Esempio n. 1
    void SpicePosition::getinterval(const std::vector<std::string> &kernels, BodyId body, EphemeridesInterval &interval) {
        SPICEDOUBLE_CELL        ( cover, 2000);

        bool first = true;

        for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i = kernels.begin(); i != kernels.end(); i++) {
            scard_c(0, &cover);
            spkcov_c(i->c_str(), body, &cover);
            SpiceInt niv = wncard_c (&cover);

            for (SpiceInt j = 0; j < niv; j++) {
                SpiceDouble a, b;
                wnfetd_c(&cover, j, &a, &b);

                if (first) {
                    first = false;
                    interval.a = a;
                    interval.b = b;
                } else {
                    interval.a = std::min(interval.a, a);
                    interval.b = std::max(interval.b, b);

        char timea[1000], timeb[1000];

        timout_c (interval.a, "YYYY ::TDB", sizeof(timea), timea);
        timout_c (interval.b, "YYYY ::TDB", sizeof(timeb), timeb);
Esempio n. 2
// Extract the temporal coverages for a given object in an SPK kernel
std::vector< std::vector<double> > spkcoverage(std::string kernel, int obj) {
    int niv = wncard_c(&cover);
    std::vector< std::vector<double> > ret(niv,std::vector<double>(2,0.0));
    for(int j=0; j<niv; j++) {
        double b,e; wnfetd_c(&cover,j,&b,&e);
        ret[j][0] = b; ret[j][1] = e;
    return ret;
Esempio n. 3
void  SpiceOrbitKernelReader::GetCoverageStartAndEnd(StringArray       &kernels,
                                                     Integer           forNaifId,
                                                     Real              &start,
                                                     Real              &end)
   // first check to see if a kernel specified is not loaded; if not,
   // try to load it
   for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < kernels.size(); ii++)
      if (!IsLoaded(   LoadKernel(;

   SpiceInt         idSpice     = forNaifId;
   SpiceInt         arclen      = 4;
   SpiceInt         typlen      = 5;
   bool             firstInt    = true;
   bool             idOnKernel  = false;
   ConstSpiceChar   *kernelName = NULL;
   SpiceInt         objId       = 0;
   SpiceInt         numInt      = 0;
   SpiceChar        *kernelType;
   SpiceChar        *arch;
   SpiceDouble      b;
   SpiceDouble      e;
   Real             bA1;
   Real             eA1;
   SPICEINT_CELL(ids, 200);
   SPICEDOUBLE_CELL(cover, 200000);
   char             kStr[5] = "    ";
   char             aStr[4] = "   ";

   // look through each kernel
   for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < kernels.size(); ii++)
         MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("Checking coverage for ID %d on kernel %s\n"),
               forNaifId, (;
      kernelName = kernels[ii].char_str();
      // check the type of kernel
      arch        = aStr;
      kernelType  = kStr;
      getfat_c(kernelName, arclen, typlen, arch, kernelType);
      if (failed_c())
         ConstSpiceChar option[] = "LONG";
         SpiceInt       numChar  = MAX_LONG_MESSAGE_VALUE;
         //SpiceChar      err[MAX_LONG_MESSAGE_VALUE];
         SpiceChar      *err = new SpiceChar[MAX_LONG_MESSAGE_VALUE];
         getmsg_c(option, numChar, err);
         wxString errStr(wxString::FromAscii(err));
         wxString errmsg = wxT("Error determining type of kernel \"");
         errmsg += + wxT("\".  Message received from CSPICE is: ");
         errmsg += errStr + wxT("\n");
         delete [] err;
         throw UtilityException(errmsg);
         MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("Kernel is of type %s\n"),
      // only deal with SPK kernels
      if (eqstr_c( kernelType, "spk" ))
         spkobj_c(kernelName, &ids);
         // get the list of objects (IDs) for which data exists in the SPK kernel
         for (SpiceInt jj = 0;  jj < card_c(&ids);  jj++)
            objId = SPICE_CELL_ELEM_I(&ids,jj);
            #ifdef DEBUG_SPK_COVERAGE
               MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("Kernel contains data for object %d\n"),
                     (Integer) objId);
            // look to see if this kernel contains data for the object we're interested in
            if (objId == idSpice)
               idOnKernel = true;
         // only deal with kernels containing data for the object we're interested in
         if (idOnKernel)
            #ifdef DEBUG_SPK_COVERAGE
               MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("Checking kernel %s for data for object %d\n"),
                     (, (Integer) objId);
            scard_c(0, &cover);   // reset the coverage cell
            spkcov_c (kernelName, idSpice, &cover);
            if (failed_c())
               ConstSpiceChar option[] = "LONG";
               SpiceInt       numChar  = MAX_LONG_MESSAGE_VALUE;
               //SpiceChar      err[MAX_LONG_MESSAGE_VALUE];
               SpiceChar      *err = new SpiceChar[MAX_LONG_MESSAGE_VALUE];
               getmsg_c(option, numChar, err);
               wxString errStr(wxString::FromAscii(err));
               wxString errmsg = wxT("Error determining coverage for SPK kernel \"");
               errmsg += + wxT("\".  Message received from CSPICE is: ");
               errmsg += errStr + wxT("\n");
               delete [] err;
               throw UtilityException(errmsg);
            numInt = wncard_c(&cover);
            #ifdef DEBUG_SPK_COVERAGE
               MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("Number of intervals found =  %d\n"),
                     (Integer) numInt);
            if ((firstInt) && (numInt > 0))
               wnfetd_c(&cover, 0, &b, &e);
               if (failed_c())
                  ConstSpiceChar option[] = "LONG";
                  SpiceInt       numChar  = MAX_LONG_MESSAGE_VALUE;
                  //SpiceChar      err[MAX_LONG_MESSAGE_VALUE];
                  SpiceChar      *err = new SpiceChar[MAX_LONG_MESSAGE_VALUE];
                  getmsg_c(option, numChar, err);
                  wxString errStr(wxString::FromAscii(err));
                  wxString errmsg = wxT("Error getting interval times for SPK kernel \"");
                  errmsg += + wxT("\".  Message received from CSPICE is: ");
                  errmsg += errStr + wxT("\n");
                  delete [] err;
                  throw UtilityException(errmsg);
               start    = SpiceTimeToA1(b);
               end      = SpiceTimeToA1(e);
               firstInt = false;
            for (SpiceInt jj = 0; jj < numInt; jj++)
               wnfetd_c(&cover, jj, &b, &e);
               bA1 = SpiceTimeToA1(b);
               eA1 = SpiceTimeToA1(e);
               if (bA1 < start)  start = bA1;
               if (eA1 > end)    end   = eA1;

   if (firstInt)
      wxString errmsg(wxT(""));
      errmsg << wxT("Error - no data available for body with NAIF ID ") << forNaifId << wxT(" on specified SPK kernels\n");
      throw UtilityException(errmsg);
Esempio n. 4
int main (int argc, char **argv) {

  SpiceDouble et, mat[3][3], mat2[3][3], jac[3][3], nut, obq, dboq;
  SpiceDouble pos[3], newpos[3];
  SpiceDouble lt;
  SpiceInt planets[6], i;
  SPICEDOUBLE_CELL (range, 2);
  SpiceDouble beg,end,stime,etime,*array;
  char test2[2000];



  for (i=-20000; i<=20000; i++) {
    timout_c(year2et(i), "ERAYYYY##-MON-DD HR:MN:SC.############# ::MCAL", 50, test2);
    printf("TIME: %d %s\n", i, test2);


  spkcov_c("/home/barrycarter/SPICE/KERNELS/de431_part-1.bsp", 399, &range);
  wnfetd_c (&range, 0, &stime, &end);
  spkcov_c("/home/barrycarter/SPICE/KERNELS/de431_part-2.bsp", 399, &range);
  wnfetd_c(&range, 0, &beg, &etime);

  printf("TIMES: %f %f\n", beg, etime);

  str2et_c("2017-10-17 07:59", &et);
  printf("ET: %f\n", et);
  spkezp_c(1, et, "EQEQDATE", "CN+S", 399, pos, &lt);
  printf("ET: %f\n", et);
  printf("POS: %f %f %f %f %f\n", et, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], lt);

  //  eqeq2eclip(et, mat, jac);

  mxv_c(mat, pos, newpos);

  printf("NEWPOS: %f %f %f\n", newpos[0], newpos[1], newpos[2]);


  zzwahr_(&et, &nut);
  zzmobliq_(&et, &obq, &dboq);

  printf("NUTATION: %f\n", nut);
  printf("OBLIQUITY: %f\n", obq);

  pxform_c("EQEQDATE", "ECLIPDATE", et, mat);

  for (i=0; i<=2; i++) {
    printf("ALPHA: %d %f %f %f\n", i, mat[i][0], mat[i][1], mat[i][2]);

  eqeq2eclip(et, mat2);


  for (i=0; i<=2; i++) {
    printf("BETA: %d %f %f %f\n", i, mat2[i][0], mat2[i][1], mat2[i][2]);


  str2et_c("10400-FEB-28 00:00:00", &et);
  printf("ET: %f\n", et);
  str2et_c("10400-MAR-01 00:00:00", &et);
  printf("ET: %f\n", et);


  timout_c(0, "ERAYYYY##-MON-DD HR:MN:SC.############# ::MCAL", 41, test2);

  printf("%s\n", test2);


  long long test = -pow(2,63);

  printf("TEST: %lld\n",test);


  if (!strcmp(argv[1],"posxyz")) {
    double time = atof(argv[2]);
    int planet = atoi(argv[3]);
    printf("%f -> %f %f %f\n",time,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2]);

  if (!strcmp(argv[1],"earthvector")) {
    double time = atof(argv[2]);
    int planet = atoi(argv[3]);
    printf("%f -> %f %f %f\n",time,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2]);

  if (!strcmp(argv[1],"earthangle")) {
    double time = atof(argv[2]);
    int p1 = atoi(argv[3]);
    int p2 = atoi(argv[4]);
    SpiceDouble sep = earthangle(time,p1,p2);
    printf("%f -> %f\n",time,sep);

  if (!strcmp(argv[1],"earthmaxangle")) {
    double time = atof(argv[2]);
    for (i=3; i<argc; i++) {planets[i-3] = atoi(argv[i]);}
    SpiceDouble sep = earthmaxangle(time,argc-3,planets);
    printf("%f -> %f\n",time,sep);
