Esempio n. 1
void buildFileList()
	TFileHandle hFileHandle;
	TFileIOResult nIoResult;
	string sFileName;
	short nFileSize;
  string sFileSearch = "*.rxe"; // Wildcard to search for any executable file

  FindFirstFile(hFileHandle, nIoResult, sFileSearch, sFileName, nFileSize);
	nNumbOfFiles = 0;
	while (nIoResult == ioRsltSuccess)
    stringDelete(sFileName, strlen(sFileName) - 4, 4); // Trim File Extension
    sFileNames[nNumbOfFiles] = sFileName;
    FindNextFile(hFileHandle, nIoResult, sFileName, nFileSize);
  Close(hFileHandle, nIoResult);
Esempio n. 2
void writeOmikujiFile(const gchar *fname, GList *comments, GList *fortunes)
  OmikujiHeaderV0 header;
  for (gint i = 0; i < 7; i++)
    header.signature.signature[i] = OMIKUJI_SIGNATURE[i];
  header.signature.version = OMIKUJI_VERSION;
  guint32 offset = sizeof(header);

  if (sort || uniqify)
    fortunes = g_list_sort(fortunes, (GCompareFunc)stringCmp);
  if (uniqify) {
    /* Iterate from back to front and compare two entries,
       removing the rearmost entry when stringCmp == 0. */
    gboolean deleteChars = TRUE;
    GList *current, *previous;
    current = g_list_last(fortunes);
    while (current != NULL) {
      previous = g_list_previous(current);
      if (previous != NULL) {
        if (stringCmp(previous->data, current->data) == 0) {
          stringDelete(current->data, &deleteChars);
          fortunes = g_list_delete_link(fortunes, current);
      current = previous;

  if (comments != NULL) {
    header.comment_table_offset = GUINT32_TO_BE(offset);
    header.comment_count = GUINT32_TO_BE(g_list_length(comments));
    offset += g_list_length(comments) * 8;
  else {
    header.comment_table_offset = 0;
    header.comment_count = 0;

  header.fortune_table_offset = GUINT32_TO_BE(offset);
  header.fortune_count = GUINT32_TO_BE(g_list_length(fortunes));
  offset += g_list_length(fortunes) * 8;

   * Rather than figure out all of the glib io channel stuff, I'm
   * using stdio for now.
  FILE *out = fopen(fname, "w");
  if (out) {
    gint i, len;
    guint32 oval;
    fwrite(&header, sizeof(header), 1, out);
    // Write comments offset table.
    if (comments) {
      len = g_list_length(comments);
      for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        GString *comment = g_list_nth_data(comments, i);
        oval = GUINT32_TO_BE(offset);
        fwrite(&oval, sizeof(oval), 1, out);
        oval = GUINT32_TO_BE((comment->len - 1)); // we seem to be getting nul on the end
        fwrite(&oval, sizeof(oval), 1, out);
        offset += (comment->len - 1);

    // Write fortunes offset table.
    len = g_list_length(fortunes);
    for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
      GString *fortune = g_list_nth_data(fortunes, i);
      oval = GUINT32_TO_BE(offset);
      fwrite(&oval, sizeof(oval), 1, out);
      oval = GUINT32_TO_BE((fortune->len - 1));
      fwrite(&oval, sizeof(oval), 1, out);
      offset += (fortune->len - 1);

    // Write the comments
    if (comments) {
      len = g_list_length(comments);
      for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        GString *comment = g_list_nth_data(comments, i);
        fwrite(comment->str, sizeof(gchar), (comment->len - 1), out);

    // Write the fortunes
    len = g_list_length(fortunes);
    for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
      GString *fortune = g_list_nth_data(fortunes, i);
      fwrite(fortune->str, sizeof(gchar), (fortune->len - 1), out);


void genResponse(short cid) {
  short power = motor[motorA];
  float temp = 0.0;
  string tmpString;
  short index = 0;
  ubyte linebuff[20];
  stringFromChars(tmpString, &RS485rxbuffer[0]);
  index = stringFind(tmpString, "/");
  stringDelete(tmpString, 0, index);
  index = stringFind(tmpString, "HTTP");
  stringDelete(tmpString, index, strlen(tmpString));
  writeDebugStreamLine("Request:%s", tmpString);
  displayTextLine(2, "Request: ");
  displayTextLine(3, tmpString);
  if (stringFind(tmpString, "MOTA") > 0) {
    stringDelete(tmpString, 0, 6);
    index = stringFind(tmpString, " ");
  if (index > -1)
      stringDelete(tmpString, index, strlen(tmpString));
    //power = RC_atoix(tmpString);
    power = clip(atoi(tmpString), -100, 100);
    writeDebugStreamLine("Power:%d", power);
  } else {
    writeDebugStreamLine("NO POWER: %s", tmpString);

  while(nxtHS_Status == HS_SENDING) sleep(5);


  index = 0;
  linebuff[0] = 27; // escape;
  linebuff[1] = 'S'; // the CID;
  linebuff[2] = (ubyte)cid + 48; // the CID;
  index = RS485appendToBuff(RS485txbuffer, index, linebuff, 3);
  stringFormat(tmpString, "MotorA=%d\n", power);
  memcpy(linebuff, tmpString, strlen(tmpString));
  index = RS485appendToBuff(RS485txbuffer, index, linebuff, strlen(tmpString));
  DTMPreadTemp(DTMP, temp);
  stringFormat(tmpString, "Temp: %2.2f C", temp);
  memcpy(linebuff, tmpString, strlen(tmpString));
  index = RS485appendToBuff(RS485txbuffer, index, linebuff, strlen(tmpString));
  linebuff[0] = 27; // escape;
  linebuff[1] = 'E'; // the CID;
  index = RS485appendToBuff(RS485txbuffer, index, endmarker, 2);
  RS485write(RS485txbuffer, index);
  if (power != 0) nMotorEncoderTarget[motorA] = 2000;
  motor[motorA] = power;
  if (power > 0)
    SensorType[COLOUR] = sensorColorNxtGREEN;
  else if (power < 0)
    SensorType[COLOUR] = sensorColorNxtBLUE;
  else if (nMotorRunState[motorA] == runStateIdle)
    SensorType[COLOUR] = sensorColorNxtRED;
    SensorType[COLOUR] = sensorColorNxtRED;
  memset(RS485rxbuffer, 0, sizeof(RS485rxbuffer));
  //RS485read(RS485rxbuffer, sizeof(RS485rxbuffer));