Esempio n. 1
* Function to process arguments on the command line. Primarily the
* arguments processed are non-option arguments. This processing may
* have an effect on options already set.
* @param twp_o	an AppOptions structure
* @return Zero is returned if there are issues with processing
* 	the given AppOptions structure. Otherwise non-zero is
* 	returned.
int treewalk_process_args(AppOptions *twp_o) {

	if(strIsBlank(twp_o->start_path) && !twp_o->argc) {			// Check that we have root dir to walk
	  fprintf(stderr,"No tree given to walk!\n");
	  return 0;

	if(strIsBlank(twp_o->start_path)) {
	  strcpy(twp_o->start_path, twp_o->args[0]);
	  twp_o->args++;							// move the argument array up by one
	  if(!(twp_o->argc--))							// reduce argument count by 1
	    twp_o->args = (char **)NULL;					// make sure don't go off end of args array
	return 1;
Esempio n. 2
* Function to process a file, based on type of operation being 
* performed. By default, this prints the path. Stat information 
* for the file may be printed if the verbose option is turned 
* on. Output from this function can be turned off with the quiet
* option. Then only statistics are reported by the treewalk.
* @param infile		a FileInfo structure containing the
*			file name and stat information
* @param perf		a PerfStat structure to be used to
* 			record any statistics resulting from
* 			processing a file
* @param o		the options structure holding the global
*			options values and other shared variables
* @return zero is returned if there are no problems process the
*	file. Non-zero is returned if there are!
int treewalk_process_file(FileInfo *infile, PerfStat *perf, options o) {
	AppOptions *twp_o = (AppOptions *)o.app_ops;			// Treewalk options

	if(twp_o->quiet) return(0);					// don't want any output, so simply return

	if(!infile || strIsBlank(infile->path)) {
	  fprintf(stderr,"Worker Rank %d: treewalk_process_file() cannot print path. Blank path or no file information\n",o.rank);

	if(!twp_o->verbose)						// No verbose -> just want the path
	else {								// stat info in ls-like format
	  if(infile->exists < 0)					// if exists flag < 0  -> no stat structure
	    printf("[  no stat information! ] %s\n", infile->path);
	  else {							// print the whole enchilada
	    struct tm sttm;
    	    char modebuf[15], timebuf[30];

	    printmode(infile->st.st_mode, modebuf);
 	    memcpy(&sttm, localtime(&infile->st.st_mtime), sizeof(sttm));
	    strftime(timebuf, sizeof(timebuf), "%a %b %d %Y %T", &sttm);

	    printf("%s %6d %6d %21zd %s %s\n", 
			modebuf, infile->st.st_uid, infile->st.st_gid, (size_t) infile->st.st_size, timebuf, infile->path);
Esempio n. 3
* This function populates a CTM (Chunk Transfer Metadata) structure.
* This structure holds infromation as to what chunks of a file have
* been transferred.
* Note that this function manages extended attributes on the
* transferred file, so that the information about what chunks need
* to be transferred, can be maintained through transfer failures.
* @param ctmptr		pointer to a CTM structure to
* 			populate. It is an OUT parameter.
* @param numchunks	a parameter that is looked at
* 			in the case of a new transfer.
* @param chunksize	a parameter that is used in
* 			the case of a new transfer
* @return a positive number if the population of the structure is
* 	completed. Otherwise a negative result is returned. (-1)
* 	means that the ctmptr was invalid. (-ENOTSUP) means that
* 	the xattr entries could not be read.
int populateCTA(CTM *ctmptr, long numchunks, size_t chunksize) {
    ssize_t axist;							// hold the size of the returned chunknum xattr. Acts as a flag
    long anumchunks;						// value of number of chunks from the xattr
    size_t achunksize;						// value of chunk size from the xattr
    size_t arrysz;							// the size of the chunk flag bit array buffer in bytes

    if(!ctmptr || strIsBlank(ctmptr->chnkfname))			// make sure we have a valid structure
    // if xattrs cannot be retieved ...
    if((axist = getxattr(ctmptr->chnkfname, CTA_CHNKNUM_XATTR, (void *)&anumchunks, sizeof(long))) < 0) {
        int syserr = errno;						// preserve errno

        if(syserr == ENOATTR) {					// no xattr for chnknum exists for file
            anumchunks = numchunks;					// use the parameters passed in
            achunksize = chunksize;
            return(-(syserr));						// any other error at this point is not handled
    }								// xattrs exist -> read chunk size
    else if(getxattr(ctmptr->chnkfname, CTA_CHNKSZ_XATTR, (void *)&achunksize, sizeof(size_t)) < 0)
        return(-ENOTSUP);						// error at this point means there are other issue -> return any error

    ctmptr->chnknum = anumchunks;					// now assign number of chunks to CTM structure
    ctmptr->chnksz = achunksize;					// assign chunk size to CTM structure
    if((arrysz=allocateCTMFlags(ctmptr)) <= 0)			// allocate the chunk flag bit array
        return(-1);							//    problems? -> return an error

    if(axist >= 0) {						// if first call to getxattr() >= 0 -> can read the chunk flags
        if(getxattr(ctmptr->chnkfname, CTA_CHNKFLAGS_XATTR, (void *)(ctmptr->chnkflags), arrysz) < 0)
            return(-ENOTSUP);						// error at this point means there are other issue -> return any error

Esempio n. 4
* Converts a string to a size_t. Typically, the
* input string should have "byte units" included in it.
* These "units" are read and used to compute the returned
* size_t.
* Note that on most linux systems, size_t is the type used
* to store file sizes or values associated with files and
* offsets into files.
* @param ss		the input string to be converted
* @return negative size_t if string could not be converted to
*	size_t. The correct size_t is returned if the conversion 
*	was successful.
size_t str2Size(char* ss)
	size_t sizeNoUnits;					// return value
	int     ii;
	int	minusOne = FALSE;				// flag to indicate that string specified as <num><units>-1 (i.e. 20MB-1)
	int     nn;						// length of unprocessed string
#define TMP_STR_MAX	64
	char	tmpStr[TMP_STR_MAX];

	struct unitsTblStruct {
		char*	name;           /* units name */
		size_t	mult;           /* multiplier associated with units */
	static struct unitsTblStruct unitsTbl[] = {
    {"p",    1000L*1000L*1000L*1000L*1000L},
    {"t",    1000L*1000L*1000L*1000L},
    {"g",    1000*1000*1000},
    {"m",    1000*1000},
    {"k",    1000},
    {"P",    1024L*1024L*1024L*1024L*1024L},
  	{"T",    1024L*1024L*1024L*1024L},
    {"G",    1024*1024*1024},
    {"M",    1024*1024},
    {"K",    1024},
    {0,      1},

	if(strIsBlank(ss)) return((size_t)(-1));		// No conversion took place

        strncpy(tmpStr, ss, TMP_STR_MAX);
	nn = strlen(tmpStr);
								// handle "<num><units>-1"
	if (tmpStr[nn-1] == '1' && nn > 1 && tmpStr[nn-2] == '-') {
		tmpStr[nn-2] = 0;
		nn -= 2;
		minusOne = TRUE;
	if (tmpStr[nn-1] == 'B' || tmpStr[nn-1] == 'b') {	// strip off any trailing "B" in units
		tmpStr[nn-1] = 0;
	for (ii=0; unitsTbl[ii].name; ii++) {			// translate unit name
		if (tmpStr[nn - 1] == unitsTbl[ii].name[0]) {
			tmpStr[nn - 1] = 0;
		// Now form the size_t
	errno = 0;						// Clear any previous errors
	sizeNoUnits = (size_t)strtoul(tmpStr,NULL,10);		// convert to a numeric type
	if(errno) return((size_t)(-1));				// Problems converting to numeric format						

	sizeNoUnits *= unitsTbl[ii].mult;			// Multiply by multiplier
	if (minusOne) sizeNoUnits--;
	return (sizeNoUnits);
Esempio n. 5
* This removes a CTM xattrs from a file's metadata entry.
* @param chnkfname	name of the file to test if
* 			xattrs need to be remove.
* @return 0 if file was removed. otherwise a number
* 	 corresponding to errno is returned.
int deleteCTA(const char *chnkfname) {
    int rc = 0;							// return code for function

        return(EINVAL);						// Nothing to delete, because nofile name was given

    if(removexattr(chnkfname, CTA_CHNKNUM_XATTR) < 0)		// remove the xattr for number of chunks
        rc = errno;							// problems? -> assign the rc
    if(removexattr(chnkfname, CTA_CHNKSZ_XATTR) < 0)		// remove the xattr for chunksize
        rc = (!rc)?errno:rc;						// assign only of not previously assigned
    if(removexattr(chnkfname, CTA_CHNKFLAGS_XATTR) < 0)		// remove the xattr for chunk flags
        rc = (!rc)?errno:rc;						// assign only of not previously assigned
Esempio n. 6
* This function stores a CTM structure into extended attributes. Note that
* the field chnkstore is used to allow for CTA_CHNKNUM_XATTR and
* CTA_CHNKSZ_XATTR to be stored only on the first invocation of this
* function. Subsequent calls will only update the chunk flags.
* @param ctmptr		pointer to a CTM structure to
* 			store.
* @return 0 if there are no problems store the structure
* 	information into the xattrs. Otherwise a number corresponding
* 	to errno is returned. It may be a negative value.
int storeCTA(CTM *ctmptr) {
    int rc = 0;							// return code for function
    int n;								// number of bytes written to CTA file

    if(!ctmptr || strIsBlank(ctmptr->chnkfname))
        return(EINVAL);						// Nothing to write, because there is no structure, or it is invalid!

    if(setxattr(ctmptr->chnkfname, CTA_CHNKFLAGS_XATTR, (void *)(ctmptr->chnkflags), SizeofBitArray(ctmptr), 0) < 0)
        rc = errno;
    if(!ctmptr->chnkstore && !rc) {					// if these xattrs have not been stored, store them now
        if(setxattr(ctmptr->chnkfname, CTA_CHNKNUM_XATTR, (void *)&(ctmptr->chnknum), sizeof(long), 0) < 0)
            rc = errno;
        if(!rc && (setxattr(ctmptr->chnkfname, CTA_CHNKSZ_XATTR, (void *)&(ctmptr->chnksz), sizeof(size_t), 0) < 0))
            rc = errno;
        if(!rc) ctmptr->chnkstore = TRUE;				// no errors? -> mark chkstore as done.