void mdlStart(SimStruct *S)
/* ======================================================================== */
    int i = 0; for (; i < P_WORK_LENGTH; ++i) ssSetPWorkValue(S, i, NULL);

    ssSetPWorkValue(S, SBUF, sample_buffer_new());

    Hackrf_assert(S, hackrf_init(), "Failed to initialize HackRF API");
    startHackrfTx(S, true);
Esempio n. 2
static void mdlStart(SimStruct * S) {
    uchar_T     ipAddress[16];
    int_T       ipPort  = (int_T) mxGetPr(IP_PORT_ARG)[0];
    int_T       noBytes = (int_T) mxGetPr(NO_BYTES_ARG)[0];
    int_T       id = 0;
    uint8_T     *buffer = (uint8_T *) calloc(noBytes, sizeof(uint8_T));
    if (buffer == NULL) {
        sprintf(msg, "Error UDP Receive: Memory allocation failed");
        ssSetErrorStatus(S, msg);
    ssSetPWorkValue(S, 0, (void *) buffer);
    /* initialize buffer with zeros */
    memset((void *) buffer, 0, noBytes * sizeof(uint8_T));
    mxGetString(IP_ADDRESS_ARG, ipAddress, 16);
    id      = udpOpenReceive(ipPort, ipAddress, noBytes);
    if(id < 0){
        sprintf(msg, "Error: No UDP channel free or UDP error");
        ssSetErrorStatus(S, msg);
    ssSetIWorkValue(S, 0, id);
    ssSetIWorkValue(S, 1, noBytes);
Esempio n. 3
static void mdlUpdate(SimStruct *S, int_T tid) {

  TimePoint *wall_clock_start_time =
      static_cast<TimePoint *>(ssGetPWorkValue(S, 0));
  if (!wall_clock_start_time) {
    // t0 not set yet, set it now.  (note: used to set this in mdlStart, but
    // there can be a big pause between mdlStart and the full simulation start)
    wall_clock_start_time = new TimePoint();
    *wall_clock_start_time = TimeClock::now();
    ssSetPWorkValue(S, 0, wall_clock_start_time);

  double sim_time = ssGetT(S);
  double realtime_factor = mxGetScalar(ssGetSFcnParam(S, 1));
  TimePoint wall_time = TimeClock::now();
  TimePoint desired_time =
      *wall_clock_start_time + TimeDuration(sim_time / realtime_factor);
  if (desired_time >
      wall_time) {  // could probably just call sleep_until, but just in case
  } else if (wall_time > desired_time + std::chrono::duration<double>(
                                            1.0 / realtime_factor)) {
    mexPrintf("at time %f, I'm behind by more than 1 (scaled) second\n",
                     "Simulink is not keeping up with real time.  Consider "
                     "reducing demands on your ODE solver, or optimizing your "
Esempio n. 4
static void mdlStart(SimStruct *S) {
    real_T *y = ssGetOutputPortRealSignal(S,0);
    const real_T *initVal = PARAM(2);
    int_T initValLen = PARAM_SIZE(2);
    int i;
    int num;
    rosShmData_t *shm;
    SEM *sem;
    rosBlockInitResult_t res;
    unsigned int strlen = sizeof(char_T)*(PARAM_SIZE(1)+1);
    char_T *str = (char_T *)malloc(strlen);

    mxGetString(ssGetSFcnParam(S,1), str, strlen);

    res = registerRosBlock(S, str, SUBSCRIBER, PARAM(0)[0]);
    shm = res.shm;
    sem = res.sem;
    num = res.num;

    shm->length = ssGetOutputPortWidth(S,0);
    for (i = 0; i < shm->length; ++i) {
        if (initValLen > 1) {
            shm->data[i] = initVal[i];
        } else {
            shm->data[i] = initVal[0];

    ssSetPWorkValue(S,0,(void *)shm);
    ssSetPWorkValue(S,1,(void *)sem);

    for (i = 0; i < ssGetOutputPortWidth(S,0); ++i) {
        if (initValLen > 1) {
            y[i] = initVal[i];
        } else {
            y[i] = initVal[0];
Esempio n. 5
static void mdlStart(SimStruct *S) {
	int num;
	rosShmData_t *shm;
	SEM *sem;
	rosBlockInitResult_t res;
	unsigned int strlen = sizeof(char_T)*(PARAM_SIZE(1)+1);

	res = registerRosBlock(S, "rosout", LOGGER, 0);
	shm = res.shm;
	sem = res.sem;
	num = res.num;
	shm->msg.level = PARAM(0)[0]-1;

	ssSetPWorkValue(S,0,(void *)shm);
	ssSetPWorkValue(S,1,(void *)sem);
Esempio n. 6
/* Function: mdlStart ===========================================================
 * Abstract:
 *    This function is called once at start of model execution. If you
 *    have states that should be initialized once, this is the place
 *    to do it.
static void mdlStart(SimStruct *S)
    #if defined(__linux)

        Robovero *robo1;
        I2CDevice *accel_p, *magneto_p, *gyro_p;
        PWMDevice *servo1_p, *servo4_p;
        ACDDevice *adc_p;
        // create Robovero object
        //robo1 = new Robovero("/dev/ttyACM0","SF_logging.log");
        robo1 = new Robovero("/dev/ttyACM0");

        // save the Robovero pointer to the PWork vector
        ssSetPWorkValue(S, 0, robo1);
        // create the accelerometer I2C device
        accel_p = new I2CDevice(robo1,0x18);
        // save it to the PWork vector
        ssSetPWorkValue(S, 1, accel_p);
        // initialize the accelerometer
        accel_p->writeReg((void *)0x20,0x27);
        accel_p->writeReg((void *)0x23,0x00);
        // create the magnetometer I2C device
        magneto_p = new I2CDevice(robo1,0x1E);
        // save it to the PWork vector
        ssSetPWorkValue(S, 2, magneto_p);
        // initialize the magnetometer
        magneto_p->writeReg((void *)0x00,0x18);
        magneto_p->writeReg((void *)0x01,0x20);
        magneto_p->writeReg((void *)0x02,0x00);

        // create the gyro I2C device
        gyro_p = new I2CDevice(robo1, 0x68);
        // save it to the PWork vector
        ssSetPWorkValue(S, 3, gyro_p);
        // initalize the gyro
        gyro_p->writeReg((void *)0x22,0x08);
        gyro_p->writeReg((void *)0x23,0x80);
        gyro_p->writeReg((void *)0x20,0x0F);
        // initalize the PWM devices and save their pointers to PWork
        servo1_p = new PWMDevice(robo1,1);
        ssSetPWorkValue(S, 4, servo1_p);        
        servo4_p = new PWMDevice(robo1,4);
        ssSetPWorkValue(S, 5, servo4_p);
        // initalize the ADC and save pointer to PWork
        adc_p = new ADCDevice(robo1);
        ssSetPWorkValue(S, 6, adc_p);
/* ======================================================================== */
void mdlTerminate(SimStruct *S)
/* ======================================================================== */
    stopHackRf(S, DEVICE);
    Hackrf_assert(S, hackrf_exit(), "Failed to exit HackRF API");

    SampleBuffer *sbuf = ssGetPWorkValue(S, SBUF);
    if (sbuf) {
        if (sbuf->had_error) ssPrintf("\n");
        ssSetPWorkValue(S, SBUF, NULL);
Esempio n. 8
 * This function is called once at start of model execution. If you
 * have states that should be initialized once, this is the place
 * to do it.
static void mdlStart (SimStruct *S)
	bus_t *c;
	char *name;

	c = bus_alloc ();
	ssSetPWorkValue (S, 0, c);

	name = strrchr (ssGetPath (S), '/');
	if (name)
		c->name = name + 1;
		c->name = ssGetPath (S);
Esempio n. 9
static void mdlTerminate(SimStruct *S)
    // Retrieve and destroy C++ object
     BufferedPort<Vector> *toPort = static_cast<BufferedPort<Vector>*>(ssGetPWork(S)[0]);

     if(ssGetPWork(S) != NULL){

    fprintf(stderr,"Everything was closed correctly\n");
/* ======================================================================== */
static void startHackrfTx(SimStruct *S, bool print_info)
/* ======================================================================== */
    double sample_rate = (1.0 / ssGetSampleTime(S, 0)) * ssGetInputPortDimensions(S, 0)[0];
    hackrf_device *device = startHackrf(S, sample_rate, GetParam(BANDWIDTH), print_info);
    ssSetPWorkValue(S, DEVICE, device);
    if (ssGetErrorStatus(S)) return;

    int i = 0; for (; i < NUM_PARAMS; i++) ssSetRWorkValue(S, i, NAN);

    sample_buffer_reset((SampleBuffer*) ssGetPWorkValue(S, SBUF));
    int ret = hackrf_start_tx(device, hackrf_tx_callback, S);
    Hackrf_assert(S, ret, "Failed to start RX streaming");
Esempio n. 11
/* Function: mdlTerminate =================================================
 * Abstract:
 *    In this function, you should perform any actions that are necessary
 *    at the termination of a simulation.
static void mdlTerminate(SimStruct *S)
   * Get access to Parameter/Input/Output/DWork/size information
  void *work1 = ssGetPWorkValue(S, 0);

   * Call the legacy code function
  closeLogFile( &work1);

  /* Update the PWorks */
  ssSetPWorkValue(S, 0, work1);
Esempio n. 12
static void mdlStart(SimStruct *S)
    const real_T  *pp1  = mxGetData(PARAM_DEF0(S));
    const real_T  *pp2  = mxGetData(PARAM_DEF1(S));
    int P2=*pp2;
        ssSetOutputPortWidth(S, 0,P2);
    int connected=0,accCon,portno;
    struct sockaddr_in serv_addr; 
    char* P1=(char*)mxGetPr(ssGetSFcnParam(S,0));
    char* last;
    int num=mxGetNumberOfElements(ssGetSFcnParam(S,0));

    int count;
    char  *port;
    char  porttemp[20];
/*Determine Port Number*/  

    portno =*pp1;
    const int_T        y_width = ssGetOutputPortWidth(S,0);
    int yes=1;int i; 
	accCon = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
	if (accCon < 0) 
	error("ERROR opening socket");
	bzero((char *) &serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr));

	serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
	serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
	serv_addr.sin_port = htons(portno);

	if (bind(accCon, (struct sockaddr *) &serv_addr,
	sizeof(serv_addr)) < 0) 
	error("ERROR on binding");

	fcntl(accCon, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); 
    last =  malloc( y_width);
    ssSetIWorkValue(S, 0, connected);
    ssSetIWorkValue(S, 1, accCon);
    /*ssSetPWorkValue(S, 2, (void*) &cli_addr);*/
    ssSetPWorkValue(S, 1, (void*) last);

Esempio n. 13
static void mdlStart(SimStruct *S)
    char *classNameStr = mxArrayToString(ssGetSFcnParam(S, 0));
    std::string className(classNameStr);
    wbt::Block *block = wbt::Block::instantiateBlockWithClassName(className);
    ssSetPWorkValue(S, 0, block);

    wbt::Error error;
    if (!block || !block->initialize(S, &error)) {
        yError() << "[mdlStart]" << error.message;
        static char errorBuffer[1024];
        sprintf(errorBuffer, "[mdlStart]%s", error.message.substr(0, 1023 - strlen("[mdlStart]")).c_str());
        ssSetErrorStatus(S, errorBuffer);

Esempio n. 14
/* Function: mdlOutputs ===================================================
 * Abstract:
 *    In this function, you compute the outputs of your S-function
 *    block. Generally outputs are placed in the output vector(s),
 *    ssGetOutputPortSignal.
static void mdlOutputs(SimStruct *S, int_T tid)
   * Get access to Parameter/Input/Output/DWork/size information
  real_T *u1 = (real_T *) ssGetInputPortSignal(S, 0);
  void *work1 = ssGetPWorkValue(S, 0);
  uint32_T *work2 = (uint32_T *) ssGetDWork(S, 0);

   * Call the legacy code function
  incAndLogFaultCounter( work1, work2, *u1);

  /* Update the PWorks */
  ssSetPWorkValue(S, 0, work1);
Esempio n. 15
static void mdlTerminate(SimStruct *S)
    if (ssGetNumPWork(S) > 0 && ssGetPWork(S)) {
        wbt::Block *block = static_cast<wbt::Block*>(ssGetPWorkValue(S, 0));
        wbt::Error error;
        if (block) {
            if (block->terminate(S, &error)) {
                delete block;
                ssSetPWorkValue(S, 0, NULL);
            } else {
                static char errorBuffer[1024];
                sprintf(errorBuffer, "[mdlTerminate]%s", error.message.substr(0, 1023 - strlen("[mdlTerminate]")).c_str());
                ssSetErrorStatus(S, errorBuffer);

static void mdlStart(SimStruct *S) {
#ifdef CO_DEBUG
    printf("co_udp_receiver :: in mdlStart\n");

    //allocate my_data_t block which stores all variable used in this block
    struct my_data_t *my_data = new my_data_t;

    int co_port = (int)*mxGetPr(ssGetSFcnParam(S,0));
    int nonblockingmode = (int)*mxGetPr(ssGetSFcnParam(S,1));
#ifdef CO_DEBUG
    printf(" co_udp_receiver :: CO Port number received is %d\n", co_port);
    if(co_port < 1 || co_port > 64000) { /* print error message and exit */
        fprintf(stderr," co_udp_receiver :: Bad port number %d\n",co_port);
static void mdlStart(SimStruct * S) {
    int_T       noBytes;
    uint8_T     *buffer;
    noBytes     = (int_T) mxGetPr(NO_BYTES_ARG)[0];
    /*alloc memory and store pointer*/
    buffer      = (uint8_T *) calloc(noBytes, sizeof(uint8_T));
    if (buffer == NULL) {
        sprintf(msg, "Error in memory allocation");
        ssSetErrorStatus(S, msg);
    ssSetPWorkValue(S, 0, (void *) buffer);
    /* initialize buffer with zeros */
    memset((void *) buffer, 0, noBytes * sizeof(uint8_T));
#ifdef __linux
    if (camera_setup())
        sprintf(msg, "Error in camera_setup");
        ssSetErrorStatus(S, msg);
    #ifndef DO_THREAD
    thread_id = 1;
    if (pthread_create(&thread_str, NULL, image_thread, &thread_id))
        if (buffer == NULL) {
            sprintf(msg, "Error in pthread_create");
            ssSetErrorStatus(S, msg);
    run_pthread = 1;
    frame_flag = 0;
    ssSetIWorkValue(S, 0, noBytes);
static void mdlStart(SimStruct *S)
/* ======================================================================== */
	int ret = HACKRF_SUCCESS;
	hackrf_device_list_t *list;
	struct hackrf_device *device;
	const uint32_t device_index = (uint32_t)mxGetScalar(ssGetSFcnParam(S, DEVICE_INDEX));
	const uint64_t frequency = (uint64_t)mxGetScalar(ssGetSFcnParam(S, FREQUENCY));
	const double   sample_rate = mxGetScalar(ssGetSFcnParam(S, SAMPLE_RATE));
	const uint32_t txvga = (uint32_t)mxGetScalar(ssGetSFcnParam(S, TXVGA));
	const uint32_t amp = (uint32_t)mxGetScalar(ssGetSFcnParam(S, AMP));
	const uint32_t bandwidth = (uint32_t)mxGetScalar(ssGetSFcnParam(S, BANDWIDTH));

	/* Set options of this Block */
	ssSetOptions(S, ssGetOptions(S) | SS_OPTION_CALL_TERMINATE_ON_EXIT);
	/* give handle to PWork vector */
	ssSetPWorkValue(S, DEVICE, NULL);
	/* init HackRF device */
	ret = hackrf_init();
	if (ret < 0) {
		ssSetErrorStatusf(S, "Failed to init HackRF device #%d", device_index);
	list = hackrf_device_list();
	if (list->devicecount < 1) {
		ssSetErrorStatusf(S, "No HackRF boards found.\n");
	/* open HackRF device */
	ret = hackrf_device_list_open(list, device_index, &device);
	if (ret < 0) {
		ssSetErrorStatusf(S, "Failed to open HackRF device #%d", device_index);

	/* give handle to PWork vector */
	ssSetPWorkValue(S, DEVICE, (struct hackrf_device *)device);

	ret = hackrf_set_sample_rate(device, sample_rate);
	if (ret < 0) {
		ssSetErrorStatusf(S, "Failed to Set HackRF Sample Rate #%d", device_index);

	ret = hackrf_set_freq(device, frequency);
	if (ret < 0) {
		ssSetErrorStatusf(S, "Failed to Set HackRF frequency #%d", device_index);
	ret = hackrf_set_baseband_filter_bandwidth(device, bandwidth);
	if (ret < 0) {
		ssSetErrorStatusf(S, "Failed to Set HackRF bandwidth #%d", device_index);

	ret = hackrf_set_txvga_gain(device, txvga);
	ret |= hackrf_set_amp_enable(device, amp);
	if (ret < 0) {
		ssSetErrorStatusf(S, "Failed to Set HackRF gain #%d", device_index);
	/* create mutex for sample thread */
	pthread_mutex_t *mutex = (pthread_mutex_t *)malloc(sizeof(pthread_mutex_t));
	pthread_mutex_init(mutex, NULL);
	ssSetPWorkValue(S, MUTEX, mutex);

	/* create condition variable for sample thread */
	pthread_cond_t *cond_var = (pthread_cond_t *)malloc(sizeof(pthread_cond_t));
	pthread_cond_init(cond_var, NULL);
	ssSetPWorkValue(S, COND_VAR, cond_var);

	/* allocate memory for sample buffer */

	SampleBuffer *sbuf = (SampleBuffer*)malloc(sizeof(SampleBuffer));
	sbuf->num = BUF_NUM;
	sbuf->head = sbuf->offset = sbuf->count = sbuf->tail = 0;
	sbuf->samp_avail = BUF_SIZE / BYTES_PER_SAMPLE;
	sbuf->underrun = sbuf->underrun_before = false;
	sbuf->buf = (unsigned char **)malloc(sbuf->num * sizeof(unsigned char *));
	if (sbuf->buf) {
		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sbuf->num; ++i)
			sbuf->buf[i] = (unsigned char *)malloc(BUF_SIZE * sizeof(unsigned char));
	ssSetPWorkValue(S, SBUF, sbuf);

	ret = hackrf_start_tx(device, tx_callback, (void*)S);
	if (ret < 0) {
		ssSetErrorStatusf(S, "Failed to Start HackRF #%d", device_index);

Esempio n. 19
static void mdlStart(SimStruct *S) { ssSetPWorkValue(S, 0, NULL); }