static int simulationUpdate(DATA* data, threadData_t *threadData, SOLVER_INFO* solverInfo)
  prefixedName_updateContinuousSystem(data, threadData);

  if (solverInfo->solverMethod == S_SYM_IMP_EULER) data->callback->symEulerUpdate(data, solverInfo->solverStepSize);

  saveZeroCrossings(data, threadData);

  /***** Event handling *****/
  if (measure_time_flag) rt_tick(SIM_TIMER_EVENT);

  int syncRet = handleTimers(data, threadData, solverInfo);
  int syncRet1;
    int eventType = checkEvents(data, threadData, solverInfo->eventLst, &(solverInfo->currentTime), solverInfo);
    if(eventType > 0 || syncRet == 2) /* event */
      threadData->currentErrorStage = ERROR_EVENTHANDLING;
      infoStreamPrint(LOG_EVENTS, 1, "%s event at time=%.12g", eventType == 1 ? "time" : "state", solverInfo->currentTime);
      /* prevent emit if noEventEmit flag is used */
      if (!(omc_flag[FLAG_NOEVENTEMIT])) /* output left limit */
        sim_result.emit(&sim_result, data, threadData);
      handleEvents(data, threadData, solverInfo->eventLst, &(solverInfo->currentTime), solverInfo);
      threadData->currentErrorStage = ERROR_SIMULATION;

      solverInfo->didEventStep = 1;
    else /* no event */
      solverInfo->laststep = solverInfo->currentTime;
      solverInfo->didEventStep = 0;

    if (measure_time_flag) rt_accumulate(SIM_TIMER_EVENT);
    /***** End event handling *****/

    /***** check state selection *****/
    if (stateSelection(data, threadData, 1, 1))
      /* if new set is calculated reinit the solver */
      solverInfo->didEventStep = 1;

    /* Check for warning of variables out of range assert(min<x || x>xmax, ...)*/
    data->callback->checkForAsserts(data, threadData);


    syncRet1 = handleTimers(data, threadData, solverInfo);
    syncRet = syncRet1 == 0 ? syncRet : syncRet1;
  } while (syncRet1);
  return syncRet;
Esempio n. 2
fmiStatus fmiCompletedIntegratorStep(fmiComponent c, fmiBoolean* callEventUpdate)
  ModelInstance* comp = (ModelInstance *)c;
  threadData_t *threadData = comp->threadData;
  if (invalidState(comp, "fmiCompletedIntegratorStep", modelInitialized))
    return fmiError;
  if (nullPointer(comp, "fmiCompletedIntegratorStep", "callEventUpdate", callEventUpdate))
    return fmiError;
  if (comp->loggingOn) comp->functions.logger(c, comp->instanceName, fmiOK, "log",

  /* try */

    comp->fmuData->callback->functionAlgebraics(comp->fmuData, comp->threadData);
    comp->fmuData->callback->output_function(comp->fmuData, comp->threadData);
    comp->fmuData->callback->function_storeDelayed(comp->fmuData, comp->threadData);
    *callEventUpdate  = fmiFalse;
    /******** check state selection ********/
    if (stateSelection(comp->fmuData, comp->threadData, 1, 0))
      if (comp->loggingOn) comp->functions.logger(c, comp->instanceName, fmiOK, "log",
          "fmiEventUpdate: Need to iterate state values changed!");
      /* if new set is calculated reinit the solver */
      *callEventUpdate = fmiTrue;
    /* TODO: fix the extrapolation in non-linear system
     *       then we can stop to save all variables in
     *       in the whole ringbuffer
    return fmiOK;
  /* catch */

  comp->functions.logger(c, comp->instanceName, fmiError, "error", "fmiCompletedIntegratorStep: terminated by an assertion.");
  return fmiError;
Esempio n. 3
void Arkode::ArkodeCore()

  _idid = ARKodeReInit(_arkodeMem, NULL, ARK_fCallback, _tCurrent, _ARK_y);
  _idid = ARKodeSetStopTime(_arkodeMem, _tEnd);
  _idid = ARKodeSetInitStep(_arkodeMem, 1e-12);
  if (_idid < 0)
    throw ModelicaSimulationError(SOLVER,"ARKode::ReInit");

  bool writeEventOutput = (_settings->getGlobalSettings()->getOutputPointType() == OPT_ALL);
  bool writeOutput = !(_settings->getGlobalSettings()->getOutputPointType() == OPT_NONE);

  while (_solverStatus & ISolver::CONTINUE && !_interrupt )
    _ark_rt = ARKode(_arkodeMem, _tEnd, _ARK_y, &_tCurrent, ARK_ONE_STEP);

    _idid = ARKodeGetNumSteps(_arkodeMem, &_locStps);
    //if (_idid != CV_SUCCESS)
    //  throw ModelicaSimulationError(SOLVER,"CVodeGetNumSteps failed. The cvode mem pointer is NULL");

    _idid = ARKodeGetLastStep(_arkodeMem, &_h);
    //if (_idid != CV_SUCCESS)
    //  throw ModelicaSimulationError(SOLVER,"CVodeGetLastStep failed. The cvode mem pointer is NULL");

    //Check if there was at least one output-point within the last solver interval
    //  -> Write output if true
    if (writeOutput)
        writeArkodeOutput(_tCurrent, _h, _locStps);

    //set completed step to system and check if terminate was called
        _solverStatus = DONE;

    // Perform state selection
    bool state_selection = stateSelection();
    if (state_selection)

    _zeroFound = false;

    // Check if step was successful
    if (check_flag(&_cv_rt, "CVode", 1))
      _solverStatus = ISolver::SOLVERERROR;

    // A root was found

    if ((_ark_rt == ARK_ROOT_RETURN) && !isInterrupted())
      // CVode is setting _tCurrent to the time where the first event occurred
      double _abs = fabs(_tLastEvent - _tCurrent);
      _zeroFound = true;

      if ((_abs < 1e-3) && _event_n == 0)
        _tLastEvent = _tCurrent;
      else if ((_abs < 1e-3) && (_event_n >= 1 && _event_n < 500))
      else if ((_abs >= 1e-3))
        //restart event counter
        _tLastEvent = _tCurrent;
        _event_n = 0;
        throw ModelicaSimulationError(EVENT_HANDLING,"Number of events exceeded  in time interval " + to_string(_abs) + " at time " + to_string(_tCurrent));

      // CVode has interpolated the states at time 'tCurrent'

      // To get steep steps in the result file, two value points (P1 and P2) must be added
      // Y |   (P2) X...........
      //   |        :
      //   |        :
      //   |........X (P1)
      //   |---------------------------------->
      //   |        ^                         t
      //        _tCurrent

      // Write the values of (P1)
      if (writeEventOutput)
        writeToFile(0, _tCurrent, _h);

      _idid = ARKodeGetRootInfo(_arkodeMem, _zeroSign);

      for (int i = 0; i < _dimZeroFunc; i++)
        _events[i] = bool(_zeroSign[i]);

      if (_mixed_system->handleSystemEvents(_events))
        // State variables were reinitialized, thus we have to give these values to the cvode-solver
        // Take care about the memory regions, _z is the same like _CV_y
    if ((_zeroFound || state_selection)&& !isInterrupted())

      if (writeEventOutput)
        writeToFile(0, _tCurrent, _h);

      _idid = ARKodeReInit(_arkodeMem, NULL, ARK_fCallback, _tCurrent, _ARK_y);
      if (_idid < 0)
        throw ModelicaSimulationError(SOLVER,"CVode::ReInit()");

      // Der Eventzeitpunkt kann auf der Endzeit liegen (Time-Events). In diesem Fall wird der Solver beendet, da CVode sonst eine interne Warnung
      if (_tCurrent == _tEnd)
        _ark_rt = ARK_TSTOP_RETURN;

    _tLastSuccess = _tCurrent;

    if (_ark_rt == ARK_TSTOP_RETURN)
      //Solver has finished calculation - calculate the final values
         writeToFile(0, _tEnd, _h);

      _accStps += _locStps;
      _solverStatus = DONE;

Esempio n. 4
void Ida::IDACore()
  _idid = IDAReInit(_idaMem, _tCurrent, _CV_y,_CV_yp);
  _idid = IDASetStopTime(_idaMem, _tEnd);
  _idid = IDASetInitStep(_idaMem, 1e-12);
  if (_idid < 0)
    throw std::runtime_error("IDA::ReInit");

  bool writeEventOutput = (_settings->getGlobalSettings()->getOutputPointType() == OPT_ALL);
  bool writeOutput = !(_settings->getGlobalSettings()->getOutputPointType() == OPT_NONE);

  while ((_solverStatus & ISolver::CONTINUE) && !_interrupt )
    _cv_rt = IDASolve(_idaMem, _tEnd, &_tCurrent,  _CV_y, _CV_yp, IDA_ONE_STEP);

    _idid = IDAGetNumSteps(_idaMem, &_locStps);
    if (_idid != IDA_SUCCESS)
      throw std::runtime_error("IDAGetNumSteps failed. The ida mem pointer is NULL");

    _idid =IDAGetLastStep(_idaMem, &_h);
    if (_idid != IDA_SUCCESS)
      throw std::runtime_error("IDAGetLastStep failed. The ida mem pointer is NULL");

    //Check if there was at least one output-point within the last solver interval
    //  -> Write output if true
    if (writeOutput)
        writeIDAOutput(_tCurrent, _h, _locStps);

    MEASURETIME_REGION_DEFINE(idaStepCompletedHandler, "IDAStepCompleted");
    if(MeasureTime::getInstance() != NULL)
        MEASURETIME_START(measuredFunctionStartValues, idaStepCompletedHandler, "IDAStepCompleted");

    //set completed step to system and check if terminate was called
        _solverStatus = DONE;

    if(MeasureTime::getInstance() != NULL)
        MEASURETIME_END(measuredFunctionStartValues, measuredFunctionEndValues, (*measureTimeFunctionsArray)[5], idaStepCompletedHandler);

    // Perform state selection
    bool state_selection = stateSelection();
    if (state_selection)

    _zeroFound = false;

    // Check if step was successful
    if (check_flag(&_cv_rt, "IDA", 1))
      _solverStatus = ISolver::SOLVERERROR;

    // A root was found
    if ((_cv_rt == IDA_ROOT_RETURN) && !isInterrupted())
      // IDA is setting _tCurrent to the time where the first event occurred
      double _abs = fabs(_tLastEvent - _tCurrent);
      _zeroFound = true;

      if ((_abs < 1e-3) && _event_n == 0)
        _tLastEvent = _tCurrent;
      else if ((_abs < 1e-3) && (_event_n >= 1 && _event_n < 500))
      else if ((_abs >= 1e-3))
        //restart event counter
        _tLastEvent = _tCurrent;
        _event_n = 0;
        throw std::runtime_error("Number of events exceeded  in time interval " + to_string(_abs) + " at time " + to_string(_tCurrent));

      // IDA has interpolated the states at time 'tCurrent'

      // To get steep steps in the result file, two value points (P1 and P2) must be added
      // Y |   (P2) X...........
      //   |        :
      //   |        :
      //   |........X (P1)
      //   |---------------------------------->
      //   |        ^                         t
      //        _tCurrent

      // Write the values of (P1)
      if (writeEventOutput)
        writeToFile(0, _tCurrent, _h);

      _idid = IDAGetRootInfo(_idaMem, _zeroSign);

      for (int i = 0; i < _dimZeroFunc; i++)
        _events[i] = bool(_zeroSign[i]);

      if (_mixed_system->handleSystemEvents(_events))
        // State variables were reinitialized, thus we have to give these values to the ida-solver
        // Take care about the memory regions, _z is the same like _CV_y
		calcFunction(_tCurrent, NV_DATA_S(_CV_y), NV_DATA_S(_CV_yp),_dae_res);


    if ((_zeroFound || state_selection)&& !isInterrupted())
      // Write the values of (P2)
      if (writeEventOutput)
        // If we want to write the event-results, we should evaluate the whole system again
        writeToFile(0, _tCurrent, _h);

      _idid = IDAReInit(_idaMem, _tCurrent, _CV_y,_CV_yp);
      if (_idid < 0)
        throw std::runtime_error("IDA::ReInit()");

      // Der Eventzeitpunkt kann auf der Endzeit liegen (Time-Events). In diesem Fall wird der Solver beendet, da IDA sonst eine interne Warnung schmeißt
      if (_tCurrent == _tEnd)
        _cv_rt = IDA_TSTOP_RETURN;

    // Zähler für die Anzahl der ausgegebenen Schritte erhöhen
    _tLastSuccess = _tCurrent;

    if (_cv_rt == IDA_TSTOP_RETURN)
         writeToFile(0, _tEnd, _h);

      _accStps += _locStps;
      _solverStatus = DONE;
Esempio n. 5
fmiStatus fmiEventUpdate(fmiComponent c, fmiBoolean intermediateResults, fmiEventInfo* eventInfo)
  int i;
  ModelInstance* comp = (ModelInstance *)c;
  threadData_t *threadData = comp->threadData;
  if (invalidState(comp, "fmiEventUpdate", modelInitialized))
    return fmiError;
  if (nullPointer(comp, "fmiEventUpdate", "eventInfo", eventInfo))
    return fmiError;
  eventInfo->stateValuesChanged = fmiFalse;

  if (comp->loggingOn) comp->functions.logger(c, comp->instanceName, fmiOK, "log",
      "fmiEventUpdate: Start Event Update! Next Sample Event %g", eventInfo->nextEventTime);

  /* try */

    if (stateSelection(comp->fmuData, threadData, 1, 1))
      if (comp->loggingOn) comp->functions.logger(c, comp->instanceName, fmiOK, "log",
          "fmiEventUpdate: Need to iterate state values changed!");
      /* if new set is calculated reinit the solver */
      eventInfo->stateValuesChanged = fmiTrue;


    /* activate sample event */
    for(i=0; i<comp->fmuData->modelData->nSamples; ++i)
      if(comp->fmuData->simulationInfo->nextSampleTimes[i] <= comp->fmuData->localData[0]->timeValue)
        comp->fmuData->simulationInfo->samples[i] = 1;
        infoStreamPrint(LOG_EVENTS, 0, "[%ld] sample(%g, %g)", comp->fmuData->modelData->samplesInfo[i].index, comp->fmuData->modelData->samplesInfo[i].start, comp->fmuData->modelData->samplesInfo[i].interval);

    comp->fmuData->callback->functionDAE(comp->fmuData, threadData);

    /* deactivate sample events */
    for(i=0; i<comp->fmuData->modelData->nSamples; ++i)
        comp->fmuData->simulationInfo->samples[i] = 0;
        comp->fmuData->simulationInfo->nextSampleTimes[i] += comp->fmuData->modelData->samplesInfo[i].interval;

    for(i=0; i<comp->fmuData->modelData->nSamples; ++i)
      if((i == 0) || (comp->fmuData->simulationInfo->nextSampleTimes[i] < comp->fmuData->simulationInfo->nextSampleEvent))
        comp->fmuData->simulationInfo->nextSampleEvent = comp->fmuData->simulationInfo->nextSampleTimes[i];

    if(comp->fmuData->callback->checkForDiscreteChanges(comp->fmuData, threadData) || comp->fmuData->simulationInfo->needToIterate || checkRelations(comp->fmuData) || eventInfo->stateValuesChanged)
      intermediateResults = fmiTrue;
      if (comp->loggingOn)
        comp->functions.logger(c, comp->instanceName, fmiOK, "log", "fmiEventUpdate: Need to iterate(discrete changes)!");
      eventInfo->iterationConverged  = fmiTrue;
      eventInfo->stateValueReferencesChanged = fmiFalse;
      eventInfo->stateValuesChanged  = fmiTrue;
      eventInfo->terminateSimulation = fmiFalse;
      intermediateResults = fmiFalse;
      eventInfo->iterationConverged  = fmiTrue;
      eventInfo->stateValueReferencesChanged = fmiFalse;
      eventInfo->terminateSimulation = fmiFalse;

    /* due to an event overwrite old values */

    /* TODO: check the event iteration for relation
     * in fmi import and export. This is an workaround,
     * since the iteration seem not starting.

    if (comp->loggingOn)
      comp->functions.logger(c, comp->instanceName, fmiOK, "log", "fmiEventUpdate: intermediateResults = %d", intermediateResults);

    //Get Next Event Time
    double nextSampleEvent=0;
    nextSampleEvent = getNextSampleTimeFMU(comp->fmuData);
    if (nextSampleEvent == -1)
      eventInfo->upcomingTimeEvent = fmiFalse;
      eventInfo->upcomingTimeEvent = fmiTrue;
      eventInfo->nextEventTime = nextSampleEvent;
    if (comp->loggingOn)
      comp->functions.logger(c, comp->instanceName, fmiOK, "log", "fmiEventUpdate: Checked for Sample Events! Next Sample Event %g",eventInfo->nextEventTime);

    return fmiOK;

  /* catch */

  comp->functions.logger(c, comp->instanceName, fmiError, "error", "fmiEventUpdate: terminated by an assertion.");
  return fmiError;
Esempio n. 6
void CppDASSL::solve(const SOLVERCALL action)
    bool writeEventOutput = (_settings->getGlobalSettings()->getOutputPointType() == OPT_ALL);
    bool writeOutput = !(_settings->getGlobalSettings()->getOutputPointType() == OPT_NONE);
    double t,tend;
    if ((action & RECORDCALL) && (action & FIRST_CALL)) {

    if (action & RECALL)
        writeToFile(0, _tCurrent, _h);
  // Initialization phase

    if(writeOutput) {
        _continuous_systems[0]->evaluateODE(IContinuous::ALL);    // vxworksupdate
        SolverDefaultImplementation::writeToFile(0, t, _h);
    } else {

    bool state_selection;
    if(!_dimZeroFunc) {
        int idid=dasslSolver.solve(&res,_dimSys,t,&_y[0],&_yp[0],tend,_data,NULL,NULL,NULL,_dimZeroFunc,NULL,false);
        for(int i=0; i<_numThreads; ++i) _continuous_systems[i]->stepCompleted(t);
        state_selection = stateSelection();
        if (state_selection) {
            _continuous_systems[0]->evaluateODE(IContinuous::ALL);    // vxworksupdate
        while(idid==-1 || idid==1 || (writeOutput && idid>1)) {
            if(writeOutput) {
                if(t>=tend) {
                    if(t>=_tEnd) {
                    } else {
                        if (t+_hOut>=_tEnd) {
                        } else {
                    SolverDefaultImplementation::writeToFile(0, t, _h);


            state_selection = stateSelection();
            if (state_selection) {
                _continuous_systems[0]->evaluateODE(IContinuous::ALL);    // vxworksupdate
    } else {
        if(_jroot) delete [] _jroot;
        _jroot=new int[_dimZeroFunc];
        int idid=dasslSolver.solve(&res,_dimSys,t,&_y[0],&_yp[0],_tEnd,_data,NULL,NULL,&zeroes,_dimZeroFunc,_jroot,false);
        #pragma omp parallel for num_threads(_numThreads)
        for(int i=0; i<_numThreads; ++i) {
        state_selection = stateSelection();
        if (state_selection) {
            for(size_t i = 0; i < _state_selections[0]->getDimStateSets(); i++)
              for(int j=1; j<_numThreads; ++j) {
//            for(int i=1; i<_numThreads; ++i) {
//                    _continuous_system[i]->setContinuousStates(_y);
//                    _system_state_selection[i-1]->stateSelection(1);
//                }
            for(int i=1; i<_numThreads; ++i) {
            _continuous_systems[0]->evaluateODE(IContinuous::ALL);    // vxworksupdate
        if(idid==5) {
            SolverDefaultImplementation::writeToFile(0, t, _h);
            for (int i = 0; i < _dimZeroFunc; i++) _events[i] = bool(_jroot[i]);
            for(int i=1; i<_numThreads; ++i) {
            if (_mixed_systems[0]->handleSystemEvents(_events))
                _continuous_systems[0]->evaluateODE(IContinuous::ALL);    // vxworksupdate

        int run=2;
        while(idid==-1 || idid==5 || idid==1 || (writeOutput && idid>1)) {
            if(writeOutput) {
                if(t>=tend) {
                    if(t>=_tEnd) {
                    } else {
                        if (t+_hOut>=_tEnd) {
                        } else {
                    SolverDefaultImplementation::writeToFile(0, t, _h);

            if(idid==5 || state_selection ) {
            } else {
            #pragma omp parallel for num_threads(_numThreads)
            for(int i=0; i<_numThreads; ++i) {
            state_selection = stateSelection();
            if (state_selection) {
                for(size_t i = 0; i < _state_selections[0]->getDimStateSets(); i++)
                  for(int j=1; j<_numThreads; ++j) {
                for(int i=1; i<_numThreads; ++i) {
                _continuous_systems[0]->evaluateODE(IContinuous::ALL);    // vxworksupdate
            if(idid==5) {
                SolverDefaultImplementation::writeToFile(0, t, _h);
                for (int i = 0; i < _dimZeroFunc; i++) _events[i] = bool(_jroot[i]);
                for(int i=1; i<_numThreads; ++i) {
                if (_mixed_systems[0]->handleSystemEvents(_events))
                    _continuous_systems[0]->evaluateODE(IContinuous::ALL);    // vxworksupdate


    if(writeOutput) {
        SolverDefaultImplementation::writeToFile(0, t, _h);
    _solverStatus = ISolver::DONE;