Esempio n. 1
void QgsDateTimeEdit::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent *event )
  QDateTimeEdit::resizeEvent( event );

  QSize sz = mClearButton->sizeHint();

  mClearButton->move( rect().right() - frameWidth() - spinButtonWidth() - sz.width(),
                      ( rect().bottom() + 1 - sz.height() ) / 2 );

  mNullLabel->move( 0, 0 );
  mNullLabel->setMinimumSize( rect().adjusted( 0, 0, -spinButtonWidth(), 0 ).size() );
  mNullLabel->setMaximumSize( rect().adjusted( 0, 0, -spinButtonWidth(), 0 ).size() );
Esempio n. 2
void QgsDateTimeEdit::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent *event )
  QRect lerect = rect().adjusted( 0, 0, -spinButtonWidth(), 0 );
  if ( mAllowNull && mIsNull && lerect.contains( event->pos() ) )

  QDateTimeEdit::mousePressEvent( event );
Esempio n. 3
QgsDateTimeEdit::QgsDateTimeEdit( QWidget *parent )
  : QDateTimeEdit( parent )
  mClearButton = new QToolButton( this );
  mClearButton->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mIconClearText.svg" ) ) );
  mClearButton->setCursor( Qt::ArrowCursor );
  mClearButton->setStyleSheet( QStringLiteral( "position: absolute; border: none; padding: 0px;" ) );
  connect( mClearButton, &QAbstractButton::clicked, this, &QgsDateTimeEdit::clear );

  mNullLabel = new QLineEdit( QgsApplication::nullRepresentation(), this );
  mNullLabel->setReadOnly( true );
  mNullLabel->setStyleSheet( QStringLiteral( "position: absolute; border: none; font-style: italic; color: grey;" ) );

  setStyleSheet( QStringLiteral( ".QWidget, QLineEdit, QToolButton { padding-right: %1px; }" ).arg( mClearButton->sizeHint().width() + spinButtonWidth() + frameWidth() + 1 ) );

  QSize msz = minimumSizeHint();
  setMinimumSize( std::max( msz.width(), mClearButton->sizeHint().height() + frameWidth() * 2 + 2 ),
                  std::max( msz.height(), mClearButton->sizeHint().height() + frameWidth() * 2 + 2 ) );

  connect( this, &QDateTimeEdit::dateTimeChanged, this, &QgsDateTimeEdit::changed );

  // init with current time so mIsNull is properly initialized
  QDateTimeEdit::setDateTime( QDateTime::currentDateTime() );
Esempio n. 4
QgsDateTimeEdit::QgsDateTimeEdit( QWidget *parent )
    : QDateTimeEdit( parent )
    , mAllowNull( true )
    , mIsNull( true )
    mClearButton = new QToolButton( this );
    mClearButton->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mIconClear.svg" ) );
    mClearButton->setCursor( Qt::ArrowCursor );
    mClearButton->setStyleSheet( "position: absolute; border: none; padding: 0px;" );
    connect( mClearButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( clear() ) );

    mNullLabel = new QLineEdit( QSettings().value( "qgis/nullValue", "NULL" ).toString(), this );
    mNullLabel->setReadOnly( true );
    mNullLabel->setStyleSheet( "position: absolute; border: none; font-style: italic; color: grey;" );

    setStyleSheet( QString( "padding-right: %1px;" ).arg( mClearButton->sizeHint().width() + spinButtonWidth() + frameWidth() + 1 ) );

    QSize msz = minimumSizeHint();
    setMinimumSize( qMax( msz.width(), mClearButton->sizeHint().height() + frameWidth() * 2 + 2 ),
                    qMax( msz.height(), mClearButton->sizeHint().height() + frameWidth() * 2 + 2 ) );

    connect( this, SIGNAL( dateTimeChanged( QDateTime ) ), this, SLOT( changed( QDateTime ) ) );

    // init with current time so mIsNull is properly initialized
    QDateTimeEdit::setDateTime( QDateTime::currentDateTime() );