Esempio n. 1
	QVariant variantFromString(const QString &s)
		if (s.startsWith(QLatin1Char('@'))) {
			if (s.endsWith(")")) {
				if (s.startsWith(QLatin1String("@ByteArray("))) {
					return QVariant(QByteArray::fromBase64(s.toLatin1().mid(11, s.size() - 12)));
//					return QVariant(s.toLatin1().mid(11, s.size() - 12));
				} else if (s.startsWith(QLatin1String("@Variant("))) {
					QByteArray a(QByteArray::fromBase64(s.toLatin1().mid(9, s.size() - 10)));
					QDataStream stream(&a, QIODevice::ReadOnly);
					QVariant result;
					stream >> result;
					return result;
				} else if (s.startsWith(QLatin1String("@Rect("))) {
					QStringList args = splitArgs(s, 5);
					if (args.size() == 4)
						return QVariant(QRect(args[0].toInt(), args[1].toInt(), args[2].toInt(), args[3].toInt()));
				} else if (s.startsWith(QLatin1String("@Size("))) {
					QStringList args = splitArgs(s, 5);
					if (args.size() == 2)
						return QVariant(QSize(args[0].toInt(), args[1].toInt()));
				} else if (s.startsWith(QLatin1String("@Point("))) {
					QStringList args = splitArgs(s, 6);
					if (args.size() == 2)
						return QVariant(QPoint(args[0].toInt(), args[1].toInt()));
				} else if (s == QLatin1String("@Invalid()")) {
					return QVariant();

Esempio n. 2
QSettings::SettingsMap jsonDocumentToVariantMap(const QJsonDocument& document) {
    if (!document.isObject()) {
        qWarning() << "Settings file does not contain a JSON object";
        return QSettings::SettingsMap();
    auto object = document.object();
    QSettings::SettingsMap map;

    for (auto it = object.begin(); it != object.end(); ++it) {

        QVariant result;

        if (!it->isString()) {
            result = it->toVariant();
        } else {
            auto string = it->toString();

            if (string.startsWith(QLatin1String("@@"))) { // Standard string starting with '@'
                result = QVariant(string.mid(1));

            } else if (string.startsWith(QLatin1Char('@'))) { // Custom type to string

                if (string.endsWith(QLatin1Char(')'))) {

                    if (string.startsWith(QLatin1String("@ByteArray("))) {
                        result = QVariant(string.toLatin1().mid(11, string.size() - 12));

                    } else if (string.startsWith(QLatin1String("@Variant("))) {
                        QByteArray a(string.toLatin1().mid(9));
                        QDataStream stream(&a, QIODevice::ReadOnly);
                        stream >> result;

                    } else if (string.startsWith(QLatin1String("@Rect("))) {
                        QStringList args = splitArgs(string, 5);
                        if (args.size() == 4) {
                            result = QRect(args[0].toInt(), args[1].toInt(),
                                           args[2].toInt(), args[3].toInt());

                    } else if (string.startsWith(QLatin1String("@Size("))) {
                        QStringList args = splitArgs(string, 5);
                        if (args.size() == 2) {
                            result = QSize(args[0].toInt(), args[1].toInt());

                    } else if (string.startsWith(QLatin1String("@Point("))) {
                        QStringList args = splitArgs(string, 6);
                        if (args.size() == 2) {
                            result = QPoint(args[0].toInt(), args[1].toInt());
            } else { // Standard string
Esempio n. 3
/*	Gets an input line from the shell and splits it by spaces.
*	If the first token is an known function and the arguments match, the function is called.
*	Otherwise, the function prints an "invalid argument" message and returns.
void parse(char* buff) {
	int index, cant;
	char flag = 0;
	char* args[6];

	cant = splitArgs(args, buff);

	if (cant == -1) {
		printf(ANSI_COLOR_RED "No injection allowed\n" ANSI_COLOR_RESET);

	// The first input is not a parameter
	cant -= 1;

	for (index = 0; !flag &&  index < COM_SIZE ; index++) {
		if (!strcmp(args[0], commands[index].name)) {
			flag = 1;

			if (cant != commands[index].argsCant) {
				printf("Se esperaban %i argumentos y se recibieron %i, revisa el comando \n", commands[index].argsCant, cant);
			} else {
				convertArg(args, commands[index].args, commands[index].argsCant);
				switch (commands[index].argsCant) {
				case 0:
				case 1:
				case 2:
					commands[index].function(args[1], args[2]);
				case 3:
					commands[index].function(args[1], args[2], args[3]);
				case 5:
					commands[index].function(args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5]);
	if (!flag) {
		printf(ANSI_COLOR_MAGENTA "Comando invalido: %s. Intente el comando 'help'\n", args[0]);
Esempio n. 4
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

	//User input prompt variables
	char prompt[20] = "Dungeon Master>";
	char input[300];
	char *inputArgs[30];
	int nowait;
	char buf[600];
	ProcessList * pList = (ProcessList*) malloc(sizeof(ProcessList));
	pList->size = 0;

	//Scans for argument inputs
	extern char *optarg;
	int ch;
	//Get all optional arguments using the getopt function
	while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "p:")) != EOF) {
		switch (ch) {
			//Prompt argument
			case 'p':
				strcpy(prompt, optarg);


	//Main loop
	while (1) {
		int status = 0;

		//Zero out the input buffer
		memset(&input, '\0', sizeof(input));

		//Display the shell prompt
		printf("%s ", prompt);

//		int c = 0;
//		c = getchar();
//		if (c == KEY_UP) {
//			printf("KEYUP\n");
//		} else if (c == KEY_DOWN) {
//			printf("KEYDOWN\n");
//		} else {
//			printf("\n\nKey entered: %c \n\n", c);
//		}
		//Grab input from user prompt
		fgets(input, sizeof(input), stdin);

		//Split the input line into an array of char arrays (string array)
		int numArgs;
		numArgs = splitArgs(input, inputArgs);

		//Check if a valid number of arguments have been set
		if (numArgs < 0) {
			printf("Invalid Argument(s)\n");

		//Prevent execute from attempting to execute nothing (Simply pressing enter)
		if (numArgs == 1 && !strcmp(inputArgs[0], "\0")) {

		//Check for ampersand
		if (!(strcmp(inputArgs[numArgs - 1], "&"))) {
			//Set the nowait flag
			nowait = 1;
			//Remove the ampersand from the list of arguments sent to execute
			inputArgs[numArgs - 1] = '\0';
		} else {
			nowait = 0;

		//All of the checks for user input

		//exit - exit normally
		if (!(strcmp(inputArgs[0], "exit"))
				|| !(strcmp(inputArgs[0], "quit"))) {

		//roll - roll some dice
		else if (!(strcmp(inputArgs[0], "roll"))) {
			if (numArgs > 2
					&& (!(strcmp(inputArgs[2], "-v"))
							|| !(strcmp(inputArgs[2], "-verbose")))) {
				rollDiceCommand(inputArgs[1], 1);
			} else if (numArgs > 1) {
				rollDiceCommand(inputArgs[1], 0);
		// Command not found
		else {
			printf("Command not found\n");
Esempio n. 5
::std::vector< ::std::string> ConstructorImpl::argumentSpellings() const
	return splitArgs(m_argSpellings);
Esempio n. 6
static int parse_opcode_args(CSOUND *csound, OENTRY *opc)
    OPCODINFO   *inm = (OPCODINFO*) opc->useropinfo;
    char** in_args;
    char** out_args;
    char intypes[256];
    char typeSpecifier[2];
    char tempName[20];
    int i = 0, err = 0;
    ARRAY_VAR_INIT varInit;

    typeSpecifier[1] = '\0';

    // The following handles adding of extra 'o' type for optional
    // ksmps arg for all UDO's
    if (*inm->intypes == '0') {
        intypes[0] = 'o';
        intypes[1] = '\0';
    } else {
        snprintf(intypes, 256, "%so", inm->intypes);
    in_args = splitArgs(csound, intypes);
    out_args = splitArgs(csound, inm->outtypes);

    if (*in_args[0] != '0') {
      while (in_args[i] != NULL) {
        char* in_arg = in_args[i];
        snprintf(tempName, 20, "in%d", i);

        if (*in_arg == '[') {
          int dimensions = 0;
          while (*in_arg == '[') {
            dimensions += 1;
            in_arg += 1;
          typeSpecifier[0] = *in_arg;
// printf("Dimensions: %d SubArgType: %s\n", dimensions, typeSpecifier);
          CS_TYPE* type =
            csoundGetTypeWithVarTypeName(csound->typePool, typeSpecifier);

          if (type == NULL) {
            synterr(csound, Str("invalid input type for opcode %s"), in_arg);

          varInit.dimensions = dimensions;
          varInit.type = type;
          CS_VARIABLE* var = csoundCreateVariable(csound, csound->typePool,
                                                  tempName, &varInit);
          var->dimensions = dimensions;
          csoundAddVariable(csound, inm->in_arg_pool, var);
        } else {
          char c = map_udo_in_arg_type(*in_arg);
          //                printf("found arg type %s -> %c\n", in_arg, c);

          typeSpecifier[0] = c;
          CS_TYPE* type =
            csoundGetTypeWithVarTypeName(csound->typePool, typeSpecifier);

          if (type == NULL) {
            synterr(csound, Str("invalid input type for opcode %s"), in_arg);

          CS_VARIABLE* var = csoundCreateVariable(csound, csound->typePool,
                                                  type, tempName, NULL);
          csoundAddVariable(csound, inm->in_arg_pool, var);
//    inm->inchns = i + 1; /* Add one for optional local ksmps */
    inm->inchns = i - 1;

    i = 0;
    if (*out_args[0] != '0') {
      while(out_args[i] != NULL) {
        char* out_arg = out_args[i];
        snprintf(tempName, 20, "out%d", i);

        if (*out_arg == '[') {
          int dimensions = 0;
          while (*out_arg == '[') {
            dimensions += 1;
            out_arg += 1;
          typeSpecifier[0] = *out_arg;
          //printf("Dimensions: %d SubArgType: %s\n", dimensions, typeSpecifier);
          CS_TYPE* type =
            csoundGetTypeWithVarTypeName(csound->typePool, typeSpecifier);

          if (type == NULL) {
            synterr(csound, Str("invalid output type for opcode %s"), out_arg);

          varInit.dimensions = dimensions;
          varInit.type = type;
          CS_VARIABLE* var = csoundCreateVariable(csound, csound->typePool,
                                                  tempName, &varInit);
          var->dimensions = dimensions;
          csoundAddVariable(csound, inm->out_arg_pool, var);
        } else {
          char c = map_udo_out_arg_type(*out_arg);
          //                printf("found arg type %s -> %c\n", out_arg, c);
          typeSpecifier[0] = c;
          CS_TYPE* type =
            csoundGetTypeWithVarTypeName(csound->typePool, typeSpecifier);

          if (type == NULL) {
            synterr(csound, Str("invalid output type for opcode %s"), out_arg);

          CS_VARIABLE* var = csoundCreateVariable(csound, csound->typePool, type,
                                                  tempName, NULL);
          csoundAddVariable(csound, inm->out_arg_pool, var);

    inm->outchns = i;

    opc->dsblksiz = (uint16) (sizeof(UOPCODE) +
                              sizeof(MYFLT*) * (inm->inchns + inm->outchns));
    opc->dsblksiz = ((opc->dsblksiz + (uint16) 15)
                     & (~((uint16) 15)));   /* align (needed ?) */

    opc->intypes = cs_strdup(csound, intypes);
    opc->outypes = cs_strdup(csound, (inm->outtypes[0] == '0') ? "" :

//    /* count the number of arguments, and check types */
//      default:
//        synterr(csound, Str("invalid input type for opcode %s"), inm->name);
//        err++; i--;
//      }
//      i++; types++;
//        synterr(csound, Str("too many input args for opcode %s"), inm->name);
//        csound->LongJmp(csound, 1);
//      }
//    }
//      default:
//        synterr(csound, Str("invalid output type for opcode %s"), inm->name);
//        err++; i--;
//      }
//      i++; types++;
//    }
    int n=0;
    while(in_args[n] != NULL)  {
          // printf("delete %p \n", argsFound[n]);
          csound->Free(csound, in_args[n]);
    csound->Free(csound, in_args);
    n = 0;
    while(out_args[n] != NULL)  {
          // printf("delete %p \n", argsFound[n]);
          csound->Free(csound, out_args[n]);
    csound->Free(csound, out_args);
    return err;
Esempio n. 7
// Spawn
bool Process::Spawn( const char * executable,
					 const char * args,
					 const char * workingDir,
					 const char * environment,
					 bool shareHandles )
	ASSERT( !m_Started );
	ASSERT( executable );

    #if defined( __WINDOWS__ )
        // Set up the start up info struct.
        STARTUPINFO si;
        ZeroMemory( &si, sizeof(STARTUPINFO) );
		si.cb = sizeof( STARTUPINFO );
        si.dwFlags |= STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW;
        si.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE;
        ZeroMemory( &sa, sizeof( SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES ) );
        sa.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES);
        sa.bInheritHandle = TRUE;
        sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = nullptr;

		m_SharingHandles = shareHandles;

		if ( m_RedirectHandles )
			// create the pipes
			if ( shareHandles )
				si.hStdOutput = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
				si.hStdError = GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE);
				si.hStdInput = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
				if ( ! CreatePipe( &m_StdOutRead, &m_StdOutWrite, &sa, MEGABYTE ) )
					return false;
				SetHandleInformation( m_StdOutRead, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0 );

				if ( ! CreatePipe( &m_StdErrRead, &m_StdErrWrite, &sa, MEGABYTE ) )
					VERIFY( CloseHandle( m_StdOutRead ) );
					VERIFY( CloseHandle( m_StdOutWrite ) );
					return false;
				SetHandleInformation( m_StdErrRead, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0 );

				si.hStdOutput = m_StdOutWrite;
				si.hStdError = m_StdErrWrite;
				si.hStdInput = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE); // m_StdInRead;
        // Make sure the first arg is the executable
        // We also need to make a copy, as CreateProcess can write back to this string
        AStackString< 1024 > fullArgs;
        fullArgs += '\"';
        fullArgs += executable;
        fullArgs += '\"';
		if ( args )
	        fullArgs += ' ';
	        fullArgs += args;
        //fullArgs.Format( "\"%s\" %s", executable, args );

        // create the child
        if ( !CreateProcess( nullptr, //executable,
                              (BOOL)m_RedirectHandles, // inherit handles
                              (void *)environment,
                              (LPPROCESS_INFORMATION)&m_ProcessInfo ) )
            return false;

        m_Started = true;
        return true;
	#elif defined( __LINUX__ ) || defined( __APPLE__ )
        // create StdOut and StdErr pipes to capture output of spawned process
        int stdOutPipeFDs[ 2 ]; 
        int stdErrPipeFDs[ 2 ];
        VERIFY( pipe( stdOutPipeFDs ) == 0 );
        VERIFY( pipe( stdErrPipeFDs ) == 0 );     
        // fork the process
        const pid_t childProcessPid = fork();
        if ( childProcessPid == -1 )
            // cleanup pipes
            VERIFY( close( stdOutPipeFDs[ 0 ] ) == 0 );
            VERIFY( close( stdOutPipeFDs[ 1 ] ) == 0 );
            VERIFY( close( stdErrPipeFDs[ 0 ] ) == 0 );
            VERIFY( close( stdErrPipeFDs[ 1 ] ) == 0 );
            ASSERT( false ); // fork failed - should not happen in normal operation
            return false;
        const bool isChild = ( childProcessPid == 0 );        
        if ( isChild )
            VERIFY( dup2( stdOutPipeFDs[ 1 ], STDOUT_FILENO ) != -1 );
            VERIFY( dup2( stdErrPipeFDs[ 1 ], STDERR_FILENO ) != -1 );

            VERIFY( close( stdOutPipeFDs[ 0 ] ) == 0 );
            VERIFY( close( stdOutPipeFDs[ 1 ] ) == 0 );
            VERIFY( close( stdErrPipeFDs[ 0 ] ) == 0 );
            VERIFY( close( stdErrPipeFDs[ 1 ] ) == 0 );

            if ( workingDir )
                FileIO::SetCurrentDir( AStackString<>( workingDir ) );

            // split args
            AString fullArgs( args );
            Array< AString > splitArgs( 64, true );
            fullArgs.Tokenize( splitArgs );

            // prepare args
            const size_t numArgs = splitArgs.GetSize();
            char ** argv = FNEW( char *[ numArgs + 2 ] );
            argv[ 0 ] = const_cast< char * >( executable );
            for ( size_t i=0; i<numArgs; ++i )
                AString & thisArg = splitArgs[ i ];
				if ( thisArg.BeginsWith( '"' ) && thisArg.EndsWith( '"' ) )
					// strip quotes
					thisArg.SetLength( thisArg.GetLength() - 1 ); // trim end quote
	                argv[ i + 1 ] = thisArg.Get() + 1; // skip start quote
                argv[ i + 1 ] = thisArg.Get(); // leave arg as-is
            argv[ numArgs + 1 ] = nullptr;                      
            // transfer execution to new executable
            execv( executable, argv );
            exit( -1 ); // only get here if execv fails
Esempio n. 8
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

	//User input prompt variables
	char prompt[20] = "308sh>";
	char input[300];
	char *inputArgs[30];
	int nowait;
	char buf[600];
	ProcessList * pList = (ProcessList*) malloc(sizeof(ProcessList));
	pList->size = 0;

	//Scans for argument inputs
	extern char *optarg;
	int ch;
	//Get all optional arguments using the getopt function
	while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "p:")) != EOF) {
		switch (ch) {
		//Prompt argument
		case 'p':
			strcpy(prompt, optarg);


	//Main loop
	while (1) {
		int status = 0;

		//Zero out the input buffer
		memset(&input, '\0', sizeof(input));

		//Display the shell prompt
		printf("%s ", prompt);

		//Grab input from user prompt
		fgets(input, sizeof(input), stdin);

		//Check for status change of background child processes
		pid_t pid = waitpid(-1, &status, WNOHANG);
		if (pid > 0) {
			//Remove from process list
			Process * ended = removeFromList(pList, pid);
			if (ended != NULL) {
				printstatus(status, ended->pid, ended->procname);

		//Split the input line into an array of char arrays (string array)
		int numArgs;
		numArgs = splitArgs(input, inputArgs);

		//Check if a valid number of arguments have been set
		if (numArgs < 0) {
			printf("Invalid Argument(s)\n");

		//Prevent execute from attempting to execute nothing (Simply pressing enter)
		if (numArgs == 1 && !strcmp(inputArgs[0], "\0")) {

		//Check for ampersand
		if (!(strcmp(inputArgs[numArgs - 1], "&"))) {
			//Set the nowait flag
			nowait = 1;
			//Remove the ampersand from the list of arguments sent to execute
			inputArgs[numArgs - 1] = '\0';
		} else {
			nowait = 0;

		int stdout_old = dup(1);
		int fd = 1;
		//Check for file redirect, needs at least 3 arguments:
		// "CMD", the file redirect ">" and the file to redirect to "FILE"
		// CMD > FILE
		if (numArgs > 2 && !(strcmp(inputArgs[numArgs - 2], ">"))) {
			//Open the file
			fd = open(inputArgs[numArgs - 1], O_WRONLY | O_APPEND | O_CREAT,

			//Redirect standard out
			if (dup2(fd, 1) < 0 || fd < 0) {
			//Zero these arguments
			memset(&(inputArgs[numArgs - 1]), '\0',
					sizeof(inputArgs[numArgs - 1]));
			memset(&(inputArgs[numArgs - 2]), '\0',
					sizeof(inputArgs[numArgs - 2]));
			numArgs -= 2;

		//All of the checks for user input
		//exit - exit normally
		if (!(strcmp(inputArgs[0], "exit"))) {
		//pid - print the process ID
		else if (!(strcmp(inputArgs[0], "pid"))) {
			printf("Process id is: [%d]\n", getpid());
		//ppid - print the parent's process ID
		else if (!(strcmp(inputArgs[0], "ppid"))) {
			printf("Parent Process id is: [%d]\n", getppid());
		//pwd - print the parent's process ID
		else if (!(strcmp(inputArgs[0], "pwd"))) {
			printf("Present Wording Directory is: %s\n", getcwd(buf, sizeof(buf)));
		//cd - change current directory
		else if (!(strcmp(inputArgs[0], "cd"))) {
			if (numArgs == 1 || !(strcmp(inputArgs[1], "~"))) {
			} else {
			printf("Present Wording Directory is: %s\n", getcwd(buf, sizeof(buf)));
		//get - get an environment variable
		else if (!(strcmp(inputArgs[0], "get"))) {
			if (numArgs > 1) {
				//Check if variable is set
				if (getenv(inputArgs[1])) {
					//If it is set, print it.
					printf("Environment variable %s has value: %s\n",
							inputArgs[1], getenv(inputArgs[1]));
				} else {
					//If not set, notify user
					printf("Environment variable %s is not set\n",
			} else {
				printf("No environment varialbe given\n");
		} else if (!(strcmp(inputArgs[0], "set"))) {
			if (numArgs > 2) {
				//Set environment variable and notify user what has been set to what
				if (!setenv(inputArgs[1], inputArgs[2], 1)) {
							"Environment variable %s has been set with value: %s\n",
							inputArgs[1], inputArgs[2]);
			} else if (numArgs == 2) {
				if (!unsetenv(inputArgs[1])) {
					printf("Environment variable %s has been unset\n",
			} else {
				printf("No environment varialbe given\n");
		} else if (!(strcmp(inputArgs[0], "jobs"))) {
		} else {
			//If none of the built in functions, search the PATH for an executable
			Process * executed = (Process *) malloc(sizeof(Process));
			execute(inputArgs, executed);
			if (!nowait) {
				//If nowait flag is not set, wait until child process completes
				waitpid(executed->pid, &status, 0);
				printstatus(status, executed->pid, executed->procname);
			} else {
				//Put the process in the processList table.
				addToList(pList, executed);
				//Or, if nowait, then process in the background
				printf("Process %s executing in background\n",

		//Route stdout to stdout
		//(In case previous command was piped to a file)
		//close previous file descriptor
		//Flush standard out
		//Redirect file stream to old standard out
		if (dup2(stdout_old, 1) < 0) {
		//Close the saved old standard out file descriptor
