Esempio n. 1
  void set(const T& value, const Time& time = Clock::now())
    // If we're not inserting at the end of the time series, then
    // we have to reset the sparsification index. Given that
    // out-of-order insertion is a rare use-case. This is a simple way
    // to keep insertions O(log(n)). No need to figure out how to
    // adjust the truncation index.
    if (!values.empty() && time < values.rbegin()->first) {
      index = None();

    values[time] = value;
Esempio n. 2
void svmwrite (double *v, int *r, int *c,
		  int    *rowindex,
		  int    *colindex,
		  double *coefs,
		  double *rho,
	          int    *compprob,
	          double *probA,
	          double *probB,
		  int    *nclasses,
		  int    *totnSV,
		  int    *labels,
		  int    *nSV,
		  int    *sparsemodel,

		  int    *svm_type,
		  int    *kernel_type,
		  int    *degree,
		  double *gamma,
		  double *coef0,

		  char **filename) 

    struct svm_model m;
    int i;
    char *fname = *filename;    

    /* set up model */
    m.l        = *totnSV;
    m.nr_class = *nclasses;
    m.sv_coef  = (double **) malloc (m.nr_class * sizeof(double*));
    for (i = 0; i < m.nr_class - 1; i++) {
	m.sv_coef[i] = (double *) malloc (m.l * sizeof (double));
	memcpy (m.sv_coef[i], coefs + i*m.l, m.l * sizeof (double));
    if (*sparsemodel > 0)
	m.SV   = transsparse(v, *r, rowindex, colindex);
	m.SV   = sparsify(v, *r, *c);
    m.rho      = rho;
    m.label    = labels;
    m.nSV      = nSV;
    if (*compprob) {
	m.probA    = probA;
	m.probB    = probB;
    } else {
	m.probA    = NULL;
	m.probB    = NULL;

    /* set up parameter */
    m.param.svm_type    = *svm_type;
    m.param.kernel_type = *kernel_type;      = *degree;
    m.param.gamma       = *gamma;
    m.param.coef0       = *coef0;

    m.free_sv           = 1;

    /* write svm model */
    svm_save_model(fname, &m);

    for (i = 0; i < m.nr_class - 1; i++)

    for (i = 0; i < *r; i++)
	free (m.SV[i]);
    free (m.SV);

Esempio n. 3
void svmpredict  (int    *decisionvalues,
		  int    *probability,

		  double *v, int *r, int *c,
		  int    *rowindex,
		  int    *colindex,
		  double *coefs,
		  double *rho,
		  int    *compprob,
		  double *probA,
		  double *probB,
		  int    *nclasses,
		  int    *totnSV,
		  int    *labels,
		  int    *nSV,
		  int    *sparsemodel,

		  int    *svm_type,
		  int    *kernel_type,
		  int    *degree,
		  double *gamma,
		  double *coef0,

		  double *x, int *xr,
		  int    *xrowindex,
		  int    *xcolindex,
		  int    *sparsex,
		  double *ret,
		  double *dec,
		  double *prob)
    struct svm_model m;
    struct svm_node ** train;
    int i;
    /* set up model */
    m.l        = *totnSV;
    m.nr_class = *nclasses;
    m.sv_coef  = (double **) malloc (m.nr_class * sizeof(double*));
    for (i = 0; i < m.nr_class - 1; i++) {
      m.sv_coef[i] = (double *) malloc (m.l * sizeof (double));
      memcpy (m.sv_coef[i], coefs + i*m.l, m.l * sizeof (double));
    if (*sparsemodel > 0)
	m.SV   = transsparse(v, *r, rowindex, colindex);
	m.SV   = sparsify(v, *r, *c);
    m.rho      = rho;
    m.probA    = probA;
    m.probB    = probB;
    m.label    = labels;
    m.nSV      = nSV;

    /* set up parameter */
    m.param.svm_type    = *svm_type;
    m.param.kernel_type = *kernel_type;      = *degree;
    m.param.gamma       = *gamma;
    m.param.coef0       = *coef0;
    m.param.probability = *compprob;      

    m.free_sv           = 1;

    /* create sparse training matrix */
    if (*sparsex > 0)
	train = transsparse(x, *xr, xrowindex, xcolindex);
	train = sparsify(x, *xr, *c);

    /* call svm-predict-function for each x-row, possibly using probability 
       estimator, if requested */
    if (*probability && svm_check_probability_model(&m)) {
      for (i = 0; i < *xr; i++)
	ret[i] = svm_predict_probability(&m, train[i], prob + i * *nclasses);
    } else {
      for (i = 0; i < *xr; i++)
	ret[i] = svm_predict(&m, train[i]);

    /* optionally, compute decision values */
    if (*decisionvalues)
      for (i = 0; i < *xr; i++)
	svm_predict_values(&m, train[i], dec + i * *nclasses * (*nclasses - 1) / 2);

    /* clean up memory */
    for (i = 0; i < *xr; i++)
	free (train[i]);
    free (train);

    for (i = 0; i < *r; i++)
	free (m.SV[i]);
    free (m.SV);
    for (i = 0; i < m.nr_class - 1; i++)
Esempio n. 4
void svmtrain (double *x, int *r, int *c, 
	       double *y,
	       int    *rowindex, int *colindex,
	       int    *svm_type,
	       int    *kernel_type,
	       int    *degree,
	       double *gamma,
	       double *coef0,
	       double *cost,
	       double *nu,
	       int    *weightlabels,
	       double *weights,
	       int    *nweights,
	       double *cache,
	       double *tolerance,
	       double *epsilon,
	       int    *shrinking,
	       int    *cross,
	       int    *sparse,
	       int    *probability,
	       int    *nclasses,
	       int    *nr,
	       int    *index,
	       int    *labels,
	       int    *nSV,
	       double *rho,
	       double *coefs,
	       double *sigma,
	       double *probA,
	       double *probB,

	       double *cresults,
	       double *ctotal1,
	       double *ctotal2,
	       char   **error)
    struct svm_parameter par;
    struct svm_problem   prob;
    struct svm_model    *model = NULL;
    int i, ii;
    const char* s;
    /* set parameters */
    par.svm_type    = *svm_type;
    par.kernel_type = *kernel_type;      = *degree;
    par.gamma       = *gamma;
    par.coef0       = *coef0;
    par.cache_size  = *cache;
    par.eps         = *tolerance;
    par.C           = *cost;          = *nu;
    par.nr_weight   = *nweights;
    if (par.nr_weight > 0) {
	par.weight      = (double *) malloc (sizeof(double) * par.nr_weight);
	memcpy(par.weight, weights, par.nr_weight * sizeof(double));
	par.weight_label = (int *) malloc (sizeof(int) * par.nr_weight);
	memcpy(par.weight_label, weightlabels, par.nr_weight * sizeof(int));
    par.p           = *epsilon;
    par.shrinking   = *shrinking;
    par.probability = *probability;

    /* set problem */
    prob.l = *r;
    prob.y = y;
    if (*sparse > 0)
	prob.x = transsparse(x, *r, rowindex, colindex);
	prob.x = sparsify(x, *r, *c);
    /* check parameters & copy error message */
    s = svm_check_parameter(&prob, &par);
    if (s) {
	strcpy(*error, s);
    } else {

	/* call svm_train */
	model = svm_train(&prob, &par);
	/* set up return values */

	/*	for (ii = 0; ii < model->l; ii++)
	    for (i = 0; i < *r;	i++)
	    if (prob.x[i] == model->SV[ii]) index[ii] = i+1; */
	svm_get_sv_indices(model, index);
	*nr  = model->l;
	*nclasses = model->nr_class;
	memcpy (rho, model->rho, *nclasses * (*nclasses - 1)/2 * sizeof(double));

	if (*probability && par.svm_type != ONE_CLASS) {
	  if (par.svm_type == EPSILON_SVR || par.svm_type == NU_SVR)
	    *sigma = svm_get_svr_probability(model);
	  else {
	    memcpy(probA, model->probA, 
		    *nclasses * (*nclasses - 1)/2 * sizeof(double));
	    memcpy(probB, model->probB, 
		    *nclasses * (*nclasses - 1)/2 * sizeof(double));

	for (i = 0; i < *nclasses-1; i++)
	    memcpy (coefs + i * *nr, model->sv_coef[i],  *nr * sizeof (double));
	if (*svm_type < 2) {
	    memcpy (labels, model->label, *nclasses * sizeof(int));
	    memcpy (nSV, model->nSV, *nclasses * sizeof(int));
	/* Perform cross-validation, if requested */
	if (*cross > 0)
	    do_cross_validation (&prob, &par, *cross, cresults,
				 ctotal1, ctotal2);

	/* clean up memory */
    /* clean up memory */
    if (par.nr_weight > 0) {
    for (i = 0; i < *r; i++) free (prob.x[i]);
    free (prob.x);
Esempio n. 5
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    struct matrix_t *matrixA;
    struct sparse_matrix_t *sparseA;
    struct vector_t *x, *b;

    lsqr_input *input;
    lsqr_output *output;
    lsqr_work *work;            /* zone temoraire de travail */
    lsqr_func *func;            /* func->mat_vec_prod -> APROD */

    /* cmd line arg */
    char *matrix_filename = NULL;
    char *vector_filename = NULL;
    char *sol_filename = NULL;
    int max_iter = -1;
    float damping = 0;

    if (argc != 4) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s matrixfile vectorfile solutionfile\n",
    matrix_filename = strdup(argv[1]);
    vector_filename = strdup(argv[2]);
    sol_filename = strdup(argv[3]);

    /* read the  matrix */
    matrixA = read_matrix(matrix_filename);
    fprintf(stderr, "read*matrix: ok (size=%ldx%ld, %ld elements)\n",
            matrixA->nb_line, matrixA->nb_col,
            matrixA->nb_line * matrixA->nb_col);

    sparseA = sparsify(matrixA, SPARSE_COL_LINK);
    b = read_simple_vector(vector_filename);

    /* check compatibility between matrix and vector */

    if (sparseA->nb_line != b->length) {
                "Error, check your matrix/vector sizes (%ld/%ld)\n",
                sparseA->nb_line, b->length);
    /* init vector solution to zero */
    x = new_vector(sparseA->nb_col);

    /* catch Ctrl-C signal */
    signal(SIGINT, emergency_halt);

    /* solve A.x = B                                             */


    /* LSQR alloc */
    alloc_lsqr_mem(&input, &output, &work, &func,
                   sparseA->nb_line, sparseA->nb_col);

    fprintf(stderr, "alloc_lsqr_mem : ok\n");

    /* defines the routine Mat.Vect to use */
    func->mat_vec_prod = sparseMATRIXxVECTOR;

    /* Set the input parameters for LSQR */
    input->num_rows = sparseA->nb_line;
    input->num_cols = sparseA->nb_col;
    input->rel_mat_err = .0;
    input->rel_rhs_err = .0;
    input->cond_lim = .0;
    input->lsqr_fp_out = stdout;
    input->rhs_vec = (dvec *) b;
    input->sol_vec = (dvec *) x;        /* initial guess */
    input->damp_val = damping;
    if (max_iter == -1) {
        input->max_iter = 4 * (sparseA->nb_col);
    } else {
        input->max_iter = max_iter;

    /* resolution du systeme Ax=b */
    lsqr(input, output, work, func, sparseA);
    write_vector((struct vector_t *) output->sol_vec, sol_filename);
    free_lsqr_mem(input, output, work, func);

    /* check A^t.A */
     * { struct sparse_matrix_t *AtA; AtA = AtransA (sparseA);
     * write_sparse_matrix(AtA, "AtA"); write_sparse_matrix(sparseA,
     * "A"); free_sparse_matrix (AtA);
     * } */

    return (1);
Esempio n. 6
  void SnoptInterface::init(const Dict& opts) {
    // Call the init method of the base class

    // Default: cold start
    Cold_ = 0;

    // Read user options
    for (auto&& op : opts) {
      if (op.first=="snopt") {
        opts_ = op.second;
      } else if (op.first=="start") {
        std::string start = op.second.to_string();
        if (start=="cold") {
          Cold_ = 0;
        } else if (start=="warm") {
          Cold_ = 1;
        } else if (start=="hot") {
          Cold_ = 2;
        } else {
          casadi_error("Unknown start option: " + start);

    // Get/generate required functions
    jac_f_fcn_ = create_function("nlp_jac_f", {"x", "p"}, {"f", "jac:f:x"});
    jac_g_fcn_ = create_function("nlp_jac_g", {"x", "p"}, {"g", "jac:g:x"});
    jacg_sp_ = jac_g_fcn_.sparsity_out(1);

    // prepare the mapping for constraints
    nnJac_ = nx_;
    nnObj_ = nx_;
    nnCon_ = ng_;

    // Here follows the core of the mapping
    //  Two integer matrices are constructed:
    //  one with gradF sparsity, and one with jacG sparsity
    //  the integer values denote the nonzero locations into the original gradF/jacG
    //  but with a special encoding: entries of gradF are encoded "-1-i" and
    //  entries of jacG are encoded "1+i"
    //  "0" is to be interpreted not as an index but as a literal zero

    IM mapping_jacG  = IM(0, nx_);
    IM mapping_gradF = IM(jac_f_fcn_.sparsity_out(1),
                          range(-1, -1-jac_f_fcn_.nnz_out(1), -1));

    if (!jac_g_fcn_.is_null()) {
      mapping_jacG = IM(jacg_sp_, range(1, jacg_sp_.nnz()+1));

    // First, remap jacG
    A_structure_ = mapping_jacG;

    m_ = ng_;

    // Construct the linear objective row
    IM d = mapping_gradF(Slice(0), Slice());

    std::vector<int> ii = mapping_gradF.sparsity().get_col();
    for (int j = 0; j < nnObj_; ++j) {
      if (d.colind(j) != d.colind(j+1)) {
        int k = d.colind(j); = 0;

    // Make it as sparse as you can
    d = sparsify(d);

    jacF_row_ = d.nnz() != 0;
    if (jacF_row_) {  // We need an objective gradient row
      A_structure_ = vertcat(A_structure_, d);
      m_ +=1;
    iObj_ = jacF_row_ ? (m_ - 1) : -1;

    // Is the A matrix completely empty?
    dummyrow_ = A_structure_.nnz() == 0;  // Then we need a dummy row
    if (dummyrow_) {
      IM dummyrow = IM(1, nx_);
      dummyrow(0, 0) = 0;
      A_structure_ = vertcat(A_structure_, dummyrow);

    // We don't need a dummy row if a linear objective row is present
    casadi_assert(!(dummyrow_ && jacF_row_));

    // Allocate temporary memory
    alloc_w(nx_, true); // xk2_
    alloc_w(ng_, true); // lam_gk_
    alloc_w(nx_, true); // lam_xk_
    alloc_w(ng_, true); // gk_
    alloc_w(jac_f_fcn_.nnz_out(1), true); // jac_fk_
    if (!jacg_sp_.is_null()) {
      alloc_w(jacg_sp_.nnz(), true); // jac_gk_
int main(int argc, char* argv[])

	// Print help if necessary
	bool help = read_bool(argc, argv, "--help", false);
	if ((argc < 2) || (help)) {
		return 0;

	// Use parameters struct for passing parameters to kernels efficiently
	parameters prm;

	// Parse inputs
	prm.matDims[0] = read_int(argc, argv, "--m", 2);
	prm.matDims[1] = read_int(argc, argv, "--k", 2);
	prm.matDims[2] = read_int(argc, argv, "--n", 2);
	prm.rank = read_int(argc, argv, "--rank", 7);
	prm.method = read_string(argc, argv, "--method", (char *)"als");
	int maxIters = read_int(argc, argv, "--maxiters", 1000);
	int maxSecs = read_int(argc, argv, "--maxsecs", 1000);
	double tol = read_double(argc, argv, "--tol", 1e-8);
	int printItn = read_int(argc, argv, "--printitn", 0);
	double printTol = read_double(argc, argv, "--printtol", 1.0);
	int seed = read_int(argc, argv, "--seed", 0);
	int numSeeds = read_int(argc, argv, "--numseeds", 1);
	bool verbose = read_bool(argc, argv, "--verbose", false);
	prm.rnd_maxVal = read_double(argc,argv,"--maxval",1.0);
	prm.rnd_pwrOfTwo = read_int(argc,argv,"--pwrof2",0);
	bool roundFinal = read_bool(argc, argv, "--rndfin",false);
	prm.alpha = read_double(argc,argv, "--alpha", 0.1);
	int M = read_int(argc,argv, "--M", 0);
	if (M)
		prm.M[0] = M;
		prm.M[1] = M;
		prm.M[2] = M;
	} else {	    
		prm.M[0] = read_int(argc, argv, "--M0", -1);
		prm.M[1] = read_int(argc, argv, "--M1", -1);
		prm.M[2] = read_int(argc, argv, "--M2", -1);
	char * infile = read_string(argc, argv, "--input", NULL);
	char * outfile = read_string(argc, argv, "--output", NULL);

	if (verbose) {
		setbuf(stdout, NULL);
		printf("dimensions = %d %d %d\n",prm.matDims[0],prm.matDims[1],prm.matDims[2]);
		printf("rank       = %d\n",prm.rank);
		printf("method     = %s\n",prm.method);
		if (infile)
			printf("input      = %s\n",infile);
			if (numSeeds == 1)
				printf("input      = seed %d\n",seed); 
				printf("inputs     = seeds %d-%d\n",seed,seed+numSeeds-1);
		if (outfile)
			printf("output     = %s\n",outfile);
			printf("output     = none\n"); 
		if (!strcmp(prm.method,"als"))
			printf("tol        = %1.2e\n",tol);
			printf("alpha      = %1.2e\n",prm.alpha);
			printf("maval      = %1.2e\n",prm.rnd_maxVal);
			printf("M's        = (%d,%d,%d)\n",prm.M[0],prm.M[1],prm.M[2]);
			printf("maxiters   = %d\n",maxIters);
			printf("maxsecs    = %d\n",maxSecs);
			printf("printitn   = %d\n",printItn);
			printf("printtol   = %1.2e\n",printTol);

	// Initialize other variables
	int i, j, k, numIters, mkn, tidx[3];
	double err, errOld, errChange = 0.0, start_als, start_search, elapsed, threshold;

	// Compute tensor dimensions
	prm.dims[0] = prm.matDims[0]*prm.matDims[1];
	prm.dims[1] = prm.matDims[1]*prm.matDims[2];
	prm.dims[2] = prm.matDims[0]*prm.matDims[2];

	// Compute tensor's nnz, total number of entries, and Frobenius norm
	mkn = prm.matDims[0]*prm.matDims[1]*prm.matDims[2];
	prm.mkn2 = mkn*mkn;
	prm.xNorm = sqrt(mkn);

	// Compute number of columns in matricized tensors
	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		prm.mtCols[i] = prm.mkn2 / prm.dims[i];

	// Construct three matricizations of matmul tensor
	prm.X = (double**) malloc( 3 * sizeof(double*) );
	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		prm.X[i] = (double*) calloc( prm.mkn2, sizeof(double) );
	for (int mm = 0; mm < prm.matDims[0]; mm++)
		for (int kk = 0; kk < prm.matDims[1]; kk++)
			for (int nn = 0; nn < prm.matDims[2]; nn++)
				tidx[0] = mm + kk*prm.matDims[0];
				tidx[1] = kk + nn*prm.matDims[1];
				tidx[2] = mm + nn*prm.matDims[0];
				prm.X[0][tidx[0]+prm.dims[0]*(tidx[1]+prm.dims[1]*tidx[2])] = 1;
				prm.X[1][tidx[1]+prm.dims[1]*(tidx[0]+prm.dims[0]*tidx[2])] = 1;
				prm.X[2][tidx[2]+prm.dims[2]*(tidx[0]+prm.dims[0]*tidx[1])] = 1;

	// Allocate factor weights and matrices: working, initial, and model
	prm.lambda = (double*) malloc( prm.rank * sizeof(double) );
	prm.U  = (double**) malloc( 3 * sizeof(double*) );
	double** U0 = (double**) malloc( 3 * sizeof(double*) );
	prm.model = (double**) malloc( 3 * sizeof(double*) );
	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		prm.U[i] =  (double*) calloc( prm.mkn2, sizeof(double) );
		U0[i] = (double*) calloc( prm.dims[i]*prm.rank, sizeof(double) );
		prm.model[i] = (double*) calloc( prm.dims[i]*prm.rank, sizeof(double) );

	// Allocate coefficient matrix within ALS (Khatri-Rao product) 
	int maxMatDim = prm.matDims[0];
	if (maxMatDim < prm.matDims[1]) maxMatDim = prm.matDims[1];
	if (maxMatDim < prm.matDims[2]) maxMatDim = prm.matDims[2];
	prm.A = (double*) malloc( maxMatDim*mkn*prm.rank * sizeof(double) );

	// Allocate workspaces
	prm.tau = (double*) malloc( mkn * sizeof(double) );
	prm.lwork = maxMatDim*mkn*prm.rank; = (double*) malloc( prm.lwork * sizeof(double) );
	prm.iwork = (int*) malloc( prm.mkn2 * sizeof(int) );    

	// Allocate matrices for normal equations 
	int maxDim = prm.dims[0];
	if (maxDim < prm.dims[1]) maxDim = prm.dims[1];
	if (maxDim < prm.dims[2]) maxDim = prm.dims[2];
	prm.NE_coeff = (double*) malloc( prm.rank*prm.rank * sizeof(double) );
	prm.NE_rhs = (double*) malloc( maxDim*prm.rank * sizeof(double) );
	prm.residual = (double*) malloc( prm.mkn2 * sizeof(double) );

	// Search Loop
	int mySeed = seed, numGoodSeeds = 0, statusCnt = 0, status = 1;
	start_search = wall_time(); 
	for (int seed_cnt = 0; seed_cnt < numSeeds; ++seed_cnt)
		// Set starting point from random seed (match Matlab Tensor Toolbox)
		RandomMT cRMT(mySeed);
		for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
			for (j = 0; j < prm.dims[i]; j++)
				for (k = 0; k < prm.rank; k++)
					U0[i][j+k*prm.dims[i]] = cRMT.genMatlabMT();
		for (i = 0; i < prm.rank; i++)
			prm.lambda[i] = 1.0;  

		// Copy starting point
		for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)

		// read from file if input is given    
		if( infile )
			read_input( infile, prm ); 

		if (verbose)
			printf("\nSTARTING POINT...\n");
			for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
				printf("Factor matrix %d:\n",i);

		// Main ALS Loop
		start_als = wall_time();
		err = 1.0; 
		threshold = 1e-4;
		for (numIters = 0; numIters < maxIters && (wall_time()-start_als) < maxSecs; numIters++)
			errOld = err;

			if (!strcmp(prm.method,"als"))
				// Perform an iteration of ALS using NE with Smirnov's penalty term
				err = als( prm );
			else if (!strcmp(prm.method,"sparsify"))
				// print stats before sparsifying
				printf("Old residual: %1.2e\n",compute_residual(prm,2,true));
				printf("Old nnz (larger than %1.1e): %d %d %d\n", threshold, nnz(prm.U[0],prm.dims[0]*prm.rank,threshold), nnz(prm.U[1],prm.dims[1]*prm.rank,threshold), nnz(prm.U[2],prm.dims[2]*prm.rank,threshold) );

				// sparsify and return
				sparsify( prm );
				numIters = maxIters;

				// print stats after sparsifying
				printf("New residual: %1.2e\n",compute_residual(prm,2,true));
				printf("New nnz (larger than %1.1e): %d %d %d\n", threshold, nnz(prm.U[0],prm.dims[0]*prm.rank,threshold), nnz(prm.U[1],prm.dims[1]*prm.rank,threshold), nnz(prm.U[2],prm.dims[2]*prm.rank,threshold) );
			else if (!strcmp(prm.method,"round"))
				// print stats before rounding
				printf("Old residual: %1.2e\n",compute_residual(prm,2,true));
				printf("Old nnz (larger than %1.1e): %d %d %d\n", threshold, nnz(prm.U[0],prm.dims[0]*prm.rank,threshold), nnz(prm.U[1],prm.dims[1]*prm.rank,threshold), nnz(prm.U[2],prm.dims[2]*prm.rank,threshold) );
				// round and return
				for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
				numIters = maxIters;

				// print stats after rounding
				printf("New residual: %1.2e\n",compute_residual(prm,2,true));
				printf("New nnz (larger than %1.1e): %d %d %d\n", threshold, nnz(prm.U[0],prm.dims[0]*prm.rank,threshold), nnz(prm.U[1],prm.dims[1]*prm.rank,threshold), nnz(prm.U[2],prm.dims[2]*prm.rank,threshold) );
				die("Invalid method\n");   

			// Compute change in relative residual norm
			errChange = fabs(err - errOld);          

			// Print info at current iteration
			if ((printItn > 0) && (((numIters + 1) % printItn) == 0))
				// print info                    
				printf ("Iter %d: residual = %1.5e change = %1.5e\n", numIters + 1, err, errChange);

			// Check for convergence 
			if ( numIters > 0 && errChange < tol )


		// If rounding, round final solution and re-compute residual
			// normalize columns in A and B factors, put arbitrary weights into C
			normalize_model( prm, 2 );

			// cap large values and round to nearest power of 2
			for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)

			err = compute_residual(prm,0,true);

		// Print status if searching over many seeds
		if (numSeeds > 1000 && statusCnt == numSeeds/10)
			printf("...%d%% complete...\n",10*status);
			statusCnt = 0;

		// Print final info
		elapsed = wall_time() - start_als;
		if ((printItn > 0 || verbose) && !strcmp(prm.method,"als"))
			if (infile)
				printf("\nInput %s ",infile);
				printf("\nInitial seed %d ",mySeed);
			printf("achieved residual %1.3e in %d iterations and %1.3e seconds\n \t final residual change: %1.3e\n \t average time per iteration: %1.3e s\n", err, numIters, elapsed, errChange, elapsed/numIters);

		if (verbose)
			for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
				printf("Factor matrix %d:\n",i);
				if (roundFinal || !strcmp(prm.method,"round"))
					print_int_matrix(prm.U[i], prm.dims[i], prm.rank, prm.dims[i], prm.rnd_pwrOfTwo);
			if (err < printTol)
		else if (err < printTol)

			if (infile)
				printf("Input %s: ",infile);
				printf("Initial seed %d: ",mySeed);
			printf("after %d iterations, achieved residual %1.3e with final residual change of %1.3e\n", numIters, err, errChange);
			if (roundFinal)

				for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
					printf("Factor matrix %d:\n",i);
					print_int_matrix(prm.U[i], prm.dims[i], prm.rank, prm.dims[i], prm.rnd_pwrOfTwo);

				int count = 0;
				for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
					count += nnz(prm.U[i],prm.dims[i]*prm.rank);
				printf("\ttotal nnz in solution: %d\n",count);
				printf("\tnaive adds/subs:       %d\n",count - prm.dims[2] - 2*prm.rank);

		// write to output
		if( outfile )
			write_output( outfile, prm ); 


	// Final report of processor statistics
	elapsed = wall_time()-start_search;

	// Print stats
	if (!strcmp(prm.method,"als"))
		printf("Time elapsed:                \t%1.1e\tseconds\n",elapsed);
		printf("Total number of seeds tried: \t%d\n",numSeeds);
		printf("Total number of good seeds:  \t%d",numGoodSeeds);
		printf("\t(residual < %2.1e)\n",printTol);   

	// free allocated memory
	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		free( prm.X[i] );
		free( prm.U[i] );
		free( U0[i] );
		free( prm.model[i] );
	free( prm.X );
	free( prm.U );
	free( U0 );
	free( prm.model );
	free( prm.lambda );
	free( prm.A );
	free( prm.NE_coeff );
	free( prm.NE_rhs );
	free( prm.residual );
	free( prm.tau );
	free( );
	free( prm.iwork );

	return 0;

Esempio n. 8
	int		unit,
	user_info_t	*up)
	sfb_softc_t	*sfb;
	screen_softc_t	sc = screen(unit);
	vm_offset_t	base = tc_probe("sfb");
	int		hor_p, ver_p;
	boolean_t	makes_sense;

	bcopy(&sfb_sw, &sc->sw, sizeof(sc->sw));
	sc->flags |= COLOR_SCREEN;

	 * I am confused here by the documentation.  One document
	 * sez there are three boards:
	 *	"PMAGB-BA" can do 1280x1024 @66Hz or @72Hz
	 *	"PMAGB-BC" can do 1024x864  @60Hz or 1280x1024 @72Hz
	 *	"PMAGB-BE" can do 1024x768  @72Hz or 1280x1024 @72Hz
	 * Another document sez things differently:
	 *	"PMAGB-BB" can do 1024x768  @72Hz
	 *	"PMAGB-BD" can do 1024x864  @60Hz or 1280x1024 @72Hz
	 * I would be inclined to believe the first one, which came
	 * with an actual piece of hardware attached (a PMAGB-BA).
	 * But I could swear I got a first board (which blew up
	 * instantly) and it was calling itself PMAGB-BB...
	 * Since I have not seen any other hardware I will make
	 * this code as hypothetical as I can.  Should work :-))

	makes_sense = FALSE;

		sfb_regs	*regs;

		regs = (sfb_regs *) ((char *)base + SFB_OFFSET_REGS);
		hor_p = (regs->vhor_setup & 0x1ff) * 4;
		ver_p = regs->vvert_setup & 0x7ff;

		if (((hor_p == 1280) && (ver_p == 1024)) ||
		    ((hor_p == 1024) && (ver_p == 864)) ||
		    ((hor_p == 1024) && (ver_p == 768)))
			makes_sense = TRUE;

	if (makes_sense) {
		sc->frame_scanline_width = hor_p;
		sc->frame_height = ver_p;
		sc->frame_visible_width = hor_p;
		sc->frame_visible_height = ver_p;
	} else {
		sc->frame_scanline_width = 1280;
		sc->frame_height = 1024;
		sc->frame_visible_width = 1280;
		sc->frame_visible_height = 1024;

	(void) screen_up(unit, up);

	sfb = pm_alloc( unit, sparsify(base + SFB_OFFSET_BT459),
			base + SFB_OFFSET_VRAM, -1);



	 * Clearing the screen at boot saves from scrolling
	 * much, and speeds up booting quite a bit.
	screen_blitc( unit, 'C'-'@');/* clear screen */