int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i = 1, j = 0; char *key = 0; path_t cpp_opts = {0}; int code = 0; int prepare_flags = 0; unsigned char *user = 0, *group = 0, *workdir = 0; #if HAVE_SETSID - 0 path_t log_path; #endif /* HAVE_SETSID */ int pid = -1; char **argv_restart = 0; unsigned char *ejudge_xml_path = 0; unsigned char *compile_cfg_path = 0; path_t compile_cfg_buf = { 0 }; path_t contests_home_dir = { 0 }; path_t compile_home_dir = { 0 }; #if HAVE_OPEN_MEMSTREAM - 0 FILE *lang_log_f = 0; char *lang_log_t = 0; size_t lang_log_z = 0; #endif /* HAVE_OPEN_MEMSTREAM */ path_t tmp_path; int tmp_len; #if defined __WIN32__ path_t tmp_dir = { 0 }; path_t std_compile_home_dir = { 0 }; #endif enum { SUBST_SIZE = 16 }; const unsigned char *subst_src[SUBST_SIZE]; const unsigned char *subst_dst[SUBST_SIZE]; const unsigned char **subst_src_ptr = 0; const unsigned char **subst_dst_ptr = 0; start_set_self_args(argc, argv); XCALLOC(argv_restart, argc + 2); argv_restart[j++] = argv[0]; //if (argc == 1) goto print_usage; code = 1; while (i < argc) { if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-i")) { initialize_mode = 1; i++; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-k")) { if (++i >= argc) goto print_usage; argv_restart[j++] = argv[i]; key = argv[i++]; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-D")) { daemon_mode = 1; i++; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-R")) { restart_mode = 1; i++; } else if (!strncmp(argv[i], "-D", 2)) { if (cpp_opts[0]) pathcat(cpp_opts, " "); argv_restart[j++] = argv[i]; pathcat(cpp_opts, argv[i++]); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-u")) { if (++i >= argc) goto print_usage; user = argv[i++]; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-g")) { if (++i >= argc) goto print_usage; group = argv[i++]; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-C")) { if (++i >= argc) goto print_usage; workdir = argv[i++]; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-d")) { daemon_mode = 1; i++; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-r")) { if (++i >= argc) goto print_usage; snprintf(contests_home_dir, sizeof(contests_home_dir), "%s", argv[i++]); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-c")) { if (++i >= argc) goto print_usage; snprintf(compile_home_dir, sizeof(compile_home_dir), "%s", argv[i++]); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-x")) { if (++i >= argc) goto print_usage; ejudge_xml_path = argv[i++]; argv_restart[j++] = "-x"; argv_restart[j++] = ejudge_xml_path; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--help")) { code = 0; goto print_usage; } else break; } argv_restart[j++] = "-R"; if (i < argc) { compile_cfg_path = argv[i]; argv_restart[j++] = argv[i++]; } if (i < argc) goto print_usage; argv_restart[j] = 0; start_set_args(argv_restart); if ((pid = start_find_process("ej-compile", 0)) > 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: is already running as pid %d\n", argv[0], pid); return 1; } #if defined EJUDGE_XML_PATH if (!ejudge_xml_path) ejudge_xml_path = EJUDGE_XML_PATH; #endif /* EJUDGE_XML_PATH */ if (!ejudge_xml_path) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: ejudge.xml configuration file is not specified\n", argv[0]); return 1; } #if defined EJUDGE_CONTESTS_HOME_DIR if (contests_home_dir[0]) { tmp_len = strlen(EJUDGE_CONTESTS_HOME_DIR); if (!strncmp(ejudge_xml_path, EJUDGE_CONTESTS_HOME_DIR, tmp_len)) { snprintf(tmp_path, sizeof(tmp_path), "%s%s", contests_home_dir, ejudge_xml_path + tmp_len); ejudge_xml_path = xstrdup(tmp_path); } } #endif #ifndef __WIN32__ ejudge_config = ejudge_cfg_parse(ejudge_xml_path); if (!ejudge_config) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: ejudge.xml is invalid\n", argv[0]); return 1; } #endif #ifdef __WIN32__ if (!compile_home_dir[0] && contests_home_dir[0]) { snprintf(compile_home_dir, sizeof(compile_home_dir), "%s/win32_compile", contests_home_dir); } if (!compile_cfg_path && compile_home_dir[0]) { snprintf(compile_cfg_buf, sizeof(compile_cfg_buf), "%s/conf/compile.cfg", compile_home_dir); compile_cfg_path = xstrdup(compile_cfg_buf); } if (!compile_cfg_path && contests_home_dir[0]) { snprintf(compile_cfg_buf, sizeof(compile_cfg_buf), "%s/win32_compile/conf/compile.cfg", contests_home_dir); compile_cfg_path = xstrdup(compile_cfg_buf); } if (!compile_cfg_path && ejudge_config && ejudge_config->compile_home_dir) { snprintf(compile_cfg_buf, sizeof(compile_cfg_buf), "%s/conf/compile.cfg", ejudge_config->compile_home_dir); compile_cfg_path = compile_cfg_buf; } if (!compile_cfg_path && ejudge_config && ejudge_config->contests_home_dir) { snprintf(compile_cfg_buf, sizeof(compile_cfg_buf), "%s/win32_compile/conf/compile.cfg", ejudge_config->contests_home_dir); compile_cfg_path = compile_cfg_buf; } #if defined EJUDGE_CONTESTS_HOME_DIR if (!compile_cfg_path) { snprintf(compile_cfg_buf, sizeof(compile_cfg_buf), "%s/compile/conf/win32_compile.cfg", EJUDGE_CONTESTS_HOME_DIR); compile_cfg_path = compile_cfg_buf; } #endif /* EJUDGE_CONTESTS_HOME_DIR */ if (!compile_cfg_path) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: compile.cfg is not specified\n", argv[0]); return 1; } #else if (!compile_cfg_path && ejudge_config && ejudge_config->compile_home_dir) { snprintf(compile_cfg_buf, sizeof(compile_cfg_buf), "%s/conf/compile.cfg", ejudge_config->compile_home_dir); compile_cfg_path = compile_cfg_buf; } if (!compile_cfg_path && ejudge_config && ejudge_config->contests_home_dir) { snprintf(compile_cfg_buf, sizeof(compile_cfg_buf), "%s/compile/conf/compile.cfg", ejudge_config->contests_home_dir); compile_cfg_path = compile_cfg_buf; } #if defined EJUDGE_CONTESTS_HOME_DIR if (!compile_cfg_path) { snprintf(compile_cfg_buf, sizeof(compile_cfg_buf), "%s/compile/conf/compile.cfg", EJUDGE_CONTESTS_HOME_DIR); compile_cfg_path = compile_cfg_buf; } #endif /* EJUDGE_CONTESTS_HOME_DIR */ if (!compile_cfg_path) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: compile.cfg is not specified\n", argv[0]); return 1; } #endif /* __WIN32__ */ if (start_prepare(user, group, workdir) < 0) return 1; memset(subst_src, 0, sizeof(subst_src)); memset(subst_dst, 0, sizeof(subst_dst)); #ifdef __WIN32__ int subst_idx = 0; if (compile_home_dir[0]) { if (ejudge_config) { subst_src[subst_idx] = ejudge_config->compile_home_dir; subst_dst[subst_idx] = compile_home_dir; subst_idx++; } else { snprintf(std_compile_home_dir, sizeof(std_compile_home_dir), "%s/compile", EJUDGE_CONTESTS_HOME_DIR); subst_src[subst_idx] = std_compile_home_dir; subst_dst[subst_idx] = compile_home_dir; subst_idx++; } } if (contests_home_dir[0]) { subst_src[subst_idx] = EJUDGE_CONTESTS_HOME_DIR; subst_dst[subst_idx] = contests_home_dir; subst_idx++; } if (compile_home_dir[0]) { subst_src[subst_idx] = "/COMPILE_HOME_DIR"; subst_dst[subst_idx] = compile_home_dir; subst_idx++; } if (contests_home_dir[0]) { subst_src[subst_idx] = "/CONTESTS_HOME_DIR"; subst_dst[subst_idx] = contests_home_dir; subst_idx++; } subst_src[subst_idx] = "/TMPDIR"; subst_dst[subst_idx] = get_tmp_dir(tmp_dir, sizeof(tmp_dir)); subst_idx++; fprintf(stderr, "Win32 substitutions:\n"); for (int j = 0; subst_src[j]; ++j) { fprintf(stderr, "%s -> %s\n", subst_src[j], subst_dst[j]); } subst_src_ptr = subst_src; subst_dst_ptr = subst_dst; #endif if (prepare(&serve_state, compile_cfg_path, prepare_flags, PREPARE_COMPILE, cpp_opts, 0, subst_src_ptr, subst_dst_ptr) < 0) return 1; #if HAVE_OPEN_MEMSTREAM - 0 if (!(lang_log_f = open_memstream(&lang_log_t, &lang_log_z))) return 1; if (lang_config_configure(lang_log_f,>lang_config_dir, serve_state.max_lang, serve_state.langs) < 0) { fclose(lang_log_f); lang_log_f = 0; fprintf(stderr, "%s", lang_log_t); return 1; } close_memstream(lang_log_f); lang_log_f = 0; #else if (lang_config_configure(stderr,>lang_config_dir, serve_state.max_lang, serve_state.langs) < 0) return 1; #endif /* HAVE_OPEN_MEMSTREAM */ if (key && filter_languages(key) < 0) return 1; if (create_dirs(&serve_state, PREPARE_COMPILE) < 0) return 1; if (check_config() < 0) return 1; if (initialize_mode) return 0; #if HAVE_SETSID - 0 log_path[0] = 0; #if defined EJUDGE_CONTESTS_HOME_DIR if (!log_path[0]) { snprintf(log_path, sizeof(log_path), "%s/var/ej-compile.log", EJUDGE_CONTESTS_HOME_DIR); } #endif if (!log_path[0]) { snprintf(log_path, sizeof(log_path), "%s/ej-compile.log",>var_dir); } if (daemon_mode) { // daemonize itself if (start_open_log(log_path) < 0) return 1; if ((pid = fork()) < 0) return 1; if (pid > 0) _exit(0); if (setsid() < 0) return 1; #if HAVE_OPEN_MEMSTREAM - 0 == 1 fprintf(stderr, "%s", lang_log_t); #endif /* HAVE_OPEN_MEMSTREAM */ } else if (restart_mode) { if (start_open_log(log_path) < 0) return 1; } #endif /* HAVE_SETSID */ #if HAVE_OPEN_MEMSTREAM - 0 == 1 xfree(lang_log_t); lang_log_t = 0; lang_log_z = 0; #endif /* HAVE_OPEN_MEMSTREAM */ if (do_loop() < 0) return 1; if (interrupt_restart_requested()) start_restart(); return 0; print_usage: printf("Usage: %s [ OPTS ] [config-file]\n", argv[0]); printf(" -k key - specify language key\n"); printf(" -DDEF - define a symbol for preprocessor\n"); printf(" -D - start in daemon mode\n"); printf(" -i - initialize mode: create all dirs and exit\n"); printf(" -k KEY - specify a language filter key\n"); printf(" -u U - start as user U (only as root)\n"); printf(" -g G - start as group G (only as root)\n"); printf(" -C D - change directory to D\n"); printf(" -x X - specify a path to ejudge.xml file\n"); printf(" -r S - substitute ${CONTESTS_HOME_DIR} for S in the config\n"); printf(" -c C - substitute ${COMPILE_HOME_DIR} for C in the config\n"); return code; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i, j = 0; int create_flag = 0; const unsigned char *user = 0, *group = 0, *workdir = 0; int restart_flag = 0; char **argv_restart = 0; int pid; time_t server_start_time = 0; hr_set_symbolic_action_table(NEW_SRV_ACTION_LAST, ns_symbolic_action_table, ns_submit_button_labels, 0); time(&server_start_time); start_set_self_args(argc, argv); /* certain options should be removed for restart */ XCALLOC(argv_restart, argc + 2); argv_restart[j++] = argv[0]; params.program_name = argv[0]; for (i = 1; i < argc; ) { if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-D")) { params.daemon_mode_flag = 1; i++; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-f")) { params.force_socket_flag = 1; argv_restart[j++] = argv[i]; i++; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--create")) { create_flag = 1; i++; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-u")) { if (++i >= argc) startup_error("invalid usage"); user = argv[i++]; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-g")) { if (++i >= argc) startup_error("invalid usage"); group = argv[i++]; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-C")) { if (++i >= argc) startup_error("invalid usage"); workdir = argv[i++]; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-R")) { params.restart_mode_flag = 1; ++i; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--")) { argv_restart[j++] = argv[i]; i++; break; } else if (argv[i][0] == '-') { startup_error("invalid option `%s'", argv[i]); } else break; } argv_restart[j++] = "-R"; if (i < argc) { argv_restart[j++] = argv[i]; ejudge_xml_path = argv[i++]; } if (i != argc) startup_error("invalid number of parameters"); argv_restart[j] = 0; start_set_args(argv_restart); if (!(pid = start_find_process("ej-contests", 0))) { params.force_socket_flag = 1; } else if (pid > 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: is already running as pid %d\n", argv[0], pid); return 1; } if (start_prepare(user, group, workdir) < 0) return 1; if (workdir && *workdir) { if (chdir(workdir) < 0) { err("cannot change directory to %s", workdir); return 1; } } #if defined EJUDGE_XML_PATH if (!ejudge_xml_path) ejudge_xml_path = EJUDGE_XML_PATH; #endif /* EJUDGE_XML_PATH */ if (!ejudge_xml_path) startup_error("configuration file is not specified"); ejudge_config = ejudge_cfg_parse(ejudge_xml_path, 0); if (!ejudge_config) return 1; if (contests_set_directory(ejudge_config->contests_dir) < 0) return 1; l10n_prepare(ejudge_config->l10n, ejudge_config->l10n_dir); if (!strcasecmp(EJUDGE_CHARSET, "UTF-8")) utf8_mode = 1; #if defined EJUDGE_NEW_SERVER_SOCKET if (!ejudge_config->new_server_socket) ejudge_config->new_server_socket = xstrdup(EJUDGE_NEW_SERVER_SOCKET); #endif if (!ejudge_config->new_server_socket) ejudge_config->new_server_socket=xstrdup(EJUDGE_NEW_SERVER_SOCKET_DEFAULT); #if defined EJUDGE_CONTESTS_HOME_DIR if (!ejudge_config->contests_home_dir) ejudge_config->contests_home_dir = xstrdup(EJUDGE_CONTESTS_HOME_DIR); #endif setup_log_file(); info("ej-contests %s, compiled %s", compile_version, compile_date); params.socket_path = ejudge_config->new_server_socket; params.log_path = ejudge_config->new_server_log; if (load_plugins() < 0) return 1; // initialize the default plugin if (nsdb_default->iface->open(nsdb_default->data) < 0) { startup_error("default plugin failed to open its connection"); return 1; } if (create_flag) { if (nsdb_default->iface->create(nsdb_default->data) < 0) { startup_error("database creation failed"); return 1; } if (nsdb_default->iface->close(nsdb_default->data) < 0) { startup_error("database closing failed"); return 1; } return 0; } if (nsdb_default->iface->check(nsdb_default->data) <= 0) { startup_error("default plugin failed to check its data"); return 1; } if (!(state = nsf_init(¶ms, 0, server_start_time))) return 1; if (nsf_prepare(state) < 0) return 1; nsf_main_loop(state); restart_flag = nsf_is_restart_requested(state); ns_unload_contests(); nsf_cleanup(state); nsdb_default->iface->close(nsdb_default->data); if (restart_flag) start_restart(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i = 1; char *key = 0; int p_flags = 0, code = 0; path_t cpp_opts = { 0 }; start_set_self_args(argc, argv); if (argc == 1) goto print_usage; code = 1; if (argc > 0) { XCALLOC(skip_archs, argc); } while (i < argc) { if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-k")) { if (++i >= argc) goto print_usage; key = argv[i++]; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-S")) { managed_mode_flag = 1; i++; } else if (!strncmp(argv[i], "-D", 2)) { if (cpp_opts[0]) pathcat(cpp_opts, " "); pathcat(cpp_opts, argv[i++]); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-s")) { if (++i >= argc) goto print_usage; skip_archs[skip_arch_count++] = argv[i++]; } else break; } if (i >= argc) goto print_usage; #if defined __unix__ if (getuid() == 0) { err("sorry, will not run as the root"); return 1; } #endif if (!strcasecmp(EJUDGE_CHARSET, "UTF-8")) utf8_mode = 1; if (prepare(NULL, &serve_state, argv[i], p_flags, PREPARE_RUN, cpp_opts, managed_mode_flag, 0, 0) < 0) return 1; if (filter_testers(key) < 0) return 1; if (create_dirs(&serve_state, PREPARE_RUN) < 0) return 1; if (check_config() < 0) return 1; if (do_loop() < 0) return 1; if (restart_flag) { start_restart(); } return 0; print_usage: printf("Usage: %s [ OPTS ] config-file\n", argv[0]); printf(" -k key - specify tester key\n"); printf(" -DDEF - define a symbol for preprocessor\n"); printf(" -s arch - specify architecture to skip testing\n"); return code; }