Esempio n. 1
void draw_filledCircleSlice(
	unsigned int x, unsigned int y,
	double rad,
	uint8_t r,
	uint8_t g,
	uint8_t b,
	uint16_t slice_begin,
	uint16_t slice_end)

	uint8_t i,j;

	if(slice_begin > slice_end)

			double dist = pythagoras( j,i );

			if(dist <= rad-1)
			}else if(dist < rad)
			//	dla_plot(y-j,x+i,r,g,b,1-(dist-rad+1));
Esempio n. 2
void draw_line_antialias_(GBitmap* img, int16_t x1, int16_t y1, int16_t x2, int16_t y2, GColor8 color)
	uint8_t* img_pixels = gbitmap_get_data(img);
	int16_t  w 	= gbitmap_get_bounds(img).size.w;
	int16_t  h 	= gbitmap_get_bounds(img).size.h;

	fixed dx = int_to_fixed(abs_(x1 - x2));
	fixed dy = int_to_fixed(abs_(y1 - y2));
	bool steep = dy > dx;

		swap_(x1, y1);
		swap_(x2, y2);
	if(x1 > x2){
		swap_(x1, x2);
		swap_(y1, y2);

	dx = x2 - x1;
	dy = y2 - y1;

    fixed intery;
	int x;
	for(x=x1; x <= x2; x++) {
        intery = int_to_fixed(y1) + (int_to_fixed(x - x1) * dy / dx);
				_plot(img_pixels, w, h, ipart_(intery)    , x, color, rfpart_(intery));
				_plot(img_pixels, w, h, ipart_(intery) + 1, x, color,  fpart_(intery));
			else {
				_plot(img_pixels, w, h, x, ipart_(intery)	 , color, rfpart_(intery));
				_plot(img_pixels, w, h, x, ipart_(intery) + 1, color,  fpart_(intery));
Esempio n. 3
static void _heap_sort(heap_t *heap)
  int i=1, j=2; /* gnome sort */
  int *a = heap->h;

  while(i < heap->n) { /* smaller values are kept at the end */
    if ( heap->f[a[i-1]] >= heap->f[a[i]] ) {
      i = j; j++;
    } else {
      swap_(i-1, i);
      i = (i==0) ? j++ : i;
Esempio n. 4
static inline  void forth_vm_execute_instruction(forth_context_type *fc, char cmd)
//	printf("%c\n",cmd);
//	getchar();
		case '0': push(fc,0);				break;
		case '1': push(fc,1);				break;
		case '2': push(fc,2);				break;
		case '3': push(fc,3);				break;
		case '4': push(fc,4);				break;
		case '5': push(fc,5);				break;
		case '6': push(fc,6);				break;
		case '7': push(fc,7);				break;
		case '8': push(fc,8);				break;
		case '9': push(fc,9);				break;
		case '@': at(fc);					break; //@
		case '!': to(fc);					break; //!
		case 'd': fc->SP+=fc->cell;			break; //drop
		case 'D': dup(fc);					break; //dup
		case 's': swap_(fc);					break; //swap
		case 'l': push(fc,next_cell(fc));	break; //lit
		case '+': add(fc);  				break; //+
		case '-': sub(fc);  				break; //-
		case '*': mul(fc);					break; //*
		case '/': div_(fc);					break; // /
		case '%': mod(fc);					break; //mod
		case '&': and(fc);  				break; // and
		case '|': or(fc);   				break; // or
		case '^': xor(fc);   				break; // xor
		case '>': more(fc);					break; // >
		case '<': less(fc);					break;  // <
		case '=': eq(fc);					break; // =
		case 'b': branch(fc);				break; // branch
		case '?': cbranch(fc);				break; // ?branch
		case 'c': call(fc);					break; // call
		case 'r': ret(fc);					break; // ret
		case 't': to_r(fc);					break; // >R
		case 'f': from_r(fc);				break; // R>
		case 'i': in(fc);					break; // in
		case 'o': out(fc);					break; // out
		case '_': fc->stop=1;				break; // stop
		case 'A': adr0(fc);					break; // @0
		case 1:	  push(fc,fc->SP);			break; // SP@
		case 2:	  fc->SP=pop(fc);			break; // SP!
		case 3:	  push(fc,fc->RP);			break; // RP@
		case 4:	  fc->RP=pop(fc);			break; // RP!
		case 5:	 shl(fc);					break; // <<
		case 6:	 shr(fc);					break; // >>
		case 7:  push(fc,*(size_t *)(fc->mem+fc->RP)); break; // i
		case 8:  cat(fc);					break; // c@
		case 9:  cto(fc);					break; // c!
		case 10: set_current_state(TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE); schedule_timeout(1);				break; // nop
		case 11: in_ready(fc);				break; // ?in
		case 12: out_ready(fc);				break; // ?out
		case 16: umod(fc);					break; // umod
		case 17: udiv(fc);					break; // u/
// kernel
		case 'K': kalsym_lookup(fc);		break; // lookup kallsym address
		case 18:  kcall(fc);				break; // kcall
Esempio n. 5
void ag_surface32__draw_line_aa(struct ag_surface32* img, struct ag_vec2i start, struct ag_vec2i end, struct ag_color32 color)
	int x1 = start.x, x2 = end.x, y1 = start.y, y2 = end.y;
  double dx = (double)x2 - (double)x1;
  double dy = (double)y2 - (double)y1;
  if ( fabs(dx) > fabs(dy) ) {
    if ( x2 < x1 ) {
      swap_(x1, x2);
      swap_(y1, y2);
    double gradient = dy / dx;
    double xend = round_(x1);
    double yend = y1 + gradient*(xend - x1);
    double xgap = rfpart_(x1 + 0.5);
    int xpxl1 = xend;
    int ypxl1 = ipart_(yend);
    plot_(xpxl1, ypxl1, rfpart_(yend)*xgap);
    plot_(xpxl1, ypxl1+1, fpart_(yend)*xgap);
    double intery = yend + gradient;
    xend = round_(x2);
    yend = y2 + gradient*(xend - x2);
    xgap = fpart_(x2+0.5);
    int xpxl2 = xend;
    int ypxl2 = ipart_(yend);
    plot_(xpxl2, ypxl2, rfpart_(yend) * xgap);
    plot_(xpxl2, ypxl2 + 1, fpart_(yend) * xgap);
    int x;
    for(x=xpxl1+1; x <= (xpxl2-1); x++) {
      plot_(x, ipart_(intery), rfpart_(intery));
      plot_(x, ipart_(intery) + 1, fpart_(intery));
      intery += gradient;
  } else {
    if ( y2 < y1 ) {
      swap_(x1, x2);
      swap_(y1, y2);
    double gradient = dx / dy;
    double yend = round_(y1);
    double xend = x1 + gradient*(yend - y1);
    double ygap = rfpart_(y1 + 0.5);
    int ypxl1 = yend;
    int xpxl1 = ipart_(xend);
    plot_(xpxl1, ypxl1, rfpart_(xend)*ygap);
    plot_(xpxl1, ypxl1+1, fpart_(xend)*ygap);
    double interx = xend + gradient;
    yend = round_(y2);
    xend = x2 + gradient*(yend - y2);
    ygap = fpart_(y2+0.5);
    int ypxl2 = yend;
    int xpxl2 = ipart_(xend);
    plot_(xpxl2, ypxl2, rfpart_(xend) * ygap);
    plot_(xpxl2, ypxl2 + 1, fpart_(xend) * ygap);
    int y;
    for(y=ypxl1+1; y <= (ypxl2-1); y++) {
      plot_(ipart_(interx), y, rfpart_(interx));
      plot_(ipart_(interx) + 1, y, fpart_(interx));
      interx += gradient;
Esempio n. 6
File: dm.c Progetto: graydon/ltsmin
dm_all_perm (matrix_t *r, matrix_t *mayw, matrix_t *mustw)
    int                 len = dm_ncols (r);
    int                 perm[len];
    int                 best_perm[len];
    int                 min,

    min = cost_ (r, mayw);

    int                 i,

    for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        perm[i] = best_perm[i] = i;

    while (1) {
        last_min = cost_ (r, mayw);
        if (last_min < min) {
            memcpy (best_perm, perm, len * sizeof (int));
            min = last_min;
        // debug
        DMDBG (current_all_perm_ (perm, len));
        DMDBG (printf ("costs: %d\n", last_min));

        int                 key = len - 1;
        int                 newkey = key;

        // The key value is the first value from the end which
        // is smaller than the value to its immediate right
        while (key > 0 && (perm[key] <= perm[key - 1]))

        // If key < 0 the data is in reverse sorted order, 
        // which is the last permutation.
        if (key < 0)

        // perm[key+1] is greater than perm[key] because of how key 
        // was found. If no other is greater, perm[key+1] is used
        while ((newkey > key) && (perm[newkey] <= perm[key]))

        swap_ (perm, key, newkey);
        dm_swap_cols (r, key, newkey);
        dm_swap_cols (mayw, key, newkey);
        dm_swap_cols (mustw, key, newkey);

        i = len - 1;

        // The tail must end in sorted order to produce the
        // next permutation.

        while (i > key) {
            swap_ (perm, i, key);
            dm_swap_cols (r, i, key);
            dm_swap_cols (mayw, i, key);
            dm_swap_cols (mustw, i, key);

    // permutation:
    DMDBG (printf ("best: %d = ", min));
    DMDBG (current_all_perm_ (best_perm, len));
    DMDBG (printf ("current:"));
    DMDBG (current_all_perm_ (perm, len));

    // now iterate over best, find in current and swap
    for (i = 0; i < len - 1; i++) {
        for (j = i; j < len; j++) {
            if (best_perm[i] == perm[j]) {
                DMDBG (printf ("swap %d, %d\n", i, j));
                swap_ (perm, i, j);
                dm_swap_cols (r, i, j);
                dm_swap_cols (mayw, i, j);
                dm_swap_cols (mustw, i, j);
    DMDBG (printf ("current:"));
    DMDBG (current_all_perm_ (perm, len));
    DMDBG (printf ("cost: %d ", cost_ (r, mayw)));

    return 0;
Esempio n. 7
void draw_line(
	unsigned int x1, unsigned int y1,
	unsigned int x2, unsigned int y2,
	uint8_t r,
	uint8_t g,
	uint8_t b )
	double dx = (double)x2 - (double)x1;
	double dy = (double)y2 - (double)y1;
	if ( fabs(dx) > fabs(dy) ) 
		if ( x2 < x1 ) 
			swap_(x1, x2);
			swap_(y1, y2);
		double gradient = dy / dx;
		double xend = round_(x1);
		double yend = y1 + gradient*(xend - x1);
		double xgap = rfpart_(x1 + 0.5);
		int xpxl1 = xend;
		int ypxl1 = ipart_(yend);
		dla_plot(xpxl1, ypxl1, r,g,b,rfpart_(yend)*xgap);
		dla_plot(xpxl1, ypxl1+1, r,g,b,fpart_(yend)*xgap);
		double intery = yend + gradient;

		xend = round_(x2);
		yend = y2 + gradient*(xend - x2);
		xgap = fpart_(x2+0.5);
		int xpxl2 = xend;
		int ypxl2 = ipart_(yend);
		dla_plot(xpxl2, ypxl2, r,g,b,rfpart_(yend) * xgap);
		dla_plot(xpxl2, ypxl2 + 1, r,g,b,fpart_(yend) * xgap);

		int x;
		for(x=xpxl1+1; x <= (xpxl2-1); x++) 
			dla_plot(x, ipart_(intery), r,g,b,rfpart_(intery));
			dla_plot(x, ipart_(intery) + 1, r,g,b,fpart_(intery));
			intery += gradient;
		if ( y2 < y1 ) 
			swap_(x1, x2);
			swap_(y1, y2);
		double gradient = dx / dy;
		double yend = round_(y1);
		double xend = x1 + gradient*(yend - y1);
		double ygap = rfpart_(y1 + 0.5);
		int ypxl1 = yend;
		int xpxl1 = ipart_(xend);
		dla_plot(xpxl1, ypxl1, r,g,b,rfpart_(xend)*ygap);
		dla_plot(xpxl1, ypxl1+1, r,g,b,fpart_(xend)*ygap);
		double interx = xend + gradient;
		yend = round_(y2);
		xend = x2 + gradient*(yend - y2);
		ygap = fpart_(y2+0.5);
		int ypxl2 = yend;
		int xpxl2 = ipart_(xend);
		dla_plot(xpxl2, ypxl2, r,g,b,rfpart_(xend) * ygap);
		dla_plot(xpxl2, ypxl2 + 1, r,g,b,fpart_(xend) * ygap);
		int y;
		for(y=ypxl1+1; y <= (ypxl2-1); y++) 
			dla_plot(ipart_(interx), y, r,g,b,rfpart_(interx));
			dla_plot(ipart_(interx) + 1, y, r,g,b,fpart_(interx));
			interx += gradient;