VOID AddToLog(WCHAR *txt, PUNICODE_STRING txt1, ULONG *StatusCode) { IO_STATUS_BLOCK LogFileStatusBlock; HANDLE LogFileHandle = 0; NTSTATUS ns; // Проверка, разрешено ли протоколирование if (!EnableLog) return; __try { // Подготовка атрибутов файла OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ob; InitializeObjectAttributes(&ob, &usLogFile, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE + OBJ_KERNEL_HANDLE, NULL, NULL); // Создание/открытие файла ns = ZwCreateFile(&LogFileHandle, FILE_APPEND_DATA + SYNCHRONIZE, &ob, &LogFileStatusBlock, 0, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0, FILE_CREATE + FILE_OPEN, FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_NONALERT, NULL, 0); if (ns == STATUS_SUCCESS) { // Буфер строки WCHAR Buffer[1024], CodeTxt[20]; ULONG BuffSize = 0; // Очистка буфера строки RtlZeroMemory(&Buffer, sizeof(Buffer)); // Копирование строки wcscpy(Buffer, txt); // Добавление второй необязательной строки if (txt1 != NULL && txt1->Buffer != NULL) { __try { for (int i = 0; i < txt1->Length / 2; i++) if (txt1->Buffer[i] == 0) txt1->Buffer[i] = L'*'; } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) {} wcscat(Buffer, (wchar_t *)txt1->Buffer); } // Добавление парметра if (StatusCode != NULL) { if (*StatusCode == 0) wcscat(Buffer, L" - succeeded"); else { wcscat(Buffer, L" - failed (0x"); swprintf(CodeTxt, L"%X", *StatusCode); wcscat(Buffer, (wchar_t *)CodeTxt); wcscat(Buffer, L")"); } } // Добавление к нему CRLF wcscat(Buffer, L"\r\n"); BuffSize = wcslen(Buffer) * 2; zDbgPrint("%S", Buffer); if (AnsiLog) { // Преобразование буфера в ANSI ANSI_STRING AnsiString; UNICODE_STRING UnicodeString; RtlInitUnicodeString(&UnicodeString, Buffer); if (RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString(&AnsiString, &UnicodeString, TRUE) == STATUS_SUCCESS) // Запись AnsiString ns = ZwWriteFile(LogFileHandle, 0, NULL,NULL, &LogFileStatusBlock, AnsiString.Buffer, AnsiString.Length, NULL,NULL); } else // Запись буфера c UNICODE строкой ns = ZwWriteFile(LogFileHandle, 0, NULL,NULL, &LogFileStatusBlock, Buffer, BuffSize, NULL,NULL); ZwClose(LogFileHandle); }
int removeNetworkInterface(MSIHANDLE hModule, const WCHAR *pwszGUID) { int rc = 1; do { WCHAR wszPnPInstanceId[512] = {0}; /* We have to find the device instance ID through a registry search */ HKEY hkeyNetwork = 0; HKEY hkeyConnection = 0; do /* break-loop */ { WCHAR wszRegLocation[256]; swprintf(wszRegLocation, L"SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Network\\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\\%s", pwszGUID); LONG lStatus = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, wszRegLocation, 0, KEY_READ, &hkeyNetwork); if ((lStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) || !hkeyNetwork) SetErrBreak((L"VBox HostInterfaces: Host interface network was not found in registry (%s)! [1]", wszRegLocation)); lStatus = RegOpenKeyExW(hkeyNetwork, L"Connection", 0, KEY_READ, &hkeyConnection); if ((lStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) || !hkeyConnection) SetErrBreak((L"VBox HostInterfaces: Host interface network was not found in registry (%s)! [2]", wszRegLocation)); DWORD len = sizeof(wszPnPInstanceId); DWORD dwKeyType; lStatus = RegQueryValueExW(hkeyConnection, L"PnPInstanceID", NULL, &dwKeyType, (LPBYTE)&wszPnPInstanceId[0], &len); if ((lStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (dwKeyType != REG_SZ)) SetErrBreak((L"VBox HostInterfaces: Host interface network was not found in registry (%s)! [3]", wszRegLocation)); } while (0); if (hkeyConnection) RegCloseKey(hkeyConnection); if (hkeyNetwork) RegCloseKey(hkeyNetwork); /* * Now we are going to enumerate all network devices and * wait until we encounter the right device instance ID */ HDEVINFO hDeviceInfo = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; BOOL fResult; do { DWORD ret = 0; GUID netGuid; SP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData; DWORD index = 0; DWORD size = 0; /* initialize the structure size */ DeviceInfoData.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVINFO_DATA); /* copy the net class GUID */ memcpy(&netGuid, &GUID_DEVCLASS_NET, sizeof (GUID_DEVCLASS_NET)); /* return a device info set contains all installed devices of the Net class */ hDeviceInfo = SetupDiGetClassDevs(&netGuid, NULL, NULL, DIGCF_PRESENT); if (hDeviceInfo == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { logStringW(hModule, L"VBox HostInterfaces: SetupDiGetClassDevs failed (0x%08X)!", GetLastError()); SetErrBreak(L"VBox HostInterfaces: Uninstallation failed!"); } BOOL fFoundDevice = FALSE; /* enumerate the driver info list */ while (TRUE) { WCHAR *pwszDeviceHwid; fResult = SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo(hDeviceInfo, index, &DeviceInfoData); if (!fResult) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) break; else { index++; continue; } } /* try to get the hardware ID registry property */ fResult = SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty(hDeviceInfo, &DeviceInfoData, SPDRP_HARDWAREID, NULL, NULL, 0, &size); if (!fResult) { if (GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { index++; continue; } pwszDeviceHwid = (WCHAR *)malloc(size); if (pwszDeviceHwid) { fResult = SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty(hDeviceInfo, &DeviceInfoData, SPDRP_HARDWAREID, NULL, (PBYTE)pwszDeviceHwid, size, NULL); if (!fResult) { free(pwszDeviceHwid); pwszDeviceHwid = NULL; index++; continue; } } } else { /* something is wrong. This shouldn't have worked with a NULL buffer */ index++; continue; } for (WCHAR *t = pwszDeviceHwid; t && *t && t < &pwszDeviceHwid[size / sizeof(WCHAR)]; t += wcslen(t) + 1) { if (!_wcsicmp(L"vboxtap", t)) { /* get the device instance ID */ WCHAR wszDevID[MAX_DEVICE_ID_LEN]; if (CM_Get_Device_IDW(DeviceInfoData.DevInst, wszDevID, MAX_DEVICE_ID_LEN, 0) == CR_SUCCESS) { /* compare to what we determined before */ if (!wcscmp(wszDevID, wszPnPInstanceId)) { fFoundDevice = TRUE; break; } } } } if (pwszDeviceHwid) { free(pwszDeviceHwid); pwszDeviceHwid = NULL; } if (fFoundDevice) break; index++; } if (fFoundDevice) { fResult = SetupDiSetSelectedDevice(hDeviceInfo, &DeviceInfoData); if (!fResult) { logStringW(hModule, L"VBox HostInterfaces: SetupDiSetSelectedDevice failed (0x%08X)!", GetLastError()); SetErrBreak(L"VBox HostInterfaces: Uninstallation failed!"); } fResult = SetupDiCallClassInstaller(DIF_REMOVE, hDeviceInfo, &DeviceInfoData); if (!fResult) { logStringW(hModule, L"VBox HostInterfaces: SetupDiCallClassInstaller (DIF_REMOVE) failed (0x%08X)!", GetLastError()); SetErrBreak(L"VBox HostInterfaces: Uninstallation failed!"); } } else SetErrBreak(L"VBox HostInterfaces: Host interface network device not found!"); } while (0); /* clean up the device info set */ if (hDeviceInfo != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList(hDeviceInfo); } while (0); return rc; }
BOOL ConSrvWriteUserSettings(IN PCONSOLE_INFO ConsoleInfo, IN DWORD ProcessId) { BOOL GlobalSettings = (ConsoleInfo->ConsoleTitle[0] == L'\0'); HKEY hKey; DWORD Storage = 0; #define SetConsoleSetting(SettingName, SettingType, SettingSize, Setting, DefaultValue) \ do { \ if (GlobalSettings || (!GlobalSettings && (*(Setting) != (DefaultValue)))) \ { \ RegSetValueExW(hKey, (SettingName), 0, (SettingType), (PBYTE)(Setting), (SettingSize)); \ } \ else \ { \ RegDeleteValue(hKey, (SettingName)); \ } \ } while (0) WCHAR szValueName[15]; UINT i; if (!ConSrvOpenUserSettings(ProcessId, ConsoleInfo->ConsoleTitle, &hKey, KEY_WRITE, TRUE)) { return FALSE; } for (i = 0 ; i < sizeof(ConsoleInfo->Colors)/sizeof(ConsoleInfo->Colors[0]) ; ++i) { /* * Write only the new value if we are saving the global settings * or we are saving settings for a particular console, which differs * from the default ones. */ swprintf(szValueName, L"ColorTable%02u", i); SetConsoleSetting(szValueName, REG_DWORD, sizeof(DWORD), &ConsoleInfo->Colors[i], s_Colors[i]); } SetConsoleSetting(L"HistoryBufferSize", REG_DWORD, sizeof(DWORD), &ConsoleInfo->HistoryBufferSize, 50); SetConsoleSetting(L"NumberOfHistoryBuffers", REG_DWORD, sizeof(DWORD), &ConsoleInfo->NumberOfHistoryBuffers, 4); Storage = ConsoleInfo->HistoryNoDup; SetConsoleSetting(L"HistoryNoDup", REG_DWORD, sizeof(DWORD), &Storage, FALSE); Storage = ConsoleInfo->QuickEdit; SetConsoleSetting(L"QuickEdit", REG_DWORD, sizeof(DWORD), &Storage, FALSE); Storage = ConsoleInfo->InsertMode; SetConsoleSetting(L"InsertMode", REG_DWORD, sizeof(DWORD), &Storage, TRUE); Storage = MAKELONG(ConsoleInfo->ScreenBufferSize.X, ConsoleInfo->ScreenBufferSize.Y); SetConsoleSetting(L"ScreenBufferSize", REG_DWORD, sizeof(DWORD), &Storage, MAKELONG(80, 300)); Storage = MAKELONG(ConsoleInfo->ConsoleSize.X, ConsoleInfo->ConsoleSize.Y); SetConsoleSetting(L"WindowSize", REG_DWORD, sizeof(DWORD), &Storage, MAKELONG(80, 25)); SetConsoleSetting(L"CursorSize", REG_DWORD, sizeof(DWORD), &ConsoleInfo->CursorSize, CSR_DEFAULT_CURSOR_SIZE); Storage = ConsoleInfo->ScreenAttrib; SetConsoleSetting(L"ScreenColors", REG_DWORD, sizeof(DWORD), &Storage, DEFAULT_SCREEN_ATTRIB); Storage = ConsoleInfo->PopupAttrib; SetConsoleSetting(L"PopupColors", REG_DWORD, sizeof(DWORD), &Storage, DEFAULT_POPUP_ATTRIB); RegCloseKey(hKey); return TRUE; }
RC GHJ::Execute() { RC rc = Initialize(); if(rc!=SUCCESS) { return rc; } DOUBLE cpuTimeBefore = 0; DOUBLE cpuTimeAfter = 0; DOUBLE cpuTime = 0; StopWatch stwTotalTime; StopWatch stwJoinTime; StopWatch stwPartitionTime; UINT64 totalTime = 0; UINT64 partitionTime = 0; UINT64 joinTime = 0; stwTotalTime.Start(); stwPartitionTime.Start(); cpuTimeBefore = GetCpuTime(); PartitionTable(m_Params.RELATION_R_PATH, m_Params.R_KEY_POS, &m_InBuffer, m_BucketBuffer, m_FileHandle); /*************************************************************************/ //再次对桶装配过程中需要的全局变量初始化 for(UINT partitionIndex=0; partitionIndex < m_PartitionNum; partitionIndex++) { ResetPage(&m_BucketPage[partitionIndex], &m_BucketBuffer[partitionIndex]); } PartitionTable(m_Params.RELATION_S_PATH, m_Params.S_KEY_POS, &m_InBuffer, m_BucketBuffer, m_FileHandle); partitionTime = stwPartitionTime.NowInMilliseconds(); stwJoinTime.Start(); HashJoin(&m_Pool); cpuTimeAfter = GetCpuTime(); totalTime = stwTotalTime.NowInMilliseconds(); joinTime = stwJoinTime.NowInMilliseconds(); cpuTime = cpuTimeAfter - cpuTimeBefore; FILE *fp; CHAR *reportFilePath = new CHAR[MAX_PATH]; LPWSTR tempReportPath = new TCHAR[MAX_PATH]; swprintf(tempReportPath, MAX_PATH, L"%s%s", m_Params.WORK_SPACE_PATH, L"GHJ_Report.csv" ); // convert file path to char size_t count = wcstombs(reportFilePath, tempReportPath, MAX_PATH); CHAR *reportTitle = "Relation Size,Memory Size,Bucket Size,Partition,Read Buffer Size,Write Buffer Size,Total Execute Time(ms),Partition Time(ms),Join Time(ms),CPU Time\n"; CHAR *reportContent = new CHAR[1024]; sprintf(reportContent, "%d,%d,%.f,%d,%d,%d,%lld,%lld,%lld,%.f", m_R_FileSize, m_Params.BUFFER_POOL_SIZE/SSD_PAGE_SIZE, m_BucketSize, m_PartitionNum, m_Params.READ_BUFFER_SIZE/SSD_PAGE_SIZE, m_Params.WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE/SSD_PAGE_SIZE, totalTime, partitionTime, joinTime, cpuTime); fp=fopen(reportFilePath, "w+b"); fprintf(fp, reportTitle); fprintf(fp, reportContent); fclose(fp); delete reportFilePath; delete tempReportPath; delete reportContent; //连接结束后 删除所有的临时文件 LPWSTR tempBucketName = new TCHAR[MAX_PATH]; for(UINT partitionIndex=0;partitionIndex < m_PartitionNum;partitionIndex++) { swprintf_s(tempBucketName, MAX_PATH, L"%s%d%s.tmp", m_Params.WORK_SPACE_PATH, partitionIndex, m_Params.RELATION_R_NO_EXT); DeleteFile(tempBucketName); swprintf_s(tempBucketName, MAX_PATH, L"%s%d%s.tmp", m_Params.WORK_SPACE_PATH, partitionIndex, m_Params.RELATION_S_NO_EXT); DeleteFile(tempBucketName); } delete tempBucketName; delete m_Pool.data; CloseHandle(m_hOutFile); ShowMB(L"GHJ done"); return SUCCESS; }
static DWORD ScConnectControlPipe(HANDLE *hPipe) { DWORD dwBytesWritten; DWORD dwState; DWORD dwServiceCurrent = 0; NTSTATUS Status; WCHAR NtControlPipeName[MAX_PATH + 1]; RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_TABLE QueryTable[2]; DWORD dwProcessId; /* Get the service number and create the named pipe */ RtlZeroMemory(&QueryTable, sizeof(QueryTable)); QueryTable[0].Name = L""; QueryTable[0].Flags = RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_DIRECT | RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_REQUIRED; QueryTable[0].EntryContext = &dwServiceCurrent; Status = RtlQueryRegistryValues(RTL_REGISTRY_CONTROL, L"ServiceCurrent", QueryTable, NULL, NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ERR("RtlQueryRegistryValues() failed (Status %lx)\n", Status); return RtlNtStatusToDosError(Status); } swprintf(NtControlPipeName, L"\\\\.\\pipe\\net\\NtControlPipe%u", dwServiceCurrent); if (!WaitNamedPipeW(NtControlPipeName, 30000)) { ERR("WaitNamedPipe(%S) failed (Error %lu)\n", NtControlPipeName, GetLastError()); return ERROR_FAILED_SERVICE_CONTROLLER_CONNECT; } *hPipe = CreateFileW(NtControlPipeName, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (*hPipe == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ERR("CreateFileW() failed for pipe %S (Error %lu)\n", NtControlPipeName, GetLastError()); return ERROR_FAILED_SERVICE_CONTROLLER_CONNECT; } dwState = PIPE_READMODE_MESSAGE; if (!SetNamedPipeHandleState(*hPipe, &dwState, NULL, NULL)) { CloseHandle(*hPipe); *hPipe = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; return ERROR_FAILED_SERVICE_CONTROLLER_CONNECT; } /* Pass the ProcessId to the SCM */ dwProcessId = GetCurrentProcessId(); WriteFile(*hPipe, &dwProcessId, sizeof(DWORD), &dwBytesWritten, NULL); TRACE("Sent Process ID %lu\n", dwProcessId); return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
void CArrayObject::sort( CCilVm* const pVm, const int32_t iNumArguments, CVariable* pArguments ) { assert( iNumArguments >= 1 ); CVariable& varThis = *pArguments; if( OperandType( pArguments->iOperandType ) != OPERAND_OBJECTREF || pArguments->refObject->getRID() != pVm->getArrayObjectRID() ) { //Throw TypeError pVm->throwException( &wstring( ERRORSTRING_TYPEERROR_ARRAY_TOSTRING ), &wstring( NAME_BUILTIN_ERROR_OBJECT ), ERROR_TYPEERROR_ARRAY_TOSTRING ); return; } hash_map< wstring, CVariable >& map = varThis.refObject->getPropertyMap(); hash_map< wstring, CVariable >::iterator itBegin = map.begin(); hash_map< wstring, CVariable >::iterator itErase; hash_map< wstring, CVariable >::iterator itEnd = map.end(); vector< CVariable >vecArray; vecArray.reserve( map.size() ); //Dup entries to the vector while( itBegin != itEnd ) { if( !(itBegin->second.iOperandFlag & OPERAND_FLAG_DONTENUM ) ) { vecArray.push_back( itBegin->second ); itErase = itBegin; ++itBegin; map.erase( itErase ); } else ++itBegin; } vector< CVariable >::iterator itVecBegin = vecArray.begin(); vector< CVariable >::iterator itVecEnd = vecArray.end(); g_pVm = pVm; if( iNumArguments >= 2 ) { pArguments++; if( pArguments->iOperandType == OPERAND_OBJECTREF && pArguments->refObject->getCall() ) { //Cmp function is given as 1st argument g_ridPredicater = pArguments->refObject->getCall(); std::sort( itVecBegin, itVecEnd, CilPredicater ); } else { //Fallback to regular sort. std::sort( itVecBegin, itVecEnd, Predicater ); } } else { //Sort these inside the vector std::sort( itVecBegin, itVecEnd, Predicater ); } wchar_t strIndex[ 16 ]; uint32_t iIndexSrc = 0; uint32_t iIndexDest = 0; //Restore to the map itVecBegin = vecArray.begin(); itVecEnd = vecArray.end(); while( itVecBegin != itVecEnd ) { //Skip storing UNDEFINED if( vecArray[ iIndexSrc ].iOperandType == OPERAND_UNDEFINED ) { ++itVecBegin; ++iIndexSrc; continue; } swprintf( strIndex, 16, L"%d", iIndexDest ); map[ strIndex ] = vecArray[ iIndexSrc ]; ++iIndexSrc; ++iIndexDest; ++itVecBegin; } pVm->pushEvalStack( varThis ); return; }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Name: Render() // Desc: Renders the scene //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CXBoxSample::Render() { static float tt=0; if( m_DefaultGamepad.wPressedButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_START ) { // tt=this->m_fAppTime; angles[250]++; } if( m_DefaultGamepad.bPressedAnalogButtons [ XINPUT_GAMEPAD_WHITE ] ) { zoomer_blend++; angles[251]++; } if( m_DefaultGamepad.bPressedAnalogButtons [ XINPUT_GAMEPAD_BLACK] ) angles[252]++; if( m_DefaultGamepad.bPressedAnalogButtons [ XINPUT_GAMEPAD_X ] ) angles[253]++; if( m_DefaultGamepad.bPressedAnalogButtons [ XINPUT_GAMEPAD_B ] ) angles[254]++; if( m_DefaultGamepad.bPressedAnalogButtons [ XINPUT_GAMEPAD_A ] ) angles[255]++; #if 1 float h0= -1*m_DefaultGamepad.bPressedAnalogButtons [ XINPUT_GAMEPAD_LEFT_TRIGGER ]+ 1*m_DefaultGamepad.bPressedAnalogButtons [ XINPUT_GAMEPAD_RIGHT_TRIGGER ]; float h1= -1*m_DefaultGamepad.bPressedAnalogButtons [ XINPUT_GAMEPAD_Y ]+ 1*m_DefaultGamepad.bPressedAnalogButtons [ XINPUT_GAMEPAD_X ]; /* int i=((int)angles[254])%animCount; animSet[i].speed=angles[0*8+0]+=m_DefaultGamepad.fY1*.2f; animSet[i].rotate=angles[0*8+1]+=m_DefaultGamepad.fX1*.2f; animSet[i].hue=angles[0*8+2]+=h0; i=((int)angles[255])%animCount; animSet[i].speed=angles[1*8+0]+=m_DefaultGamepad.fY2*.2f; animSet[i].rotate=angles[1*8+1]+=m_DefaultGamepad.fX2*.2f; animSet[i].hue=angles[1*8+2]+=h1; */ #endif demo_render(this->m_fAppTime-tt); #if 0 WCHAR buf1[256]; WCHAR buf2[256]; WCHAR buf3[256]; swprintf(buf1, L"blend:%4d first %4d second%4d ", zoomer_blend&3, ((int)angles[254])%animCount, ((int)angles[255])%animCount); swprintf(buf2, L"%4d %4d %4d", // %2x %2x %2x %2x %2x ", (int)(4*angles[0*8+0]), (int)(4*angles[0*8+1]), (int)(4*angles[0*8+2])); swprintf(buf3, L"%4d %4d %4d", // %2x %2x %2x %2x %2x ", (int)(4*angles[1*8+0]), (int)(4*angles[1*8+1]), (int)(4*angles[1*8+2])); #endif #if 0 m_Font.Begin(); // m_Font.SetScaleFactors( 1.2f, 1.2f ); // m_Font.DrawText( 62, 45, 0xffffffff, L"Magic Meat" ); m_Font.SetScaleFactors( 1.0f, 1.0f ); m_Font.DrawText( 62, 360, 0xffffffff, buf1, XBFONT_LEFT); m_Font.DrawText( 62, 400, 0xffff0000+0xff00, buf2, XBFONT_LEFT); m_Font.DrawText( 62, 440, 0xffff0000+0xff00, buf3, XBFONT_LEFT); swprintf(buf1, L"%4.4f", this->m_fAppTime); m_Font.DrawText( 568, 400, 0xffffff00, buf1, XBFONT_RIGHT ); m_Font.DrawText( 568, 440, 0xffffff00, m_strFrameRate, XBFONT_RIGHT ); m_Font.End(); // Draw the on-screen audio level meters XBSound_DrawLevelMeters( m_pDSound, 0, 00.0f, 60.0f, 480.0f ); #endif // Present the scene m_pd3dDevice->Present( NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ); return S_OK; }
void NotifyPlayerOfMercDepartureAndPromptEquipmentPlacement( SOLDIERTYPE *pSoldier, BOOLEAN fAddRehireButton ) { // will tell player this character is leaving and ask where they want the equipment left CHAR16 sString[ 1024 ]; BOOLEAN fInSector = FALSE; // INT16 zTownIDString[50]; CHAR16 zShortTownIDString[ 50 ]; // use YES/NO Pop up box, settup for particular screen SGPRect pCenteringRect= {0, 0, 640, 480}; //GetSectorIDString( pSoldier->sSectorX, pSoldier->sSectorY, pSoldier->bSectorZ, zTownIDString, TRUE ); GetShortSectorString( pSoldier->sSectorX ,pSoldier->sSectorY, zShortTownIDString ); // Set string for generic button swprintf( gzUserDefinedButton1, L"%s", zShortTownIDString ); pLeaveSoldier = pSoldier; if( pSoldier->fSignedAnotherContract == TRUE ) { fAddRehireButton = FALSE; } if( pSoldier->fSignedAnotherContract == TRUE ) { fAddRehireButton = FALSE; } if( pSoldier->ubWhatKindOfMercAmI != MERC_TYPE__AIM_MERC ) { fAddRehireButton = FALSE; } //if the character is an RPC if( pSoldier->ubProfile >= FIRST_RPC && pSoldier->ubProfile < FIRST_NPC ) { if( gMercProfiles[ pSoldier->ubProfile ].bSex == MALE ) { swprintf( sString, pMercHeLeaveString[ 4 ], pSoldier->name, zShortTownIDString ); } else { swprintf( sString, pMercSheLeaveString[ 4 ], pSoldier->name, zShortTownIDString ); } fInSector = TRUE; } // check if drassen controlled else if( StrategicMap[ ( AIRPORT_X + ( MAP_WORLD_X * AIRPORT_Y ) ) ].fEnemyControlled == FALSE ) { if( ( pSoldier->sSectorX == AIRPORT_X ) && ( pSoldier->sSectorY == AIRPORT_Y ) && ( pSoldier->bSectorZ == 0 ) ) { if( gMercProfiles[ pSoldier->ubProfile ].bSex == MALE ) { swprintf( sString, L"%s %s", pSoldier->name, pMercHeLeaveString[ 3 ] ); } else { swprintf( sString, L"%s %s", pSoldier->name, pMercSheLeaveString[ 3 ] ); } fInSector = TRUE; } else { // Set string for generic button swprintf( gzUserDefinedButton2, L"B13" ); if( gMercProfiles[ pSoldier->ubProfile ].bSex == MALE ) { swprintf( sString, pMercHeLeaveString[ 0 ], pSoldier->name, zShortTownIDString ); } else { swprintf( sString, pMercSheLeaveString[ 0 ], pSoldier->name, zShortTownIDString ); } } } else { if( ( pSoldier->sSectorX == OMERTA_LEAVE_EQUIP_SECTOR_X ) && ( pSoldier->sSectorY == OMERTA_LEAVE_EQUIP_SECTOR_Y ) && ( pSoldier->bSectorZ == 0 ) ) { if( gMercProfiles[ pSoldier->ubProfile ].bSex == MALE ) { swprintf( sString, L"%s %s", pSoldier->name, pMercHeLeaveString[ 2 ] ); } else { swprintf( sString, L"%s %s", pSoldier->name, pMercSheLeaveString[ 2 ] ); } fInSector = TRUE; } else { // Set string for generic button swprintf( gzUserDefinedButton2, L"A9" ); if( gMercProfiles[ pSoldier->ubProfile ].bSex == MALE ) { swprintf( sString, pMercHeLeaveString[ 1 ], pSoldier->name, zShortTownIDString ); } else { swprintf( sString, pMercSheLeaveString[ 1 ], pSoldier->name, zShortTownIDString ); } } } /// which screen are we in? if ( (guiTacticalInterfaceFlags & INTERFACE_MAPSCREEN ) ) { if( fInSector == FALSE ) { // set up for mapscreen DoMapMessageBox( MSG_BOX_BASIC_STYLE, sString, MAP_SCREEN, ( UINT16 )( ( fAddRehireButton ? MSG_BOX_FLAG_GENERICCONTRACT : MSG_BOX_FLAG_GENERIC ) ), MercDepartEquipmentBoxCallBack ); } else { DoMapMessageBox( MSG_BOX_BASIC_STYLE, sString, MAP_SCREEN, ( UINT16 )( ( fAddRehireButton ? MSG_BOX_FLAG_OKCONTRACT : MSG_BOX_FLAG_OK ) ), MercDepartEquipmentBoxCallBack ); } } else { if( fInSector == FALSE ) { // set up for all otherscreens DoMessageBox( MSG_BOX_BASIC_STYLE, sString, guiCurrentScreen, ( UINT16 ) ( MSG_BOX_FLAG_USE_CENTERING_RECT | ( fAddRehireButton ? MSG_BOX_FLAG_GENERICCONTRACT : MSG_BOX_FLAG_GENERIC ) ), MercDepartEquipmentBoxCallBack, &pCenteringRect ); } else { DoMessageBox( MSG_BOX_BASIC_STYLE, sString, guiCurrentScreen, ( UINT16 ) ( MSG_BOX_FLAG_USE_CENTERING_RECT | ( fAddRehireButton ? MSG_BOX_FLAG_OKCONTRACT : MSG_BOX_FLAG_OK ) ) , MercDepartEquipmentBoxCallBack, &pCenteringRect ); } } if( pSoldier->fSignedAnotherContract == TRUE ) { //fCurrentMercFired = FALSE; } }
// new tactical and mapscreen message system void TacticalScreenMsg( UINT16 usColor, UINT8 ubPriority, STR16 pStringA, ... ) { // this function sets up the string into several single line structures ScrollStringStPtr pStringSt; UINT32 uiFont = TINYFONT1; UINT16 usPosition=0; UINT16 usCount=0; UINT16 usStringLength=0; UINT16 usCurrentSPosition=0; UINT16 usCurrentLookup=0; //wchar_t *pString; BOOLEAN fLastLine=FALSE; va_list argptr; wchar_t DestString[512], DestStringA[ 512 ]; //wchar_t *pStringBuffer; BOOLEAN fMultiLine=FALSE; ScrollStringStPtr pTempStringSt=NULL; WRAPPED_STRING *pStringWrapper=NULL; WRAPPED_STRING *pStringWrapperHead=NULL; BOOLEAN fNewString = FALSE; UINT16 usLineWidthIfWordIsWiderThenWidth=0; if( giTimeCompressMode > TIME_COMPRESS_X1 ) { return; } if( fDisableJustForIan == TRUE && ubPriority != MSG_ERROR && ubPriority != MSG_INTERFACE ) { return; } if( ubPriority == MSG_BETAVERSION ) { usColor = BETAVERSION_COLOR; #ifndef JA2BETAVERSION #ifndef JA2TESTVERSION return; #endif #endif WriteMessageToFile( DestString ); } if( ubPriority == MSG_TESTVERSION ) { usColor = TESTVERSION_COLOR; #ifndef JA2TESTVERSION return; #endif WriteMessageToFile( DestString ); } if ( fFirstTimeInMessageSystem ) { // Init display array! memset( gpDisplayList, 0, sizeof( gpDisplayList ) ); fFirstTimeInMessageSystem = FALSE; //if(!(InitializeMutex(SCROLL_MESSAGE_MUTEX,"ScrollMessageMutex" ))) // return; } pStringSt=pStringS; while(GetNextString(pStringSt)) pStringSt=GetNextString(pStringSt); va_start(argptr, pStringA); // Set up variable argument pointer vswprintf(DestString, pStringA, argptr); // process gprintf string (get output str) va_end(argptr); if ( ubPriority == MSG_DEBUG ) { #ifndef _DEBUG return; #endif #ifdef JA2DEMO return; #endif usColor = DEBUG_COLOR; wcscpy( DestStringA, DestString ); swprintf( DestString, L"Debug: %s", DestStringA ); WriteMessageToFile( DestStringA ); } if ( ubPriority == MSG_DIALOG ) { usColor = DIALOGUE_COLOR; } if ( ubPriority == MSG_INTERFACE ) { usColor = INTERFACE_COLOR; } pStringWrapperHead=LineWrap(uiFont, LINE_WIDTH, &usLineWidthIfWordIsWiderThenWidth, DestString); pStringWrapper=pStringWrapperHead; if(!pStringWrapper) return; fNewString = TRUE; while(pStringWrapper->pNextWrappedString!=NULL) { if(!pStringSt) { pStringSt=AddString(pStringWrapper->sString, usColor, uiFont, fNewString, ubPriority ); fNewString = FALSE; pStringSt->pNext=NULL; pStringSt->pPrev=NULL; pStringS=pStringSt; } else { pTempStringSt=AddString(pStringWrapper->sString, usColor, uiFont, fNewString, ubPriority); fNewString = FALSE; pTempStringSt->pPrev=pStringSt; pStringSt->pNext=pTempStringSt; pStringSt=pTempStringSt; pTempStringSt->pNext=NULL; } pStringWrapper=pStringWrapper->pNextWrappedString; } pTempStringSt=AddString(pStringWrapper->sString, usColor, uiFont, fNewString, ubPriority ); if(pStringSt) { pStringSt->pNext=pTempStringSt; pTempStringSt->pPrev=pStringSt; pStringSt=pTempStringSt; pStringSt->pNext=NULL; } else { pStringSt=pTempStringSt; pStringSt->pNext=NULL; pStringSt->pPrev=NULL; pStringS=pStringSt; } // clear up list of wrapped strings ClearWrappedStrings( pStringWrapperHead ); //LeaveMutex(SCROLL_MESSAGE_MUTEX, __LINE__, __FILE__); return; }
void AddCommonInfoToBox(void) { CHAR16 wString[ 64 ]; UINT32 hStringHandle = 0; BOOLEAN fUnknownSAMSite = FALSE; UINT8 ubMilitiaTotal = 0; UINT8 ubNumEnemies; switch( SECTOR( bCurrentTownMineSectorX, bCurrentTownMineSectorY ) ) { case SEC_D2: //Chitzena SAM if( !fSamSiteFound[ SAM_SITE_ONE ] ) fUnknownSAMSite = TRUE; break; case SEC_D15: //Drassen SAM if( !fSamSiteFound[ SAM_SITE_TWO ] ) fUnknownSAMSite = TRUE; break; case SEC_I8: //Cambria SAM if( !fSamSiteFound[ SAM_SITE_THREE ] ) fUnknownSAMSite = TRUE; break; // SAM Site 4 in Meduna is within town limits, so it's always controllable default: break; } // in sector where militia can be trained, // control of the sector matters, display who controls this sector. Map brightness no longer gives this! if ( MilitiaTrainingAllowedInSector( bCurrentTownMineSectorX, bCurrentTownMineSectorY, 0 ) && !fUnknownSAMSite ) { // controlled: swprintf( wString, L"%s:", pwMiscSectorStrings[ 4 ] ); AddMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString ); // No/Yes swprintf( wString, L"%s", pwMiscSectorStrings[ ( StrategicMap[ CALCULATE_STRATEGIC_INDEX( bCurrentTownMineSectorX, bCurrentTownMineSectorY ) ].fEnemyControlled ) ? 6 : 5 ] ); AddSecondColumnMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString ); // militia - is there any? swprintf( wString, L"%s:", pwTownInfoStrings[ 11 ] ); AddMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString ); ubMilitiaTotal = CountAllMilitiaInSector(bCurrentTownMineSectorX, bCurrentTownMineSectorY); if (ubMilitiaTotal > 0) { // some militia, show total & their breakdown by level swprintf( wString, L"%d (%d/%d/%d)", ubMilitiaTotal, MilitiaInSectorOfRank(bCurrentTownMineSectorX, bCurrentTownMineSectorY, GREEN_MILITIA), MilitiaInSectorOfRank(bCurrentTownMineSectorX, bCurrentTownMineSectorY, REGULAR_MILITIA), MilitiaInSectorOfRank(bCurrentTownMineSectorX, bCurrentTownMineSectorY, ELITE_MILITIA)); AddSecondColumnMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString ); } else { // no militia: don't bother displaying level breakdown wcscpy( wString, L"0"); AddSecondColumnMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString ); } // percentage of current militia squad training completed swprintf( wString, L"%s:", pwTownInfoStrings[ 10 ] ); AddMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString ); swprintf( wString, L"%d%%%%", SectorInfo[ SECTOR( bCurrentTownMineSectorX, bCurrentTownMineSectorY ) ].ubMilitiaTrainingPercentDone ); AddSecondColumnMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString ); } // enemy forces swprintf( wString, L"%s:", pwMiscSectorStrings[ 0 ] ); AddMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString ); // how many are there, really? ubNumEnemies = NumEnemiesInSector( bCurrentTownMineSectorX, bCurrentTownMineSectorY ); switch ( WhatPlayerKnowsAboutEnemiesInSector( bCurrentTownMineSectorX, bCurrentTownMineSectorY ) ) { case KNOWS_NOTHING: // show "Unknown" wcscpy(wString, pwMiscSectorStrings[ 3 ] ); break; case KNOWS_THEYRE_THERE: // if there are any there if ( ubNumEnemies > 0 ) { // show "?", but not exactly how many wcscpy(wString, L"?" ); } else { // we know there aren't any (or we'd be seing them on map, too) wcscpy(wString, L"0" ); } break; case KNOWS_HOW_MANY: // show exactly how many swprintf( wString, L"%d", ubNumEnemies ); break; } AddSecondColumnMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString ); }
LPWSTR TempFileName(LPCWSTR fileName) // generate a unique temporary filename // creates a sub-directory in TEMP and uses fileName as a guide for the // filename // returns name of temporary directory if fileName is NULL { static WCHAR tmpPath[MAX_PATH]={'\0'}; static WCHAR tmpFileName[MAX_PATH]={'\0'}; HANDLE hFile; if (*tmpPath=='\0') { // first time called so generate temporary directory // first get TEMP directory #ifdef _UNICODE WCHAR tmpDir[MAX_PATH]; GetTempPathW(MAX_PATH,tmpDir); // now create a unique sub-directory for (WORD i=0; i<10000;i++) { (void)swprintf(tmpPath, sizeof(tmpPath), L"%S/MKS%d",tmpDir,i); if (::CreateDirectoryW(tmpPath,NULL)) break; } #else char tempPath[MAX_PATH]; char tmpDir[MAX_PATH]; GetTempPath(MAX_PATH,tempPath); // now create a unique sub-directory for (WORD i=0; i<10000;i++) { sprintf(tmpDir,"%s/MKS%d",tempPath,i); if (::CreateDirectory(tmpDir,NULL)) break; } ::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_OEMCP, 0, tmpDir, -1, tmpPath, MAX_PATH); #endif } if (fileName) { /* Find the last backslash */ int index = 0; for(size_t i=0;i<wcslen(fileName);i++) { if(fileName[i] == '/' || fileName[i] == '\\') index = i; } if(index > 0) fileName = &fileName[index+1]; swprintf(tmpFileName, #ifndef __GNUC__ sizeof(tmpFileName), #endif L"%s/%s",tmpPath,fileName); for (WORD i=0; i<10000;i++) { hFile = ::MakeSISOpenFile(tmpFileName, GENERIC_READ, OPEN_EXISTING); if (hFile==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) break; CloseHandle(hFile); swprintf(tmpFileName, #ifndef __GNUC__ sizeof(tmpFileName), #endif L"%s/%s%d",tmpPath,fileName,i); } /** Convert backslash to underscore for the generated filename */ /* WCHAR *tmp = &tmpFileName[0]; while(*tmp) { if(*tmp == '/') { *tmp = '\\'; } tmp++; } */ } else wcscpy(tmpFileName,tmpPath); return tmpFileName; }
// adds text to mine info box void AddTextToMineBox( void ) { UINT8 ubMineIndex; UINT8 ubTown; UINT32 hStringHandle; CHAR16 wString[ 64 ]; ubMineIndex = GetMineIndexForSector( bCurrentTownMineSectorX, bCurrentTownMineSectorY ); // name of town followed by "mine" swprintf( wString, L"%s %s", pTownNames[ GetTownAssociatedWithMine( ubMineIndex ) ], pwMineStrings[ 0 ] ); AddMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString ); // blank line AddMonoString( &hStringHandle, L"" ); // sector AddSectorToBox(); // mine status swprintf( wString, L"%s:", pwMineStrings[ 9 ]); AddMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString ); // check if mine is empty (abandoned) or running out if (gMineStatus[ ubMineIndex ].fEmpty) { // abandonded wcscpy( wString, pwMineStrings[ 5 ] ); } else if (gMineStatus[ ubMineIndex ].fShutDown) { // shut down wcscpy( wString, pwMineStrings[ 6 ] ); } else if (gMineStatus[ ubMineIndex ].fRunningOut) { // running out wcscpy( wString, pwMineStrings[ 7 ] ); } else { // producing wcscpy( wString, pwMineStrings[ 8 ] ); } AddSecondColumnMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString ); // if still producing if (!gMineStatus[ ubMineIndex ].fEmpty) { // current production swprintf( wString, L"%s:", pwMineStrings[ 3 ]); AddMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString ); swprintf( wString, L"%d", PredictDailyIncomeFromAMine( ubMineIndex ) ); InsertCommasForDollarFigure( wString ); InsertDollarSignInToString( wString ); AddSecondColumnMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString ); // potential production swprintf( wString, L"%s:", pwMineStrings[ 4 ]); AddMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString ); swprintf( wString, L"%d", GetMaxDailyRemovalFromMine( ubMineIndex ) ); InsertCommasForDollarFigure( wString ); InsertDollarSignInToString( wString ); AddSecondColumnMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString ); // if potential is not nil if (GetMaxPeriodicRemovalFromMine(ubMineIndex) > 0) { // production rate (current production as a percentage of potential production) swprintf( wString, L"%s:", pwMineStrings[ 10 ]); AddMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString ); swprintf( wString, L"%d%%%%", (PredictDailyIncomeFromAMine(ubMineIndex) * 100 ) / GetMaxDailyRemovalFromMine(ubMineIndex) ); AddSecondColumnMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString ); } // town control percentage swprintf( wString, L"%s:", pwMineStrings[ 12 ]); AddMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString ); swprintf( wString, L"%d%%%%", (GetTownSectorsUnderControl( gMineLocation[ ubMineIndex ].bAssociatedTown ) * 100) / GetTownSectorSize( gMineLocation[ ubMineIndex ].bAssociatedTown )); AddSecondColumnMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString ); ubTown = gMineLocation[ ubMineIndex ].bAssociatedTown; if( gTownLoyalty[ ubTown ].fStarted && gfTownUsesLoyalty[ ubTown ]) { // town loyalty percentage swprintf( wString, L"%s:", pwMineStrings[ 13 ]); AddMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString ); swprintf( wString, L"%d%%%%", gTownLoyalty[ gMineLocation[ ubMineIndex ].bAssociatedTown ].ubRating); AddSecondColumnMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString ); } /* gradual monster infestation concept was ditched, now simply IN PRODUCTION or SHUT DOWN // percentage of miners working swprintf( wString, L"%s:", pwMineStrings[ 14 ]); AddMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString ); swprintf( wString, L"%d%%%%", gubMonsterMineInfestation[ gMineStatus[ ubMineIndex ].bMonsters ]); AddSecondColumnMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString ); */ // ore type (silver/gold swprintf( wString, L"%s:", pwMineStrings[ 11 ]); AddMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString ); AddSecondColumnMonoString( &hStringHandle, (gMineStatus[ubMineIndex].ubMineType == SILVER_MINE) ? pwMineStrings[ 1 ] : pwMineStrings[ 2 ] ); } #ifdef _DEBUG // dollar amount remaining in mine wcscpy( wString, L"Remaining (DEBUG):"); AddMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString ); swprintf( wString, L"%d", GetTotalLeftInMine( ubMineIndex ) ); InsertCommasForDollarFigure( wString ); InsertDollarSignInToString( wString ); AddSecondColumnMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString ); #endif }
// adds text to town info box void AddTextToTownBox( void ) { UINT32 hStringHandle = 0; CHAR16 wString[ 64 ]; UINT8 ubTownId = 0; UINT16 usTownSectorIndex; INT16 sMineSector = 0; // remember town id ubTownId = GetTownIdForSector( bCurrentTownMineSectorX, bCurrentTownMineSectorY ); Assert((ubTownId >= FIRST_TOWN) && (ubTownId < NUM_TOWNS)); usTownSectorIndex = SECTOR( bCurrentTownMineSectorX, bCurrentTownMineSectorY ); switch( usTownSectorIndex ) { case SEC_B13: AddMonoString( &hStringHandle, pLandTypeStrings[ DRASSEN_AIRPORT_SITE ] ); break; case SEC_F8: AddMonoString( &hStringHandle, pLandTypeStrings[ CAMBRIA_HOSPITAL_SITE ] ); break; case SEC_J9: //Tixa if( !fFoundTixa ) AddMonoString( &hStringHandle, pLandTypeStrings[ SAND ] ); else AddMonoString( &hStringHandle, pTownNames[ TIXA ] ); break; case SEC_K4: //Orta if( !fFoundOrta ) AddMonoString( &hStringHandle, pLandTypeStrings[ SWAMP ] ); else AddMonoString( &hStringHandle, pTownNames[ ORTA ] ); break; case SEC_N3: AddMonoString( &hStringHandle, pLandTypeStrings[ MEDUNA_AIRPORT_SITE ] ); break; default: if( usTownSectorIndex == SEC_N4 && fSamSiteFound[ SAM_SITE_FOUR ] ) { //Meduna's SAM site AddMonoString( &hStringHandle, pLandTypeStrings[ MEDUNA_SAM_SITE ] ); } else { // town name swprintf( wString, L"%s", pTownNames[ ubTownId ] ); AddMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString ); } break; } // blank line AddMonoString( &hStringHandle, L"" ); // sector AddSectorToBox(); // town size swprintf( wString, L"%s:", pwTownInfoStrings[ 0 ] ); AddMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString ); swprintf( wString, L"%d", GetTownSectorSize( ubTownId ) ); AddSecondColumnMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString ); // main facilities swprintf( wString, L"%s:", pwTownInfoStrings[ 8 ] ); AddMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString ); wcscpy(wString, L""); GetSectorFacilitiesFlags( bCurrentTownMineSectorX, bCurrentTownMineSectorY, wString ); AddSecondColumnMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString ); // the concept of control is only meaningful in sectors where militia can be trained if ( MilitiaTrainingAllowedInSector( bCurrentTownMineSectorX, bCurrentTownMineSectorY, 0 ) ) { // town control swprintf( wString, L"%s:", pwTownInfoStrings[ 2 ] ); AddMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString ); swprintf( wString, L"%d%%%%", (GetTownSectorsUnderControl( ubTownId ) * 100) / GetTownSectorSize( ubTownId )); AddSecondColumnMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString ); } // the concept of town loyalty is only meaningful in towns where loyalty is tracked if( gTownLoyalty[ ubTownId ].fStarted && gfTownUsesLoyalty[ ubTownId ]) { // town loyalty swprintf( wString, L"%s:", pwTownInfoStrings[ 5 ] ); AddMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString ); swprintf( wString, L"%d%%%%", gTownLoyalty[ ubTownId ].ubRating ); AddSecondColumnMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString ); } // if the town has a mine sMineSector = GetMineSectorForTown( ubTownId ); if( sMineSector != -1 ) { // Associated Mine: Sector swprintf( wString, L"%s:", pwTownInfoStrings[ 4 ] ); AddMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString ); GetShortSectorString( ( INT16 )( sMineSector % MAP_WORLD_X ), ( INT16 )( sMineSector / MAP_WORLD_X ), wString ); AddSecondColumnMonoString( &hStringHandle, wString ); } }
double getCpuUsage() { SYSTEM_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION SysPerfInfo; SYSTEM_TIME_INFORMATION SysTimeInfo; SYSTEM_BASIC_INFORMATION SysBaseInfo; LONG status; //change char** to lpcwstr char a[] = "ntdll"; WCHAR wsz[64]; swprintf(wsz, L"%S", a); LPCWSTR ntdll = wsz; NtQuerySystemInformation = (PROCNTQSI)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle(ntdll),"NtQuerySystemInformation"); // get number of processors in the system status = NtQuerySystemInformation(SystemBasicInformation,&SysBaseInfo,sizeof(SysBaseInfo),NULL); if (status != NO_ERROR) return -1; if (!NtQuerySystemInformation) return -1; // get number of processors in the system status = NtQuerySystemInformation(SystemBasicInformation,&SysBaseInfo,sizeof(SysBaseInfo),NULL); if (status != NO_ERROR) return -1; // get new system time status = NtQuerySystemInformation(SystemTimeInformation,&SysTimeInfo,sizeof(SysTimeInfo),0); if (status!=NO_ERROR) return -1; // get new CPU's idle time status =NtQuerySystemInformation(SystemPerformanceInformation,&SysPerfInfo,sizeof(SysPerfInfo),NULL); if (status != NO_ERROR) return -1; if ( m_iNumberProcessors != SysBaseInfo.bKeNumberProcessors) { //save m_iNumberProcessors = SysBaseInfo.bKeNumberProcessors; //if sppi not null clear if (m_pSPPI != NULL) delete []m_pSPPI; if (m_PUT != NULL) delete []m_PUT; //malloc and point m_pSPPI = new SYSTEM_PROCESSOR_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION[m_iNumberProcessors]; m_PUT = new m_PROCESSORS_USE_TIME[m_iNumberProcessors]; } // get ProcessorPer time status =NtQuerySystemInformation(SystemProcessorPerformanceInformation, m_pSPPI, sizeof(SYSTEM_PROCESSOR_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION) * m_iNumberProcessors, NULL); if (status != NO_ERROR) return -1; // if it's a first call - skip it if (liOldIdleTime.QuadPart != 0) { // CurrentValue = NewValue - OldValue dbIdleTime = Li2Double(SysPerfInfo.liIdleTime) - Li2Double(liOldIdleTime); dbSystemTime = Li2Double(SysTimeInfo.liKeSystemTime) - Li2Double(liOldSystemTime); // CurrentCpuIdle = IdleTime / SystemTime dbIdleTime = dbIdleTime / dbSystemTime; // CurrentCpuUsage% = 100 - (CurrentCpuIdle * 100) / NumberOfProcessors dbIdleTime = 100.0 - dbIdleTime * 100.0 / (double)SysBaseInfo.bKeNumberProcessors; //calc Processors for (int i = 0; i < m_iNumberProcessors; i++) { m_PUT[i].dbCurrentTime = Li2Double(m_pSPPI[i].KernelTime) + Li2Double(m_pSPPI[i].UserTime) + Li2Double(m_pSPPI[i].DpcTime) + Li2Double(m_pSPPI[i].InterruptTime) - m_PUT[i].dbOldCurrentTime; m_PUT[i].dbIdleTime = Li2Double(m_pSPPI[i].IdleTime) - m_PUT[i].dbOldIdleTime; // CurrentCpuIdle = IdleTime / SystemTime m_PUT[i].dbIdleTime = m_PUT[i].dbIdleTime / m_PUT[i].dbCurrentTime; // CurrentCpuUsage% = 100 - (CurrentCpuIdle * 100) / NumberOfProcessors m_PUT[i].dbIdleTime = 100.0 - m_PUT[i].dbIdleTime * 100.0; } } // store new CPU's idle and system time liOldIdleTime = SysPerfInfo.liIdleTime; liOldSystemTime = SysTimeInfo.liKeSystemTime; for (int i = 0; i < m_iNumberProcessors; i++) { m_PUT[i].dbOldCurrentTime = Li2Double(m_pSPPI[i].KernelTime) + Li2Double(m_pSPPI[i].UserTime) + Li2Double(m_pSPPI[i].DpcTime) + Li2Double(m_pSPPI[i].InterruptTime); m_PUT[i].dbOldIdleTime = Li2Double(m_pSPPI[i].IdleTime); } return dbIdleTime; }
/*************************************************************************** * Construct Array object ***************************************************************************/ void CArrayObject::ctor( CCilVm* const pVm, const int32_t iNumArguments, CVariable* pArguments ) { assert( pVm != NULL ); assert( iNumArguments >= 1 ); //Initialize this object CVariable& var = *pArguments; pArguments++; assert( OperandType( var.iOperandType ) == OPERAND_OBJECTREF ); //Set prototype: Array prototype object var.refObject->setPrototypeObject( &pVm->getPrototypeObject( pVm->getArrayObjectRID() ) ); //setProperty Accessor var.refObject->setPropertyAccessor( STRING_INTERNAL_LENGTH, lengthAccessor ); //setProperty Accessor var.refObject->setPropertyAccessor( STRING_PROPERTY_INTERNAL_ANY, anyAccessor ); if( iNumArguments == 2 ) { //Special case when only 1 argument is given int32_t iArrayLength = iNumArguments - 1; OPERAND_TYPE type = pArguments->getPrimitiveType(); if( type != OPERAND_STRING ) { //Argument is a number int32_t iSize = pArguments->toInt(); if( iSize >= MAX_ARRAYLENGTH ) { //Throw TypeError pVm->throwException( &wstring( ERRORSTRING_OUTOFMEMORY ), &wstring( NAME_BUILTIN_ERROR_OBJECT ), ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY ); return; } else if( iSize < 0 ) { //Throw TypeError pVm->throwException( &wstring( ERRORSTRING_ARRAY_LENGTH ), &wstring( NAME_BUILTIN_ERROR_OBJECT ), ERROR_ARRAY_LENGTH ); return; } iArrayLength = iSize; } else { //Store initializers to the array wchar_t strBuffer[ 22 ]; //22=max value width of longlong int32_t i = 0; for( i = 0; i < iNumArguments - 1; ++i ) { //Argument: 1) value of the property swprintf( strBuffer, 22, L"%d", i ); var.refObject->setProperty( strBuffer, *pArguments ); pArguments++; } } //Just set length //Set to ".lengh" CVariable varLength( (int32_t)iArrayLength, OPERAND_FLAG( OPERAND_FLAG_DONTDELETE | OPERAND_FLAG_DONTENUM ) ); var.refObject->setProperty( STRING_PROPERTY_INTERNAL_LENGTH, varLength ); } else { //Store initializers to the array wchar_t strBuffer[ 22 ]; //22=max value width of longlong int32_t i = 0; for( i = 0; i < iNumArguments - 1; ++i ) { //Argument: 1) value of the property swprintf( strBuffer, 22, L"%d", i ); var.refObject->setProperty( strBuffer, *pArguments ); pArguments++; } //Set to ".lengh" CVariable varLength( (int32_t)iNumArguments - 1, OPERAND_FLAG( OPERAND_FLAG_DONTDELETE | OPERAND_FLAG_DONTENUM ) ); var.refObject->setProperty( STRING_PROPERTY_INTERNAL_LENGTH, varLength ); } return; }
void MapScreenMessage( UINT16 usColor, UINT8 ubPriority, STR16 pStringA, ... ) { // this function sets up the string into several single line structures ScrollStringStPtr pStringSt; UINT32 uiFont = MAP_SCREEN_MESSAGE_FONT; UINT16 usPosition=0; UINT16 usCount=0; UINT16 usStringLength=0; UINT16 usCurrentSPosition=0; UINT16 usCurrentLookup=0; //wchar_t *pString; BOOLEAN fLastLine=FALSE; va_list argptr; wchar_t DestString[512], DestStringA[ 512 ]; //wchar_t *pStringBuffer; BOOLEAN fMultiLine=FALSE; WRAPPED_STRING *pStringWrapper=NULL; WRAPPED_STRING *pStringWrapperHead=NULL; BOOLEAN fNewString = FALSE; UINT16 usLineWidthIfWordIsWiderThenWidth; if( fDisableJustForIan == TRUE ) { if( ubPriority == MSG_BETAVERSION ) { return; } else if( ubPriority == MSG_TESTVERSION ) { return; } else if ( ubPriority == MSG_DEBUG ) { return; } } if( ubPriority == MSG_BETAVERSION ) { usColor = BETAVERSION_COLOR; #ifndef JA2BETAVERSION #ifndef JA2TESTVERSION return; #endif #endif WriteMessageToFile( DestString ); } if( ubPriority == MSG_TESTVERSION ) { usColor = TESTVERSION_COLOR; #ifndef JA2TESTVERSION return; #endif WriteMessageToFile( DestString ); } // OK, check if we are ani imeediate feedback message, if so, do something else! if ( ubPriority == MSG_UI_FEEDBACK ) { va_start(argptr, pStringA); // Set up variable argument pointer vswprintf(DestString, pStringA, argptr); // process gprintf string (get output str) va_end(argptr); BeginUIMessage( DestString ); return; } if ( ubPriority == MSG_SKULL_UI_FEEDBACK ) { va_start(argptr, pStringA); // Set up variable argument pointer vswprintf(DestString, pStringA, argptr); // process gprintf string (get output str) va_end(argptr); InternalBeginUIMessage( TRUE, DestString ); return; } // check if error if ( ubPriority == MSG_ERROR ) { va_start(argptr, pStringA); // Set up variable argument pointer vswprintf(DestString, pStringA, argptr); // process gprintf string (get output str) va_end(argptr); swprintf( DestStringA, L"DEBUG: %s", DestString ); BeginUIMessage( DestStringA ); WriteMessageToFile( DestStringA ); return; } // OK, check if we are an immediate MAP feedback message, if so, do something else! if ( ( ubPriority == MSG_MAP_UI_POSITION_UPPER ) || ( ubPriority == MSG_MAP_UI_POSITION_MIDDLE ) || ( ubPriority == MSG_MAP_UI_POSITION_LOWER ) ) { va_start(argptr, pStringA); // Set up variable argument pointer vswprintf(DestString, pStringA, argptr); // process gprintf string (get output str) va_end(argptr); BeginMapUIMessage( ubPriority, DestString ); return; } if ( fFirstTimeInMessageSystem ) { // Init display array! memset( gpDisplayList, 0, sizeof( gpDisplayList ) ); fFirstTimeInMessageSystem = FALSE; //if(!(InitializeMutex(SCROLL_MESSAGE_MUTEX,"ScrollMessageMutex" ))) // return; } pStringSt=pStringS; while(GetNextString(pStringSt)) pStringSt=GetNextString(pStringSt); va_start(argptr, pStringA); // Set up variable argument pointer vswprintf(DestString, pStringA, argptr); // process gprintf string (get output str) va_end(argptr); if ( ubPriority == MSG_DEBUG ) { #ifndef _DEBUG return; #endif #ifdef JA2DEMO return; #endif usColor = DEBUG_COLOR; wcscpy( DestStringA, DestString ); swprintf( DestString, L"Debug: %s", DestStringA ); } if ( ubPriority == MSG_DIALOG ) { usColor = DIALOGUE_COLOR; } if ( ubPriority == MSG_INTERFACE ) { usColor = INTERFACE_COLOR; } pStringWrapperHead=LineWrap(uiFont, MAP_LINE_WIDTH, &usLineWidthIfWordIsWiderThenWidth, DestString); pStringWrapper=pStringWrapperHead; if(!pStringWrapper) return; fNewString = TRUE; while(pStringWrapper->pNextWrappedString!=NULL) { AddStringToMapScreenMessageList(pStringWrapper->sString, usColor, uiFont, fNewString, ubPriority ); fNewString = FALSE; pStringWrapper=pStringWrapper->pNextWrappedString; } AddStringToMapScreenMessageList(pStringWrapper->sString, usColor, uiFont, fNewString, ubPriority ); // clear up list of wrapped strings ClearWrappedStrings( pStringWrapperHead ); // play new message beep //PlayNewMessageSound( ); MoveToEndOfMapScreenMessageList( ); //LeaveMutex(SCROLL_MESSAGE_MUTEX, __LINE__, __FILE__); }
/*************************************************************************** * join property ***************************************************************************/ void CArrayObject::join( CCilVm* const pVm, const int32_t iNumArguments, CVariable* pArguments ) { assert( iNumArguments >= 1 ); CVariable& varThis = *pArguments; wstring sSeparator = wstring( STRING_INTERNAL_JOIN_DEFAULT_SEPARATOR ); //Set up separator string if( iNumArguments > 1 ) { //Set new separator pArguments ++; sSeparator = *pArguments->toString( pVm ); } //Initialize destination variable in the eval stack pVm->pushEvalStackUndefined(); CVariable& var = pVm->getEvalStackFirstEntry(); var.iOperandType = OPERAND_STRING; var.pString = new wstring(L""); uint32_t iIndex = 0; uint32_t iLength = 0; hash_map< wstring, CVariable >::iterator itStart = varThis.refObject->getPropertyMap().begin(); hash_map< wstring, CVariable >::iterator itEnd = varThis.refObject->getPropertyMap().end(); while( itStart != itEnd ) { bool bDigit = CheckArrayIndex( itStart->first ); if( bDigit ) iLength ++; itStart++; } wchar_t strIndex[ 16 ]; while( iLength ) { swprintf( strIndex, 16, L"%d", iIndex ); CVariable* pvar; pvar = varThis.refObject->lookupProperty( strIndex ); if( iIndex ) var.pString->append( sSeparator ); iIndex++; if( pvar ) { CVariable varTmp = *pvar; //To eliminate recursive death if( varThis.refObject != varTmp.refObject || varTmp.iOperandType != OPERAND_OBJECTREF ) { varTmp.convertToString( pVm ); var.pString->append( *varTmp.pString ); } iLength--; } } return; }
NTSTATUS NTAPI InitVideo(VOID) { ULONG iDevNum, iVGACompatible = -1, ulMaxObjectNumber = 0; WCHAR awcDeviceName[20]; WCHAR awcBuffer[256]; NTSTATUS Status; PGRAPHICS_DEVICE pGraphicsDevice; ULONG cbValue; HKEY hkey; TRACE("----------------------------- InitVideo() -------------------------------\n"); /* Open the key for the boot command line */ Status = RegOpenKey(L"\\REGISTRY\\MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control", &hkey); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { cbValue = 256; Status = RegQueryValue(hkey, L"SystemStartOptions", REG_SZ, awcBuffer, &cbValue); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* Check if VGA mode is requested. */ if (wcsstr(awcBuffer, L"BASEVIDEO") != 0) { ERR("VGA mode requested.\n"); gbBaseVideo = TRUE; } } ZwClose(hkey); } /* Open the key for the adapters */ Status = RegOpenKey(KEY_VIDEO, &hkey); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ERR("Could not open HARDWARE\\DEVICEMAP\\VIDEO registry key:0x%lx\n", Status); return Status; } /* Read the name of the VGA adapter */ cbValue = 20; Status = RegQueryValue(hkey, L"VgaCompatible", REG_SZ, awcDeviceName, &cbValue); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { iVGACompatible = _wtoi(&awcDeviceName[13]); ERR("VGA adapter = %lu\n", iVGACompatible); } /* Get the maximum mumber of adapters */ if (!RegReadDWORD(hkey, L"MaxObjectNumber", &ulMaxObjectNumber)) { ERR("Could not read MaxObjectNumber, defaulting to 0.\n"); } TRACE("Found %lu devices\n", ulMaxObjectNumber + 1); /* Loop through all adapters */ for (iDevNum = 0; iDevNum <= ulMaxObjectNumber; iDevNum++) { /* Create the adapter's key name */ swprintf(awcDeviceName, L"\\Device\\Video%lu", iDevNum); /* Read the reg key name */ cbValue = sizeof(awcBuffer); Status = RegQueryValue(hkey, awcDeviceName, REG_SZ, awcBuffer, &cbValue); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ERR("failed to query the registry path:0x%lx\n", Status); continue; } /* Initialize the driver for this device */ pGraphicsDevice = InitDisplayDriver(awcDeviceName, awcBuffer); if (!pGraphicsDevice) continue; /* Check if this is a VGA compatible adapter */ if (pGraphicsDevice->StateFlags & DISPLAY_DEVICE_VGA_COMPATIBLE) { /* Save this as the VGA adapter */ if (!gpVgaGraphicsDevice) gpVgaGraphicsDevice = pGraphicsDevice; TRACE("gpVgaGraphicsDevice = %p\n", gpVgaGraphicsDevice); } else { /* Set the first one as primary device */ if (!gpPrimaryGraphicsDevice) gpPrimaryGraphicsDevice = pGraphicsDevice; TRACE("gpPrimaryGraphicsDevice = %p\n", gpPrimaryGraphicsDevice); } } /* Close the device map registry key */ ZwClose(hkey); /* Was VGA mode requested? */ if (gbBaseVideo) { /* Check if we found a VGA compatible device */ if (gpVgaGraphicsDevice) { /* Set the VgaAdapter as primary */ gpPrimaryGraphicsDevice = gpVgaGraphicsDevice; // FIXME: DEVMODE } else { ERR("Could not find VGA compatible driver. Trying normal.\n"); } } /* Check if we had any success */ if (!gpPrimaryGraphicsDevice) { /* Check if there is a VGA device we skipped */ if (gpVgaGraphicsDevice) { /* There is, use the VGA device */ gpPrimaryGraphicsDevice = gpVgaGraphicsDevice; } else { ERR("No usable display driver was found.\n"); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } } InitSysParams(); return 1; }
// AddDevice, called when an instance of our supported hardware is found // Returning anything other than NT_SUCCESS here causes the device to fail // to initialise NTSTATUS NTAPI FreeBT_AddDevice(IN PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject, IN PDEVICE_OBJECT PhysicalDeviceObject) { NTSTATUS ntStatus; PDEVICE_OBJECT deviceObject; PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension; POWER_STATE state; KIRQL oldIrql; UNICODE_STRING uniDeviceName; WCHAR wszDeviceName[255]={0}; UNICODE_STRING uniDosDeviceName; LONG instanceNumber=0; FreeBT_DbgPrint(3, ("FBTUSB: FreeBT_AddDevice: Entered\n")); deviceObject = NULL; swprintf(wszDeviceName, L"\\Device\\FbtUsb%02d", instanceNumber); RtlInitUnicodeString(&uniDeviceName, wszDeviceName); ntStatus=STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_COLLISION; while (instanceNumber<99 && !NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { swprintf(wszDeviceName, L"\\Device\\FbtUsb%02d", instanceNumber); uniDeviceName.Length = wcslen(wszDeviceName) * sizeof(WCHAR); FreeBT_DbgPrint(1, ("FBTUSB: Attempting to create device %ws\n", wszDeviceName)); ntStatus = IoCreateDevice( DriverObject, // our driver object sizeof(DEVICE_EXTENSION), // extension size for us &uniDeviceName, // name for this device FILE_DEVICE_UNKNOWN, 0, // device characteristics FALSE, // Not exclusive &deviceObject); // Our device object if (!NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) instanceNumber++; } if (!NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { FreeBT_DbgPrint(1, ("FBTUSB: Failed to create device object\n")); return ntStatus; } FreeBT_DbgPrint(1, ("FBTUSB: Created device %ws\n", wszDeviceName)); deviceExtension = (PDEVICE_EXTENSION) deviceObject->DeviceExtension; deviceExtension->FunctionalDeviceObject = deviceObject; deviceExtension->PhysicalDeviceObject = PhysicalDeviceObject; deviceObject->Flags |= DO_DIRECT_IO; swprintf(deviceExtension->wszDosDeviceName, L"\\DosDevices\\FbtUsb%02d", instanceNumber); RtlInitUnicodeString(&uniDosDeviceName, deviceExtension->wszDosDeviceName); ntStatus=IoCreateSymbolicLink(&uniDosDeviceName, &uniDeviceName); if (!NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { FreeBT_DbgPrint(1, ("FBTUSB: Failed to create symbolic link %ws to %ws, status=0x%08x\n", deviceExtension->wszDosDeviceName, wszDeviceName, ntStatus)); IoDeleteDevice(deviceObject); return ntStatus; } FreeBT_DbgPrint(1, ("FBTUSB: Created symbolic link %ws\n", deviceExtension->wszDosDeviceName)); KeInitializeSpinLock(&deviceExtension->DevStateLock); INITIALIZE_PNP_STATE(deviceExtension); deviceExtension->OpenHandleCount = 0; // Initialize the selective suspend variables KeInitializeSpinLock(&deviceExtension->IdleReqStateLock); deviceExtension->IdleReqPend = 0; deviceExtension->PendingIdleIrp = NULL; // Hold requests until the device is started deviceExtension->QueueState = HoldRequests; // Initialize the queue and the queue spin lock InitializeListHead(&deviceExtension->NewRequestsQueue); KeInitializeSpinLock(&deviceExtension->QueueLock); // Initialize the remove event to not-signaled. KeInitializeEvent(&deviceExtension->RemoveEvent, SynchronizationEvent, FALSE); // Initialize the stop event to signaled. // This event is signaled when the OutstandingIO becomes 1 KeInitializeEvent(&deviceExtension->StopEvent, SynchronizationEvent, TRUE); // OutstandingIo count biased to 1. // Transition to 0 during remove device means IO is finished. // Transition to 1 means the device can be stopped deviceExtension->OutStandingIO = 1; KeInitializeSpinLock(&deviceExtension->IOCountLock); #ifdef ENABLE_WMI // Delegating to WMILIB ntStatus = FreeBT_WmiRegistration(deviceExtension); if (!NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { FreeBT_DbgPrint(1, ("FBTUSB: FreeBT_WmiRegistration failed with %X\n", ntStatus)); IoDeleteDevice(deviceObject); IoDeleteSymbolicLink(&uniDosDeviceName); return ntStatus; } #endif // Set the flags as underlying PDO if (PhysicalDeviceObject->Flags & DO_POWER_PAGABLE) { deviceObject->Flags |= DO_POWER_PAGABLE; } // Typically, the function driver for a device is its // power policy owner, although for some devices another // driver or system component may assume this role. // Set the initial power state of the device, if known, by calling // PoSetPowerState. deviceExtension->DevPower = PowerDeviceD0; deviceExtension->SysPower = PowerSystemWorking; state.DeviceState = PowerDeviceD0; PoSetPowerState(deviceObject, DevicePowerState, state); // attach our driver to device stack // The return value of IoAttachDeviceToDeviceStack is the top of the // attachment chain. This is where all the IRPs should be routed. deviceExtension->TopOfStackDeviceObject = IoAttachDeviceToDeviceStack(deviceObject, PhysicalDeviceObject); if (NULL == deviceExtension->TopOfStackDeviceObject) { #ifdef ENABLE_WMI FreeBT_WmiDeRegistration(deviceExtension); #endif IoDeleteDevice(deviceObject); IoDeleteSymbolicLink(&uniDosDeviceName); return STATUS_NO_SUCH_DEVICE; } // Register device interfaces ntStatus = IoRegisterDeviceInterface(deviceExtension->PhysicalDeviceObject, &GUID_CLASS_FREEBT_USB, NULL, &deviceExtension->InterfaceName); if (!NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { #ifdef ENABLE_WMI FreeBT_WmiDeRegistration(deviceExtension); #endif IoDetachDevice(deviceExtension->TopOfStackDeviceObject); IoDeleteDevice(deviceObject); IoDeleteSymbolicLink(&uniDosDeviceName); return ntStatus; } if (IoIsWdmVersionAvailable(1, 0x20)) { deviceExtension->WdmVersion = WinXpOrBetter; } else if (IoIsWdmVersionAvailable(1, 0x10)) { deviceExtension->WdmVersion = Win2kOrBetter; } else if (IoIsWdmVersionAvailable(1, 0x5)) { deviceExtension->WdmVersion = WinMeOrBetter; } else if (IoIsWdmVersionAvailable(1, 0x0)) { deviceExtension->WdmVersion = Win98OrBetter; } deviceExtension->SSRegistryEnable = 0; deviceExtension->SSEnable = 0; // WinXP only: check the registry flag indicating whether // the device should selectively suspend when idle if (WinXpOrBetter == deviceExtension->WdmVersion) { FreeBT_GetRegistryDword(FREEBT_REGISTRY_PARAMETERS_PATH, L"BulkUsbEnable", (PULONG)(&deviceExtension->SSRegistryEnable)); if (deviceExtension->SSRegistryEnable) { // initialize DPC KeInitializeDpc(&deviceExtension->DeferredProcCall, DpcRoutine, deviceObject); // initialize the timer. // the DPC and the timer in conjunction, // monitor the state of the device to // selectively suspend the device. KeInitializeTimerEx(&deviceExtension->Timer, NotificationTimer); // Initialize the NoDpcWorkItemPendingEvent to signaled state. // This event is cleared when a Dpc is fired and signaled // on completion of the work-item. KeInitializeEvent(&deviceExtension->NoDpcWorkItemPendingEvent, NotificationEvent, TRUE); // Initialize the NoIdleReqPendEvent to ensure that the idle request // is indeed complete before we unload the drivers. KeInitializeEvent(&deviceExtension->NoIdleReqPendEvent, NotificationEvent, TRUE); } } // Initialize the NoIdleReqPendEvent to ensure that the idle request // is indeed complete before we unload the drivers. KeInitializeEvent(&deviceExtension->DelayEvent, NotificationEvent, FALSE); // Clear the DO_DEVICE_INITIALIZING flag. // Note: Do not clear this flag until the driver has set the // device power state and the power DO flags. deviceObject->Flags &= ~DO_DEVICE_INITIALIZING; InterlockedIncrement(&instanceNumber); FreeBT_DbgPrint(3, ("FBTUSB: FreeBT_AddDevice: Leaving\n")); return ntStatus; }
VOID GetVersionInfo( BOOL Verbose ) { WCHAR NameBuffer[MAXVERSIONBUFFER]; WCHAR Title1[128]; WCHAR Title2[128]; WCHAR wszPID[MAXVERSIONSTRING]; WCHAR wszPro[MAXVERSIONSTRING]; WCHAR wszSrv[MAXVERSIONSTRING]; WCHAR wszPBuild[MAXVERSIONSTRING]; WCHAR wszEvaluation[MAXVERSIONSTRING]; UNICODE_STRING UserBuildString; UNICODE_STRING UserTypeString; UNICODE_STRING UserCSDString; NTSTATUS Status; RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_TABLE BaseServerRegistryConfigurationTable[] = { {NULL, RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_DIRECT, L"CurrentBuildNumber", &UserBuildString, REG_NONE, NULL, 0}, {NULL, RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_DIRECT, L"CurrentType", &UserTypeString, REG_NONE, NULL, 0}, {NULL, RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_DIRECT, L"CSDVersion", &UserCSDString, REG_NONE, NULL, 0}, {NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, REG_NONE, NULL, 0} }; UserBuildString.Buffer = &NameBuffer[OFFSET_BLDSTRING]; UserBuildString.Length = 0; UserBuildString.MaximumLength = MAXVERSIONSTRING * sizeof(WCHAR); UserTypeString.Buffer = &NameBuffer[OFFSET_TYPSTRING]; UserTypeString.Length = 0; UserTypeString.MaximumLength = MAXVERSIONSTRING * sizeof(WCHAR); UserCSDString.Buffer = &NameBuffer[OFFSET_CSDSTRING]; UserCSDString.Length = 0; UserCSDString.MaximumLength = MAXVERSIONSTRING * sizeof(WCHAR); Status = RtlQueryRegistryValues(RTL_REGISTRY_WINDOWS_NT, L"", BaseServerRegistryConfigurationTable, NULL, NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { RIPMSG1(RIP_WARNING, "GetVersionInfo failed with status %x", Status); return; } ServerLoadString( hModuleWin, STR_DTBS_PRODUCTID, wszPID, ARRAY_SIZE(wszPID) ); ServerLoadString( hModuleWin, STR_DTBS_PRODUCTPRO, wszPro, ARRAY_SIZE(wszPro) ); ServerLoadString( hModuleWin, STR_DTBS_PRODUCTSRV, wszSrv, ARRAY_SIZE(wszSrv) ); ServerLoadString( hModuleWin, STR_DTBS_PRODUCTBUILD, wszPBuild, ARRAY_SIZE(wszPBuild) ); /* * Write out Debugging Version message. */ /* * Bug 280256 - joejo * Create new desktop build information strings */ swprintf( wszProductName, wszPID, ((USER_SHARED_DATA->NtProductType == NtProductWinNt) ? wszPro : wszSrv) ); if (gfUnsignedDrivers) { /* This takes precedence */ ServerLoadString( hModuleWin, STR_TESTINGONLY, wszEvaluation, ARRAY_SIZE(wszEvaluation) ); } else if (USER_SHARED_DATA->SystemExpirationDate.QuadPart) { ServerLoadString(hModuleWin, STR_DTBS_EVALUATION, wszEvaluation, ARRAY_SIZE(wszEvaluation)); } else { wszEvaluation[0] = '\0'; } swprintf( wszProductBuild, wszPBuild, wszEvaluation, UserBuildString.Buffer ); if (Verbose) { ServerLoadString( hModuleWin, STR_SAFEMODE_TITLE1, Title1, ARRAY_SIZE(Title1) ); ServerLoadString( hModuleWin, STR_SAFEMODE_TITLE2, Title2, ARRAY_SIZE(Title2) ); swprintf( wszT, UserCSDString.Length == 0 ? Title1 : Title2, UserBuildString.Buffer, UserCSDString.Buffer, USER_SHARED_DATA->NtSystemRoot ); } else { PWSTR s = wcsrchr( UserTypeString.Buffer, L' ' ); if (s) { s += 1; } else { s = UserTypeString.Buffer; } ServerLoadString( hModuleWin, STR_SAFEMODE_TITLE3, Title1, ARRAY_SIZE(Title1) ); ServerLoadString( hModuleWin, STR_SAFEMODE_TITLE4, Title2, ARRAY_SIZE(Title2) ); swprintf( wszT, UserCSDString.Length == 0 ? Title1 : Title2, UserBuildString.Buffer, UserCSDString.Buffer, s ); } }
void ExhTestCPEngine::ExhTestProperties() { HRESULT hr; // REVIEW LarsH: how do we pass in the location of the UnicodeData.txt file as // a parameter? Env var? StrAnsi staDataFile = L"d:\\lars\\Unicode\\UnicodeData.txt"; FILE *pFileIn = fopen(staDataFile, "r"); if (!pFileIn) FailureFormat("Unable to open Unicode data file %s", staDataFile); CodePtData cpdCurrent, cpdNext; cpdNext.chCodeValue = -1; // uninitialized // TODO LarsH: We should test through 0x10FFFF, but currently there are // some problems with higher characters which have been postponed, // so in order to avoid a humungous error log we'll stick with the first page for now. // Raid #31 #define JUST_FIRST_PAGE #ifdef JUST_FIRST_PAGE for (int ch = 0; ch <= 0xFFFF; ch++) #else for (int ch = 0; ch <= 0x10FFFF; ch++) #endif { if (! (ch % 0x1000)) LogFormat("%x:\n", ch); // Read in the next record unless we've already got this data if (cpdNext.chCodeValue < ch) ParseRecord(pFileIn, &cpdNext); // This is NOT an "else"; it may happen in addition to the above. if (cpdNext.chCodeValue == ch) { // got the right record; copy it over cpdCurrent.chCodeValue = ch; strcpy(cpdCurrent.szCategory, cpdNext.szCategory); wcscpy(cpdCurrent.szwName, cpdNext.szwName); cpdCurrent.nNumericValue = cpdNext.nNumericValue; cpdCurrent.nCombiningClass = cpdNext.nCombiningClass; wcscpy(cpdCurrent.szwDecomposition, cpdNext.szwDecomposition); cpdCurrent.chUpper = cpdNext.chUpper; cpdCurrent.chLower = cpdNext.chLower; cpdCurrent.chTitle = cpdNext.chTitle; } // Treat special ranges specially: if (ch >= 0x3400 && ch <= 0x4db5 || ch >= 0x4e00 && ch <= 0x9fa5) { // CJK Ideographs (Extension A and other) // Most data is same as previous, so don't need to load; // but must set names algorithmically. swprintf(cpdCurrent.szwName, L"CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-%X", ch); } else if (ch >= 0xac00 && ch <= 0xd7a3) { // Hangul Syllables // Data for 0xAC00 is loaded, and applies to all others, except // name and decomp. HangulDecomposition(ch, cpdCurrent.szwDecomposition); HangulName(cpdCurrent.szwDecomposition, cpdCurrent.szwName); } else if (ch >= 0xd800 && // ch <= 0xdb7f || ch >= 0xdb80 && ch <= 0xdbff || // ch >= 0xdc00 && ch <= 0xdfff || ch >= 0xe000 ch <= 0xf8ff) { // Consecutive ranges: Non-Private Use High Surrogates, // Private Use High Surrogates, Low Surrogates, Private Use Area. // All of these are nameless (UnicodeData File Format v3.0.0) // TODO LarsH: change all this before closing Raid #24. cpdCurrent.szwName[0] = '\0'; } else if (ch == 0xfffe || ch == 0xffff || // explicitly "not Unicode chars" cpdNext.chCodeValue > ch || (cpdNext.chCodeValue < ch && feof(pFileIn))) { // Not assigned in the data file. cpdCurrent.chCodeValue = ch; cpdCurrent.szwName[0] = '\0'; strcpy(cpdCurrent.szCategory, "Cn"); cpdCurrent.nCombiningClass = 0; // Must distinguish between lack of a NumericValue and a zero NumericValue. cpdCurrent.nNumericValue = -1; cpdCurrent.szwDecomposition[0] = '\0'; // Zero is not an anycase equivalent of any character. cpdCurrent.chLower = cpdCurrent.chUpper = cpdCurrent.chTitle = ch; } // ** If looking for a character with a specific combination of properties, // ** you can test it here. This would be better done in SQL. // if (cpdCurrent.szCategory[0] != 'L' && cpdCurrent.chUpper > 0) // LogFormat("*** U+%x fulfills conditions\n"); // continue; // skip all the usual tests if desired // Make sure the property interface methods get the same data. LgGeneralCharCategory cc = ParseCC(cpdCurrent.szCategory); CheckCat(ch, cc); ComBool fLet, fPun, fNum, fSep, fSym, fMar, fOth, fAll; #define CheckBoolProp(prop, var, index, letter) \ { \ hr = m_qpropeng->get_##prop(ch, &var); \ WarnHr(hr); \ if (var != (cpdCurrent.szCategory[index] == letter)) \ FailureFormat("get_" #prop "(U+%x) gave wrong answer", ch); \ } CheckBoolProp(IsLetter, fLet, 0, 'L'); CheckBoolProp(IsPunctuation, fPun, 0, 'P'); CheckBoolProp(IsNumber, fNum, 0, 'N'); CheckBoolProp(IsSeparator, fSep, 0, 'Z'); CheckBoolProp(IsSymbol, fSym, 0, 'S'); CheckBoolProp(IsMark, fMar, 0, 'M'); CheckBoolProp(IsOther, fOth, 0, 'C'); // REVIEW LarsH: is int(ComBool) guaranteed to be 1 if true? I think so. int nCat; if ((nCat = fLet + fPun + fNum + fSep + fSym + fMar + fOth) != 1) FailureFormat("Codepoint U+%x is in %d categories instead of one.", ch, nCat); if (fLet) { ComBool fUpp, fLow, fTit, fMod, fOth; CheckBoolProp(IsUpper, fUpp, 1, 'u'); CheckBoolProp(IsLower, fLow, 1, 'l'); CheckBoolProp(IsTitle, fTit, 1, 't'); CheckBoolProp(IsModifier, fMod, 1, 'm'); CheckBoolProp(IsOtherLetter, fOth, 1, 'o'); if ((nCat = fUpp + fLow + fTit + fMod + fOth) != 1) FailureFormat("Letter U+%x is in %d subcategories instead of one.", ch, nCat); } else { // All should be false. CheckBoolProp(IsUpper, fAll, 0, 'L'); CheckBoolProp(IsLower, fAll, 0, 'L'); CheckBoolProp(IsTitle, fAll, 0, 'L'); CheckBoolProp(IsModifier, fAll, 0, 'L'); CheckBoolProp(IsOtherLetter, fAll, 0, 'L'); } if (fPun) { ComBool fOpe, fClo, fMed; CheckBoolProp(IsOpen, fOpe, 1, 's'); CheckBoolProp(IsClose, fOpe, 1, 'e'); CheckBoolProp(IsWordMedial, fOpe, 1, 'c'); // TODO LarsH: update this if definition in Language.idh changes, e.g. // if the above methods come to be true for Pd, Pi, Pf } else { CheckBoolProp(IsOpen, fAll, 0, 'P'); CheckBoolProp(IsClose, fAll, 0, 'P'); CheckBoolProp(IsWordMedial, fAll, 0, 'P'); } // IsControl should return true if category is Cc, false otherwise: CheckBoolProp(IsControl, fAll, 1, (cpdCurrent.szCategory[0] == 'C' ? 'c' : 0)); #undef CheckBoolProp #define IsLetter() (cpdCurrent.szCategory[0] == 'L') #define IsUpper() (cpdCurrent.szCategory[1] == 'u') #define IsLower() (cpdCurrent.szCategory[1] == 'l') #define IsTitle() (cpdCurrent.szCategory[1] == 't') // We must check IsLetter() etc. because the docs say, if it's not Lu/Ll/Tt, ToUpper() etc. // don't do case conversion, even if the Unicode database gives a conversion. int chUpper = -1, chLower = -1, chTitle = -1; // TODO LarsH: some of these should check different locales // if such data exists in SpecialCasing.txt hr = m_qpropeng->get_ToUpperCh(ch, &chUpper); if (FAILED(hr)) FailureFormat("get_ToUpperCh(0x%x) gave result %s", ch, AsciiHresult(hr)); int chUExp = (IsLetter() && (IsLower() || IsTitle()) && cpdCurrent.chUpper) ? cpdCurrent.chUpper : ch; if (chUpper != chUExp) { FailureFormat("get_ToUpperCh(0x%x {%s}) returned 0x%x instead of 0x%x", ch, cpdCurrent.szCategory, chUpper, chUExp); } hr = m_qpropeng->get_ToLowerCh(ch, &chLower); if (FAILED(hr)) FailureFormat("get_ToLowerCh(0x%x) gave result %s", ch, AsciiHresult(hr)); int chLExp = (IsLetter() && (IsUpper() || IsTitle()) && cpdCurrent.chLower) ? cpdCurrent.chLower : ch; if (chLower != chLExp) { FailureFormat("get_ToLowerCh(0x%x {%s}) returned 0x%x instead of 0x%x", ch, cpdCurrent.szCategory, chLower, chLExp); } hr = m_qpropeng->get_ToTitleCh(ch, &chTitle); if (FAILED(hr)) FailureFormat("get_ToTitleCh(0x%x) gave result %s", ch, AsciiHresult(hr)); #define FIXED_BUG_198 // just for now #ifdef FIXED_BUG_198 int chTExp = (IsLetter() && (IsUpper() || IsLower())) ? (cpdCurrent.chTitle ? cpdCurrent.chTitle : cpdCurrent.chUpper ? cpdCurrent.chUpper : ch) : ch; // ToTitleCh() returns the uppercase if there is no titlecase value defined if (chTitle != chTExp) { FailureFormat("get_ToTitleCh(0x%x {%s}) returned 0x%x instead of 0x%x", ch, cpdCurrent.szCategory, chTitle, chTExp); } #endif // FIXED_BUG_198 // TODO LarsH: test get_ToLower, etc. (BSTR functions) // These should take into account any special casing (SpecialCasing.txt), by testing // different locales (esp. Turkish) and contexts (FINAL/NON_FINAL, MODERN/NON_MODERN). wchar pwz[2]; pwz[0] = (wchar)ch; pwz[1] = '\0'; SmartBstr sbstrFrom(pwz), sbstrTo = L"fish"; // This one properly gives a warning if ch is half of a surrogate pair. if (ch >= 0xd800 && ch <= 0xdfff) // half a surrogate pair { IgnoreWarnings iw; hr = m_qpropeng->ToLower(sbstrFrom, &sbstrTo); TestFailZero(sbstrTo, "ToLower"); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) FailureFormat("ToLower with 0x%x (half a surrogate pair) should have failed", ch); } else { hr = m_qpropeng->ToLower(sbstrFrom, &sbstrTo); TestFailZero(sbstrTo, "ToLower"); WarnHr(hr); // TODO LarsH: check that the return value from get_ToLower is correct // TODO LarsH: use smart bstrs where possible } // TODO LarsH: test get_ToLowerRgch, etc. (Rgch functions) // TODO LarsH: test IsUserDefinedClass(). Right now there is no way to define // classes, so this will always return false. ComBool fRet; hr = m_qpropeng->get_IsUserDefinedClass(ch, 'A', &fRet); WarnHr(hr); if (fRet) FailureFormat("Character U+%x is a member of class 'A'??", ch); // TODO LarsH: test SoundAlikeKey // REVIEW LarsH: is this bstr causing a memory leak on every iteration of ch? SmartBstr sbstr = L"foo"; // TODO LarsH: Remove this kludge once get_CharacterName(Hangul) is working. if (ch >= 0xac00 && ch <= 0xd7a3) goto skipHangul; hr = m_qpropeng->get_CharacterName(ch, &sbstr); TestFailZero(sbstr, "get_CharacterName"); if (FAILED(hr)) FailureFormat("get_CharacterName(U+%x) failed", ch); else if ( #ifndef FIXED_BUG_24 !(ch >= 0xd800 && ch <= 0xf8ff) && #endif wcscmp(cpdCurrent.szwName, sbstr)) { FailureFormat(L"get_CharacterName(U+%x) returned \"%s\" instead of \"%s\".", ch, sbstr, cpdCurrent.szwName); } // if (sbstr) // SysFreeString(sbstr); #ifdef FIXED_BUG_125 sbstr = L"foo"; hr = m_qpropeng->get_Decomposition(ch, &sbstr); TestFailZero(sbstr, "get_Decomposition"); if (FAILED(hr)) FailureFormat("get_Decomposition(U+%x) failed", ch); // REVIEW LarsH: Does wcscmp understand NULL sbstrs? Apparently... else if (sbstr ? wcscmp(cpdCurrent.szwDecomposition, sbstr) : cpdCurrent.szwDecomposition[0]) { FailureFormat("Got wrong decomposition for U+%x", ch); } // if (sbstr) // SysFreeString(bstr); #endif // FIXED_BUG_125 sbstr = NULL; // TODO LarsH: test DecompositionRgch // That will probably require a separate pass through the whole UnicodeData // file to build up a hash table or sthg... skipHangul: int nNumericValue; { IgnoreWarnings iw; hr = m_qpropeng->get_NumericValue(ch, &nNumericValue); } if (fNum && (cc == kccNd || cc == kccNl || cc == kccNo) && cpdCurrent.nNumericValue > -1) { if (FAILED(hr)) FailureFormat("get_NumericValue(U+%x) failed with hr=%s", ch, AsciiHresult(hr)); else if (nNumericValue != cpdCurrent.nNumericValue) { FailureFormat("get_NumericValue(U+%x) returned %d instead of %d", ch, nNumericValue, cpdCurrent.nNumericValue); } } else if (hr != E_UNEXPECTED) { FailureFormat("get_NumericValue(U+%x {%s}) gave result %s instead of E_UNEXPECTED", ch, cpdCurrent.szCategory, AsciiHresult(hr)); } #define FIXED_BUG_18 1 // Seems to be fixed now. #ifdef FIXED_BUG_18 int nCombClass; hr = m_qpropeng->get_CombiningClass(ch, &nCombClass); WarnHr(hr); if (nCombClass != cpdCurrent.nCombiningClass) { FailureFormat("get_CombiningClass(U+%x) gave %d instead of %d", ch, nCombClass, cpdCurrent.nCombiningClass); } #endif // TODO LarsH: test everything else // TODO LarsH: test get_Comment // TODO LarsH: test GetLineBreakProps if not obsolete // TODO LarsH: test GetLineBreakStatus if not obsolete } }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Name: // Desc: //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CManipulator::SaveConfig(wchar_t* file) { int i; wchar_t string[512]; wchar_t name[512]; int pid; cprimitive* parent; FILE* file2 = _wfopen(file,L"w+"); if(file2 == NULL) MessageBox(0,0,0,0); fclose(file2); //chains swprintf(string, L"%d", numOfChains); IniWrite(file,L"manipulator",L"chainsize",string); for(i=0; i < numOfChains; i++) { swprintf(name, L"chain_%d", i); //coefficient swprintf(string, L"%.2f", cube[i]->fCoefficient); IniWrite(file, name, L"coefficient", string); //direction swprintf(string, L"%.2f", cube[i]->fDirection); IniWrite(file, name, L"direction", string); //displace swprintf(string, L"%.2f", cube[i]->fDisplace); IniWrite(file, name, L"displace", string); //length swprintf(string, L"%.2f", cube[i]->fLength); IniWrite(file, name, L"length", string); //width swprintf(string, L"%.2f", cube[i]->fWidth); IniWrite(file, name, L"width", string); //initangle swprintf(string, L"%.2f %.2f", (float)cube[i]->vAngle.x, (float)cube[i]->vAngle.y); IniWrite(file, name, L"initangle", string); //angle_restrict_phi swprintf(string, L"%.2f %.2f", cube[i]->restrictAngleX.x, cube[i]->restrictAngleX.y); IniWrite(file, name, L"angle_restrict_phi", string); //angle_restrict_theta swprintf(string, L"%.2f %.2f", cube[i]->restrictAngleY.x, cube[i]->restrictAngleY.y); IniWrite(file, name, L"angle_restrict_theta", string); //offset swprintf(string, L"%.2f %.2f %.2f", cube[i]->vOffset.x, cube[i]->vOffset.y, cube[i]->vOffset.z); IniWrite(file, name, L"offset", string); //mass swprintf(string, L"%.2f", cube[i]->fMass); IniWrite(file, name, L"mass", string); //booleans IniWrite(file, name, L"tilt", (cube[i]->bTilt ? L"1" : L"0")); IniWrite(file, name, L"pressure", (cube[i]->bPressure ? L"1" : L"0")); IniWrite(file, name, L"laser", (cube[i]->bLaser ? L"1" : L"0")); //parent_index parent = GetParent(cube[i],cube[0]); if(parent == NULL) pid = -1; else pid = parent->id; swprintf(string,L"%d",pid); IniWrite(file, name, L"parent_index", string); IniWrite(file, name, L"model", L""); } //limbs swprintf(string, L"%d", limbs.size()); IniWrite(file,L"limbs",L"num",string); for(i=0; i<limbs.size();i++) { swprintf(name, L"limb_%d", i); IniWrite(file,name,L"name",limbs[i]->name); swprintf(string, L"%d", limbs[i]->firstchain); IniWrite(file,name,L"first",string); swprintf(string, L"%d", limbs[i]->lastchain); IniWrite(file,name,L"last",string); } //------- MessageBox(0,L"Конфигурация успешно сохранена!", L"Сохранение", 0); return S_OK; }
DWORD TcpIpReader::startServer() { breakSocket=false; wchar_t log[300]; while (true) { //__try { fd_set readfds; FD_ZERO(&readfds); // Set server socket to set FD_SET(socket, &readfds); // Timeout parameter timeval tv = { 0 }; tv.tv_sec = 5; while(true) { if (breakSocket) return 0; FD_SET(socket, &readfds); int ret = select(0, &readfds, NULL, NULL, &tv); if (ret > 0) break; if (ret<0) { wchar_t log[100]; DWORD err=WSAGetLastError(); swprintf(log,L"[BixVReader]wsa err:%x",err); OutputDebugString(log); if (err==0x2736) { socket=WSASocket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,IPPROTO_TCP,NULL,0,0); sockaddr_in Service; Service.sin_family = AF_INET; Service.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(""); Service.sin_port = htons((u_short)(port)); bind(socket, (SOCKADDR *) &Service, sizeof (Service)); listen(socket, 1); FD_ZERO(&readfds); // Set server socket to set FD_SET(socket, &readfds); } } } SOCKET AcceptEventSocket; AcceptSocket = accept(socket, NULL, NULL); closesocket(socket); socket=NULL; if (AcceptSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) return 0; swprintf(log,L"[BixVReader]Socket connected:%i",AcceptSocket); OutputDebugString(log); FD_ZERO(&readfds); // Set server socket to set FD_SET(eventsocket, &readfds); while(true) { if (breakSocket) return 0; FD_SET(eventsocket, &readfds); int ret = select(0, &readfds, NULL, NULL, &tv); if (ret > 0) break; if (ret<0) { DWORD err=WSAGetLastError(); swprintf(log,L"[BixVReader]wsa err:%x",err); OutputDebugString(log); if (err==0x2736) { eventsocket=WSASocket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,IPPROTO_TCP,NULL,0,0); sockaddr_in eventService; eventService.sin_family = AF_INET; eventService.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(""); eventService.sin_port = htons((u_short)(eventPort)); bind(eventsocket, (SOCKADDR *) &eventService, sizeof (eventService)); listen(eventsocket, 1); FD_ZERO(&readfds); // Set server socket to set FD_SET(eventsocket, &readfds); } } } AcceptEventSocket = accept(eventsocket, NULL, NULL); closesocket(eventsocket); eventsocket=NULL; if (AcceptEventSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) return 0; swprintf(log,L"[BixVReader]Event Socket connected:%i",AcceptEventSocket); OutputDebugString(log); if (waitInsertIpr!=NULL) { // if I'm waiting for card insertion, verify if there's a card present if (initProtocols()) { SectionLocker lock(device->m_RequestLock); if (waitInsertIpr->UnmarkCancelable()==S_OK) waitInsertIpr->CompleteWithInformation(STATUS_SUCCESS, 0); waitInsertIpr=NULL; state=SCARD_SWALLOWED; } } while (true) { // wait for a command DWORD command=0; int read=0; if ((read=recv(AcceptEventSocket,(char*)&command,sizeof(DWORD),MSG_WAITALL))<=0) { state=SCARD_ABSENT; OutputDebugString(L"[BixVReader]Socket error"); powered=0; ::shutdown(AcceptSocket,SD_BOTH); ::shutdown(AcceptEventSocket,SD_BOTH); if (waitRemoveIpr!=NULL) {// card inserted OutputDebugString(L"[BixVReader]complete Wait Remove"); SectionLocker lock(device->m_RequestLock); if (waitRemoveIpr->UnmarkCancelable()==S_OK) { OutputDebugString(L"[BixVReader]Wait Remove Unmarked"); waitRemoveIpr->CompleteWithInformation(STATUS_SUCCESS, 0); OutputDebugString(L"[BixVReader]Wait Remove Completed"); } waitRemoveIpr=NULL; } if (waitInsertIpr!=NULL) {// card removed OutputDebugString(L"[BixVReader]cancel Wait Remove"); SectionLocker lock(device->m_RequestLock); if (waitInsertIpr->UnmarkCancelable()==S_OK) { OutputDebugString(L"[BixVReader]Wait Insert Unmarked"); waitInsertIpr->CompleteWithInformation(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_CANCELLED), 0); OutputDebugString(L"[BixVReader]Wait Insert Cancelled"); } waitInsertIpr=NULL; } break; } OutputDebugString(L"[BixVReader]Socket data"); if (command==0) powered=0; if (command==0 && waitRemoveIpr!=NULL) {// card removed SectionLocker lock(device->m_RequestLock); state=SCARD_ABSENT; if (waitRemoveIpr->UnmarkCancelable()==S_OK) waitRemoveIpr->CompleteWithInformation(STATUS_SUCCESS, 0); waitRemoveIpr=NULL; } else if (command==1 && waitInsertIpr!=NULL) {// card inserted SectionLocker lock(device->m_RequestLock); state=SCARD_SWALLOWED; initProtocols(); if (waitInsertIpr->UnmarkCancelable()==S_OK) waitInsertIpr->CompleteWithInformation(STATUS_SUCCESS, 0); waitInsertIpr=NULL; } } //} //__except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { // wchar_t log[300]; // DWORD err=GetExceptionCode(); // swprintf(log,L"Exception:%08X",err); // OutputDebugString(log); //} } OutputDebugString(L"[BixVReader]Socket quit!!!"); return 0; }
void log_debug(wchar_t *mess){ wchar_t *buff=malloc((wcslen(mess)+100)*sizeof(wchar_t)); swprintf(buff,wcslen(mess)+100,L"DEBUG! %s",mess); log_info(buff); free(buff); }
// DlgProcOpts(): Dialog Callback // hwndDlg: hWnd to options dialog // msg: Window message received // wParam: Depending on msg // lParam: Depending on msg static BOOL CALLBACK DlgProcOptsAcc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { CNetwork* network=(CNetwork*)GetWindowLong(GetParent(hwndDlg),GWL_USERDATA); switch (msg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: // Options dialog is being initialized { DBVARIANT dbv; HWND hControl; char** pszServers=servers; TranslateDialogDefault(hwndDlg); // Add server to list hControl=GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_SERVER); while (*pszServers) { ADD_LIST_ITEM(*pszServers); pszServers++; } SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg,IDC_AVATARTYPE,CB_ADDSTRING,NULL,(LPARAM)TranslateT("Head Image and User Head")); SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg,IDC_AVATARTYPE,CB_ADDSTRING,NULL,(LPARAM)TranslateT("Head Image")); SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg,IDC_AVATARTYPE,CB_ADDSTRING,NULL,(LPARAM)TranslateT("QQ Show")); SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg,IDC_AVATARTYPE,CB_ADDSTRING,NULL,(LPARAM)TranslateT("None")); SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg,IDC_CONVERSION,CB_ADDSTRING,NULL,(LPARAM)TranslateT("No Message Conversion")); SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg,IDC_CONVERSION,CB_ADDSTRING,NULL,(LPARAM)TranslateT("Receive: No Change, Send: Convert to Simplified")); SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg,IDC_CONVERSION,CB_ADDSTRING,NULL,(LPARAM)TranslateT("Receive: Convert to Traditional, Send: No Change")); SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg,IDC_CONVERSION,CB_ADDSTRING,NULL,(LPARAM)TranslateT("Receive: Convert to Traditional, Send: Convert to Simplified")); if (!(hControl=GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_NOTICE))) itoa(1,(LPSTR)hControl,10); SetWindowText(hControl,L"Miranda IM 专用的 QQ 插件 (MirandaQQ)\n版权所有(C) 2008 小熊工作室,保留所有权利。\n此插件使用 libeva QQ 库,版权所有(C) 云帆。\nThe QQ icon is from Cristal Icons pack, courtesy of Angeli-Ka. Used with permission from author.\n\n此插件是根据 GPL 第二版的条款而授权。你可以修改并重新发布基于此产品的成果,但你「必须保留所有原有的版权宣告」,并将有关之所有代码公开。若要更多信息,请参照 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html 上的 GPL 合约条款,或 http://docs.huihoo.com/open_source/GPL-chinese.html 参考该条款的中文译本。\n最后,由于太多人滥用桥接功能 (桥接20个群过分么?),所以此功能将被永久移除。你们要加回去请自便,但不要再在支持群里询问有关问题。"); ShowWindow(hControl,SW_SHOWNORMAL); if (network) { SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_CONVERSION),CB_SETCURSEL,DBGetContactSettingByte(NULL,network->m_szModuleName,QQ_MESSAGECONVERSION,0),0); if(!DBGetContactSetting(NULL,network->m_szModuleName,QQ_LOGINSERVER2,&dbv)) { SetDlgItemTextA(hwndDlg,IDC_SERVER,dbv.pszVal); DBFreeVariant(&dbv); } else { SetDlgItemTextA(hwndDlg,IDC_SERVER,*servers); } // Login ID and Password if(!DBGetContactSetting(NULL,network->m_szModuleName,UNIQUEIDSETTING,&dbv)){ char szID[16]; ultoa(dbv.lVal,szID,10); SetDlgItemTextA(hwndDlg,IDC_LOGIN,szID); DBFreeVariant(&dbv); } SetDlgItemTextA(hwndDlg,IDC_PASSWORD,PASSWORDMASK); CHECK_CONTROL(IDC_FORCEINVISIBLE,QQ_INVISIBLE); //CHECK_CONTROL(IDC_FORCEUNICODE,QQ_FORCEUNICODE); CheckDlgButton(hwndDlg,IDC_FORCEUNICODE,BST_CHECKED); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_FORCEUNICODE),FALSE); //CHECK_CONTROL2(IDC_AUTOSERVER,QQ_NOAUTOSERVER); ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_AUTOSERVER),SW_HIDE); // Version and Connection Information /* pszTemp=mir_strdup(szCheckoutTime); SetDlgItemTextA(hwndDlg,IDC_VERSION,pszTemp); mir_free(pszTemp); */ WCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH]; swprintf(szTemp,TranslateT("This copy of MirandaQQ is based on EVA %S, Module: %S"),version,network->m_szModuleName); SetDlgItemText(hwndDlg,IDC_VERSION,szTemp); //if (qqSettings->unicode) SetDlgItemText(hwndDlg,IDC_UNICODEMSG,TranslateT("Unicode Messaging Support(UTF-8) is Enabled.")); /*else SetDlgItemText(hwndDlg,IDC_UNICODEMSG,TranslateT("Unicode Messaging Support is Disabled."));*/ } return TRUE; } case WM_COMMAND: // When a control is toggled switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDC_LOGIN: case IDC_PASSWORD: //case IDC_SERVER: case IDC_VERSION: if (HIWORD(wParam) != EN_CHANGE || (HWND)lParam != GetFocus()) return 0; break; case IDC_CONVERSION: case IDC_SERVER: if (HIWORD(wParam) != CBN_SELCHANGE) return 0; } SendMessage(GetParent(hwndDlg), PSM_CHANGED, 0, 0); break; case WM_NOTIFY: // When a notify is sent by Options Dialog (Property Sheet) if (network && ((LPNMHDR)lParam)->code==PSN_APPLY) { int reconnectRequired=0; char str[128]; char login[128]; DBVARIANT dbv; // Login Information GetDlgItemTextA(hwndDlg,IDC_LOGIN,login,sizeof(login)); dbv.pszVal=NULL; dbv.lVal=0; if(DBGetContactSetting(NULL,network->m_szModuleName,UNIQUEIDSETTING,&dbv) || strtoul(login,NULL,10)!=dbv.dVal) reconnectRequired=1; if(dbv.lVal!=0) DBFreeVariant(&dbv); DBWriteContactSettingDword(NULL,network->m_szModuleName,UNIQUEIDSETTING,strtoul(login,NULL,10)); GetDlgItemTextA(hwndDlg,IDC_PASSWORD,str,sizeof(str)); if (strcmp(str,PASSWORDMASK)!=0) { CallService(MS_DB_CRYPT_ENCODESTRING,sizeof(str),(LPARAM)str); dbv.pszVal=NULL; if(DBGetContactSetting(NULL,network->m_szModuleName,QQ_PASSWORD,&dbv) || strcmp(str,dbv.pszVal)) reconnectRequired=1; if(dbv.pszVal!=NULL) DBFreeVariant(&dbv); DBWriteContactSettingString(NULL,network->m_szModuleName,QQ_PASSWORD,str); } // Server list GetDlgItemTextA(hwndDlg,IDC_SERVER,str,sizeof(str)); if(DBGetContactSetting(NULL,network->m_szModuleName,QQ_LOGINSERVER2,&dbv) || strcmp(str,dbv.pszVal)) reconnectRequired=1; if(dbv.pszVal!=NULL) DBFreeVariant(&dbv); DBWriteContactSettingString(NULL,network->m_szModuleName,QQ_LOGINSERVER2,str); CHECK_BYTE_SETTING(QQ_INVISIBLE,IDC_FORCEINVISIBLE); WRITE_CHECK_SETTING(QQ_INVISIBLE,IDC_FORCEINVISIBLE); CHECK_BYTE_SETTING(QQ_FORCEUNICODE,IDC_FORCEUNICODE); WRITE_CHECK_SETTING(QQ_FORCEUNICODE,IDC_FORCEUNICODE); /* CHECK_BYTE_SETTING2(QQ_NOAUTOSERVER,IDC_AUTOSERVER); WRITE_CHECK_SETTING2(QQ_NOAUTOSERVER,IDC_AUTOSERVER); */ if(Packet::isClientKeySet() && reconnectRequired) MessageBox(hwndDlg,TranslateT("The changes you have made require you to reconnect to the QQ network before they take effect"),APPNAME,MB_OK); DBWriteContactSettingByte(NULL,network->m_szModuleName,QQ_MESSAGECONVERSION,(BYTE)SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg,IDC_CONVERSION,CB_GETCURSEL,0,0)); return TRUE; } break; } return FALSE; }
/** Get the CPU time for the specified process */ unsigned long proc_get_jiffies(process_t *p) { wchar_t fn[FN_SIZE]; char state; int pid, ppid, pgrp, session, tty_nr, tpgid, exit_signal, processor; long int cutime, cstime, priority, nice, placeholder, itrealvalue, rss; unsigned long int flags, minflt, cminflt, majflt, cmajflt, utime, stime, starttime, vsize, rlim, startcode, endcode, startstack, kstkesp, kstkeip, signal, blocked, sigignore, sigcatch, wchan, nswap, cnswap; char comm[1024]; if (p->pid <= 0) return 0; swprintf(fn, FN_SIZE, L"/proc/%d/stat", p->pid); FILE *f = wfopen(fn, "r"); if (!f) return 0; int count = fscanf(f, "%d %s %c " "%d %d %d " "%d %d %lu " "%lu %lu %lu " "%lu %lu %lu " "%ld %ld %ld " "%ld %ld %ld " "%lu %lu %ld " "%lu %lu %lu " "%lu %lu %lu " "%lu %lu %lu " "%lu %lu %lu " "%lu %d %d ", &pid, comm, &state, &ppid, &pgrp, &session, &tty_nr, &tpgid, &flags, &minflt, &cminflt, &majflt, &cmajflt, &utime, &stime, &cutime, &cstime, &priority, &nice, &placeholder, &itrealvalue, &starttime, &vsize, &rss, &rlim, &startcode, &endcode, &startstack, &kstkesp, &kstkeip, &signal, &blocked, &sigignore, &sigcatch, &wchan, &nswap, &cnswap, &exit_signal, &processor ); if (count < 17) { return 0; } /* Don't need to check exit status of fclose on read-only streams */ fclose(f); return utime+stime+cutime+cstime; }
DWORD PipeReader::startServer() { SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa; sa.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); sa.bInheritHandle = FALSE; CreateMyDACL(&sa); wchar_t temp[300]; swprintf(temp,L"\\\\.\\pipe\\%s",pipeName); HANDLE _pipe=CreateNamedPipe(temp,PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX|FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED,PIPE_TYPE_BYTE,PIPE_UNLIMITED_INSTANCES,0,0,0,&sa); swprintf(temp,L"\\\\.\\pipe\\%s",pipeEventName); HANDLE _eventpipe=CreateNamedPipe(temp,PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX|FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED,PIPE_TYPE_BYTE,PIPE_UNLIMITED_INSTANCES,0,0,0,&sa); wchar_t log[300]; swprintf(log,L"[BixVReader]Pipe created:%s:%08Ix",pipeName,_pipe); OutputDebugString(log); while (true) { //__try { BOOL ris=ConnectNamedPipe(_pipe,NULL); if (ris==0) { swprintf(log,L"[BixVReader]Pipe NOT connected:%x",GetLastError()); OutputDebugString(log); } else { swprintf(log,L"[BixVReader]Pipe connected"); OutputDebugString(log); } ris=ConnectNamedPipe(_eventpipe,NULL); if (ris==0) { swprintf(log,L"[BixVReader]Event Pipe NOT connected:%x",GetLastError()); OutputDebugString(log); } else { swprintf(log,L"[BixVReader]Event Pipe connected"); OutputDebugString(log); } pipe=_pipe; eventpipe=_eventpipe; if (waitInsertIpr!=NULL) { SectionLocker lock(device->m_RequestLock); // if I'm waiting for card insertion, verify if there's a card present if (initProtocols()) { if (waitInsertIpr->UnmarkCancelable()==S_OK) waitInsertIpr->CompleteWithInformation(STATUS_SUCCESS, 0); waitInsertIpr=NULL; state=SCARD_SWALLOWED; } } while (true) { // wait for a command DWORD command=0; DWORD read=0; if (!ReadFile(eventpipe,&command,sizeof(DWORD),&read,NULL)) { state=SCARD_ABSENT; OutputDebugString(L"[BixVReader]Pipe error"); powered=0; pipe=NULL; eventpipe=NULL; if (waitRemoveIpr!=NULL) {// card inserted SectionLocker lock(device->m_RequestLock); OutputDebugString(L"[BixVReader]complete Wait Remove"); if (waitRemoveIpr->UnmarkCancelable()==S_OK) { OutputDebugString(L"[BixVReader]Wait Remove Unmarked"); waitRemoveIpr->CompleteWithInformation(STATUS_SUCCESS, 0); OutputDebugString(L"[BixVReader]Wait Remove Completed"); } waitRemoveIpr=NULL; } if (waitInsertIpr!=NULL) {// card removed SectionLocker lock(device->m_RequestLock); OutputDebugString(L"[BixVReader]cancel Wait Remove"); if (waitInsertIpr->UnmarkCancelable()==S_OK) { OutputDebugString(L"[BixVReader]Wait Insert Unmarked"); waitInsertIpr->CompleteWithInformation(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_CANCELLED), 0); OutputDebugString(L"[BixVReader]Wait Insert Cancelled"); } waitInsertIpr=NULL; } DisconnectNamedPipe(_pipe); DisconnectNamedPipe(_eventpipe); break; } OutputDebugString(L"[BixVReader]Pipe data"); if (command==0) powered=0; if (command==0 && waitRemoveIpr!=NULL) {// card removed SectionLocker lock(device->m_RequestLock); state=SCARD_ABSENT; if (waitRemoveIpr->UnmarkCancelable()==S_OK) { waitRemoveIpr->CompleteWithInformation(STATUS_SUCCESS, 0); } waitRemoveIpr=NULL; } else if (command==1 && waitInsertIpr!=NULL) {// card inserted SectionLocker lock(device->m_RequestLock); state=SCARD_SWALLOWED; initProtocols(); if (waitInsertIpr->UnmarkCancelable()==S_OK) { waitInsertIpr->CompleteWithInformation(STATUS_SUCCESS, 0); } waitInsertIpr=NULL; } } //} //__except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { // wchar_t log[300]; // DWORD err=GetExceptionCode(); // swprintf(log,L"Exception:%08X",err); // OutputDebugString(log); //} } OutputDebugString(L"[BixVReader]Pipe quit!!!"); return 0; }
BOOL InstallProvider(WCHAR *pwszPathName) { WCHAR wszLSPName[] = L"PhoenixLSP"; LPWSAPROTOCOL_INFOW pProtoInfo; int nProtocols; WSAPROTOCOL_INFOW OriginalProtocolInfo[3]; DWORD dwOrigCatalogId[3]; int nArrayCount = 0; DWORD dwLayeredCatalogId; // 我们分层协议的目录ID号 int nError; // 找到我们的下层协议,将信息放入数组中 // 枚举所有服务程序提供者 pProtoInfo = GetProvider(&nProtocols); BOOL bFindUdp = FALSE; BOOL bFindTcp = FALSE; BOOL bFindRaw = FALSE; int i=0; for(i; i<nProtocols; i++) { if(pProtoInfo[i].iAddressFamily == AF_INET) { if(!bFindUdp && pProtoInfo[i].iProtocol == IPPROTO_UDP) { memcpy(&OriginalProtocolInfo[nArrayCount], &pProtoInfo[i], sizeof(WSAPROTOCOL_INFOW)); OriginalProtocolInfo[nArrayCount].dwServiceFlags1 = OriginalProtocolInfo[nArrayCount].dwServiceFlags1 & (~XP1_IFS_HANDLES); dwOrigCatalogId[nArrayCount++] = pProtoInfo[i].dwCatalogEntryId; bFindUdp = TRUE; } if(!bFindTcp && pProtoInfo[i].iProtocol == IPPROTO_TCP) { memcpy(&OriginalProtocolInfo[nArrayCount], &pProtoInfo[i], sizeof(WSAPROTOCOL_INFOW)); OriginalProtocolInfo[nArrayCount].dwServiceFlags1 = OriginalProtocolInfo[nArrayCount].dwServiceFlags1 & (~XP1_IFS_HANDLES); dwOrigCatalogId[nArrayCount++] = pProtoInfo[i].dwCatalogEntryId; bFindTcp = TRUE; } if(!bFindRaw && pProtoInfo[i].iProtocol == IPPROTO_IP) { memcpy(&OriginalProtocolInfo[nArrayCount], &pProtoInfo[i], sizeof(WSAPROTOCOL_INFOW)); OriginalProtocolInfo[nArrayCount].dwServiceFlags1 = OriginalProtocolInfo[nArrayCount].dwServiceFlags1 & (~XP1_IFS_HANDLES); dwOrigCatalogId[nArrayCount++] = pProtoInfo[i].dwCatalogEntryId; bFindRaw = TRUE; } } } // 安装我们的分层协议,获取一个dwLayeredCatalogId // 随便找一个下层协议的结构复制过来即可 WSAPROTOCOL_INFOW LayeredProtocolInfo; memcpy(&LayeredProtocolInfo, &OriginalProtocolInfo[0], sizeof(WSAPROTOCOL_INFOW)); // 修改协议名称,类型,设置PFL_HIDDEN标志 wcscpy(LayeredProtocolInfo.szProtocol, wszLSPName); LayeredProtocolInfo.ProtocolChain.ChainLen = LAYERED_PROTOCOL; // 0; LayeredProtocolInfo.dwProviderFlags |= PFL_HIDDEN; // 安装 if(::WSCInstallProvider(&ProviderGuid, pwszPathName, &LayeredProtocolInfo, 1, &nError) == SOCKET_ERROR) { return FALSE; } // 重新枚举协议,获取分层协议的目录ID号 FreeProvider(pProtoInfo); pProtoInfo = GetProvider(&nProtocols); for(i=0; i<nProtocols; i++) { if(memcmp(&pProtoInfo[i].ProviderId, &ProviderGuid, sizeof(ProviderGuid)) == 0) { dwLayeredCatalogId = pProtoInfo[i].dwCatalogEntryId; break; } } // 安装协议链 // 修改协议名称,类型 WCHAR wszChainName[WSAPROTOCOL_LEN + 1]; for(i=0; i<nArrayCount; i++) { swprintf(wszChainName, L"%ws over %ws", wszLSPName, OriginalProtocolInfo[i].szProtocol); wcscpy(OriginalProtocolInfo[i].szProtocol, wszChainName); if(OriginalProtocolInfo[i].ProtocolChain.ChainLen == 1) { OriginalProtocolInfo[i].ProtocolChain.ChainEntries[1] = dwOrigCatalogId[i]; } else { for(int j = OriginalProtocolInfo[i].ProtocolChain.ChainLen; j>0; j--) { OriginalProtocolInfo[i].ProtocolChain.ChainEntries[j] = OriginalProtocolInfo[i].ProtocolChain.ChainEntries[j-1]; } } OriginalProtocolInfo[i].ProtocolChain.ChainLen ++; OriginalProtocolInfo[i].ProtocolChain.ChainEntries[0] = dwLayeredCatalogId; } // 获取一个Guid,安装之 GUID ProviderChainGuid; if(::UuidCreate(&ProviderChainGuid) == RPC_S_OK) { if(::WSCInstallProvider(&ProviderChainGuid, pwszPathName, OriginalProtocolInfo, nArrayCount, &nError) == SOCKET_ERROR) { return FALSE; } } else return FALSE; // 重新排序Winsock目录,将我们的协议链提前 // 重新枚举安装的协议 FreeProvider(pProtoInfo); pProtoInfo = GetProvider(&nProtocols); DWORD dwIds[20]; int nIndex = 0; // 添加我们的协议链 for(i=0; i<nProtocols; i++) { if((pProtoInfo[i].ProtocolChain.ChainLen > 1) && (pProtoInfo[i].ProtocolChain.ChainEntries[0] == dwLayeredCatalogId)) dwIds[nIndex++] = pProtoInfo[i].dwCatalogEntryId; } // 添加其它协议 for(i=0; i<nProtocols; i++) { if((pProtoInfo[i].ProtocolChain.ChainLen <= 1) || (pProtoInfo[i].ProtocolChain.ChainEntries[0] != dwLayeredCatalogId)) dwIds[nIndex++] = pProtoInfo[i].dwCatalogEntryId; } // 重新排序Winsock目录 if((nError = ::WSCWriteProviderOrder(dwIds, nIndex)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return FALSE; } FreeProvider(pProtoInfo); return TRUE; }
/*enumerate directories*/ GF_EXPORT GF_Err gf_enum_directory(const char *dir, Bool enum_directory, gf_enum_dir_item enum_dir_fct, void *cbck, const char *filter) { #ifdef WIN32 wchar_t item_path[GF_MAX_PATH]; #else char item_path[GF_MAX_PATH]; #endif GF_FileEnumInfo file_info; #if defined(_WIN32_WCE) char _path[GF_MAX_PATH]; unsigned short path[GF_MAX_PATH]; unsigned short w_filter[GF_MAX_PATH]; char file[GF_MAX_PATH]; #elif defined(WIN32) wchar_t path[GF_MAX_PATH], *file; wchar_t w_filter[GF_MAX_PATH]; wchar_t w_dir[GF_MAX_PATH]; char *mbs_file, *mbs_item_path; #else char path[GF_MAX_PATH], *file; #endif #ifdef WIN32 WIN32_FIND_DATAW FindData; HANDLE SearchH; #else DIR *the_dir; struct dirent* the_file; struct stat st; #endif if (!dir || !enum_dir_fct) return GF_BAD_PARAM; if (filter && (!strcmp(filter, "*") || !filter[0])) filter=NULL; memset(&file_info, 0, sizeof(GF_FileEnumInfo) ); if (!strcmp(dir, "/")) { #if defined(WIN32) && !defined(_WIN32_WCE) u32 len; char *drives, *volume; len = GetLogicalDriveStrings(0, NULL); drives = (char*)gf_malloc(sizeof(char)*(len+1)); drives[0]=0; GetLogicalDriveStrings(len, drives); len = (u32) strlen(drives); volume = drives; file_info.directory = GF_TRUE; file_info.drive = GF_TRUE; while (len) { enum_dir_fct(cbck, volume, "", &file_info); volume += len+1; len = (u32) strlen(volume); } gf_free(drives); return GF_OK; #elif defined(__SYMBIAN32__) RFs iFs; TDriveList aList; iFs.Connect(); iFs.DriveList(aList); for (TInt i=0; i<KMaxDrives; i++) { if (aList[i]) { char szDrive[10]; TChar aDrive; iFs.DriveToChar(i, aDrive); sprintf(szDrive, "%c:", (TUint)aDrive); enum_dir_fct(cbck, szDrive, "", &file_info); } } iFs.Close(); FlushItemList(); return GF_OK; #endif } #if defined (_WIN32_WCE) switch (dir[strlen(dir) - 1]) { case '/': case '\\': sprintf(_path, "%s*", dir); break; default: sprintf(_path, "%s%c*", dir, GF_PATH_SEPARATOR); break; } CE_CharToWide(_path, path); CE_CharToWide((char *)filter, w_filter); #elif defined(WIN32) { const char* tmpdir = dir; gf_utf8_mbstowcs(w_dir, sizeof(w_dir), &tmpdir); } switch (w_dir[wcslen(w_dir) - 1]) { case '/': case '\\': swprintf(path, MAX_PATH, L"%s*", w_dir); break; default: swprintf(path, MAX_PATH, L"%s%c*", w_dir, GF_PATH_SEPARATOR); break; } { const char* tmpfilter = filter; gf_utf8_mbstowcs(w_filter, sizeof(w_filter), &tmpfilter); } #else strcpy(path, dir); if (path[strlen(path)-1] != '/') strcat(path, "/"); #endif #ifdef WIN32 SearchH= FindFirstFileW(path, &FindData); if (SearchH == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return GF_IO_ERR; #if defined (_WIN32_WCE) _path[strlen(_path)-1] = 0; #else path[wcslen(path)-1] = 0; #endif while (SearchH != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { #else the_dir = opendir(path); if (the_dir == NULL) { GF_LOG(GF_LOG_ERROR, GF_LOG_CORE, ("[Core] Cannot open directory %s for enumeration: %d\n", path, errno)); return GF_IO_ERR; } the_file = readdir(the_dir); while (the_file) { #endif memset(&file_info, 0, sizeof(GF_FileEnumInfo) ); #if defined (_WIN32_WCE) if (!wcscmp(FindData.cFileName, _T(".") )) goto next; if (!wcscmp(FindData.cFileName, _T("..") )) goto next; #elif defined(WIN32) if (!wcscmp(FindData.cFileName, L".")) goto next; if (!wcscmp(FindData.cFileName, L"..")) goto next; #else if (!strcmp(the_file->d_name, "..")) goto next; if (the_file->d_name[0] == '.') goto next; #endif #ifdef WIN32 file_info.directory = (FindData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) ? GF_TRUE : GF_FALSE; if (!enum_directory && file_info.directory) goto next; if (enum_directory && !file_info.directory) goto next; #endif if (filter) { #if defined (_WIN32_WCE) short ext[30]; short *sep = wcsrchr(FindData.cFileName, (wchar_t) '.'); if (!sep) goto next; wcscpy(ext, sep+1); wcslwr(ext); if (!wcsstr(w_filter, ext)) goto next; #elif defined(WIN32) wchar_t ext[30]; wchar_t *sep = wcsrchr(FindData.cFileName, L'.'); if (!sep) goto next; wcscpy(ext, sep+1); wcslwr(ext); if (!wcsstr(w_filter, ext)) goto next; #else char ext[30]; char *sep = strrchr(the_file->d_name, '.'); if (!sep) goto next; strcpy(ext, sep+1); strlwr(ext); if (!strstr(filter, sep+1)) goto next; #endif } #if defined(WIN32) file_info.hidden = (FindData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN) ? GF_TRUE : GF_FALSE; file_info.system = (FindData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM) ? GF_TRUE : GF_FALSE; file_info.size = MAXDWORD; file_info.size += 1; file_info.size *= FindData.nFileSizeHigh; file_info.size += FindData.nFileSizeLow; file_info.last_modified = (u64) ((*(LONGLONG *) &FindData.ftLastWriteTime - TIMESPEC_TO_FILETIME_OFFSET) / 10000000); #endif #if defined (_WIN32_WCE) CE_WideToChar(FindData.cFileName, file); strcpy(item_path, _path); strcat(item_path, file); #elif defined(WIN32) wcscpy(item_path, path); wcscat(item_path, FindData.cFileName); file = FindData.cFileName; #else strcpy(item_path, path); strcat(item_path, the_file->d_name); GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_CORE, ("[Core] Checking file %s for enum\n", item_path)); if (stat( item_path, &st ) != 0) goto next; file_info.directory = ((st.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR) ? GF_TRUE : GF_FALSE; if (enum_directory && !file_info.directory) goto next; if (!enum_directory && file_info.directory) goto next; file_info.size = st.st_size; { struct tm _t = * gmtime(& st.st_mtime); file_info.last_modified = mktime(&_t); } file = the_file->d_name; if (file && file[0]=='.') file_info.hidden = 1; if (file_info.directory) { char * parent_name = strrchr(item_path, '/'); if (!parent_name) { file_info.drive = GF_TRUE; } else { struct stat st_parent; parent_name[0] = 0; if (stat(item_path, &st_parent) == 0) { if ((st.st_dev != st_parent.st_dev) || ((st.st_dev == st_parent.st_dev) && (st.st_ino == st_parent.st_ino))) { file_info.drive = GF_TRUE; } } parent_name[0] = '/'; } } #endif #ifdef WIN32 mbs_file = wcs_to_utf8(file); mbs_item_path = wcs_to_utf8(item_path); if (!mbs_file || !mbs_item_path) { if (mbs_file) gf_free(mbs_file); if (mbs_item_path) gf_free(mbs_item_path); return GF_IO_ERR; } if (enum_dir_fct(cbck, mbs_file, mbs_item_path, &file_info)) { BOOL ret = FindClose(SearchH); if (!ret) { DWORD err = GetLastError(); GF_LOG(GF_LOG_ERROR, GF_LOG_CORE, ("[core] FindClose() in gf_enum_directory() returned(1) the following error code: %d\n", err)); } #else if (enum_dir_fct(cbck, file, item_path, &file_info)) { #endif break; } #ifdef WIN32 gf_free(mbs_file); gf_free(mbs_item_path); #endif next: #ifdef WIN32 if (!FindNextFileW(SearchH, &FindData)) { BOOL ret = FindClose(SearchH); if (!ret) { DWORD err = GetLastError(); GF_LOG(GF_LOG_ERROR, GF_LOG_CORE, ("[core] FindClose() in gf_enum_directory() returned(2) the following error code: %d\n", err)); } break; } #else the_file = readdir(the_dir); #endif } #ifndef WIN32 closedir(the_dir); #endif return GF_OK; } GF_EXPORT u64 gf_ftell(FILE *fp) { #if defined(_WIN32_WCE) return (u64) ftell(fp); #elif defined(GPAC_CONFIG_WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) /* mingw or cygwin */ #if (_FILE_OFFSET_BITS >= 64) return (u64) ftello64(fp); #else return (u64) ftell(fp); #endif #elif defined(WIN32) return (u64) _ftelli64(fp); #elif defined(GPAC_CONFIG_LINUX) && !defined(GPAC_ANDROID) return (u64) ftello64(fp); #elif (defined(GPAC_CONFIG_FREEBSD) || defined(GPAC_CONFIG_DARWIN)) return (u64) ftello(fp); #else return (u64) ftell(fp); #endif } GF_EXPORT u64 gf_fseek(FILE *fp, s64 offset, s32 whence) { #if defined(_WIN32_WCE) return (u64) fseek(fp, (s32) offset, whence); #elif defined(GPAC_CONFIG_WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) /* mingw or cygwin */ #if (_FILE_OFFSET_BITS >= 64) return (u64) fseeko64(fp, offset, whence); #else return (u64) fseek(fp, (s32) offset, whence); #endif #elif defined(WIN32) return (u64) _fseeki64(fp, offset, whence); #elif defined(GPAC_CONFIG_LINUX) && !defined(GPAC_ANDROID) return fseeko64(fp, (off64_t) offset, whence); #elif (defined(GPAC_CONFIG_FREEBSD) || defined(GPAC_CONFIG_DARWIN)) return fseeko(fp, (off_t) offset, whence); #else return fseek(fp, (s32) offset, whence); #endif } GF_EXPORT FILE *gf_fopen(const char *file_name, const char *mode) { FILE *res = NULL; #if defined(WIN32) wchar_t *wname; wchar_t *wmode; wname = utf8_to_wcs(file_name); wmode = utf8_to_wcs(mode); if (!wname || !wmode) { if (wname) gf_free(wname); if (wmode) gf_free(wmode); return NULL; } res = _wfsopen(wname, wmode, _SH_DENYNO); gf_free(wname); gf_free(wmode); #elif defined(GPAC_CONFIG_LINUX) && !defined(GPAC_ANDROID) res = fopen64(file_name, mode); #elif (defined(GPAC_CONFIG_FREEBSD) || defined(GPAC_CONFIG_DARWIN)) res = fopen(file_name, mode); #else res = fopen(file_name, mode); #endif if (res) { gpac_file_handles++; GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_CORE, ("[Core] file %s opened in mode %s - %d file handles\n", file_name, mode, gpac_file_handles)); } else { if (strchr(mode, 'w') || strchr(mode, 'a')) { #if defined(WIN32) u32 err = GetLastError(); GF_LOG(GF_LOG_ERROR, GF_LOG_CORE, ("[Core] system failure for file opening of %s in mode %s: 0x%08x\n", file_name, mode, err)); #else GF_LOG(GF_LOG_ERROR, GF_LOG_CORE, ("[Core] system failure for file opening of %s in mode %s: %d\n", file_name, mode, errno)); #endif } } return res; } GF_EXPORT s32 gf_fclose(FILE *file) { if (file) { assert(gpac_file_handles); gpac_file_handles--; } return fclose(file); } #if (_POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 200112L || _XOPEN_SOURCE >= 600) && ! defined(_GNU_SOURCE) && !defined(WIN32) #define HAVE_STRERROR_R 1 #endif GF_EXPORT size_t gf_fread(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE *stream) { return fread(ptr, size, nmemb, stream); } GF_EXPORT size_t gf_fwrite(const void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE *stream) { size_t result = fwrite(ptr, size, nmemb, stream); if (result != nmemb) { #ifdef _WIN32_WCE GF_LOG(GF_LOG_ERROR, GF_LOG_CORE, ("Error writing data: %d blocks to write but %d blocks written\n", nmemb, result)); #else #if defined WIN32 && !defined(GPAC_CONFIG_WIN32) errno_t errno_save; _get_errno(&errno_save); #else int errno_save = errno; #endif //if (errno_save!=0) { #ifdef HAVE_STRERROR_R #define ERRSTR_BUF_SIZE 256 char errstr[ERRSTR_BUF_SIZE]; if(strerror_r(errno_save, errstr, ERRSTR_BUF_SIZE) != 0) { strerror_r(0, errstr, ERRSTR_BUF_SIZE); } #else char *errstr = (char*)strerror(errno_save); #endif GF_LOG(GF_LOG_ERROR, GF_LOG_CORE, ("Error writing data (%s): %d blocks to write but %d blocks written\n", errstr, nmemb, result)); } #endif } return result; }
bool UPnP::Create(WORD Port) { IUPnPNAT * Nat = NULL; IStaticPortMappingCollection * PortMappingCollection = NULL; IStaticPortMapping * PortMap = NULL; HRESULT Result; wchar_t Protocol[256]; wchar_t InternalClient[256]; wchar_t Description[256]; Destroy(); TRACE("UPnP: Adding port\n"); if(!GetIp()) { return false; } mbstowcs(InternalClient, m_Address, 256); // swprintf(Protocol, L"TCP"); // swprintf(Description, L"Torrent"); swprintf(Protocol, L"UDP"); swprintf(Description, L"Gunz"); // Create IUPnPNat Result = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_UPnPNAT, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IUPnPNAT, (void **)&Nat); if(FAILED(Result)) { TRACE("UPnP: Unable to create UPnPNAT interface\n"); return false; } Result = Nat->get_StaticPortMappingCollection(&PortMappingCollection); if(!PortMappingCollection || FAILED(Result)) { if(PortMappingCollection) PortMappingCollection->Release(); Nat->Release(); TRACE("UPnP: Unable to acquire a static portmapping collection\n"); return false; } Result = PortMappingCollection->Add(Port, Protocol, Port, InternalClient, VARIANT_TRUE, Description, &PortMap); if(!PortMap || FAILED(Result)) { if(PortMap) PortMap->Release(); PortMappingCollection->Release(); Nat->Release(); TRACE("UPnP: Unable add port\n"); return false; } TRACE("UPnP: Port %d forwarded to %s\n", Port, m_Address); PortMap->Release(); PortMappingCollection->Release(); Nat->Release(); m_Port = Port; return true; }