int main() { vector<string,allocator> *text_file = retrieve_text(); text_loc *text_locations = separate_words( text_file ); string filt_elems( "\",.;:!?)(" ); filter_text( text_locations->first, filt_elems ); suffix_text( text_locations->first ); strip_caps( text_locations->first ); map<string,loc*,less<string>,allocator> *text_map = build_word_map( text_locations ); query_text( text_file, text_map ); return 0; }
int main() { vector<string,allocator> *text_file = retrieve_text(); text_loc *text_locations = separate_words( text_file ); string filt_elems( "\",.;:!?)(" ); filter_text( text_locations->first, filt_elems ); suffix_text( text_locations->first ); strip_caps( text_locations->first ); ostream_iterator< string > output( cout, "\n" ); cout << "----------- about to generate text read --------------\n"; copy( text_file->begin(), text_file->end(), output ); cout << "-------- about to generate word and location data ----\n"; display_text_locations( text_locations ); return 0; }