Esempio n. 1
// gettext(text)
int ModApiClient::l_gettext(lua_State *L)
	std::string text = strgettext(std::string(luaL_checkstring(L, 1)));
	lua_pushstring(L, text.c_str());

	return 1;
void GUIConfirmRegistration::regenerateGui(v2u32 screensize)

		Calculate new sizes and positions
	core::rect<s32> rect(screensize.X / 2 - 600 / 2, screensize.Y / 2 - 360 / 2,
			screensize.X / 2 + 600 / 2, screensize.Y / 2 + 360 / 2);

	DesiredRect = rect;

	v2s32 size = rect.getSize();
	v2s32 topleft_client(0, 0);

	const wchar_t *text;

		Add stuff
	s32 ypos = 30;
		std::string address = m_address;
		if (address.empty())
			address = "localhost";
		core::rect<s32> rect2(0, 0, 540, 180);
		rect2 += topleft_client + v2s32(30, ypos);
		static const std::string info_text_template = strgettext(
				"You are about to join the server at %1$s with the "
				"name \"%2$s\" for the first time. If you proceed, a "
				"new account using your credentials will be created "
				"on this server.\n"
				"Please retype your password and click Register and "
				"Join to confirm account creation or click Cancel to "
		char info_text_buf[1024];
		porting::mt_snprintf(info_text_buf, sizeof(info_text_buf),
				info_text_template.c_str(), address.c_str(),

		wchar_t *info_text_buf_wide = utf8_to_wide_c(info_text_buf);
		gui::IGUIEditBox *e = new gui::intlGUIEditBox(info_text_buf_wide, true,
				Environment, this, ID_message, rect2, false, true);
		delete[] info_text_buf_wide;
		e->setTextAlignment(gui::EGUIA_UPPERLEFT, gui::EGUIA_CENTER);

	ypos += 210;
		core::rect<s32> rect2(0, 0, 540, 30);
		rect2 += topleft_client + v2s32(30, ypos);
		gui::IGUIEditBox *e = Environment->addEditBox(m_pass_confirm.c_str(),
				rect2, true, this, ID_confirmPassword);

	ypos += 60;
		core::rect<s32> rect2(0, 0, 230, 35);
		rect2 = rect2 + v2s32(size.X / 2 - 220, ypos);
		text = wgettext("Register and Join");
		Environment->addButton(rect2, this, ID_confirm, text);
		delete[] text;
		core::rect<s32> rect2(0, 0, 120, 35);
		rect2 = rect2 + v2s32(size.X / 2 + 70, ypos);
		text = wgettext("Cancel");
		Environment->addButton(rect2, this, ID_cancel, text);
		delete[] text;
		core::rect<s32> rect2(0, 0, 200, 20);
		rect2 += topleft_client + v2s32(30, ypos - 40);
		text = wgettext("Passwords do not match!");
		IGUIElement *e = Environment->addStaticText(
				text, rect2, false, true, this, ID_message);
		delete[] text;