static gpointer testServerMonitorThreadFunc(gpointer)
    // Wait for the specified timeout to happen.
    g_usleep(gMaxWaitForChild * G_USEC_PER_SEC);

    // Kill the child process if not ready yet.
    if (!gChildIsReady)

    return 0;
static void startTestServer()
    // Prepare argv[] for spawning the server process.
    GOwnPtr<char> testServerPath(g_build_filename(WEBKIT_EXEC_PATH, "TestWebKitAPI", "WebKit2Gtk", gTestServerAppName, NULL));

    // We install a handler to ensure that we kill the child process
    // if the parent dies because of whatever the reason is.
    signal(SIGABRT, sigAbortHandler);

    char* testServerArgv[2];
    testServerArgv[0] = testServerPath.get();
    testServerArgv[1] = 0;

    // Spawn the server, getting its stdout file descriptor to set a
    // communication channel, so we know when it's ready.
    int childStdout = 0;
    g_assert(g_spawn_async_with_pipes(0, testServerArgv, 0, static_cast<GSpawnFlags>(0), 0, 0,
        &gChildProcessPid, 0, &childStdout, 0, 0));

    // Start monitoring the test server (in a separate thread) to
    // ensure we don't block on the child process more than a timeout.

    char msg[2];
    GIOChannel* ioChannel = g_io_channel_unix_new(childStdout);
    if (g_io_channel_read_chars(ioChannel, msg, 2, 0, 0) == G_IO_STATUS_NORMAL) {
        // Check whether the server sent a message saying it's ready
        // and store the result globally, so the monitor can see it.
        gChildIsReady = msg[0] == 'O' && msg[1] == 'K';

    // The timeout was reached and the server is not ready yet, so
    // stop it inmediately, and let the unit tests fail.
    if (!gChildIsReady)
void afterAll()
static void sigAbortHandler(int sigNum)
    // Just stop the test server if SIGABRT was received.
void afterAll()
    // Ensure we stop the server.