int CutTxtMain(TCHAR *file_name) { FileEx src_file(file_name); if (src_file.Open()) { DWORD rw = 0; LONGLONG ptr = 0; BYTE r_buff[BLOCK_SIZE] = {0}; STATISTIC statistic; while (rw = src_file.Read(r_buff, BLOCK_SIZE)) { AnalyzeBuffer(r_buff, rw, statistic); if (IsPartOfTextFile(statistic)) { SaveToFile(src_file, ptr); } src_file.GetPointer(&ptr); _tprintf(_T("LBA: %I64d\n"), ptr/BLOCK_SIZE); } return 0; } return -1; }
inline bool copy_file(const std::string& src_file_name, const std::string& dest_file_name) { std::ifstream src_file(src_file_name.c_str(),std::ios::binary); std::ofstream dest_file(dest_file_name.c_str(),std::ios::binary); if (!src_file) return false; if (!dest_file) return false; const std::size_t block_size = 1024; char buffer[block_size]; std::size_t remaining_bytes = file_size(src_file_name); while (remaining_bytes >= block_size) {[0],static_cast<std::streamsize>(block_size)); dest_file.write(&buffer[0],static_cast<std::streamsize>(block_size)); remaining_bytes -= block_size; } if (remaining_bytes > 0) {[0],static_cast<std::streamsize>(remaining_bytes)); dest_file.write(&buffer[0],static_cast<std::streamsize>(remaining_bytes)); remaining_bytes = 0; } src_file.close(); dest_file.close(); return true; }
static std::string readFile(const char *file) { std::ifstream src_file(file); std::stringstream src_script; src_script << src_file.rdbuf(); std::string s = src_script.str(); return s; }
void attach_sfx_module(const wstring& file_path, const SfxOptions& sfx_options) { AttachSfxModuleProgress progress(file_path); { OpenOptions options; options.arc_path = file_path; options.detect = false; options.arc_types.push_back(c_7z); unique_ptr<Archives> archives(Archive::open(options)); if (archives->empty()) FAIL_MSG(Far::get_msg(MSG_ERROR_SFX_CONVERT)); if (!archives->front()->is_pure_7z()) FAIL_MSG(Far::get_msg(MSG_ERROR_SFX_CONVERT)); } FindData file_data = File::get_find_data(file_path); progress.set_total(file_data.size()); wstring dst_path = file_path + c_sfx_ext; try { create_sfx_module(dst_path, sfx_options); File dst_file(dst_path, FILE_WRITE_DATA | FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES, FILE_SHARE_READ, OPEN_EXISTING, 0); dst_file.set_pos(0, FILE_END); File src_file(file_path, FILE_READ_DATA, FILE_SHARE_READ, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN); Buffer<char> buf(1024 * 1024); while (true) { unsigned size_read =, static_cast<unsigned>(buf.size())); if (size_read == 0) break; CHECK(dst_file.write(, size_read) == size_read); progress.update_completed(size_read); } File::set_attr(file_path, file_data.dwFileAttributes); dst_file.set_time(file_data.ftCreationTime, file_data.ftLastAccessTime, file_data.ftLastWriteTime); } catch (...) { File::delete_file_nt(dst_path); throw; } File::delete_file_nt(file_path); }
int tibun_main(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { if (argc >= 3) { FileEx src_file(argv[1]); FileEx out_file(argv[2]); if (src_file.Open()) { if (out_file.Create()) { return Unpack(&src_file, &out_file); } else _tprintf(_T("Cannot create file %s\n"), argv[2]); } else _tprintf(_T("Cannot open file %s\n"), argv[1]); } else _tprintf(_T("Usage: <*.tib> <out file>\n")); return -1; }
void Application::copyFilesRecursively(const QString &src_path, const QString &dst_path) { QFileInfo src_file(src_path); if(!src_file.exists()) throw Exception(Exception::getErrorMessage(ERR_FILE_DIR_NOT_ACCESSED).arg(src_path), __PRETTY_FUNCTION__,__FILE__,__LINE__); if(src_file.isDir()) { QString new_src_path, new_dst_path; QStringList filenames; QDir dst_dir(dst_path), src_dir(src_path); if(!dst_dir.exists() && !dst_dir.mkpath(dst_path)) throw Exception(Exception::getErrorMessage(ERR_FILE_DIR_NOT_WRITTEN).arg(dst_path), __PRETTY_FUNCTION__,__FILE__,__LINE__); filenames = src_dir.entryList({QString("*%1").arg(GlobalAttributes::CONFIGURATION_EXT)}, QDir::Files | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot); for(QString filename : filenames) { //Avoiding the copy of ui-style.conf file if(!filename.contains(GlobalAttributes::UI_STYLE_CONF)) { new_src_path = src_path + src_dir.separator() + filename; new_dst_path = dst_path + dst_dir.separator() + filename; copyFilesRecursively(new_src_path, new_dst_path); } } } else if(!QFile::exists(dst_path) && !QFile::copy(src_path, dst_path)) { throw Exception(Exception::getErrorMessage(ERR_FILE_DIR_NOT_WRITTEN).arg(dst_path), __PRETTY_FUNCTION__,__FILE__,__LINE__); } }
Command* Runtime::Debugger::ProcessCommand(const wstring &line) { #ifdef _DEBUG wcout << L"input: |" << line << L"|" << endl; #endif // parser input is_next = is_next_line = false; Parser parser; Command* command = parser.Parse(L"?" + line); if(command) { switch(command->GetCommandType()) { case EXE_COMMAND: ProcessExe(static_cast<Load*>(command)); break; case SRC_COMMAND: ProcessSrc(static_cast<Load*>(command)); break; case ARGS_COMMAND: ProcessArgs(static_cast<Load*>(command)); break; case QUIT_COMMAND: ClearBreaks(); ClearProgram(); wcout << L"goodbye." << endl; exit(0); break; case LIST_COMMAND: { FilePostion* file_pos = static_cast<FilePostion*>(command); wstring file_name; if(file_pos->GetFileName().size() > 0) { file_name = file_pos->GetFileName(); } else { file_name = cur_file_name; } int line_num; if(file_pos->GetLineNumber() > 0) { line_num = file_pos->GetLineNumber(); } else { line_num = cur_line_num; } const wstring &path = base_path + file_name; if(FileExists(path) && line_num > 0) { SourceFile src_file(path, cur_line_num); if(!src_file.Print(line_num)) { wcout << L"invalid line number." << endl; is_error = true; } } else { wcout << L"source file or line number doesn't exist, ensure the program is running." << endl; is_error = true; } } break; case BREAK_COMMAND: ProcessBreak(static_cast<FilePostion*>(command)); break; case BREAKS_COMMAND: ProcessBreaks(); break; case PRINT_COMMAND: ProcessPrint(static_cast<Print*>(command)); break; case RUN_COMMAND: if(!cur_program) { ProcessRun(); } else { wcout << L"instance already running." << endl; is_error = true; } break; case CLEAR_COMMAND: { wcout << L" are sure you want to clear all breakpoints? [y/n] "; wstring line; getline(wcin, line); if(line == L"y" || line == L"yes") { ClearBreaks(); } } break; case DELETE_COMMAND: ProcessDelete(static_cast<FilePostion*>(command)); break; case NEXT_COMMAND: if(interpreter) { is_next = true; } else { wcout << L"program is not running." << endl; } break; case NEXT_LINE_COMMAND: if(interpreter) { is_next_line = true; } else { wcout << L"program is not running." << endl; } break; case JUMP_OUT_COMMAND: if(interpreter) { is_jmp_out = true; } else { wcout << L"program is not running." << endl; } break; case CONT_COMMAND: if(!interpreter) { wcout << L"program is not running." << endl; } cur_line_num = -2; break; case INFO_COMMAND: ProcessInfo(static_cast<Info*>(command)); break; case STACK_COMMAND: if(interpreter) { wcout << L"stack:" << endl; StackMethod* method = cur_frame->method; wcerr << L" frame: pos=" << cur_call_stack_pos << L", class=" << method->GetClass()->GetName() << L", method=" << PrintMethod(method); const long ip = cur_frame->ip; if(ip > -1) { StackInstr* instr = cur_frame->method->GetInstruction(ip); wcerr << L", file=" << method->GetClass()->GetFileName() << L":" << instr->GetLineNumber() << endl; } else { wcerr << endl; } long pos = cur_call_stack_pos - 1; do { StackMethod* method = cur_call_stack[pos]->method; wcerr << L" frame: pos=" << pos << L", class=" << method->GetClass()->GetName() << L", method=" << PrintMethod(method); const long ip = cur_call_stack[pos]->ip; if(ip > -1) { StackInstr* instr = cur_call_stack[pos]->method->GetInstruction(ip); wcerr << L", file=" << method->GetClass()->GetFileName() << L":" << instr->GetLineNumber() << endl; } else { wcerr << endl; } } while(--pos); } else { wcout << L"program is not running." << endl; } break; default: break; } is_error = false; ref_mem = NULL; return command; } else { wcout << L"-- Unable to process command --" << endl; } is_error = false; ref_mem = NULL; return NULL; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { try{ if(argc != 4) throw std::string("invalid use"); std::string src_file_name = argv[1]; std::string dest_file_name = argv[2]; std::string gen_file_name =argv[3]; std::list<Individu> lIndividu; /* ------------------------------------------------- */ /* ------ PARSING INPUT FILE ----------------------- */ /* ------------------------------------------------- */ /* Parsing algorithm : */ /* 1) parse the first few line individu */ /* warn to a single line, which was use */ /* to find the end of the first generation */ /* 2) parse the end of the file */ /* first reading to parse individu */ std::ifstream src_file(src_file_name.c_str(), std::ios::in); if(!src_file) throw std::string("can't open file \"" + src_file_name + "\""); /* step 1) */ /* insert the first generation in lIndividu */ std::string type; bool firstGen = true; while(firstGen) { src_file >> type; if(type == "Individu") { /* Parsing Individu line */ std::string semicolon, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3; std::string sNoGen, sId, sFitness, sGainFitness; int noGen, id; float fitness,gainFitness; src_file >> semicolon >> sNoGen >> noGen >> tmp1 >> sId >> id >> tmp2 >> sFitness >> fitness >> tmp3 >> sGainFitness >> gainFitness; Individu mIndividu; = id; mIndividu.gen=noGen; = fitness; mIndividu.parent1 = 0; mIndividu.parent2 = 0; mIndividu.origine = 0; mIndividu.gain_fitness = 0; mIndividu.survival=0; lIndividu.push_back(mIndividu); } else { firstGen = false; } }