Esempio n. 1
svn_error_t *
svn_client_blame4(const char *target,
                  const svn_opt_revision_t *peg_revision,
                  const svn_opt_revision_t *start,
                  const svn_opt_revision_t *end,
                  const svn_diff_file_options_t *diff_options,
                  svn_boolean_t ignore_mime_type,
                  svn_boolean_t include_merged_revisions,
                  svn_client_blame_receiver2_t receiver,
                  void *receiver_baton,
                  svn_client_ctx_t *ctx,
                  apr_pool_t *pool)
  struct file_rev_baton frb;
  svn_ra_session_t *ra_session;
  const char *url;
  svn_revnum_t start_revnum, end_revnum;
  struct blame *walk, *walk_merged = NULL;
  apr_file_t *file;
  apr_pool_t *iterpool;
  svn_stream_t *stream;

  if (start->kind == svn_opt_revision_unspecified
      || end->kind == svn_opt_revision_unspecified)
    return svn_error_create
  else if (start->kind == svn_opt_revision_working
           || end->kind == svn_opt_revision_working)
    return svn_error_create
       _("blame of the WORKING revision is not supported"));

  /* Get an RA plugin for this filesystem object. */
  SVN_ERR(svn_client__ra_session_from_path(&ra_session, &end_revnum,
                                           &url, target, NULL,
                                           peg_revision, end,
                                           ctx, pool));

  SVN_ERR(svn_client__get_revision_number(&start_revnum, NULL, ra_session,
                                          start, target, pool));

  if (end_revnum < start_revnum)
    return svn_error_create
       _("Start revision must precede end revision"));

  frb.start_rev = start_revnum;
  frb.end_rev = end_revnum; = target;
  frb.ctx = ctx;
  frb.diff_options = diff_options;
  frb.ignore_mime_type = ignore_mime_type;
  frb.include_merged_revisions = include_merged_revisions;
  frb.last_filename = NULL;
  frb.last_original_filename = NULL;
  frb.chain = apr_palloc(pool, sizeof(*frb.chain));
  frb.chain->blame = NULL;
  frb.chain->avail = NULL;
  frb.chain->pool = pool;
  if (include_merged_revisions)
      frb.merged_chain = apr_palloc(pool, sizeof(*frb.merged_chain));
      frb.merged_chain->blame = NULL;
      frb.merged_chain->avail = NULL;
      frb.merged_chain->pool = pool;

  SVN_ERR(svn_io_temp_dir(&frb.tmp_path, pool));
  frb.tmp_path = svn_path_join(frb.tmp_path, "tmp", pool),

  frb.mainpool = pool;
  /* The callback will flip the following two pools, because it needs
     information from the previous call.  Obviously, it can't rely on
     the lifetime of the pool provided by get_file_revs. */
  frb.lastpool = svn_pool_create(pool);
  frb.currpool = svn_pool_create(pool);
  if (include_merged_revisions)
      frb.filepool = svn_pool_create(pool);
      frb.prevfilepool = svn_pool_create(pool);

  /* Collect all blame information.
     We need to ensure that we get one revision before the start_rev,
     if available so that we can know what was actually changed in the start
     revision. */
  SVN_ERR(svn_ra_get_file_revs2(ra_session, "",
                                start_revnum - (start_revnum > 0 ? 1 : 0),
                                end_revnum, include_merged_revisions,
                                file_rev_handler, &frb, pool));

  /* Report the blame to the caller. */

  /* The callback has to have been called at least once. */
  assert(frb.last_filename != NULL);

  /* Create a pool for the iteration below. */
  iterpool = svn_pool_create(pool);

  /* Open the last file and get a stream. */
  SVN_ERR(svn_io_file_open(&file, frb.last_filename, APR_READ | APR_BUFFERED,
                           APR_OS_DEFAULT, pool));
  stream = svn_subst_stream_translated(svn_stream_from_aprfile(file, pool),
                                       "\n", TRUE, NULL, FALSE, pool);

  /* Perform optional merged chain normalization. */
  if (include_merged_revisions)
      /* If we never created any blame for the original chain, create it now,
         with the most recent changed revision.  This could occur if a file
         was created on a branch and them merged to another branch.  This is
         semanticly a copy, and we want to use the revision on the branch as
         the most recently changed revision.  ### Is this really what we want
         to do here?  Do the sematics of copy change? */
      if (!frb.chain->blame)
        frb.chain->blame = blame_create(frb.chain, frb.rev, 0);

      normalize_blames(frb.chain, frb.merged_chain, pool);
      walk_merged = frb.merged_chain->blame;

  /* Process each blame item. */
  for (walk = frb.chain->blame; walk; walk = walk->next)
      apr_off_t line_no;
      svn_revnum_t merged_rev;
      const char *merged_author, *merged_date, *merged_path;

      if (walk_merged)
          merged_rev = walk_merged->rev->revision;
          merged_author = walk_merged->rev->author;
          merged_date = walk_merged->rev->date;
          merged_path = walk_merged->rev->path;
          merged_rev = SVN_INVALID_REVNUM;
          merged_author = NULL;
          merged_date = NULL;
          merged_path = NULL;

      for (line_no = walk->start;
           !walk->next || line_no < walk->next->start;
          svn_boolean_t eof;
          svn_stringbuf_t *sb;

          SVN_ERR(svn_stream_readline(stream, &sb, "\n", &eof, iterpool));
          if (ctx->cancel_func)
          if (!eof || sb->len)
            SVN_ERR(receiver(receiver_baton, line_no, walk->rev->revision,
                             walk->rev->author, walk->rev->date,
                             merged_rev, merged_author, merged_date,
                             merged_path, sb->data, iterpool));
          if (eof) break;

      if (walk_merged)
        walk_merged = walk_merged->next;


  /* We don't need the temp file any more. */
  SVN_ERR(svn_io_file_close(file, pool));

  if (include_merged_revisions)

  return SVN_NO_ERROR;
Esempio n. 2
svn_error_t *
svn_client_blame5(const char *target,
                  const svn_opt_revision_t *peg_revision,
                  const svn_opt_revision_t *start,
                  const svn_opt_revision_t *end,
                  const svn_diff_file_options_t *diff_options,
                  svn_boolean_t ignore_mime_type,
                  svn_boolean_t include_merged_revisions,
                  svn_client_blame_receiver3_t receiver,
                  void *receiver_baton,
                  svn_client_ctx_t *ctx,
                  apr_pool_t *pool)
  struct file_rev_baton frb;
  svn_ra_session_t *ra_session;
  svn_revnum_t start_revnum, end_revnum;
  struct blame *walk, *walk_merged = NULL;
  apr_pool_t *iterpool;
  svn_stream_t *last_stream;
  svn_stream_t *stream;
  const char *target_abspath_or_url;

  if (start->kind == svn_opt_revision_unspecified
      || end->kind == svn_opt_revision_unspecified)
    return svn_error_create

  if (svn_path_is_url(target))
    target_abspath_or_url = target;
    SVN_ERR(svn_dirent_get_absolute(&target_abspath_or_url, target, pool));

  /* Get an RA plugin for this filesystem object. */
  SVN_ERR(svn_client__ra_session_from_path(&ra_session, &end_revnum, NULL,
                                           target, NULL, peg_revision, end,
                                           ctx, pool));

  SVN_ERR(svn_client__get_revision_number(&start_revnum, NULL, ctx->wc_ctx,
                                          target_abspath_or_url, ra_session,
                                          start, pool));

  if (end_revnum < start_revnum)
    return svn_error_create
       _("Start revision must precede end revision"));

  frb.start_rev = start_revnum;
  frb.end_rev = end_revnum; = target;
  frb.ctx = ctx;
  frb.diff_options = diff_options;
  frb.ignore_mime_type = ignore_mime_type;
  frb.include_merged_revisions = include_merged_revisions;
  frb.last_filename = NULL;
  frb.last_original_filename = NULL;
  frb.chain = apr_palloc(pool, sizeof(*frb.chain));
  frb.chain->blame = NULL;
  frb.chain->avail = NULL;
  frb.chain->pool = pool;
  if (include_merged_revisions)
      frb.merged_chain = apr_palloc(pool, sizeof(*frb.merged_chain));
      frb.merged_chain->blame = NULL;
      frb.merged_chain->avail = NULL;
      frb.merged_chain->pool = pool;

  SVN_ERR(svn_ra_get_repos_root2(ra_session, &frb.repos_root_url, pool));

  frb.mainpool = pool;
  /* The callback will flip the following two pools, because it needs
     information from the previous call.  Obviously, it can't rely on
     the lifetime of the pool provided by get_file_revs. */
  frb.lastpool = svn_pool_create(pool);
  frb.currpool = svn_pool_create(pool);
  if (include_merged_revisions)
      frb.filepool = svn_pool_create(pool);
      frb.prevfilepool = svn_pool_create(pool);

  /* Collect all blame information.
     We need to ensure that we get one revision before the start_rev,
     if available so that we can know what was actually changed in the start
     revision. */
  SVN_ERR(svn_ra_get_file_revs2(ra_session, "",
                                start_revnum - (start_revnum > 0 ? 1 : 0),
                                end_revnum, include_merged_revisions,
                                file_rev_handler, &frb, pool));

  if (end->kind == svn_opt_revision_working)
      /* If the local file is modified we have to call the handler on the
         working copy file with keywords unexpanded */
      svn_wc_status3_t *status;

      SVN_ERR(svn_wc_status3(&status, ctx->wc_ctx, target_abspath_or_url, pool,

      if (status->text_status != svn_wc_status_normal)
          apr_hash_t *props;
          svn_stream_t *wcfile;
          svn_string_t *keywords;
          svn_stream_t *tempfile;
          const char *temppath;
          apr_hash_t *kw = NULL;

          SVN_ERR(svn_wc_prop_list2(&props, ctx->wc_ctx, target_abspath_or_url,
                                    pool, pool));
          SVN_ERR(svn_stream_open_readonly(&wcfile, target, pool, pool));

          keywords = apr_hash_get(props, SVN_PROP_KEYWORDS,

          if (keywords)
            SVN_ERR(svn_subst_build_keywords2(&kw, keywords->data, NULL, NULL,
                                              0, NULL, pool));

          wcfile = svn_subst_stream_translated(wcfile, "\n", TRUE, kw, FALSE,

          SVN_ERR(svn_stream_open_unique(&tempfile, &temppath, NULL,
                                         pool, pool));

          SVN_ERR(svn_stream_copy3(wcfile, tempfile, ctx->cancel_func,
                                   ctx->cancel_baton, pool));

          SVN_ERR(add_file_blame(frb.last_filename, temppath, frb.chain, NULL,
                                 frb.diff_options, pool));

          frb.last_filename = temppath;

  /* Report the blame to the caller. */

  /* The callback has to have been called at least once. */
  SVN_ERR_ASSERT(frb.last_filename != NULL);

  /* Create a pool for the iteration below. */
  iterpool = svn_pool_create(pool);

  /* Open the last file and get a stream. */
  SVN_ERR(svn_stream_open_readonly(&last_stream, frb.last_filename,
                                   pool, pool));
  stream = svn_subst_stream_translated(last_stream,
                                       "\n", TRUE, NULL, FALSE, pool);

  /* Perform optional merged chain normalization. */
  if (include_merged_revisions)
      /* If we never created any blame for the original chain, create it now,
         with the most recent changed revision.  This could occur if a file
         was created on a branch and them merged to another branch.  This is
         semanticly a copy, and we want to use the revision on the branch as
         the most recently changed revision.  ### Is this really what we want
         to do here?  Do the sematics of copy change? */
      if (!frb.chain->blame)
        frb.chain->blame = blame_create(frb.chain, frb.rev, 0);

      normalize_blames(frb.chain, frb.merged_chain, pool);
      walk_merged = frb.merged_chain->blame;

  /* Process each blame item. */
  for (walk = frb.chain->blame; walk; walk = walk->next)
      apr_off_t line_no;
      svn_revnum_t merged_rev;
      const char *merged_path;
      apr_hash_t *merged_rev_props;

      if (walk_merged)
          merged_rev = walk_merged->rev->revision;
          merged_rev_props = walk_merged->rev->rev_props;
          merged_path = walk_merged->rev->path;
          merged_rev = SVN_INVALID_REVNUM;
          merged_rev_props = NULL;
          merged_path = NULL;

      for (line_no = walk->start;
           !walk->next || line_no < walk->next->start;
          svn_boolean_t eof;
          svn_stringbuf_t *sb;

          SVN_ERR(svn_stream_readline(stream, &sb, "\n", &eof, iterpool));
          if (ctx->cancel_func)
          if (!eof || sb->len)
              if (walk->rev)
                SVN_ERR(receiver(receiver_baton, start_revnum, end_revnum,
                                 line_no, walk->rev->revision,
                                 walk->rev->rev_props, merged_rev,
                                 merged_rev_props, merged_path,
                                 sb->data, FALSE, iterpool));
                SVN_ERR(receiver(receiver_baton, start_revnum, end_revnum,
                                 line_no, SVN_INVALID_REVNUM,
                                 NULL, SVN_INVALID_REVNUM,
                                 NULL, NULL,
                                 sb->data, TRUE, iterpool));
          if (eof) break;

      if (walk_merged)
        walk_merged = walk_merged->next;


  if (include_merged_revisions)

  return SVN_NO_ERROR;
Esempio n. 3
static svn_error_t *
bench_null_blame(const char *target,
                 const svn_opt_revision_t *peg_revision,
                 const svn_opt_revision_t *start,
                 const svn_opt_revision_t *end,
                 svn_boolean_t include_merged_revisions,
                 svn_boolean_t quiet,
                 svn_client_ctx_t *ctx,
                 apr_pool_t *pool)
  struct file_rev_baton frb = { 0, 0, 0};
  svn_ra_session_t *ra_session;
  svn_revnum_t start_revnum, end_revnum;
  svn_boolean_t backwards;
  const char *target_abspath_or_url;

  if (start->kind == svn_opt_revision_unspecified
      || end->kind == svn_opt_revision_unspecified)
    return svn_error_create

  if (svn_path_is_url(target))
    target_abspath_or_url = target;
    SVN_ERR(svn_dirent_get_absolute(&target_abspath_or_url, target, pool));

  /* Get an RA plugin for this filesystem object. */
  SVN_ERR(svn_client__ra_session_from_path2(&ra_session, NULL,
                                            target, NULL, peg_revision,
                                            ctx, pool));

  SVN_ERR(svn_client__get_revision_number(&start_revnum, NULL, ctx->wc_ctx,
                                          target_abspath_or_url, ra_session,
                                          start, pool));

  SVN_ERR(svn_client__get_revision_number(&end_revnum, NULL, ctx->wc_ctx,
                                          target_abspath_or_url, ra_session,
                                          end, pool));

    svn_client__pathrev_t *loc;
    svn_opt_revision_t younger_end;
    younger_end.kind = svn_opt_revision_number;
    younger_end.value.number = MAX(start_revnum, end_revnum);

    SVN_ERR(svn_client__resolve_rev_and_url(&loc, ra_session,
                                            target, peg_revision,
                                            ctx, pool));

    /* Make the session point to the real URL. */
    SVN_ERR(svn_ra_reparent(ra_session, loc->url, pool));

  backwards = (start_revnum > end_revnum);

  /* Collect all blame information.
     We need to ensure that we get one revision before the start_rev,
     if available so that we can know what was actually changed in the start
     revision. */
  SVN_ERR(svn_ra_get_file_revs2(ra_session, "",
                                backwards ? start_revnum
                                          : MAX(0, start_revnum-1),
                                file_rev_handler, &frb, pool));

  if (!quiet)
                               _("%15s revisions\n"
                                 "%15s deltas\n"
                                 "%15s bytes in deltas\n"),
                               svn__ui64toa_sep(frb.rev_count, ',', pool),
                               svn__ui64toa_sep(frb.delta_count, ',', pool),
                               svn__ui64toa_sep(frb.byte_count, ',', pool)));

  return SVN_NO_ERROR;