Esempio n. 1
Query<IArtist> Artist::listAll( MediaLibraryPtr ml, bool includeAll,
                                const QueryParameters* params )
    std::string req = "FROM " + Artist::Table::Name + " WHERE ";
    if ( includeAll == true )
        req += "( nb_albums > 0 OR nb_tracks > 0 )";
        req += "nb_albums > 0";

    req += " AND is_present != 0";
    return make_query<Artist, IArtist>( ml, "*", std::move( req ),
                                        sortRequest( params ) );
Esempio n. 2
Query<IArtist> Artist::search( MediaLibraryPtr ml, const std::string& name,
                               bool includeAll, const QueryParameters* params )
    std::string req = "FROM " + Artist::Table::Name + " WHERE id_artist IN "
            "(SELECT rowid FROM " + Artist::Table::Name + "Fts WHERE name MATCH '*' || ? || '*')"
            "AND is_present != 0";
    // We are searching based on the name, so we're ignoring unknown/various artist
    // This means all artist we find has at least one track associated with it, so
    // we can simply filter out based on the number of associated albums
    if ( includeAll == false )
        req += " AND nb_albums > 0";
    return make_query<Artist, IArtist>( ml, "*", std::move( req ),
                                        sortRequest( params ), name );
Esempio n. 3
ZoneTableModel::sort(int column, Qt::SortOrder order)
    emit sortRequest(column, order == Qt::AscendingOrder);