Esempio n. 1
void GuiRoadEditorCtrl::deleteSelectedNode()
   if ( !mSelRoad || mSelNode == -1 )
   // If the road has only two nodes remaining,
   // delete the whole road.
   if ( mSelRoad->mNodes.size() <= 2 )
      // Only submit undo if we weren't in AddMode
      if ( mMode != mAddNodeMode )
         submitUndo( "Delete Node" );

      // Delete the SelectedNode of the SelectedRoad
      mIsDirty = true;

      // We deleted the Node but not the Road (it has nodes left)
      // so decrement the currently selected node.
      if ( mSelRoad->mNodes.size() <= mSelNode )
Esempio n. 2
void GuiRoadEditorCtrl::on3DMouseDragged(const Gui3DMouseEvent & event)
   // Drags are only used to transform nodes
   if ( !mSelRoad || mSelNode == -1 ||
      ( mMode != mMovePointMode && mMode != mScalePointMode ) )

   if ( !mSavedDrag )
      submitUndo( "Modify Node" );
      mSavedDrag = true;

   if ( mMode == mScalePointMode )
      Point3F tPos;
      if ( !getTerrainPos( event, tPos ) )

      if ( mStartWidth == -1.0f )
         mStartWidth = mSelRoad->mNodes[mSelNode].width;
         mStartX = event.mousePoint.x;
         mStartWorld = tPos;

      S32 deltaScreenX = event.mousePoint.x - mStartX;
      F32 worldDist = ( event.pos - mStartWorld ).len();      

      F32 deltaWorldX = ( deltaScreenX * worldDist ) / getWorldToScreenScale().y;

      F32 width = mStartWidth + deltaWorldX;      

      mSelRoad->setNodeWidth( mSelNode, width );
      mIsDirty = true;
   else if( mMode == mMovePointMode ) 
      Point3F tPos;
      if ( !getTerrainPos( event, tPos ) )

      mSelRoad->setNodePosition( mSelNode, tPos );
      mIsDirty = true;

   Con::executef( this, "onNodeModified", Con::getIntArg(mSelNode) );
void GuiRiverEditorCtrl::deleteSelectedNode()
   if ( !mSelRiver || mSelNode == -1 )
   // If the River has only two nodes remaining,
   // delete the whole River.
   if ( mSelRiver->mNodes.size() <= 2 )
      deleteSelectedRiver( mMode != mAddNodeMode );
      if ( mMode != mAddNodeMode )
         submitUndo( "Delete Node" );

      // Delete the SelectedNode of the SelectedRiver
      mIsDirty = true;

      // We deleted the Node but not the River (it has nodes left)
      // so decrement the currently selected node.
      if ( mSelRiver->mNodes.size() <= mSelNode )
         setSelectedNode( mSelNode - 1 );
         // force gizmo to update to the selected nodes position
         // the index didn't change but the node it refers to did.
         U32 i = mSelNode;
         mSelNode = -1;
         setSelectedNode( i );

   // If you were in addNodeMode, 
   // deleting a node should ends it.
   //mMode = smNormalMode;
Esempio n. 4
void GuiRoadEditorCtrl::on3DMouseDown(const Gui3DMouseEvent & event)
   if ( !isFirstResponder() )

   // Get the clicked terrain position.
   Point3F tPos;
   if ( !getTerrainPos( event, tPos ) )


   // Find any road / node at the clicked position.
   // TODO: handle overlapping roads/nodes somehow, cycle through them.
   DecalRoad *roadPtr = NULL;
   S32 closestNodeIdx = -1;
   F32 closestDist = F32_MAX;
   DecalRoad *closestNodeRoad = NULL;

   // First, find the closest node in any road to the clicked position.
   for ( SimSetIterator iter(mRoadSet); *iter; ++iter )
      roadPtr = static_cast<DecalRoad*>( *iter );
      U32 idx;
      if ( roadPtr->getClosestNode( tPos, idx ) )
         Point3F nodePos = roadPtr->getNodePosition(idx);
         F32 dist = ( nodePos - tPos ).len();
         if ( dist < closestDist )
            closestNodeIdx = idx;
            closestDist = dist;
            closestNodeRoad = roadPtr;

   // Second, determine if the screen-space node rectangle
   // contains the clicked position.

   bool nodeClicked = false;
   S32 clickedNodeIdx = -1;

   if ( closestNodeIdx != -1 )
      Point3F nodePos = closestNodeRoad->getNodePosition( closestNodeIdx );

      Point3F temp;
      project( nodePos, &temp );
      Point2I screenPos( temp.x, temp.y );

      RectI nodeRect( screenPos - mNodeHalfSize, mNodeHalfSize * 2 );
      nodeClicked = nodeRect.pointInRect( event.mousePoint );
      if ( nodeClicked )
         clickedNodeIdx = closestNodeIdx;

   // Determine the clickedRoad
   DecalRoad *clickedRoadPtr = NULL;
   U32 insertNodeIdx = 0;

   if ( nodeClicked && (mSelRoad == NULL || closestNodeRoad == mSelRoad) )
      // If a node was clicked, the owning road is always
      // considered the clicked road.
      clickedRoadPtr = closestNodeRoad;
      // check the selected road first
      if ( mSelRoad != NULL && mSelRoad->containsPoint( tPos, &insertNodeIdx ) )
         clickedRoadPtr = mSelRoad;
         nodeClicked = false;
         clickedNodeIdx = -1;
         // Otherwise, we must ask each road if it contains
         // the clicked pos.
         for ( SimSetIterator iter(mRoadSet); *iter; ++iter )
            roadPtr = static_cast<DecalRoad*>( *iter );
            if ( roadPtr->containsPoint( tPos, &insertNodeIdx ) )
               clickedRoadPtr = roadPtr;

	// shortcuts
   bool dblClick = ( event.mouseClickCount > 1 );
	if( dblClick )
		if( mMode == mSelectRoadMode )
			setMode( mAddRoadMode, true );
		if( mMode == mAddNodeMode )
			// Delete the node attached to the cursor.
			mMode = mAddRoadMode;

	//this check is here in order to bounce back from deleting a whole road with ctrl+z
	//this check places the editor back into addroadmode
	if ( mMode == mAddNodeMode )
      if ( !mSelRoad )
         mMode = mAddRoadMode;

	if ( mMode == mSelectRoadMode )
      // Did not click on a road or a node.
      if ( !clickedRoadPtr  )
         setSelectedRoad( NULL );
         setSelectedNode( -1 );

      // Clicked on a road that wasn't the currently selected road.
      if ( clickedRoadPtr != mSelRoad )
         setSelectedRoad( clickedRoadPtr );
         setSelectedNode( -1 );

      // Clicked on a node in the currently selected road that wasn't
      // the currently selected node.
      if ( nodeClicked )
         setSelectedNode( clickedNodeIdx );

      // Clicked a position on the currently selected road
      // that did not contain a node.
      //U32 newNode = clickedRoadPtr->insertNode( tPos, mDefaultWidth, insertNodeIdx );                  
      //setSelectedNode( newNode );
   else if ( mMode == mAddRoadMode )
		if ( nodeClicked && clickedRoadPtr )
			// A double-click on a node in Normal mode means set AddNode mode.  
         if ( clickedNodeIdx == 0 )
				setSelectedRoad( clickedRoadPtr );
				setSelectedNode( clickedNodeIdx );

				mAddNodeIdx = clickedNodeIdx;
            mMode = mAddNodeMode;
            mSelNode = mSelRoad->insertNode( tPos, mDefaultWidth, mAddNodeIdx );
            mIsDirty = true;

			else if ( clickedNodeIdx == clickedRoadPtr->mNodes.size() - 1 )
				setSelectedRoad( clickedRoadPtr );
				setSelectedNode( clickedNodeIdx );

            mAddNodeIdx = U32_MAX;
            mMode = mAddNodeMode;
            mSelNode = mSelRoad->addNode( tPos, mDefaultWidth );
            mIsDirty = true;
				setSelectedNode( mSelNode );


		DecalRoad *newRoad = new DecalRoad;

		newRoad->mMaterialName = mMaterialName;


      // Add to MissionGroup                              
      SimGroup *missionGroup;
      if ( !Sim::findObject( "MissionGroup", missionGroup ) )               
         Con::errorf( "GuiDecalRoadEditorCtrl - could not find MissionGroup to add new DecalRoad" );
         missionGroup->addObject( newRoad );               

      newRoad->insertNode( tPos, mDefaultWidth, 0 );
      U32 newNode = newRoad->insertNode( tPos, mDefaultWidth, 1 );

      // Always add to the end of the road, the first node is the start.
      mAddNodeIdx = U32_MAX;
      setSelectedRoad( newRoad );      
      setSelectedNode( newNode );

      mMode = mAddNodeMode;

      // Disable the hover node while in addNodeMode, we
      // don't want some random node enlarged.
      mHoverNode = -1;

      // Grab the mission editor undo manager.
      UndoManager *undoMan = NULL;
      if ( !Sim::findObject( "EUndoManager", undoMan ) )
         Con::errorf( "GuiRoadEditorCtrl::on3DMouseDown() - EUndoManager not found!" );

      // Create the UndoAction.
      MECreateUndoAction *action = new MECreateUndoAction("Create Road");
      action->addObject( newRoad );
      // Submit it.               
      undoMan->addAction( action );
		//send a callback to script after were done here if one exists
		if ( isMethod( "onRoadCreation" ) )
         Con::executef( this, "onRoadCreation" );

	else if ( mMode == mAddNodeMode )
		// Oops the road got deleted, maybe from an undo action?
      // Back to NormalMode.
      if ( mSelRoad )
			// A double-click on a node in Normal mode means set AddNode mode.  
         if ( clickedNodeIdx == 0 )
				submitUndo( "Add Node" );
				mAddNodeIdx = clickedNodeIdx;
            mMode = mAddNodeMode;
            mSelNode = mSelRoad->insertNode( tPos, mDefaultWidth, mAddNodeIdx );
            mIsDirty = true;
				setSelectedNode( mSelNode );

				if( clickedRoadPtr && clickedNodeIdx == clickedRoadPtr->mNodes.size() - 1 )
					submitUndo( "Add Node" );
					mAddNodeIdx = U32_MAX;
					mMode = mAddNodeMode;
					mSelNode = mSelRoad->addNode( tPos, mDefaultWidth );
               mIsDirty = true;
					setSelectedNode( mSelNode );

					submitUndo( "Insert Node" );
					// A single-click on empty space while in
					// AddNode mode means insert / add a node.
					//submitUndo( "Add Node" );
					//F32 width = mSelRoad->getNodeWidth( mSelNode );
					U32 newNode = mSelRoad->insertNode( tPos, mDefaultWidth, mAddNodeIdx);
               mIsDirty = true;
					setSelectedNode( newNode );

	else if ( mMode == mInsertPointMode  && mSelRoad != NULL)
		if ( clickedRoadPtr == mSelRoad )
			F32 w0 = mSelRoad->getNodeWidth( insertNodeIdx );
         F32 w1 = mSelRoad->getNodeWidth( insertNodeIdx + 1 );               
         F32 width = ( w0 + w1 ) * 0.5f;

         submitUndo( "Insert Node" );
         U32 newNode = mSelRoad->insertNode( tPos, width, insertNodeIdx + 1);  
         mIsDirty = true;
         setSelectedNode( newNode );

	else if ( mMode == mRemovePointMode  && mSelRoad != NULL)
		if ( nodeClicked && clickedRoadPtr == mSelRoad )
			setSelectedNode( clickedNodeIdx );
	else if ( mMode == mMovePointMode )
		if ( nodeClicked && clickedRoadPtr == mSelRoad )
			setSelectedNode( clickedNodeIdx );
	else if ( mMode == mScalePointMode )
		if ( nodeClicked && clickedRoadPtr == mSelRoad )
			setSelectedNode( clickedNodeIdx );
void GuiRiverEditorCtrl::on3DMouseDragged(const Gui3DMouseEvent & event)
   // If a node is not selected, we don't care about drags,
   // drags are only used for modifying nodes.
   if ( !mSelRiver || mSelNode == -1 || mMode == mAddNodeMode)

   // If we haven't already saved,
   // save an undo action to get back to this state,
   // before we make any modifications to the selected node.
   if ( !mSavedDrag )
      submitUndo( "Modify Node" );
      mSavedDrag = true;

   // Let the gizmo handle the drag, eg, modify its transforms
   mGizmo->on3DMouseDragged( event );
   if ( mGizmo->isDirty() )
      Point3F pos = mGizmo->getPosition();
      Point3F scale = mGizmo->getScale();      
      const MatrixF &mat = mGizmo->getTransform();
      VectorF normal;
      mat.getColumn( 2, &normal );

      mSelRiver->setNode( pos, scale.x, scale.z, normal, mSelNode );
      mIsDirty = true;

	Con::executef( this, "onNodeModified", Con::getIntArg(mSelNode) );	
   // If we are just starting a new drag,
   // we need to save the starting screen position of the mouse,
   // and the starting position of the selected node.
   if ( mStartDragMousePoint == InvalidMousePoint )
      mStartDragMousePoint = event.mousePoint;
      mStartDragNodePos = mSelRiver->getNodePosition( mSelNode );

   MathUtils::Line clickLine;
   clickLine.p = event.pos;
   clickLine.d = event.vec;

   MathUtils::Line axisLine;
   axisLine.p = mStartDragNodePos;
   axisLine.d = mGizmo.selectionToAxisVector( mGizmoSelection );

   MathUtils::LineSegment segment;

   MathUtils::mShortestSegmentBetweenLines( clickLine, axisLine, segment );

   // Segment.p1 is the closest point on the axis line, 
   // We want to put the selected gizmo handle at that point,
   // So calculate the offset from the handle to the centerPoint to
   // determine the gizmo's position.
   mSelRiver->setNodePosition( mSelNode, segment.p1 );

   // Convert the delta (dragged mouse distance) from screen space
   // into world space.
   Point2I deltaScreen = event.mousePoint - mStartDragMousePoint;

   F32 worldDist = ( event.pos - mStartDragNodePos ).len();      
   Point2F deltaWorld;
   deltaWorld.x = GFX->unprojectRadius( worldDist, deltaScreen.x );
   deltaWorld.y = GFX->unprojectRadius( worldDist, deltaScreen.y );

   // Now modify the selected node depending on the kind of operation we are doing.
   if ( mGizmoSelection == Gizmo::Axis_X )
      Point3F newPos = mStartDragNodePos;
      newPos.x += deltaWorld.x;      
      mSelRiver->setNodePosition( mSelNode, newPos );
   else if ( mGizmoSelection == Gizmo::Axis_Y )
      Point3F newPos = mStartDragNodePos;
      newPos.y += deltaWorld.x;      
      mSelRiver->setNodePosition( mSelNode, newPos );
   else if ( mGizmoSelection == Gizmo::Axis_Z )
      Point3F newPos = mStartDragNodePos;
      newPos.z += deltaWorld.y;      
      mSelRiver->setNodePosition( mSelNode, newPos );

   F32 height = mStartHeight + deltaWorldX;    
   Con::printf( "height = %g", height );

   mSelRiver->setNodeHeight( mSelNode, height );

   Con::executef( this, "onNodeHeightModified", Con::getFloatArg(height) );

   if ( event.modifier & SI_PRIMARY_CTRL )
      //Point3F tPos;
      //if ( !getStaticPos( event, tPos ) )
      //   return;  

      if ( mStartHeight == -1.0f )
         mStartHeight = mSelRiver->mNodes[mSelNode].point.z;

         mStartX = event.mousePoint.x;
         mStartWorld = mSelRiver->mNodes[mSelNode].point;

      S32 deltaScreenX = event.mousePoint.x - mStartX;

      F32 worldDist = ( event.pos - mStartWorld ).len();      

      F32 deltaWorldX = GFX->unprojectRadius( worldDist, deltaScreenX );

      F32 height = mStartHeight + deltaWorldX;    
      Con::printf( "height = %g", height );

      mSelRiver->setNodeHeight( mSelNode, height );

      Con::executef( this, "onNodeHeightModified", Con::getFloatArg(height) );
   else if ( event.modifier & SI_SHIFT )
      Point3F tPos;
      if ( !getStaticPos( event, tPos ) )

      if ( mStartWidth == -1.0f )
         mStartWidth = mSelRiver->mNodes[mSelNode].width;
         mStartX = event.mousePoint.x;
         mStartWorld = tPos;

      S32 deltaScreenX = event.mousePoint.x - mStartX;
      F32 worldDist = ( event.pos - mStartWorld ).len();      

      F32 deltaWorldX = GFX->unprojectRadius( worldDist, deltaScreenX );

      F32 width = mStartWidth + deltaWorldX;      

      mSelRiver->setNodeWidth( mSelNode, width );

      Con::executef( this, "onNodeWidthModified", Con::getFloatArg(width) );
      Point3F tPos;
      if ( !getStaticPos( event, tPos ) )
      else if ( mGizmoSelection == Gizmo::Axis_Y )
         Point3F newPos = mStartDragNodePos;
         newPos.y += deltaWorld.x;      
         mSelRiver->setNodePosition( mSelNode, newPos );
      mSelRiver->setNodePosition( mSelNode, tPos );
void GuiRiverEditorCtrl::on3DMouseDown(const Gui3DMouseEvent & event)
   mGizmo->on3DMouseDown( event );

   if ( !isFirstResponder() )
	// Get the raycast collision position
   Point3F tPos;
   if ( !getStaticPos( event, tPos ) )

   // Construct a LineSegment from the camera position to 1000 meters away in
   // the direction clicked.
   // If that segment hits the terrain, truncate the ray to only be that length.

   // We will use a LineSegment/Sphere intersection test to determine if a RiverNode
   // was clicked.   

   Point3F startPnt = event.pos;
   Point3F endPnt = event.pos + event.vec * 1000.0f;

   RayInfo ri;   

   if ( gServerContainer.castRay(startPnt, endPnt, StaticObjectType, &ri) )
      endPnt = ri.point;

   River *riverPtr = NULL;
   River *clickedRiverPtr = NULL;

   // Did we click on a river? check current selection first
   U32 insertNodeIdx = -1;
   Point3F collisionPnt;
   if ( mSelRiver != NULL && mSelRiver->collideRay( event.pos, event.vec, &insertNodeIdx, &collisionPnt ) )
      clickedRiverPtr = mSelRiver;
      for ( SimSetIterator iter(mRiverSet); *iter; ++iter )
         riverPtr = static_cast<River*>( *iter );
         if ( riverPtr->collideRay( event.pos, event.vec, &insertNodeIdx, &collisionPnt ) )
            clickedRiverPtr = riverPtr;

   // Did we click on a riverNode?
   bool nodeClicked = false;   
   S32 clickedNodeIdx = -1;
   F32 clickedNodeDist = mNodeSphereRadius;

   // If we clicked on the currently selected river, only scan its nodes
   if ( mSelRiver != NULL && clickedRiverPtr == mSelRiver )
      for ( U32 i = 0; i < mSelRiver->mNodes.size(); i++ )
         const Point3F &nodePos = mSelRiver->mNodes[i].point;

         Point3F screenPos;
         project( nodePos, &screenPos );

         F32 dist = ( event.mousePoint - Point2I(screenPos.x, screenPos.y) ).len();
         if ( dist < clickedNodeDist )
            clickedNodeDist = dist;
            clickedNodeIdx = i;
            nodeClicked = true;
      for ( SimSetIterator iter(mRiverSet); *iter; ++iter )
         riverPtr = static_cast<River*>( *iter );
         for ( U32 i = 0; i < riverPtr->mNodes.size(); i++ )
            const Point3F &nodePos = riverPtr->mNodes[i].point;

            Point3F screenPos;
            project( nodePos, &screenPos );

            F32 dist = ( event.mousePoint - Point2I(screenPos.x, screenPos.y) ).len();
            if ( dist < clickedNodeDist )
               // we found a hit!
               clickedNodeDist = dist;
               clickedNodeIdx = i;
               nodeClicked = true;
               clickedRiverPtr = riverPtr;
	// shortcuts
	bool dblClick = ( event.mouseClickCount > 1 );
	if( dblClick )
		if( mMode == mSelectRiverMode )
			setMode( mAddRiverMode, true );
		if( mMode == mAddNodeMode )
			// Delete the node attached to the cursor.
			mMode = mAddRiverMode;

	//this check is here in order to bounce back from deleting a whole road with ctrl+z
	//this check places the editor back into addrivermode
	if ( mMode == mAddNodeMode )
      if ( !mSelRiver )
         mMode = mAddRiverMode;

	if ( mMode == mSelectRiverMode )
      // Did not click on a River or a node.
      if ( !clickedRiverPtr  )
         setSelectedRiver( NULL );
         setSelectedNode( -1 );

      // Clicked on a River that wasn't the currently selected River.
      if ( clickedRiverPtr != mSelRiver )
         setSelectedRiver( clickedRiverPtr );
         setSelectedNode( clickedNodeIdx );

     // Clicked on a node in the currently selected River that wasn't
      // the currently selected node.
      if ( nodeClicked )
         setSelectedNode( clickedNodeIdx );
   else if ( mMode == mAddRiverMode )
		if ( nodeClicked )
			// A double-click on a node in Normal mode means set AddNode mode.  
         if ( clickedNodeIdx == 0 )
				setSelectedRiver( clickedRiverPtr );
				setSelectedNode( clickedNodeIdx );

				mAddNodeIdx = clickedNodeIdx;
            mMode = mAddNodeMode; 

            mSelNode = mSelRiver->insertNode( tPos, mDefaultWidth, mDefaultDepth, mDefaultNormal, mAddNodeIdx );
            mIsDirty = true;

			else if ( clickedNodeIdx == clickedRiverPtr->mNodes.size() - 1 )
				setSelectedRiver( clickedRiverPtr );
				setSelectedNode( clickedNodeIdx );

            mAddNodeIdx = U32_MAX;
				mMode = mAddNodeMode;

            mSelNode = mSelRiver->addNode( tPos, mDefaultWidth, mDefaultDepth, mDefaultNormal);
            mIsDirty = true;
				setSelectedNode( mSelNode );


		if ( !isMethod( "createRiver" ) )
			Con::errorf( "GuiRiverEditorCtrl::on3DMouseDown - createRiver method does not exist." );

      const char *res = Con::executef( this, "createRiver" );

      River *newRiver;
      if ( !Sim::findObject( res, newRiver ) )
         Con::errorf( "GuiRiverEditorCtrl::on3DMouseDown - createRiver method did not return a river object." );

      // Add to MissionGroup                              
      SimGroup *missionGroup;
      if ( !Sim::findObject( "MissionGroup", missionGroup ) )               
         Con::errorf( "GuiRiverEditorCtrl - could not find MissionGroup to add new River" );
         missionGroup->addObject( newRiver );

      Point3F pos( endPnt );
      pos.z += mDefaultDepth * 0.5f;

      newRiver->insertNode( pos, mDefaultWidth, mDefaultDepth, mDefaultNormal, 0 );
      U32 newNode = newRiver->insertNode( pos, mDefaultWidth, mDefaultDepth, mDefaultNormal, 1 );

      // Always add to the end of the road, the first node is the start.
      mAddNodeIdx = U32_MAX;
      setSelectedRiver( newRiver );      
      setSelectedNode( newNode );

      mMode = mAddNodeMode;

      // Disable the hover node while in addNodeMode, we
      // don't want some random node enlarged.
      mHoverNode = -1;

      // Grab the mission editor undo manager.
      UndoManager *undoMan = NULL;
      if ( !Sim::findObject( "EUndoManager", undoMan ) )
         Con::errorf( "GuiMeshRoadEditorCtrl::on3DMouseDown() - EUndoManager not found!" );

      // Create the UndoAction.
      MECreateUndoAction *action = new MECreateUndoAction("Create MeshRoad");
      action->addObject( newRiver );

      // Submit it.               
      undoMan->addAction( action );

	else if ( mMode == mAddNodeMode )
		// Oops the road got deleted, maybe from an undo action?
      // Back to NormalMode.
      if ( mSelRiver )
			// A double-click on a node in Normal mode means set AddNode mode.  
         if ( clickedNodeIdx == 0 )
				submitUndo( "Add Node" );
				mAddNodeIdx = clickedNodeIdx;
            mMode = mAddNodeMode;
            mSelNode = mSelRiver->insertNode( tPos, mDefaultWidth, mDefaultDepth, mDefaultNormal, mAddNodeIdx );
            mIsDirty = true;
				setSelectedNode( mSelNode );

				if( clickedRiverPtr && clickedNodeIdx == clickedRiverPtr->mNodes.size() - 1 )
					submitUndo( "Add Node" );
					mAddNodeIdx = U32_MAX;
					mMode = mAddNodeMode;
					U32 newNode = mSelRiver->addNode( tPos, mDefaultWidth, mDefaultDepth, mDefaultNormal);  
               mIsDirty = true;
					setSelectedNode( newNode );

					submitUndo( "Insert Node" );
					// A single-click on empty space while in
					// AddNode mode means insert / add a node.
					//submitUndo( "Add Node" );
					//F32 width = mSelRiver->getNodeWidth( mSelNode );
					U32 newNode = mSelRiver->insertNode( tPos, mDefaultWidth, mDefaultDepth, mDefaultNormal, mAddNodeIdx);
               mIsDirty = true;
					setSelectedNode( newNode );

	else if ( mMode == mInsertPointMode && mSelRiver != NULL )
		if ( clickedRiverPtr == mSelRiver )
			// NOTE: I guess we have to determine the if the clicked ray intersects a road but not a specific node...
         // in order to handle inserting nodes in the same way as for DecalRoad

         U32 prevNodeIdx = insertNodeIdx;
         U32 nextNodeIdx = ( prevNodeIdx + 1 > mSelRiver->mNodes.size() - 1 ) ? prevNodeIdx : prevNodeIdx + 1;

         const RiverNode &prevNode = mSelRiver->mNodes[prevNodeIdx];
         const RiverNode &nextNode = mSelRiver->mNodes[nextNodeIdx];

         F32 width = ( prevNode.width + nextNode.width ) * 0.5f;
         F32 depth = ( prevNode.depth + nextNode.depth ) * 0.5f;
         Point3F normal = ( prevNode.normal + nextNode.normal ) * 0.5f;

         submitUndo( "Insert Node" );
         U32 newNode = mSelRiver->insertNode( collisionPnt, width, depth, normal, insertNodeIdx + 1 );
         mIsDirty = true;
         setSelectedNode( newNode );

	else if ( mMode == mRemovePointMode && mSelRiver != NULL )
		if ( nodeClicked && clickedRiverPtr == mSelRiver )
			setSelectedNode( clickedNodeIdx );
	else if ( mMode == mMovePointMode )
		if ( nodeClicked && clickedRiverPtr == mSelRiver )
			setSelectedNode( clickedNodeIdx );
	else if ( mMode == mScalePointMode )
		if ( nodeClicked && clickedRiverPtr == mSelRiver )
			setSelectedNode( clickedNodeIdx );
	else if ( mMode == mRotatePointMode )
		if ( nodeClicked && clickedRiverPtr == mSelRiver )
			setSelectedNode( clickedNodeIdx );