_api_sln(GodotSharpBuilds::API_EDITOR)) return false; pr.step("Done"); // Here, after all calls to progress_task_step call_deferred("_remove_create_sln_menu_option"); } else { show_error_dialog("Failed to create C# project."); } return true; }
void CVRP::constructGreedyRandomizedSolution(){ int n = 0; double waitTime = 0.0; int nVehi = deduce_nVehicles(0); vector<Route*> solution(nVehi, new Route); vector<int> route_capacity(nVehi, 0); vector<double> routes_times(nVehi, 0.0); vector<vector<Costumer*> > sol_candidates(solution.size(), vector<Costumer*> ()); dep.nVehicles = nVehi; for(int i = 0; i < solution.size(); i++){ solution[i] = new Route; } //Initialize the solution with nearby close clients init_solution(solution, routes_times, route_capacity, n); while(n != clients.size()){ //Update the list of candidates sol_candidates = update_list(solution, routes_times, n); for(int c = 0; c < sol_candidates.size(); c++){ sort(sol_candidates[c].begin(), sol_candidates[c].end(), saving_heuristic); } //shrink_routes(solution); select_candidate(solution, sol_candidates, routes_times, route_capacity, n); } double sum = 0.0; cout << "Solution size: " << solution.size() << endl; for(Route *r : solution){ for(Costumer *c : r->clients){ sum += c->cost; cout << c->id << " "; } cout << endl; } cout << sum << endl; cout << endl; /*for(int i = 0; i < solution.size(); i++){ solution[i]->clients.push_front(new Costumer(0, dep.coord,0,0,0,0)); solution[i]->clients.push_back(new Costumer(0, dep.coord,0,0,0,0)); }*/ sol = solution; for(Route *r : solution){ for(int i = 0; i < r->clients.size()-1; i++){ cout << r->clients[i]->id << ":" << r->clients[i]->arrTime + r->clients[i]->servTime << " " << r->clients[i+1]->id << ":" << r->clients[i+1]->dTime << endl; } cout << endl; } save(); }
const std::string ompl::geometric::SimpleSetup::getSolutionPlannerName() const { if (pdef_) { const ompl::base::PathPtr path; // convert to a generic path ptr ompl::base::PlannerSolution solution(path); // a dummy solution // Get our desired solution pdef_->getSolution(solution); return solution.plannerName_; } throw Exception("No problem definition found"); }
int main(){ std::vector<int> A; A.push_back(4); A.push_back(1); A.push_back(3); A.push_back(2); ; int s=solution(A); std::cout<< "Answer: "<<s<<std::endl; return 0; }
// 전역변수로 상태공간을 관리하기 번거로우므로 함수의 인자로 현재 광고를 보는 친구를 넘겨 준다 // 그렇게 된다면 다시 원래되로 돌려주는 코드가 없어지게 되므로 신경쓸게 하나 줄어든다 // 이 때 state는 bit mask를 이용해 손쉽게 관리해 줄 수 있다 // 구현 편의상 사람 번호가 1~N 번이 아니라 0~N-1 번으로 바꾸어 준다 void solution(int pos, int state, int cnt) { // 상태공간트리의 리프노드에 도달했을때 if(pos==N) { // 모든 사람들이 광고를 볼 수있다면 선택한 사람의 수화 sol값 중 최소값을 선택 if(state==(1<<N)-1) sol=min(sol, cnt); return; } // 현재 위치의 사람을 선택하지 않은 경우 solution(pos+1, state, cnt); // 현재 위치의 사람을 선택한 경우 // 현재 위치의 사람과 친구라면 해당 bit를 on시켜준다 // 그 뒤 재귀호출을 실행. for(int i=0 ; i<N ; i++) if(isFriend[pos][i]) state|=(1<<i); solution(pos+1, state, cnt+1); // call by value로 넘기기 때문에 다시 되돌려 줄 필요가 없다 }
int main() { int p[]={0,1,5,8,9,10,17,17,20,24,30}; int r[MAX]; initRod(p,SIZE(p)-1,r); for(int i=0;i<SIZE(p);i++) { printf("%d=%d\t",i,r[i]); solution(p,r,i); } getchar(); }
vector<vector<string>> findLadders(string beginWord, string endWord, unordered_set<string> &wordList) { queue<string> Q; unordered_map<string, bool> visited; unordered_map<string, int> level; unordered_map<string, unordered_set<string>> parents; Q.push(beginWord); level[beginWord] = 1; parents[beginWord].insert(beginWord); int depth = INT_MAX; while(!Q.empty()) { string node = Q.front(); visited[node] = true; Q.pop(); if(level[node] > depth) { break; } if(level[node] == depth and node != endWord) { continue; } if(isNextState(node, endWord)) { level[endWord] = level[node] + 1; parents[endWord].insert(node); Q.push(endWord); depth = level[endWord]; continue; } vector<string> neighs; findAdjList(node, wordList, neighs); for(int i = 0; i < (int)neighs.size(); ++i) { string neigh = neighs[i]; if(level[neigh] > 0) { if(level[node] >= level[neigh]) { continue; } } if(!visited[neigh]) { Q.push(neigh); parents[neigh].insert(node); level[neigh] = level[node] + 1; if(neigh == endWord) { depth = level[neigh]; } } } } vector<vector<string>> result; if(depth == INT_MAX) return result; vector<string> solution(depth, ""); findShortestPaths(endWord, depth - 1, parents, solution, result); return result; }