void inner_prod_impl(vector_base<NumericT> const & x,
                     vector_tuple<NumericT> const & vec_tuple,
                     vector_base<NumericT> & result)
  typedef NumericT        value_type;

  value_type const * data_x = detail::extract_raw_pointer<value_type>(x);

  vcl_size_t start_x = viennacl::traits::start(x);
  vcl_size_t inc_x   = viennacl::traits::stride(x);
  vcl_size_t size_x  = viennacl::traits::size(x);

  std::vector<value_type> temp(vec_tuple.const_size());
  std::vector<value_type const *> data_y(vec_tuple.const_size());
  std::vector<vcl_size_t> start_y(vec_tuple.const_size());
  std::vector<vcl_size_t> stride_y(vec_tuple.const_size());

  for (vcl_size_t j=0; j<vec_tuple.const_size(); ++j)
    data_y[j] = detail::extract_raw_pointer<value_type>(vec_tuple.const_at(j));
    start_y[j] = viennacl::traits::start(vec_tuple.const_at(j));
    stride_y[j] = viennacl::traits::stride(vec_tuple.const_at(j));

  // Note: No OpenMP here because it cannot perform a reduction on temp-array. Savings in memory bandwidth are expected to still justify this approach...
  for (vcl_size_t i = 0; i < size_x; ++i)
    value_type entry_x = data_x[i*inc_x+start_x];
    for (vcl_size_t j=0; j < vec_tuple.const_size(); ++j)
      temp[j] += entry_x * data_y[j][i*stride_y[j]+start_y[j]];

  for (vcl_size_t j=0; j < vec_tuple.const_size(); ++j)
    result[j] = temp[j];  //Note: Assignment to result might be expensive, thus 'temp' is used for accumulation
Esempio n. 2
/** \brief The specialised drawing function for Missile.
 * The draw_missile() function uses the FLTK routines to draw the Missile as
 * a line from its start location to its current location.
void Missile::draw_missile()
#ifdef DEBUG
	fl_circle(x(), y(), radius());
	fl_line((int)start_x(), (int)start_y(), (int)x(), (int)y());