ElliPoint *sum(ElliPoint *p,ElliPoint *q,int a,int base) { ElliPoint *o,*r; o = ElliInfty(); r = star(o,star(p,q,a,base),a,base); free(o); return r; }
void star(int i) { if (i > 1) { star(i/2); star(i/2); } printf( "hello\n"); }
void main() { int i,j; for (i=1;i<=4;i++) { for(j=1;j<=2*i-1;j++) printf (" "); star(); } for (i=3;i>=1;i--) { for(j=1;j<=2*i-1;j++) printf (" "); star(); } }
void print(int n, bool upper){ if (n == 1) { printf("*\n"); }else{ if (upper){ print(n-1, upper); star(n); }else{ star(n); print(n-1, upper); } } }
int main(){ int n, i; scanf("%d", &n); for (i = 1; i <= n; i++){ star(i); printf("\n"); } for (i = n-1; i >= 1; i--){ star(i); printf("\n"); } return 0; }
//static int crossHatch ( int *masks ) static int crossHatch ( short **pmasks ) { int progress = 0; //int solutions [9]; short solutions [9]; short *psolutions [9]; int k; for ( k = 0; k < 9; k++ ) { psolutions [k] = &solutions[k]; } int i; #if defined(DEBUG) //fprintf ( logFile, "crossHatch ( %04X ) {\n", (unsigned int)masks ); fprintf ( logFile, "crossHatch ( %p ) {\n", pmasks ); fflush ( logFile ); #endif for ( i = 0; i < 9; ++i ) { int j; //solutions [i] = masks [i]; solutions [i] = star(pmasks [i]); IFT(psolutions [i], pmasks [i]); //for ( j = 0; j < 9; ++j ) if ( j != i ) solutions [i] &= ~masks [j]; for ( j = 0; j < 9; ++j ) { if ( j != i ) { solutions [i] &= ~(star(pmasks [j])); IFT(psolutions [i], pmasks [j]); } } } for ( i = 0; i < 9; ++i ) { //if ( masks [i] = bit2digit ( solutions [i] ) ) ++progress; if ( STAR(pmasks [i]) = bit2digit ( solutions [i] ) ) ++progress; IFT(pmasks [i], psolutions [i]); } #if defined(DEBUG) fprintf ( logFile, "} = %d /* crossHatch () */\n", progress ); fflush ( logFile ); #endif return ( progress ); }
void MyModel_Pixels::initialise() { for(size_t i=0; i<ni; ++i) y[i] = y_max - (i + 0.5)*dy; for(size_t j=0; j<nj; ++j) x[j] = x_min + (j + 0.5)*dx; double rsq; double limb_darkening_coefficient = 1.0; // Argh column-major order // Star image double tot = 0.0; for(size_t j=0; j<nj; ++j) { for(size_t i=0; i<ni; ++i) { rsq = x[j]*x[j] + y[i]*y[i]; if(rsq < 1.0) { star(i, j) = 1.0 - limb_darkening_coefficient*(1.0 - sqrt(1.0 - rsq)); } else star(i, j) = 0.0; tot += star(i, j); } } for(size_t j=0; j<nj; ++j) for(size_t i=0; i<ni; ++i) star(i, j) /= tot; arma::mat star2 = star; int m, n; for(int i=0; i<(int)ni; i++) { m = DNest4::mod(i - (int)ni/2, (int)ni); for(int j=0; j<(int)nj; j++) { n = DNest4::mod(j - (int)nj/2, (int)nj); star2(m, n) = star(i, j); } } fft_of_star = arma::fft2(star2); }
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { int center = -1, minsize = -1, maxsize = -1, repeats = -1; int c; MPI_Init( &argc, &argv ); while( ( c = getopt( argc, argv, "c:i:a:r:" ) ) != -1 ) { switch( c ) { case 'c': if( sscanf( optarg, "%d", ¢er ) != 1 ) exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); break; case 'i': if( sscanf( optarg, "%d", &minsize ) != 1 ) exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); break; case 'a': if( sscanf( optarg, "%d", &maxsize ) != 1 ) exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); break; case 'r': if( sscanf( optarg, "%d", &repeats ) != 1 ) exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); break; } } star( center, minsize, maxsize, repeats ); MPI_Finalize(); exit( EXIT_SUCCESS ); }
StringPimpl Gender::getString() const throw(InternalProgrammerErrorException &) { LOG_BOT_METHOD("StringPimpl Gender::getString() const"); try { if(m_pimpl->m_atomic) { logging("This is an atomic element shortcut"); Star star(m_pimpl->m_builder); StringPimpl returnString = star.getString(); return m_pimpl->m_builder.genderSubstitute(returnString); } else { return m_pimpl->m_builder.genderSubstitute(InnerTemplateListImpl::getString()); } } catch(Exception &e) { logging(String("Fatal exception occured:") + e.what()); return StringPimpl(); } }
void QStarFrame::drawstars() { QString starpath = KStandardDirs::locate("data", "knewstuff/pics/ghns_star.png"); QString graystarpath = KStandardDirs::locate("data", "knewstuff/pics/ghns_star_gray.png"); QPixmap star(starpath); QPixmap graystar(graystarpath); int wpixels = (int)(width() * (float)m_rating / 100.0); QPainter p; p.begin(this); int w = star.width(); for (int i = 0; i < wpixels; i += star.width()) { w = wpixels - i; if (w > star.width()) w = star.width(); p.drawPixmap(i, 0, star, 0, 0, w, -1); } p.drawPixmap(wpixels, 0, graystar, w, 0, graystar.width() - w, -1); wpixels += graystar.width() - w; for (int i = wpixels; i < width(); i += graystar.width()) { w = width() - i; if (w > graystar.width()) w = graystar.width(); p.drawPixmap(i, 0, graystar, 0, 0, w, -1); } p.end(); }
int match(char *tested, char *word) { if (*word == '\0' && *tested == '\0') return (1); if (*word == 0x5c) { if (*(word + 1) != *tested) return (0); else return (match(tested + 1, word + 2)); } if (*word == '*' || *word == '?' || *word == '[') { if (*word == '*') return (star(tested, word)); else if (*word == '?') return (question_mark(tested, word)); else if (*word == '[') return (test_bracket(tested, word)); } else if (*word == *tested) return (match(tested + 1, word + 1)); else return (0); return (1); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Main program prints out coefficients and other pertinent information int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int i, order; double alpha, epsilon, delta, err, c[NMAX + 1]; if (argc != 3) { printf("Usage: %s epsilon delta\n", argv[0]); return -1; } epsilon = atof(argv[1]); delta = atof(argv[2]); squareroot(delta, epsilon, c, &order, &err); // for(i = 0; i < 5001;i++) { // double x = 2. * i / 5000. - 1.; // printf("%e %e SIGN\n", x, h(x)); // } printf("order = %d;\n", order); printf("epsilon = %.8g;\n", epsilon); printf("err = %.8g;\n\n", err); for (alpha = 0; alpha <= 3.0; alpha += 0.5) { printf("star(%.2g) = %.8g;\n", alpha, star(delta, epsilon, order, c, alpha)); } printf("\n"); for (i = 0; i <= order; i++) printf("coeffs[%d] = %.16g;\n", i, c[i]); return 0; }
//static void updateBlockMasks ( PUZZLE *puzzle, int row, int column, int entry ) static void updateBlockMasks ( PUZZLE *puzzle, int row, int column, short *pentry ) { int rowMax = row + 3 - ( row % 3 ); int columnMax = column + 3 - ( column % 3 ); //int mask = ~digit2bit ( entry ); short mask = ~digit2bit ( star(pentry) ); short *pmask = &mask; IFT(pmask, pentry); #if defined(DEBUG) //fprintf ( logFile, "updateBlockMasks ( %p, %d, %d, %d ) {\n", puzzle, row, fprintf ( logFile, "updateBlockMasks ( %p, %d, %d, %p ) {\n", puzzle, row, column, pentry ); fflush ( logFile ); #endif for ( row = rowMax - 3; row < rowMax; ++row ) { for ( column = columnMax - 3; column < columnMax; ++column ) { puzzle->masks [row][column] &= mask; IFT(puzzle->pmasks [row][column], pmask); } } #if defined(DEBUG) fprintf ( logFile, "} /* updateBlockMasks () */\n" ); fflush ( logFile ); #endif }
//static void updateColumnMasks ( PUZZLE *puzzle, int column, int entry ) static void updateColumnMasks ( PUZZLE *puzzle, int column, short *pentry ) { int row; //int mask = ~digit2bit ( entry ); short mask = ~digit2bit ( star(pentry) ); short *pmask = &mask; IFT(pmask, pentry); #if defined(DEBUG) //fprintf ( logFile, "updateColumnMasks ( %p, %d, %d ) {\n", puzzle, column, fprintf ( logFile, "updateColumnMasks ( %p, %d, %p ) {\n", puzzle, column, pentry ); fflush ( logFile ); #endif for ( row = 0; row < 9; ++row ) { puzzle->masks [row][column] &= mask; IFT(puzzle->pmasks [row][column], pmask); } #if defined(DEBUG) fprintf ( logFile, "} /* updateColumnMasks () */\n" ); fflush ( logFile ); #endif }
int main(int num) { star(num); return 0; }
//************************** //Description : Draw the menu //Parameters : None //Return Value : None //Note : None //************************** void CMenu::DrawMenu() { // We first fill the entire screen with black m_RenderWindow->SetBackgroundColor(sf::Color(0,0,0)); //we draw the background m_SpriteBackground->Draw(); //we draw the title at the top of the screen an to the center m_RenderWindow->Draw(m_Title); //we draw the options for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OPTION_MENU; i++) { if ( i == m_iOptionSelected ) { sf::String star("*"); star.SetFont(*(m_SFMLManager->GetFont())); star.SetColor(sf::Color(255,0,0)); star.Move(10, 300 + i * 40); m_RenderWindow->Draw(star); } m_RenderWindow->Draw(m_Menu[i]); } //We display the screen m_RenderWindow->Display(); }
pilo::core::net::ipv4_mask ipv4_mask::build(const char* ipAddress) { char buf[32]; pilo::core::string::string_util::copy(buf, sizeof(buf), ipAddress, MC_INVALID_SIZE); ipv4_mask ipMask = { 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff }; char* abcd[4]; size_t n = pilo::core::string::string_util::split(buf, '.', abcd, 4); if (n != 4) { return ipMask; } pilo::core::string::fixed_astring<16> star("*"); pilo::core::string::fixed_astring<16> sa = abcd[0]; pilo::core::string::fixed_astring<16> sb = abcd[1]; pilo::core::string::fixed_astring<16> sc = abcd[2]; pilo::core::string::fixed_astring<16> sd = abcd[3]; pilo::u32_t a = sa == star ? 0 : pilo::core::string::string_util::cstr_to_int32(sa.c_str()); pilo::u32_t b = sb == star ? 0 : pilo::core::string::string_util::cstr_to_int32(sb.c_str()); pilo::u32_t c = sc == star ? 0 : pilo::core::string::string_util::cstr_to_int32(sc.c_str()); pilo::u32_t d = sd == star ? 0 : pilo::core::string::string_util::cstr_to_int32(sd.c_str()); unsigned int ma = sa == star ? 0 : 255; unsigned int mb = sb == star ? 0 : 255; unsigned int mc = sc == star ? 0 : 255; unsigned int md = sd == star ? 0 : 255; ipMask.m_mask = MF_MAKE_IPV4_ADDRESS(ma, mb, mc, md); ipMask.m_target = MF_MAKE_IPV4_ADDRESS(a, b, c, d); return ipMask; }
void display() { glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); glLoadIdentity(); star(); glutSwapBuffers(); }
SemilinSetExp SemilinSetExp::star() const { SemilinSetExp result = SemilinSetExp::one(); for (auto &ls : val) { result *= SemilinSetExp(star(ls)); } return result; }
main() { printf("See function below:\n\n"); /*Call function star*/ star(); printf("\n\nSee function above:"); getchar(); }
void star(int n){ if (n == 1) { printf("*\n"); }else{ printf("*"); star(n-1); } }
int main(void) { grid g("grid1.sph"); cloud star("star1.sph"); star.transfer_mass2grid(g); g.set_densities_and_pressures(); star.evolve(g); return 1; }
void RigidBodySolver::performEulerIntegration(float dt){ body->v += 1/body->mass*dt*body->force; body->x += dt*body->v; body->R += dt*star(body->omega)*body->R; body->Iinv = body->R*body->Ibodyinv*body->R.transposed(); body->L += dt*body->torque; body->omega = body->Iinv*body->L; }
void StarField::initialise() { if (starField.empty()) { for (int i = 0; i < smallCount; i++) { if (i < mediumCount) { Star star(RandomGen().getRand(playerRef->getPlayerX() + 30, playerRef->getPlayerX() - 30), RandomGen().getRand(playerRef->getPlayerY() + 18, playerRef->getPlayerY() - 18), MED_STAR_PARALLAX_SPEED, MED_STAR_PARALLAX_SPEED, MED_STAR_BRIGHTNESS); starField.push_back(star); } if (i < largeCount) { Star star(RandomGen().getRand(playerRef->getPlayerX() + 30, playerRef->getPlayerX() - 30), RandomGen().getRand(playerRef->getPlayerY() + 18, playerRef->getPlayerY() - 18), LARGE_STAR_PARALLAX_SPEED, LARGE_STAR_PARALLAX_SPEED, HIGH_STAR_BRIGHTNESS); starField.push_back(star); } Star star(RandomGen().getRand(playerRef->getPlayerX() + 30, playerRef->getPlayerX() - 30), RandomGen().getRand(playerRef->getPlayerY() + 18, playerRef->getPlayerY() - 18), SMALL_STAR_PARALLAX_SPEED, SMALL_STAR_PARALLAX_SPEED, LOW_STAR_BRIGHTNESS); starField.push_back(star); } } else { starField.clear(); initialise(); } }
void StarField::initialise(double xPos, double yPos) { if (starField.empty()) { for (int i = 0; i < smallCount; i++) { if (i < mediumCount) { Star star(RandomGen().getRand(xPos + 30, xPos - 30), RandomGen().getRand(yPos + 18, yPos - 18), MED_STAR_PARALLAX_SPEED, MED_STAR_PARALLAX_SPEED, MED_STAR_BRIGHTNESS); starField.push_back(star); } if (i < largeCount) { Star star(RandomGen().getRand(xPos + 30, xPos - 30), RandomGen().getRand(yPos + 18, yPos - 18), LARGE_STAR_PARALLAX_SPEED, LARGE_STAR_PARALLAX_SPEED, HIGH_STAR_BRIGHTNESS); starField.push_back(star); } Star star(RandomGen().getRand(xPos + 30, xPos - 30), RandomGen().getRand(yPos + 18, yPos - 18), SMALL_STAR_PARALLAX_SPEED, SMALL_STAR_PARALLAX_SPEED, LOW_STAR_BRIGHTNESS); starField.push_back(star); } } else { starField.clear(); initialise(); } }
//static int makeEntry ( PUZZLE *puzzle, int i, int j, int entry ) static int makeEntry ( PUZZLE *puzzle, int i, int j, short *pentry ) { int status = 0; //int bit = digit2bit ( entry ); short bit = digit2bit ( star(pentry) ); short *pbit = &bit; IFT(pbit, pentry); #if defined(DEBUG) //fprintf ( logFile, "makeEntry ( %p, %d, %d, %d ) {\n", puzzle, i, j, entry ); fprintf ( logFile, "makeEntry ( %p, %d, %d, %p ) {\n", puzzle, i, j, pentry ); fflush ( logFile ); #endif /* Is this a legal entry? */ if ( puzzle->rowMasks [i] & puzzle->columnMasks [j] & puzzle->blockMasks [i/3][j/3] & bit ) { status = 1; puzzle->rowMasks [i] ^= bit; puzzle->columnMasks [j] ^= bit; puzzle->blockMasks [i/3][j/3] ^= bit; //puzzle->grid [i][j] = entry; puzzle->grid [i][j] = star(pentry); puzzle->masks [i][j] = 0; IFT(puzzle->prowMasks [i], pbit); IFT(puzzle->pcolumnMasks [j], pbit); IFT(puzzle->pblockMasks [i/3][j/3], pbit); IFT(puzzle->pgrid [i][j], pentry); if ( puzzle->history ) pushHistory ( puzzle->history, i, j ); } #if defined(DEBUG) fprintf ( logFile, "} = %d /* makeEntry () */\n", status ); fflush ( logFile ); #endif return ( status ); }
//Called from interface.c void generate_fractal(Draw *fractal, SDL_Win *window, int i) { if(strcmp(fractal->type[i], "sierpinski") == 0){ sierpinski(fractal, window, i); } else if(strcmp(fractal->type[i], "tree") == 0){ tree(fractal, window, i); } else if(strcmp(fractal->type[i], "star") == 0){ star(fractal, window, i); } }
void StarsPlugin::loadStars() { //mDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO; // Load star data m_stars.clear(); QFile starFile( MarbleDirs::path( "stars/stars.dat" ) ); starFile.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ); QDataStream in( &starFile ); // Read and check the header quint32 magic; in >> magic; if ( magic != 0x73746172 ) { return; } // Read the version qint32 version; in >> version; if ( version > 002 ) { mDebug() << "stars.dat: file too new."; return; } int maxid = 0; int id = 0; int starIndex = 0; double ra; double de; double mag; mDebug() << "Star Catalog Version " << version; while ( !in.atEnd() ) { if ( version >= 2 ) { in >> id; } if ( id > maxid ) { maxid = id; } in >> ra; in >> de; in >> mag; StarPoint star( id, ( qreal )( ra ), ( qreal )( de ), ( qreal )( mag ) ); // Create entry in stars database m_stars << star; // Create key,value pair in idHash table to map from star id to // index in star database vector m_idHash[id] = starIndex; // Increment Index for use in hash ++starIndex; //mDebug() << "id" << id << "RA:" << ra << "DE:" << de << "MAG:" << mag; }
/* * Process REGISTER request and save it's contacts */ static inline int save_real(struct sip_msg* _m, udomain_t* _t, char* _s, int doreply) { contact_t* c; int st; str aor, ua; rerrno = R_FINE; if (parse_message(_m) < 0) { goto error; } if (check_contacts(_m, &st) > 0) { goto error; } get_act_time(); c = get_first_contact(_m); if (extract_aor(&get_to(_m)->uri, &aor) < 0) { LOG(L_ERR, "save(): Error while extracting Address Of Record\n"); goto error; } ua.len = 0; if (parse_headers(_m, HDR_USERAGENT, 0) != -1 && _m->user_agent && _m->user_agent->body.len > 0) { ua.len = _m->user_agent->body.len; ua.s = _m->user_agent->body.s; } if (ua.len == 0) { ua.len = UA_DUMMY_LEN; ua.s = UA_DUMMY_STR; } if (c == 0) { if (st) { if (star(_t, &aor) < 0) goto error; } else { if (no_contacts(_t, &aor) < 0) goto error; } } else { if (contacts(_m, c, _t, &aor, &ua) < 0) goto error; } if (doreply && (send_reply(_m) < 0)) return -1; else return 1; error: if (doreply) send_reply(_m); return 0; }
//static int getBlockMasks ( PUZZLE *puzzle, int row, int column, int *masks ) static int getBlockMasks ( PUZZLE *puzzle, int row, int column, short **pmasks ) { int status = 0; #if defined(DEBUG) //fprintf ( logFile, "getBlockMasks ( %p, %d, %d, %p ) {\n", puzzle, row, //column, masks ); fprintf ( logFile, "getBlockMasks ( %p, %d, %d, %p ) {\n", puzzle, row, column, pmasks ); fflush ( logFile ); #endif /* Make sure the 3x3 block is not already full. */ if ( puzzle->blockMasks [row][column] ) { int rowMax = ( row + 1 ) * 3; int columnMax = ( column + 1 ) * 3; int k = 0; //int mask = 0; short mask = 0; int i; status = 1; /* Make masks for the 3x3 block. */ for ( i = rowMax - 3; i < rowMax; ++i ) { int j; for ( j = columnMax - 3; j < columnMax; ++j ) { //masks [k] = puzzle->masks [i][j]; STAR(pmasks [k]) = puzzle->masks [i][j]; IFT(pmasks [k], puzzle->pmasks [i][j]); //mask |= masks [k]; mask |= star(pmasks [k]); ++k; } } if ( mask != puzzle->blockMasks [row][column] ) status = -1; } #if defined(DEBUG) fprintf ( logFile, "} = %d /* getBlockMasks () */\n", status ); fflush ( logFile ); #endif return ( status ); }