Esempio n. 1
/* calculate sphere that goes through 4 points */
struct sphere* sphere_circum(struct sphere* rs, const struct vec4f* v0,
                             const struct vec4f* v1, const struct vec4f* v2, const struct vec4f* v3)
    struct vec4f a;
    vec3_sub(&a, v1, v0);
    struct vec4f b;
    vec3_sub(&b, v2, v0);
    struct vec4f c;
    vec3_sub(&c, v3, v0);
    struct vec4f o;
    struct vec4f tmp;

    struct mat3f m;
              a.x, a.y, a.z,
              b.x, b.y, b.z,
              c.x, c.y, c.z,
              0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

    float denom = 2.0f * mat3_det(&m);
    vec3_muls(&o, vec3_cross(&tmp, &a, &b), vec3_dot(&c, &c));
    vec3_add(&o, &o, vec3_muls(&tmp, vec3_cross(&tmp, &c, &a), vec3_dot(&b, &b)));
    vec3_add(&o, &o, vec3_muls(&tmp, vec3_cross(&tmp, &b, &c), vec3_dot(&a, &a)));
    vec3_muls(&o, &o, 1.0f/denom);

    return sphere_setf(rs, v0->x + o.x, v0->y + o.y, v0->z + o.z, vec3_len(&o) + EPSILON);
Esempio n. 2
void cmp_model_drawbone(const struct mat3f* j0, const struct mat3f* j1, float level, float scale)
    struct sphere s;
    sphere_setf(&s, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, scale * (1.0f/level));

    struct vec3f p0;
    struct vec3f p1;
    mat3_get_trans(&p0, j0);
    mat3_get_trans(&p1, j1);

    gfx_canvas_line3d(&p0, &p1);

    gfx_canvas_sphere(&s, j0, GFX_SPHERE_LOW);
    gfx_canvas_sphere(&s, j1, GFX_SPHERE_LOW);
Esempio n. 3
struct sphere* sphere_xform(struct sphere* rs, const struct sphere* s, const struct mat3f* m)
    /* we have to transform radius by scale value of transform matrix
     * to determine scale value, we find the highest scale component of the matrix */
    float xlen = m->m11*m->m11 + m->m12*m->m12 + m->m13*m->m13;
    float ylen = m->m21*m->m21 + m->m22*m->m22 + m->m23*m->m23;
    float zlen = m->m31*m->m31 + m->m32*m->m32 + m->m33*m->m33;
    float isqr_scale = maxf(xlen, ylen);
    isqr_scale = maxf(isqr_scale, zlen);

    /* transform center */
    struct vec4f c;
    vec3_setf(&c, s->x, s->y, s->z);
    vec3_transformsrt(&c, &c, m);
    return sphere_setf(rs, c.x, c.y, c.z, s->r*sqrtf(isqr_scale));
Esempio n. 4
void csm_calc_minsphere(struct sphere* bounds, const struct frustum* f,
    const struct mat3f* view, const struct mat3f* view_inv)
    /* reference:
    struct vec3f a;
    struct vec3f b;
    struct vec3f p;
    struct vec3f tmp;

    vec3_transformsrt(&a, &f->points[1], view);
    vec3_transformsrt(&b, &f->points[5], view);

    float z = (vec3_dot(&b, &b) - vec3_dot(&a, &a))/(2.0f*(b.z - a.z));
    vec3_setf(&p, 0.0f, 0.0f, z);
    vec3_transformsrt(&p, &p, view_inv);

    sphere_setf(bounds, p.x, p.y, p.z, vec3_len(vec3_sub(&tmp, &f->points[5], &p)) + 0.01f);
Esempio n. 5
void cmp_model_drawpose(const struct gfx_model_geo* geo, const struct gfx_model_posegpu* pose,
                        const struct gfx_view_params* params, const struct mat3f* world_mat,
                        float scale)
    gfx_canvas_setwireframe(FALSE, TRUE);

    struct mat3f j1m;
    struct mat3f j2m;
    struct gfx_model_skeleton* sk = geo->skeleton;
    for (uint i = 0; i < sk->joint_cnt; i++)  {
        cmp_model_calc_jointmat(&j1m, sk, i, pose->mats, world_mat);

        /* find child for the current joint and draw the bone */
        int nochild = FALSE;
        for (uint k = 0; k < sk->joint_cnt; k++)  {
            struct gfx_model_joint* joint2 = &sk->joints[k];
            if (joint2->parent_id == i) {
                cmp_model_calc_jointmat(&j2m, sk, k, pose->mats, world_mat);
                float level = cmp_model_calc_jointlevel(sk, i);
                cmp_model_drawbone(&j1m, &j2m, level, scale);
                /*gfx_canvas_coords(&j1m, &params->cam_pos, 0.1f);*/
                nochild = TRUE;

        if (!nochild)    {
            struct sphere s;
            float level = cmp_model_calc_jointlevel(sk, i);
            sphere_setf(&s, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, scale * (1.0f / level));
            gfx_canvas_sphere(&s, &j1m, GFX_SPHERE_LOW);
            /*gfx_canvas_coords(&j1m, &params->cam_pos, 0.1f);*/
    gfx_canvas_setwireframe(TRUE, TRUE);