// ------------------------------------------------------------
// this function inits and starts the timer, using the specified
// function as a callback and the period provided. must be passed
// the name of a function taking no arguments and returning void.
// make sure this function can complete within the time allowed.
// attempts to allocate a timer using available resources,
// returning true on success or false in case of failure.
// Period units is defined by scale, where scale = uSec or hmSec
// and = 1-65535 microsecond (uSec)
// or 1-65535 0.5ms increments (hmSec)
// ------------------------------------------------------------
bool IntervalTimer::beginCycles(void (*isrCallback)(), intPeriod Period, bool scale, TIMid id) {

	// if this interval timer is already running, stop and deallocate it
	if (status == TIMER_SIT) {
		status = TIMER_OFF;
	// store callback pointer
	myISRcallback = isrCallback;

	if (id < NUM_SIT) {		// Allocate specified timer (id=0 to 2/4) or auto-allocate from pool (id=255)
		// attempt to allocate this timer
		if (allocate_SIT(Period, scale, id)) status = TIMER_SIT;		//255 means allocate from pool
		else status = TIMER_OFF;
	else {
		// attempt to allocate this timer
		if (allocate_SIT(Period, scale, AUTO)) status = TIMER_SIT;		//255 means allocate from pool
		else status = TIMER_OFF;

	// check for success and return
	if (status != TIMER_OFF) return true;
	return false;

// ------------------------------------------------------------
// this function inits and starts the timer, using the specified
// function as a callback and the period provided. must be passed
// the name of a function taking no arguments and returning void.
// make sure this function can complete within the time allowed.
// attempts to allocate a timer using available resources,
// returning true on success or false in case of failure.
// Period units is defined by scale, where scale = uSec or hmSec
// and = 1-65535 microsecond (uSec)
// or 1-65535 0.5ms increments (hmSec)
// ------------------------------------------------------------
bool IntervalTimer::beginCycles(void (*isrCallback)(), uint16_t newValue, bool scale) {

	// if this interval timer is already running, stop it
	if (status == TIMER_SIT) {
		status = TIMER_OFF;
	// store callback pointer
	myISRcallback = isrCallback;

	// attempt to allocate this timer
	if (allocate_SIT(newValue, scale)) status = TIMER_SIT;
	else status = TIMER_OFF;

	// check for success and return
	if (status != TIMER_OFF) return true;
	return false;

// ------------------------------------------------------------
// stop the timer if it's currently running, using its status
// to determine what hardware resources the timer may be using
// ------------------------------------------------------------
void IntervalTimer::end() {
	if (status == TIMER_SIT) stop_SIT();
	status = TIMER_OFF;