Esempio n. 1
 * \brief Measures the time to read once from a large file.
 * Only one process is active. It writes once to a file.
 * Since SKaMPI measurement functions are not allowed to use MPI_Offset
 * parameters, it is impossible to tell an init_-routine to create a file
 * which is larger than \f$2^{\mbox{\texttt{sizeof(int)}}-1}-1\f$ directly. As
 * a preliminary solution we use a parameter (<tt>power</tt>) which commits the
 * power to 2 as an indicator for the file size.
 * Remark concerning the <em>HP XC6000</em>:<br>
 * Measurements showed that there is no significant difference between MPI-API
 * and POSIX-API I/O accesses, if files are larger than 1MB. Thus there is no
 * choice between these two modes like in measure_MPI_IO_read_file_once(),
 * which makes type compatibilty problems much easier. Only MPI-API is
 * supported.
 * \param[in] power size of memory buffer; 2 to the power of `power' <tt>MPI_BYTE</tt>s
 * \return    measured time 
double measure_MPI_IO_read_large_file_once (int power){
  MPI_Offset size;
  double     start_time = 1.0, end_time = 0.0;
  if (get_measurement_rank () == 0){
    size = ((MPI_Offset) 1) << power;

    MPI_File_open (MPI_COMM_SELF, io_filename, MPI_MODE_RDONLY, MPI_INFO_NULL, &io_fh);
    MPI_File_set_view (io_fh, (MPI_Offset)0, 
		       MPI_BYTE, MPI_BYTE,
		       "native", MPI_INFO_NULL);
    start_time = start_synchronization ();
    MPI_File_read (io_fh, get_recv_buffer (), size, MPI_BYTE, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
    end_time = stop_synchronization ();
    MPI_File_close (&io_fh);
  else if (get_measurement_rank () != 0) {
    start_synchronization ();
  stop_synchronization ();

  if (get_measurement_rank () == 0)
    return end_time - start_time;
    return -1.0;

Esempio n. 2
 * \brief Measures the time to read once from a file.
 * Only one process is active. It reads once from a file.
 * Remark:<br>
 * With the <tt>O_DIRECT</tt> flag set, cache effects are minimized, because I/O
 * is done directly to/from user space buffers. The operation system's page
 * cache is bypassed. Under Linux 2.6 alignment to 512-byte boundaries is
 * required for buffer and file offset. Thus the following parameters should be
 * set in a SKaMPI input file:
 * - <tt>set_send_buffert_alignment (512)</tt>
 * - <tt>set_recv_buffert_alignment (512)</tt>
 * - <tt>switch_buffer_cycling_off ()</tt><br>
 * <tt>O_DIRECT</tt> is only relevant if the POSIX-API is used for I/O.
 * For more information please refer to the <tt>open ()</tt> man pages.
 * \param[in] size  size of memory buffer, i.e. number of <tt>MPI_BYTE</tt>s
 * \param[in] api   POSIX-API or MPI-API for I/O accesses
 * \param[in] directio_flag open file with <tt>O_DIRECT</tt> flag to minimize
 *                          cache effects
 * \return    measured time 
double measure_MPI_IO_read_file_once (int size, char *api, int directio_flag){
  double     start_time = 1.0, end_time = 0.0;
  int        open_flags;
  char       *error_string;
  if (get_measurement_rank () == 0){
    if (strcmp (api, POSIX_API) == 0){ 

      if (directio_flag != 0)
	open_flags = O_RDONLY | O_DIRECT;
	open_flags = O_RDONLY;

      printf ("flags %d,%d\n", open_flags, O_DIRECT);

      errno = 0;
      if ((io_fd = open (io_filename, open_flags)) < 0){
	error_string = strerror (errno);
	error_with_abort (errno,
			  "\nmeasure_MPI_IO_read_file_once (int %d, char * %s, int %d) failed."
			  "\nCannot open local file (read only mode)."
			  "\nError: %s\n",
			  size, api, directio_flag, error_string);
      start_time = start_synchronization ();
      read (io_fd, get_recv_buffer (), size);
      end_time = MPI_Wtime ();

      close (io_fd);

      MPI_File_open (MPI_COMM_SELF, io_filename, MPI_MODE_RDONLY, MPI_INFO_NULL, &io_fh);
      MPI_File_set_view (io_fh, (MPI_Offset)0, 
			 "native", MPI_INFO_NULL);

      start_time = start_synchronization ();
      MPI_File_read (io_fh, get_recv_buffer (), size, MPI_BYTE, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
      end_time = stop_synchronization ();

      MPI_File_close (&io_fh);

  else if (get_measurement_rank () != 0) {
    start_synchronization ();
  stop_synchronization ();

  if (get_measurement_rank () == 0)
    return end_time - start_time;
    return -1.0;

Esempio n. 3
double measure_delayed_Alltoall(int send_count, MPI_Datatype send_dt, int recv_count, MPI_Datatype recv_dt, double delay, int node)
  double start_time, end_time;

  start_time = start_synchronization();
  if( get_measurement_rank() == node )  while( wtime() < start_time + delay ) ;
  MPI_Alltoall(get_send_buffer(), send_count, send_dt,
	       get_recv_buffer(), recv_count, recv_dt, get_measurement_comm());
  end_time = stop_synchronization();
  return end_time - start_time;
Esempio n. 4
 * \brief Measures the time to write once to a large file.
 * Only one process is active. It writes once to a file.
 * Since SKaMPI measurement functions are not allowed to use MPI_Offset
 * parameters, it is impossible to tell an init_-routine to create a file
 * which is larger than \f$2^{\mbox{\texttt{sizeof(int)}}-1}-1\f$ directly. As
 * a preliminary solution we use a parameter (<tt>power</tt>) which commits the
 * power to 2 as an indicator for the file size.
 * Remark concerning the <em>HP XC6000</em>:<br>
 * Measurements showed that there is no significant difference between MPI-API
 * and POSIX-API I/O accesses, if files are larger than 1MB. Thus there is no
 * choice between these two modes like in measure_MPI_IO_read_file_once(),
 * which makes type compatibilty problems much easier. Only MPI-API is
 * supported.
 * \param[in] power       size of memory buffer; 2 to the power of `power' <tt>MPI_BYTE</tt>s
 * \param[in] create_flag write into existing file (FALSE) or create it (TRUE)
 * \return    measured time 
double measure_MPI_IO_write_large_file_once (int power, int create_flag){
  MPI_Offset size;
  double     start_time = 1.0, end_time = 0.0;
  if (get_measurement_rank () == 0){
    size = ((MPI_Offset) 1) << power;

    if (create_flag == 0){

      MPI_File_open (MPI_COMM_SELF, io_filename, MPI_MODE_WRONLY, MPI_INFO_NULL, &io_fh);
    else{ 			/* if create_flag != 0*/

      MPI_File_open (MPI_COMM_SELF, io_filename, MPI_MODE_WRONLY|MPI_MODE_CREATE, MPI_INFO_NULL, &io_fh);
    MPI_File_set_view (io_fh, (MPI_Offset)0, 
		       MPI_BYTE, MPI_BYTE,
		       "native", MPI_INFO_NULL);

    start_time = start_synchronization ();
    MPI_File_write (io_fh, get_send_buffer (), size, MPI_BYTE, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
    end_time = MPI_Wtime ();
    MPI_File_close (&io_fh);

  else if (get_measurement_rank () != 0) {
    start_synchronization ();
  stop_synchronization ();

  if (get_measurement_rank () == 0)
    return end_time - start_time;
    return -1.0;
Esempio n. 5
Continuous_Worker::setup (void)
  if (priority_setting == AFTER_THREAD_CREATION)
      this->current_->the_priority (continuous_worker_priority);

  this->CORBA_priority_ =
    this->current_->the_priority ();

  CORBA::Boolean result =
    this->priority_mapping_.to_native (this->CORBA_priority_,
  if (!result)
                       "Error in converting CORBA priority %d to native priority\n",

    start_synchronization (this-> (),
Esempio n. 6
 * \brief Measures the time to write once to a file.
 * Only one process is active. It writes once to a file.
 * Remark:<br>
 * With the <tt>O_DIRECT</tt> flag set, cache effects are minimized, because I/O
 * is done directly to/from user space buffers. The operation system's page
 * cache is bypassed. Under Linux 2.6 alignment to 512-byte boundaries is
 * required for buffer and file offset. Thus the following parameters should be
 * set in a SKaMPI input file:
 * - <tt>set_send_buffert_alignment (512)</tt>
 * - <tt>set_recv_buffert_alignment (512)</tt>
 * - <tt>switch_buffer_cycling_off ()</tt><br>
 * <tt>O_DIRECT</tt> is only relevant if the POSIX-API is used for I/O.
 * For more information please refer to the <tt>open ()</tt> man pages.
 * \param[in] size        size of memory buffer, i.e. number of <tt>MPI_BYTE</tt>s
 * \param[in] api         POSIX-API or MPI-API for I/O accesses
 * \param[in] create_flag write into existing file (FALSE) or create it (TRUE)
 * \param[in] directio_flag open file with <tt>O_DIRECT</tt> flag to minimize
 *                          cache effects
 * \return    measured time 
double measure_MPI_IO_write_file_once (int size, char *api, int create_flag, int directio_flag){
  double     start_time = 1.0, end_time = 0.0;
  int        open_flags;
  char       *error_string;
  if (get_measurement_rank () == 0){
    if (strcmp (api, POSIX_API) == 0){

      if (directio_flag != 0)
	open_flags = O_WRONLY | O_DIRECT;
	open_flags = O_WRONLY;

      errno = 0;

      if (create_flag == 0){	/* open existing file */

	if ((io_fd = open (io_filename, open_flags)) < 0){
	  error_string = strerror (errno);
	  error_with_abort (errno,
			    "\nmeasure_MPI_IO_write_file_once (int %d, char * %s, int %d, int %d) failed."
			    "\nCannot open local file (write only mode)."
			    "\nError: %s\n",
			    size, api, create_flag, directio_flag, error_string);
      else {			/* open nonexisting file and create it */
	if ((io_fd = open (io_filename, open_flags|O_CREAT, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IROTH)) < 0){
	  error_string = strerror (errno);
	  error_with_abort (errno,
			   "\nmeasure_MPI_IO_write_file_once (int %d, char * %s, int %d, int %d) failed."
			   "\nCannot open local file (write only mode)."
			   "\nError: %s\n",
			    size, api, create_flag, directio_flag, error_string);

      start_time = start_synchronization ();
      write (io_fd, get_send_buffer (), size);
      fsync (io_fd);
      end_time = MPI_Wtime ();

      close (io_fd);

    else{ 			/* if strcmp (api, POSIX_API) != 0 */

      if (create_flag == 0){

	MPI_File_open (MPI_COMM_SELF, io_filename, MPI_MODE_WRONLY, MPI_INFO_NULL, &io_fh);
      else{ 			/* if create_flag != 0*/

      MPI_File_set_view (io_fh, (MPI_Offset)0, 
			"native", MPI_INFO_NULL);

      start_time = start_synchronization ();
      MPI_File_write (io_fh, get_send_buffer (), size, MPI_BYTE, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
      MPI_File_sync (io_fh);
      end_time = MPI_Wtime ();
      MPI_File_close (&io_fh);
  else if (get_measurement_rank () != 0) {
    start_synchronization ();
  stop_synchronization ();

  if (get_measurement_rank () == 0)
    return end_time - start_time;
    return -1.0;