Esempio n. 1
 * Do all necessary initializations
 * @param  settings  Pointer to the global settings
void TaskCoreCell::prepare(swspect_settings_t* settings)
   /* setup */
   this->cfg = settings;
   this->total_time = 0;
   this->total_spectra_count = 0;
   this->total_ffts_count = 0;

   /* prepare SPE task context constants */
   cb.rank                = this->rank;
   cb.fft_points          = cfg->fft_points;
   cb.fft_points_log2     = (int)log2(cfg->fft_points);
   cb.overlap_factor      = cfg->fft_overlap_factor;
   cb.integrate_ffts      = cfg->integrated_ffts;
   cb.samples_per_rawbyte = cfg->samples_per_rawbyte;

   /* load and start the SPE program pointing it to the control block */
   this->gid = spe_create_group (SCHED_OTHER, 0, 1);
   if ((this->gid == NULL) || (spe_group_max (this->gid) < 1)) {
      cerr << "TaskCoreCell prepare : spe_create_group() failed!" << endl;
   this->speid = spe_create_thread(this->gid, &spectrometer_spu, (unsigned long long *)&(this->cb), NULL, -1, 0);
   if (this->speid == NULL) {
      cerr << "TaskCoreCell prepare : spe_create_thread() failed!" << endl;

   cerr << "SPE thread created, rank " << this->rank << " ID " << speid << endl;
Esempio n. 2
void TxStartSPE(extern spe_program_handle_t spuCode) {

	/* we allocate one control block, to correspond to one SPE */
		 //control_block cb[1] __attribute__ ((aligned (128)));

		/* this is the pointer to the SPE code, to be used at thread creation time */
		 //extern spe_program_handle_t spuCode;

		/* before the thread is created, we create a group environment to contain it. */
		/* this "gid" is the handle for that group.                                   */
		 spe_gid_t gid;

		/* this is the handle which will be returned by "spe_create_thread."  */
		 speid_t speids[1];

		/* this variable is used to return data regarding an abnormal return from the SPE*/
		 int status[1];

		/* here is the variable to hold the address returned by the malloc() call. */
		 int *data;

	data = (int *) malloc(128);
	/* Create an SPE group */
	gid = spe_create_group(SCHED_OTHER, 0, 1);
	if (gid == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Failed spe_create_group(errno=%d)\n", errno);
		return -1;
	if (spe_group_max(gid) < 1) {
		fprintf(stderr, "System doesn't have a working SPE.  I'm leaving.\n");
		return -1;

	/* load the address into the control block */
	//cb[0].addr = (unsigned int) data;

	/* allocate the SPE task */
	speids[0] = spe_create_thread(gid, &spuCode, (unsigned long long *) &cb[0], NULL, -1, 0);
	if (speids[0] == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "FAILED: spe_create_thread(num=%d, errno=%d)\n", 0, errno);