Esempio n. 1
BOOL QueryBusStu(CString bus_run_ID, CString student_ID, struct bus_stu *bus_stu)
	CString strSQL;

	strSQL = _T("SELECT * from bus_stu where bus_run_ID='");
	strSQL += bus_run_ID;
	strSQL += _T("' and student_ID='");
	strSQL += student_ID;
	strSQL += _T("'");

	char temp_data[1024]={'\0'};

	sqlite3_stmt *stmt = NULL;
	sqlite3_prepare_v2(pDB, temp_data, strlen(temp_data), &stmt, NULL);

	while(sqlite3_step(stmt)  == SQLITE_ROW){
		char *name = (char *)sqlite3_column_text(stmt, 0);
		CString strBusRunID(name);
		bus_stu->bus_run_ID = strBusRunID;

		name = (char *)sqlite3_column_text(stmt, 1);
		CString strStudentID(name);
		bus_stu->student_ID = strStudentID;

		name = (char *)sqlite3_column_text(stmt, 2);
		CString strUpStationID(name);
		bus_stu->up_station_ID = strUpStationID;

		name = (char *)sqlite3_column_text(stmt, 3);
		CString strUpTime(name);
		bus_stu->up_time = strUpTime;

		name = (char *)sqlite3_column_text(stmt, 4);
		CString strDownStationID(name);
		bus_stu->down_station_ID = strDownStationID;

		name = (char *)sqlite3_column_text(stmt, 5);
		CString strDownTime(name);
		bus_stu->down_time = strDownTime;
	return TRUE;
Esempio n. 2
std::string ASE::QueryLight()
    std::stringstream reply;

    int              iJoinedPlayers = m_pPlayerManager->CountJoined();
    int              iMaxPlayers = m_pMainConfig->GetMaxPlayers();
    SString          strPlayerCount = SString("%d/%d", iJoinedPlayers, iMaxPlayers);
    SString          strBuildType = SString("%d", MTASA_VERSION_TYPE);
    SString          strBuildNumber = SString("%d", MTASA_VERSION_BUILD);
    SFixedString<32> strPingStatusFixed;
    SFixedString<32> strNetRouteFixed;
    SString strPingStatus = (const char*)strPingStatusFixed;
    SString strNetRoute = (const char*)strNetRouteFixed;
    SString strUpTime("%d", (uint)(time(NULL) - m_tStartTime));
    SString strHttpPort("%d", m_pMainConfig->GetHTTPPort());

    uint uiExtraDataLength = (strPlayerCount.length() + 1 + strBuildType.length() + 1 + strBuildNumber.length() + 1 + strPingStatus.length() + 1 +
                              strNetRoute.length() + 1 + strUpTime.length() + 1 + strHttpPort.length() + 1);
    uint uiMaxMapNameLength = 250 - uiExtraDataLength;
    m_strMapName = m_strMapName.Left(uiMaxMapNameLength);

    reply << "EYE2";
    // game
    reply << (unsigned char)4;
    reply << "mta";
    // port
    reply << (unsigned char)(m_strPort.length() + 1);
    reply << m_strPort;
    // server name
    reply << (unsigned char)(m_pMainConfig->GetServerName().length() + 1);
    reply << m_pMainConfig->GetServerName();
    // game type
    reply << (unsigned char)(m_strGameType.length() + 1);
    reply << m_strGameType;
    // map name with backwardly compatible large player count, build type and build number
    reply << (unsigned char)(m_strMapName.length() + 1 + uiExtraDataLength);
    reply << m_strMapName;
    reply << (unsigned char)0;
    reply << strPlayerCount;
    reply << (unsigned char)0;
    reply << strBuildType;
    reply << (unsigned char)0;
    reply << strBuildNumber;
    reply << (unsigned char)0;
    reply << strPingStatus;
    reply << (unsigned char)0;
    reply << strNetRoute;
    reply << (unsigned char)0;
    reply << strUpTime;
    reply << (unsigned char)0;
    reply << strHttpPort;
    // version
    std::string temp = MTA_DM_ASE_VERSION;
    reply << (unsigned char)(temp.length() + 1);
    reply << temp;
    // passworded
    reply << (unsigned char)((m_pMainConfig->HasPassword()) ? 1 : 0);
    // serial verification?
    reply << (unsigned char)((m_pMainConfig->GetSerialVerificationEnabled()) ? 1 : 0);
    // players count
    reply << (unsigned char)std::min(iJoinedPlayers, 255);
    // players max
    reply << (unsigned char)std::min(iMaxPlayers, 255);

    // players
    CPlayer* pPlayer = NULL;

    // Keep the packet under 1350 bytes to try to avoid fragmentation
    int iBytesLeft = 1340 - (int)reply.tellp();
    int iPlayersLeft = iJoinedPlayers;

    list<CPlayer*>::const_iterator pIter = m_pPlayerManager->IterBegin();
    for (; pIter != m_pPlayerManager->IterEnd(); pIter++)
        pPlayer = *pIter;
        if (pPlayer->IsJoined())
            // nick
            std::string strPlayerName = RemoveColorCodes(pPlayer->GetNick());
            if (strPlayerName.length() == 0)
                strPlayerName = pPlayer->GetNick();

            // Check if we can fit more names
            iBytesLeft -= strPlayerName.length() + 1;
            if (iBytesLeft < iPlayersLeft--)
                strPlayerName = "";

            reply << (unsigned char)(strPlayerName.length() + 1);
            reply << strPlayerName.c_str();

    return reply.str();