isotopes_t *load_isotope_table(char *filename) { char *line, *line_split; char *columns[6]; char **col; char *name=calloc(MAX_ELEMENT_NAME,sizeof(char)); FILE *in_file=fopen(filename, "r"); if(!in_file) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not load isotope table from file %s\n", filename); return NULL; } line=malloc(sizeof(char)*MASSES_LINE_LENGTH); if(!line) return NULL; isotopes_t *isotopes=malloc(sizeof(isotopes_t)); if(!isotopes) return NULL; isotopes->n_isotopes=0; isotopes->i = malloc(sizeof(isotope_t)*MASSES_MAX_ISOTOPES); if(!isotopes->i) return NULL; while(fgets(line, MASSES_LINE_LENGTH, in_file) != NULL) { line_split=line; /* strsep will screw up line_split, reset for every new line */ for (col = columns; (*col = strsep(&line_split, " \t")) != NULL;) if (**col != '\0') if (++col >= &columns[6]) break; snprintf(name, MAX_ELEMENT_NAME, "%i-%s", (int)strtol(columns[2], NULL, 10), columns[3]); add_isotope_to_table(isotopes, strtoimax(columns[1], NULL, 10), strtoimax(columns[0], NULL, 10), strtoimax(columns[2], NULL, 10), name, strtod(columns[4], NULL)/1e6, strtod(columns[5], NULL)/1e2); } fclose(in_file); return isotopes; }
static void slow_get_thread_bounds (guint8 *current, guint8 **staddr, size_t *stsize) { char buff [1024]; FILE *f = fopen ("/proc/self/maps", "r"); if (!f) g_error ("Could not determine thread bounds, failed to open /proc/self/maps"); while (fgets (buff, sizeof (buff), f)) { intmax_t low, high; char *ptr = buff; char *end = NULL; //each line starts with the range we want: f7648000-f7709000 low = strtoimax (ptr, &end, 16); if (end) { ptr = end + 1; //skip the dash to make sure we don't get a negative number end = NULL; high = strtoimax (ptr, &end, 16); } if (end && low <= (intmax_t)(size_t)current && high > (intmax_t)(size_t)current) { *staddr = (guint8 *)(size_t)low; *stsize = (size_t)(high - low); fclose (f); return; } } g_error ("Could not determine thread bounds, failed to find current stack pointer in /proc/self/maps"); }
/* * Parse a range specification */ static int parse_range(const char *spec, struct range *range) { const char *delim; char *end; /* @ means invert the range */ if (*spec == '@') { ++spec; range->inverted = 1; } else { range->inverted = 0; } /* empty spec... */ if (*spec == '\0') return (-1); if ((delim = strchr(spec, ':')) != NULL) { /* * The Nagios plugin documentation says nothing about how * to interpret ":N", so we disallow it. Allowed forms * are "~:N", "~:", "M:" and "M:N". */ if (delim - spec == 1 && *spec == '~') { range->lo = INTMAX_MIN; } else { range->lo = strtoimax(spec, &end, 10); if (end != delim) return (-1); } if (*(delim + 1) != '\0') { range->hi = strtoimax(delim + 1, &end, 10); if (*end != '\0') return (-1); } else { range->hi = INTMAX_MAX; } } else { /* * Allowed forms are N */ range->lo = 0; range->hi = strtol(spec, &end, 10); if (*end != '\0') return (-1); } /* * Sanity */ if (range->lo > range->hi) return (-1); range->defined = 1; return (0); }
TEST(inttypes, strtoimax_EINVAL) { errno = 0; strtoimax("123", NULL, -1); ASSERT_EQ(EINVAL, errno); errno = 0; strtoimax("123", NULL, 1); ASSERT_EQ(EINVAL, errno); errno = 0; strtoimax("123", NULL, 37); ASSERT_EQ(EINVAL, errno); }
char * parseIt(char * text) { char * target; if (!strstr(text, "\\x")) { target = strdup(text); return target; } char * hex = "0123456789abcdef"; target = malloc(strlen(text) + 1); char * start = text; char * end = text; while (end = strstr(start, "\\x")) { unsigned char text[3] = {0}; unsigned char value[2] = {0}; strncat(target, start, end - start); text[0] = end[2]; text[1] = end[3]; value[0] = strtoimax(text, NULL, 10); strcat(target, value); // strncat(target, start, end - start); start = end + 4; } strcat(target, start); return target; }
bool Nibbler::getInt (int& result) { auto i = _cursor; if (i < _length) { if ((*_input)[i] == '-') ++i; else if ((*_input)[i] == '+') ++i; } // TODO Potential for use of find_first_not_of while (i < _length && Lexer::isDigit ((*_input)[i])) ++i; if (i > _cursor) { result = strtoimax (_input->substr (_cursor, i - _cursor).c_str (), NULL, 10); _cursor = i; return true; } return false; }
int processArguments(int argc, char* argv[]) { int i; u_int temp; for(i=1; i<argc; i++) { if(strcmp(argv[i],"-h")==0) { printHelp(argv[0],false); return true; } if(strcmp(argv[i],"-p")==0) { temp = strtoimax(argv[++i], NULL, 10); if(temp == 0 || temp < MINPORT || temp > MAXPORT) { printHelp(argv[0],true,"Port out of range\n"); return false; } port = temp; } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"-d")==0) { strncpy(baseDir,argv[++i],254); } else if(strstr(argv[i],"-v")!=NULL) { debugLevel = strlen(argv[i])-1; } else { printHelp(argv[0],true,"Unkown option\n"); return false; } } debug(2,"%s","Configuraciones:"); debug(2,"Puerto:\t\t%u",port); debug(2,"Base Directory:\t%s",baseDir); return true; }
bool Nibbler::getHex (int& result) { std::string::size_type i = mCursor; if (i < mLength) { if (mInput[i] == '-') ++i; else if (mInput[i] == '+') ++i; } // TODO Potential for use of find_first_not_of while (i < mLength && isxdigit (mInput[i])) ++i; if (i > mCursor) { result = strtoimax (mInput.substr (mCursor, i - mCursor).c_str (), NULL, 16); mCursor = i; return true; } return false; }
const int Config::getInteger (const std::string& key) { if ((*this).find (key) != (*this).end ()) return strtoimax ((*this)[key].c_str (), NULL, 10); return 0; }
static int l_filter_reject_code(lua_State *L) { uint64_t id; const char *s_id; uint32_t action; uint32_t code; const char *line; if (lua_gettop(L) != 4) return (0); s_id = luaL_checklstring(L, 1, NULL); id = strtoimax(s_id, (char **)NULL, 10); action = luaL_checkinteger(L, 2); code = luaL_checkinteger(L, 3); line = luaL_checklstring(L, 4, NULL); switch (action) { case FILTER_FAIL: case FILTER_CLOSE: filter_api_reject_code(id, action, code, line); break; } return (0); }
int main(int args, char* arg_v[]){ if (args != 2) { printf("Usage: ./CLRS index_of_fibonacci\n"); return 0; } char *endptr; int index = strtoimax(arg_v[1], &endptr, 10); if (*endptr != '\0') { printf("Usage: ./CLRS index_of_fibonacci\n\n"); printf(" index_of_fibonacci need to be a number.[%s]\n", endptr); return 0; } #if defined(__LP64__) || defined(_WIN64) // LP64 machine, OS X or Linux if (index > 93) { printf("ERROR: fib(%d) is larger than UINT64_MAX \n", index); return 0; } #else // 32-bit machine, Windows or Linux or OS X if (index > 47) { printf("ERROR: fib(%d) is larger than UINT32_MAX \n", index); return 0; } #endif doFibonacci_matrix(index); return 0; }
int64_t sysfs_value_read(char *path) { char buffer[100]; int64_t value; int fd = -1; int rc; if (path == NULL) return -1; fd = open(path, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) goto error; rc = read(fd, &buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if (rc <= 0) goto error; value = (int64_t)strtoimax(buffer, NULL, 10); goto complete; error: value = -1; complete: if (fd >= 0) close(fd); return value; }
static void read_negative_num (FILE *fp, intmax_t min_val, intmax_t *pval) { int c; size_t i; char buf[INT_BUFSIZE_BOUND (intmax_t)]; char *ep; buf[0] = '-'; for (i = 1; ISDIGIT (c = getc (fp)); i++) { if (i == sizeof buf - 1) FATAL_ERROR ((0, 0, _("Field too long while reading snapshot file"))); buf[i] = c; } if (c < 0) { if (ferror (fp)) FATAL_ERROR ((0, errno, _("Read error in snapshot file"))); else FATAL_ERROR ((0, 0, _("Unexpected EOF in snapshot file"))); } buf[i] = 0; errno = 0; *pval = strtoimax (buf, &ep, 10); if (c || errno || *pval < min_val) FATAL_ERROR ((0, errno, _("Unexpected field value in snapshot file"))); }
static bool decompose_filename(const char *filename, struct partqueue *pq) { const char *p; char *q; if (strspn(filename, "0123456789abcdef") != MD5HASHLEN || filename[MD5HASHLEN] != '.') return false; q = nfmalloc(MD5HASHLEN + 1); memcpy(q, filename, MD5HASHLEN); q[MD5HASHLEN] = '\0'; pq->info.md5sum= q; p = filename + MD5HASHLEN + 1; pq->info.maxpartlen = strtoimax(p, &q, 16); if (q == p || *q++ != '.') return false; p = q; pq->info.thispartn = (int)strtol(p, &q, 16); if (q == p || *q++ != '.') return false; p = q; pq->info.maxpartn = (int)strtol(p, &q, 16); if (q == p || *q) return false; return true; }
int parse_simple(char *start, char *end, Atom *result) { char *p; int value = strtoimax(start, &p, 10); /*it is integer*/ if(p == end) { result->type = ATOM_INTEGER; result->value.integer = value; //return true; return ERROR_OK; } /*nil or symbol*/ char *buf = malloc(end - start + 1); p = buf; while(start != end) { *p++= *start++; } *p = '\0'; /*convert to uppercase*/ convertToUpperCase(buf); if(strcmp(buf, "NIL") == 0) *result = nil; else *result = make_symbol(buf); free(buf); return ERROR_OK; }
/* * Convert a string into an integer of type intmax_t. Alow trailing spaces. */ intmax_t atomax(const char *s, int base) { char *p; intmax_t r; errno = 0; r = strtoimax(s, &p, base); if (errno != 0) badnum(s); /* * Disallow completely blank strings in non-arithmetic (base != 0) * contexts. */ if (p == s && base) badnum(s); while (isspace((unsigned char)*p)) p++; if (*p) badnum(s); return r; }
/** * Get the specified numerical config value, subject to limits. */ intmax_t r_init_confval(struct ndnr_handle *h, const char *key, intmax_t lo, intmax_t hi, intmax_t deflt) { const char *s; intmax_t v; char *ep; if (!(lo <= deflt && deflt <= hi)) abort(); s = getenv(key); if (s != NULL && s[0] != 0) { ep = "x"; v = strtoimax(s, &ep, 10); if (v != 0 || ep[0] == 0) { if (v > hi) v = hi; if (v < lo) v = lo; if (NDNSHOULDLOG(h, mmm, NDNL_FINEST)) ndnr_msg(h, "Using %s=%jd", key, v); return(v); } } return (deflt); }
intmax_t strtosysint (char const *arg, char **arglim, intmax_t minval, uintmax_t maxval) { errno = 0; if (maxval <= INTMAX_MAX) { if (ISDIGIT (arg[*arg == '-'])) { intmax_t i = strtoimax (arg, arglim, 10); intmax_t imaxval = maxval; if (minval <= i && i <= imaxval) return i; errno = ERANGE; return i < minval ? minval : maxval; } } else { if (ISDIGIT (*arg)) { uintmax_t i = strtoumax (arg, arglim, 10); if (i <= maxval) return represent_uintmax (i); errno = ERANGE; return maxval; } } errno = EINVAL; return 0; }
intmax_t get_arg(char *argv[], int pos) { intmax_t val = strtoimax(argv[pos], NULL, 10); if (errno == EINVAL || errno == ERANGE) { usage(argv, pos); } return val; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int ch; FILE *fp; int first, linecnt = -1, eval = 0; off_t bytecnt = -1; char *ep; obsolete(argv); while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "n:c:")) != -1) switch(ch) { case 'c': bytecnt = strtoimax(optarg, &ep, 10); if (*ep || bytecnt <= 0) errx(1, "illegal byte count -- %s", optarg); break; case 'n': linecnt = strtol(optarg, &ep, 10); if (*ep || linecnt <= 0) errx(1, "illegal line count -- %s", optarg); break; case '?': default: usage(); } argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (linecnt != -1 && bytecnt != -1) errx(1, "can't combine line and byte counts"); if (linecnt == -1 ) linecnt = 10; if (*argv) { for (first = 1; *argv; ++argv) { if ((fp = fopen(*argv, "r")) == NULL) { warn("%s", *argv); eval = 1; continue; } if (argc > 1) { (void)printf("%s==> %s <==\n", first ? "" : "\n", *argv); first = 0; } if (bytecnt == -1) head(fp, linecnt); else head_bytes(fp, bytecnt); (void)fclose(fp); } } else if (bytecnt == -1) head(stdin, linecnt); else head_bytes(stdin, bytecnt); exit(eval); }
static void _xml_end_cb(void *data, const char *el) { XML_Parser p; p = data; if (!strcmp(el, "ic")) { if (_cur_ic == NULL) errx(1, "bogus IC end tag at line %jd", (intmax_t) XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(p)); STAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&_iclist, _cur_ic, next); _cur_ic = NULL; } else if (!strcmp(el, "tp")) { if (_cur_tp == NULL) errx(1, "bogus TP end tag at line %jd", (intmax_t) XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(p)); assert(_cur_ic != NULL); _test_cnt++; _cur_tp->testnum = _test_cnt; STAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&_cur_ic->tplist, _cur_tp, next); _cur_ic->tpcnt++; _cur_tp = NULL; } else if (!strcmp(el, "vc")) { if (_cur_vc == NULL) errx(1, "bogus VC end tag at line %jd", (intmax_t) XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(p)); if (_xml_data_pos == 0 && _cur_vc->vt != _VTYPE_STRING) errx(1, "VC element without value defined at line %jd", (intmax_t) XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(p)); _xml_data[_xml_data_pos] = '\0'; switch (_cur_vc->vt) { case _VTYPE_INT: _cur_vc->v.i64 = strtoimax(_xml_data, NULL, 0); break; case _VTYPE_UINT: _cur_vc->v.u64 = strtoumax(_xml_data, NULL, 0); break; case _VTYPE_STRING: _cur_vc->v.str = strdup(_xml_data); if (_cur_vc->v.str == NULL) err(1, "strdup"); break; case _VTYPE_BLOCK: driver_base64_decode(_xml_data, _xml_data_pos, &_cur_vc->, &_cur_vc->v.b.len); break; default: assert(0); break; } _xml_data_pos = 0; assert(_cur_tp != NULL); STAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&_cur_tp->vclist, _cur_vc, next); _cur_vc = NULL; } }
int processArguments(int argc, char* argv[]) { int i; u_int temp; if(argc < 3) { printHelp(argv[0],true,"Faltan Argumentos\n"); return false; } if(strcmp(argv[1],"-r")==0){ mode = SERVER; } else if(strcmp(argv[1],"-t")==0) { mode = CLIENT; } else { printHelp(argv[0],true,"Unkown Mode\n"); return false; } for(i=2; i<(argc-1); i++) { if(strcmp(argv[i],"-h")==0) { printHelp(argv[0],false); return true; } if(strcmp(argv[i],"-p")==0) { temp = strtoimax(argv[++i], NULL, 10); if(temp == 0 || temp < MINPORT || temp > MAXPORT) { printHelp(argv[0],true,"Port out of range\n"); return false; } port = temp; } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"-d")==0) { stpncpy(ip_dst,argv[++i],18); } else if(strstr(argv[i],"-v")!=NULL) { debugLevel = strlen(argv[i])-1; } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"-i")==0) { stpncpy(ip_listen,argv[++i],18); } else { printHelp(argv[0],true,"Unkown option\n"); return false; } } stpncpy(filename,argv[i],254); debug(2,"%s","\tConfiguraciones:"); if(mode == SERVER) { debug(2,"\t\tModo:\t%s","Servidor"); debug(2,"\t\tListen on:\t%s:%u",ip_listen,port); } else if (mode == CLIENT) { debug(2,"\t\tModo:\t%s","Cliente"); debug(2,"\t\tDestino:\t%s:%u",ip_dst,port); } debug(2,"\t\tFileName:\t%s",filename); return true; }
void str_to_uint16(char *str, uint16_t *res, uint8_t base) { char *end; errno = 0; intmax_t val = strtoimax(str, &end, base); if (errno == ERANGE || val < 0 || val > UINT16_MAX || end == str || *end != '\0') return; *res = (uint16_t) val; }
static int str_to_uint16(const char *str, uint16_t *res) { char *end; errno = 0; intmax_t val = strtoimax(str, &end, 10); if (errno == ERANGE || val < 0 || val > UINT16_MAX || end == str || *end != '\0') return 0; *res = (uint16_t) val; return 1; }
static int netlink_init_interfaces_list(void) { int ret = -1; DIR *netdir; struct dirent *de; char path[SYSFS_PATH_MAX]; interface_info_t *intfinfo; int index; FILE *ifidx; #define MAX_FGETS_LEN 4 char idx[MAX_FGETS_LEN+1]; if ((netdir = opendir(SYSFS_CLASS_NET)) != NULL) { while ((de = readdir(netdir))) { if ((!strcmp(de->d_name, ".")) || (!strcmp(de->d_name, "..")) ||(!strcmp(de->d_name, "lo")) || (!strcmp(de->d_name, "wmaster0")) || (!strcmp(de->d_name, "pan0"))) continue; snprintf(path, SYSFS_PATH_MAX,"%s/%s/phy80211", SYSFS_CLASS_NET, de->d_name); if (!access(path, F_OK)) continue; snprintf(path, SYSFS_PATH_MAX,"%s/%s/wireless", SYSFS_CLASS_NET, de->d_name); if (!access(path, F_OK)) continue; snprintf(path, SYSFS_PATH_MAX,"%s/%s/ifindex", SYSFS_CLASS_NET, de->d_name); if ((ifidx = fopen(path, "r")) != NULL) { memset(idx, 0, MAX_FGETS_LEN+1); if (fgets(idx,MAX_FGETS_LEN, ifidx) != NULL) { index = strtoimax(idx, NULL, 10); } else { LOGE("Can not read %s", path); continue; } } else { LOGE("Can not open %s for read", path); continue; } /* make some room! */ intfinfo = (interface_info_t *)malloc(sizeof(interface_info_t)); if (intfinfo == NULL) { LOGE("malloc in netlink_init_interfaces_table"); goto error; } /* copy the interface name (eth0, eth1, ...) */ intfinfo->name = strndup((char *) de->d_name, SYSFS_PATH_MAX); intfinfo->i = index; LOGI("interface %s:%d found", intfinfo->name, intfinfo->i); add_int_to_list(intfinfo); } closedir(netdir); } ret = 0; error: return ret; }
static inline int ini_process_short(const char* curr_name, const char* value, const char* option_name, short* target, ini_value_list_type* value_names) { if(strcasecmp(curr_name, option_name) == 0) { if (strcasecmp(value, "default") != 0) { int named_value = ini_get_named_value(value, value_names); *target = (named_value == INI_NO_VALID_NAME) ? ((short) strtoimax(value, NULL, 0)) : ((short) named_value); } return 1; // finished; don't look for more possible options that curr_name can be } return 0; // not the right option; should check another option_name }
int main() { { int8_t i1 = 0; int16_t i2 = 0; int32_t i3 = 0; int64_t i4 = 0; } { uint8_t i1 = 0; uint16_t i2 = 0; uint32_t i3 = 0; uint64_t i4 = 0; } { int_least8_t i1 = 0; int_least16_t i2 = 0; int_least32_t i3 = 0; int_least64_t i4 = 0; } { uint_least8_t i1 = 0; uint_least16_t i2 = 0; uint_least32_t i3 = 0; uint_least64_t i4 = 0; } { int_fast8_t i1 = 0; int_fast16_t i2 = 0; int_fast32_t i3 = 0; int_fast64_t i4 = 0; } { uint_fast8_t i1 = 0; uint_fast16_t i2 = 0; uint_fast32_t i3 = 0; uint_fast64_t i4 = 0; } { intptr_t i1 = 0; uintptr_t i2 = 0; intmax_t i3 = 0; uintmax_t i4 = 0; } { imaxdiv_t i1 = {0}; } intmax_t i = 0; static_assert((std::is_same<decltype(imaxabs(i)), intmax_t>::value), ""); static_assert((std::is_same<decltype(imaxdiv(i, i)), imaxdiv_t>::value), ""); static_assert((std::is_same<decltype(strtoimax("", (char**)0, 0)), intmax_t>::value), ""); static_assert((std::is_same<decltype(strtoumax("", (char**)0, 0)), uintmax_t>::value), ""); static_assert((std::is_same<decltype(wcstoimax(L"", (wchar_t**)0, 0)), intmax_t>::value), ""); static_assert((std::is_same<decltype(wcstoumax(L"", (wchar_t**)0, 0)), uintmax_t>::value), ""); }
status_t IntegerValueFormatter::_ValidateSigned(const BString& input, type_code type, ::Value*& _output, bool wantsValue) const { const char* text = input.String(); char *parseEnd = NULL; intmax_t parsedValue = strtoimax(text, &parseEnd, 10); if (parseEnd - text < input.Length() && !isspace(*parseEnd)) return B_NO_MEMORY; BVariant newValue; switch (type) { case B_INT8_TYPE: { if (parsedValue < INT8_MIN || parsedValue > INT8_MAX) return B_BAD_VALUE; newValue.SetTo((int8)parsedValue); break; } case B_INT16_TYPE: { if (parsedValue < INT16_MIN || parsedValue > INT16_MAX) return B_BAD_VALUE; newValue.SetTo((int16)parsedValue); break; } case B_INT32_TYPE: { if (parsedValue < INT32_MIN || parsedValue > INT32_MAX) return B_BAD_VALUE; newValue.SetTo((int32)parsedValue); break; } case B_INT64_TYPE: { newValue.SetTo((int64)parsedValue); break; } default: return B_BAD_VALUE; } if (wantsValue) { _output = new(std::nothrow) IntegerValue(newValue); if (_output == NULL) return B_NO_MEMORY; } return B_OK; }
static bool _strtoimax(const char *str, int base, intmax_t *out) { char *endptr = NULL; errno = 0; intmax_t ret = strtoimax(str, &endptr, base); if (errno != 0) return false; if (*endptr != '\0') { errno = EINVAL; return false; } *out = ret; return true; }
/* * Convert an expression of the following forms to a int64_t. * 1) A positive decimal number. * 2) A positive decimal number followed by a 'b' or 'B' (mult by 1). * 3) A positive decimal number followed by a 'k' or 'K' (mult by 1 << 10). * 4) A positive decimal number followed by a 'm' or 'M' (mult by 1 << 20). * 5) A positive decimal number followed by a 'g' or 'G' (mult by 1 << 30). * 6) A positive decimal number followed by a 't' or 'T' (mult by 1 << 40). * 7) A positive decimal number followed by a 'p' or 'P' (mult by 1 << 50). * 8) A positive decimal number followed by a 'e' or 'E' (mult by 1 << 60). */ int expand_number(const char *buf, int64_t *num) { static const char unit[] = "bkmgtpe"; char *endptr, s; int64_t number; int i; number = strtoimax(buf, &endptr, 0); if (endptr == buf) { /* No valid digits. */ errno = EINVAL; return (-1); } if (*endptr == '\0') { /* No unit. */ *num = number; return (0); } s = tolower(*endptr); switch (s) { case 'b': case 'k': case 'm': case 'g': case 't': case 'p': case 'e': break; default: /* Unrecognized unit. */ errno = EINVAL; return (-1); } for (i = 0; unit[i] != '\0'; i++) { if (s == unit[i]) break; if ((number < 0 && (number << 10) > number) || (number >= 0 && (number << 10) < number)) { errno = ERANGE; return (-1); } number <<= 10; } *num = number; return (0); }