Esempio n. 1
 * SubpicClone: Clone subpicture (shallow copy)
static subpicture_t *SubpicClone( subpicture_t *p_source, subpicture_updater_t *updater )
    subpicture_t *p_subpic;
    subpicture_updater_t subpic_updater;
    subpicture_private_t *p_subpic_private;

    p_subpic = subpicture_New( updater );

    if( !p_subpic )
        return NULL;

    /* save private members */
    subpic_updater = p_subpic->updater;
    p_subpic_private = p_subpic->p_private;

    /* copy the entire struct */
    memcpy( p_subpic, p_source, sizeof( subpicture_t ) );

    /* restore private members */
    p_subpic->updater = subpic_updater;
    p_subpic->p_private = p_subpic_private;

    return p_subpic;
 * \brief Show EPG information about the current program of an input item
 * \param vout pointer to the vout the information is to be showed on
 * \param p_input pointer to the input item the information is to be showed
int vout_OSDEpg(vout_thread_t *vout, input_item_t *input)
    char *now_playing = input_item_GetNowPlaying(input);
    vlc_epg_t *epg = NULL;


    /* Look for the current program EPG event */
    for (int i = 0; i < input->i_epg; i++) {
        vlc_epg_t *tmp = input->pp_epg[i];

        if (tmp->p_current &&
            tmp->p_current->psz_name && now_playing != NULL &&
            !strcmp(tmp->p_current->psz_name, now_playing)) {
            epg = vlc_epg_New(tmp->psz_name);
            vlc_epg_Merge(epg, tmp);


    /* If no EPG event has been found. */
    if (epg == NULL)
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    subpicture_updater_sys_t *sys = (subpicture_updater_sys_t *)malloc(sizeof(*sys));			// sunqueen modify
    if (!sys) {
        return VLC_EGENERIC;
    sys->epg = epg;
    subpicture_updater_t updater = {
	// sunqueen modify start
        /*.pf_validate =*/ OSDEpgValidate,
        /*.pf_update   =*/ OSDEpgUpdate,
        /*.pf_destroy  =*/ OSDEpgDestroy,
        /*.p_sys       =*/ sys
	// sunqueen modify end

    const mtime_t now = mdate();
    subpicture_t *subpic = subpicture_New(&updater);
    if (!subpic) {
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    subpic->i_channel  = SPU_DEFAULT_CHANNEL;
    subpic->i_start    = now;
    subpic->i_stop     = now + 3000 * INT64_C(1000);
    subpic->b_ephemer  = true;
    subpic->b_absolute = true;
    subpic->b_fade     = true;

    vout_PutSubpicture(vout, subpic);

    return VLC_SUCCESS;
Esempio n. 3
File: spu.c Progetto: CSRedRat/vlc
static subpicture_t *spu_new_buffer( decoder_t *p_dec,
                                     const subpicture_updater_t *p_upd )
    VLC_UNUSED( p_dec );
    subpicture_t *p_subpicture = subpicture_New( p_upd );
    p_subpicture->b_subtitle = true;
    return p_subpicture;
Esempio n. 4
subpicture_t *subpicture_NewFromPicture( vlc_object_t *p_obj,
                                         picture_t *p_picture, vlc_fourcc_t i_chroma )
    /* */
    video_format_t fmt_in = p_picture->format;

    /* */
    video_format_t fmt_out;
    fmt_out = fmt_in;
    fmt_out.i_chroma = i_chroma;

    /* */
    image_handler_t *p_image = image_HandlerCreate( p_obj );
    if( !p_image )
        return NULL;

    picture_t *p_pip = image_Convert( p_image, p_picture, &fmt_in, &fmt_out );

    image_HandlerDelete( p_image );

    if( !p_pip )
        return NULL;

    subpicture_t *p_subpic = subpicture_New( NULL );
    if( !p_subpic )
         picture_Release( p_pip );
         return NULL;

    p_subpic->i_original_picture_width  = fmt_out.i_width;
    p_subpic->i_original_picture_height = fmt_out.i_height;

    fmt_out.i_sar_num =
    fmt_out.i_sar_den = 0;

    p_subpic->p_region = subpicture_region_New( &fmt_out );
    if( p_subpic->p_region )
        picture_Release( p_subpic->p_region->p_picture );
        p_subpic->p_region->p_picture = p_pip;
        picture_Release( p_pip );
    return p_subpic;
 * \brief Show text on the video from a given start date to a given end date
 * \param p_spu pointer to the subpicture queue the text is to be showed on
 * \param i_channel Subpicture channel
 * \param psz_string The text to be shown
 * \param p_style Pointer to a struct with text style info (it is duplicated)
 * \param i_flags flags for alignment and such
 * \param i_hmargin horizontal margin in pixels
 * \param i_vmargin vertical margin in pixels
 * \param i_start the time when this string is to appear on the video
 * \param i_stop the time when this string should stop to be displayed
 *               if this is 0 the string will be shown untill the next string
 *               is about to be shown
int osd_ShowTextAbsolute( spu_t *p_spu_channel, int i_channel,
                           const char *psz_string, const text_style_t *p_style,
                           int i_flags, int i_hmargin, int i_vmargin,
                           mtime_t i_start, mtime_t i_stop )
    subpicture_t *p_spu;
    video_format_t fmt;

    if( !psz_string ) return VLC_EGENERIC;

    p_spu = subpicture_New( NULL );
    if( !p_spu )
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    p_spu->i_channel = i_channel;
    p_spu->i_start = i_start;
    p_spu->i_stop = i_stop;
    p_spu->b_ephemer = true;
    p_spu->b_absolute = false;

    /* Create a new subpicture region */
    memset( &fmt, 0, sizeof(video_format_t) );
    fmt.i_chroma = VLC_CODEC_TEXT;
    fmt.i_width = fmt.i_height = 0;
    fmt.i_x_offset = fmt.i_y_offset = 0;
    p_spu->p_region = subpicture_region_New( &fmt );
    if( !p_spu->p_region )
        msg_Err( p_spu_channel, "cannot allocate SPU region" );
        subpicture_Delete( p_spu );
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    p_spu->p_region->psz_text = strdup( psz_string );
    p_spu->p_region->i_align = i_flags & SUBPICTURE_ALIGN_MASK;
    p_spu->p_region->i_x = i_hmargin;
    p_spu->p_region->i_y = i_vmargin;

    spu_PutSubpicture( p_spu_channel, p_spu );

    return VLC_SUCCESS;
Esempio n. 6
 * \brief Show EPG information about the current program of an input item
 * \param p_vout pointer to the vout the information is to be showed on
 * \param p_input pointer to the input item the information is to be showed
int vout_OSDEpg( vout_thread_t *p_vout, input_item_t *p_input )
    subpicture_t *p_spu;
    mtime_t i_now = mdate();

    char *psz_now_playing = input_item_GetNowPlaying( p_input );
    vlc_epg_t *p_epg = NULL;

    vlc_mutex_lock( &p_input->lock );

    /* Look for the current program EPG event */
    for( int i = 0; i < p_input->i_epg; i++ )
        vlc_epg_t *p_tmp = p_input->pp_epg[i];

        if( p_tmp->p_current && p_tmp->p_current->psz_name
            && psz_now_playing != NULL
            && !strcmp( p_tmp->p_current->psz_name, psz_now_playing ) )
            p_epg = vlc_epg_New( p_tmp->psz_name );
            vlc_epg_Merge( p_epg, p_tmp );

    vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_input->lock );

    /* If no EPG event has been found. */
    if( p_epg == NULL )
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    subpicture_updater_sys_t *p_sys = malloc( sizeof( *p_sys ) );
    if( !p_sys )
        vlc_epg_Delete( p_epg );
        return VLC_EGENERIC;
    p_sys->p_epg = p_epg;
    subpicture_updater_t updater = {
        .pf_validate = OSDEpgValidate,
        .pf_update   = OSDEpgUpdate,
        .pf_destroy  = OSDEpgDestroy,
        .p_sys       = p_sys

    p_spu = subpicture_New( &updater );
    if( !p_spu )
        vlc_epg_Delete( p_sys->p_epg );
        free( p_sys );
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    p_spu->i_channel = SPU_DEFAULT_CHANNEL;
    p_spu->i_start = i_now;
    p_spu->i_stop = i_now + 3000 * INT64_C(1000);
    p_spu->b_ephemer = true;
    p_spu->b_absolute = true;
    p_spu->b_fade = true;

    vout_PutSubpicture( p_vout, p_spu );

    return VLC_SUCCESS;