Esempio n. 1
void sq_setdebughook(HSQUIRRELVM v)
	SQObject o = stack_get(v,-1);
	if(sq_isclosure(o) || sq_isnativeclosure(o) || sq_isnull(o)) {
		v->_debughook_closure = o;
		v->_debughook_native = NULL;
		v->_debughook = !sq_isnull(o);
Esempio n. 2
void sq_seterrorhandler(HSQUIRRELVM v)
	SQObject o = stack_get(v, -1);
	if(sq_isclosure(o) || sq_isnativeclosure(o) || sq_isnull(o)) {
		v->_errorhandler = o;
Esempio n. 3
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SQInteger Signal::SqEmit(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
    const Int32 top = sq_gettop(vm);
    // The signal instance
    Signal * signal = nullptr;
    // Attempt to extract the signal instance
        signal = Var< Signal * >(vm, 1).value;
    catch (const Sqrat::Exception & e)
        return sq_throwerror(vm, e.what());
    // Do we have a valid signal instance?
    if (!signal)
        return sq_throwerror(vm, "Invalid signal instance");
    // Walk down the chain and trigger slots
    for (Slot * node = signal->m_Head, * next = nullptr; node != nullptr; node = next)
        // Grab the next node upfront
        next = node->mNext;
        // Remember the current stack size
        const StackGuard sg(vm);
        // Push the callback object
        sq_pushobject(vm, node->mFuncRef);
        // Is there an explicit environment?
        if (sq_isnull(node->mEnvRef))
            sq_pushobject(vm, node->mEnvRef);
        // Are there any parameters to forward?
        if (top > 1)
            for (SQInteger i = 2; i <= top; ++i)
                sq_push(vm, i);
        // Make the function call and store the result
        const SQRESULT res = sq_call(vm, top, false, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());
        // Validate the result
        if (SQ_FAILED(res))
            return res; // Propagate the error
    // Specify that we don't return anything
    return 0;
Esempio n. 4
BOOL SquirrelObject::IsNull() /*const*/
	return sq_isnull(_o);
Esempio n. 5
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SQInteger Signal::SqApprove(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
    const Int32 top = sq_gettop(vm);
    // The signal instance
    Signal * signal = nullptr;
    // Attempt to extract the signal instance
        signal = Var< Signal * >(vm, 1).value;
    catch (const Sqrat::Exception & e)
        return sq_throwerror(vm, e.what());
    // Do we have a valid signal instance?
    if (!signal)
        return sq_throwerror(vm, "Invalid signal instance");
    // Default to approved
    SQBool ret = SQTrue;
    // Walk down the chain and trigger slots
    for (Slot * node = signal->m_Head, * next = nullptr; node != nullptr; node = next)
        // Grab the next node upfront
        next = node->mNext;
        // Remember the current stack size
        const StackGuard sg(vm);
        // Push the callback object
        sq_pushobject(vm, node->mFuncRef);
        // Is there an explicit environment?
        if (sq_isnull(node->mEnvRef))
            sq_pushobject(vm, node->mEnvRef);
        // Are there any parameters to forward?
        if (top > 1)
            for (SQInteger i = 2; i <= top; ++i)
                sq_push(vm, i);
        // Make the function call and store the result
        const SQRESULT res = sq_call(vm, top, true, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());
        // Validate the result
        if (SQ_FAILED(res))
            return res; // Propagate the error
        // Is the returned value not null?
        else if (sq_gettype(vm, -1) != OT_NULL)
            // Obtain the returned value
            sq_tobool(vm, -1, &ret);
            // Should we proceed to the next slot or stop here?
            if (ret == SQFalse)
                break; // The slot did not approve the signal
    // Forward the returned value to the invoker
    sq_pushbool(vm, ret);
    // Specify that we returned something
    return 1;
Esempio n. 6
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SQInteger Signal::SqQuery(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
    const Int32 top = sq_gettop(vm);
    // Do we have the collector environment?
    if (top <= 1)
        return sq_throwerror(vm, "Missing collector environment");
    // Do we have the collector function?
    else if (top <= 2)
        return sq_throwerror(vm, "Missing collector callback");
    // The signal instance
    Signal * signal = nullptr;
    // Attempt to extract the signal instance and collector
        signal = Var< Signal * >(vm, 1).value;
    catch (const Sqrat::Exception & e)
        return sq_throwerror(vm, e.what());
    // Do we have a valid signal instance?
    if (!signal)
        return sq_throwerror(vm, "Invalid signal instance");
    // The collector
    HSQOBJECT cenv, cfunc;
    // Grab the collector environment
    SQRESULT res = sq_getstackobj(vm, 2, &cenv);
    // Validate the result
    if (SQ_FAILED(res))
        return res; // Propagate the error
    // Was there a valid environment?
    else if (sq_isnull(cenv))
        // Remember the current stack size
        const StackGuard sg(vm);
        // Default to the root table
        // Try to grab the collector environment again
        SQRESULT res = sq_getstackobj(vm, -1, &cenv);
        // Validate the result
        if (SQ_FAILED(res))
            return res; // Propagate the error
    // Grab the collector function
    res = sq_getstackobj(vm, 3, &cfunc);
    // Validate the result
    if (SQ_FAILED(res))
        return res; // Propagate the error
    // Some dummy checks to make sure the collector is a callable object
    else if (!sq_isfunction(cfunc) && !sq_isclosure(cfunc) && !sq_isnativeclosure(cfunc))
        return sq_throwerror(vm, "Invalid collector");
    // Walk down the chain and trigger slots
    for (Slot * node = signal->m_Head, * next = nullptr; node != nullptr; node = next)
        // Grab the next node upfront
        next = node->mNext;
        // Remember the current stack size
        const StackGuard sg(vm);
        // Push the callback object
        sq_pushobject(vm, node->mFuncRef);
        // Is there an explicit environment?
        if (sq_isnull(node->mEnvRef))
            sq_pushobject(vm, node->mEnvRef);
        // Are there any parameters to forward?
        if (top > 3)
            for (SQInteger i = 4; i <= top; ++i)
                sq_push(vm, i);
        // Make the function call and store the result
        res = sq_call(vm, top - 2, true, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());
        // Validate the result
        if (SQ_FAILED(res))
            return res; // Propagate the error
        // Push the collector onto the stack
        sq_pushobject(vm, cfunc);
        sq_pushobject(vm, cenv);
        // Push the returned value
        sq_push(vm, -3);
        // Make the function call and store the result
        res = sq_call(vm, 2, false, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());
        // Validate the result
        if (SQ_FAILED(res))
            return res; // Propagate the error
    // Specify that we don't return anything
    return 0;