RGB SubsurfacePathtracer::trace(Ray p_ray, Vector3d cameraPos, int p_depth) {

	RGB radiance(0,0,0);
	RGB localRadiance(0,0,0);
	RayIntersection nearestRayInt;
	bool intersected = false;

	if(scene->kdTree == NULL) {
		intersected = p_ray.nearestIntersection(scene->getObjects(), scene->getObjectCount(), &nearestRayInt);
	} else {
		intersected = scene->kdTree->nearestIntersection(&p_ray, &nearestRayInt);

	if(intersected) {
		if(!(nearestRayInt.object->getShader()->isLight() && p_ray.getDiffuse())) {
			//local ilumination:
			Vector3d viewVec = cameraPos - nearestRayInt.point;
			localRadiance = nearestRayInt.object->getShader()->getDiffuseRadiance(nearestRayInt.object, nearestRayInt.point, nearestRayInt.normal, nearestRayInt.uv, viewVec, scene);

			radiance = localRadiance;

			if(nearestRayInt.object->getShader()->hasSubsurface()) {
				radiance = radiance + subsurface(&nearestRayInt, &p_ray);
				//return subsurface(&nearestRayInt, &p_ray);

			int outVecsCount = 0;
			RGB indirectRadiance;

			if(p_depth == 1) {
				for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
					if(p_depth < maxDepth) {
						Ray outRays[10];
						RGB values[10];
						outVecsCount = nearestRayInt.object->getShader()->getBRDFSampledRays(nearestRayInt.object, nearestRayInt.point, nearestRayInt.normal, nearestRayInt.uv, viewVec, p_ray.getDir(), outRays, values);
						for(int s = 0; s < outVecsCount; s++) {
							Ray ray = outRays[s];
							indirectRadiance = indirectRadiance + (trace(ray, cameraPos, p_depth) * values[s]) ;


				indirectRadiance = indirectRadiance / 5;
			} else {
				if(p_depth < maxDepth) {
					Ray outRays[10];
					RGB values[10];
					outVecsCount = nearestRayInt.object->getShader()->getBRDFSampledRays(nearestRayInt.object, nearestRayInt.point, nearestRayInt.normal, nearestRayInt.uv, viewVec, p_ray.getDir(), outRays, values);
					for(int s = 0; s < outVecsCount; s++) {
						Ray ray = outRays[s];
						indirectRadiance = indirectRadiance + (trace(ray, cameraPos, p_depth) * values[s]) ;

			if(outVecsCount > 0) {
				radiance =  radiance + indirectRadiance;

	} else if(scene->getBackground() != NULL) {
		radiance = scene->getBackground()->getRadianceAt(p_ray.getPoint(), p_ray.getPointAt(FAR_AWAY));

	return radiance;
Esempio n. 2
void GameUpdateDraw( NimblePixMap& map, NimbleRequest request ) {
	new(&TheMap) NimblePixMap( map );
	WavefieldRect = NimbleRect(PanelWidth,map.height()/2,map.width(),map.height());
	NimblePixMap subsurface(map,WavefieldRect); 
	NimblePixMap seismogramClip( map,NimbleRect(PanelWidth,0,map.width(),map.height()/2) );

	if( request & NimbleUpdate ) {
	const NimbleRequest pausedRequest = IsPaused ? request-NimbleUpdate : request;
    SeismogramUpdateDraw( seismogramClip, pausedRequest&NimbleUpdate, TheColorFunc, IsAutoGainOn );
 	WavefieldFunctor wf(subsurface, pausedRequest);
    SeismogramFunctor sf( seismogramClip, pausedRequest&NimbleDraw );
    ReservoirFunctor rf( pausedRequest );
	tbb::parallel_invoke( wf, sf, rf );
	if( pausedRequest & NimbleUpdate ) {
	if( request & NimbleDraw ) {
		ClickableSetEnd = ClickableSet;
		const int wavefieldWidth = map.width()-PanelWidth;
		const int wavefieldHeight = map.height()/2;
		ReservoirDrawHoles( subsurface );
		if( DrillY>0 )
			DrillBit.drawOn( subsurface, RigX-DrillBit.width()/2, DrillY-5 );
		if( ShowReservoir )
			ReservoirDraw( subsurface );
		NimblePixMap spriteClip( map, NimbleRect( PanelWidth, 0, map.width(), map.height() ));\
		NimblePixel greenPixel = map.pixel( NimbleColor( 0, NimbleColor::FULL, 0 ));
		NimblePixel redPixel = map.pixel( NimbleColor( NimbleColor::FULL, 0, 0 ));
		const int lineHeight = map.height()/2-1; 
		if( CultureBeginX<CultureEndX ) {
		    spriteClip.draw( NimbleRect( 0, lineHeight, CultureBeginX, lineHeight+1 ), greenPixel ); 
		    spriteClip.draw( NimbleRect( CultureBeginX, lineHeight-1, CultureEndX, lineHeight+2 ), redPixel ); 
		    spriteClip.draw( NimbleRect( CultureEndX, lineHeight, spriteClip.width(), lineHeight+1 ), greenPixel ); 
			Culture.drawOn( spriteClip, CultureBeginX+(CultureEndX-CultureBeginX)/2-Culture.width()/2, map.height()/2-Culture.height() );
		} else {
		    spriteClip.draw( NimbleRect( 0, lineHeight, spriteClip.width(), lineHeight+1 ), greenPixel ); 
		OilRig->drawOn( spriteClip, RigX-OilRig->width()/2, OilRigVerticalOffset ); 
		if( DuckGoingLeft )
			DuckLeft.drawOn( spriteClip, DuckX-50, map.height()/2-DuckLeft.height()+12 );
			DuckRight.drawOn( spriteClip, DuckX-(DuckRight.width()-50), map.height()/2-DuckLeft.height()+12 );
		NimblePixMap panelClip( map, NimbleRect( 0, 0, PanelWidth, map.height() ));

		PanelBackground.drawOn( panelClip );

		int cashMeterY = map.height()- 50 -CashMeter.height();
		int levelMeterY = cashMeterY - 10 - LevelMeter.height();
		// The Min is there so that if there is room, the green line artistically lines up 
		// with the top of the fluid meters.
		int fluidMeterY = Min(levelMeterY - 10 - WaterMeter.height(), map.height()/2 );
		if( ScoreState.isDisplayingScore() ) {
			LevelMeter.drawOn( map, PanelWidth/2-LevelMeter.width()/2, levelMeterY );
		    CashMeter.drawOn( map, PanelWidth/2-CashMeter.width()/2, cashMeterY );
		int meterMarginX = (PanelWidth-WaterMeter.width()-OilMeter.width()-GasMeter.width())/4;
		WaterMeter.drawOn( map, meterMarginX, fluidMeterY );
		OilMeter.drawOn( map, PanelWidth/2-OilMeter.width()/2, fluidMeterY );
		GasMeter.drawOn( map, PanelWidth-meterMarginX-GasMeter.width(), fluidMeterY );
		if( VisibleDialog ) {
			if( VisibleDialog==&TheAboutTheAuthorDialog || VisibleDialog==&TheLevelContinueDialog )
				// Center it on screen
				VisibleDialog->drawOn( map, map.width()/2-VisibleDialog->width()/2, map.height()/2-VisibleDialog->height()/2 );
			else if( VisibleDialog==&TheKeyboardHelpDialog )
				// Put in upper right corner
				VisibleDialog->drawOn( map, map.width()*.95f-VisibleDialog->width(), map.height()*.05f );
				// Put it in upper left portion of seismogram
				VisibleDialog->drawOn( map, PanelWidth+24, 24 );
		int tabTop1 = 50;
		int tabTop2 = tabTop1+2*TheFont.height();
		int tabLeft1 = PanelWidth/8;
		int tabLeft2 = PanelWidth*5/8;
		int airGunTop = tabTop2+2*TheFont.height();;
		AirgunMeter.drawOn( map, PanelWidth/2-AirgunMeter.width()/2, airGunTop );
		if( ShowFrameRate ) {
			FrameRateMeter.setValue( EstimateFrameRate() );
			FrameRateMeter.drawOn( map, PanelWidth/2-FrameRateMeter.width()/2, fluidMeterY-FrameRateMeter.height()-15 ); 
		const int tabSpacing = PanelWidth/4;
		DrawClickable( TheFileMenu, map, tabLeft1, tabTop1 );
		DrawClickable( TheHelpMenu, map, tabLeft2, tabTop1 );
		// The "isTabbed" tests below do some ad-hoc occlusion testing.
		if( TheFileMenu.isTabbed() ) 
			DrawClickable( TheModelMenu, map, tabLeft1, tabTop2 );
		if( TheFileMenu.isTabbed() && TheHelpMenu.isTabbed() )
			DrawClickable( TheViewMenu, map, tabLeft2, tabTop2 );