Esempio n. 1
void sorthelper(int *  arr, int ind1, int ind2)
    int pivot = arr[ind1];
    int left = ind1 + 1;
    int right = ind2;
    int temp;

    while(left < right)
        while(arr[left] < pivot)
        while(arr[right] > pivot)
        temp = arr[right];
        arr[right] = arr[left];
        arr[left] = temp;
    while(ind1 != ind2)
        sorthelper(arr, ind1, left);
        sorthelper(arr, right, ind2);
Esempio n. 2
 * Sort an (ascending) array of integers
 * Arguments:
 * arr    The array to search
 * length Number of elements in the array
 * Uses "quicksort" to sort "arr".  Use the first element of the array
 * as the pivot.  
 * Your solution MUST use recursive function (or functions)
 * quicksort works in the following way: 
 * find an element in the array (this element is called the
 * pivot). 
 * rearrange the array's elements into two parts: the part smaller
 * than this pivot and the part greater than this pivot; make the pivot
 * the element between these two parts
 * sort the first and the second parts separately by repeating the 
 * procedure described above
 * You will receive no point if you use any other sorting algorithm.
 * You cannot use selection sort, merge sort, or bubble sort.
 * Some students are fascinated by the name of bubble sort.  In
 * reality, bubble sort is rarely used because it is slow.  It is a
 * mystery why some students (or even professors) like bubble sort.
 * Other than the funny name, bubble sort has nothing special and is
 * inefficient, in both asymptotic complexity and the amount of data
 * movement.  There are many algorithms much better than bubble sort.
 * You would not lose anything if you do not know (or forget) bubble
 * sort.
void sorthelper(int *arr, int first, int last) {
  int pivot;
  int high;
  int low;
  int temp;
  if (first < last) {
    pivot = first;
    low = first;
    high = last;
    while (low < high) {
      while(arr[low] <= arr[pivot] && low <= last) {
      while ((arr[high] > arr[pivot]) && (high >= first)) {

      if (low < high) {
        temp = arr[low];
        arr[low] = arr[high];
        arr[high] = temp;
    temp = arr[high];
    arr[high] = arr[pivot];
    arr[pivot] = temp;
    sorthelper(arr, first, high - 1);
    sorthelper(arr, high + 1, last);
Esempio n. 3
void sort(int * arr, int length)
    sorthelper(arr, 0, length);
Esempio n. 4
void sort(int * arr, int length) {
  return sorthelper(arr, 0, length - 1);
Esempio n. 5
 * Guess which key bytes could be strong and start actual computation of the key
int PTW_computeKey(PTW_attackstate * state, uint8_t * keybuf, int keylen, int testlimit) {
	int strongbytes[KEYHSBYTES];
	double normal[KEYHSBYTES];
	double ausreisser[KEYHSBYTES];
	doublesorthelper helper[KEYHSBYTES];
	int simple, onestrong, twostrong;
	int i,j;

	onestrong = (testlimit/10)*2;
	twostrong = (testlimit/10)*1;
	simple = testlimit - onestrong - twostrong;

	PTW_tableentry (*table)[n] = alloca(sizeof(PTW_tableentry) * n * keylen);
	if (table == NULL) {
		printf("could not allocate memory\n");
	memcpy(table, state->table, sizeof(PTW_tableentry) * n * keylen);

	// now, sort the table
	for (i = 0; i < keylen; i++) {
                qsort(&table[i][0], n, sizeof(PTW_tableentry), &compare);
		strongbytes[i] = 0;

	sorthelper (* sh)[n-1] = alloca(sizeof(sorthelper) * (n-1) * keylen);
	if (sh == NULL) {
		printf("could not allocate memory\n");

	for (i = 0; i < keylen; i++) {
		for (j = 1; j < n; j++) {
			sh[i][j-1].distance = table[i][0].votes - table[i][j].votes;
			sh[i][j-1].value = table[i][j].b;
			sh[i][j-1].keybyte = i;
	qsort(sh, (n-1)*keylen, sizeof(sorthelper), &comparesorthelper);

	if (doComputation(state, keybuf, keylen, table, (sorthelper *) sh, strongbytes, simple)) {
		return 1;

	// Now one strong byte
	getdrv(state->table, keylen, normal, ausreisser);
	for (i = 0; i < keylen-1; i++) {
		helper[i].keybyte = i+1;
		helper[i].difference = normal[i+1] - ausreisser[i+1];
	qsort(helper, keylen-1, sizeof(doublesorthelper), &comparedoublesorthelper);
	strongbytes[helper[0].keybyte] = 1;
	if (doComputation(state, keybuf, keylen, table, (sorthelper *) sh, strongbytes, onestrong)) {
		return 1;

	// two strong bytes
	strongbytes[helper[1].keybyte] = 1;
	if (doComputation(state, keybuf, keylen, table, (sorthelper *) sh, strongbytes, twostrong)) {
		return 1;

	return 0;
Esempio n. 6
	* Guess which key bytes could be strong and start actual computation of the key
	int PTW_computeKey(PTW_attackstate * state, unsigned char * keybuf, int keylen, int testlimit, int * bf, int validchars[][n], int attacks) {
		int strongbytes[PTW_KEYHSBYTES];
		double normal[PTW_KEYHSBYTES];
		double ausreisser[PTW_KEYHSBYTES];
		doublesorthelper helper[PTW_KEYHSBYTES];
		int simple, onestrong, twostrong;
		int i,j;
		unsigned char fullkeybuf[PTW_KSBYTES];
		unsigned char guessbuf[PTW_KSBYTES];
		PTW_tableentry (*table)[n] = (PTW_tableentry (*)[n])alloca(sizeof(PTW_tableentry) * n * keylen);

		sh = NULL;

		if (table == NULL) {
			printf("could not allocate memory\n");

		if(!(attacks & NO_KLEIN))
			// Try the original klein attack first
			for (i = 0; i < keylen; i++) {
				memset(&table[i][0], 0, sizeof(PTW_tableentry) * n);
				for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
					table[i][j].b = j;
				for (j = 0; j < state->packets_collected; j++) {
					// fullkeybuf[0] = state->allsessions[j].iv[0];
					memcpy(fullkeybuf, state->allsessions[j].iv, 3 * sizeof(unsigned char));
					guesskeybytes(i+3, fullkeybuf, state->allsessions[j].keystream, guessbuf, 1);
					table[i][guessbuf[0]].votes += state->allsessions[j].weight;
				qsort(&table[i][0], n, sizeof(PTW_tableentry), &compare);
				j = 0;
				while(!validchars[i][table[i][j].b]) {
				// printf("guessing i = %d, b = %d\n", i, table[0][0].b);
				fullkeybuf[i+3] = table[i][j].b;
			if (correct(state, &fullkeybuf[3], keylen)) {
				memcpy(keybuf, &fullkeybuf[3], keylen * sizeof(unsigned char));
				// printf("hit without correction\n");
				return 1;

		if(!(attacks & NO_PTW))
			memcpy(table, state->table, sizeof(PTW_tableentry) * n * keylen);

			onestrong = (testlimit/10)*2;
			twostrong = (testlimit/10)*1;
			simple = testlimit - onestrong - twostrong;

			// now, sort the table
			for (i = 0; i < keylen; i++) {
				qsort(&table[i][0], n, sizeof(PTW_tableentry), &compare);
				strongbytes[i] = 0;

			sh = (sorthelper(*)[n-1])alloca(sizeof(sorthelper) * (n-1) * keylen);
			if (sh == NULL) {
				printf("could not allocate memory\n");

			for (i = 0; i < keylen; i++) {
				for (j = 1; j < n; j++) {
					sh[i][j-1].distance = table[i][0].votes - table[i][j].votes;
					sh[i][j-1].value = table[i][j].b;
					sh[i][j-1].keybyte = i;
			qsort(sh, (n-1)*keylen, sizeof(sorthelper), &comparesorthelper);

			if (doComputation(state, keybuf, keylen, table, (sorthelper *) sh, strongbytes, simple, bf, validchars)) {
				return 1;

			// Now one strong byte
			getdrv(state->table, keylen, normal, ausreisser);
			for (i = 0; i < keylen-1; i++) {
				helper[i].keybyte = i+1;
				helper[i].difference = normal[i+1] - ausreisser[i+1];
			qsort(helper, keylen-1, sizeof(doublesorthelper), &comparedoublesorthelper);
			// do not use bf-bytes as strongbytes
			i = 0;
			while(bf[helper[i].keybyte] == 1) {
			strongbytes[helper[i].keybyte] = 1;
			if (doComputation(state, keybuf, keylen, table, (sorthelper *) sh, strongbytes, onestrong, bf, validchars)) {
				return 1;

			// two strong bytes
			while(bf[helper[i].keybyte] == 1) {
			strongbytes[helper[i].keybyte] = 1;
			if (doComputation(state, keybuf, keylen, table, (sorthelper *) sh, strongbytes, twostrong, bf, validchars)) {
				return 1;
		return 0;