Esempio n. 1
void advance_eye_paths(void* buffers[], void* args_orig) {
  const timeval start_time = my_WallClockTime();

  // cl_args
  const starpu_args args;
  unsigned iteration;
  starpu_codelet_unpack_args(args_orig, &args, &iteration);

  // buffers
  // hit point static info
  HitPointPosition* const hit_points = reinterpret_cast<HitPointPosition* const>(STARPU_VECTOR_GET_PTR(buffers[0]));
  // eye paths
  EyePath* const eye_paths = reinterpret_cast<EyePath* const>(STARPU_VECTOR_GET_PTR(buffers[1]));
  const unsigned eye_paths_count = STARPU_VECTOR_GET_NX(buffers[1]);
  // seed buffer
  Seed* const seed_buffer = reinterpret_cast<Seed* const>(STARPU_VECTOR_GET_PTR(buffers[2]));

  advance_eye_paths_impl(hit_points, // hit_points_count,
                         eye_paths,         eye_paths_count,
                         seed_buffer, //    seed_buffer_count,

  const timeval end_time = my_WallClockTime();
  task_info("CPU", 0, starpu_combined_worker_get_size(), iteration, start_time, end_time, "(3) advance_eye_paths");
Esempio n. 2
void func_cpu(void *descr[], STARPU_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED void *_args)
	int *value = (int *)STARPU_VARIABLE_GET_PTR(descr[0]);
	int rank;

	starpu_codelet_unpack_args(_args, &rank);
	FPRINTF_MPI(stderr, "Executing codelet with value %d and rank %d\n", *value, rank);
	STARPU_ASSERT_MSG(*value == rank, "Received value %d is not the expected value %d\n", *value, rank);
void func_cpu(void *descr[], STARPU_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED void *_args)
	int node;
	int rank;

	starpu_codelet_unpack_args(_args, &node);
	starpu_mpi_comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
	FPRINTF_MPI(stderr, "Expected node: %d - Actual node: %d\n", node, rank);

	assert(node == rank);
Esempio n. 4
void func_cpu_args(void *descr[], void *_args)
	int *x0 = (int *)STARPU_VARIABLE_GET_PTR(descr[0]);
	float *x1 = (float *)STARPU_VARIABLE_GET_PTR(descr[1]);
	int ifactor;
	float ffactor;

	starpu_codelet_unpack_args(_args, &ifactor, &ffactor);

        *x0 = *x0 * ifactor;
        *x1 = *x1 * ffactor;