Esempio n. 1
void gmx_espresso_read_conf(const char *infile,
                            t_topology *top, rvec x[], rvec *v, matrix box)
    t_atoms  *atoms = &top->atoms;
    FILE     *fp;
    char      word[STRLEN], buf[STRLEN];
    int       level, r, nprop, p, i, m, molnr;
    int       prop[32];
    double    d;
    gmx_bool  bFoundParticles, bFoundProp, bFoundVariable, bMol;

    // TODO: The code does not understand titles it writes...
    top->name = put_symtab(&top->symtab, "");


    fp = gmx_fio_fopen(infile, "r");

    bFoundParticles = FALSE;
    bFoundVariable  = FALSE;
    bMol            = FALSE;
    level           = 0;
    while ((r = get_espresso_word(fp, word)))
        if (level == 1 && std::strcmp(word, "particles") == 0 && !bFoundParticles)
            bFoundParticles = TRUE;
            level          += check_open_parenthesis(fp, r, infile, "particles");
            nprop           = 0;
            while (level == 2 && (r = get_espresso_word(fp, word)))
                bFoundProp = FALSE;
                for (p = 0; p < espNR; p++)
                    if (strcmp(word, esp_prop[p]) == 0)
                        bFoundProp    = TRUE;
                        prop[nprop++] = p;
                        /* printf("  prop[%d] = %s\n",nprop-1,esp_prop[prop[nprop-1]]); */
                if (!bFoundProp && word[0] != '}')
                    gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Can not read Espresso files with particle property '%s'", word);
                if (bFoundProp && p == espMOLECULE)
                    bMol = TRUE;
                if (r == 3)

            i = 0;
            while (level > 0 && (r = get_espresso_word(fp, word)))
                if (r == 2)
                else if (r == 3)
                if (level == 2)
                    for (p = 0; p < nprop; p++)
                        switch (prop[p])
                            case espID:
                                r = get_espresso_word(fp, word);
                                /* Not used */
                            case espPOS:
                                for (m = 0; m < 3; m++)
                                    r = get_espresso_word(fp, word);
                                    sscanf(word, "%lf", &d);
                                    x[i][m] = d;
                            case espTYPE:
                                r                   = get_espresso_word(fp, word);
                                atoms->atom[i].type = std::strtol(word, NULL, 10);
                            case espQ:
                                r = get_espresso_word(fp, word);
                                sscanf(word, "%lf", &d);
                                atoms->atom[i].q = d;
                            case espV:
                                for (m = 0; m < 3; m++)
                                    r = get_espresso_word(fp, word);
                                    sscanf(word, "%lf", &d);
                                    v[i][m] = d;
                            case espF:
                                for (m = 0; m < 3; m++)
                                    r = get_espresso_word(fp, word);
                                    /* not used */
                            case espMOLECULE:
                                r     = get_espresso_word(fp, word);
                                molnr = std::strtol(word, NULL, 10);
                                if (i == 0 ||
                                    atoms->resinfo[atoms->atom[i-1].resind].nr != molnr)
                                    atoms->atom[i].resind =
                                        (i == 0 ? 0 : atoms->atom[i-1].resind+1);
                                    atoms->resinfo[atoms->atom[i].resind].nr       = molnr;
                                    atoms->resinfo[atoms->atom[i].resind].ic       = ' ';
                                    atoms->resinfo[atoms->atom[i].resind].chainid  = ' ';
                                    atoms->resinfo[atoms->atom[i].resind].chainnum = molnr; /* Not sure if this is right? */
                                    atoms->atom[i].resind = atoms->atom[i-1].resind;
                    /* Generate an atom name from the particle type */
                    sprintf(buf, "T%u", atoms->atom[i].type);
                    atoms->atomname[i] = put_symtab(&top->symtab, buf);
                    if (bMol)
                        if (i == 0 || atoms->atom[i].resind != atoms->atom[i-1].resind)
                            atoms->resinfo[atoms->atom[i].resind].name =
                                put_symtab(&top->symtab, "MOL");
                        /* Residue number is the atom number */
                        atoms->atom[i].resind = i;
                        /* Generate an residue name from the particle type */
                        if (atoms->atom[i].type < 26)
                            sprintf(buf, "T%c", 'A'+atoms->atom[i].type);
                            sprintf(buf, "T%c%c",
                                    'A'+atoms->atom[i].type/26, 'A'+atoms->atom[i].type%26);
                        t_atoms_set_resinfo(atoms, i, &top->symtab, buf, i, ' ', 0, ' ');

                    if (r == 3)
            atoms->nres = atoms->nr;

            if (i != atoms->nr)
                gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Internal inconsistency in Espresso routines, read %d atoms, expected %d atoms", i, atoms->nr);
        else if (level == 1 && std::strcmp(word, "variable") == 0 && !bFoundVariable)
            bFoundVariable = TRUE;
            level         += check_open_parenthesis(fp, r, infile, "variable");
            while (level == 2 && (r = get_espresso_word(fp, word)))
                if (level == 2 && std::strcmp(word, "box_l") == 0)
                    for (m = 0; m < 3; m++)
                        r = get_espresso_word(fp, word);
                        sscanf(word, "%lf", &d);
                        box[m][m] = d;
                    level += check_close_parenthesis(fp, r, infile, "box_l");
        else if (r == 2)
        else if (r == 3)

    if (!bFoundParticles)
        fprintf(stderr, "Did not find a particles section in Espresso file '%s'\n",

Esempio n. 2
void connelly_plot(const char *fn,int ndots,real dots[],rvec x[],t_atoms *atoms,
		   t_symtab *symtab,int ePBC,matrix box,gmx_bool bSave)
  static const char *atomnm="DOT";
  static const char *resnm ="DOT";
  static const char *title ="Connely Dot Surface Generated by g_sas";

  int  i,i0,r0,ii0,k;
  rvec *xnew;
  t_atoms aaa;

  if (bSave) {  
    i0 = atoms->nr;
    r0 = atoms->nres;
    atoms->atom[i0].resind = r0;
    t_atoms_set_resinfo(atoms,i0,symtab,resnm,r0+1,' ',0,' ');
    for(i=0; (i<atoms->nr); i++)
    for(i=k=0; (i<ndots); i++) {
      ii0 = i0+i;
      atoms->atomname[ii0] = put_symtab(symtab,atomnm);
      atoms->pdbinfo[ii0].type = epdbATOM;
      atoms->pdbinfo[ii0].atomnr= ii0;
      atoms->atom[ii0].resind = r0;
      xnew[ii0][XX] = dots[k++];
      xnew[ii0][YY] = dots[k++];
      xnew[ii0][ZZ] = dots[k++];
      atoms->pdbinfo[ii0].bfac  = 0.0;
      atoms->pdbinfo[ii0].occup = 0.0;
    atoms->nr   = i0+ndots;
    atoms->nres = r0+1;
    atoms->nres = r0;
    atoms->nr   = i0;
  else {
    aaa.atom[0].resind = 0;
    t_atoms_set_resinfo(&aaa,0,symtab,resnm,1,' ',0,' ');
    for(i=k=0; (i<ndots); i++) {
      ii0 = i;
      aaa.atomname[ii0] = put_symtab(symtab,atomnm);
      aaa.pdbinfo[ii0].type = epdbATOM;
      aaa.pdbinfo[ii0].atomnr= ii0;
      aaa.atom[ii0].resind = 0;
      xnew[ii0][XX] = dots[k++];
      xnew[ii0][YY] = dots[k++];
      xnew[ii0][ZZ] = dots[k++];
      aaa.pdbinfo[ii0].bfac  = 0.0;
      aaa.pdbinfo[ii0].occup = 0.0;
    } = ndots;
Esempio n. 3
static gmx_bool get_w_conf(FILE *in, const char *infile, char *title,
                           t_symtab *symtab, t_atoms *atoms, int *ndec,
                           rvec x[], rvec *v, matrix box)
    char       name[6];
    char       line[STRLEN+1], *ptr;
    char       buf[256];
    double     x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2;
    rvec       xmin, xmax;
    int        natoms, i, m, resnr, newres, oldres, ddist, c;
    gmx_bool   bFirst, bVel;
    char      *p1, *p2, *p3;

    newres  = -1;
    oldres  = NOTSET; /* Unlikely number for the first residue! */
    ddist   = 0;

    /* Read the title and number of atoms */
    get_coordnum_fp(in, title, &natoms);

    if (natoms > atoms->nr)
        gmx_fatal(FARGS, "gro file contains more atoms (%d) than expected (%d)",
                  natoms, atoms->nr);
    else if (natoms <  atoms->nr)
        fprintf(stderr, "Warning: gro file contains less atoms (%d) than expected"
                " (%d)\n", natoms, atoms->nr);

    bFirst = TRUE;

    bVel = FALSE;

    /* just pray the arrays are big enough */
    for (i = 0; (i < natoms); i++)
        if ((fgets2 (line, STRLEN, in)) == NULL)
            gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Unexpected end of file in file %s at line %d",
                      infile, i+2);
        if (strlen(line) < 39)
            gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Invalid line in %s for atom %d:\n%s", infile, i+1, line);

        /* determine read precision from distance between periods
           (decimal points) */
        if (bFirst)
            bFirst = FALSE;
            p1     = strchr(line, '.');
            if (p1 == NULL)
                gmx_fatal(FARGS, "A coordinate in file %s does not contain a '.'", infile);
            p2 = strchr(&p1[1], '.');
            if (p2 == NULL)
                gmx_fatal(FARGS, "A coordinate in file %s does not contain a '.'", infile);
            ddist = p2 - p1;
            *ndec = ddist - 5;

            p3 = strchr(&p2[1], '.');
            if (p3 == NULL)
                gmx_fatal(FARGS, "A coordinate in file %s does not contain a '.'", infile);

            if (p3 - p2 != ddist)
                gmx_fatal(FARGS, "The spacing of the decimal points in file %s is not consistent for x, y and z", infile);

        /* residue number*/
        memcpy(name, line, 5);
        name[5] = '\0';
        sscanf(name, "%d", &resnr);
        memcpy(name, line+5, 5);
        name[5] = '\0';
        if (resnr != oldres)
            oldres = resnr;
            if (newres >= natoms)
                gmx_fatal(FARGS, "More residues than atoms in %s (natoms = %d)",
                          infile, natoms);
            atoms->atom[i].resind = newres;
            t_atoms_set_resinfo(atoms, i, symtab, name, resnr, ' ', 0, ' ');
            atoms->atom[i].resind = newres;

        /* atomname */
        memcpy(name, line+10, 5);
        atoms->atomname[i] = put_symtab(symtab, name);

        /* eventueel controle atomnumber met i+1 */

        /* coordinates (start after residue data) */
        ptr = line + 20;
        /* Read fixed format */
        for (m = 0; m < DIM; m++)
            for (c = 0; (c < ddist && ptr[0]); c++)
                buf[c] = ptr[0];
            buf[c] = '\0';
            if (sscanf (buf, "%lf %lf", &x1, &x2) != 1)
                gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Something is wrong in the coordinate formatting of file %s. Note that gro is fixed format (see the manual)", infile);
                x[i][m] = x1;

        /* velocities (start after residues and coordinates) */
        if (v)
            /* Read fixed format */
            for (m = 0; m < DIM; m++)
                for (c = 0; (c < ddist && ptr[0]); c++)
                    buf[c] = ptr[0];
                buf[c] = '\0';
                if (sscanf (buf, "%lf", &x1) != 1)
                    v[i][m] = 0;
                    v[i][m] = x1;
                    bVel    = TRUE;
    atoms->nres = newres + 1;

    /* box */
    fgets2 (line, STRLEN, in);
    if (sscanf (line, "%lf%lf%lf", &x1, &y1, &z1) != 3)
        gmx_warning("Bad box in file %s", infile);

        /* Generate a cubic box */
        for (m = 0; (m < DIM); m++)
            xmin[m] = xmax[m] = x[0][m];
        for (i = 1; (i < atoms->nr); i++)
            for (m = 0; (m < DIM); m++)
                xmin[m] = min(xmin[m], x[i][m]);
                xmax[m] = max(xmax[m], x[i][m]);
        for (i = 0; i < DIM; i++)
            for (m = 0; m < DIM; m++)
                box[i][m] = 0.0;
        for (m = 0; (m < DIM); m++)
            box[m][m] = (xmax[m]-xmin[m]);
        fprintf(stderr, "Generated a cubic box %8.3f x %8.3f x %8.3f\n",
                box[XX][XX], box[YY][YY], box[ZZ][ZZ]);
        /* We found the first three values, the diagonal elements */
        box[XX][XX] = x1;
        box[YY][YY] = y1;
        box[ZZ][ZZ] = z1;
        if (sscanf (line, "%*f%*f%*f%lf%lf%lf%lf%lf%lf",
                    &x1, &y1, &z1, &x2, &y2, &z2) != 6)
            x1 = y1 = z1 = x2 = y2 = z2 = 0.0;
        box[XX][YY] = x1;
        box[XX][ZZ] = y1;
        box[YY][XX] = z1;
        box[YY][ZZ] = x2;
        box[ZZ][XX] = y2;
        box[ZZ][YY] = z2;

    return bVel;
Esempio n. 4
static int read_atom(t_symtab *symtab,
                     char line[], int type, int natom,
                     t_atoms *atoms, rvec x[], int chainnum, gmx_bool bChange)
    t_atom       *atomn;
    int           j, k;
    char          nc = '\0';
    char          anr[12], anm[12], anm_copy[12], altloc, resnm[12], rnr[12], elem[3];
    char          xc[12], yc[12], zc[12], occup[12], bfac[12];
    unsigned char resic;
    char          chainid;
    int           resnr, atomnumber;

    if (natom >= atoms->nr)
        gmx_fatal(FARGS, "\nFound more atoms (%d) in pdb file than expected (%d)",
                  natom+1, atoms->nr);

    /* Skip over type */
    j = 6;
    for (k = 0; (k < 5); k++, j++)
        anr[k] = line[j];
    anr[k] = nc;
    for (k = 0; (k < 4); k++, j++)
        anm[k] = line[j];
    anm[k] = nc;
    std::strcpy(anm_copy, anm);
    atomnumber = 0;
    altloc = line[j];
    for (k = 0; (k < 4); k++, j++)
        resnm[k] = line[j];
    resnm[k] = nc;

    chainid = line[j];

    for (k = 0; (k < 4); k++, j++)
        rnr[k] = line[j];
    rnr[k] = nc;
    resnr = std::strtol(rnr, NULL, 10);
    resic = line[j];
    j    += 4;

    /* X,Y,Z Coordinate */
    for (k = 0; (k < 8); k++, j++)
        xc[k] = line[j];
    xc[k] = nc;
    for (k = 0; (k < 8); k++, j++)
        yc[k] = line[j];
    yc[k] = nc;
    for (k = 0; (k < 8); k++, j++)
        zc[k] = line[j];
    zc[k] = nc;

    /* Weight */
    for (k = 0; (k < 6); k++, j++)
        occup[k] = line[j];
    occup[k] = nc;

    /* B-Factor */
    for (k = 0; (k < 7); k++, j++)
        bfac[k] = line[j];
    bfac[k] = nc;

    /* 10 blanks */
    j += 10;

    /* Element name */
    for (k = 0; (k < 2); k++, j++)
        elem[k] = line[j];
    elem[k] = nc;

    if (atoms->atom)
        atomn = &(atoms->atom[natom]);
        if ((natom == 0) ||
            atoms->resinfo[atoms->atom[natom-1].resind].nr != resnr ||
            atoms->resinfo[atoms->atom[natom-1].resind].ic != resic ||
            (strcmp(*atoms->resinfo[atoms->atom[natom-1].resind].name, resnm) != 0))
            if (natom == 0)
                atomn->resind = 0;
                atomn->resind = atoms->atom[natom-1].resind + 1;
            atoms->nres = atomn->resind + 1;
            t_atoms_set_resinfo(atoms, natom, symtab, resnm, resnr, resic, chainnum, chainid);
            atomn->resind = atoms->atom[natom-1].resind;
        if (bChange)
        atoms->atomname[natom] = put_symtab(symtab, anm);
        atomn->m               = 0.0;
        atomn->q               = 0.0;
        atomn->atomnumber      = atomnumber;
        strncpy(atomn->elem, elem, 4);
    x[natom][XX] = strtod(xc, NULL)*0.1;
    x[natom][YY] = strtod(yc, NULL)*0.1;
    x[natom][ZZ] = strtod(zc, NULL)*0.1;
    if (atoms->pdbinfo)
        atoms->pdbinfo[natom].type   = type;
        atoms->pdbinfo[natom].atomnr = strtol(anr, NULL, 10);
        atoms->pdbinfo[natom].altloc = altloc;
        strcpy(atoms->pdbinfo[natom].atomnm, anm_copy);
        atoms->pdbinfo[natom].bfac  = strtod(bfac, NULL);
        atoms->pdbinfo[natom].occup = strtod(occup, NULL);

    return natom;
Esempio n. 5
static int read_g96_pos(char line[], t_symtab *symtab,
                        FILE *fp, const char *infile,
                        t_trxframe *fr)
    t_atoms   *atoms;
    gmx_bool   bEnd;
    int        nwanted, natoms, atnr, resnr = 0, oldres, newres, shift;
    char       anm[STRLEN], resnm[STRLEN];
    char       c1, c2;
    double     db1, db2, db3;

    nwanted = fr->natoms;

    atoms = fr->atoms;

    natoms = 0;

    if (fr->bX)
        if (fr->bAtoms)
            shift = CHAR_SHIFT;
            shift = 0;
        newres  = -1;
        oldres  = -666; /* Unlikely number for the first residue! */
        bEnd    = FALSE;
        while (!bEnd && fgets2(line, STRLEN, fp))
            bEnd = (strncmp(line, "END", 3) == 0);
            if (!bEnd  && (line[0] != '#'))
                if (sscanf(line+shift, "%15lf%15lf%15lf", &db1, &db2, &db3) != 3)
                    gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Did not find 3 coordinates for atom %d in %s\n",
                              natoms+1, infile);
                if ((nwanted != -1) && (natoms >= nwanted))
                              "Found more coordinates (%d) in %s than expected %d\n",
                              natoms, infile, nwanted);
                if (atoms)
                    if (fr->bAtoms &&
                        (sscanf(line, "%5d%c%5s%c%5s%7d", &resnr, &c1, resnm, &c2, anm, &atnr)
                         != 6))
                        if (oldres >= 0)
                            resnr = oldres;
                            resnr    = 1;
                            strncpy(resnm, "???", sizeof(resnm)-1);
                        strncpy(anm, "???", sizeof(anm)-1);
                    atoms->atomname[natoms] = put_symtab(symtab, anm);
                    if (resnr != oldres)
                        oldres = resnr;
                        if (newres >= atoms->nr)
                            gmx_fatal(FARGS, "More residues than atoms in %s (natoms = %d)",
                                      infile, atoms->nr);
                        atoms->atom[natoms].resind = newres;
                        if (newres+1 > atoms->nres)
                            atoms->nres = newres+1;
                        t_atoms_set_resinfo(atoms, natoms, symtab, resnm, resnr, ' ', 0, ' ');
                        atoms->atom[natoms].resind = newres;
                if (fr->x)
                    fr->x[natoms][0] = db1;
                    fr->x[natoms][1] = db2;
                    fr->x[natoms][2] = db3;
        if ((nwanted != -1) && natoms != nwanted)
                    "Warning: found less coordinates (%d) in %s than expected %d\n",
                    natoms, infile, nwanted);

    fr->natoms = natoms;

    return natoms;