        supportsExtension( "bvh", "Biovision motion hierarchical file" );

        supportsOption( "contours","Show the skeleton with lines." );
        supportsOption( "solids","Show the skeleton with solid boxes." );
Esempio n. 2
     supportsExtension("obj","Alias Wavefront OBJ format");
     supportsOption("noRotation","Do not do the default rotate about X axis");
     supportsOption("noTesselateLargePolygons","Do not do the default tesselation of large polygons");
     supportsOption("noTriStripPolygons","Do not do the default tri stripping of polygons");
     supportsExtension("ogr","OGR file reader");
     supportsOption("useRandomColorByFeature", "Assign a random color to each feature.");
     supportsOption("addGroupPerFeature", "Places each feature in a separate group.");
     oldHandler = CPLSetErrorHandler(CPLOSGErrorHandler);
Esempio n. 4
     supportsExtension("stl", "STL binary format");
     supportsExtension("sta", "STL ASCII format");
     supportsOption("smooth", "Run SmoothingVisitor");
     supportsOption("separateFiles", "Save each geode in a different file. Can result in a huge amount of files!");
     supportsOption("dontSaveNormals", "Set all normals to [0 0 0] when saving to a file.");
     supportsExtension("x","DirectX scene format");
     supportsOption("flipTexture", "flip texture upside-down");
     // made hand switching an option - .x models from XSI's export are right-handed already
     supportsOption("rightHanded", "prevents reader from switching handedness for right handed files");
     supportsOption("leftHanded", "reader switches handedness for left handed files");
     supportsExtension("resthttp", "Virtual Device Integration via a HTTP-Server and a REST-interface");
     supportsOption("documentRoot", "document root of asset files to server via the http-server");
     supportsOption("serverAddress", "server address to listen for incoming requests");
     supportsOption("serverPort", "server port to listen for incoming requests");
     supportsOption("documentRegisteredHandlers", "dump a documentation of all registered REST-handler to the console");
            supportsExtension("vnc","VNC plugin");

            supportsOption("swap","Swaps the pixel format order, exchanging the red and blue channels.");
            supportsOption("swop","American spelling, same effect as swap.");
            supportsOption("RGB","Use RGBA pixel format for the vnc image");
            supportsOption("RGBA","Use RGBA pixel format for the vnc image");
            supportsOption("BGR","Use BGRA pixel format for the vnc image");
            supportsOption("BGRA","Use BGRA pixel format for the vnc image");
Esempio n. 8
     supportsExtension("shp","Geospatial Shape file format");
     supportsOption("double","Read x,y,z data as double an stored as geometry in osg::Vec3dArray's.");
Esempio n. 9
        supportsExtension("obj","Alias Wavefront OBJ format");
        supportsOption("noRotation","Do not do the default rotate about X axis");
        supportsOption("noTesselateLargePolygons","Do not do the default tesselation of large polygons");
        supportsOption("noTriStripPolygons","Do not do the default tri stripping of polygons");
        supportsOption("generateFacetNormals","generate facet normals for verticies without normals");

        supportsOption("DIFFUSE=<unit>", "Set texture unit for diffuse texture");
        supportsOption("AMBIENT=<unit>", "Set texture unit for ambient texture");
        supportsOption("SPECULAR=<unit>", "Set texture unit for specular texture");
        supportsOption("SPECULAR_EXPONENT=<unit>", "Set texture unit for specular exponent texture");
        supportsOption("OPACITY=<unit>", "Set texture unit for opacity/dissolve texture");
        supportsOption("BUMP=<unit>", "Set texture unit for bumpmap texture");
        supportsOption("DISPLACEMENT=<unit>", "Set texture unit for displacement texture");
        supportsOption("REFLECTION=<unit>", "Set texture unit for reflection texture");

Esempio n. 10
    \since 5.4

    Returns the list of subtypes supported by an image.
QList<QByteArray> QImageWriter::supportedSubTypes() const
    if (!supportsOption(QImageIOHandler::SupportedSubTypes))
        return QList<QByteArray>();
    return d->handler->option(QImageIOHandler::SupportedSubTypes).value< QList<QByteArray> >();
Esempio n. 11
bool QWebpHandler::write(const QImage &image)
    if (image.isNull()) {
        qWarning() << "source image is null.";
        return false;

    QImage srcImage = image;
    if (srcImage.format() != QImage::Format_ARGB32)
        srcImage = srcImage.convertToFormat(QImage::Format_ARGB32);
#else /* Q_BIG_ENDIAN */
    if (srcImage.format() != QImage::Format_RGBA8888)
        srcImage = srcImage.convertToFormat(QImage::Format_RGBA8888);

    WebPPicture picture;
    WebPConfig config;

    if (!WebPPictureInit(&picture) || !WebPConfigInit(&config)) {
        qWarning() << "failed to init webp picture and config";
        return false;

    picture.width = srcImage.width();
    picture.height = srcImage.height();
    picture.use_argb = 1;
    if (!WebPPictureImportBGRA(&picture, srcImage.bits(), srcImage.bytesPerLine())) {
#else /* Q_BIG_ENDIAN */
    if (!WebPPictureImportRGBA(&picture, srcImage.bits(), srcImage.bytesPerLine())) {
        qWarning() << "failed to import image data to webp picture.";

        return false;

    config.lossless = m_lossless;
    config.quality = m_quality;
    picture.writer = pictureWriter;
    picture.custom_ptr = device();

    if (!WebPEncode(&config, &picture)) {
        qWarning() << "failed to encode webp picture, error code: " << picture.error_code;
        return false;


    return true;

QVariant QWebpHandler::option(ImageOption option) const
    if (!supportsOption(option) || !ensureScanned())
        return QVariant();

    switch (option) {
    case Quality:
        return m_quality;
    case Size:
        return QSize(m_width, m_height);
    case Animation:
        return (m_flags & ANIMATION_FLAG) == ANIMATION_FLAG;
        return QVariant();

void QWebpHandler::setOption(ImageOption option, const QVariant &value)
    switch (option) {
    case Quality:
        m_quality = qBound(0, value.toInt(), 100);
        m_lossless = (m_quality >= 100);
    return QImageIOHandler::setOption(option, value);

bool QWebpHandler::supportsOption(ImageOption option) const
    return option == Quality
        || option == Size
        || option == Animation;

QByteArray QWebpHandler::name() const
    return QByteArrayLiteral("webp");

int QWebpHandler::imageCount() const
    if (!ensureScanned())
        return 0;

    if ((m_flags & ANIMATION_FLAG) == 0)
        return 1;

    return m_frameCount;

int QWebpHandler::currentImageNumber() const
    if (!ensureScanned())
        return 0;

    return m_iter.frame_num;

QRect QWebpHandler::currentImageRect() const
    if (!ensureScanned())
        return QRect();

    return QRect(m_iter.x_offset, m_iter.y_offset, m_iter.width, m_iter.height);

bool QWebpHandler::jumpToImage(int imageNumber)
    if (!ensureScanned())
        return false;

    return WebPDemuxGetFrame(m_demuxer, imageNumber, &m_iter);

bool QWebpHandler::jumpToNextImage()
    if (!ensureScanned())
        return false;

    return WebPDemuxNextFrame(&m_iter);

int QWebpHandler::loopCount() const
    if (!ensureScanned() || (m_flags & ANIMATION_FLAG) == 0)
        return 0;

    return m_loop;

int QWebpHandler::nextImageDelay() const
    if (!ensureScanned())
        return 0;

    return m_iter.duration;
Esempio n. 12
     supportsExtension("x","DirectX scene format");
     supportsOption("flipTexture", "flip texture upside-down");