Esempio n. 1
/* handles socket timeouts */
socket_timeout_alarm_handler (int sig)
	if (sig == SIGALRM)
		printf (_("%s - Socket timeout after %d seconds\n"), state_text(socket_timeout_state),  socket_timeout);
		printf (_("%s - Abnormal timeout after %d seconds\n"), state_text(socket_timeout_state), socket_timeout);

	exit (socket_timeout_state);
Esempio n. 2
// Sets a connection's current state in the state machine. Any special
// processing that needs to happen on certain state transitions can happen
// here.
void conn_set_state(conn *c, enum conn_states state) {
	assert(c != NULL);
	assert(state > conn_min_state && state < conn_max_state);

	if (state != c->state) {
		if (config.verbose > 2) {
			fprintf(stderr, "%d: going from %s to %s\n",
			        c->sfd, state_text(c->state), state_text(state));
		c->state = state;
void SarkofagSupervisor::stateAll() {
  for (int i = 0; i < number_of_servos_; i++) {
    RTT::Attribute<ECServoState> * servo_ec_state = (RTT::Attribute<ECServoState> *) EC
    ec_servo_state_ = servo_ec_state->get();
    std::cout << services_names_[i] << ": " << state_text(ec_servo_state_) << std::endl;
Esempio n. 4
timeout_alarm_handler (int signo)
	if (signo == SIGALRM) {
		printf (_("%s - Plugin timed out after %d seconds\n"),
						state_text(timeout_state), timeout_interval);
		exit (timeout_state);
Esempio n. 5
main (int argc, char **argv)
	int elapsed_time;
	int status = STATE_UNKNOWN;

	/* begin, by setting the parameters for a backend connection if the
	 * parameters are null, then the system will try to use reasonable
	 * defaults by looking up environment variables or, failing that,
	 * using hardwired constants */

	pgoptions = NULL;  /* special options to start up the backend server */
	pgtty = NULL;      /* debugging tty for the backend server */

	setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
	bindtextdomain (PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR);
	textdomain (PACKAGE);

	if (process_arguments (argc, argv) == ERROR)
		usage4 (_("Could not parse arguments"));

	/* Set signal handling and alarm */
	if (signal (SIGALRM, timeout_alarm_handler) == SIG_ERR) {
		usage4 (_("Cannot catch SIGALRM"));
	alarm (timeout_interval);

	/* make a connection to the database */
	time (&start_time);
	conn =
		PQsetdbLogin (pghost, pgport, pgoptions, pgtty, dbName, pguser, pgpasswd);
	time (&end_time);
	elapsed_time = (int) (end_time - start_time);

	/* check to see that the backend connection was successfully made */
	if (PQstatus (conn) == CONNECTION_BAD) {
		printf (_("CRITICAL - no connection to '%s' (%s).\n"),
		        dbName,	PQerrorMessage (conn));
		PQfinish (conn);
	else if (elapsed_time > tcrit) {
		status = STATE_CRITICAL;
	else if (elapsed_time > twarn) {
		status = STATE_WARNING;
	else {
		status = STATE_OK;
	PQfinish (conn);
	printf (_(" %s - database %s (%d sec.)|%s\n"), 
	        state_text(status), dbName, elapsed_time,
	        fperfdata("time", elapsed_time, "s",
	                 (int)twarn, twarn, (int)tcrit, tcrit, TRUE, 0, FALSE,0));
	return status;
Esempio n. 6
main (int argc, char **argv)
	int users = -1;
	int result = STATE_UNKNOWN;
	char *perf;
	struct utmpx *putmpx;

	setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
	bindtextdomain (PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR);
	textdomain (PACKAGE);

	perf = strdup ("");

	/* Parse extra opts if any */
	argv = np_extra_opts (&argc, argv, progname);

	if (process_arguments (argc, argv) == ERROR)
		usage4 (_("Could not parse arguments"));

	users = 0;

	/* get currently logged users from utmpx */
	setutxent ();

	while ((putmpx = getutxent ()) != NULL)
		if (putmpx->ut_type == USER_PROCESS)

	endutxent ();

	/* check the user count against warning and critical thresholds */
	if (users > cusers)
		result = STATE_CRITICAL;
	else if (users > wusers)
		result = STATE_WARNING;
	else if (users >= 0)
		result = STATE_OK;

	if (result == STATE_UNKNOWN)
		printf ("%s\n", _("Unable to read output"));
	else {
		asprintf (&perf, "%s", perfdata ("users", users, "",
		  TRUE, wusers,
		  TRUE, cusers,
		  TRUE, 0,
		  FALSE, 0));
		printf (_("USERS %s - %d users currently logged in |%s\n"), state_text (result),
		  users, perf);

	return result;
main (int argc, char **argv)
  int c, i;
  nagstatus status = STATE_OK;

  set_program_name (argv[0]);

  while ((c = getopt_long (argc, argv, GETOPT_HELP_VERSION_STRING, longopts,
                           NULL)) != -1)
      switch (c)
	  usage (stderr);



  if (argc <= optind)
    usage (stderr);

  mount_list = read_file_system_list (false);

  if (NULL == mount_list)
    /* Couldn't read the table of mounted file systems. */
    plugin_error (STATE_UNKNOWN, 0,
                  "cannot read table of mounted file systems");

  for (i = optind; i < argc; ++i)
    if (STATE_CRITICAL == check_entry (argv[i]))
      status = STATE_CRITICAL;
      /* This is allowed. See:
       * */
      argv[i] = NULL;

  printf ("filesystems %s", state_text (status));
  for (i = optind; i < argc; ++i)
    if (argv[i])
      printf (" %s", argv[i]);

  if (STATE_CRITICAL == status)
    printf (" unmounted!");
  putchar ('\n');

  return status;
main (int argc, char **argv)
	int result = STATE_OK;
	FILE *fp;
	int line;
	char input_buffer[MAX_INPUT_BUFFER];
	char *temp_buffer;
	time_t current_time;
	char *error_message;
	time_t timestamp = 0L;
	unsigned long average_incoming_rate = 0L;
	unsigned long average_outgoing_rate = 0L;
	unsigned long maximum_incoming_rate = 0L;
	unsigned long maximum_outgoing_rate = 0L;
	unsigned long incoming_rate = 0L;
	unsigned long outgoing_rate = 0L;
	double adjusted_incoming_rate = 0.0;
	double adjusted_outgoing_rate = 0.0;
	char incoming_speed_rating[8];
	char outgoing_speed_rating[8];

	setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
	bindtextdomain (PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR);
	textdomain (PACKAGE);

	/* Parse extra opts if any */
	argv=np_extra_opts (&argc, argv, progname);

	if (process_arguments (argc, argv) == ERROR)
		usage4 (_("Could not parse arguments"));

	/* open the MRTG log file for reading */
	fp = fopen (log_file, "r");
	if (fp == NULL)
		usage4 (_("Unable to open MRTG log file"));

	line = 0;
	while (fgets (input_buffer, MAX_INPUT_BUFFER - 1, fp)) {


		/* skip the first line of the log file */
		if (line == 1)

		/* break out of read loop */
		/* if we've passed the number of entries we want to read */
		if (line > 2)

		/* grab the timestamp */
		temp_buffer = strtok (input_buffer, " ");
		timestamp = strtoul (temp_buffer, NULL, 10);

		/* grab the average incoming transfer rate */
		temp_buffer = strtok (NULL, " ");
		average_incoming_rate = strtoul (temp_buffer, NULL, 10);

		/* grab the average outgoing transfer rate */
		temp_buffer = strtok (NULL, " ");
		average_outgoing_rate = strtoul (temp_buffer, NULL, 10);

		/* grab the maximum incoming transfer rate */
		temp_buffer = strtok (NULL, " ");
		maximum_incoming_rate = strtoul (temp_buffer, NULL, 10);

		/* grab the maximum outgoing transfer rate */
		temp_buffer = strtok (NULL, " ");
		maximum_outgoing_rate = strtoul (temp_buffer, NULL, 10);

	/* close the log file */
	fclose (fp);

	/* if we couldn't read enough data, return an unknown error */
	if (line <= 2)
		usage4 (_("Unable to process MRTG log file"));

	/* make sure the MRTG data isn't too old */
	time (&current_time);
	if ((expire_minutes > 0) &&
	    (current_time - timestamp) > (expire_minutes * 60))
		die (STATE_WARNING,	_("MRTG data has expired (%d minutes old)\n"),
		     (int) ((current_time - timestamp) / 60));

	/* else check the incoming/outgoing rates */
	if (use_average == TRUE) {
		incoming_rate = average_incoming_rate;
		outgoing_rate = average_outgoing_rate;
	else {
		incoming_rate = maximum_incoming_rate;
		outgoing_rate = maximum_outgoing_rate;

	/* report incoming traffic in Bytes/sec */
	if (incoming_rate < 1024) {
		strcpy (incoming_speed_rating, "B/s");
		adjusted_incoming_rate = (double) incoming_rate;

	/* report incoming traffic in KBytes/sec */
	else if (incoming_rate < (1024 * 1024)) {
		strcpy (incoming_speed_rating, "KB/s");
		adjusted_incoming_rate = (double) (incoming_rate / 1024.0);

	/* report incoming traffic in MBytes/sec */
	else {
		strcpy (incoming_speed_rating, "MB/s");
		adjusted_incoming_rate = (double) (incoming_rate / 1024.0 / 1024.0);

	/* report outgoing traffic in Bytes/sec */
	if (outgoing_rate < 1024) {
		strcpy (outgoing_speed_rating, "B/s");
		adjusted_outgoing_rate = (double) outgoing_rate;

	/* report outgoing traffic in KBytes/sec */
	else if (outgoing_rate < (1024 * 1024)) {
		strcpy (outgoing_speed_rating, "KB/s");
		adjusted_outgoing_rate = (double) (outgoing_rate / 1024.0);

	/* report outgoing traffic in MBytes/sec */
	else {
		strcpy (outgoing_speed_rating, "MB/s");
		adjusted_outgoing_rate = (double) (outgoing_rate / 1024.0 / 1024.0);

	if (incoming_rate > incoming_critical_threshold
			|| outgoing_rate > outgoing_critical_threshold) {
		result = STATE_CRITICAL;
	else if (incoming_rate > incoming_warning_threshold
					 || outgoing_rate > outgoing_warning_threshold) {
		result = STATE_WARNING;

	xasprintf (&error_message, _("%s. In = %0.1f %s, %s. Out = %0.1f %s|%s %s\n"),
	          (use_average == TRUE) ? _("Avg") : _("Max"), adjusted_incoming_rate,
	          incoming_speed_rating, (use_average == TRUE) ? _("Avg") : _("Max"),
	          adjusted_outgoing_rate, outgoing_speed_rating,
	          fperfdata("in", adjusted_incoming_rate, incoming_speed_rating,
	                   (int)incoming_warning_threshold, incoming_warning_threshold,
	                   (int)incoming_critical_threshold, incoming_critical_threshold,
	                   TRUE, 0, FALSE, 0),
	          fperfdata("out", adjusted_outgoing_rate, outgoing_speed_rating,
	                   (int)outgoing_warning_threshold, outgoing_warning_threshold,
	                   (int)outgoing_critical_threshold, outgoing_critical_threshold,
	                   TRUE, 0, FALSE, 0));

	printf (_("Traffic %s - %s\n"), state_text(result), error_message);

	return result;
Esempio n. 9
main (int argc, char **argv)
  int c, err;
  bool verbose, cpu_model, per_cpu_stats;
  unsigned long len, i, count, delay;
  char *critical = NULL, *warning = NULL;
  char *p = NULL, *cpu_progname;
  nagstatus currstatus, status;
  thresholds *my_threshold = NULL;

  float cpu_perc = 0.0;
  unsigned int tog = 0;		/* toggle switch for cleaner code */
  struct cpu_desc *cpudesc = NULL;

  set_program_name (argv[0]);

  len = strlen (program_name);
  if (len > 6 && !strncmp (program_name, "check_", 6))
    p = (char *) program_name + 6;
    plugin_error (STATE_UNKNOWN, 0,
		  "bug: the plugin does not have a standard name");

  if (!strncmp (p, "iowait", 6))	/* check_iowait --> cpu_iowait */
      cpu_progname = xstrdup ("iowait");
      program_shorthelp =
        xstrdup ("This plugin checks I/O wait bottlenecks\n");
  else				/* check_cpu --> cpu_user (the default) */
      cpu_progname = xstrdup ("user");;
      program_shorthelp =
        xstrdup ("This plugin checks the CPU (user mode) utilization\n");

  err = cpu_desc_new (&cpudesc);
  if (err < 0)
    plugin_error (STATE_UNKNOWN, err, "memory exhausted");

  /* default values */
  verbose = per_cpu_stats = false;
  cpu_model = true;

  while ((c = getopt_long (
		argc, argv, "c:w:vifmp"
      switch (c)
	  usage (stderr);
	case 'i':
	  cpu_desc_read (cpudesc);
	  cpu_desc_summary (cpudesc);
	  return STATE_UNKNOWN;
	case 'm':
	  cpu_model = false;
	case 'p':
	  per_cpu_stats = true;
	case 'c':
	  critical = optarg;
	case 'w':
	  warning = optarg;
	case 'v':
	  verbose = true;



  if (optind < argc)
      delay = strtol_or_err (argv[optind++], "failed to parse argument");

      if (delay < 1)
	plugin_error (STATE_UNKNOWN, 0, "delay must be positive integer");
      else if (DELAY_MAX < delay)
	plugin_error (STATE_UNKNOWN, 0,
		      "too large delay value (greater than %d)", DELAY_MAX);

  if (optind < argc)
      count = strtol_or_err (argv[optind++], "failed to parse argument");
      if (COUNT_MAX < count)
	plugin_error (STATE_UNKNOWN, 0,
		      "too large count value (greater than %d)", COUNT_MAX);

  status = set_thresholds (&my_threshold, warning, critical);
  if (status == NP_RANGE_UNPARSEABLE)
    usage (stderr);

  int ncpus = per_cpu_stats ? get_processor_number_total () + 1 : 1;

  jiff duser[ncpus], dsystem[ncpus], didle[ncpus],
       diowait[ncpus], dsteal[ncpus], ratio[ncpus];
  int debt[ncpus];			/* handle idle ticks running backwards */
  struct cpu_time cpuv[2][ncpus];
  jiff *cpu_value = strncmp (p, "iowait", 6) ? duser : diowait;
  const char *cpuname;

  cpu_stats_get_time (cpuv[0], ncpus);

  for (c = 0; c < ncpus; c++)
      duser[c]   = cpuv[0][c].user + cpuv[0][c].nice;
      dsystem[c] = cpuv[0][c].system + cpuv[0][c].irq + cpuv[0][c].softirq;
      didle[c]   = cpuv[0][c].idle;
      diowait[c] = cpuv[0][c].iowait;
      dsteal[c]  = cpuv[0][c].steal;

      debt[c] = 0;
      ratio[c] = duser[c] + dsystem[c] + didle[c] + diowait[c] + dsteal[c];
      if (!ratio[c])
	ratio[c] = 1, didle[c] = 1;

  for (i = 1; i < count; i++)
      sleep (delay);
      tog = !tog;
      cpu_stats_get_time (cpuv[tog], ncpus);

      for (c = 0; c < ncpus; c++)
	  duser[c] =
	    cpuv[tog][c].user - cpuv[!tog][c].user +
	    cpuv[tog][c].nice - cpuv[!tog][c].nice;
	  dsystem[c] =
	    cpuv[tog][c].system  - cpuv[!tog][c].system +
	    cpuv[tog][c].irq     - cpuv[!tog][c].irq +
	    cpuv[tog][c].softirq - cpuv[!tog][c].softirq;
	  didle[c]   = cpuv[tog][c].idle   - cpuv[!tog][c].idle;
	  diowait[c] = cpuv[tog][c].iowait - cpuv[!tog][c].iowait;
	  dsteal[c]  = cpuv[tog][c].steal  - cpuv[!tog][c].steal;

	  /* idle can run backwards for a moment -- kernel "feature" */
	  if (debt[c])
	      didle[c] = (int) didle[c] + debt[c];
	      debt[c] = 0;
	  if ((int) didle[c] < 0)
	      debt[c] = (int) didle[c];
	      didle[c] = 0;

	  ratio[c] = duser[c] + dsystem[c] + didle[c] + diowait[c] + dsteal[c];
	  if (!ratio[c])
	    ratio[c] = 1, didle[c] = 1;

	  if (NULL == (cpuname = cpuv[0][c].cpuname))
	    cpuname = "n/a";

	  if (verbose)
	     ("%s_user=%.1f%%, %s_system=%.1f%%, %s_idle=%.1f%%, "
	      "%s_iowait=%.1f%%, %s_steal=%.1f%%\n"
	      , cpuname, 100.0 * duser[c]   / ratio[c]
	      , cpuname, 100.0 * dsystem[c] / ratio[c]
	      , cpuname, 100.0 * didle[c]   / ratio[c]
	      , cpuname, 100.0 * diowait[c] / ratio[c]
	      , cpuname, 100.0 * dsteal[c]  / ratio[c]);

	  dbg ("sum (%s_*) = %.1f%%\n", cpuname, (100.0 * duser[c] / ratio[c]) +
	       (100.0 * dsystem[c] / ratio[c]) + (100.0 * didle[c]  / ratio[c]) +
	       (100.0 * diowait[c] / ratio[c]) + (100.0 * dsteal[c] / ratio[c]));

  for (c = 0, status = STATE_OK; c < ncpus; c++)
      cpu_perc = (100.0 * (cpu_value[c]) / ratio[c]);
      currstatus = get_status (cpu_perc, my_threshold);
      if (currstatus > status)
	status = currstatus;

  cpu_desc_read (cpudesc);
  char *cpu_model_str =
    cpu_model ?	xasprintf ("(%s) ",
			   cpu_desc_get_model_name (cpudesc)) : NULL;

  printf ("%s %s%s - cpu %s %.1f%% |"
	  , program_name_short, cpu_model ? cpu_model_str : ""
	  , state_text (status), cpu_progname, cpu_perc);
  for (c = 0; c < ncpus; c++)
      if ((cpuname = cpuv[0][c].cpuname))
        printf (" %s_user=%.1f%% %s_system=%.1f%% %s_idle=%.1f%%"
		" %s_iowait=%.1f%% %s_steal=%.1f%%"
		, cpuname, 100.0 * duser[c]   / ratio[c]
		, cpuname, 100.0 * dsystem[c] / ratio[c]
		, cpuname, 100.0 * didle[c]   / ratio[c]
		, cpuname, 100.0 * diowait[c] / ratio[c]
		, cpuname, 100.0 * dsteal[c]  / ratio[c]);
  putchar ('\n');

  cpu_desc_unref (cpudesc);
  return status;
Esempio n. 10
main (int argc, char **argv)
  char *command_line;
  output chld_out, chld_err;
  char *msg = NULL;
  size_t i;
  char *t;
  long microsec;
  double elapsed_time;
  int result = STATE_UNKNOWN;
  int timeout_interval_dig;

  setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
  bindtextdomain (PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR);
  textdomain (PACKAGE);

  /* Set signal handling and alarm */
  if (signal (SIGALRM, runcmd_timeout_alarm_handler) == SIG_ERR)
    usage_va(_("Cannot catch SIGALRM"));

  /* Parse extra opts if any */
  argv=np_extra_opts (&argc, argv, progname);

  if (process_arguments (argc, argv) == ERROR)
    usage_va(_("Could not parse arguments"));

  /* dig applies the timeout to each try, so we need to work around this */
  timeout_interval_dig = timeout_interval / number_tries + number_tries;

  /* get the command to run */
  xasprintf (&command_line, "%s %s %s -p %d @%s %s %s +tries=%d +time=%d",
            PATH_TO_DIG, dig_args, query_transport, server_port, dns_server, query_address, record_type, number_tries, timeout_interval_dig);

  alarm (timeout_interval);
  gettimeofday (&tv, NULL);

  if (verbose) {
    printf ("%s\n", command_line);
    if(expected_address != NULL) {
      printf (_("Looking for: '%s'\n"), expected_address);
    } else {
      printf (_("Looking for: '%s'\n"), query_address);

  /* run the command */
  if(np_runcmd(command_line, &chld_out, &chld_err, 0) != 0) {
    result = STATE_WARNING;
    msg = (char *)_("dig returned an error status");

  for(i = 0; i < chld_out.lines; i++) {
    /* the server is responding, we just got the host name... */
    if (strstr (chld_out.line[i], ";; ANSWER SECTION:")) {

      /* loop through the whole 'ANSWER SECTION' */
      for(; i < chld_out.lines; i++) {
        /* get the host address */
        if (verbose)
          printf ("%s\n", chld_out.line[i]);

        if (strstr (chld_out.line[i], (expected_address == NULL ? query_address : expected_address)) != NULL) {
          msg = chld_out.line[i];
          result = STATE_OK;

          /* Translate output TAB -> SPACE */
          t = msg;
          while ((t = strchr(t, '\t')) != NULL) *t = ' ';

      if (result == STATE_UNKNOWN) {
        msg = (char *)_("Server not found in ANSWER SECTION");
        result = STATE_WARNING;

      /* we found the answer section, so break out of the loop */

  if (result == STATE_UNKNOWN) {
    msg = (char *)_("No ANSWER SECTION found");
    result = STATE_CRITICAL;

  /* If we get anything on STDERR, at least set warning */
  if(chld_err.buflen > 0) {
    result = max_state(result, STATE_WARNING);
    if(!msg) for(i = 0; i < chld_err.lines; i++) {
      msg = strchr(chld_err.line[0], ':');
      if(msg) {

  microsec = deltime (tv);
  elapsed_time = (double)microsec / 1.0e6;

  if (critical_interval > UNDEFINED && elapsed_time > critical_interval)
    result = STATE_CRITICAL;

  else if (warning_interval > UNDEFINED && elapsed_time > warning_interval)
    result = STATE_WARNING;

  printf ("DNS %s - %.3f seconds response time (%s)|%s\n",
          state_text (result), elapsed_time,
          msg ? msg : _("Probably a non-existent host/domain"),
          fperfdata("time", elapsed_time, "s",
            TRUE, 0, FALSE, 0));
  return result;
Esempio n. 11
main (int argc, char **argv)
  int result = STATE_UNKNOWN;
  int disk_result = STATE_UNKNOWN;
  char *output;
  char *details;
  char *perf;
  char *preamble;
  double inode_space_pct;
  double warning_high_tide;
  double critical_high_tide;
  int temp_result;

  struct mount_entry *me;
  struct fs_usage fsp, tmpfsp;
  struct parameter_list *temp_list, *path;

  preamble = strdup (" - free space:");
  output = strdup ("");
  details = strdup ("");
  perf = strdup ("");
  stat_buf = malloc(sizeof *stat_buf);

  setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
  bindtextdomain (PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR);
  textdomain (PACKAGE);

  mount_list = read_file_system_list (0);

  /* Parse extra opts if any */
  argv = np_extra_opts (&argc, argv, progname);

  if (process_arguments (argc, argv) == ERROR)
    usage4 (_("Could not parse arguments"));

  /* If a list of paths has not been selected, find entire
     mount list and create list of paths
  if (path_selected == FALSE) {
    for (me = mount_list; me; me = me->me_next) {
      if (! (path = np_find_parameter(path_select_list, me->me_mountdir))) {
        path = np_add_parameter(&path_select_list, me->me_mountdir);
      path->best_match = me;
      path->group = group;
  np_set_best_match(path_select_list, mount_list, exact_match);

  /* Error if no match found for specified paths */
  temp_list = path_select_list;

  while (temp_list) {
    if (! temp_list->best_match) {
      die (STATE_CRITICAL, _("DISK %s: %s not found\n"), _("CRITICAL"), temp_list->name);

    temp_list = temp_list->name_next;

  /* Process for every path in list */
  for (path = path_select_list; path; path=path->name_next) {

    if (verbose >= 3 && path->freespace_percent->warning != NULL && path->freespace_percent->critical != NULL)
      printf("Thresholds(pct) for %s warn: %f crit %f\n",path->name, path->freespace_percent->warning->end,

    if (verbose >= 3 && path->group != NULL)
      printf("Group of %s: %s\n",path->name,path->group);

    /* reset disk result */
    disk_result = STATE_UNKNOWN;

    me = path->best_match;

    /* Filters */

    /* Remove filesystems already seen */
    if (np_seen_name(seen, me->me_mountdir)) {
    np_add_name(&seen, me->me_mountdir);

    if (path->group == NULL) {
      /* Skip remote filesystems if we're not interested in them */
      if (me->me_remote && show_local_fs) {
        if (stat_remote_fs)
      /* Skip pseudo fs's if we haven't asked for all fs's */
      } else if (me->me_dummy && !show_all_fs) {
      /* Skip excluded fstypes */
      } else if (fs_exclude_list && np_find_name (fs_exclude_list, me->me_type)) {
      /* Skip excluded fs's */
      } else if (dp_exclude_list &&
               (np_find_name (dp_exclude_list, me->me_devname) ||
                np_find_name (dp_exclude_list, me->me_mountdir))) {
      /* Skip not included fstypes */
      } else if (fs_include_list && !np_find_name (fs_include_list, me->me_type)) {

    get_fs_usage (me->me_mountdir, me->me_devname, &fsp);

    if (fsp.fsu_blocks && strcmp ("none", me->me_mountdir)) {
      get_stats (path, &fsp);

      if (verbose >= 3) {
        printf ("For %s, used_pct=%g free_pct=%g used_units=%g free_units=%g total_units=%g used_inodes_pct=%g free_inodes_pct=%g fsp.fsu_blocksize=%llu mult=%llu\n",
          me->me_mountdir, path->dused_pct, path->dfree_pct, path->dused_units, path->dfree_units, path->dtotal_units, path->dused_inodes_percent, path->dfree_inodes_percent, fsp.fsu_blocksize, mult);

      /* Threshold comparisons */

      temp_result = get_status(path->dfree_units, path->freespace_units);
      if (verbose >=3) printf("Freespace_units result=%d\n", temp_result);
      disk_result = max_state( disk_result, temp_result );

      temp_result = get_status(path->dfree_pct, path->freespace_percent);
      if (verbose >=3) printf("Freespace%% result=%d\n", temp_result);
      disk_result = max_state( disk_result, temp_result );

      temp_result = get_status(path->dused_units, path->usedspace_units);
      if (verbose >=3) printf("Usedspace_units result=%d\n", temp_result);
      disk_result = max_state( disk_result, temp_result );

      temp_result = get_status(path->dused_pct, path->usedspace_percent);
      if (verbose >=3) printf("Usedspace_percent result=%d\n", temp_result);
      disk_result = max_state( disk_result, temp_result );

      temp_result = get_status(path->dused_inodes_percent, path->usedinodes_percent);
      if (verbose >=3) printf("Usedinodes_percent result=%d\n", temp_result);
      disk_result = max_state( disk_result, temp_result );

      temp_result = get_status(path->dfree_inodes_percent, path->freeinodes_percent);
      if (verbose >=3) printf("Freeinodes_percent result=%d\n", temp_result);
      disk_result = max_state( disk_result, temp_result );

      result = max_state(result, disk_result);

      /* What a mess of units. The output shows free space, the perf data shows used space. Yikes!
         Hack here. Trying to get warn/crit levels from freespace_(units|percent) for perf
         data. Assumption that start=0. Roll on new syntax...

      /* *_high_tide must be reinitialized at each run */
      warning_high_tide = UINT_MAX;
      critical_high_tide = UINT_MAX;

      if (path->freespace_units->warning != NULL) {
        warning_high_tide = path->dtotal_units - path->freespace_units->warning->end;
      if (path->freespace_percent->warning != NULL) {
        warning_high_tide = abs( min( (double) warning_high_tide, (double) (1.0 - path->freespace_percent->warning->end/100)*path->dtotal_units ));
      if (path->freespace_units->critical != NULL) {
        critical_high_tide = path->dtotal_units - path->freespace_units->critical->end;
      if (path->freespace_percent->critical != NULL) {
        critical_high_tide = abs( min( (double) critical_high_tide, (double) (1.0 - path->freespace_percent->critical->end/100)*path->dtotal_units ));

      /* Nb: *_high_tide are unset when == UINT_MAX */
      xasprintf (&perf, "%s %s", perf,
                perfdata ((!strcmp(me->me_mountdir, "none") || display_mntp) ? me->me_devname : me->me_mountdir,
                          path->dused_units, units,
                          (warning_high_tide != UINT_MAX ? TRUE : FALSE), warning_high_tide,
                          (critical_high_tide != UINT_MAX ? TRUE : FALSE), critical_high_tide,
                          TRUE, 0,
                          TRUE, path->dtotal_units));

      if (disk_result==STATE_OK && erronly && !verbose)

      xasprintf (&output, "%s %s %.0f %s (%.0f%%",
                (!strcmp(me->me_mountdir, "none") || display_mntp) ? me->me_devname : me->me_mountdir,
      /* Whether or not to put all disks on new line */
      if (newlines) {
        if (path->dused_inodes_percent < 0) {
          xasprintf(&output, "%s inode=-);\n", output);
        } else {
          xasprintf(&output, "%s inode=%.0f%%);\n", output, path->dfree_inodes_percent );
      } else {
        if (path->dused_inodes_percent < 0) {
          xasprintf(&output, "%s inode=-);", output);
        } else {
          xasprintf(&output, "%s inode=%.0f%%);", output, path->dfree_inodes_percent );

      /* TODO: Need to do a similar debug line
      xasprintf (&details, _("%s\n\
%.0f of %.0f %s (%.0f%% inode=%.0f%%) free on %s (type %s mounted on %s) warn:%lu crit:%lu warn%%:%.0f%% crit%%:%.0f%%"),
                details, dfree_units, dtotal_units, units, dfree_pct, inode_space_pct,
                me->me_devname, me->me_type, me->me_mountdir,
                (unsigned long)w_df, (unsigned long)c_df, w_dfp, c_dfp);



  if (verbose >= 2)
    xasprintf (&output, "%s%s", output, details);

  if (newlines) {
    printf ("DISK %s%s\n%s|%s\n", state_text (result), (erronly && result==STATE_OK) ? "" : preamble, output, perf);
  } else {
    printf ("DISK %s%s%s|%s\n", state_text (result), (erronly && result==STATE_OK) ? "" : preamble, output, perf);
  return result;
Esempio n. 12
main (int argc, char **argv)
	int found = 0, result = STATE_UNKNOWN;
	char *buf, *sub;
	char **command_line;
	output chld_out, chld_err;
	int i;

	setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
	bindtextdomain (PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR);
	textdomain (PACKAGE);

	timeout_interval = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;

	command_line = (char **) process_arguments (argc, argv);

	/* Set signal handling and alarm */
	if (signal (SIGALRM, timeout_alarm_handler) == SIG_ERR)
		die (STATE_UNKNOWN, _("Cannot catch SIGALRM"));

	(void) alarm ((unsigned) timeout_interval);

	/* catch when the command is quoted */
	if(command_line[1] == NULL) {
		result = cmd_run (command_line[0], &chld_out, &chld_err, 0);
	} else {
		result = cmd_run_array (command_line, &chld_out, &chld_err, 0);
	if (chld_err.lines > 0) {
		printf ("Error output from command:\n");
		for (i = 0; i < chld_err.lines; i++) {
			printf ("%s\n", chld_err.line[i]);

	/* Return UNKNOWN or worse if no output is returned */
	if (chld_out.lines == 0)
		die (max_state_alt (result, STATE_UNKNOWN), _("No data returned from command\n"));

	for (i = 0; i < chld_out.lines; i++) {
		if (subst_text && result != state[result] &&
		    result >= 0 && result <= 4) {
			/* Loop over each match found */
			while ((sub = strstr (chld_out.line[i], state_text (result)))) {
				/* Terminate the first part and skip over the string we'll substitute */
				*sub = '\0';
				sub += strlen (state_text (result));
				/* then put everything back together */
				xasprintf (&chld_out.line[i], "%s%s%s", chld_out.line[i], state_text (state[result]), sub);
		printf ("%s\n", chld_out.line[i]);

	if (result >= 0 && result <= 4) {
		exit (state[result]);
	} else {
		exit (result);
Esempio n. 13
main (int argc, char **argv)
	int result = STATE_UNKNOWN;
	int i;
	char *status = NULL;
	struct timeval tv;
	size_t len;
	int match = -1;

	setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
	bindtextdomain (PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR);
	textdomain (PACKAGE);

	/* determine program- and service-name quickly */
	progname = strrchr(argv[0], '/');
	if(progname != NULL) progname++;
	else progname = argv[0];

	len = strlen(progname);
	if(len > 6 && !memcmp(progname, "check_", 6)) {
		SERVICE = strdup(progname + 6);
		for(i = 0; i < len - 6; i++)
			SERVICE[i] = toupper(SERVICE[i]);

	/* set up a resonable buffer at first (will be realloc()'ed if
	 * user specifies other options) */
	server_expect = calloc(sizeof(char *), 2);

	/* determine defaults for this service's protocol */
	if (!strncmp(SERVICE, "UDP", 3)) {
	else if (!strncmp(SERVICE, "FTP", 3)) {
		EXPECT = "220";
		QUIT = "QUIT\r\n";
		PORT = 21;
	else if (!strncmp(SERVICE, "POP", 3) || !strncmp(SERVICE, "POP3", 4)) {
		EXPECT = "+OK";
		QUIT = "QUIT\r\n";
		PORT = 110;
	else if (!strncmp(SERVICE, "SMTP", 4)) {
		EXPECT = "220";
		QUIT = "QUIT\r\n";
		PORT = 25;
	else if (!strncmp(SERVICE, "IMAP", 4)) {
		EXPECT = "* OK";
		QUIT = "a1 LOGOUT\r\n";
		PORT = 143;
#ifdef HAVE_SSL
	else if (!strncmp(SERVICE, "SIMAP", 5)) {
		EXPECT = "* OK";
		QUIT = "a1 LOGOUT\r\n";
		flags |= FLAG_SSL;
		PORT = 993;
	else if (!strncmp(SERVICE, "SPOP", 4)) {
		EXPECT = "+OK";
		QUIT = "QUIT\r\n";
		flags |= FLAG_SSL;
		PORT = 995;
	else if (!strncmp(SERVICE, "SSMTP", 5)) {
		EXPECT = "220";
		QUIT = "QUIT\r\n";
		flags |= FLAG_SSL;
		PORT = 465;
	else if (!strncmp(SERVICE, "JABBER", 6)) {
		SEND = "<stream:stream to=\'host\' xmlns=\'jabber:client\' xmlns:stream=\'\'>\n";
		EXPECT = "<?xml version=\'1.0\'?><stream:stream xmlns=\'jabber:client\' xmlns:stream=\'\'";
		QUIT = "</stream:stream>\n";
		flags |= FLAG_HIDE_OUTPUT;
		PORT = 5222;
	else if (!strncmp (SERVICE, "NNTPS", 5)) {
		server_expect_count = 2;
		server_expect[0] = "200";
		server_expect[1] = "201";
		QUIT = "QUIT\r\n";
		flags |= FLAG_SSL;
		PORT = 563;
	else if (!strncmp (SERVICE, "NNTP", 4)) {
		server_expect_count = 2;
		server_expect = malloc(sizeof(char *) * server_expect_count);
		server_expect[0] = strdup("200");
		server_expect[1] = strdup("201");
		QUIT = "QUIT\r\n";
		PORT = 119;
	else if (!strncmp(SERVICE, "CLAMD", 5)) {
		SEND = "PING";
		PORT = 3310;
	/* fallthrough check, so it's supposed to use reverse matching */
	else if (strcmp (SERVICE, "TCP"))
		usage (_("CRITICAL - Generic check_tcp called with unknown service\n"));

	server_address = "";
	server_port = PORT;
	server_send = SEND;
	server_quit = QUIT;
	status = NULL;

	/* Parse extra opts if any */
	argv=np_extra_opts (&argc, argv, progname);

	if (process_arguments (argc, argv) == ERROR)
		usage4 (_("Could not parse arguments"));

	if(flags & FLAG_VERBOSE) {
		printf("Using service %s\n", SERVICE);
		printf("Port: %d\n", server_port);
		printf("flags: 0x%x\n", (int)flags);

	if(EXPECT && !server_expect_count)

	if(PROTOCOL==IPPROTO_UDP && !(server_expect_count && server_send)){
		usage(_("With UDP checks, a send/expect string must be specified."));

	/* set up the timer */
	signal (SIGALRM, socket_timeout_alarm_handler);
	alarm (socket_timeout);

	/* try to connect to the host at the given port number */
	gettimeofday (&tv, NULL);

	result = np_net_connect (server_address, server_port, &sd, PROTOCOL);
	if (result == STATE_CRITICAL) return STATE_CRITICAL;

#ifdef HAVE_SSL
	if (flags & FLAG_SSL){
		result = np_net_ssl_init(sd);
		if (result == STATE_OK && check_cert == TRUE) {
			result = np_net_ssl_check_cert(days_till_exp);
	if(result != STATE_OK || check_cert == TRUE){
		if(sd) close(sd);
		return result;
#endif /* HAVE_SSL */

	if (server_send != NULL) {		/* Something to send? */
		my_send(server_send, strlen(server_send));

	if (delay > 0) {
		tv.tv_sec += delay;
		sleep (delay);

	if(flags & FLAG_VERBOSE) {
		if (server_send) {
			printf("Send string: %s\n", server_send);
		if (server_quit) {
			printf("Quit string: %s\n", server_quit);
		printf("server_expect_count: %d\n", (int)server_expect_count);
		for(i = 0; i < server_expect_count; i++)
			printf("\t%d: %s\n", i, server_expect[i]);

	/* if(len) later on, we know we have a non-NULL response */
	len = 0;
	if (server_expect_count) {

		/* watch for the expect string */
		while ((i = my_recv(buffer, sizeof(buffer))) > 0) {
			status = realloc(status, len + i + 1);
			memcpy(&status[len], buffer, i);
			len += i;

			/* stop reading if user-forced or data-starved */
			if(i < sizeof(buffer) || (maxbytes && len >= maxbytes))

			if (maxbytes && len >= maxbytes)

		/* no data when expected, so return critical */
		if (len == 0)
			die (STATE_CRITICAL, _("No data received from host\n"));

		/* force null-termination and strip whitespace from end of output */
		status[len--] = '\0';
		/* print raw output if we're debugging */
		if(flags & FLAG_VERBOSE)
			printf("received %d bytes from host\n#-raw-recv-------#\n%s\n#-raw-recv-------#\n",
			       (int)len + 1, status);
		while(isspace(status[len])) status[len--] = '\0';

		match = np_expect_match(status,
                                (flags & FLAG_MATCH_ALL ? TRUE : FALSE),
                                (flags & FLAG_EXACT_MATCH ? TRUE : FALSE),
                                (flags & FLAG_VERBOSE ? TRUE : FALSE));

	if (server_quit != NULL) {
		my_send(server_quit, strlen(server_quit));
#ifdef HAVE_SSL
	if (sd) close (sd);

	microsec = deltime (tv);
	elapsed_time = (double)microsec / 1.0e6;

	if (flags & FLAG_TIME_CRIT && elapsed_time > critical_time)
		result = STATE_CRITICAL;
	else if (flags & FLAG_TIME_WARN && elapsed_time > warning_time)
		result = STATE_WARNING;

	/* did we get the response we hoped? */
	if(match == FALSE && result != STATE_CRITICAL)
		result = expect_mismatch_state;

	/* reset the alarm */
	alarm (0);

	/* this is a bit stupid, because we don't want to print the
	 * response time (which can look ok to the user) if we didn't get
	 * the response we were looking for. if-else */
	printf("%s %s - ", SERVICE, state_text(result));

	if(match == FALSE && len && !(flags & FLAG_HIDE_OUTPUT))
		printf("Unexpected response from host/socket: %s", status);
	else {
		if(match == FALSE)
			printf("Unexpected response from host/socket on ");
			printf("%.3f second response time on ", elapsed_time);
		if(server_address[0] != '/')
			printf("port %d", server_port);
			printf("socket %s", server_address);

	if (match != FALSE && !(flags & FLAG_HIDE_OUTPUT) && len)
		printf (" [%s]", status);

	/* perf-data doesn't apply when server doesn't talk properly,
	 * so print all zeroes on warn and crit. Use fperfdata since
	 * localisation settings can make different outputs */
	if(match == FALSE)
		printf ("|%s",
				fperfdata ("time", elapsed_time, "s",
				(flags & FLAG_TIME_WARN ? TRUE : FALSE), 0,
				(flags & FLAG_TIME_CRIT ? TRUE : FALSE), 0,
				TRUE, 0,
				TRUE, socket_timeout)
				fperfdata ("time", elapsed_time, "s",
				(flags & FLAG_TIME_WARN ? TRUE : FALSE), warning_time,
				(flags & FLAG_TIME_CRIT ? TRUE : FALSE), critical_time,
				TRUE, 0,
				TRUE, socket_timeout)

	return result;
Esempio n. 14
main (int argc, char **argv)
	int sd;
	int result = STATE_UNKNOWN;
	char buffer[MAX_INPUT_BUFFER];
	char *status_line = NULL;

	setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
	bindtextdomain (PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR);
	textdomain (PACKAGE);

	if (process_arguments (argc, argv) == ERROR)
		usage4 (_("Could not parse arguments"));

	/* initialize alarm signal handling */
	signal (SIGALRM, socket_timeout_alarm_handler);

	/* set socket timeout */
	alarm (socket_timeout);
	time (&start_time);

	/* try to connect to the host at the given port number */
	if (my_tcp_connect (server_address, server_port, &sd) != STATE_OK)
		die (STATE_CRITICAL, _("Unable to connect to %s on port %d\n"),
							 server_address, server_port);

	/* Part I - Server Check */

	/* send the OPTIONS request */
	sprintf (buffer, "OPTIONS rtsp://%s:%d RTSP/1.0\r\n", host_name, server_port);
	result = send (sd, buffer, strlen (buffer), 0);

	/* send the header sync */
	sprintf (buffer, "CSeq: 1\r\n");
	result = send (sd, buffer, strlen (buffer), 0);

	/* send a newline so the server knows we're done with the request */
	sprintf (buffer, "\r\n");
	result = send (sd, buffer, strlen (buffer), 0);

	/* watch for the REAL connection string */
	result = recv (sd, buffer, MAX_INPUT_BUFFER - 1, 0);

	/* return a CRITICAL status if we couldn't read any data */
	if (result == -1)
		die (STATE_CRITICAL, _("No data received from %s\n"), host_name);

	/* make sure we find the response we are looking for */
	if (!strstr (buffer, server_expect)) {
		if (server_port == PORT)
			printf ("%s\n", _("Invalid REAL response received from host"));
			printf (_("Invalid REAL response received from host on port %d\n"),
	else {
		/* else we got the REAL string, so check the return code */

		time (&end_time);

		result = STATE_OK;

		status_line = (char *) strtok (buffer, "\n");

		if (strstr (status_line, "200"))
			result = STATE_OK;

		/* client errors result in a warning state */
		else if (strstr (status_line, "400"))
			result = STATE_WARNING;
		else if (strstr (status_line, "401"))
			result = STATE_WARNING;
		else if (strstr (status_line, "402"))
			result = STATE_WARNING;
		else if (strstr (status_line, "403"))
			result = STATE_WARNING;
		else if (strstr (status_line, "404"))
			result = STATE_WARNING;

		/* server errors result in a critical state */
		else if (strstr (status_line, "500"))
			result = STATE_CRITICAL;
		else if (strstr (status_line, "501"))
			result = STATE_CRITICAL;
		else if (strstr (status_line, "502"))
			result = STATE_CRITICAL;
		else if (strstr (status_line, "503"))
			result = STATE_CRITICAL;

			result = STATE_UNKNOWN;

	/* Part II - Check stream exists and is ok */
	if ((result == STATE_OK )&& (server_url != NULL) ) {

		/* Part I - Server Check */

		/* send the OPTIONS request */
		sprintf (buffer, "DESCRIBE rtsp://%s:%d%s RTSP/1.0\n", host_name,
						 server_port, server_url);
		result = send (sd, buffer, strlen (buffer), 0);

		/* send the header sync */
		sprintf (buffer, "CSeq: 2\n");
		result = send (sd, buffer, strlen (buffer), 0);

		/* send a newline so the server knows we're done with the request */
		sprintf (buffer, "\n");
		result = send (sd, buffer, strlen (buffer), 0);

		/* watch for the REAL connection string */
		result = recv (sd, buffer, MAX_INPUT_BUFFER - 1, 0);

		/* return a CRITICAL status if we couldn't read any data */
		if (result == -1) {
			printf (_("No data received from host\n"));
			result = STATE_CRITICAL;
		else {
			/* make sure we find the response we are looking for */
			if (!strstr (buffer, server_expect)) {
				if (server_port == PORT)
					printf ("%s\n", _("Invalid REAL response received from host"));
					printf (_("Invalid REAL response received from host on port %d\n"),
			else {

				/* else we got the REAL string, so check the return code */

				time (&end_time);

				result = STATE_OK;

				status_line = (char *) strtok (buffer, "\n");

				if (strstr (status_line, "200"))
					result = STATE_OK;

				/* client errors result in a warning state */
				else if (strstr (status_line, "400"))
					result = STATE_WARNING;
				else if (strstr (status_line, "401"))
					result = STATE_WARNING;
				else if (strstr (status_line, "402"))
					result = STATE_WARNING;
				else if (strstr (status_line, "403"))
					result = STATE_WARNING;
				else if (strstr (status_line, "404"))
					result = STATE_WARNING;

				/* server errors result in a critical state */
				else if (strstr (status_line, "500"))
					result = STATE_CRITICAL;
				else if (strstr (status_line, "501"))
					result = STATE_CRITICAL;
				else if (strstr (status_line, "502"))
					result = STATE_CRITICAL;
				else if (strstr (status_line, "503"))
					result = STATE_CRITICAL;

					result = STATE_UNKNOWN;

	/* Return results */
	if (result == STATE_OK) {

		if (check_critical_time == TRUE
				&& (end_time - start_time) > critical_time) result = STATE_CRITICAL;
		else if (check_warning_time == TRUE
						 && (end_time - start_time) > warning_time) result =

		/* Put some HTML in here to create a dynamic link */
		printf (_("REAL %s - %d second response time\n"),
						state_text (result),
						(int) (end_time - start_time));
		printf ("%s\n", status_line);

	/* close the connection */
	close (sd);

	/* reset the alarm */
	alarm (0);

	return result;
Esempio n. 15
main (int argc, char **argv)
  int c, n_ports, n_online;
  bool verbose = false, summary = false;
  char *critical = NULL, *warning = NULL;
  nagstatus status = STATE_OK;
  thresholds *my_threshold = NULL;

  unsigned long delay, count;
  unsigned int sleep_time = 1;

  set_program_name (argv[0]);

  while ((c = getopt_long (argc, argv,
			   longopts, NULL)) != -1)
      switch (c)
	  usage (stderr);
	case 'i':
	  summary = true;
	case 'c':
	  critical = optarg;
	case 'w':
	  warning = optarg;
	case 'v':
	  verbose = true;



  if (summary)
      fc_host_summary (verbose);
      return STATE_UNKNOWN;

  if (optind < argc)
      delay = strtol_or_err (argv[optind++], "failed to parse argument");

      if (delay < 1)
	plugin_error (STATE_UNKNOWN, 0, "delay must be positive integer");
      else if (UINT_MAX < delay)
	plugin_error (STATE_UNKNOWN, 0, "too large delay value");

      sleep_time = delay;

  if (optind < argc)
    count = strtol_or_err (argv[optind++], "failed to parse argument");

  status = set_thresholds (&my_threshold, warning, critical);
  if (status == NP_RANGE_UNPARSEABLE)
    usage (stderr);

  fc_host_statistics stats = {0};

  fc_host_status (&n_ports, &n_online, &stats, sleep_time, count);
  status = get_status (n_online, my_threshold);

  printf ("%s %s - Fiber Channel ports status: %d/%d Online "
	  "| rx_frames=%Lu tx_frames=%Lu"
	  " error_frames=%Lu"
	  " invalid_crc_count=%Lu"
	  " link_failure_count=%Lu"
	  " loss_of_signal_count=%Lu"
	  " loss_of_sync_count=%Lu\n",
	  program_name_short, state_text (status),
	  n_online, n_ports,
	  (unsigned long long) stats.rx_frames,
	  (unsigned long long) stats.tx_frames,
	  (unsigned long long) stats.error_frames,
	  (unsigned long long) stats.invalid_crc_count,
	  (unsigned long long) stats.link_failure_count,
	  (unsigned long long) stats.loss_of_signal_count,
	  (unsigned long long) stats.loss_of_sync_count

  return status;
Esempio n. 16
int main(int argc, char **argv){
	char *ptr;
	int data_val;
	int return_code=STATE_OK;
	thresholds *thresholds = NULL;

	setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
	bindtextdomain (PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR);
	textdomain (PACKAGE);

	/* Parse extra opts if any */
	argv=np_extra_opts(&argc, argv, progname);

		usage(_("Could not parse arguments"));

	/* Initialize the thresholds */
	set_thresholds(&thresholds, warn_threshold, crit_threshold);
		print_thresholds("check_cluster", thresholds);

	/* check the data values */


			case 0:
			case 1:
			case 2:
			case 3:
			case 0:
			case 1:
			case 2:

	/* return the status of the cluster */
		return_code=get_status(total_services_warning+total_services_unknown+total_services_critical, thresholds);
		printf("CLUSTER %s: %s: %d ok, %d warning, %d unknown, %d critical\n",
			state_text(return_code), (label==NULL)?"Service cluster":label,
		return_code=get_status(total_hosts_down+total_hosts_unreachable, thresholds);
		printf("CLUSTER %s: %s: %d up, %d down, %d unreachable\n",
			state_text(return_code), (label==NULL)?"Host cluster":label,

	return return_code;
Esempio n. 17
 * Processes an incoming "handle a new connection" item. This is called when
 * input arrives on the libevent wakeup pipe.
static void thread_libevent_process(int fd, short which, void *arg) {
    LIBEVENT_THREAD *me = arg;
    assert(me->type == GENERAL);
    CQ_ITEM *item;

    if (recv(fd, devnull, sizeof(devnull), 0) == -1) {
        if (settings.verbose > 0) {
            settings.extensions.logger->log(EXTENSION_LOG_WARNING, NULL,
                                            "Can't read from libevent pipe: %s\n",

    if (memcached_shutdown) {
         return ;

    while ((item = cq_pop(me->new_conn_queue)) != NULL) {
        conn *c = conn_new(item->sfd, item->parent_port, item->init_state,
                           item->event_flags, item->read_buffer_size,
                           item->transport, me->base, NULL);
        if (c == NULL) {
            if (IS_UDP(item->transport)) {
                settings.extensions.logger->log(EXTENSION_LOG_WARNING, NULL,
                         "Can't listen for events on UDP socket\n");
            } else {
                if (settings.verbose > 0) {
                    settings.extensions.logger->log(EXTENSION_LOG_INFO, NULL,
                            "Can't listen for events on fd %d\n",
        } else {
            assert(c->thread == NULL);
            c->thread = me;

    conn* pending = me->pending_io;
    me->pending_io = NULL;
    while (pending != NULL) {
        conn *c = pending;
        assert(me == c->thread);
        pending = pending->next;
        c->next = NULL;

        if (c->sfd != INVALID_SOCKET && !c->registered_in_libevent) {
            // The socket may have been shut down while we're looping
            // in delayed shutdown
            register_event(c, 0);
         * We don't want the thread to keep on serving all of the data
         * from the context of the notification pipe, so just let it
         * run one time to set up the correct mask in libevent
        c->nevents = 1;
        do {
            if (settings.verbose) {
                settings.extensions.logger->log(EXTENSION_LOG_DEBUG, c,
                                                "%d - Running task: (%s)\n",
                                                c->sfd, state_text(c->state));
        } while (c->state(c));
Esempio n. 18
main (int argc, char **argv)
  bool show_swapping = false;
  int c, status, err;
  char *critical = NULL, *warning = NULL;
  char *status_msg;
  char *perfdata_paging_msg, *perfdata_swapping_msg = NULL;
  unsigned int i, tog = 0, sleep_time = 1;
  thresholds *my_threshold = NULL;

  struct proc_vmem *vmem = NULL;
  unsigned long dpgpgin, dpgpgout, dpgfault, dpgfree, dpgmajfault,
    dpgscand, dpgscank, dpgsteal;
  unsigned long nr_vmem_pgpgin[2], nr_vmem_pgpgout[2];
  unsigned long nr_vmem_pgfault[2];
  unsigned long nr_vmem_pgfree[2];
  unsigned long nr_vmem_pgmajfault[2];
  unsigned long nr_vmem_pgsteal[2];
  unsigned long nr_vmem_pgscand[2];
  unsigned long nr_vmem_pgscank[2];
  unsigned long dpswpin, dpswpout;
  unsigned long nr_vmem_dpswpin[2], nr_vmem_dpswpout[2];
  unsigned long *tracked_value = &dpgmajfault;

  set_program_name (argv[0]);

  while ((c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "psc:w:bkmg" GETOPT_HELP_VERSION_STRING,
			   longopts, NULL)) != -1)
      switch (c)
	  usage (stderr);
	case 'p':
	  /* show_paging = true; */
	case 's':
	  show_swapping = true;
	case 'c':
	  critical = optarg;
	case 'w':
	  warning = optarg;



  status = set_thresholds (&my_threshold, warning, critical);
  if (status == NP_RANGE_UNPARSEABLE)
    usage (stderr);

  err = proc_vmem_new (&vmem);
  if (err < 0)
    plugin_error (STATE_UNKNOWN, err, "memory exhausted");

  for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
      proc_vmem_read (vmem);

      nr_vmem_pgpgin[tog] = proc_vmem_get_pgpgin (vmem);
      nr_vmem_pgpgout[tog] = proc_vmem_get_pgpgout (vmem);
      nr_vmem_pgfault[tog] = proc_vmem_get_pgfault (vmem);
      nr_vmem_pgmajfault[tog] = proc_vmem_get_pgmajfault (vmem);
      nr_vmem_pgfree[tog] = proc_vmem_get_pgfree (vmem);
      nr_vmem_pgsteal[tog] = proc_vmem_get_pgsteal (vmem);

      if (show_swapping)
	  nr_vmem_dpswpin[tog] = proc_vmem_get_pswpin (vmem);
	  nr_vmem_dpswpout[tog] = proc_vmem_get_pswpout (vmem);

      nr_vmem_pgscand[tog] = proc_vmem_get_pgscand (vmem);
      nr_vmem_pgscank[tog] = proc_vmem_get_pgscank (vmem);

      sleep (sleep_time);
      tog = !tog;

  dpgpgin = nr_vmem_pgpgin[1] - nr_vmem_pgpgin[0];
  dpgpgout = nr_vmem_pgpgout[1] - nr_vmem_pgpgout[0];
  dpgfault = nr_vmem_pgfault[1] - nr_vmem_pgfault[0];
  dpgmajfault = nr_vmem_pgmajfault[1] - nr_vmem_pgmajfault[0];
  dpgfree = nr_vmem_pgfree[1] - nr_vmem_pgfree[0];
  dpgsteal = nr_vmem_pgsteal[1] - nr_vmem_pgsteal[0];
  dpgscand = nr_vmem_pgscand[1] - nr_vmem_pgscand[0];
  dpgscank = nr_vmem_pgscank[1] - nr_vmem_pgscank[0];

  if (show_swapping)
      dpswpin = nr_vmem_dpswpin[1] - nr_vmem_dpswpin[0];
      dpswpout = nr_vmem_dpswpout[1] - nr_vmem_dpswpout[0];

      perfdata_swapping_msg =
	xasprintf (" vmem_pswpin/s=%lu vmem_pswpout/s=%lu", dpswpin,

  proc_vmem_unref (vmem);

  status = get_status (*tracked_value, my_threshold);
  free (my_threshold);

  status_msg =
    xasprintf ("%s: %lu majfault/s", state_text (status), *tracked_value);
  perfdata_paging_msg =
    xasprintf ("vmem_pgpgin/s=%lu vmem_pgpgout/s=%lu vmem_pgfault/s=%lu "
	       "vmem_pgmajfault/s=%lu vmem_pgfree/s=%lu vmem_pgsteal/s=%lu "
	       "vmem_pgscand/s=%lu vmem_pgscank/s=%lu",
	       dpgpgin, dpgpgout, dpgfault, dpgmajfault, dpgfree, dpgsteal,
	       dpgscand, dpgscank);

  printf ("%s %s | %s%s\n", "PAGING", status_msg, perfdata_paging_msg,
	  perfdata_swapping_msg ? perfdata_swapping_msg : "");

  return status;
Esempio n. 19
main (int argc, char **argv)
  int result = STATE_UNKNOWN;
  int disk_result = STATE_UNKNOWN;
  char *output;
  char *details;
  char *perf;
  char *preamble;
  double inode_space_pct;
  uintmax_t total, available, available_to_root, used;
  double dfree_pct = -1, dused_pct = -1;
  double dused_units, dfree_units, dtotal_units;
  double dused_inodes_percent, dfree_inodes_percent;
  double warning_high_tide;
  double critical_high_tide;
  int temp_result;

  struct mount_entry *me;
  struct fs_usage fsp, tmpfsp;
  struct parameter_list *temp_list, *path;
  struct name_list *seen = NULL;

  preamble = strdup (" - free space:");
  output = strdup ("");
  details = strdup ("");
  perf = strdup ("");
  stat_buf = malloc(sizeof *stat_buf);

  setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
  bindtextdomain (PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR);
  textdomain (PACKAGE);

  mount_list = read_file_system_list (0);

  /* Parse extra opts if any */
  argv = np_extra_opts (&argc, argv, progname);

  if (process_arguments (argc, argv) == ERROR)
    usage4 (_("Could not parse arguments"));

  /* If a list of paths has not been selected, find entire
     mount list and create list of paths
  if (path_selected == FALSE) {
    for (me = mount_list; me; me = me->me_next) {
      if (! (path = np_find_parameter(path_select_list, me->me_mountdir))) {
        path = np_add_parameter(&path_select_list, me->me_mountdir);
      path->best_match = me;
      path->group = group;
  np_set_best_match(path_select_list, mount_list, exact_match);

  /* Error if no match found for specified paths */
  temp_list = path_select_list;

  while (temp_list) {
    if (! temp_list->best_match) {
      die (STATE_CRITICAL, _("DISK %s: %s not found\n"), _("CRITICAL"), temp_list->name);

    temp_list = temp_list->name_next;

  /* Process for every path in list */
  for (path = path_select_list; path; path=path->name_next) {

    if (verbose >= 3 && path->freespace_percent->warning != NULL && path->freespace_percent->critical != NULL)
      printf("Thresholds(pct) for %s warn: %f crit %f\n",path->name, path->freespace_percent->warning->end,

    if (verbose >= 3 && path->group != NULL)
      printf("Group of %s: %s\n",path->name,path->group);

    /* reset disk result */
    disk_result = STATE_UNKNOWN;

    me = path->best_match;

    /* Filters */

    /* Remove filesystems already seen */
    if (np_seen_name(seen, me->me_mountdir)) {
    } else {
      if (path->group != NULL) {
        /* find all group members */
        fsp.fsu_blocksize = 0;
        fsp.fsu_blocks    = 0;
        fsp.fsu_bfree     = 0;
        fsp.fsu_bavail    = 0;
        fsp.fsu_files     = 0;
        fsp.fsu_ffree     = 0;

        for (temp_list = path_select_list; temp_list; temp_list=temp_list->name_next) {
          if (temp_list->group && ! (strcmp(temp_list->group, path->group))) {

            get_fs_usage (temp_list->best_match->me_mountdir, temp_list->best_match->me_devname, &tmpfsp);

            /* possibly differing blocksizes if disks are grouped. Calculating average */
            fsp.fsu_blocksize = (fsp.fsu_blocksize * fsp.fsu_blocks + tmpfsp.fsu_blocksize * tmpfsp.fsu_blocks) / \
                                (fsp.fsu_blocks + tmpfsp.fsu_blocks);  /* Size of a block.  */
            fsp.fsu_blocks    += tmpfsp.fsu_blocks;     /* Total blocks. */
            fsp.fsu_bfree     += tmpfsp.fsu_bfree;      /* Free blocks available to superuser. */
            /* Gnulib workaround - see comment about it a few lines below */
            fsp.fsu_bavail    += (tmpfsp.fsu_bavail > tmpfsp.fsu_bfree ? 0 : tmpfsp.fsu_bavail); /* Free blocks available to non-superuser. */
            fsp.fsu_files     += tmpfsp.fsu_files;      /* Total file nodes. */
            fsp.fsu_ffree     += tmpfsp.fsu_ffree;      /* Free file nodes. */

            if (verbose >= 3)
              printf("Group %s: add %llu blocks (%s) \n", path->group, tmpfsp.fsu_bavail, temp_list->name);
             /* printf("Group %s: add %u blocks (%s)\n", temp_list->name); *//* path->group, tmpfsp.fsu_bavail, temp_list->name); */

            np_add_name(&seen, temp_list->best_match->me_mountdir);
        /* modify devname and mountdir for output */
        me->me_mountdir = me->me_devname = path->group;
      } else
        np_add_name(&seen, me->me_mountdir);

    if (path->group == NULL) {
      /* Skip remote filesystems if we're not interested in them */
      if (me->me_remote && show_local_fs) {
        if (stat_remote_fs)
      /* Skip pseudo fs's if we haven't asked for all fs's */
      } else if (me->me_dummy && !show_all_fs) {
      /* Skip excluded fstypes */
      } else if (fs_exclude_list && np_find_name (fs_exclude_list, me->me_type)) {
      /* Skip excluded fs's */
      } else if (dp_exclude_list &&
               (np_find_name (dp_exclude_list, me->me_devname) ||
                np_find_name (dp_exclude_list, me->me_mountdir))) {

      get_fs_usage (me->me_mountdir, me->me_devname, &fsp);

    if (fsp.fsu_blocks && strcmp ("none", me->me_mountdir)) {
      total = fsp.fsu_blocks;
      /* 2007-12-08 - Workaround for Gnulib reporting insanely high available
       * space on BSD (the actual value should be negative but fsp.fsu_bavail
       * is unsigned) */
      available = fsp.fsu_bavail > fsp.fsu_bfree ? 0 : fsp.fsu_bavail;
      available_to_root = fsp.fsu_bfree;
      used = total - available_to_root;

      if (verbose >= 3)
        printf ("For %s, total=%llu, available=%llu, available_to_root=%llu, used=%llu, fsp.fsu_files=%llu, fsp.fsu_ffree=%llu\n",
        me->me_mountdir, total, available, available_to_root, used, fsp.fsu_files, fsp.fsu_ffree);

      dused_pct = calculate_percent( used, used + available );	/* used + available can never be > uintmax */

      dfree_pct = 100 - dused_pct;
      dused_units = used*fsp.fsu_blocksize/mult;
      dfree_units = available*fsp.fsu_blocksize/mult;
      dtotal_units = total*fsp.fsu_blocksize/mult;
      dused_inodes_percent = calculate_percent(fsp.fsu_files - fsp.fsu_ffree, fsp.fsu_files);
      dfree_inodes_percent = 100 - dused_inodes_percent;

      if (verbose >= 3) {
        printf ("For %s, used_pct=%g free_pct=%g used_units=%g free_units=%g total_units=%g used_inodes_pct=%g free_inodes_pct=%g fsp.fsu_blocksize=%llu mult=%llu\n",
          me->me_mountdir, dused_pct, dfree_pct, dused_units, dfree_units, dtotal_units, dused_inodes_percent, dfree_inodes_percent, fsp.fsu_blocksize, mult);

      /* Threshold comparisons */

      temp_result = get_status(dfree_units, path->freespace_units);
      if (verbose >=3) printf("Freespace_units result=%d\n", temp_result);
      disk_result = max_state( disk_result, temp_result );

      temp_result = get_status(dfree_pct, path->freespace_percent);
      if (verbose >=3) printf("Freespace%% result=%d\n", temp_result);
      disk_result = max_state( disk_result, temp_result );

      temp_result = get_status(dused_units, path->usedspace_units);
      if (verbose >=3) printf("Usedspace_units result=%d\n", temp_result);
      disk_result = max_state( disk_result, temp_result );

      temp_result = get_status(dused_pct, path->usedspace_percent);
      if (verbose >=3) printf("Usedspace_percent result=%d\n", temp_result);
      disk_result = max_state( disk_result, temp_result );

      temp_result = get_status(dused_inodes_percent, path->usedinodes_percent);
      if (verbose >=3) printf("Usedinodes_percent result=%d\n", temp_result);
      disk_result = max_state( disk_result, temp_result );

      temp_result = get_status(dfree_inodes_percent, path->freeinodes_percent);
      if (verbose >=3) printf("Freeinodes_percent result=%d\n", temp_result);
      disk_result = max_state( disk_result, temp_result );

      result = max_state(result, disk_result);

      /* What a mess of units. The output shows free space, the perf data shows used space. Yikes!
         Hack here. Trying to get warn/crit levels from freespace_(units|percent) for perf
         data. Assumption that start=0. Roll on new syntax...

      /* *_high_tide must be reinitialized at each run */
      warning_high_tide = UINT_MAX;
      critical_high_tide = UINT_MAX;

      if (path->freespace_units->warning != NULL) {
        warning_high_tide = dtotal_units - path->freespace_units->warning->end;
      if (path->freespace_percent->warning != NULL) {
        warning_high_tide = abs( min( (double) warning_high_tide, (double) (1.0 - path->freespace_percent->warning->end/100)*dtotal_units ));
      if (path->freespace_units->critical != NULL) {
        critical_high_tide = dtotal_units - path->freespace_units->critical->end;
      if (path->freespace_percent->critical != NULL) {
        critical_high_tide = abs( min( (double) critical_high_tide, (double) (1.0 - path->freespace_percent->critical->end/100)*dtotal_units ));

      /* Nb: *_high_tide are unset when == UINT_MAX */
      asprintf (&perf, "%s %s", perf,
                perfdata ((!strcmp(me->me_mountdir, "none") || display_mntp) ? me->me_devname : me->me_mountdir,
                          dused_units, units,
                          (warning_high_tide != UINT_MAX ? TRUE : FALSE), warning_high_tide,
                          (critical_high_tide != UINT_MAX ? TRUE : FALSE), critical_high_tide,
                          TRUE, 0,
                          TRUE, dtotal_units));

      if (disk_result==STATE_OK && erronly && !verbose)

      asprintf (&output, "%s %s %.0f %s (%.0f%%",
                (!strcmp(me->me_mountdir, "none") || display_mntp) ? me->me_devname : me->me_mountdir,
      if (dused_inodes_percent < 0) {
        asprintf(&output, "%s inode=-);", output);
      } else {
        asprintf(&output, "%s inode=%.0f%%);", output, dfree_inodes_percent );

      /* TODO: Need to do a similar debug line
      asprintf (&details, _("%s\n\
%.0f of %.0f %s (%.0f%% inode=%.0f%%) free on %s (type %s mounted on %s) warn:%lu crit:%lu warn%%:%.0f%% crit%%:%.0f%%"),
                details, dfree_units, dtotal_units, units, dfree_pct, inode_space_pct,
                me->me_devname, me->me_type, me->me_mountdir,
                (unsigned long)w_df, (unsigned long)c_df, w_dfp, c_dfp);



  if (verbose >= 2)
    asprintf (&output, "%s%s", output, details);

  printf ("DISK %s%s%s|%s\n", state_text (result), (erronly && result==STATE_OK) ? "" : preamble, output, perf);
  return result;
Esempio n. 20
main (int argc, char **argv)
	int sd;
	int result = STATE_UNKNOWN;
	time_t conntime;

	setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
	bindtextdomain (PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR);
	textdomain (PACKAGE);

	/* Parse extra opts if any */
	argv=np_extra_opts (&argc, argv, progname);

	if (process_arguments (argc, argv) == ERROR)
		usage4 (_("Could not parse arguments"));

	/* initialize alarm signal handling */
	signal (SIGALRM, socket_timeout_alarm_handler);

	/* set socket timeout */
	alarm (socket_timeout);
	time (&start_time);

	/* try to connect to the host at the given port number */
	if (use_udp) {
		result = my_udp_connect (server_address, server_port, &sd);
	} else {
		result = my_tcp_connect (server_address, server_port, &sd);

	if (result != STATE_OK) {
		if (check_critical_time == TRUE)
			result = STATE_CRITICAL;
		else if (check_warning_time == TRUE)
			result = STATE_WARNING;
			result = STATE_UNKNOWN;
		die (result,
		           _("TIME UNKNOWN - could not connect to server %s, port %d\n"),
		           server_address, server_port);

	if (use_udp) {
		if (send (sd, "", 0, 0) < 0) {
			if (check_critical_time == TRUE)
				result = STATE_CRITICAL;
			else if (check_warning_time == TRUE)
				result = STATE_WARNING;
				result = STATE_UNKNOWN;
			die (result,
			  _("TIME UNKNOWN - could not send UDP request to server %s, port %d\n"),
			  server_address, server_port);

	/* watch for the connection string */
	result = recv (sd, (void *)&raw_server_time, sizeof (raw_server_time), 0);

	/* close the connection */
	close (sd);

	/* reset the alarm */
	time (&end_time);
	alarm (0);

	/* return a WARNING status if we couldn't read any data */
	if (result <= 0) {
		if (check_critical_time == TRUE)
			result = STATE_CRITICAL;
		else if (check_warning_time == TRUE)
			result = STATE_WARNING;
			result = STATE_UNKNOWN;
		die (result,
							 _("TIME UNKNOWN - no data received from server %s, port %d\n"),
							 server_address, server_port);

	result = STATE_OK;

	conntime = (end_time - start_time);
	if (check_critical_time == TRUE && conntime > critical_time)
		result = STATE_CRITICAL;
	else if (check_warning_time == TRUE && conntime > warning_time)
		result = STATE_WARNING;

	if (result != STATE_OK)
		die (result, _("TIME %s - %d second response time|%s\n"),
		     state_text (result), (int)conntime,
		     perfdata ("time", (long)conntime, "s",
		               check_warning_time, (long)warning_time,
		               check_critical_time, (long)critical_time,
		               TRUE, 0, FALSE, 0));

	server_time = ntohl (raw_server_time) - UNIX_EPOCH;
	if (server_time > (unsigned long)end_time)
		diff_time = server_time - (unsigned long)end_time;
		diff_time = (unsigned long)end_time - server_time;

	if (check_critical_diff == TRUE && diff_time > critical_diff)
		result = STATE_CRITICAL;
	else if (check_warning_diff == TRUE && diff_time > warning_diff)
		result = STATE_WARNING;

	printf (_("TIME %s - %lu second time difference|%s %s\n"),
	        state_text (result), diff_time,
	        perfdata ("time", (long)conntime, "s",
	                  check_warning_time, (long)warning_time,
	                  check_critical_time, (long)critical_time,
	                  TRUE, 0, FALSE, 0),
	        perfdata ("offset", diff_time, "s",
	                  check_warning_diff, warning_diff,
	                  check_critical_diff, critical_diff,
	                  TRUE, 0, FALSE, 0));
	return result;
Esempio n. 21
/* process command-line arguments */
static int
process_arguments (int argc, char **argv)
	int c;
	int escape = 0;

	int option = 0;
	static struct option longopts[] = {
		{"hostname", required_argument, 0, 'H'},
		{"critical", required_argument, 0, 'c'},
		{"warning", required_argument, 0, 'w'},
		{"critical-codes", required_argument, 0, 'C'},
		{"warning-codes", required_argument, 0, 'W'},
		{"timeout", required_argument, 0, 't'},
		{"protocol", required_argument, 0, 'P'}, /* FIXME: Unhandled */
		{"port", required_argument, 0, 'p'},
		{"escape", no_argument, 0, 'E'},
		{"all", no_argument, 0, 'A'},
		{"send", required_argument, 0, 's'},
		{"expect", required_argument, 0, 'e'},
		{"maxbytes", required_argument, 0, 'm'},
		{"quit", required_argument, 0, 'q'},
		{"jail", no_argument, 0, 'j'},
		{"delay", required_argument, 0, 'd'},
		{"refuse", required_argument, 0, 'r'},
		{"mismatch", required_argument, 0, 'M'},
		{"use-ipv4", no_argument, 0, '4'},
		{"use-ipv6", no_argument, 0, '6'},
		{"verbose", no_argument, 0, 'v'},
		{"version", no_argument, 0, 'V'},
		{"help", no_argument, 0, 'h'},
		{"ssl", no_argument, 0, 'S'},
		{"certificate", required_argument, 0, 'D'},
		{0, 0, 0, 0}

	if (argc < 2)
		usage4 (_("No arguments found"));

	/* backwards compatibility */
	for (c = 1; c < argc; c++) {
		if (strcmp ("-to", argv[c]) == 0)
			strcpy (argv[c], "-t");
		else if (strcmp ("-wt", argv[c]) == 0)
			strcpy (argv[c], "-w");
		else if (strcmp ("-ct", argv[c]) == 0)
			strcpy (argv[c], "-c");

	if (!is_option (argv[1])) {
		server_address = argv[1];
		argv[1] = argv[0];
		argv = &argv[1];

	while (1) {
		c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "+hVv46EAH:s:e:q:m:c:w:t:p:C:W:d:Sr:jD:M:",
		                 longopts, &option);

		if (c == -1 || c == EOF || c == 1)

		switch (c) {
		case '?':                 /* print short usage statement if args not parsable */
			usage5 ();
		case 'h':                 /* help */
			print_help ();
			exit (STATE_OK);
		case 'V':                 /* version */
			print_revision (progname, NP_VERSION);
			exit (STATE_OK);
		case 'v':                 /* verbose mode */
			flags |= FLAG_VERBOSE;
		case '4':
			address_family = AF_INET;
		case '6':
#ifdef USE_IPV6
			address_family = AF_INET6;
			usage4 (_("IPv6 support not available"));
		case 'H':                 /* hostname */
			server_address = optarg;
		case 'c':                 /* critical */
			critical_time = strtod (optarg, NULL);
			flags |= FLAG_TIME_CRIT;
		case 'j':		  /* hide output */
			flags |= FLAG_HIDE_OUTPUT;
		case 'w':                 /* warning */
			warning_time = strtod (optarg, NULL);
			flags |= FLAG_TIME_WARN;
		case 'C':
			crit_codes = realloc (crit_codes, ++crit_codes_count);
			crit_codes[crit_codes_count - 1] = optarg;
		case 'W':
			warn_codes = realloc (warn_codes, ++warn_codes_count);
			warn_codes[warn_codes_count - 1] = optarg;
		case 't':                 /* timeout */
			if (!is_intpos (optarg))
				usage4 (_("Timeout interval must be a positive integer"));
				socket_timeout = atoi (optarg);
		case 'p':                 /* port */
			if (!is_intpos (optarg))
				usage4 (_("Port must be a positive integer"));
				server_port = atoi (optarg);
		case 'E':
			escape = 1;
		case 's':
			if (escape)
				server_send = np_escaped_string(optarg);
				asprintf(&server_send, "%s", optarg);
		case 'e': /* expect string (may be repeated) */
			flags &= ~FLAG_EXACT_MATCH;
			if (server_expect_count == 0)
				server_expect = malloc (sizeof (char *) * (++server_expect_count));
				server_expect = realloc (server_expect, sizeof (char *) * (++server_expect_count));
			server_expect[server_expect_count - 1] = optarg;
		case 'm':
			if (!is_intpos (optarg))
				usage4 (_("Maxbytes must be a positive integer"));
				maxbytes = strtol (optarg, NULL, 0);
		case 'q':
			if (escape)
				server_quit = np_escaped_string(optarg);
				asprintf(&server_quit, "%s\r\n", optarg);
		case 'r':
			if (!strncmp(optarg,"ok",2))
				econn_refuse_state = STATE_OK;
			else if (!strncmp(optarg,"warn",4))
				econn_refuse_state = STATE_WARNING;
			else if (!strncmp(optarg,"crit",4))
				econn_refuse_state = STATE_CRITICAL;
				usage4 (_("Refuse must be one of ok, warn, crit"));
		case 'M':
			if (!strncmp(optarg,"ok",2))
				expect_mismatch_state = STATE_OK;
			else if (!strncmp(optarg,"warn",4))
				expect_mismatch_state = STATE_WARNING;
			else if (!strncmp(optarg,"crit",4))
				expect_mismatch_state = STATE_CRITICAL;
				usage4 (_("Mismatch must be one of ok, warn, crit"));
		case 'd':
			if (is_intpos (optarg))
				delay = atoi (optarg);
				usage4 (_("Delay must be a positive integer"));
		case 'D': /* Check SSL cert validity - days 'til certificate expiration */
#ifdef HAVE_SSL
#  ifdef USE_OPENSSL /* XXX */
			if (!is_intnonneg (optarg))
				usage2 (_("Invalid certificate expiration period"), optarg);
			days_till_exp = atoi (optarg);
			check_cert = TRUE;
			flags |= FLAG_SSL;
#  endif /* USE_OPENSSL */
			/* fallthrough if we don't have ssl */
		case 'S':
#ifdef HAVE_SSL
			flags |= FLAG_SSL;
			die (STATE_UNKNOWN, _("Invalid option - SSL is not available"));
		case 'A':
			flags |= FLAG_MATCH_ALL;

	if (server_address == NULL)
		usage4 (_("You must provide a server address"));
	else if (server_address[0] != '/' && is_host (server_address) == FALSE)
		die (STATE_CRITICAL, "%s %s - %s: %s\n", SERVICE, state_text(STATE_CRITICAL), _("Invalid hostname, address or socket"), server_address);

	return TRUE;
Esempio n. 22
peer_update_callback(enum crm_status_type type, crm_node_t * node, const void *data)
    uint32_t old = 0;
    uint32_t changed = 0;
    bool appeared = FALSE;
    bool is_remote = is_set(node->flags, crm_remote_node);
    const char *status = NULL;

    /* Crmd waits to receive some information from the membership layer before
     * declaring itself operational. If this is being called for a cluster node,
     * indicate that we have it.
    if (!is_remote) {
        set_bit(fsa_input_register, R_PEER_DATA);

    if (node->uname == NULL) {

    switch (type) {
        case crm_status_uname:
            /* If we've never seen the node, then it also won't be in the status section */
            crm_info("%s node %s is now %s",
                     (is_remote? "Remote" : "Cluster"),
                     node->uname, state_text(node->state));

        case crm_status_rstate:
        case crm_status_nstate:
            /* This callback should not be called unless the state actually
             * changed, but here's a failsafe just in case.
            CRM_CHECK(safe_str_neq(data, node->state), return);

            crm_info("%s node %s is now %s (was %s)",
                     (is_remote? "Remote" : "Cluster"),
                     node->uname, state_text(node->state), state_text(data));

            if (safe_str_eq(CRM_NODE_MEMBER, node->state)) {
                appeared = TRUE;
                if (!is_remote) {


        case crm_status_processes:
            if (data) {
                old = *(const uint32_t *)data;
                changed = node->processes ^ old;

            status = (node->processes & proc_flags) ? ONLINESTATUS : OFFLINESTATUS;
            crm_info("Client %s/%s now has status [%s] (DC=%s, changed=%6x)",
                     node->uname, peer2text(proc_flags), status,
                     AM_I_DC ? "true" : crm_str(fsa_our_dc), changed);

            if ((changed & proc_flags) == 0) {
                /* Peer process did not change */
                crm_trace("No change %6x %6x %6x", old, node->processes, proc_flags);
            } else if (is_not_set(fsa_input_register, R_CIB_CONNECTED)) {
                crm_trace("Not connected");
            } else if (fsa_state == S_STOPPING) {

            appeared = (node->processes & proc_flags) != 0;
            if (safe_str_eq(node->uname, fsa_our_uname) && (node->processes & proc_flags) == 0) {
                /* Did we get evicted? */
                crm_notice("Our peer connection failed");
                register_fsa_input(C_CRMD_STATUS_CALLBACK, I_ERROR, NULL);

            } else if (safe_str_eq(node->uname, fsa_our_dc) && crm_is_peer_active(node) == FALSE) {
                /* Did the DC leave us? */
                crm_notice("Our peer on the DC (%s) is dead", fsa_our_dc);
                register_fsa_input(C_CRMD_STATUS_CALLBACK, I_ELECTION, NULL);

                /* @COMPAT DC < 1.1.13: If a DC shuts down normally, we don't
                 * want to fence it. Newer DCs will send their shutdown request
                 * to all peers, who will update the DC's expected state to
                 * down, thus avoiding fencing. We can safely erase the DC's
                 * transient attributes when it leaves in that case. However,
                 * the only way to avoid fencing older DCs is to leave the
                 * transient attributes intact until it rejoins.
                if (compare_version(fsa_our_dc_version, "3.0.9") > 0) {
                    erase_status_tag(node->uname, XML_TAG_TRANSIENT_NODEATTRS, cib_scope_local);

            } else if(AM_I_DC && appeared == FALSE) {
                crm_info("Peer %s left us", node->uname);
                erase_status_tag(node->uname, XML_TAG_TRANSIENT_NODEATTRS, cib_scope_local);

    if (AM_I_DC) {
        xmlNode *update = NULL;
        int flags = node_update_peer;
        gboolean alive = is_remote? appeared : crm_is_peer_active(node);
        crm_action_t *down = match_down_event(node->uuid, appeared);

        crm_trace("Alive=%d, appeared=%d, down=%d",
                  alive, appeared, (down? down->id : -1));

        if (alive && type == crm_status_processes) {
            register_fsa_input_before(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_NODE_JOIN, NULL);

        if (down) {
            const char *task = crm_element_value(down->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK);

            if (safe_str_eq(task, CRM_OP_FENCE)) {

                /* tengine_stonith_callback() confirms fence actions */
                crm_trace("Updating CIB %s stonithd reported fencing of %s complete",
                          (down->confirmed? "after" : "before"), node->uname);

            } else if ((alive == FALSE) && safe_str_eq(task, CRM_OP_SHUTDOWN)) {
                crm_notice("%s of peer %s is complete "CRM_XS" op=%d",
                           task, node->uname, down->id);

                /* down->confirmed = TRUE; */

                if (!is_remote) {
                    flags |= node_update_join | node_update_expected;
                    crmd_peer_down(node, FALSE);
                    check_join_state(fsa_state, __FUNCTION__);

                update_graph(transition_graph, down);

            } else {
                crm_trace("Node %s is %salive, was expected to %s (op %d)",
                          node->uname, (alive? "" : "not "), task, down->id);

        } else if (appeared == FALSE) {
            crm_notice("Stonith/shutdown of %s not matched", node->uname);

            if (!is_remote) {
                crm_update_peer_join(__FUNCTION__, node, crm_join_none);
                check_join_state(fsa_state, __FUNCTION__);

            abort_transition(INFINITY, tg_restart, "Node failure", NULL);
            fail_incompletable_actions(transition_graph, node->uuid);

        } else {
            crm_trace("Node %s came up, was not expected to be down",

        if (is_remote) {
            /* A pacemaker_remote node won't have its cluster status updated
             * in the CIB by membership-layer callbacks, so do it here.
            flags |= node_update_cluster;

            /* Trigger resource placement on newly integrated nodes */
            if (appeared) {
                abort_transition(INFINITY, tg_restart,
                                 "pacemaker_remote node integrated", NULL);

        /* Update the CIB node state */
        update = create_node_state_update(node, flags, NULL, __FUNCTION__);
        fsa_cib_anon_update(XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS, update,
                            cib_scope_local | cib_quorum_override | cib_can_create);

Esempio n. 23
main (int argc, char **argv)

	char *status_text;
	int cresult;
	int result = STATE_UNKNOWN;
	int i;
	time_t local_time;
	FILE *fp = NULL;
	output chld_out, chld_err;

	remotecmd = "";

	setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
	bindtextdomain (PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR);
	textdomain (PACKAGE);

	/* Parse extra opts if any */
	argv=np_extra_opts (&argc, argv, progname);

	/* process arguments */
	if (process_arguments (argc, argv) == ERROR)
		usage_va(_("Could not parse arguments"));

	/* Set signal handling and alarm timeout */
	if (signal (SIGALRM, timeout_alarm_handler) == SIG_ERR) {
		usage_va(_("Cannot catch SIGALRM"));
	alarm (timeout_interval);

	/* run the command */
	if (verbose) {
		printf ("Command: %s\n", commargv[0]);
		for (i=1; i<commargc; i++)
			printf ("Argument %i: %s\n", i, commargv[i]);

	result = cmd_run_array (commargv, &chld_out, &chld_err, 0);

	if (skip_stdout == -1) /* --skip-stdout specified without argument */
		skip_stdout = chld_out.lines;
	if (skip_stderr == -1) /* --skip-stderr specified without argument */
		skip_stderr = chld_err.lines;

	/* UNKNOWN or worse if (non-skipped) output found on stderr */
	if(chld_err.lines > skip_stderr) {
		printf (_("Remote command execution failed: %s\n"),
		return max_state_alt(result, STATE_UNKNOWN);

	/* this is simple if we're not supposed to be passive.
	 * Wrap up quickly and keep the tricks below */
	if(!passive) {
		if (chld_out.lines > skip_stdout)
			for (i = skip_stdout; i < chld_out.lines; i++)
				puts (chld_out.line[i]);
			printf (_("%s - check_by_ssh: Remote command '%s' returned status %d\n"),
			        state_text(result), remotecmd, result);
		return result; 	/* return error status from remote command */

	 * Passive mode

	/* process output */
	if (!(fp = fopen (outputfile, "a"))) {
		printf (_("SSH WARNING: could not open %s\n"), outputfile);

	local_time = time (NULL);
	commands = 0;
	for(i = skip_stdout; i < chld_out.lines; i++) {
		status_text = chld_out.line[i++];
		if (i == chld_out.lines || strstr (chld_out.line[i], "STATUS CODE: ") == NULL)
			die (STATE_UNKNOWN, _("%s: Error parsing output\n"), progname);

		if (service[commands] && status_text
			&& sscanf (chld_out.line[i], "STATUS CODE: %d", &cresult) == 1)
			fprintf (fp, "[%d] PROCESS_SERVICE_CHECK_RESULT;%s;%s;%d;%s\n",
			         (int) local_time, host_shortname, service[commands++],
			         cresult, status_text);
	/* Multiple commands and passive checking should always return OK */
	return result;
Esempio n. 24
main (int argc, char **argv)
	int users = -1;
	int result = STATE_UNKNOWN;
	char *perf;
	DWORD wtscount;
	DWORD index;
	struct utmpx *putmpx;
	char input_buffer[MAX_INPUT_BUFFER];

	setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
	bindtextdomain (PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR);
	textdomain (PACKAGE);

	perf = strdup ("");

	/* Parse extra opts if any */
	argv = np_extra_opts (&argc, argv, progname);

	if (process_arguments (argc, argv) == ERROR)
		usage4 (_("Could not parse arguments"));

	users = 0;

	  0, 1, &wtsinfo, &wtscount)) {
		printf(_("Could not enumerate RD sessions: %d\n"), GetLastError());

	for (index = 0; index < wtscount; index++) {
		LPTSTR username;
		DWORD size;
		int len;

		if (!WTSQuerySessionInformation(WTS_CURRENT_SERVER_HANDLE,
		  wtsinfo[index].SessionId, WTSUserName, &username, &size))

		len = lstrlen(username);


		if (len == 0)

		if (wtsinfo[index].State == WTSActive ||
		  wtsinfo[index].State == WTSDisconnected)

	/* get currently logged users from utmpx */
	setutxent ();

	while ((putmpx = getutxent ()) != NULL)
		if (putmpx->ut_type == USER_PROCESS)

	endutxent ();
	/* run the command */
	child_process = spopen (WHO_COMMAND);
	if (child_process == NULL) {
		printf (_("Could not open pipe: %s\n"), WHO_COMMAND);

	child_stderr = fdopen (child_stderr_array[fileno (child_process)], "r");
	if (child_stderr == NULL)
		printf (_("Could not open stderr for %s\n"), WHO_COMMAND);

	while (fgets (input_buffer, MAX_INPUT_BUFFER - 1, child_process)) {
		/* increment 'users' on all lines except total user count */
		if (input_buffer[0] != '#') {

		/* get total logged in users */
		if (sscanf (input_buffer, _("# users=%d"), &users) == 1)

	/* check STDERR */
	if (fgets (input_buffer, MAX_INPUT_BUFFER - 1, child_stderr))
		result = possibly_set (result, STATE_UNKNOWN);
	(void) fclose (child_stderr);

	/* close the pipe */
	if (spclose (child_process))
		result = possibly_set (result, STATE_UNKNOWN);

	/* check the user count against warning and critical thresholds */
	if (users > cusers)
		result = STATE_CRITICAL;
	else if (users > wusers)
		result = STATE_WARNING;
	else if (users >= 0)
		result = STATE_OK;

	if (result == STATE_UNKNOWN)
		printf ("%s\n", _("Unable to read output"));
	else {
		xasprintf (&perf, "%s", perfdata ("users", users, "",
		  TRUE, wusers,
		  TRUE, cusers,
		  TRUE, 0,
		  FALSE, 0));
		printf (_("USERS %s - %d users currently logged in |%s\n"), state_text (result),
		  users, perf);

	return result;
Esempio n. 25
main (int argc, char *argv[])

	LDAP *ld;
	LDAPMessage *result;

	/* should be 	int result = STATE_UNKNOWN; */

	int status = STATE_UNKNOWN;
	long microsec;
	double elapsed_time;

	/* for ldap tls */

	int tls;
	int version=3;

	/* for entry counting */

	LDAPMessage *next_entry;
	int status_entries = STATE_OK;
	int num_entries = 0;

	setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
	bindtextdomain (PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR);
	textdomain (PACKAGE);

	if (strstr(argv[0],"check_ldaps")) {
		xasprintf (&progname, "check_ldaps");

	/* Parse extra opts if any */
	argv=np_extra_opts (&argc, argv, progname);

	if (process_arguments (argc, argv) == ERROR)
		usage4 (_("Could not parse arguments"));

	if (strstr(argv[0],"check_ldaps") && ! starttls && ! ssl_on_connect)
		starttls = TRUE;

	/* initialize alarm signal handling */
	signal (SIGALRM, socket_timeout_alarm_handler);

	/* set socket timeout */
	alarm (timeout_interval);

	/* get the start time */
	gettimeofday (&tv, NULL);

	/* initialize ldap */
	if (ld_uri != NULL)
		int result = ldap_initialize(&ld, ld_uri);
		if (result != LDAP_SUCCESS)
			printf ("Failed to connect to LDAP server at %s: %s\n",
				ld_uri, ldap_err2string(result));
		printf ("Sorry, this version of %s was compiled without URI support!\n",
	else if (!(ld = ldap_init (ld_host, ld_port))) {
		printf ("Could not connect to the server at port %i\n", ld_port);
	else if (!(ld = ldap_open (ld_host, ld_port))) {
		if (verbose)
			ldap_perror(ld, "ldap_open");
		printf (_("Could not connect to the server at port %i\n"), ld_port);
#endif /* HAVE_LDAP_INIT */

	/* set ldap options */
	if (ldap_set_option (ld, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, &ld_protocol) !=
		printf(_("Could not set protocol version %d\n"), ld_protocol);

	if (ld_port == LDAPS_PORT || ssl_on_connect) {
		xasprintf (&SERVICE, "LDAPS");
#if defined(HAVE_LDAP_SET_OPTION) && defined(LDAP_OPT_X_TLS)
		/* ldaps: set option tls */

		if (ldap_set_option (ld, LDAP_OPT_X_TLS, &tls) != LDAP_SUCCESS)
			if (verbose)
				ldap_perror(ld, "ldaps_option");
			printf (_("Could not init TLS at port %i!\n"), ld_port);
		printf (_("TLS not supported by the libraries!\n"));
#endif /* LDAP_OPT_X_TLS */
	} else if (starttls) {
		xasprintf (&SERVICE, "LDAP-TLS");
		/* ldap with startTLS: set option version */
		if (ldap_get_option(ld,LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, &version) == LDAP_OPT_SUCCESS )
			if (version < LDAP_VERSION3)
				version = LDAP_VERSION3;
				ldap_set_option(ld, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, &version);
		/* call start_tls */
		if (ldap_start_tls_s(ld, NULL, NULL) != LDAP_SUCCESS)
			if (verbose)
				ldap_perror(ld, "ldap_start_tls");
			printf (_("Could not init startTLS at port %i!\n"), ld_port);
		printf (_("startTLS not supported by the library, needs LDAPv3!\n"));
#endif /* HAVE_LDAP_START_TLS_S */

	/* bind to the ldap server */
	if (ldap_bind_s (ld, ld_binddn, ld_passwd, LDAP_AUTH_SIMPLE) !=
		if (verbose)
			ldap_perror(ld, "ldap_bind");
		printf (_("Could not bind to the LDAP server\n"));

	/* do a search of all objectclasses in the base dn */
	if (ldap_search_s (ld, ld_base, (crit_entries!=NULL || warn_entries!=NULL) ? LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE : LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, ld_attr, NULL, 0, &result)
		if (verbose)
			ldap_perror(ld, "ldap_search");
		printf (_("Could not search/find objectclasses in %s\n"), ld_base);
	} else if (crit_entries!=NULL || warn_entries!=NULL) {
		num_entries = ldap_count_entries(ld, result);

	/* unbind from the ldap server */
	ldap_unbind (ld);

	/* reset the alarm handler */
	alarm (0);

	/* calcutate the elapsed time and compare to thresholds */

	microsec = deltime (tv);
	elapsed_time = (double)microsec / 1.0e6;

	if (crit_time!=UNDEFINED && elapsed_time>crit_time)
		status = STATE_CRITICAL;
	else if (warn_time!=UNDEFINED && elapsed_time>warn_time)
		status = STATE_WARNING;
		status = STATE_OK;

	if(entries_thresholds != NULL) {
		if (verbose) {
			printf ("entries found: %d\n", num_entries);
			print_thresholds("entry threasholds", entries_thresholds);
		status_entries = get_status(num_entries, entries_thresholds);
		if (status_entries == STATE_CRITICAL) {
			status = STATE_CRITICAL;
		} else if (status != STATE_CRITICAL) {
			status = status_entries;

	/* print out the result */
	if (crit_entries!=NULL || warn_entries!=NULL) {
		printf (_("LDAP %s - found %d entries in %.3f seconds|%s %s\n"),
			state_text (status),
			fperfdata ("time", elapsed_time, "s",
				(int)warn_time, warn_time,
				(int)crit_time, crit_time,
				TRUE, 0, FALSE, 0),
			sperfdata ("entries", (double)num_entries, "",
				TRUE, 0.0, FALSE, 0.0));
	} else {
		printf (_("LDAP %s - %.3f seconds response time|%s\n"),
			state_text (status),
			fperfdata ("time", elapsed_time, "s",
				(int)warn_time, warn_time,
				(int)crit_time, crit_time,
				TRUE, 0, FALSE, 0));

	return status;
Esempio n. 26
main (int argc, char **argv)
/* normaly should be  int result = STATE_UNKNOWN; */

  int status = STATE_UNKNOWN;
  int result = 0;
  char *fping_prog = NULL;
  char *server = NULL;
  char *command_line = NULL;
  char *input_buffer = NULL;
  char *option_string = "";
  input_buffer = malloc (MAX_INPUT_BUFFER);

  setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
  bindtextdomain (PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR);
  textdomain (PACKAGE);

  /* Parse extra opts if any */
  argv=np_extra_opts (&argc, argv, progname);

  if (process_arguments (argc, argv) == ERROR)
    usage4 (_("Could not parse arguments"));

  server = strscpy (server, server_name);

  /* compose the command */
  if (target_timeout)
    xasprintf(&option_string, "%s-t %d ", option_string, target_timeout);
  if (packet_interval)
    xasprintf(&option_string, "%s-p %d ", option_string, packet_interval);
  if (sourceip)
    xasprintf(&option_string, "%s-S %s ", option_string, sourceip);
  if (sourceif)
    xasprintf(&option_string, "%s-I %s ", option_string, sourceif);

  if (address_family == AF_INET6)
    fping_prog = strdup(PATH_TO_FPING6);
    fping_prog = strdup(PATH_TO_FPING);
  fping_prog = strdup(PATH_TO_FPING);

  xasprintf (&command_line, "%s %s-b %d -c %d %s", fping_prog,
            option_string, packet_size, packet_count, server);

  if (verbose)
    printf ("%s\n", command_line);

  /* run the command */
  child_process = spopen (command_line);
  if (child_process == NULL) {
    printf (_("Could not open pipe: %s\n"), command_line);
    return STATE_UNKNOWN;

  child_stderr = fdopen (child_stderr_array[fileno (child_process)], "r");
  if (child_stderr == NULL) {
    printf (_("Could not open stderr for %s\n"), command_line);

  while (fgets (input_buffer, MAX_INPUT_BUFFER - 1, child_process)) {
    if (verbose)
      printf ("%s", input_buffer);
    status = max_state (status, textscan (input_buffer));

  /* If we get anything on STDERR, at least set warning */
  while (fgets (input_buffer, MAX_INPUT_BUFFER - 1, child_stderr)) {
    status = max_state (status, STATE_WARNING);
    if (verbose)
      printf ("%s", input_buffer);
    status = max_state (status, textscan (input_buffer));
  (void) fclose (child_stderr);

  /* close the pipe */
  if (result = spclose (child_process))
    /* need to use max_state not max */
    status = max_state (status, STATE_WARNING);

  if (result > 1 ) {
    status = max_state (status, STATE_UNKNOWN);
    if (result == 2) {
      die (STATE_UNKNOWN, _("FPING UNKNOWN - IP address not found\n"));
    if (result == 3) {
      die (STATE_UNKNOWN, _("FPING UNKNOWN - invalid commandline argument\n"));
    if (result == 4) {
      die (STATE_UNKNOWN, _("FPING UNKNOWN - failed system call\n"));


  printf ("FPING %s - %s\n", state_text (status), server_name);

  return status;
Esempio n. 27
main (int argc, char **argv)
	short supports_tls=FALSE;
	int n = 0;
	double elapsed_time;
	long microsec;
	int result = STATE_UNKNOWN;
	char *cmd_str = NULL;
	char *helocmd = NULL;
	char *error_msg = "";
	struct timeval tv;

	/* Catch pipe errors in read/write - sometimes occurs when writing QUIT */
	(void) signal (SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);

	setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
	bindtextdomain (PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR);
	textdomain (PACKAGE);

	/* Parse extra opts if any */
	argv=np_extra_opts (&argc, argv, progname);

	if (process_arguments (argc, argv) == ERROR)
		usage4 (_("Could not parse arguments"));

	/* If localhostname not set on command line, use gethostname to set */
	if(! localhostname){
		localhostname = malloc (HOST_MAX_BYTES);
			printf(_("malloc() failed!\n"));
		if(gethostname(localhostname, HOST_MAX_BYTES)){
			printf(_("gethostname() failed!\n"));
		xasprintf (&helocmd, "%s%s%s", SMTP_EHLO, localhostname, "\r\n");
		xasprintf (&helocmd, "%s%s%s", SMTP_HELO, localhostname, "\r\n");

	if (verbose)
		printf("HELOCMD: %s", helocmd);

	/* initialize the MAIL command with optional FROM command  */
	xasprintf (&cmd_str, "%sFROM:<%s>%s", mail_command, from_arg, "\r\n");

	if (verbose && send_mail_from)
		printf ("FROM CMD: %s", cmd_str);

	/* initialize alarm signal handling */
	(void) signal (SIGALRM, socket_timeout_alarm_handler);

	/* set socket timeout */
	(void) alarm (socket_timeout);

	/* start timer */
	gettimeofday (&tv, NULL);

	/* try to connect to the host at the given port number */
	result = my_tcp_connect (server_address, server_port, &sd);

	if (result == STATE_OK) { /* we connected */

		/* watch for the SMTP connection string and */
		/* return a WARNING status if we couldn't read any data */
		if (recvlines(buffer, MAX_INPUT_BUFFER) <= 0) {
			printf (_("recv() failed\n"));
			return STATE_WARNING;
		else {
			if (verbose)
				printf ("%s", buffer);
			/* strip the buffer of carriage returns */
			strip (buffer);
			/* make sure we find the response we are looking for */
			if (!strstr (buffer, server_expect)) {
				if (server_port == SMTP_PORT)
					printf (_("Invalid SMTP response received from host: %s\n"), buffer);
					printf (_("Invalid SMTP response received from host on port %d: %s\n"),
									server_port, buffer);
				return STATE_WARNING;

		/* send the HELO/EHLO command */
		send(sd, helocmd, strlen(helocmd), 0);

		/* allow for response to helo command to reach us */
		if (recvlines(buffer, MAX_INPUT_BUFFER) <= 0) {
			printf (_("recv() failed\n"));
			return STATE_WARNING;
		} else if(use_ehlo){
			if(strstr(buffer, "250 STARTTLS") != NULL ||
			   strstr(buffer, "250-STARTTLS") != NULL){

		if(use_ssl && ! supports_tls){
			printf(_("WARNING - TLS not supported by server\n"));
			return STATE_WARNING;

#ifdef HAVE_SSL
		if(use_ssl) {
		  /* send the STARTTLS command */
		  send(sd, SMTP_STARTTLS, strlen(SMTP_STARTTLS), 0);

		  recvlines(buffer, MAX_INPUT_BUFFER); /* wait for it */
		  if (!strstr (buffer, server_expect)) {
		    printf (_("Server does not support STARTTLS\n"));
		    return STATE_UNKNOWN;
		  result = np_net_ssl_init(sd);
		  if(result != STATE_OK) {
		    printf (_("CRITICAL - Cannot create SSL context.\n"));
		    return STATE_CRITICAL;
		  } else {
			ssl_established = 1;

		 * Resend the EHLO command.
		 * RFC 3207 (4.2) says: ``The client MUST discard any knowledge
		 * obtained from the server, such as the list of SMTP service
		 * extensions, which was not obtained from the TLS negotiation
		 * itself.  The client SHOULD send an EHLO command as the first
		 * command after a successful TLS negotiation.''  For this
		 * reason, some MTAs will not allow an AUTH LOGIN command before
		 * we resent EHLO via TLS.
		if (my_send(helocmd, strlen(helocmd)) <= 0) {
			printf("%s\n", _("SMTP UNKNOWN - Cannot send EHLO command via TLS."));
			return STATE_UNKNOWN;
		if (verbose)
			printf(_("sent %s"), helocmd);
		if ((n = recvlines(buffer, MAX_INPUT_BUFFER)) <= 0) {
			printf("%s\n", _("SMTP UNKNOWN - Cannot read EHLO response via TLS."));
			return STATE_UNKNOWN;
		if (verbose) {
			printf("%s", buffer);

#  ifdef USE_OPENSSL
		  if ( check_cert ) {
                    result = np_net_ssl_check_cert(days_till_exp_warn, days_till_exp_crit);
		    return result;
#  endif /* USE_OPENSSL */

		if (send_mail_from) {
		  my_send(cmd_str, strlen(cmd_str));
		  if (recvlines(buffer, MAX_INPUT_BUFFER) >= 1 && verbose)
		    printf("%s", buffer);

		while (n < ncommands) {
			xasprintf (&cmd_str, "%s%s", commands[n], "\r\n");
			my_send(cmd_str, strlen(cmd_str));
			if (recvlines(buffer, MAX_INPUT_BUFFER) >= 1 && verbose)
				printf("%s", buffer);
			strip (buffer);
			if (n < nresponses) {
				errcode = regcomp (&preg, responses[n], cflags);
				if (errcode != 0) {
					regerror (errcode, &preg, errbuf, MAX_INPUT_BUFFER);
					printf (_("Could Not Compile Regular Expression"));
					return ERROR;
				excode = regexec (&preg, buffer, 10, pmatch, eflags);
				if (excode == 0) {
					result = STATE_OK;
				else if (excode == REG_NOMATCH) {
					result = STATE_WARNING;
					printf (_("SMTP %s - Invalid response '%s' to command '%s'\n"), state_text (result), buffer, commands[n]);
				else {
					regerror (excode, &preg, errbuf, MAX_INPUT_BUFFER);
					printf (_("Execute Error: %s\n"), errbuf);
					result = STATE_UNKNOWN;

		if (authtype != NULL) {
			if (strcmp (authtype, "LOGIN") == 0) {
				char *abuf;
				int ret;
				do {
					if (authuser == NULL) {
						result = STATE_CRITICAL;
						xasprintf(&error_msg, _("no authuser specified, "));
					if (authpass == NULL) {
						result = STATE_CRITICAL;
						xasprintf(&error_msg, _("no authpass specified, "));

					/* send AUTH LOGIN */
					my_send(SMTP_AUTH_LOGIN, strlen(SMTP_AUTH_LOGIN));
					if (verbose)
						printf (_("sent %s\n"), "AUTH LOGIN");

					if ((ret = recvlines(buffer, MAX_INPUT_BUFFER)) <= 0) {
						xasprintf(&error_msg, _("recv() failed after AUTH LOGIN, "));
						result = STATE_WARNING;
					if (verbose)
						printf (_("received %s\n"), buffer);

					if (strncmp (buffer, "334", 3) != 0) {
						result = STATE_CRITICAL;
						xasprintf(&error_msg, _("invalid response received after AUTH LOGIN, "));

					/* encode authuser with base64 */
					base64_encode_alloc (authuser, strlen(authuser), &abuf);
					xasprintf(&abuf, "%s\r\n", abuf);
					my_send(abuf, strlen(abuf));
					if (verbose)
						printf (_("sent %s\n"), abuf);

					if ((ret = recvlines(buffer, MAX_INPUT_BUFFER)) <= 0) {
						result = STATE_CRITICAL;
						xasprintf(&error_msg, _("recv() failed after sending authuser, "));
					if (verbose) {
						printf (_("received %s\n"), buffer);
					if (strncmp (buffer, "334", 3) != 0) {
						result = STATE_CRITICAL;
						xasprintf(&error_msg, _("invalid response received after authuser, "));
					/* encode authpass with base64 */
					base64_encode_alloc (authpass, strlen(authpass), &abuf);
					xasprintf(&abuf, "%s\r\n", abuf);
					my_send(abuf, strlen(abuf));
					if (verbose) {
						printf (_("sent %s\n"), abuf);
					if ((ret = recvlines(buffer, MAX_INPUT_BUFFER)) <= 0) {
						result = STATE_CRITICAL;
						xasprintf(&error_msg, _("recv() failed after sending authpass, "));
					if (verbose) {
						printf (_("received %s\n"), buffer);
					if (strncmp (buffer, "235", 3) != 0) {
						result = STATE_CRITICAL;
						xasprintf(&error_msg, _("invalid response received after authpass, "));
				} while (0);
			} else {
				result = STATE_CRITICAL;
				xasprintf(&error_msg, _("only authtype LOGIN is supported, "));

		/* tell the server we're done */

		/* finally close the connection */
		close (sd);

	/* reset the alarm */
	alarm (0);

	microsec = deltime (tv);
	elapsed_time = (double)microsec / 1.0e6;

	if (result == STATE_OK) {
		if (check_critical_time && elapsed_time > critical_time)
			result = STATE_CRITICAL;
		else if (check_warning_time && elapsed_time > warning_time)
			result = STATE_WARNING;

	printf (_("SMTP %s - %s%.3f sec. response time%s%s|%s\n"),
			state_text (result),
			verbose?", ":"", verbose?buffer:"",
			fperfdata ("time", elapsed_time, "s",
				(int)check_warning_time, warning_time,
				(int)check_critical_time, critical_time,
				TRUE, 0, FALSE, 0));

	return result;
main (int argc, char **argv)
  int c;
  bool verbose = false;
  char *critical = NULL, *warning = NULL;
  nagstatus status = STATE_OK;
  thresholds *my_threshold = NULL;

  unsigned long long nctxt[2];
  unsigned int sleep_time = 1,
	   tog = 0;		/* toggle switch for cleaner code */
  unsigned long i, delay, count;

  set_program_name (argv[0]);

  while ((c = getopt_long (argc, argv,
			   longopts, NULL)) != -1)
      switch (c)
	  usage (stderr);
	case 'c':
	  critical = optarg;
	case 'w':
	  warning = optarg;
	case 'v':
	  verbose = true;



  if (optind < argc)
      delay = strtol_or_err (argv[optind++], "failed to parse argument");

      if (delay < 1)
	plugin_error (STATE_UNKNOWN, 0, "delay must be positive integer");
      else if (UINT_MAX < delay)
	plugin_error (STATE_UNKNOWN, 0, "too large delay value");

      sleep_time = delay;

  if (optind < argc)
    count = strtol_or_err (argv[optind++], "failed to parse argument");

  status = set_thresholds (&my_threshold, warning, critical);
  if (status == NP_RANGE_UNPARSEABLE)
    usage (stderr);

  unsigned long long dnctxt = nctxt[0] = cpu_stats_get_cswch ();
  if (verbose)
    printf ("ctxt = %Lu\n", dnctxt);

  for (i = 1; i < count; i++)
      sleep (sleep_time);

      tog = !tog;
      nctxt[tog] = cpu_stats_get_cswch ();
      dnctxt = (nctxt[tog] - nctxt[!tog]) / sleep_time;

      if (verbose)
	printf ("ctxt = %Lu --> %Lu/s\n", nctxt[tog], dnctxt);

  status = get_status (dnctxt, my_threshold);
  free (my_threshold);

  char *time_unit = (count > 1) ? "/s" : "";
  printf ("%s %s - number of context switches%s %Lu | cswch%s=%Lu\n",
	  program_name_short, state_text (status),
	  time_unit, dnctxt, time_unit, dnctxt);

  return status;
Esempio n. 29
textscan (char *buf)
  char *rtastr = NULL;
  char *losstr = NULL;
  char *xmtstr = NULL;
  double loss;
  double rta;
  double xmt;
  int status = STATE_UNKNOWN;

  if (strstr (buf, "not found")) {
    die (STATE_CRITICAL, _("FPING UNKNOW - %s not found\n"), server_name);

  else if (strstr (buf, "is unreachable") || strstr (buf, "Unreachable")) {
    die (STATE_CRITICAL, _("FPING CRITICAL - %s is unreachable\n"),

  else if (strstr (buf, "Operation not permitted") || strstr (buf, "No such device") ) {
    die (STATE_UNKNOWN, _("FPING UNKNOWN - %s parameter error\n"),
  else if (strstr (buf, "is down")) {
    die (STATE_CRITICAL, _("FPING CRITICAL - %s is down\n"), server_name);

  else if (strstr (buf, "is alive")) {
    status = STATE_OK;

  else if (strstr (buf, "xmt/rcv/%loss") && strstr (buf, "min/avg/max")) {
    losstr = strstr (buf, "=");
    losstr = 1 + strstr (losstr, "/");
    losstr = 1 + strstr (losstr, "/");
    rtastr = strstr (buf, "min/avg/max");
    rtastr = strstr (rtastr, "=");
    rtastr = 1 + index (rtastr, '/');
    loss = strtod (losstr, NULL);
    rta = strtod (rtastr, NULL);
    if (cpl_p == TRUE && loss > cpl)
      status = STATE_CRITICAL;
    else if (crta_p == TRUE  && rta > crta)
      status = STATE_CRITICAL;
    else if (wpl_p == TRUE && loss > wpl)
      status = STATE_WARNING;
    else if (wrta_p == TRUE && rta > wrta)
      status = STATE_WARNING;
      status = STATE_OK;
    die (status,
          _("FPING %s - %s (loss=%.0f%%, rta=%f ms)|%s %s\n"),
         state_text (status), server_name, loss, rta,
         perfdata ("loss", (long int)loss, "%", wpl_p, wpl, cpl_p, cpl, TRUE, 0, TRUE, 100),
         fperfdata ("rta", rta/1.0e3, "s", wrta_p, wrta/1.0e3, crta_p, crta/1.0e3, TRUE, 0, FALSE, 0));

  else if(strstr (buf, "xmt/rcv/%loss") ) {
    /* no min/max/avg if host was unreachable in fping v2.2.b1 */
    /* in v2.4b2: : xmt/rcv/%loss = 0/0/0% */
    losstr = strstr (buf, "=");
    xmtstr = 1 + losstr;
    xmt = strtod (xmtstr, NULL);
    if(xmt == 0)
        die (STATE_CRITICAL, _("FPING CRITICAL - %s is down\n"), server_name);
    losstr = 1 + strstr (losstr, "/");
    losstr = 1 + strstr (losstr, "/");
    loss = strtod (losstr, NULL);
    if (atoi(losstr) == 100)
      status = STATE_CRITICAL;
    else if (cpl_p == TRUE && loss > cpl)
      status = STATE_CRITICAL;
    else if (wpl_p == TRUE && loss > wpl)
      status = STATE_WARNING;
      status = STATE_OK;
    /* loss=%.0f%%;%d;%d;0;100 */
    die (status, _("FPING %s - %s (loss=%.0f%% )|%s\n"),
         state_text (status), server_name, loss ,
         perfdata ("loss", (long int)loss, "%", wpl_p, wpl, cpl_p, cpl, TRUE, 0, TRUE, 100));

  else {
    status = max_state (status, STATE_WARNING);

  return status;
Esempio n. 30
main (int argc, char **argv)
  int c;
  bool verbose = false;
  char *critical = NULL, *warning = NULL;
  nagstatus status = STATE_OK;
  thresholds *my_threshold = NULL;

  unsigned long long nintr[2];
  unsigned int sleep_time = 1,
	   tog = 0,		/* toggle switch for cleaner code */
	   ncpus0, ncpus1;
  unsigned long i, delay, count,
	   *vintr[2] = { NULL, NULL };

  set_program_name (argv[0]);

  while ((c = getopt_long (argc, argv,
			   longopts, NULL)) != -1)
      switch (c)
	  usage (stderr);
	case 'c':
	  critical = optarg;
	case 'w':
	  warning = optarg;
	case 'v':
	  verbose = true;



  if (optind < argc)
      delay = strtol_or_err (argv[optind++], "failed to parse argument");

      if (delay < 1)
	plugin_error (STATE_UNKNOWN, 0, "delay must be positive integer");
      else if (UINT_MAX < delay)
	plugin_error (STATE_UNKNOWN, 0, "too large delay value");

      sleep_time = delay;

  if (optind < argc)
    count = strtol_or_err (argv[optind++], "failed to parse argument");

  status = set_thresholds (&my_threshold, warning, critical);
  if (status == NP_RANGE_UNPARSEABLE)
    usage (stderr);

  unsigned long long dnintr = nintr[0] = cpu_stats_get_intr ();
  if (verbose)
    printf ("intr = %Lu\n", dnintr);

  if (count <= 2)
    vintr[0] = proc_interrupts_get_nintr_per_cpu (&ncpus0);

  for (i = 1; i < count; i++)
      sleep (sleep_time);

      tog = !tog;
      nintr[tog] = cpu_stats_get_intr ();

      dnintr = (nintr[tog] - nintr[!tog]) / sleep_time;
      if (verbose)
	printf ("intr = %Lu --> %Lu/s\n", nintr[tog], dnintr);

      if (count - 2 == i)
	vintr[0] = proc_interrupts_get_nintr_per_cpu (&ncpus0);
      else if (count - 1 == i)
	vintr[1] = proc_interrupts_get_nintr_per_cpu (&ncpus1);

  status = get_status (dnintr, my_threshold);
  free (my_threshold);

  char *time_unit = (count > 1) ? "/s" : "";
  printf ("%s %s - number of interrupts%s %Lu | intr%s=%Lu",
	  program_name_short, state_text (status),
	  time_unit, dnintr, time_unit, dnintr);

  for (i = 0; i < MIN (ncpus0, ncpus1); i++)
    printf (" intr_cpu%lu%s=%lu", i, time_unit,
	    (count >
	     1) ? (vintr[1][i] - vintr[0][i]) / sleep_time : vintr[0][i]);
  printf ("\n");

  free (vintr[1]);
  free (vintr[0]);

  return status;