int git_treebuilder_write(git_oid *oid, git_repository *repo, git_treebuilder *bld) { unsigned int i; int error; git_buf tree = GIT_BUF_INIT; assert(bld); sort_entries(bld); /* Grow the buffer beforehand to an estimated size */ git_buf_grow(&tree, bld->entries.length * 72); for (i = 0; i < bld->entries.length; ++i) { git_tree_entry *entry = bld->entries.contents[i]; if (entry->removed) continue; git_buf_printf(&tree, "%o ", entry->attr); git_buf_put(&tree, entry->filename, entry->filename_len + 1); git_buf_put(&tree, (char *)entry->, GIT_OID_RAWSZ); } if (git_buf_oom(&tree)) { git_buf_free(&tree); return git__throw(GIT_ENOMEM, "Not enough memory to build the tree data"); } error = git_odb_write(oid, git_repository_database(repo), tree.ptr, tree.size, GIT_OBJ_TREE); git_buf_free(&tree); return error == GIT_SUCCESS ? GIT_SUCCESS : git__rethrow(error, "Failed to write tree"); }
static int poll_dir() { DIR *dir; struct dirent *ent; int e; clear(); dir = opendir(cwd); if(dir == NULL) { return 0; } for(e = 0; (ent = readdir(dir)) != NULL;) { direntry_t *direntry; if(strcmp(ent->d_name, ".") == 0) { continue; } direntry = malloc(sizeof(*direntry)); direntry->is_file = ent->d_type == DT_REG; if(strcmp(ent->d_name, "..") == 0) { direntry->name = strdup(ent->d_name); menu_new_listentry_button(list, direntry->name, e, parent_dir); } else { if(direntry->is_file) { if(is_romfile(ent->d_name)) { direntry->name = strdup(ent->d_name); menu_new_listentry_button(list, direntry->name, e, load_rom); } else { continue; } } else { if(ent->d_name[0] != '.') { direntry->name = malloc(strlen(ent->d_name) + 1 + 1); sprintf(direntry->name, "%s/", ent->d_name); menu_new_listentry_button(list, direntry->name, e, change_dir); } else { continue; } } } direntries = realloc(direntries, sizeof(*direntries) * (list->num_entries)); direntries[list->num_entries - 1] = direntry; e++; } closedir(dir); sort_entries(); load_selected_element(); return 1; }
std::vector<Highscore_entry> entries_sorted() { std::vector<Highscore_entry> entries; read_file(entries); if (!entries.empty()) { sort_entries(entries); } return entries; }
void run_highscore_screen() { std::vector<Highscore_entry> entries; read_file(entries); if (entries.empty()) { popup::show_msg("No High Score entries found.", false); return; } sort_entries(entries); int top_nr = 0; draw(entries, top_nr); const int LINE_JUMP = 3; const int NR_LINES_TOT = entries.size(); const int MAX_NR_LINES_ON_SCR = SCREEN_H - 3; //Read keys while (true) { draw(entries, top_nr); const Key_data& d = input::input(); if (d.key == '2' || d.sdl_key == SDLK_DOWN || d.key == 'j') { top_nr += LINE_JUMP; if (NR_LINES_TOT <= MAX_NR_LINES_ON_SCR) { top_nr = 0; } else { top_nr = std::min(NR_LINES_TOT - MAX_NR_LINES_ON_SCR, top_nr); } } if (d.key == '8' || d.sdl_key == SDLK_UP || d.key == 'k') { top_nr = std::max(0, top_nr - LINE_JUMP); } if (d.sdl_key == SDLK_SPACE || d.sdl_key == SDLK_ESCAPE) { break; } } }
static int generate_response(void *user_data) { struct pbap_session *pbap = user_data; GSList *sorted; GSList *l; uint16_t max = pbap->params->maxlistcount; DBG(""); if (max == 0) { /* Ignore all other parameter and return PhoneBookSize */ uint16_t size = g_slist_length(pbap->cache.entries); pbap->obj->firstpacket = TRUE; pbap->obj->apparam = g_obex_apparam_set_uint16( pbap->obj->apparam, PHONEBOOKSIZE_TAG, size); return 0; } /* * Don't free the sorted list content: this list contains * only the reference for the "real" cache entry. */ sorted = sort_entries(pbap->cache.entries, pbap->params->order, pbap->params->searchattrib, (const char *) pbap->params->searchval); /* Computing offset considering first entry of the phonebook */ l = g_slist_nth(sorted, pbap->params->liststartoffset); pbap->obj->buffer = g_string_new(VCARD_LISTING_BEGIN); for (; l && max; l = l->next, max--) { const struct cache_entry *entry = l->data; char *escaped_name = g_markup_escape_text(entry->name, -1); g_string_append_printf(pbap->obj->buffer, VCARD_LISTING_ELEMENT, entry->handle, escaped_name); g_free(escaped_name); } pbap->obj->buffer = g_string_append(pbap->obj->buffer, VCARD_LISTING_END); g_slist_free(sorted); return 0; }
void polyglot_book_get_move(const struct book *book, const struct position *position, size_t msize, move moves[msize]) { moves[0] = 0; if (msize < 2) return; struct entry entries[msize - 1]; struct search search = {.entries = entries, .count = 0, .max_count = msize - 1, .file = book->file, .size = book->polyglot_book.size, }; enum player side; side = white; search.key = position_polyglot_key(position, side); if (get_entries(&search) != 0) search.count = 0; if (search.count == 0) { side = black; search.key = position_polyglot_key(position, side); if (get_entries(&search) != 0) { search.count = 0; } if (search.count == 0) return; } sort_entries(search.count, entries); pick_legal_moves(&search, position, side, moves); } size_t polyglot_book_size(const struct book *book) { return book->polyglot_book.size; }
const git_tree_entry *git_treebuilder_get(git_treebuilder *bld, const char *filename) { int idx; git_tree_entry *entry; assert(bld && filename); sort_entries(bld); idx = git_vector_bsearch2(&bld->entries, entry_search_cmp, filename); if (idx == GIT_ENOTFOUND) return NULL; entry = git_vector_get(&bld->entries, idx); if (entry->removed) return NULL; return entry; }
int git_treebuilder_write(git_oid *oid, git_repository *repo, git_treebuilder *bld) { size_t i, size = 0; char filemode[MAX_FILEMODE_BYTES + 1 + 1]; git_odb_stream *stream; int error; assert(bld); sort_entries(bld); for (i = 0; i < bld->entries.length; ++i) { git_tree_entry *entry = bld->entries.contents[i]; if (entry->removed) continue; snprintf(filemode, sizeof(filemode), "%o ", entry->attr); size += strlen(filemode); size += entry->filename_len + 1; size += GIT_OID_RAWSZ; } if ((error = git_odb_open_wstream(&stream, git_repository_database(repo), size, GIT_OBJ_TREE)) < GIT_SUCCESS) return error; for (i = 0; i < bld->entries.length; ++i) { git_tree_entry *entry = bld->entries.contents[i]; if (entry->removed) continue; snprintf(filemode, sizeof(filemode), "%o ", entry->attr); stream->write(stream, filemode, strlen(filemode)); stream->write(stream, entry->filename, entry->filename_len + 1); stream->write(stream, (char *)entry->, GIT_OID_RAWSZ); } error = stream->finalize_write(oid, stream); stream->free(stream); return error; }
void on_game_over(const bool IS_WIN) { std::vector<Highscore_entry> entries = entries_sorted(); final_score_ = new Highscore_entry(cur_time().time_str(Time_type::minute, true), map::player->name_a(), dungeon_master::xp(), dungeon_master::clvl(), map::dlvl, map::player->ins(), IS_WIN, player_bon::bg()); entries.push_back(*final_score_); sort_entries(entries); write_file(entries); }
void node::send_to_playlist(bool replace) { static_api_ptr_t<playlist_manager> api; const bool select = !!cfg_add_items_select; api->activeplaylist_undo_backup(); if (replace) api->activeplaylist_clear(); else if (select) api->activeplaylist_clear_selection(); if (cfg_add_items_use_core_sort) api->activeplaylist_add_items_filter(entries, select); else { sort_entries(); api->activeplaylist_add_items(entries, bit_array_val(select)); } if (select && !replace) { unsigned num = api->activeplaylist_get_item_count(); if (num > 0) { api->activeplaylist_set_focus_item(num - 1); } } }
void flat(void) { char iroom[80],iphone[80],add_quit; char option,sortopt,exit_opt; int phone_check,room_check,delete_check,sort_check,list_check; int iroom_search,iroom_del; int int_iroom,total_entries; int error_iphone,error_iroom; long int longint_iphone; long int iphone_search; long int iphone_del; strcpy(dbload, "DATABASE ERROR..."); do { do { option = menu_flat(); if (option == '1') { current_e_add=0; for (i=total_entry; i < MAXDB; i++) { clrscr(); remakescreen(); screen_draw_flat(); gotoxy(1,4); printf("## ADD NEW ENTRY ##"); gotoxy(1,25); cprintf("Please Add Your Entry, leave blank to reach to Main Menu.."); gotoxy(1,6); printf("Enter Room Number[%3d]: ",i+1); gets(iroom); if (iroom[0] == '\0' ) { gotoxy(1,25); cprintf("You chose to quit: Entry %d was not added to the database.",i+1); getch(); break; } printf("Enter Phone Number[%3d]: ",i+1); gets(iphone); if (iphone[0] == '\0') { gotoxy(1,25); cprintf("You chose to quit: Entry %d was not added to the database.",i+1); getch(); break; } error_iroom = chkdig(iroom,4); error_iphone = chkdig(iphone,8); while(error_iroom != 0) { if (error_iroom == -1) { clrscr(); remakescreen(); screen_draw_flat(); gotoxy(1,4); printf("## ADD NEW ENTRY ##"); gotoxy(1,25); cprintf("Error: Room Number - out of Range, Your entry was greater than 4 digits. "); gotoxy(1,6); printf("Renter Room Number[%3d]: ",i+1); gets(iroom); } if (error_iroom == -2) { clrscr(); remakescreen(); screen_draw_flat(); gotoxy(1,4); printf("*** Add Entry ***"); gotoxy(1,25); cprintf("Error: Room Number - Character(s) detected, character(s) are not allowed."); gotoxy(1,6); printf("Renter Room Number[%3d]: ",i+1); gets(iroom); } error_iroom = chkdig(iroom,4); } while(error_iphone !=0) { if (error_iphone == -1) { clrscr(); remakescreen(); screen_draw_flat(); gotoxy(1,4); printf("## ADD NEW ENTRY ##"); gotoxy(1,25); cprintf("Error: Phone Number - out of Range, Your entry was greater than 8 digits. "); gotoxy(1,6); printf("Room Number[%3d] Entry: %s",i+1,iroom); gotoxy(1,7); printf("Renter Phone Number[%3d]: ",i+1); gets(iphone); } if (error_iphone == -2) { clrscr(); remakescreen(); screen_draw_flat(); gotoxy(1,4); printf("## ADD NEW ENTRY ##"); gotoxy(1,25); cprintf("Error: Phone Number - Character(s) detected, character(s) are not allowed."); gotoxy(1,6); printf("Room Number[%3d] Entry: %s",i+1,iroom); gotoxy(1,7); printf("Renter Phone Number[%3d]: ",i+1); gets(iphone); } error_iphone = chkdig(iphone,8); } if (error_iroom == 0 && error_iphone == 0) { int_iroom = atoi(iroom); longint_iphone = atol(iphone); current_e_add++; add_entry(int_iroom,longint_iphone); } } if (total_entry == MAXDB) { gotoxy(1,25); cprintf("\aDatabase is full!: %d entries were added, ",total_entry); cprintf("that is the Maximum No. I can hold."); getch(); } } else if (option == '2') { del_entry = 0; clrscr(); remakescreen(); screen_draw_flat(); gotoxy(1,4); printf("## Delete Entry ##"); gotoxy(1,6); printf("Enter room number to delete: "); scanf("%d",&iroom_del); flushall(); printf("Enter phone number to delete: "); scanf("%ld",&iphone_del); flushall(); delete_check = delete_entry(iroom_del,iphone_del); if (delete_check == 0) { gotoxy(1,25); cprintf("Successful: There are presently %d entries in the database, ",total_entry); cprintf("deleted %d.",del_entry); getch(); } if (delete_check == -1) { gotoxy(1,25); cprintf("Error: The Room No./Phone No. Your looking for was Not Found. "); getch(); } } else if (option == '3') { phone_found = 0; clrscr(); remakescreen(); screen_draw_flat(); gotoxy(1,4); printf("## Find Room Number ##"); gotoxy(1,6); printf("Enter the phone number to search for: "); scanf("%ld",&iphone_search); flushall(); phone_check = find_phone_number(iphone_search); if (phone_check == 0) { gotoxy(1,25); cprintf("Successful: There are presently %d entries in the database, ",total_entry); printf("found %d.",phone_found); getch(); } if (phone_check == -1) { gotoxy(1,25); cprintf("Error: The Phone No. Your looking for was Not Found."); getch(); } } else if (option == '4') { room_found = 0; clrscr(); remakescreen(); screen_draw_flat(); gotoxy(1,4); printf("## Find Phone Number ##"); gotoxy(1,6); printf("Enter the room number to search for: "); scanf("%d",&iroom_search); flushall(); room_check = FindRoom(iroom_search); if (room_check == 0) { gotoxy(1,25); cprintf("Successful: There are presently %d entries in the database, ",total_entry); cprintf("found %d.",room_found); getch(); } if (room_check == -1) { gotoxy(1,25); cprintf("Error: The Room No. Your looking for was Not Found."); getch(); } } else if (option == '5') { clrscr(); remakescreen(); screen_draw_flat(); gotoxy(1,4); printf("## ListAll ##\n\n"); list_check = ListAll(); if (list_check == 0) { gotoxy(1,25); cprintf("List Sucuessful"); getch(); } if (list_check == -1) { gotoxy(1,25); cprintf("Empty List"); getch(); } } else if (option == '6') { total_entries = GeTotalEntries(); gotoxy(1,25); cprintf("There are presently %d entries stored in the Database.",total_entries); getch(); } else if (option == '7') { clrscr(); remakescreen(); screen_draw_flat(); gotoxy(1,4); printf("## Sort All Entries ##"); gotoxy(1,6); printf("Press 'A' to sort database in [A]scending order"); gotoxy(1,7); printf("Press 'D' to sort database in [D]escending order."); gotoxy(1,9); printf("Note: Database is sorted by phone no. entries."); sortopt = getch(); flushall(); sort_check = sort_entries(sortopt); getch(); if (sort_check == 0) { gotoxy(1,25); cprintf("Database was successfully Sorted. "); getch(); } if (sort_check == -1) { gotoxy(1,25); cprintf("Database was not sorted - Database is empty!"); getch(); } } else if (option == '8') { clrscr(); remakescreen(); screen_draw_flat(); gotoxy(1,4); printf("## Load Database ##"); loaddatabase(); } else if (option == '9') { gotoxy(1,25); cprintf("Do you really want to exit?, Press 'Y' to confirm, anykey to cancel"); exit_opt = getch(); flushall(); if (exit_opt == 'y' || exit_opt == 'Y') { clrscr(); remakescreen(); screen_draw_flat(); gotoxy(1,4); printf("## Exit To system ##\n\n"); menu_exit(); } } else { gotoxy(1,25); cprintf("Error: Invalid option! Select an option between 1 and 9"); getch(); flushall(); } }while (option > '9' || option < '1' ); }while (option != '`'); }
/* Please see cidrmerge.h */ unsigned int optimize(struct entry *addr,unsigned int len,int do_sort) { unsigned int i,cur; unsigned int tmp_net; #ifdef LIBRARY_DEBUG char debug_buf[MAXLINE]; unsigned int step=0; print_debug(STDOUT,debug_buf,"START optimize\n"); #endif i=0; /*pointer to last valid position*/ cur=1; /*pointer to next addr to analize*/ if (len <= 1) { /* empty or sigle element array is optimized by definition.*/ return len; } if (do_sort) { sort_entries(addr,len); } /*Find first valid address and move it to first position*/ while ((addr[0].prefix==INVALID_PREFIX) && (cur<len)) { #ifdef LIBRARY_DEBUG printf ("SEARCH FIRST I: %d CUR: %d\n",i,cur); #endif if (addr[cur].prefix!=INVALID_PREFIX) { addr[0].network=addr[cur].network; addr[0].prefix=addr[cur].prefix; addr[cur].prefix=INVALID_PREFIX; } cur++; } while (cur<len) { #ifdef LIBRARY_DEBUG printf ("STEP: %u I: %d CUR: %d\n",step++,i,cur); #endif #ifdef LIBRARY_DEBUG_FULL print_addresses(STDOUT,addr,len,NULL,0); #endif /*check for expanded networks, they can never conflicts*/ if (addr[cur].prefix>=EXPANDED_PREFIX) { #ifdef LIBRARY_DEBUG printf ("COPY EXPANDED I: %d CUR: %d\n",i,cur); #endif i++; addr[i].network=addr[cur].network; addr[i].prefix=addr[cur].prefix; cur++; while ((addr[i].prefix>=EXPANDED_PREFIX) && (cur<len)) { #ifdef LIBRARY_DEBUG printf ("COPY ADDR[CUR] FOR EXPANDED I: %d CUR: %d\n",i,cur); #endif if (addr[cur].prefix!=INVALID_PREFIX) { i++; if (cur != i) { addr[i].network=addr[cur].network; addr[i].prefix=addr[cur].prefix; addr[cur].prefix=INVALID_PREFIX; } } cur++; } } else { /*If this test will fail we just skip addr[cur]*/ if ((addr[cur].prefix<=32)&&((addr[cur].network&TONETMASK(addr[i].prefix))!=addr[i].network)) { tmp_net=TONETMASK(addr[i].prefix-1); if ( (addr[i].prefix==addr[cur].prefix) && ( (addr[i].network&tmp_net) == (addr[cur].network&tmp_net) ) ) { #ifdef LIBRARY_DEBUG printf ("COLLAPSE I: %d CUR: %d\n",i,cur); #endif if (i>0) { addr[cur].prefix=addr[i].prefix-1; addr[cur].network&=tmp_net; i--; } else { addr[i].prefix=addr[i].prefix-1; addr[i].network&=tmp_net; cur++; } } else { i++; addr[i].network=addr[cur].network; addr[i].prefix=addr[cur].prefix; cur++; } } else { #ifdef LIBRARY_DEBUG printf ("SKIP CUR: %d\n",cur); #endif cur++; } } } #ifdef LIBRARY_DEBUG print_debug(STDOUT,debug_buf,"END optimize\n"); #endif if (addr[i].prefix!=INVALID_PREFIX) { return i+1; } else { return i; } }
/* Please see cidrmerge.h */ unsigned int apply_whitelist(struct entry *addr,struct entry **expanded_list,struct entry *white,unsigned int len1,unsigned int len2,unsigned int *size_expanded,int do_sort) { unsigned int i1,i2,invalid,tmp,expanded_index=0; uint32_t supermask; struct entry tmp_entry; #ifdef LIBRARY_DEBUG char debug_buf[MAXLINE]; unsigned int step=0; print_debug(STDOUT,debug_buf,"START apply_whitelist\n"); #endif if (do_sort) { #ifdef LIBRARY_DEBUG print_debug(STDOUT,debug_buf,"Sorting entries\n"); #endif sort_entries(addr,len1); sort_entries(white,len2); } i1=i2=0; while ((i1<len1)&&(i2<len2)) { #ifdef LIBRARY_DEBUG print_debug(STDOUT,debug_buf,"STEP=%u I1=%d I2=%d\n",step++,i1,i2); #endif #ifdef LIBRARY_DEBUG_FULL print_addresses(STDOUT,addr,len1,NULL,0); #endif supermask=TONETMASK(addr[i1].prefix)&TONETMASK(white[i2].prefix); if ((addr[i1].prefix<=32)&&(addr[i1].network&supermask)==(white[i2].network&supermask)) { #ifdef LIBRARY_DEBUG print_debug(STDOUT,debug_buf,"CONFLICT\n"); print_address(STDOUT,addr[i1].network,addr[i1].prefix); print_address(STDOUT,white[i2].network,white[i2].prefix); #endif if (addr[i1].prefix<white[i2].prefix) { /*we have to expand the network*/ /*invalidate all addr[i1] subnetworks */ invalid=i1+1; while ((invalid<len1)&&(addr[invalid].network&supermask)==(white[i2].network&supermask)) { /*address is already present in the expanded network, just drop it*/ #ifdef LIBRARY_DEBUG print_debug(STDOUT,debug_buf,"INVALIDATING "); print_address(STDOUT,addr[invalid].network,addr[invalid].prefix); #endif addr[invalid].prefix=INVALID_PREFIX; invalid++; } invalid-=i1+1; /*invalid represents the number of invalidated positions*/ #ifdef LIBRARY_DEBUG print_debug(STDOUT,debug_buf,"INVALID %u LEN1 %u\n",invalid,len1); #endif tmp=i2; i2+=1; while ( (i2<len2) && ((addr[i1].network&supermask)==(white[i2].network&supermask)) ) { i2++; } #ifdef LIBRARY_DEBUG print_debug(STDOUT,debug_buf,"EXPAND expanded_index %u whitelist elements: %u num expand %d\n",expanded_index,i2-tmp,white[tmp].prefix-addr[i1].prefix); #endif[i1].network; tmp_entry.prefix=addr[i1].prefix; addr[i1].prefix=EXPANDED_PREFIX+white[tmp].prefix-addr[i1].prefix; addr[i1].network=expanded_index; /* expanded positions are clean and optimized */ expand(expanded_list,tmp_entry,&(white[tmp]),i2-tmp,white[tmp].prefix-tmp_entry.prefix,&expanded_index,size_expanded); i1+=invalid+1; #ifdef LIBRARY_DEBUG print_debug(STDOUT,debug_buf,"END MAIN EXPAND expanded_index %u i1: %u i2: %u\n",expanded_index,i1,i2); #endif } else { /*just invalidating entry i1*/ #ifdef LIBRARY_DEBUG printf ("INVALIDATING "); print_address(STDOUT,addr[i1].network,addr[i1].prefix); #endif addr[i1].prefix=INVALID_PREFIX; i1++; } } else if ((addr[i1].prefix==INVALID_PREFIX)||(addr[i1].network&supermask)<=(white[i2].network&supermask)) { i1++; } else { i2++; } } #ifdef LIBRARY_DEBUG print_debug(STDOUT,debug_buf,"END apply_whitelist\n"); #endif return expanded_index; }