Esempio n. 1
** Process a DELETE FROM statement.
void sqliteDeleteFrom(
  Parse *pParse,         /* The parser context */
  SrcList *pTabList,     /* The table from which we should delete things */
  Expr *pWhere           /* The WHERE clause.  May be null */
  Vdbe *v;               /* The virtual database engine */
  Table *pTab;           /* The table from which records will be deleted */
  const char *zDb;       /* Name of database holding pTab */
  int end, addr;         /* A couple addresses of generated code */
  int i;                 /* Loop counter */
  WhereInfo *pWInfo;     /* Information about the WHERE clause */
  Index *pIdx;           /* For looping over indices of the table */
  int iCur;              /* VDBE Cursor number for pTab */
  sqlite *db;            /* Main database structure */
  int isView;            /* True if attempting to delete from a view */
  AuthContext sContext;  /* Authorization context */

  int row_triggers_exist = 0;  /* True if any triggers exist */
  int before_triggers;         /* True if there are BEFORE triggers */
  int after_triggers;          /* True if there are AFTER triggers */
  int oldIdx = -1;             /* Cursor for the OLD table of AFTER triggers */

  sContext.pParse = 0;
  if( pParse->nErr || sqlite_malloc_failed ){
    pTabList = 0;
    goto delete_from_cleanup;
  db = pParse->db;
  assert( pTabList->nSrc==1 );

  /* Locate the table which we want to delete.  This table has to be
  ** put in an SrcList structure because some of the subroutines we
  ** will be calling are designed to work with multiple tables and expect
  ** an SrcList* parameter instead of just a Table* parameter.
  pTab = sqliteSrcListLookup(pParse, pTabList);
  if( pTab==0 )  goto delete_from_cleanup;
  before_triggers = sqliteTriggersExist(pParse, pTab->pTrigger, 
                         TK_DELETE, TK_BEFORE, TK_ROW, 0);
  after_triggers = sqliteTriggersExist(pParse, pTab->pTrigger, 
                         TK_DELETE, TK_AFTER, TK_ROW, 0);
  row_triggers_exist = before_triggers || after_triggers;
  isView = pTab->pSelect!=0;
  if( sqliteIsReadOnly(pParse, pTab, before_triggers) ){
    goto delete_from_cleanup;
  assert( pTab->iDb<db->nDb );
  zDb = db->aDb[pTab->iDb].zName;
  if( sqliteAuthCheck(pParse, SQLITE_DELETE, pTab->zName, 0, zDb) ){
    goto delete_from_cleanup;

  /* If pTab is really a view, make sure it has been initialized.
  if( isView && sqliteViewGetColumnNames(pParse, pTab) ){
    goto delete_from_cleanup;

  /* Allocate a cursor used to store the old.* data for a trigger.
  if( row_triggers_exist ){ 
    oldIdx = pParse->nTab++;

  /* Resolve the column names in all the expressions.
  assert( pTabList->nSrc==1 );
  iCur = pTabList->a[0].iCursor = pParse->nTab++;
  if( pWhere ){
    if( sqliteExprResolveIds(pParse, pTabList, 0, pWhere) ){
      goto delete_from_cleanup;
    if( sqliteExprCheck(pParse, pWhere, 0, 0) ){
      goto delete_from_cleanup;

  /* Start the view context
  if( isView ){
    sqliteAuthContextPush(pParse, &sContext, pTab->zName);

  /* Begin generating code.
  v = sqliteGetVdbe(pParse);
  if( v==0 ){
    goto delete_from_cleanup;
  sqliteBeginWriteOperation(pParse, row_triggers_exist, pTab->iDb);

  /* If we are trying to delete from a view, construct that view into
  ** a temporary table.
  if( isView ){
    Select *pView = sqliteSelectDup(pTab->pSelect);
    sqliteSelect(pParse, pView, SRT_TempTable, iCur, 0, 0, 0);

  /* Initialize the counter of the number of rows deleted, if
  ** we are counting rows.
  if( db->flags & SQLITE_CountRows ){
    sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Integer, 0, 0);

  /* Special case: A DELETE without a WHERE clause deletes everything.
  ** It is easier just to erase the whole table.  Note, however, that
  ** this means that the row change count will be incorrect.
  if( pWhere==0 && !row_triggers_exist ){
    if( db->flags & SQLITE_CountRows ){
      /* If counting rows deleted, just count the total number of
      ** entries in the table. */
      int endOfLoop = sqliteVdbeMakeLabel(v);
      int addr;
      if( !isView ){
        sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Integer, pTab->iDb, 0);
        sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_OpenRead, iCur, pTab->tnum);
      sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Rewind, iCur, sqliteVdbeCurrentAddr(v)+2);
      addr = sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_AddImm, 1, 0);
      sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Next, iCur, addr);
      sqliteVdbeResolveLabel(v, endOfLoop);
      sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Close, iCur, 0);
    if( !isView ){
      sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Clear, pTab->tnum, pTab->iDb);
      for(pIdx=pTab->pIndex; pIdx; pIdx=pIdx->pNext){
        sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Clear, pIdx->tnum, pIdx->iDb);

  /* The usual case: There is a WHERE clause so we have to scan through
  ** the table and pick which records to delete.
    /* Begin the database scan
    pWInfo = sqliteWhereBegin(pParse, pTabList, pWhere, 1, 0);
    if( pWInfo==0 ) goto delete_from_cleanup;

    /* Remember the key of every item to be deleted.
    sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_ListWrite, 0, 0);
    if( db->flags & SQLITE_CountRows ){
      sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_AddImm, 1, 0);

    /* End the database scan loop.

    /* Open the pseudo-table used to store OLD if there are triggers.
    if( row_triggers_exist ){
      sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_OpenPseudo, oldIdx, 0);

    /* Delete every item whose key was written to the list during the
    ** database scan.  We have to delete items after the scan is complete
    ** because deleting an item can change the scan order.
    sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_ListRewind, 0, 0);
    end = sqliteVdbeMakeLabel(v);

    /* This is the beginning of the delete loop when there are
    ** row triggers.
    if( row_triggers_exist ){
      addr = sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_ListRead, 0, end);
      sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Dup, 0, 0);
      if( !isView ){
        sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Integer, pTab->iDb, 0);
        sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_OpenRead, iCur, pTab->tnum);
      sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_MoveTo, iCur, 0);

      sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Recno, iCur, 0);
      sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_RowData, iCur, 0);
      sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_PutIntKey, oldIdx, 0);
      if( !isView ){
        sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Close, iCur, 0);

      sqliteCodeRowTrigger(pParse, TK_DELETE, 0, TK_BEFORE, pTab, -1, 
          oldIdx, (pParse->trigStack)?pParse->trigStack->orconf:OE_Default,

    if( !isView ){
      /* Open cursors for the table we are deleting from and all its
      ** indices.  If there are row triggers, this happens inside the
      ** OP_ListRead loop because the cursor have to all be closed
      ** before the trigger fires.  If there are no row triggers, the
      ** cursors are opened only once on the outside the loop.
      pParse->nTab = iCur + 1;
      sqliteOpenTableAndIndices(pParse, pTab, iCur);

      /* This is the beginning of the delete loop when there are no
      ** row triggers */
      if( !row_triggers_exist ){ 
        addr = sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_ListRead, 0, end);

      /* Delete the row */
      sqliteGenerateRowDelete(db, v, pTab, iCur, pParse->trigStack==0);

    /* If there are row triggers, close all cursors then invoke
    ** the AFTER triggers
    if( row_triggers_exist ){
      if( !isView ){
        for(i=1, pIdx=pTab->pIndex; pIdx; i++, pIdx=pIdx->pNext){
          sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Close, iCur + i, pIdx->tnum);
        sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Close, iCur, 0);
      sqliteCodeRowTrigger(pParse, TK_DELETE, 0, TK_AFTER, pTab, -1, 
          oldIdx, (pParse->trigStack)?pParse->trigStack->orconf:OE_Default,

    /* End of the delete loop */
    sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Goto, 0, addr);
    sqliteVdbeResolveLabel(v, end);
    sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_ListReset, 0, 0);

    /* Close the cursors after the loop if there are no row triggers */
    if( !row_triggers_exist ){
      for(i=1, pIdx=pTab->pIndex; pIdx; i++, pIdx=pIdx->pNext){
        sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Close, iCur + i, pIdx->tnum);
      sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Close, iCur, 0);
      pParse->nTab = iCur;
  sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_SetCounts, 0, 0);

  ** Return the number of rows that were deleted.
  if( db->flags & SQLITE_CountRows ){
    sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_ColumnName, 0, 1);
    sqliteVdbeChangeP3(v, -1, "rows deleted", P3_STATIC);
    sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Callback, 1, 0);

Esempio n. 2
** Generate code to do a constraint check prior to an INSERT or an UPDATE.
** When this routine is called, the stack contains (from bottom to top)
** the following values:
**    1.  The recno of the row to be updated before the update.  This
**        value is omitted unless we are doing an UPDATE that involves a
**        change to the record number.
**    2.  The recno of the row after the update.
**    3.  The data in the first column of the entry after the update.
**    i.  Data from middle columns...
**    N.  The data in the last column of the entry after the update.
** The old recno shown as entry (1) above is omitted unless both isUpdate
** and recnoChng are 1.  isUpdate is true for UPDATEs and false for
** INSERTs and recnoChng is true if the record number is being changed.
** The code generated by this routine pushes additional entries onto
** the stack which are the keys for new index entries for the new record.
** The order of index keys is the same as the order of the indices on
** the pTable->pIndex list.  A key is only created for index i if 
** aIdxUsed!=0 and aIdxUsed[i]!=0.
** This routine also generates code to check constraints.  NOT NULL,
** CHECK, and UNIQUE constraints are all checked.  If a constraint fails,
** then the appropriate action is performed.  There are five possible
**  Constraint type  Action       What Happens
**  ---------------  ----------   ----------------------------------------
**  any              ROLLBACK     The current transaction is rolled back and
**                                sqlite_exec() returns immediately with a
**                                return code of SQLITE_CONSTRAINT.
**  any              ABORT        Back out changes from the current command
**                                only (do not do a complete rollback) then
**                                cause sqlite_exec() to return immediately
**                                with SQLITE_CONSTRAINT.
**  any              FAIL         Sqlite_exec() returns immediately with a
**                                return code of SQLITE_CONSTRAINT.  The
**                                transaction is not rolled back and any
**                                prior changes are retained.
**  any              IGNORE       The record number and data is popped from
**                                the stack and there is an immediate jump
**                                to label ignoreDest.
**  NOT NULL         REPLACE      The NULL value is replace by the default
**                                value for that column.  If the default value
**                                is NULL, the action is the same as ABORT.
**  UNIQUE           REPLACE      The other row that conflicts with the row
**                                being inserted is removed.
**  CHECK            REPLACE      Illegal.  The results in an exception.
** Which action to take is determined by the overrideError parameter.
** Or if overrideError==OE_Default, then the pParse->onError parameter
** is used.  Or if pParse->onError==OE_Default then the onError value
** for the constraint is used.
** The calling routine must open a read/write cursor for pTab with
** cursor number "base".  All indices of pTab must also have open
** read/write cursors with cursor number base+i for the i-th cursor.
** Except, if there is no possibility of a REPLACE action then
** cursors do not need to be open for indices where aIdxUsed[i]==0.
** If the isUpdate flag is true, it means that the "base" cursor is
** initially pointing to an entry that is being updated.  The isUpdate
** flag causes extra code to be generated so that the "base" cursor
** is still pointing at the same entry after the routine returns.
** Without the isUpdate flag, the "base" cursor might be moved.
void sqliteGenerateConstraintChecks(
  Parse *pParse,      /* The parser context */
  Table *pTab,        /* the table into which we are inserting */
  int base,           /* Index of a read/write cursor pointing at pTab */
  char *aIdxUsed,     /* Which indices are used.  NULL means all are used */
  int recnoChng,      /* True if the record number will change */
  int isUpdate,       /* True for UPDATE, False for INSERT */
  int overrideError,  /* Override onError to this if not OE_Default */
  int ignoreDest      /* Jump to this label on an OE_Ignore resolution */
  int i;
  Vdbe *v;
  int nCol;
  int onError;
  int addr;
  int extra;
  int iCur;
  Index *pIdx;
  int seenReplace = 0;
  int jumpInst1, jumpInst2;
  int contAddr;
  int hasTwoRecnos = (isUpdate && recnoChng);

  v = sqliteGetVdbe(pParse);
  assert( v!=0 );
  assert( pTab->pSelect==0 );  /* This table is not a VIEW */
  nCol = pTab->nCol;

  /* Test all NOT NULL constraints.
  for(i=0; i<nCol; i++){
    if( i==pTab->iPKey ){
    onError = pTab->aCol[i].notNull;
    if( onError==OE_None ) continue;
    if( overrideError!=OE_Default ){
      onError = overrideError;
    }else if( pParse->db->onError!=OE_Default ){
      onError = pParse->db->onError;
    }else if( onError==OE_Default ){
      onError = OE_Abort;
    if( onError==OE_Replace && pTab->aCol[i].zDflt==0 ){
      onError = OE_Abort;
    sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Dup, nCol-1-i, 1);
    addr = sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_NotNull, 1, 0);
    switch( onError ){
      case OE_Rollback:
      case OE_Abort:
      case OE_Fail: {
        char *zMsg = 0;
        sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Halt, SQLITE_CONSTRAINT, onError);
        sqliteSetString(&zMsg, pTab->zName, ".", pTab->aCol[i].zName,
                        " may not be NULL", (char*)0);
        sqliteVdbeChangeP3(v, -1, zMsg, P3_DYNAMIC);
      case OE_Ignore: {
        sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Pop, nCol+1+hasTwoRecnos, 0);
        sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Goto, 0, ignoreDest);
      case OE_Replace: {
        sqliteVdbeOp3(v, OP_String, 0, 0, pTab->aCol[i].zDflt, P3_STATIC);
        sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Push, nCol-i, 0);
      default: assert(0);
    sqliteVdbeChangeP2(v, addr, sqliteVdbeCurrentAddr(v));

  /* Test all CHECK constraints
  /**** TBD ****/

  /* If we have an INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, make sure the primary key
  ** of the new record does not previously exist.  Except, if this
  ** is an UPDATE and the primary key is not changing, that is OK.
  if( recnoChng ){
    onError = pTab->keyConf;
    if( overrideError!=OE_Default ){
      onError = overrideError;
    }else if( pParse->db->onError!=OE_Default ){
      onError = pParse->db->onError;
    }else if( onError==OE_Default ){
      onError = OE_Abort;
    if( isUpdate ){
      sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Dup, nCol+1, 1);
      sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Dup, nCol+1, 1);
      jumpInst1 = sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Eq, 0, 0);
    sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Dup, nCol, 1);
    jumpInst2 = sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_NotExists, base, 0);
    switch( onError ){
      default: {
        onError = OE_Abort;
        /* Fall thru into the next case */
      case OE_Rollback:
      case OE_Abort:
      case OE_Fail: {
        sqliteVdbeOp3(v, OP_Halt, SQLITE_CONSTRAINT, onError,
                         "PRIMARY KEY must be unique", P3_STATIC);
      case OE_Replace: {
        sqliteGenerateRowIndexDelete(pParse->db, v, pTab, base, 0);
        if( isUpdate ){
          sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Dup, nCol+hasTwoRecnos, 1);
          sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_MoveTo, base, 0);
        seenReplace = 1;
      case OE_Ignore: {
        assert( seenReplace==0 );
        sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Pop, nCol+1+hasTwoRecnos, 0);
        sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Goto, 0, ignoreDest);
    contAddr = sqliteVdbeCurrentAddr(v);
    sqliteVdbeChangeP2(v, jumpInst2, contAddr);
    if( isUpdate ){
      sqliteVdbeChangeP2(v, jumpInst1, contAddr);
      sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Dup, nCol+1, 1);
      sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_MoveTo, base, 0);

  /* Test all UNIQUE constraints by creating entries for each UNIQUE
  ** index and making sure that duplicate entries do not already exist.
  ** Add the new records to the indices as we go.
  extra = -1;
  for(iCur=0, pIdx=pTab->pIndex; pIdx; pIdx=pIdx->pNext, iCur++){
    if( aIdxUsed && aIdxUsed[iCur]==0 ) continue;  /* Skip unused indices */

    /* Create a key for accessing the index entry */
    sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Dup, nCol+extra, 1);
    for(i=0; i<pIdx->nColumn; i++){
      int idx = pIdx->aiColumn[i];
      if( idx==pTab->iPKey ){
        sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Dup, i+extra+nCol+1, 1);
        sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Dup, i+extra+nCol-idx, 1);
    jumpInst1 = sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_MakeIdxKey, pIdx->nColumn, 0);
    if( pParse->db->file_format>=4 ) sqliteAddIdxKeyType(v, pIdx);

    /* Find out what action to take in case there is an indexing conflict */
    onError = pIdx->onError;
    if( onError==OE_None ) continue;  /* pIdx is not a UNIQUE index */
    if( overrideError!=OE_Default ){
      onError = overrideError;
    }else if( pParse->db->onError!=OE_Default ){
      onError = pParse->db->onError;
    }else if( onError==OE_Default ){
      onError = OE_Abort;
    if( seenReplace ){
      if( onError==OE_Ignore ) onError = OE_Replace;
      else if( onError==OE_Fail ) onError = OE_Abort;

    /* Check to see if the new index entry will be unique */
    sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Dup, extra+nCol+1+hasTwoRecnos, 1);
    jumpInst2 = sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_IsUnique, base+iCur+1, 0);

    /* Generate code that executes if the new index entry is not unique */
    switch( onError ){
      case OE_Rollback:
      case OE_Abort:
      case OE_Fail: {
        int j, n1, n2;
        char zErrMsg[200];
        strcpy(zErrMsg, pIdx->nColumn>1 ? "columns " : "column ");
        n1 = strlen(zErrMsg);
        for(j=0; j<pIdx->nColumn && n1<sizeof(zErrMsg)-30; j++){
          char *zCol = pTab->aCol[pIdx->aiColumn[j]].zName;
          n2 = strlen(zCol);
          if( j>0 ){
            strcpy(&zErrMsg[n1], ", ");
            n1 += 2;
          if( n1+n2>sizeof(zErrMsg)-30 ){
            strcpy(&zErrMsg[n1], "...");
            n1 += 3;
            strcpy(&zErrMsg[n1], zCol);
            n1 += n2;
            pIdx->nColumn>1 ? " are not unique" : " is not unique");
        sqliteVdbeOp3(v, OP_Halt, SQLITE_CONSTRAINT, onError, zErrMsg, 0);
      case OE_Ignore: {
        assert( seenReplace==0 );
        sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Pop, nCol+extra+3+hasTwoRecnos, 0);
        sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Goto, 0, ignoreDest);
      case OE_Replace: {
        sqliteGenerateRowDelete(pParse->db, v, pTab, base, 0);
        if( isUpdate ){
          sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_Dup, nCol+extra+1+hasTwoRecnos, 1);
          sqliteVdbeAddOp(v, OP_MoveTo, base, 0);
        seenReplace = 1;
      default: assert(0);
    contAddr = sqliteVdbeCurrentAddr(v);
    sqliteVdbeChangeP2(v, jumpInst1, contAddr);
    sqliteVdbeChangeP2(v, jumpInst2, contAddr);