Esempio n. 1
int main()
    char line[] = "is textbook was bought from that bookstore";  
    //char line[] = "aaaaaa";
	char *p1, *p2;

	//set p1 to the beginning of string line;
    p1 = line;
	while ( *p1 != '\0' ) //more to check with p1 ) 	
		//set p2 to the position immediately after p1
        p2 = p1+1;
		while ( *(p2+LEN) != '\0') //more to check with p2 )	
			//if a match is found		
            int x = strncmp(p1, p2, LEN);
            if(x == 0)
				goto done;	
			//advance p2 to the next position

		//advance p1 to the next position

done:	printf ("the first substring: %s\n", strnsub(p1, LEN));
	printf ("the second substring: %s\n", strnsub(p2, LEN));

	return 0;
Esempio n. 2
int _CfnTYPE repstr(FILE *fpIn, FILE *fpOut, char *PatternTable[][2])
      char  szBuffer[BUFFERSIZE+1] ;
      char  szTmpBuffer[BUFFERSIZE+1] ;

      long  lFileLength ;
      long  lFilePos = 0 ;

      int   i = 0 ;
      int   iStrLength ;


      memset(szBuffer, '\0', BUFFERSIZE) ;

      iStrLength = fread(szBuffer, BLOKSIZE, 1, fpIn); /* Read first block */

      lFilePos = BLOKSIZE ;

      iStrLength = fread(&szBuffer[BLOKSIZE], BLOKSIZE, 1, fpIn) ;

      lFilePos += BLOKSIZE ;

      while( 0 != iStrLength )
      {     /* WHILE able to read */
            i = 0 ;

            lFilePos += BLOKSIZE ;

            while ( NULL != PatternTable[i][0][0] )
            {     /* For all patterns */
                  while (0 != strnsub(szBuffer, PatternTable[i][0],
                                      PatternTable[i][1], BUFFERSIZE))
                        ;     /* If found replace */
                  i++ ;
            }     /* Replace pattern with replacement */

            fwrite(&szBuffer, strlen(szBuffer) - BLOKSIZE, 1, fpOut) ;

            /* Write szBuffer execept last block */

            fflush(fpOut) ;

            memmove(&szBuffer, &szBuffer[strlen(szBuffer) - BLOKSIZE],
                    BLOKSIZE+1) ;

            memset(&szBuffer[BLOKSIZE], '\0', BLOKSIZE) ;

            iStrLength = fread(&szBuffer[BLOKSIZE], BLOKSIZE, 1, fpIn) ;

            szBuffer[BLOKSIZE + BLOKSIZE] = '\0' ;


      i = 0 ;

      while (PatternTable[i][0][0] != NULL)
      {     /* For all patterns */
            while (0 != strnsub(szBuffer, PatternTable[i][0],
                                PatternTable[i][1], BUFFERSIZE))
            i++ ;

      /* Replace pattern with replacement */

      fwrite(&szBuffer, strlen(szBuffer), 1, fpOut) ;

      /* Write buffer */

      lFilePos += strlen(&szBuffer[BLOKSIZE]) ;

      return(0) ;
Esempio n. 3
//! @param[in] loc
//! @param[in] str
//! @return EUCA_OK on success or EUCA_ERROR on failure
//! @pre
//! @post
int parse_img_spec(img_loc * loc, const char *str)
#define _SIZE        512

    int i = 0;
    int status = 0;
    int bufLen = 0;
    char *t = NULL;
    char *ex = NULL;
    char *pt = NULL;
    char s[1] = "";
    char port[_SIZE] = "";
    char low[_SIZE] = "";
    char path[SIZE] = "";
    regex_t re = { 0 };
    regmatch_t pmatch[8] = { {0} };

    bzero(loc, sizeof(img_loc));       // so all strings are null-terminated

    for (i = 0; i < _SIZE && i < strlen(str); i++) {
        low[i] = tolower(str[i]);

    if (!strncmp(low, "http://", 7) || !strncmp(low, "https://", 8)) {
        if (strstr(str, "services/objectstorage")) {
            loc->type = OBJECTSTORAGE;
            euca_strncpy(loc->url, str, sizeof(loc->url));
        } else if (strstr(str, "dcPath=")) {
            // EXAMPLE:
            ex = "^[Hh][Tt][Tt][Pp][Ss]?://([^/]+)/([^\\?]+)\\?dcPath=([^&]+)&dsName=(.*)$";
            if (regcomp(&re, ex, REG_EXTENDED) != 0) {
                LOGERROR("failed to compile regular expression for vSphere URL: %s\n", ex);
                return EUCA_ERROR;

            status = regexec(&re, str, (size_t) 5, pmatch, 0);
            if (status != 0) {
                LOGERROR("failed to match the syntax of vSphere URL (%s)\nwith regular expression %s\n", str, ex);
                return EUCA_ERROR;

            if (re.re_nsub != 4) {
                LOGERROR("unexpected number of matched elements in %s\n", ex);
                return EUCA_ERROR;
            loc->type = VSPHERE;

            euca_strncpy(loc->url, str, sizeof(loc->url));
            strnsub(loc->host, str, pmatch[1].rm_so, pmatch[1].rm_eo, sizeof(loc->host));
            strnsub(path, str, pmatch[2].rm_so, pmatch[2].rm_eo, sizeof(loc->path));
            strnsub(loc->vsphere_dc, str, pmatch[3].rm_so, pmatch[3].rm_eo, sizeof(loc->vsphere_dc));
            strnsub(loc->vsphere_ds, str, pmatch[4].rm_so, pmatch[4].rm_eo, sizeof(loc->vsphere_ds));

            // extract path, split into directory and filename
            loc->dir[0] = '\0';
            loc->file[0] = '\0';
            loc->path[0] = '\0';
            t = strtok(path, "/");
            if (t == NULL || strcmp(t, "folder") != 0) {
                LOGERROR("failed to parse path in URL (must begin with 'folder'): %s...\n", path);
                return EUCA_ERROR;

            bufLen = sizeof(loc->dir) - 1;
            while ((t = strtok(NULL, "/")) != NULL) {
                if (pt) {
                    if (loc->dir[0] != '\0') {
                        strncat(loc->dir, "/", (sizeof(loc->dir) - strlen(loc->dir) - 1));
                    strncat(loc->dir, pt, (sizeof(loc->dir) - strlen(loc->dir) - 1));
                pt = t;

            if (pt) {
                strncat(loc->file, pt, (sizeof(loc->file) - strlen(loc->file) - 1));

            if (loc->dir[0] == '\0') {
                euca_strncpy(loc->path, loc->file, sizeof(loc->path));
            } else {
                snprintf(loc->path, sizeof(loc->path), "%s/%s", loc->dir, loc->file);

            LOGDEBUG("re_nsub=%ld host=%s path='%s' ('%s' + '%s') dc=%s ds=%s\n", re.re_nsub, loc->host, loc->path, loc->dir, loc->file, loc->vsphere_dc, loc->vsphere_ds);
        } else {
            loc->type = HTTP;

            // EXAMPLE:
            ex = "^[Hh][Tt][Tt][Pp]([Ss])?://([^/^:]+)(:([0-9]+))?(/[^\\?]+)?(\\?(.*))?$";
            if (regcomp(&re, ex, REG_EXTENDED) != 0) {
                LOGERROR("failed to compile regular expression for URL: %s\n", ex);
                return EUCA_ERROR;

            status = regexec(&re, str, (size_t) 8, pmatch, 0);
            if (status != 0) {
                LOGERROR("failed to match the syntax of URL (%s)\nwith regular expression %s\n", str, ex);
                return EUCA_ERROR;

            if (re.re_nsub != 7) {
                LOGERROR("unexpected number of matched elements in %s\n", ex);
                return EUCA_ERROR;

            bzero(port, sizeof(port));
            strnsub(s, str, pmatch[1].rm_so, pmatch[1].rm_eo, sizeof(s));
            if (s[0] == 's')
                loc->type = HTTPS;

            euca_strncpy(loc->url, str, sizeof(loc->url));
            strnsub(loc->host, str, pmatch[2].rm_so, pmatch[2].rm_eo, sizeof(loc->host));
            strnsub(port, str, pmatch[4].rm_so, pmatch[4].rm_eo, sizeof(port) - 1);

            loc->port = atoi(port);
            strnsub(loc->path, str, pmatch[5].rm_so, pmatch[5].rm_eo, sizeof(loc->path));
            strnsub(loc->params, str, pmatch[7].rm_so, pmatch[7].rm_eo, sizeof(loc->params));
    } else {
        loc->type = PATH;
        euca_strncpy(loc->path, str, sizeof(loc->path));

    return EUCA_OK;

#undef _SIZE