Esempio n. 1
void UIMachineView::setDesktopGeometry(DesktopGeo geometry, int aWidth, int aHeight)
    switch (geometry)
        case DesktopGeo_Fixed:
            m_desktopGeometryType = DesktopGeo_Fixed;
            if (aWidth != 0 && aHeight != 0)
                m_desktopGeometry = QSize(aWidth, aHeight);
                m_desktopGeometry = QSize(0, 0);
            storeConsoleSize(0, 0);
        case DesktopGeo_Automatic:
            m_desktopGeometryType = DesktopGeo_Automatic;
            m_desktopGeometry = QSize(0, 0);
            storeConsoleSize(0, 0);
        case DesktopGeo_Any:
            m_desktopGeometryType = DesktopGeo_Any;
            m_desktopGeometry = QSize(0, 0);
            AssertMsgFailed(("Invalid desktop geometry type %d\n", geometry));
            m_desktopGeometryType = DesktopGeo_Invalid;
void UIMachineViewFullscreen::sltPerformGuestResize(const QSize &toSize)
    if (m_bIsGuestAutoresizeEnabled && uisession()->isGuestSupportsGraphics())
        /* Get machine window: */
        QMainWindow *pMachineWindow = machineWindowWrapper() && machineWindowWrapper()->machineWindow() ?
                                      qobject_cast<QMainWindow*>(machineWindowWrapper()->machineWindow()) : 0;

        /* If this slot is invoked directly then use the passed size otherwise get
         * the available size for the guest display. We assume here that centralWidget()
         * contains this view only and gives it all available space: */
        QSize newSize(toSize.isValid() ? toSize : pMachineWindow ? pMachineWindow->centralWidget()->size() : QSize());
        AssertMsg(newSize.isValid(), ("Size should be valid!\n"));

        /* Do not send the same hints as we already have: */
        if ((newSize.width() == storedConsoleSize().width()) && (newSize.height() == storedConsoleSize().height()))

        /* We only actually send the hint if either an explicit new size was given
         * (e.g. if the request was triggered directly by a console resize event) or
         * if no explicit size was specified but a resize is flagged as being needed
         * (e.g. the autoresize was just enabled and the console was resized while it was disabled). */
        if (toSize.isValid() || m_fShouldWeDoResize)
            /* Remember the new size: */
            storeConsoleSize(newSize.width(), newSize.height());

            /* Send new size-hint to the guest: */
            session().GetConsole().GetDisplay().SetVideoModeHint(newSize.width(), newSize.height(), 0, screenId());

        /* We had requested resize now, rejecting other accident requests: */
        m_fShouldWeDoResize = false;
bool UIMachineViewFullscreen::event(QEvent *pEvent)
    switch (pEvent->type())
        case VBoxDefs::ResizeEventType:
            /* Some situations require framebuffer resize events to be ignored at all,
             * leaving machine-window, machine-view and framebuffer sizes preserved: */
            if (uisession()->isGuestResizeIgnored())
                return true;

            /* We are starting to perform machine-view resize,
             * we should temporary ignore other if they are trying to be: */
            bool fWasMachineWindowResizeIgnored = isMachineWindowResizeIgnored();

            /* Get guest resize-event: */
            UIResizeEvent *pResizeEvent = static_cast<UIResizeEvent*>(pEvent);

            /* Perform framebuffer resize: */

            /* Reapply maximum size restriction for machine-view: */

            /* Store the new size to prevent unwanted resize hints being sent back: */
            storeConsoleSize(pResizeEvent->width(), pResizeEvent->height());

            /* Perform machine-view resize: */
            resize(pResizeEvent->width(), pResizeEvent->height());

            /* May be we have to restrict minimum size? */

            /* Let our toplevel widget calculate its sizeHint properly: */
            QCoreApplication::sendPostedEvents(0, QEvent::LayoutRequest);

#ifdef Q_WS_MAC
            machineLogic()->updateDockIconSize(screenId(), pResizeEvent->width(), pResizeEvent->height());
#endif /* Q_WS_MAC */

            /* Update machine-view sliders: */

            /* Report to the VM thread that we finished resizing: */

            /* We are finishing to perform machine-view resize: */

            /* We also recalculate the desktop geometry if this is determined
             * automatically.  In fact, we only need this on the first resize,
             * but it is done every time to keep the code simpler. */

            /* Emit a signal about guest was resized: */
            emit resizeHintDone();

            /* Unlock after processing guest resize event: */
            if (m_pSyncBlocker && m_pSyncBlocker->isRunning())

            return true;

    return UIMachineView::event(pEvent);
bool UIMachineViewScale::event(QEvent *pEvent)
    switch (pEvent->type())
        case VBoxDefs::ResizeEventType:
            /* Some situations require framebuffer resize events to be ignored at all,
             * leaving machine-window, machine-view and framebuffer sizes preserved: */
            if (uisession()->isGuestResizeIgnored())
                return true;

            /* We are starting to perform machine-view resize,
             * we should temporary ignore other if they are trying to be: */
            bool fWasMachineWindowResizeIgnored = isMachineWindowResizeIgnored();

            /* Get guest resize-event: */
            UIResizeEvent *pResizeEvent = static_cast<UIResizeEvent*>(pEvent);

            /* Perform framebuffer resize: */

            /* Store the new size to prevent unwanted resize hints being sent back: */
            storeConsoleSize(pResizeEvent->width(), pResizeEvent->height());

            /* Let our toplevel widget calculate its sizeHint properly: */
            QCoreApplication::sendPostedEvents(0, QEvent::LayoutRequest);

#ifdef Q_WS_MAC
            machineLogic()->updateDockIconSize(screenId(), pResizeEvent->width(), pResizeEvent->height());
#endif /* Q_WS_MAC */

            /* Report to the VM thread that we finished resizing: */

            /* We are finishing to perform machine-view resize: */

            /* We also recalculate the desktop geometry if this is determined
             * automatically.  In fact, we only need this on the first resize,
             * but it is done every time to keep the code simpler. */

            /* Emit a signal about guest was resized: */
            emit resizeHintDone();

            return true;

        case VBoxDefs::RepaintEventType:
            UIRepaintEvent *pPaintEvent = static_cast<UIRepaintEvent*>(pEvent);
            QSize scaledSize = frameBuffer()->scaledSize();
            double xRatio = (double)scaledSize.width() / frameBuffer()->width();
            double yRatio = (double)scaledSize.height() / frameBuffer()->height();
            AssertMsg(contentsX() == 0, ("This can't be, else notify Dsen!\n"));
            AssertMsg(contentsY() == 0, ("This can't be, else notify Dsen!\n"));

            /* Make sure we update always a bigger rectangle than requested to
             * catch all rounding errors. (use 1 time the ratio factor and
             * round down on top/left, but round up for the width/height) */
            viewport()->update((int)(pPaintEvent->x() * xRatio) - ((int)xRatio) - 1,
                               (int)(pPaintEvent->y() * yRatio) - ((int)yRatio) - 1,
                               (int)(pPaintEvent->width() * xRatio) + ((int)xRatio + 2) * 2,
                               (int)(pPaintEvent->height() * yRatio) + ((int)yRatio + 2) * 2);
            return true;

    return UIMachineView::event(pEvent);