static void WriteResultsDisc (long N, gofw_TestArray sVal2, gofw_TestArray pVal2, sres_Basic *res) { if (N > 1) { gofw_WriteActiveTests0 (N, sVal2, pVal2); swrite_NormalSumTest (N, res); printf ("Standardized empirical correlation :"); gofw_Writep2 (sVal2[gofw_Cor], pVal2[gofw_Cor]); } else { printf ("Standardized statistic value :"); gofw_Writep2 (sVal2[gofw_Mean], pVal2[gofw_Mean]); } }
void svaria_SampleCorr (unif01_Gen * gen, sres_Basic * res, long N, long n, int r, int k) { long i; long Seq; double U; double Sum; double *Pre; /* Previous k generated numbers */ int pos; /* Circular index to element at lag k */ lebool localRes = FALSE; chrono_Chrono *Timer; char *TestName = "svaria_SampleCorr test"; Timer = chrono_Create (); if (swrite_Basic) { swrite_Head (gen, TestName, N, n, r); printf (", k = %d\n\n", k); } util_Assert (n > 2, "svaria_SampleCorr: n <= 2"); if (res == NULL) { localRes = TRUE; res = sres_CreateBasic (); } sres_InitBasic (res, N, "svaria_SampleCorr"); statcoll_SetDesc (res->sVal1, "SampleCorr sVal1: asymptotic standard normal"); Pre = util_Calloc ((size_t) (k + 1), sizeof (double)); for (Seq = 1; Seq <= N; Seq++) { /* Generate first k numbers U and keep them in Pre */ for (i = 0; i < k; i++) Pre[i] = unif01_StripD (gen, r); Sum = 0.0; pos = 0; /* Element Pre[pos] is at lag k from U */ for (i = k; i < n; i++) { U = unif01_StripD (gen, r); Sum += Pre[pos] * U - 0.25; Pre[pos] = U; pos++; pos %= k; } /* Save standardized correlation */ statcoll_AddObs (res->sVal1, Sum * sqrt (12.0 / (n - k))); } gofw_ActiveTests2 (res->sVal1->V, res->pVal1->V, N, wdist_Normal, (double *) NULL, res->sVal2, res->pVal2); res->pVal1->NObs = N; sres_GetNormalSumStat (res); if (swrite_Collectors) statcoll_Write (res->sVal1, 5, 14, 4, 3); if (swrite_Basic) { gofw_WriteActiveTests2 (N, res->sVal2, res->pVal2, "Normal statistic :"); swrite_NormalSumTest (N, res); swrite_Final (gen, Timer); } util_Free (Pre); if (localRes) sres_DeleteBasic (res); chrono_Delete (Timer); }
void svaria_AppearanceSpacings (unif01_Gen * gen, sres_Basic * res, long N, long Q, long K, int r, int s, int L) { double E[AS_DIM + 1]; /* Theoretical mean of the log (Base2) of the most recent occurrence of a block */ double KV[AS_DIM + 1]; /* K times the theoretical variance of the same */ long Seq; long block; long Nblocks; /* 2^L = total number of distinct blocks */ long K2; long Q2; long i; long sBits; /* Numerical value of the s given bits */ long d; /* 2^s */ const int SdivL = s / L; const int LdivS = L / s; const int LmodS = L % s; long sd; /* 2^LmodS */ long rang; double n; /* Total number of bits in a sequence */ double sigma; /* Standard deviation = sqrt (Variance) */ double somme; double ARang; /* Most recent occurrence of block */ long *Count; /* Index of most recent occurrence of block */ double FactMoy; lebool localRes = FALSE; chrono_Chrono *Timer; Timer = chrono_Create (); n = ((double) K + (double) Q) * L; if (swrite_Basic) WriteDataAppear (gen, N, r, s, L, Q, K, n); util_Assert (s < 32, "svaria_AppearanceSpacings: s >= 32"); InitAppear (r, s, L, Q, E, KV); sigma = CalcSigma (L, K, KV); d = num_TwoExp[s]; Nblocks = num_TwoExp[L]; FactMoy = 1.0 / (num_Ln2 * K); if (res == NULL) { localRes = TRUE; res = sres_CreateBasic (); } sres_InitBasic (res, N, "svaria_AppearanceSpacings"); Count = util_Calloc ((size_t) Nblocks + 2, sizeof (long)); statcoll_SetDesc (res->sVal1, "AppearanceSpacings sVal1: standard normal"); if (LdivS > 0) { sd = num_TwoExp[LmodS]; for (Seq = 1; Seq <= N; Seq++) { for (i = 0; i < Nblocks; i++) Count[i] = 0; /* Initialization with Q blocks */ for (rang = 0; rang < Q; rang++) { block = 0; for (i = 1; i <= LdivS; i++) { sBits = unif01_StripB (gen, r, s); block = block * d + sBits; } if (LmodS > 0) { sBits = unif01_StripB (gen, r, LmodS); block = block * sd + sBits; } Count[block] = rang; } /* Test proper with K blocks */ somme = 0.0; for (rang = Q; rang < Q + K; rang++) { block = 0; for (i = 1; i <= LdivS; i++) { sBits = unif01_StripB (gen, r, s); block = block * d + sBits; } if (LmodS > 0) { sBits = unif01_StripB (gen, r, LmodS); block = block * sd + sBits; } ARang = rang - Count[block]; somme += log (ARang); Count[block] = rang; } statcoll_AddObs (res->sVal1, (somme * FactMoy - E[L]) / sigma); } } else { /* s > L */ Q2 = Q / SdivL; K2 = K / SdivL; for (Seq = 1; Seq <= N; Seq++) { for (i = 0; i < Nblocks; i++) Count[i] = 0; /* Initialization: Q blocks */ for (rang = 0; rang < Q2; rang++) { sBits = unif01_StripB (gen, r, s); for (i = 0; i < SdivL; i++) { block = sBits % Nblocks; Count[block] = SdivL * rang + i; sBits /= Nblocks; } } /* Test proper with K blocks */ somme = 0.0; for (rang = Q2; rang < Q2 + K2; rang++) { sBits = unif01_StripB (gen, r, s); for (i = 0; i < SdivL; i++) { block = sBits % Nblocks; ARang = SdivL * rang + i - Count[block]; somme += log (ARang); Count[block] = SdivL * rang + i; sBits /= Nblocks; } } statcoll_AddObs (res->sVal1, (somme * FactMoy - E[L]) / sigma); } } gofw_ActiveTests2 (res->sVal1->V, res->pVal1->V, N, wdist_Normal, (double *) NULL, res->sVal2, res->pVal2); res->pVal1->NObs = N; sres_GetNormalSumStat (res); if (swrite_Collectors) statcoll_Write (res->sVal1, 5, 12, 4, 3); if (swrite_Basic) { gofw_WriteActiveTests2 (N, res->sVal2, res->pVal2, "Normal statistic :"); swrite_NormalSumTest (N, res); swrite_Final (gen, Timer); } util_Free (Count); if (localRes) sres_DeleteBasic (res); chrono_Delete (Timer); }
void sspectral_Fourier2 (unif01_Gen *gen, sspectral_Res *res, long N, int t, int r, int s) { const unsigned long SBIT = 1UL << (s - 1); unsigned long jBit; unsigned long Z; long k, KALL, Seq, n, i; double *A; double x, sum; lebool localRes = FALSE; chrono_Chrono *Timer; char *TestName = "sspectral_Fourier2 test"; Timer = chrono_Create (); if (swrite_Basic) WriteDataFour (gen, TestName, N, t, r, s); util_Assert (r + s <= 32, "sspectral_Fourier2: r + s > 32"); util_Assert (t <= 26, "sspectral_Fourier2: k > 26"); util_Assert (t >= 2, "sspectral_Fourier2: k < 2"); if (res == NULL) { localRes = TRUE; res = sspectral_CreateRes (); } n = num_TwoExp[t]; KALL = n / s + 1; InitRes (res, N, 0, n, "sspectral_Fourier2"); statcoll_SetDesc (res->Bas->sVal1, "sVal1: a standard normal"); A = res->Coef; for (Seq = 1; Seq <= N; Seq++) { /* Fill array A: 1 for bit 1, -1 for bit 0 */ i = 0; for (k = 0; k < KALL; k++) { Z = unif01_StripB (gen, r, s); jBit = SBIT; while (jBit) { if (jBit & Z) A[i] = 1.0; else A[i] = -1.0; jBit >>= 1; i++; } } /* * Compute the Fourier transform of A and return the result in A. The * first half of the array, (from 0 to n/2) is filled with the real * components of the FFT. The second half of the array (from n/2+1 to * n-1) is filled with the imaginary components of the FFT. * The n new elements of A are thus: * [Re(0), Re(1), ...., Re(n/2), Im(n/2-1), ..., Im(1)] * The procedure is due to H.V. Sorensen, University of Pennsylvania * and is found in file fftc.c. */ rsrfft (A, t); /* Sum the square of the Fourier coefficients (only half of them) */ sum = 0.0; for (i = 1; i <= n / 4; i++) sum += A[i] * A[i] + A[n - i] * A[n - i]; /* There is an extra sqrt (n) factor between the Fourier coefficients of Sorensen and those of Erdmann */ sum /= n; /* Standardize the statistic */ x = 2.0*(sum - n / 4.0) / sqrt (n - 2.0); statcoll_AddObs (res->Bas->sVal1, x); if (swrite_Counters) { tables_WriteTabD (res->Coef, 0, n - 1, 5, 14, 5, 5, "Fourier coefficients"); } } gofw_ActiveTests2 (res->Bas->sVal1->V, res->Bas->pVal1->V, N, wdist_Normal, (double *) NULL, res->Bas->sVal2, res->Bas->pVal2); res->Bas->pVal1->NObs = N; sres_GetNormalSumStat (res->Bas); if (swrite_Basic) { gofw_WriteActiveTests2 (N, res->Bas->sVal2, res->Bas->pVal2, "Normal statistic :"); swrite_NormalSumTest (N, res->Bas); if (swrite_Collectors) statcoll_Write (res->Bas->sVal1, 5, 14, 4, 3); swrite_Final (gen, Timer); } if (localRes) sspectral_DeleteRes (res); chrono_Delete (Timer); }
void sspectral_Fourier1 (unif01_Gen *gen, sspectral_Res *res, long N, int t, int r, int s) { const unsigned long SBIT = 1UL << (s - 1); unsigned long jBit; unsigned long Z; long k, KALL, Seq, n, i; double x, NbExp, h, per; long co; double *A; lebool localRes = FALSE; chrono_Chrono *Timer; char *TestName = "sspectral_Fourier1 test"; Timer = chrono_Create (); util_Assert (t <= 20, "sspectral_Fourier1: k > 20"); util_Assert (t > 1, "sspectral_Fourier1: k < 2"); if (swrite_Basic) WriteDataFour (gen, TestName, N, t, r, s); if (res == NULL) { localRes = TRUE; res = sspectral_CreateRes (); } n = num_TwoExp[t]; KALL = n / s; if (n % s > 0) KALL++; per = 0.95; NbExp = per * (n / 2 + 1); /* h = 3.0 * n; */ h = 2.995732274 * n; InitRes (res, N, 0, n, "sspectral_Fourier1"); statcoll_SetDesc (res->Bas->sVal1, "sVal1: a standard normal"); A = res->Coef; for (Seq = 1; Seq <= N; Seq++) { /* Fill array A: 1 for bit 1, -1 for bit 0 */ i = 0; for (k = 0; k < KALL; k++) { Z = unif01_StripB (gen, r, s); jBit = SBIT; while (jBit) { if (jBit & Z) A[i] = 1.0; else A[i] = -1.0; jBit >>= 1; i++; } } /* * Compute the Fourier transform of A and return the result in A. The * first half of the array, (from 0 to n/2) is filled with the real * components of the FFT. The second half of the array (from n/2+1 to * n-1) is filled with the imaginary components of the FFT. * The n new elements of A are thus: * [Re(0), Re(1), ...., Re(n/2), Im(n/2-1), ..., Im(1)] * The procedure is due to H.V. Sorensen, University of Pennsylvania * and is found in file fftc.c. */ rsrfft (A, t); /* Count the number of Fourier coefficients smaller than h */ co = 0; for (i = 1; i < n / 2; i++) { x = A[i] * A[i] + A[n - i] * A[n - i]; if (x < h) co++; } if (A[0] * A[0] < h) co++; /* Compute the NIST statistic */ x = (co - NbExp) / sqrt (NbExp * (1.0 - per)); statcoll_AddObs (res->Bas->sVal1, x); if (swrite_Counters) { tables_WriteTabD (res->Coef, 0, n - 1, 5, 14, 5, 5, "Fourier coefficients"); } } gofw_ActiveTests2 (res->Bas->sVal1->V, res->Bas->pVal1->V, N, wdist_Normal, (double *) NULL, res->Bas->sVal2, res->Bas->pVal2); res->Bas->pVal1->NObs = N; sres_GetNormalSumStat (res->Bas); if (swrite_Basic) { gofw_WriteActiveTests2 (N, res->Bas->sVal2, res->Bas->pVal2, "Normal statistic :"); swrite_NormalSumTest (N, res->Bas); if (swrite_Collectors) statcoll_Write (res->Bas->sVal1, 5, 14, 4, 3); swrite_Final (gen, Timer); } if (localRes) sspectral_DeleteRes (res); chrono_Delete (Timer); }
void sentrop_EntropyDMCirc (unif01_Gen * gen, sres_Basic * res, long N, long n, int r, long m) { long i; /* Index */ double I0, x; long Seq; /* Replication number */ double Entropy; /* Value of the statistic H(m, n) */ double LnEntropy; double SumR; /* 1 + 1/2 + ... + 1/(2m-1) */ double nLR = n; double Twom; /* 2m */ double *AU; lebool localRes = FALSE; chrono_Chrono *Timer; char *TestName = "sentrop_EntropyDMCirc test"; Timer = chrono_Create (); if (swrite_Basic) WriteDataDM (gen, TestName, N, n, r, m); Twom = 2 * m; I0 = Twom - 1.0; SumR = 0.0; for (i = 2 * m - 1; i >= 1; i--) { SumR += 1.0 / I0; I0 -= 1.0; } if (res == NULL) { localRes = TRUE; res = sres_CreateBasic (); } sres_InitBasic (res, N, "sentrop_EntropyDMCirc"); AU = util_Calloc ((size_t) (n + 1), sizeof (double)); statcoll_SetDesc (res->sVal1, "The N statistic values (a standard normal)"); for (Seq = 1; Seq <= N; Seq++) { /* Generate the sample and sort */ for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) AU[i] = unif01_StripD (gen, r); tables_QuickSortD (AU, 1, n); /* Compute empirical entropy */ Entropy = 1.0; LnEntropy = 0.0; for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { if (i - m < 1) { Entropy *= (AU[i + m] - AU[n + i - m] + 1.0); } else if (i + m > n) { Entropy *= (AU[i + m - n] - AU[i - m] + 1.0); } else Entropy *= (AU[i + m] - AU[i - m]); if (Entropy < Epsilon) { LnEntropy += log (Entropy); Entropy = 1.0; } } Entropy = (LnEntropy + log (Entropy)) / nLR + log (nLR / Twom); /* Compute standardized statistic */ x = sqrt (3.0 * Twom * nLR) * ((Entropy + log (Twom) + Euler) - SumR); statcoll_AddObs (res->sVal1, x); } gofw_ActiveTests2 (res->sVal1->V, res->pVal1->V, N, wdist_Normal, (double *) NULL, res->sVal2, res->pVal2); res->pVal1->NObs = N; sres_GetNormalSumStat (res); if (swrite_Collectors) statcoll_Write (res->sVal1, 5, 14, 4, 3); if (swrite_Basic) { gofw_WriteActiveTests2 (N, res->sVal2, res->pVal2, "Normal statistic :"); swrite_NormalSumTest (N, res); swrite_Final (gen, Timer); } util_Free (AU); if (localRes) sres_DeleteBasic (res); chrono_Delete (Timer); }