int AudacityProject::FindCommandByCombos(wxString cName) { for(int i = 0; i < GetNumCommands(); i++) { wxStringTokenizer tName(mCommandMenuItem[i]->comboStrings, ":"); while (tName.HasMoreTokens()) { wxString token = tName.GetNextToken(); if(!cName.CmpNoCase(token)) return i; } } return -1; }
bool side::enter() { if (filesPath.size() < 2 && !(_stricmp(files[indexFile].name, ".."))) return false; else if (!(_stricmp(files[indexFile].name, ".."))) //.. { string tName(filesPath.back()); filesPath.pop_back(); makePath(); if (!fillFiles()) throw string("Can't read the directory: " + path); indexFile = getIndexByNameInCurrent(tName); if (indexFile >= side::countFiles) // не вміщається в першу (значить хз :) десь посерединці поставимо :)) { indexRow = 10; upIndexFile = indexFile - 10; } else // ваміщається в перший комлект { upIndexFile = 0; indexRow = indexFile; } show(); writePath(); return true; } else if ((_stricmp(files[indexFile].name, "..")) && !(files[indexFile].attrib & _A_SUBDIR)) return false; else // not .. but folder { filesPath.emplace_back(files[indexFile].name); makePath(); if (!fillFiles()) throw string("Can't read the directory: " + path); clearIndex(); show(); writePath(); return true; } }
void packTemplatesMass(const int iMass) { // This Root macro is for the purpose of providing input for expected limit computation // It packs predicted background and a set of signal samples into a root file per Higgs mass // TH1::SetDefaultSumw2(); TH2::SetDefaultSumw2(); canvas = new TCanvas ("cg1","PadX",10,10,800,600); gStyle->SetPadColor(0); canvas->SetFillColor(0); // const int nbtag = 4; const int nbtag = 1; //const std::string sbtag[nbtag] = { "TCHPT", "TCHP6", "CSVT", "SSVHPT" }; const std::string sbtag[nbtag] = { "CSVT" }; const int nfc=3; const int ncateg=3; string sfc[nfc] = { "q", "c", "b" }; // this is for the combination of triggers in real data int nTCombData = 4; std::string tCombData[] = {"Trig0", "Trig1", "Trig2", "Trig3"}; std::string L1L2Mode("Weight"); std::string signalMode("PU_WEIGHTED-NEW"); // std::string L1L2Mode("Cut"); // std::string signalMode("CUT_BASED"); //std::string scenario("LowMass2011"); //std::string scenario("MediumMass2011"); std::string scenario; bool useTemplateError; bool useNP; if ( getHbbCfg(scenario,useTemplateError,useNP) != 0 ) return; string IgorVersion("V6"); #include "Analysis/Utilities/interface/HbbMass.h" if (iMass >= nSignal) { std::cout << "Bad iMass=" << iMass << std::endl; return; } // const int nSignal=7; // int signalMass[nSignal] = { 90, 100, 120, 140, 180, 250, 350 }; // int signalMass[nSignal] = { 90, 100, 120, 130, 140, 160, 180, 200, 250, 350 } // there are also : 450, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000 // double efficiency[nSignal] = { 0.0022081, 0.00324694, 0.00600146, 0.00918135, // 0.0138382, 0.0189684, 0.0206572 }; double efficiency[nSignal][nbtag]; double intLumi = 0; string IgorScen(""); string spacer(""); string SashaPath(""); string IgorPath("/data/user/marfin/CMSSW_5_0_1/src/Analysis/HbbMSSMAnalysis/test/SignalTemplates-Production"); if (IgorVersion == "V4") { IgorPath.assign("/data/user/marfin/CMSSW_5_0_1/src/Analysis/HbbMSSMAnalysis/test/Systematics-test-4"); } else if (IgorVersion == "V6") { IgorPath.assign("/data/user/marfin/CMSSW_5_0_1/src/Analysis/HbbMSSMAnalysis/test/SignalTemplates-Production2"); } if (scenario == "LowMass2011") { //intLumi = 2.66794; // in fb-1 intLumi = 2.692643; // with new method IgorScen.assign("low"); spacer.assign(""); //SashaPath.assign("Data-Run2011AB"); SashaPath.assign("Data-Run2011AB/TripleBtagAnalysis_CR3_SF7"); } else if (scenario == "MediumMass2011") { //intLumi = 3.99983; // in fb-1 intLumi = 4.040802; IgorScen.assign("medium"); spacer.assign("/MEDIUM"); //SashaPath.assign("Data-Run2011AB-Medium"); SashaPath.assign("Data-Run2011AB/TripleBtagAnalysis_CR3_SF7_med"); } else if (scenario == "MediumMass2012") { //intLumi = 3.99983; // in fb-1 intLumi = 2.663; IgorScen.assign("medium"); spacer.assign("/MEDIUM"); //SashaPath.assign("Data-Run2011AB-Medium"); SashaPath.assign(""); } else { std::cout << "Bad scenario in packing" << std::endl; return; } string signalHistPattern("massEvBtag/mjjEvBTag_%s"); if (L1L2Mode == "Weight") { signalHistPattern.assign("massEvBtagTW/mjjEvBTagTW_%s"); } double fScal[nSignal][nbtag]; // systematics // const int nSyst = 3; // std::string systName[nSyst] = { "JES", "SFbc", "SFudsg" }; // bool realDataNuisance[nSyst] = { false, true, true }; // indicate if relevant for real data string bbPurity("DataDriven"); // "MC", "DataDrivenR", "None" //string bbPurity("None"); // "MC", "DataDrivenR", "None" bool onlineBtagCorr = true; int nSyst = 4; std::string systName[] = { "JES", "SFbc", "SFudsg", "JER" }; bool realDataNuisance[] = { false, true, true, false }; // indicate if relevant for real data const int nUpDown = 2; std::string signalFile = ""; bool dosignal=true; #if defined(MEDIUM2012) dosignal=false; nTCombData=1; ///only one trigger //nSyst=0; /// no syst templates #endif // signal templates if (IgorVersion != "V3") { std::cout << "Using signal files " << IgorVersion << std::endl; signalFile.assign( Form("%s/theMergeList-SUSYBBHToBB_M-%d_7TeV-pythia6-tauola%s/SF/job_1/TripleBtagAnalysisM-%d_%s.root",IgorPath.c_str(),signalMass[iMass],spacer.c_str(),signalMass[iMass],IgorScen.c_str() ) ); } else { std::cout << "Using V3 signal files" << std::endl; signalFile.assign( Form("/data/user/marfin/CMSSW_5_0_1/src/Analysis/HbbMSSMAnalysis/test/Systematics-test-3/%s/theMergeList-SUSYBBHToBB_M-%d_7TeV-pythia6-tauola%s/SF/job_1/TripleBtagAnalysisM-%d_%s.root",signalMode.c_str(),signalMass[iMass],spacer.c_str(),signalMass[iMass],IgorScen.c_str() ) ); } std::string signalSystFiles[nSyst][nUpDown]; //bool activeNuisance[nSyst] = { true, true, true }; std::string upDownName[nUpDown] = { "Up", "Down" }; TH2F* hSignalSyst[nSyst][nUpDown][nbtag]; // output file TFile* hout = new TFile(Form("packedTemplates-M-%d.root",signalMass[iMass]),"recreate"); hout->cd(); TH2::AddDirectory(true); TFile* fSig = new TFile( signalFile.c_str() ); if ( fSig == NULL ) { std::cout << "Could not open signal central file " << signalFile.c_str() << std::endl; return; } else { std::cout << "Open signal file " << signalFile.c_str() << std::endl; } TH2F* hSignalCentral[nbtag]; for (int ibtag=0; ibtag<nbtag; ++ibtag) { hSignalCentral[ibtag] = mergeSignal(fSig,Form(signalHistPattern.c_str(),sbtag[ibtag].c_str()), Form("bbH_%s",sbtag[ibtag].c_str())); // read the efficiency TH1F* histEffMerged = (TH1F*) fSig->Get(Form("TrigEff/EffMerged%s",sbtag[ibtag].c_str())); if ( histEffMerged == NULL) { std::cout << "Efficiency histo not found" << std::endl; return; } double newEff = histEffMerged->GetBinContent(1); std::cout << "Mass= " << signalMass[iMass] << " btag= " << sbtag[ibtag] << " Efficiency = " << newEff << std::endl; efficiency[iMass][ibtag] = newEff; double normShould = 1000 * intLumi * efficiency[iMass][ibtag]; double normIs = hSignalCentral[ibtag]->GetSumOfWeights(); std::cout << hSignalCentral[ibtag]->GetName() << " TotalContents=" << hSignalCentral[ibtag]->GetSumOfWeights() << std::endl; fScal[iMass][ibtag] = normShould / normIs; std::cout << "normShould = " << normShould << " normIs " << normIs << " rescale by " << fScal[iMass][ibtag] << std::endl; hSignalCentral[ibtag]->Scale( fScal[iMass][ibtag] ); hout->cd(); hSignalCentral[ibtag]->Write(); histEffMerged->Write(); // create empty file just as marker ofstream markerFile;"pack-%s-%s.txt",sbtag[ibtag].c_str(),scenario.c_str()),ios::app); markerFile << "Template for mass " << signalMass[iMass] << std::endl; markerFile.close(); } // read the nominal cross section TH1F* histXSect = (TH1F*) fSig->Get("xsection/xsect"); if ( histXSect == NULL) { std::cout << "xsection/xsect" << " not found" << std::endl; return; } histXSect->Write(); for (int iSyst=0; iSyst<nSyst; ++iSyst) { for (int iUpDown=0; iUpDown<nUpDown; ++iUpDown) { if (IgorVersion != "V3") { signalSystFiles[iSyst][iUpDown] = Form( "%s/theMergeList-SUSYBBHToBB_M-%d_7TeV-pythia6-tauola%s/%s_Sys%s/job_1/TripleBtagAnalysisM-%d_%s.root", IgorPath.c_str(),signalMass[iMass],spacer.c_str(),systName[iSyst].c_str(), upDownName[iUpDown].c_str(),signalMass[iMass],IgorScen.c_str()); } else { signalSystFiles[iSyst][iUpDown] = Form( "/data/user/marfin/CMSSW_5_0_1/src/Analysis/HbbMSSMAnalysis/test/Systematics-test-3/%s/theMergeList-SUSYBBHToBB_M-%d_7TeV-pythia6-tauola%s/%s_Sys%s/job_1/TripleBtagAnalysisM-%d_%s.root", signalMode.c_str(),signalMass[iMass],spacer.c_str(),systName[iSyst].c_str(), upDownName[iUpDown].c_str(),signalMass[iMass],IgorScen.c_str()); } std::cout << "Signal systematics file " << signalSystFiles[iSyst][iUpDown] << std::endl; TFile* fSigSys = new TFile( signalSystFiles[iSyst][iUpDown].c_str() ); if ( fSigSys == NULL ) { std::cout << "Could not open signal syst file " << signalSystFiles[iSyst][iUpDown].c_str() << std::endl; return; } for (int ibtag=0; ibtag<nbtag; ++ibtag) { hSignalSyst[iSyst][iUpDown][ibtag] = mergeSignal(fSigSys,Form(signalHistPattern.c_str(),sbtag[ibtag].c_str()), Form("bbH_%s_%s_%s",systName[iSyst].c_str(), upDownName[iUpDown].c_str(),sbtag[ibtag].c_str())); std::cout << "The merged hist has name " << hSignalSyst[iSyst][iUpDown][ibtag]->GetName() << std::endl; std::cout << hSignalSyst[iSyst][iUpDown][ibtag]->GetName() << " TotalContents=" << hSignalSyst[iSyst][iUpDown][ibtag]->GetSumOfWeights() << std::endl; hSignalSyst[iSyst][iUpDown][ibtag]->Scale( fScal[iMass][ibtag] ); hout->cd(); hSignalSyst[iSyst][iUpDown][ibtag]->Write(); } fSigSys->Close(); } } // real data std::string backgroundFile( Form("/afs/",SashaPath.c_str()) ); #if defined(MEDIUM2012) //bool dosignal=true; //backgroundFile = std::string("/data/user/marfin/CMSSW_5_3_3/src/Analysis/HbbMSSMAnalysis/test/Analysis2012/MVA-production-selection-trees/TripleBtagAnalysis.root"); backgroundFile = std::string("/data/user/marfin/CMSSW_5_3_3/src/Analysis/HbbMSSMAnalysis/test/Analysis2012/Blind-test-BG-only-Fit/MEDIUM/TripleBtagAnalysis_SF/TripleBtagAnalysis.root"); #endif std::cout << "Background central file : " << backgroundFile << std::endl; TFile* fBac = new TFile( backgroundFile.c_str() ); if ( fBac == NULL ) { std::cout << "Could not open background central file " << signalFile.c_str() << std::endl; return; } // hist-to-be-fitted TH2F* mjjEbtdata[nbtag]; for (int ibtag=0; ibtag<nbtag; ++ibtag) { mjjEbtdata[ibtag] = getTrigsAndMerge(fBac,Form("massEvBtag/mjjEvBTag_%s",sbtag[ibtag].c_str()),nTCombData,tCombData); if (mjjEbtdata[ibtag] == NULL) { std::cout << "Histogram not found: " << Form("massEvBtag/mjjEvBTag_%s",sbtag[ibtag].c_str()) << std::endl; return; } // rename mjjEbtdata[ibtag]->SetName( Form("Data_%s",sbtag[ibtag].c_str() ) ); hout->cd(); mjjEbtdata[ibtag]->Write(); } TH2F* hBackgroundCentral[nbtag][ncateg][nfc]; TH2F* hBackgroundCentralError[nbtag][ncateg][nfc]; for (int ibtag=0; ibtag<nbtag; ++ibtag) { for (int icateg=0; icateg<ncateg; ++icateg) { int theTpat; if (onlineBtagCorr) { theTpat = 3; } else { theTpat = icateg; } for (int ifc=0; ifc<nfc; ++ifc) { string templateCore("massBTagTemplatesCld/MassBTagTemplateCld"); if (bbPurity == "None") { templateCore.assign("massBTagTemplatesCld/MassBTagTemplateUncld"); } string hbSystName( Form("%s_%s_%s_Cat%dTpat%d",templateCore.c_str(), sfc[ifc].c_str(),sbtag[ibtag].c_str(),icateg,theTpat) ); hBackgroundCentral[ibtag][icateg][ifc] = getTrigsAndMerge(fBac,Form("%s_%s_%s_Cat%dTpat%d", templateCore.c_str(), sfc[ifc].c_str(), sbtag[ibtag].c_str(),icateg,theTpat),nTCombData,tCombData); if ( hBackgroundCentral[ibtag][icateg][ifc] == NULL ) { std::cout << "Hist not found: " << hbSystName << std::endl; return; } // rename templateId tName(ifc,icateg); hBackgroundCentral[ibtag][icateg][ifc]->SetName( Form("%s_%s",,sbtag[ibtag].c_str()) ); // read the template errors templateCore.assign("errorMassBTagTemplates/ErrorMassBTagTemplate"); string hbSystNameError( Form("%s_%s_%s_Cat%dTpat%d",templateCore.c_str(), sfc[ifc].c_str(),sbtag[ibtag].c_str(),icateg,theTpat) ); hBackgroundCentralError[ibtag][icateg][ifc] = getTrigsAndMerge(fBac,Form("%s_%s_%s_Cat%dTpat%d", templateCore.c_str(), sfc[ifc].c_str(), sbtag[ibtag].c_str(),icateg,theTpat),nTCombData,tCombData); if ( hBackgroundCentralError[ibtag][icateg][ifc] == NULL ) { std::cout << "Hist not found: " << hbSystNameError << std::endl; return; } if (useTemplateError) { // add the template error std::cout << " ==== Adding Btag Errors ==== " << hBackgroundCentral[ibtag][icateg][ifc]->GetName() << std::endl; for (int ibinx=1; ibinx<= (hBackgroundCentral[ibtag][icateg][ifc]->GetXaxis()->GetNbins()); ++ibinx) { for (int ibiny=1; ibiny<= (hBackgroundCentral[ibtag][icateg][ifc]->GetYaxis()->GetNbins()); ++ibiny) { float oldError = hBackgroundCentral[ibtag][icateg][ifc]->GetBinError(ibinx,ibiny); float addError = hBackgroundCentralError[ibtag][icateg][ifc]->GetBinContent(ibinx,ibiny); float newError = sqrt( oldError * oldError + addError * addError ); hBackgroundCentral[ibtag][icateg][ifc]->SetBinError(ibinx,ibiny,newError); } } } hout->cd(); hBackgroundCentral[ibtag][icateg][ifc]->Write(); } } } std::string backgroundSystFiles[nSyst][nUpDown]; std::string systNameSasha[] = { "JES", "SFbc", "SFq" }; std::string upDownNameSasha[nUpDown] = { "plus2", "minus2" }; TH2F* hBackgroundSyst[nSyst][nUpDown][nbtag][ncateg][nfc]; TH2F* hBackgroundSystError[nSyst][nUpDown][nbtag][ncateg][nfc]; //#if !defined(MEDIUM2012) // for nuisances like JEC, the up/down templates are just copies of the central templates for (int iSyst=0; iSyst<nSyst; ++iSyst) { if (! realDataNuisance[iSyst]) { std::cout << "Non-real data relevant nuisance: " << systName[iSyst].c_str() << std::endl; for (int iUpDown=0; iUpDown<nUpDown; ++iUpDown) { for (int ibtag=0; ibtag<nbtag; ++ibtag) { for (int icateg=0; icateg<ncateg; ++icateg) { for (int ifc=0; ifc<nfc; ++ifc) { hBackgroundSyst[iSyst][iUpDown][ibtag][icateg][ifc] = new TH2F( *hBackgroundCentral[ibtag][icateg][ifc] ); // rename templateId tName(ifc,icateg); hBackgroundSyst[iSyst][iUpDown][ibtag][icateg][ifc] ->SetName( Form("%s_%s_%s_%s",,systName[iSyst].c_str(), upDownName[iUpDown].c_str(),sbtag[ibtag].c_str()) ); hBackgroundSyst[iSyst][iUpDown][ibtag][icateg][ifc]->Write(); } } } } } } //#endif fBac->Close(); for (int iSyst=0; iSyst<nSyst; ++iSyst) { if (realDataNuisance[iSyst]) { std::cout << "Real data relevant nuisance: " << systName[iSyst].c_str() << std::endl; for (int iUpDown=0; iUpDown<nUpDown; ++iUpDown) { // backgroundSystFiles[iSyst][iUpDown] = Form( "/afs/",SashaPath.c_str(),systNameSasha[iSyst].c_str(),upDownNameSasha[iUpDown].c_str() ); backgroundSystFiles[iSyst][iUpDown] = Form( "/data/user/marfin/CMSSW_5_3_3/src/Analysis/HbbMSSMAnalysis/test/Analysis2012/Blind-test-BG-only-Fit/MEDIUM/TripleBtagAnalysis_%s%s/TripleBtagAnalysis.root",systNameSasha[iSyst].c_str(),upDownNameSasha[iUpDown].c_str() ); TFile* fBacSys = new TFile( backgroundSystFiles[iSyst][iUpDown].c_str() ); std::cout << "Background systematics file " << backgroundSystFiles[iSyst][iUpDown] << std::endl; if ( fBacSys == NULL ) { std::cout << "Could not open background syst file " << backgroundSystFiles[iSyst][iUpDown] << std::endl; return; } for (int ibtag=0; ibtag<nbtag; ++ibtag) { for (int icateg=0; icateg<ncateg; ++icateg) { int theTpat; if (onlineBtagCorr) { theTpat = 3; } else { theTpat = icateg; } for (int ifc=0; ifc<nfc; ++ifc) { string templateCore("massBTagTemplatesCld/MassBTagTemplateCld"); if (bbPurity == "None") { templateCore.assign("massBTagTemplatesCld/MassBTagTemplateUncld"); } string hbSystName( Form("%s_%s_%s_Cat%dTpat%d",templateCore.c_str(), sfc[ifc].c_str(),sbtag[ibtag].c_str(),icateg,theTpat) ); hBackgroundSyst[iSyst][iUpDown][ibtag][icateg][ifc] = getTrigsAndMerge(fBacSys,Form("%s_%s_%s_Cat%dTpat%d", templateCore.c_str(), sfc[ifc].c_str(), sbtag[ibtag].c_str(),icateg,theTpat),nTCombData,tCombData); if ( hBackgroundSyst[iSyst][iUpDown][ibtag][icateg][ifc] == NULL ) { std::cout << "Hist not found: " << hbSystName << std::endl; return; } // rename templateId tName(ifc,icateg); hBackgroundSyst[iSyst][iUpDown][ibtag][icateg][ifc] ->SetName( Form("%s_%s_%s_%s",,systName[iSyst].c_str(), upDownName[iUpDown].c_str(),sbtag[ibtag].c_str()) ); // read template errors templateCore.assign("errorMassBTagTemplates/ErrorMassBTagTemplate"); string hbSystNameError( Form("%s_%s_%s_Cat%dTpat%d",templateCore.c_str(), sfc[ifc].c_str(),sbtag[ibtag].c_str(),icateg,theTpat) ); hBackgroundSystError[iSyst][iUpDown][ibtag][icateg][ifc] = getTrigsAndMerge(fBacSys,Form("%s_%s_%s_Cat%dTpat%d", templateCore.c_str(), sfc[ifc].c_str(), sbtag[ibtag].c_str(),icateg,theTpat),nTCombData,tCombData); if ( hBackgroundSystError[iSyst][iUpDown][ibtag][icateg][ifc] == NULL ) { std::cout << "Hist not found: " << hbSystNameError << std::endl; return; } if (useTemplateError) { // add the template error std::cout << " ==== ErrorAdd ==== " << hBackgroundSyst[iSyst][iUpDown][ibtag][icateg][ifc]->GetName() << std::endl; for (int ibinx=1; ibinx<= (hBackgroundSyst[iSyst][iUpDown][ibtag][icateg][ifc]->GetXaxis()->GetNbins()); ++ibinx) { for (int ibiny=1; ibiny<= (hBackgroundSyst[iSyst][iUpDown][ibtag][icateg][ifc]->GetYaxis()->GetNbins()); ++ibiny) { float oldError = hBackgroundSyst[iSyst][iUpDown][ibtag][icateg][ifc]->GetBinError(ibinx,ibiny); float addError = hBackgroundSystError[iSyst][iUpDown][ibtag][icateg][ifc]->GetBinContent(ibinx,ibiny); float newError = sqrt( oldError * oldError + addError * addError ); hBackgroundSyst[iSyst][iUpDown][ibtag][icateg][ifc]->SetBinError(ibinx,ibiny,newError); } } } hout->cd(); hBackgroundSyst[iSyst][iUpDown][ibtag][icateg][ifc]->Write(); } } } fBacSys->Close(); } } } std::cout << "Everything done " << std::endl; #ifdef PROJECTIONS TFile * projections_out=TFile::Open("projections.root","RECREATE"); // loop over background templates //TH1D* bgProX[nbtag][ncateg][nfc]; TH1D* bgSystProX[nSyst][nUpDown][nbtag][ncateg][nfc]; for (int ibtag=0; ibtag<nbtag; ++ibtag) { for (int icateg=0; icateg<ncateg; ++icateg) { for (int ifc=0; ifc<nfc; ++ifc) { TH2F* theTemp = hBackgroundCentral[ibtag][icateg][ifc]; TH1D* theTempProX = theTemp->ProjectionX(Form("%sProX",theTemp->GetName()),0,-1,"e"); theTempProX->SetName( Form("%sProX",theTemp->GetName()) ); TH1D* theTempProY = theTemp->ProjectionY(Form("%sProY",theTemp->GetName()),0,-1,"e"); std::cout << "Made projection " << theTempProX->GetName() << std::endl; if ( (icateg == 0) && (ifc == 0) ) { for (int ibinx=1; ibinx<= theTempProX->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); ++ibinx) { std::cout << ibinx << " content " << theTempProX->GetBinContent(ibinx) << " error " << theTempProX->GetBinError(ibinx) << std::endl; } } theTempProX->SetMarkerStyle(20); theTempProX->SetMarkerColor(1); theTempProX->SetLineColor(1); theTempProX->SetMarkerSize(1); std::cout << "Draw" << std::endl; theTempProX->Draw("EP"); theTempProX->Write(); //theTempProX->Draw("LP,SAME"); // draw the SFbc systematics int colSyst[3] = {1, 2, 4}; int lstyleUpDown[2] = {1, 1}; for (int iSyst=1; iSyst<nSyst; ++iSyst) { for (int iUpDown=0; iUpDown<nUpDown; ++iUpDown) { bgSystProX[iSyst][iUpDown][ibtag][icateg][ifc] = hBackgroundSyst[iSyst][iUpDown][ibtag][icateg][ifc]->ProjectionX(Form("%sProXX",hBackgroundSyst[iSyst][iUpDown][ibtag][icateg][ifc]->GetName()),0,-1,"e"); bgSystProX[iSyst][iUpDown][ibtag][icateg][ifc]->SetName( Form("%sProXX",hBackgroundSyst[iSyst][iUpDown][ibtag][icateg][ifc]->GetName()) ); std::cout << "Made projection " << bgSystProX[iSyst][iUpDown][ibtag][icateg][ifc]->GetName() << std::endl; bgSystProX[iSyst][iUpDown][ibtag][icateg][ifc]->SetLineColor( colSyst[iSyst] ); bgSystProX[iSyst][iUpDown][ibtag][icateg][ifc]->Draw("HIST,SAME"); bgSystProX[iSyst][iUpDown][ibtag][icateg][ifc]->Write(); // TH2F* theTemp = hBackgroundSyst[iSyst][iUpDown][ibtag][icateg][ifc]; // TH1D* theTempProX = theTemp->ProjectionX(Form("%sProX",theTemp->GetName()),0,-1,"e"); // theTempProX->SetLineColor( colSyst[iSyst] ); // TH1D* theTempProY = theTemp->ProjectionY(Form("%sProY",theTemp->GetName()),0,-1,"e"); // theTempProY->SetLineColor( colSyst[iSyst] ); // //theTempProX->Draw("HIST"); } } canvas->Print(Form("Template_%s_%s_Cat%d_ProX.png",sbtag[ibtag].c_str(),sfc[ifc].c_str(),icateg)); theTempProY->SetMarkerStyle(20); theTempProY->SetMarkerColor(1); theTempProY->SetLineColor(1); theTempProY->SetMarkerSize(1); std::cout << "Draw" << std::endl; theTempProY->Draw("EP"); theTempProY->Write(); } } } projections_out->Write(); projections_out->Close(); #endif hout->Write(); hout->Close(); // close the signal central file fSig->Close(); return; }
void AudacityProject::BuildMenuBar() { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < mCommandMenuItem.Count(); i++) { wxMenu *menu = 0; //This determines which menu the current MenuItem belongs to. switch (mCommandMenuItem[i]->category) { case fileMenu: menu = mFileMenu; break; case editMenu: menu = mEditMenu; break; case viewMenu: menu = mViewMenu; break; case projectMenu: menu = mProjectMenu; break; case helpMenu: menu = mHelpMenu; break; default: // ERROR -- should not happen break; } //BG: Tokenize menu shortcuts TokenizeCommandStrings(i); wxString menuString = mCommandMenuItem[i]->commandString; //BG: Pick first shortcut wxStringTokenizer tName(mCommandMenuItem[i]->comboStrings, ":"); if(tName.HasMoreTokens()) { wxString token = tName.GetNextToken(); menuString += "\t" + token; } const wxString dummy = ""; //This adds an element of the correct type: switch(mCommandMenuItem[i]->type) { case typeSeparator: menu->AppendSeparator(); break; case typeNormal: menu->Append(i + MenuBaseID, menuString); break; case typeCheckItem: menu->Append(i + MenuBaseID,(const wxString &) menuString, dummy,true); //menu->AppendCheckItem() can be used with wxWindows 2.3 //menu->AppendCheckItem(i + MenuBaseID,(const wxString &) mCommandMenuItem[i]->commandString, dummy); break; case typeRadioItem: //This can't be done until wxWindows 2.3 //menu->AppendRadioItem(i + MenuBaseID,(const wxString &) mCommandMenuItem[i]->commandString, dummy); //Put in a normal item instead. menu->Append(i + MenuBaseID, menuString); break; default: //Error--this shouldn't happen break; } } int numEffects = Effect::GetNumEffects(false); int fi; for (fi = 0; fi < numEffects; fi++) mEffectMenu->Append(FirstEffectID + fi, (Effect::GetEffect(fi, false))->GetEffectName()); #if defined __WXGTK__ //STM: only put MAX_NUMBER_OF_PLUGINS_IN_MENU in the menu. If //there are more, split into multiple submenus. int numPlugins = Effect::GetNumEffects(true); if( numPlugins <= MAX_NUMBER_OF_PLUGINS_IN_MENU) { for (fi = 0; fi < numPlugins; fi++) mPluginMenu->Append(FirstPluginID + fi, (Effect::GetEffect(fi, true))->GetEffectName()); } else { //There are more than MAX_NUMBER_OF_PLUGINS_IN_MENU plugins: make submenus wxMenu * tmp; wxString label; tmp = new wxMenu; int lower,upper, submenu; lower = 1; upper = MAX_NUMBER_OF_PLUGINS_IN_MENU; submenu=0; for (fi = 0; fi < numPlugins; fi++){ tmp->Append(FirstPluginID + fi, (Effect::GetEffect(fi, true))->GetEffectName()); // if( (fi+1) % MAX_NUMBER_OF_PLUGINS_IN_MENU == 0 || fi == (numPlugins - 1)) { upper = fi +1; //upper limit should be the current plugin number (+1) label = wxString::Format(_("Plugins %d to %d"), lower, upper); //make submenu label mPluginMenu->Append(FirstPluginSubMenuID + submenu, label, tmp , label); //Add submenu submenu++; //Increment submenu counter lower += MAX_NUMBER_OF_PLUGINS_IN_MENU; //reset lower for next time. if(fi != (numPlugins -1)) tmp= new wxMenu; //reset temp. menu } } } #else int numPlugins = Effect::GetNumEffects(true); for (fi = 0; fi < numPlugins; fi++) mPluginMenu->Append(FirstPluginID + fi, (Effect::GetEffect(fi, true))->GetEffectName()); #endif #ifdef __WXMAC__ wxApp::s_macAboutMenuItemId = AboutID; #endif mInsertSilenceAmount = 1.0; }
AliEmcalParticleMaker* AddTaskEmcalParticleMaker( const char *tracksName = "PicoTracks", const char *clustersName = 0, const char *tracksOutName = "EmcalTracks", const char *clustersOutName = "EmcalClusters", const char *taskName = "AliEmcalParticleMaker" ) { // Get the pointer to the existing analysis manager via the static access method. //============================================================================== AliAnalysisManager *mgr = AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager(); if (!mgr) { ::Error("AddTaskEmcalParticleMaker", "No analysis manager to connect to."); return NULL; } // Check the analysis type using the event handlers connected to the analysis manager. //============================================================================== AliVEventHandler *evhand = mgr->GetInputEventHandler(); if (!evhand) { ::Error("AddTaskEmcalParticleMaker", "This task requires an input event handler"); return NULL; } TString clusName(clustersName); if (!clustersName) { if (evhand->InheritsFrom("AliESDInputHandler")) { ::Info("AddTaskEmcalParticleMaker", "ESD analysis, clustersName = \"CaloClusters\""); clusName = "CaloClusters"; } else { ::Info("AddTaskEmcalParticleMaker", "AOD analysis, clustersName = \"caloClusters\""); clusName = "caloClusters"; } } //------------------------------------------------------- // Init the task and do settings //------------------------------------------------------- TString toName(tracksOutName); if (!toName.EndsWith(tracksName)) { toName += "_"; toName +=tracksName; } TString coName(clustersOutName); if (!coName.EndsWith(clusName)) { coName += "_"; coName += clusName; } TString tName(taskName); tName += "_"; tName += toName; tName += "_"; tName += coName; AliEmcalParticleMaker *eTask = new AliEmcalParticleMaker(tName); eTask->AddParticleContainer(tracksName); eTask->AddClusterContainer(clusName); eTask->SetTracksOutName(toName); eTask->SetClusOutName(coName); //------------------------------------------------------- // Final settings, pass to manager and set the containers //------------------------------------------------------- mgr->AddTask(eTask); // Create containers for input/output AliAnalysisDataContainer *cinput1 = mgr->GetCommonInputContainer(); mgr->ConnectInput(eTask, 0, cinput1); return eTask; }
int main(){ Label lTitle(20); lTitle.setValue(" Student Form"); lTitle.setBorder(BorderType::Double); lTitle.setForeground(Color::Purple); Label lName(10); lName.setValue("Name:"); lName.setBorder(BorderType::Single); Label lAddress(10); lAddress.setValue("Address:"); lAddress.setBorder(BorderType::Single); Label lCountry(18); lCountry.setValue("Counrty:"); lCountry.setBorder(BorderType::Single); Label lSex(10); lSex.setValue("Gender:"); lSex.setBorder(BorderType::Single); Label lInterests(10); lInterests.setValue("Interests:"); lInterests.setBorder(BorderType::Single); Label lAge(15); lAge.setValue("Age:"); lAge.setBorder(BorderType::Single); TextBox tName(30); tName.setValue("Sherlock Holmes"); tName.setBorder(BorderType::Double); TextBox tAddress(30); tAddress.setValue("221B Baker Street, London"); tAddress.setBorder(BorderType::Double); Combox cCountry(18, { "Israel", "Great Britain", "United States" }); cCountry.setSelectedIndex(1); cCountry.setBorder(BorderType::Double); RadioList rSex(2, 10, { "Male", "Female" }); rSex.setBorder(BorderType::Double); CheckList clInterests(3, 10, { "Sports", "Books", "Movies" }); clInterests.selectIndex(1); clInterests.selectIndex(2); auto v = clInterests.getSelectedIndices(); cCountry.getSelectedIndex(); clInterests.setBorder(BorderType::Double); NumericBox nAge(15, 18, 120); nAge.setValue(23); nAge.setBorder(BorderType::Double); Button bSubmit(13); bSubmit.setValue(" Submit"); bSubmit.setBorder(BorderType::Double); Button bExit(13); bExit.setValue(" Exit"); bExit.setBorder(BorderType::Double); Messagebox msg(10, 35); Panel main(26,75); main.setBackground(Color::Cyan); main.setForeground(Color::White); main.setBorder(BorderType::Double); main.addControl(lTitle, (main.getWidth() - lTitle.getWidth()) / 2, 2); main.addControl(lName, 13, 6); main.addControl(lAddress, 13, 10); main.addControl(lCountry, 3, 14); main.addControl(lSex, 26, 14); main.addControl(lInterests, 41, 14); main.addControl(lAge, 57, 14); main.addControl(tName, 27, 6); main.addControl(tAddress, 27, 10); main.addControl(cCountry, 3, 18); main.addControl(rSex, 26, 18); main.addControl(clInterests, 41, 18); main.addControl(nAge, 57, 18); main.addControl(bSubmit, (main.getWidth()*1/4) , 24); main.addControl(bExit, (main.getWidth() * 3 / 5), 24); main.addControl(msg, (main.getWidth()-msg.getWidth())/2, 10); bSubmit.addListener(e, &msg); Control::setFocus(tName); auto engine = EventEngine::getEngine(); auto eStop = [&](Control* c) {engine.stop(); }; bExit.addListener(eStop, nullptr);; return 0; }